URGENT: Whistle-blower comes forward, attests to attorney that Obama’s financial aid state his citizenship Indonesian, aid given to Obama as a foreign student...

whistle-blower from Higher Education Services Corporation in Albany New
York came forward and advised Attorney Orly Taitz that she personally
reviewed Barack Obama’s financial aid information, which stated that financial aid was given to Obama as foreign student and as a citizen of Indonesia.
Additionally, Obama failed to submit the Appellee’s brief in Taitz v Obama, Feinstein, Emken. This is an appeal, which was reinstated by the Chief Judge of the Fourth District Court of Appeal Kathleen O’Leary. Appellant Taitz filed her Appellant’s brief.
Appellees failed to file an Appellees’ brief. They were given additional 15 days and they failed again. Attorney Taitz submitted a notice of failure by Appellees to file an Appellee’s brief and provided the court with this additional information, as part of the appeal revolves around the decision by the Superior Court judge Charles Marginis to rule in favor of the Occidental college and deny a motion to compel production of a redacted college registration for Obama in light of over a 100 pages of records showing Obama to be a citizen of Indonesia using forged and fraudulently obtained IDs. Read more via The Law Offices of Orly Taitz...
Additionally, Obama failed to submit the Appellee’s brief in Taitz v Obama, Feinstein, Emken. This is an appeal, which was reinstated by the Chief Judge of the Fourth District Court of Appeal Kathleen O’Leary. Appellant Taitz filed her Appellant’s brief.
Appellees failed to file an Appellees’ brief. They were given additional 15 days and they failed again. Attorney Taitz submitted a notice of failure by Appellees to file an Appellee’s brief and provided the court with this additional information, as part of the appeal revolves around the decision by the Superior Court judge Charles Marginis to rule in favor of the Occidental college and deny a motion to compel production of a redacted college registration for Obama in light of over a 100 pages of records showing Obama to be a citizen of Indonesia using forged and fraudulently obtained IDs. Read more via The Law Offices of Orly Taitz...