Friday, November 8, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood put the foundation stone for a new police state, and the development of mechanisms of the Mubarak regime

Muslim Brotherhood put the foundation stone for a new police state, and the development of mechanisms of the Mubarak regime

Human rights associations: the Muslim Brotherhood put the foundation stone for a new police state, and the development of mechanisms of the Mubarak regime
Expresses associations and the undersigned organizations is deeply concerned about attempts to restrict the work of civil society organizations in general, and the stifling of human rights organizations in particular, and the determination of the Muslim Brotherhood and its party "Freedom and Justice" to impose further restrictions on the right to freedom of association, including more than largely to stringent restrictions already imposed by the Mubarak regime on civil action through the applicable law of associations and NGOs No. 84 of 2002, which disclosed the bill "civil action organizations" announced by the Presidency of the Republic yesterday.
Although the system the ousted president had pledged before the International Council for the United Nations Human Rights - shortly before his overthrow - to reconsider the articles of the law 84 of 2002, and to respond to the recommendations of the United Nations, demanding an end to the complexities of bureaucracy and management interventions in the establishment and conduct of the activities of associations, and to overcome constraints of the right of organizations of civil work in securing the necessary funding to do its part - including foreign funding - and to ensure that the right institutions defending human rights in the development of their financial resources, but the Muslim Brotherhood and its party dominant power of legislation Shura Council is moving in the opposite direction, and impose further of arbitrary restrictions on civil work, and evaluate the effect of the criticism directed by the special properties of the United Nations, the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations, which considered that the draft law involving severe restrictions on the activities of civil society organizations, those organizations that are supposed to contribute to the formulation of expectations to build a democratic state was sought by the Egyptians since the overthrow of Mubarak.
According to the draft Presidency of the Republic, the main orientations of the Muslim Brotherhood in the consecration of hegemony and full administrative trusteeship over all aspects of civil work are:
Codifies the new draft law for the first time the development of the new regulatory represented by the so-called Committee of coordinating, which was granted broad powers to intervene bloodhound on the agenda of the programs and activities of civil society organizations, and through the enjoyment of authority to decide on all matters relating foreign funding of national organizations, as well as everything related to licensing of foreign organizations to work in Egypt and interference in their activities, as well as deciding on the right of national organizations to join networks or foreign affiliation to international organizations or bodies including the United Nations also means.
The earlier drafts of the bill had provided for the membership of the security services in this committee formally, but in view of the campaign waged by human rights organizations against the legalization of intervention security legislation in civil work, proceeded final draft to the non-disclosure of the nature of the formation of this committee, and only with reference to the authorization Prime Minister issued a decision formed. It is therefore certain to include this Committee in its membership representatives of several security agencies, consistent with the nature of the security tasks assigned to the law to her, and achieve the desire Freedom and Justice Party evident in earlier drafts, which raises the question of granting security authorities or government - which may be a party violations of human rights - the right of veto on the activities of civil defense organizations, monitor the compliance of these security agencies and government norms of human rights, and documenting abuses?
The new law arranges for a coup, becomes through which the security services are Sergeant on human rights organizations, but can these devices, "the force of law" to stifle human rights organizations gradually, by stopping the funding. In the era of the police state Mubarakiya the security exercise this role in secret, and therefore can organizations were challenged in court as a lack of legal support, but in the case of the issuance of the law in its current form, will be the police custody of a guaranteed civil activity "law"! It is a very serious step beyond the significance of restricting civil society, as lays the foundation for a police state of the new model.
Persistently bill put restrictions on the right of association in the development of the financial resources necessary for the exercise of their activity, and by linking the right of associations to collect donations provided notification of the administrative body and not intercepted, and link access to foreign financing statement Coordinating Committee, but that the draft law - according to Article 13 - imposed restrictions tougher on foreign funding compared to applicable law, as made ​​to obtain funding from foreign organizations authorized to work in Egypt, or natural and legal persons Egyptians - living outside Egypt - or foreigners residing in Egypt conditional notification without objection Coordinating Committee, as well as make the project - According to the article itself - for Egyptian associations on external funding from foreign NGOs is authorized to operate in Egypt or foreigners residing in Egypt - conditional also to notify the Assembly Coordinating Committee of the identity of the donor and the nationality and residence, and the Coordinating Committee the right to appeal within thirty days of the notification. The bill then returned to in Article 63 - Assembly and committed to get "permission" from the Coordinating Committee for funding from any external funding - in contravention of Article 13 - including non-governmental organizations that have indicated Article 13.
However, the most serious is what came in the door of the sanctions to emphasize the nature of authoritarianism of the bill, will be circulated to the imposition of the death penalty of up to one hundred thousand pounds on each of the received funds from abroad without obtaining permission from the Coordinating Committee, which confirms that the framers The project has circumvented the right of associations to develop their resources and used the word "notification" while associations will be subject of the actual terms of the prior permission of the Coordinating Committee before getting funding from abroad. In the precedent committed the bill to the Assembly wishing to obtain external financing to pay a fee determined by the Regulations does not exceed the amount of 1000 pounds.
And the intransigence of the law came to a surprising level, while law restricts the right of associations to receive books and publications and scientific and technical journals if their content is not consistent with the activity of the Assembly! It means subject correspondence associations to control, and intervention abnormal even in the right of citizens stakeholders in determining consistent or not consistent with the scope of their activity publications! And at the same time constitutes a violation of the inherent right of any citizen to know.
Incompatibility with what I went for in Article 51 of the Egyptian Constitution, which approved the principle of the notice in the establishment of associations, the draft law before you go in practice to devote to create associations under a license and not notice, Article VI of the draft law stressed that the Assembly is not considered defamatory only after Thirty days of notification, without objection administrative body, which means virtually wasted the text of Article 51 of the Constitution and bias the actual pattern of authoritarian in the license creates associations, which form feature essential to the overall laws of the nationalization of the civil work that goes since the era of Nasiriyah did not changed under the regime of ousted Mubarak.
Squandering the right of civil society organizations to freely choose the legal form which is commensurate with the nature of its activity, where the first article of forced release materials all entities involved in any of the purposes of the civil work to re-adjust their positions in line with the provisions of this law. Which puts other legal forms such as civil companies or law firms, youth movements and social which was founded before and after the revolution under penalty of the solution and the confiscation of funds and assets.
Arbitrary restrictions are not justified on the establishment of associations, such as the requirement of a minimum of the founders of the Association for ten people while the international standards only two members of the founding of the Assembly, which went to some legislation associations in the Arab region, such as Tunisia and Morocco.
And falls within this framework restrictions tougher to establish civil institutions introducing the requirement allocation of money for the Foundation at its inception at least 50 thousand pounds, which is under did not exist in the current law, or even in-law 32 for the year 1964, Bearing this restriction great difficulties for institutions eligibility list in accordance with the current law to re-adjust their positions if the adoption of the new draft law.
تظل مسودة هذا القانون أسيرة لذات القيود التعسفية التي تحاصر العمل الأهلي وتفرض عليه وصاية إدارية مطلقة، حيث تصادر مسودة القانون حق الجمعيات في إنشاء فروع أو مكاتب لها داخل محافظات الجمهورية، وتقصر التمتع بهذا الحق فقط على الجمعيات ذات الصبغة المركزية، كما يحظر القانون على الجمعية الانخراط في أنشطة مشتركة مع هيئات أو منظمات أجنبية من دون إخطار اللجنة التنسيقية. ويشكل هذا القيد عائق على وجه الخصوص أمام المنظمات الحقوقية في تحفيز التضامن الدولي في قضايا حقوق الإنسان، والانخراط في أنشطة من شانها تفعيل آليات الحماية الدولية والإقليمية لحقوق الإنسان. وفي ذات السياق فإن حق الجمعية في الانتساب أو الاشتراك أو الانضمام إلى أي جمعية أو هيئة مقرها خارج مصر يقتضي التحصل على موافقة اللجنة التنسيقية.
تتبدى وجوه أخرى للوصاية الإدارية عبر العديد من نصوص المسودة التي تصادر الحق الأصيل لمؤسسي الجمعية وأعضائها في صياغة نظامها الأساسي، حيث تمضي المسودة على نهج القانون الحالي في وضع القواعد التي تحكم نظام العضوية وقوام الجمعية العمومية ودورية اجتماعاتها وطرق اتخاذ القرار فيها! وعلى ذات النهج فان الاتحادات التي يفترض أن تنشأ بإرادة طوعية من قبل الجمعيات المنضوية فيها، تذهب مسودة القانون إلي تفصيل أهداف وصلاحيات هذه الاتحادات التي يفترض أن تحددها الجمعيات المنضوية وطرائق انتخاب مجالس إداراتها، كما صادر القانون حق الجمعيات في إنشاء أكثر من اتحاد إقليمي، وفرض بطريقة فوقية إنشاء اتحاد عام للجمعيات.
تظهر مسودة القانون نزعة مفرطة في عدائها لتأسيس منظمات غير حكومية أجنبية داخل مصر، وتمتد هذه النزعة حتى إلى المنظمات غير الحكومية الأجنبية المنشأة استنادا إلى اتفاقيات دولية صدقت عليها الحكومة المصرية. حيث ترهن مسودة القانون إنشاء هذه المنظمات بموافقة اللجنة التنسيقية التي استحدثها القانون، ولا يجوز للمنظمات الأجنبية ممارسة نشاطها إلا بعد الحصول على تصريح من تلك اللجنة، كما لا يجوز لهذه المنظمات إنشاء فروع لها بالمحافظات من دون موافقة اللجنة التنسيقية. كما عمدت مسودة القانون إلى وضع شروط فضفاضة يجوز بموجبها رفض التصريح لهذه المنظمات بممارسة نشاطها -إذا ما اعتبر نشاطها مخلا بالسيادة الوطنية أو يندرج ضمن الأنشطة الحزبية- الأمر الذي يفتح الباب لحظر أنشطة وثيقة الصلة بالتنمية السياسية وحفز ثقافة المشاركة السياسية. وقد كان يتعين على مشروع القانون أن يحدد الأنشطة المحظورة في الدعاية السياسية لصالح الأحزاب أو المرشحين أو الدعم المادي للحملات الانتخابية لمرشحين أو في تقديم مرشحين باسم الجمعية لخوض الانتخابات.
وفضلا عن ذلك فان تصاريح مزاولة النشاط للمنظمة الأجنبية جاءت محددة المدة ومن ثم تملك اللجنة التنسيقية صلاحية الامتناع عن تجديدها إذا ما كان نشاط هذه المنظمات لا يروق للحكومة.
على الرغم من أن مسودة القانون قد انحازت لاستبعاد العقوبات السالبة للحرية على مخالفات الجمعيات، إلا أنها أفرطت في فرض الغرامات المالية والعقوبات الإدارية التي قد تصل إلى حل الجمعية وتصفية أموالها. ويلاحظ في هذا السياق أن مسودة القانون لم تتضمن حصرا بطبيعة المخالفات الجسيمة التي يجوز بها استصدار حكم قضائي بحل الجمعية، الأمر الذي يمنح المحكمة المختصة سلطة تقدير لمدى جسامة المخالفة التي تستوجب الحل، وعلاوة على ذلك فإن المسودة انطوت على فرض غرامات مالية باهظة يمكن أن تصل إلى مائة ألف جنية في حال تلقي الجمعية أموال من الخارج بالمخالفة للقانون، أو إنفاقا لأموال في غير الأغراض المخصصة لها. والواقع أن تلقي أموال من الخارج لا يشكل في حد ذاته جريمة ما لم يكن قد تم إنفاقه في نشاط إجرامي، وفي هذه الحالة فان نصوص قانون العقوبات تكون كفيلة بردعه، ومن ثم يفترض أن يتجنب المشرع فرض هذا النمط من العقوبات المالية التي يشكل الإفراط فيها عبئا هائلا على الجمعيات ومصدرا لترويع المشتغلين بالعمل الأهلي.
أن الجمعيات والمنظمات الموقعة على هذا البيان والتي اختبر الرأي العام شجاعتها في التصدي لمخططات تصفية المجتمع المدني وترويضه عبر عقود من حكم مبارك، تؤكد رفضها لمسودة هذا القانون التي تظهر عداء متزايدا للحق في التنظيم ونزوعا لفرض مزيد من الهيمنة الإدارية والبوليسية على العمل الأهلي، وتدعو السلطتين التنفيذية والتشريعية إلي عدم إقراراه، ومنح الوقت الكافي للارتقاء بالحوار بشأنه وإجراء المراجعة الواجبة لنصوصه بما يتسق مع المعايير الدولية التي تحمي حرية التنظيم، وبما يتيح الأخذ بعين الاعتبار ملاحظات وتحفظات المشتغلين بالعمل الأهلي وخبراء حقوق الإنسان على المستويين الوطني والدولي، ويضمن اتساق القانون في صورته النهائية مع التزامات الحكومة المصرية بموجب المعاهدات الدولية المصادق عليها.
المنظمات الموقعة:
مركز القاهرة لدراسات حقوق الإنسان
مصريون ضد التمييز الديني
الائتلاف المصري لحقوق الطفل
البرنامج العربي لنشطاء حقوق الإنسان
الجمعية المصرية للحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية
الجمعية المصرية للنهوض بالمشاركة المجتمعية
جمعية النهضة الريفية
جمعية آمي للحقوق والتنمية
جمعية حقوق الإنسان لمساعدة السجناء
الشبكة العربية لمعلومات حقوق الإنسان
المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية
مبادرون للثقافة والإعلام
مجموعة المساعدة القانونية لحقوق الإنسان
مركز الأرض لحقوق الإنسان
المركز الدولي لدعم الحقوق والحريات
مركز الشهيد لحقوق الإنسان
المركز المصري لتنمية وحقوق الإنسان
المركز المصري لدراسات السياسات العامة
المركز المصري للحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية
مركز حابي للحقوق البيئية
مركز حماية لدعم المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان
مركز دراسات الديمقراطية الاجتماعية
مركز هشام مبارك للقانون
مركز وسائل الاتصال الملائمة “أكت”
ملتقى تنمية المرأة
المنظمة العربية للإصلاح الجنائي
المنظمة المصرية لحقوق الإنسان
مؤسسة التنوير للتنمية وحقوق الإنسان
مؤسسة الحياة الأفضل
المؤسسة العربية لدراسات الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان ” عدالة
المؤسسة العربية لدعم المجتمع المدني وحقوق الإنسان
مؤسسة المرأة الجديدة
مؤسسة المرأة والذاكرة
المؤسسة المصرية للنهوض بأوضاع الطفولة
مؤسسة أولاد الأرض لحقوق الإنسان
مؤسسة بهية يا مصر
مؤسسة حرية الفكر والتعبير
مؤسسة قضايا المرأة المصرية
نظرة للدراسات النسوية

Provided by Dr. Nabil Medhat Salem , Professor of Law , a complaint to the International Criminal Court , for himself and as a member of the Egyptian Bar Association , against U.S. President Barack Obama and all of Muhammad Badi leader of the Muslim Brotherhood , Mohamed El-Beltagy and Essam el-Erian and Safwat Hijazi and Asim Abdalmagd , to do Obama accidentally agreement and incitement and assistance to the armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in the commission of crimes against humanity in the period from 03/07/2013 to 08/18/2013 , the Arab Republic of Egypt .

"الوطن" تنشر نص أول بلاغ لـ"الجنائية الدولية" يتهم أوباما وقيادات "الإخوان" بارتكابهم جرائم ضد الإنسانية

كتب : احمد ربيع وطارق صبري الأربعاء 21-08-2013 14:30
اوباما اوباما
تقدم الدكتور نبيل مدحت سالم أستاذ القانون، ببلاغ إلى المحكمة الجنائية الدولية، عن نفسه وبصفته عضوا في نقابة المحامين المصرية، ضد الرئيس الأمريكى باراك أوباما وكل من محمد بديع المرشد العام لجماعة الإخوان ومحمد البلتاجي وعصام العريان وصفوت حجازي وعاصم عبدالماجد، وذلك لقيام أوباما بطريق الاتفاق والتحريض والمساعدة للعناصر المسلحة من جماعة الإخوان المسلمين في ارتكاب جرائم ضد الإنسانية في الفترة من 3/7/2013 حتى 18/8/2013 بجمهورية مصر العربية.
وحصلت "الوطن" على نص البلاغ، وهو الأول من نوعه، والذي جاء عملاً بالمادة 15 من النظام الأساسي للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية، وإحالته إلى المحاكمة أمام هذه المحكمة في ضوء ما تسفر عنه التحقيقات عملا بالمادة 13.
وجاء نص البلاغ المقدم من الدكتور نبيل مدحت سالم المحامي بالنقض على أنه "نصت المادة 7/1 من النظام الأساسي للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية على أنه "يشكل أي فعل من الأفعال التالية "جريمة ضد الإنسانية" متى ارتكب في إطار هجوم واسع النطاق أو منهجي موجه ضد أية مجموعة من السكان المدنيين، وعن علم بالهجوم: (أ) القتل العمد. (ب) الإبادة. (ج) الاسترقاق. (د) إبعاد السكان أو النقل القسري للسكان. (هـ) السجن أو الحرمان الشديد على أي نحو آخر من الحرية البدنية بما يخالف القواعد الأساسية للقانون الدولي. (و) التعذيب. (ز) الاغتصاب، أو الاستعباد الجنسي، أو الإكراه على البغاء، أو الحمل القسري، أو التعقيم القسري، أو أي شكل آخر من أشكال العنف الجنسي على مثل هذه الدرجة من الخطورة. (ج) اضطهاد أية جماعة محددة أو مجموع محدد من السكان لأسباب سياسية أو عرقية أو قومية أو إثنية أو ثقافية أو دينية، أو متعلقة بنوع الجنس على النحو المعرف في الفقرة 3. أو لأسباب أخرى من المسلم عالميًا بأن القانون الدولي لا يجيزها، وذلك فيما يتصل بأي فعل مشار إليه في هذه الفقرة أو بأية جريمة تدخل في اختصاص المحكمة. (ط) الاختفاء القسري للأشخاص. (ي) جريمة الفصل العنصري. (ك) الأفعال اللاإنسانية الأخرى ذات الطابع المماثل التي تتسبب عمدًا في معاناة شديدة أو في أذى خطير يلحق بالجسم أو بالصحة العقلية أو البدنية.
ويبين من نص هذه المادة أن الجرائم ضد الإنسانية تقوم على الأركان الثلاثة الآتية: الأول: أن يرتكب الفعل المؤثم في إطار هجوم واسع النطاق وممنهج ضد أية مجموعة من السكان المدنيين، والثاني: أن يتخذ هذا الفعل أحدى الصور الآتية: (1) القتل العمدي، (2) الإبادة، (3) الإسترقاق، (4) النقل القسري للسكان، (5) السجن أو الحرمان الشديد من الحرية البدنية، (6) التعذيب وتعمد إلحاق ألم شديد أو معاناة شديدة بدنية أو عقلية بشخص موجود تحت سيطرة المتهم، (7) الاغتصاب، (8) الاضطهاد، (9) الاختفاء القسري للأشخاص، (10) الفصل العنصري، (11) الأفعال اللا إنسانية الأخرى، والثالث: ركن معنوي يتخذ صورة القصد الجنائي.
لما كان ذلك، وكان الثابت من تحقيقات الدعوى رقم 338 لسنة 2013 جنح مستأنف الإسماعيلية، والحكم الصادر فيها، وتحقيقات النيابة العامة في أحداث المظاهرات السلمية أمام قصر الاتحادية، وتحقيقاتها في أحداث فض احتلال ميداني رابعة العدوية والنهضة وجامع الفتح، وما تم استخراجه من تحت منصة رابعة العدوية من جثث مشوهة عليها آثار تعذيب وتعمد إلحاق ألم بدني شديد، والأسطوانات المدمجة المحتوية على شرائط فيديو مصورة محليًا وعالميًا أن عناصر مسلحة من جماعة الإخوان المسلمين مدفوعة بتحريض علني من محمد بديع مرشد الجماعة، ومحمد البلتاجي وعصام العريان وصفوت حجازي وعاصم عبدالماجد أعضاء مكتب إرشاد الجماعة ارتكبت جرائم ضد الإنسانية بأن قتلت عمدًا مع سبق الإصرار جماعات عديدة من المدنيين في محافظات مصر المختلفة، إذ بيتت النية وعقدت العزم على قتلهم خلال المظاهرات السلمية التي حدثت أمام مقر الحكومة الاتحادية بمصر الجديدة بجمهورية مصر العربية للمطالبة بتنحي رئيس الجمهورية السابق محمد مرسي العياط من منصبه. واحتجاز جماعات عديدة أخرى من المدنيين، وحرمانهم من الحرية البدنية، وتعذيبهم، وأن هذه الجرائم تواصلت في غضون الفترة من 3/7/2013 وحتى 18/8/2013 في ربوع وأنحاء ومحافظات الجمهورية، واقترنت بحرمانهم حرمانًا متعمدًا وشديدًا من حقوقهم الأساسية بسبب هويتهم السياسية والدينية، وكان السيد باراك حسين أوباما اشترك مع كل من محمد بديع ومحمد البلتاجي وعصام العريان وصفوت حجازي وعاصم عبدالماجد والعناصر المسلحة من جماعة الإخوان المسلمين في ارتكاب هذه الجرائم بطريق الاتفاق والتحريض والمساعدة، بأن اتفق معهم على ارتكابها، وحرضهم علانية على ذلك، وساعدهم على تنفيذها بتزويدهم بالأسلحة النارية والخرطوش بما يخالف القانون الدولي، وكانت المادة 25/1 من النظام الأساسي للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية تعقد لهذه المحكمة اختصاص محاكمة الأشخاص الطبيعيين عن الجرائم التي يرتكبونها ضد الإنسانية، وكانت المادة 27 تنص على أن يطبق النظام الأساسي للمحكمة على جميع الأشخاص بصورة متساوية دون أي تمييز بسبب الصفة الرسمية. وبوجه خاص، فإن الصفة الرسمية للشخص، سواء كان رئيسًا لدولة أو حكومة أو عضوًا في حكومة أو برلمان أو ممثلاً منتخبًا أو موظفًا حكوميًا، لا تعفيه بأي حال من الأحوال من المسؤولية الجنائية، كما أنها لا تشكل في حد ذاتها، سببًا لتخفيف العقوبة، وأن الحصانات والقواعد الإجرائية التي ترتبط بالصفة الرسمية للمتهم لا تحول دون ممارسة المحكمة اختصاصها عليه، وكانت المادة 13 تخول المدعي العام سلطة إحالة الدعوى إلى المحكمة الجنائية الدولية إذا كان قد باشر التحقيق من تلقاء نفسه في الجرائم التي تدخل في اختصاص هذه المحكمة بناء على المعلومات التي تصل إلى علمه بشأنها.

 "Home" published the text of the first communication for " international criminal " accused Obama and the leaders of the " Brotherhood " of committing crimes against humanityBooks: Ahmed Tariq Sabri spring Wednesday 08/21/2013 14:30Print

228Obama ObamaProvided by Dr. Nabil Medhat Salem , Professor of Law , a complaint to the International Criminal Court , for himself and as a member of the Egyptian Bar Association , against U.S. President Barack Obama and all of Muhammad Badi leader of the Muslim Brotherhood , Mohamed El-Beltagy and Essam el-Erian and Safwat Hijazi and Asim Abdalmagd , to do Obama accidentally agreement and incitement and assistance to the armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in the commission of crimes against humanity in the period from 03/07/2013 to 08/18/2013 , the Arab Republic of Egypt .I got "home" to the text of the communication , which is the first of its kind , which came pursuant to Article 15 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court , and referred to trial before this court in the light of the outcome of the investigation pursuant to Article 13 .The text of the communication submitted by Dr. Nabil Medhat Salem lawyer cassation that " Article 7/1 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court as a" means any of the following acts "crime against humanity " when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any combination of the civilian population , with knowledge of the attack : (a) murder. (B) Extermination . (C) slavery. (D ) Deportation or forcible transfer of population . ( E ) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation in any other manner of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law. ( F ) Torture . ( G ) Rape , sexual slavery , enforced prostitution , forced pregnancy , enforced sterilization , or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity . (C ) Persecution against any identifiable group or a specific population for political reasons , racial, national , ethnic, cultural , religious , or gender - related , as defined in paragraph 3. Or for other reasons that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law , in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court . ( I ) Enforced disappearance of persons . ( J ) The crime of apartheid. (K ) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health .Shows the text of this article that crimes against humanity based on the three pillars of the following : First: to commit the act Almathm in the context of a widespread and systematic against any civilian population, and the second: to take this action one of the pictures of the following : (1) murder intentional , (2) genocide, (3) slavery , (4) forcible transfer of population , (5 ) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty , (6) torture and the intentional infliction of severe pain or suffering physical or mental person is under the control of the accused, (7 ) rape , ( 8 ) persecution , (9) enforced disappearance of persons , ( 10 ) apartheid, (11) other inhumane acts , and third : take a picture mental element is criminal intent.As it was , it was hard probes Case No. 338 for 2013 cover of the appellant Ismailia, and the sentence , and investigations of public prosecution in the events of peaceful demonstrations in front of the Palais des Federal , and investigations into the events of resolving the occupation field fourth Adawiya and the Renaissance and Fath Mosque , and what has been extracted from under the platform fourth Adawiya of bodies distorted by the effects of torture and intentional infliction of physical pain is severe, and CDs containing video tapes illustrated locally and globally that the armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood driven instigation publicly Mohammed Badi guide the group, and Mohammed El-Beltagy and Essam el-Erian and Safwat Hijazi and Asim Abdalmagd members of the guidance Bureau congregation committed crimes against humanity that killed deliberately premeditated many groups of civilians in the governorates of Egypt different , as Pett intent and determined to kill them during the peaceful demonstrations that took place in front of the headquarters of the Federal Government in Heliopolis , Egypt to demand the ouster of former President Mohamed Morsi Ayat of office. And the detention of several other groups of civilians, and deprivation of physical liberty , torture, and that these crimes have continued within the period from 03/07/2013 until 08/18/2013 throughout and around the provinces of the Republic , accompanied by depriving them intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights because of their political identity and religious , Mr. Barack Hussein Obama teamed up with all of Mohammed Badi and Mohamed El-Beltagy and Essam el-Erian and Safwat Hijazi and Asim Abdalmagd and armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in the commission of these crimes accidentally agreement , incitement and assistance, that agreed with them to commit, حرضهم publicly on it, and helped them to implement by providing them with firearms and cartridges contrary to international law , and the article 25/1 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court held this court jurisdiction to try natural persons for crimes committed against humanity , and the Article 27 states that applied the Statute of the Court equally to all persons without any distinction based on official capacity . In particular , the official capacity of a person, whether as Head of State or Government or as a member of a Government or parliament, an elected representative or a government official , not تعفيه in any way from criminal responsibility , nor does it constitute in itself, a reason for reduction of sentence, and immunities and procedural rules that are linked to the official capacity of the defendant does not preclude the exercise of jurisdiction by the Court it, and the Article 13 authorizes the Attorney General the authority to refer the case to the International Criminal Court if he had started the investigation on its own in the crimes within the jurisdiction of this Court based on the information that reaches to his knowledge about them .

7 reasons you need to learn reactive programming NOW

7 reasons you need to learn reactive programming NOW

7 reasons you need to learn reactive programming NOW
DevBeat 2013
Nov. 12 - 13, 2013
San Francisco, CA
Tickets On Sale Now
 R. Paul Singh is the CEO of Espresso Logic.
In the now infamous “Lost Interview,” Steve Jobs said , “Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.” We all know that learning to code is one of the most hyped skills right now – and for good reason, considering the insatiable demand for developers.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 22 percent growth in programming jobs in by 2020. Programming “bootcamps” have sprung up in over two-dozen schools. In May, Hubspot made headlines by offering $30,000 for anyone who could help them hire a software developer.
And now the newest trend – reactive programming – is rocking the developer community, exciting tech giants like Netflix and inspiring a whole new crop of innovative startups.
What is reactive programming?
Spreadsheet cell formulas are hands-down the best example of reactive programming. Cells react to changes in the data they reference automatically. For example, A=B+C means that no matter what happens to B and C, A will change accordingly. Don’t you wish you could program anything the same way, without worrying about dependencies?
Whether you’re a software developer, a manager, or an architect, you need to get savvy about how reactive programming concepts are going to radically transform the industry. Consider these seven reasons:

Editor’s note: Developers! If you’re good and want to be great, our upcoming DevBeat conference, Nov. 12-13 in San Francisco, is a hands-on event packed with master classes, presentations, Q&As, and hackathons, all aimed at boosting your code skills, security knowledge, hardware hacking, and career development. Register now.

1. Declarative vs. procedural
It all comes down to the difference between an imperative system and a reactive one. You already know how traditional procedural programming (imperative) works. A business user has a need and creates a spec for the programmer. The programmer figures out how to best create a system to produce the desired result and then constantly updates it as things change.
Whereas a declarative system (reactive) asks the business user to simply describe what they want. Then using that description the system delivers the desired end result, of course with the help of the programmer. The focus is on what the system should do and not how to do it.
2. Get to market ten times faster
When implemented correctly, reactive programming lets computers take care of dependency management rather than leaving that work to the programmers. As a result, the code size reduces drastically. That means 500 lines of old-school coding shrinks to five lines using reactive programming.
3. Keep up with changes
In our hyper-competitive environment, the old model of waiting months to accommodate changes just doesn’t work. Reactive programming means changes can be made without worrying about logic ordering. Ordering is the main cost-component of traditional programming, requiring significant analysis for each change. Just like the simplest spreadsheet, reactive programming means logic is automatically ordered based on dependencies,
4. Improve code quality
Traditional code is error prone. It must not only be correct; it must be called. Reactive logic is automatically applied to all changes – it’s the next level up in reuse beyond object-oriented programming.
5. The big kids are into it
Microsoft led the effort by releasing Rx extensions to its .NET framework. Since then, companies like Facebook, Netflix, and Twitter have followed suit, adopting the model to slash their development time. And now Gartner has included reactive programming in its newest report on the hottest application development trends of 2013.
6. It’s not just for the frontend
While Microsoft laid the foundation with the release of reactive extensions to .NET called RxJS, now many implementations including FlapJax, Bacon JS, and Elm are gaining popularity for front-end development. Today, startups are even starting to apply these concepts to development of the backend, which means delivering the backend part of the app in a fraction of the usual time.
7. Links business and IT
Imagine IT teams and business users being able to look at the same document and discuss how to build the systems. That’s how simple it is. Think of it like an executable cocktail napkin, where business users describe what they want and that specification is close enough to what IT uses to simply execute. Reactive programming opens up a whole new era of communication and collaboration between IT and business users.
When implemented correctly, reactive programming is the ultimate nirvana. Those 500 lines of code are distilled away, maintenance almost disappears, and developers are empowered to operate at unprecedented speed. It’s still in its infancy and I’m sure we’ll see some very cool implementations in 2014 as it picks up steam. Considering the explosive demand for developers with the latest and greatest coding toolkit, this is one trend you should jump on now.
And if you’re already using reactive programming for your business, I’d love to hear about it.

Obama Accused of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

Obama Accused of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

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CBN News
According to Egyptian newspaper El Watan, a group of Egyptian lawyers has submitted a complaint charging U.S. president Barrack Hussein Obama with crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court.

The complaint charges Obama of being an accessory to the Muslim Brotherhood, which incited widespread violence in Egypt both before and after the June 30 Revolution.
Along with Obama, the complaint reproduced by El Watan mentions several Brotherhood members by name, beginning with the leader of the organization Muhammad Badie, and other top ranking leaders such as Mohamed al-Beltagy, Essam al-Erian, and Safwat Hegazi, adding that “Obama cooperated, incited, and assisted the armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in the commission of crimes against humanity in the period from 3/7/2013-8/18/2013, in the Arab Republic of Egypt.”
According to the published text, the complaint begins by quoting Article 7/1 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, titled “Crimes against humanity,” which is reproduced below:
Article 7
Crimes against humanity
1. For the purpose of this Statute, “crime against humanity” means any of the following
acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against
any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
(a) Murder;
(b) Extermination;
(c) Enslavement;
(d) Deportation or forcible transfer of population;
(e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
(f) Torture;
(g) Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced
sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
(h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial,
national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other
grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international
law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime
within the jurisdiction of the Court;
(i) Enforced disappearance of persons;
(j) The crime of apartheid;
(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great
suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.
Next, the complaint shows how Muslim Brotherhood leadership violated some of the above definitions, for example, by torturing, mutilating, raping, and killing Egyptians in their “sit in” camps (first reported here), with a highlight on the role the Brotherhood played in inciting violence and the killing of peaceful protesters around Itthadiya Palace back in December.
Above and beyond the accusations of crimes against humanity that the lawyer-drafted complaint cited by El Watan levels against the Brotherhood, one need only look to the fate of Egypt’s Christian minority, who were especially targeted by the Muslim Brotherhood—and thus, by extension, their supporter, Obama—to see numerous examples of nearly every aforementioned definition of crimes against humanity, as follows:
Religious Persecution and Apartheid (see h and j) 
Right after Morsi was ousted, the Muslim Brotherhood, including its supreme leader, Muhammad Badie, and its spiritual leader, Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, as well as several of the other Brotherhood members mentioned in the complaint, publicly scapegoated the Christian minority for daring to support the popular June 30 Revolution (that is, for acting like equal citizens as opposed to cowed dhimmis as required by Islamic law).  The aftermath of the atrocities committed against the Copts are well known (to those who do not exclusively rely on the so-called mainstream media), and include the torching, destroying, and plundering of at some 85 churches, some of which were ancient.  Islam’s back flag was raised above some churches; anti-Christian graffiti littered the sides of other churches and Coptic homes.
Murder and Extermination (see a and b)
Among many others to be murdered in response to Brotherhood-incitement against the Copts, a ten-year-old girl was shot and killed while walking back from Bible class.  In the Sinai, a young Coptic priest was shot dead in front of his church, while the body of another Copt was found mutilated and beheaded.  Four other Christians were slaughtered by Muslims in Luxor province.  Most recently, a church wedding was attacked, leaving, among others, two girls, aged eight and twelve, dead and riddled with bullets.
As for “extermination,” the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters have long been threatening the Copts with annihilation if they ever opposed them.  Back in December 2012, Safwat Hegazi (a leading Brotherhood member named in the complaint, publicly declared during a Brotherhood rally:
A message to the church of Egypt, from an Egyptian Muslim: I tell the church—by Allah, and again, by Allah—if you conspire and unite with the remnants [opposition] to bring Morsi down, that will be another matter [screams of "Allah Akbar!" followed by chants of "With our soul, with our blood, we give to you, O Islam!"]… [T]here are red lines—and our red line is the legitimacy of Dr. Muhammad Morsi. Whoever splashes water on it, we will splash blood on him” [followed by more wild shouts of "Allah Akbar!"]
Around the same time, and more to the point, Dr. Wagdi Ghoneim—another vocal Brotherhood agitator who earlier praised Allah for the death of the late Coptic Pope Shenoudacursing him to hell and damnation in a video he posted on YouTube—made another video telling Egypt’s Christians:
You are playing with fire in Egypt, I swear, the first people to be burned by the fire are you [Copts].” … The day Egyptians—and I don’t even mean the Muslim Brotherhood or Salafis, regular Egyptians—feel that you are against them, you will be wiped off the face of the earth. I’m warning you now: do not play with fire!… What do you think—that America will protect you? Let’s be very clear, America will not protect you. If so, it would have protected the Christians of Iraq when they were being butchered!
Ghoneim’s words have proven prophetic—an indicator that this Egyptian hatemongering sheikh, who was expelled under Hosni Mubarak, knows the conduct of America’s leadership better than most Americans.  Along with Iraq’s and Egypt’s Christians, he could have mentioned the Christians of Syria as well, who are being decimated thanks to Obama’s support for al-Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists, AKA, “freedom fighters.”
Deportation, Extortion, Kidnapping, and General Abuse of Copts (see c, d, e, f, g, and i)
Since the Muslim Brotherhood publicly denounced the Copts, entire towns and villages have been emptied of Christians—for example, more than 100 Christian families from El Arish. After mentioning the mass destruction of churches during a recent conference, and speaking of a different incident, Dr. Sherif Doss, an Egyptian activist, said, “But worst of all, about 140 families were evicted from their own homes; and worse still is that, not only were they thrown out of their houses, but their shops and properties were robbed and destroyed… General Sisi has promised to rebuild the churches and this takes time to be done. But we can’t wait all that time for those people destitute and in the streets, with no place to live and nowhere to work…. These people are in a very bad condition. If you go and see these villages, you will be amazed—it is as if a nuclear bomb exploded there. People burned and plundered their homes without mercy.”
Similarly, Muslim Brotherhood supporters are extorting Copts, rationalized in the context of making them pay jizya—the money, or tribute, that conquered non-Muslims historically had to pay to their Islamic overlords “with willing submission and while feeling themselves subdued” to safeguard their existence, as indicated in Koran 9:29.  For instance, the roughly 15,000 Christian Copts of Dalga village in south Minya province were recently forced to pay jizya.  In some cases, those not able to pay were attacked, their wives and children beaten and/or kidnapped.  As a result, some 40 Christian families had fled Dalga, joining the ever growing list of displaced Christians in the Middle East.
Days before the June 30 Revolution, letters addressed to the Copts threatened them not to join the protests against Morsi, otherwise their “businesses, cars, homes, schools, and churches” might “catch fire”—which of course they all did. The message concluded by saying “If you are not worried about any of these, then worry about your children and your homes.”
Such threats, as mentioned, were hardly limited to anonymous letters.  During a TV interview, Sheikh Essam Abdulamek, a then member of parliament’s Shura Council, warned Egypt’s Christians against participating in the June 30 Revolution against Morsi, threatening them by saying “Do not sacrifice your children” since “general Muslim opinion will not be silent about the ousting of the president [Morsi].”
And the children of Copts have certainly been targeted—both during and after Morsi’s tenure.  Some, especially young girls, are regularly abducted, raped, and shamed into converting to Islam and “marrying” their rapists. Coptic boys have increasingly been abducted from the doorsteps of their churches and held for ransom. Recently, a 6-year-old Christian boy was murdered by his kidnapper—after the boy’s family paid the ransom.  (Read more about the jihad on Egypt’s Christian children.)
In short, by simply focusing on the plight of Egypt’s Christians, almost every criterion found under the category of “crimes against humanity”—including murder, extermination, deportation, torture, rape, disappearance, apartheid and religious persecution—are met.
Only one is necessary for the charge to stick.
As for the Obama administration’s support for the Brotherhood, if most Americans are clueless or indifferent about it, average Egyptians have long known and resented it—hence the many large placards and signs held during the June 30 Revolution calling on Obama to stop supporting terrorism and calling on Americans to wake up.
One need only follow the words and deeds of Anne Patterson, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Hillary Clinton, et. al. to know that the U.S president is a firm supporter of the crimes-against-humanity-committing Muslim Brotherhood.
Of course, whatever the merits of El Watan’s report—here is another English-language article talking about apparently a different complaint of crimes against humanity leveled against Obama by Coptic activists—all these complaints seem futile, as the U.S. is not a signatory to the International Criminal Court.
However, all technicalities aside, the facts are clear: by any definition, the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters have committed numerous crimes against humanity in Egypt, especially in the context of the Christian Copts; and by its ongoing support for the Brotherhood, the Obama administration is complicit.   Remember this next time the Obama administration cites concerns about “human rights” violations as reason to involve the U.S. in war—as it recently tried to do in Syria, again, to support more Islamic terrorists who are committing even worse crimes against humanity.
Watch Raymond Ibrahim discuss this report on CBN News:

Exposed: Names and Identities of Muslim Brotherhood Operatives in U.S.

Exposed: Names and Identities of Muslim Brotherhood Operatives in U.S.

Muslim Brotherhood Demonstrators Burn United States Flag, Amman, Jordan, September 1990By Raymond Ibrahim:
El Watan, one of Egypt’s most widely circulated and read newspapers, published a report discussing the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence over the United States, especially in the context of inciting pro-Brotherhood policies against Egypt’s popular June 30 Revolution, which resulted in the ousting of Muhammad Morsi and the Brotherhood from power.
Titled (in translation), “With Names, Identities, and Roadmap…  El Watan Exposes Brotherhood Cells in America,” it’s written by investigative journalist Ahmed al-Tahiri, who begins the report by saying:
In the context of El Watan’s ongoing investigation concerning the Brotherhood’s cells and lobby inside America that support the regime of the ousted [Morsi], and which intensified their activities to attack and defame the June 30 Revolution, informed sources have disclosed to El Watan newspaper the names and cell entities of the Brotherhood and their roadmap of activities all throughout the United States of America.
The sources said that these organizations, which are spread throughout the States, agitated for and were supportive of the decisions taken by Muhammad Morsi’s project to “Brotherhoodize” and consolidate power [in Egypt] and gave a favorable opinion to the general American public that Morsi’s decisions were welcomed by the public [in Egypt]. Following the June 30 Revolution, these groups  launched a malicious war in order to incite the American administration to take hostile decisions against Egypt, with the aim of bringing back the Brotherhood to the power.
El Watan then goes on to name names, saying that the following activists and entities are Brotherhood operatives working within the United States (reproduced verbatim):
  • Union of Egyptian Imams in North America, represented by Sheikh Muhammad al-Bani
  • The Egyptian American Foundation for Development
  • Dr. Khalid Lamada, New York
  • Dr. Hassan al-Sayah, Virginia
  • The Egyptian Network in America, led by Dr. Muhammad Helmi
  • Dr. Akram al-Zand, Sa’ad Foundation
  • Muhammad al-Khashab, Head of ART channelsin America
  • Sameh al-Henawi, member, Business Association of America
  • Dr. Hany Saqr, member, Egyptian Association in America
  • Dr. Khalid Hassan, Maryland
  • Dr. Muhammad Abdel Hakem, Seattle
  • Dr. Ahmed Ismat al-Bendari, President, Islamic Society of America
  • Walid Yusari, Chicago
  • Ahmed Shadid, New Jersey
  • Ahmed al-Hatab, Indiana
  • Dr. Muhammad Morjan, Boston
  • Ramadan Ridwan, Houston
  • Ahmed Fayez, Las Vegas
  • Dr. Amru Abbas, member, Egyptian Foundation in Michigan
  • Dr. Safi al-Din Hamed, Pennsylvania
  • Dr. Hamdy Radwan, North Carolina
  • Ahmed Shehata, Director, Egyptian American Organization for Democracy and Human Rights
  • Dr. Iman Shehata, New York
  • Dr. Muhammad Amru Attawiya, member, Organization of Islamic Relief in the United States
  • Dr. Khalid al-Sayes, member, Rebuilding of Egypt Foundation
  • Dr. Tariq Hussein, member, American Islamic Relations Council (CAIR)
  • Dr Hisham al-Gayar, member, Egyptian Foundation, Michigan
  • Amin Mahmoud, Maryland
As a most recent example, El Watan quotes from an American op-ed published on October 16 (just two days before the publication of the El Watan report itself).  Titled “Egypt: 100 days later” and written by Ahmed Shehata of the Egyptian American Organization for Democracy and Human Rights, the piece appeared in The Hill, the Capitol’s most widely circulated newspaper, published specifically for Congress.
The op-ed is certainly a prime example of pro-Muslim Brotherhood propaganda that actually tries to “shame” U.S. policymakers into returning the Brotherhood back to power in the name of “democracy.”
Key excerpts follow:
Read more: Family Security Matters 

Raymond Ibrahim is a widely published author, public speaker, and Middle East and Islam expert.  His books include Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (2013) and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007).

[Watch] DHS Now Taking Bids For 2 States; Top Secret Force

[Watch] DHS Now Taking Bids For 2 States; Top Secret Force

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It is time to take note of another suspicious Homeland Security contract that is being put out for bid.
Remember when Hussein Obama was saying that we need a domestic police force that is just as strong as our military, during the 2008 campaign?  A few of us wondered at the time why we needed that. It was largely ignored up until recently but he is making good on that claim. It’s much more than a claim now; it’s becoming a real threat.
At the time, he got a resounding response for the mindless minions that were hanging on every piece of drivel that fell out of his mouth. They undoubtedly had no idea what he was talking about; they were clapping before he ever started his spewing. It didn’t matter because he’s so trans-racial and he’s got such a nice smile. Plus they wanted that hope and change.
In case you missed it, or would like a trip down memory lane to pre-police state days, I’ve included it again below:
Those people look even more foolish in retrospect than they did at the time, applauding the creation of the very force that will enslave, abuse and control them.
As the process moves forward, a new request for bid has been posted on the General Services Administration website for DHS contractors. The Contract is seeking to fill the positions of “Security Guards and Patrol Services”, for a term of one year, with four one year renewals and a six month renewal. That’s five and a half years of security to begin with. The Contractor also needs to have a Top Secret Security Clearance.
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The cost of that one year security is $19 million dollars. That is roughly a total for the five and a half years of $105 million dollars, just for manpower. The location for the services to be rendered is in the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota.
What is the Department of Homeland Security expecting to be going on in Wisconsin and Minnesota that would require such a large expenditure and why the top secret clearance?
The Department of Homeland Security was sold to the American people as a means of protecting us from overseas threats resulting from international terrorism. That was certainly a load of manure. If we are to sincerely be attempting to protect the homeland, there is no way that the border and immigration situation would be as porous as it is. No more excuses, we see it for the obvious lie that it is.
Something else is clearly in the works. Two issues need to be addressed immediately.
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A Congressional audit and accountability study needs to be conducted for all of the recent bids, including riot protection and offensive weaponry; ammunition and vehicles should be conducted determining their supposed justification and legitimacy.
Secondly, an investigation into the reasons behind the secretive nature of the operation of DHS must be carried out. Of course, there will be the resistance floated that national security concerns prevent disclosure. Not true, national security concerns demand that this be done.
That is merely more of the same deception. Tolerating their stalling tactics just gets us into a worse situation. We need strong leadership which will demand answers. Not just ask, but demand.
A monster is being created and it is growing to dangerous proportions right under our noses. This monster can destroy us.
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White House Blocks Obamacare Tech Chief From Testifying Before House Committee

White House Blocks Obamacare Tech Chief From Testifying Before House Committee
Home  »  Obamacare  »  White House Blocks Obamacare Tech Chief From Testifying Before House Committee

Nov 7, 2013 0 Comments Infidel Alie 20130508192611002_hd
Excerpted from POLITICO: The Obama administration is refusing to make Todd Park, one of the chief technology officials repairing, available for a hearing next Wednesday with House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa.
They say he’s too busy right now fixing the Obamacare enrollment portal.
“Mr. Park is open to testifying at a hearing before your committee and to providing an appropriate pre-hearing briefing for you and your staff,” Donna M. Pignatelli, assistant director for legislative affairs, wrote in a letter to the chairman. “However, because Mr. Park is currently occupied full-time on the critically important work of improving the website for the millions of Americans seeking affordable health insurance options, his testimony needs to be scheduled at a time that is less disruptive to that work.” Keep Reading

Egyptian Paper Names 30 Brotherhood Operatives in U.S.

Egyptian Paper Names 30 Brotherhood Operatives in U.S.

El-Watan, one of Egypt’s most widely-read newspapers, published a list of 30 alleged Muslim Brotherhood fronts and operatives in the U.S..
By Ryan Mauro:
One of Egypt’s most widely-read newspapers El-Watan has published a list of 30 alleged Muslim Brotherhood fronts and operatives in the U.S. that were tasked with winning public support for the Islamist group.
Citing unnamed “informed sources,” journalist Ahmed al-Tahiri says the Muslim Brotherhood has a “lobby inside America.” Raymond Ibrahim translated the article verbatim. It opens by describing the goal of the political influence operation:
“The sources said that these organizations, which are spread throughout the States, agitated for and were supportive of the decisions taken by Mohammed Morsi’s project to ‘Brotherhoodize’ and consolidate power and gave a favorable opinion to the general American public that Morsi’s decisions were welcomed by the public [in Egypt].
Following the June 30 Revolution, these groups launched a malicious war in order to incite the American administration to take hostile decisions against Egypt, with the aim of bringing the Brotherhood back to  power.”
Background information on a significant number of the identified entities and individuals could not be found, with alternate spellings likely being a major factor. In other cases, Clarion Project research supports the newspaper’s reporting.
Go to Clarion Project to see what Ryan Mauro has so far on some of the names. And he asks that “If you have verifiable information about the individuals and organizations named in the Egyptian press report, please contact us.”