Friday, June 28, 2013


A Message From Obama to America: I’ll Do What I Want; Deal with it

Posted 06.27.13 by Todd Cefaratti, Editor of TPNN
President Obama does not care what you think. Whenever he is confronted with evidence of wrongdoing or inappropriate behavior, his answer is most often to shrug it off and hope that Americans just deal with it.
The man who once promised all things positive- hope, change, prosperity, transparency- now promises that he will do whatever he wishes and it is up to us to learn to deal with it.
I am not privileged to the White House meetings. I cannot say that his “America can deal with it” policy is, in fact, an official policy. But whether or not his arrogance is an official policy, the fact remains that Obama has made it entirely clear that he intends to rule as he sees fit and is generally uninterested in how he is viewed by the majority of Americans.
Case in point:
Americans are still trying to figure out what happened in Benghazi. The same government that can monitor our phone usage and collect and store our data to paint a picture of the electronic activities of millions of Americans cannot come to a firm consensus of what the White House as doing during the hours-long attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Though there are glaringly obvious inconsistencies in the ever-changing narrative pushed by the government, the standard response by the Obama Administration has been, “That’s our story and we’re sticking to it.”
Then, as a firm and unfriendly message to America who demands accountability, Obama appointed Susan Rice to a national security adviser position. Rice was instrumental in the cover-up of the Benghazi scandal and pushed a knowingly false narrative about the attack in the aftermath.
The message sent from President Obama to the rest of us peasants was clear: Deal with it.
Now, at a time when Americans everywhere have to tighten their belts and make ends meet, President Obama and his family are off on another fabulous taxpayer-funded vacation to Africa. Though he alleges it’s an official trip, the Obamas are spending $100 million of taxpayer money to tour Africa.
We can’t keep the White House open for field trips because America is so broke, but $100 million can be spent to go to Africa.
After receiving a fair amount of criticism for this outlandish expenditure, Obama doubled-down and told America what they could do with their outrage by bringing along the extended family.
Yes, President Obama is bringing along not only his wife and kids, but his mother-in-law and his niece.
Obama could not care less what Americans have to say about his actions or his policies. Like King Louis XVI before him, he clearly believes he is above the criticisms of the people and he has worked very hard to make sure we know it.

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