Tuesday, August 20, 2013

GOP congressman: Why hasn't anyone at State Department been fired for Benghazi?

GOP congressman: Why hasn't anyone at State Department been fired for Benghazi?

Shortly after the deadly attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton put four State Department officials on administrative leave. Those four were invited back to work Tuesday, after Secretary of State John Kerry decided that they do not deserve any formal disciplinary action.
"Somebody at the Department of State has to be held accountable," said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, a member of the House Oversight Committee.

The State Department said there was no breach of duty, and that the review is more about learning lessons than punishing people.
"This terrorist attack happened, and they set up an Accountability Review Board," said Chaeffetz. "How is it that they could go in, in 60 days, and find 29 systemic problems, where Secretary Hillary Clinton couldn't find it in four years?"
Clinton accepted all 29 of the problems, "but not a single person was held accountable. Nobody was fired. They went on this paid leave, but they get their full salary. Nothing changed," said Chaffetz.
Chaffetz sidestepped questions on whether Congress has advanced legislation increasing funding specifically for the State Department's security budget.
For more of our interview with Rep. Jason Chaffetz, check out the video above.

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