Bush Killed JFKjr.
The report of the National Transportation Safety Board came out on August
8, 2000, 13 months after the plane crash of JFK Jr. It contradicts many of
the lies pushed in the media. For example, the L.A. Times reported “The
accident that killed Kennedy was caused by an inexperienced pilot …the
NTSB concluded in its final report” (LA TIMES, 7/7/00, page 1). In fact,
the NTSB report shows that Kennedy was highly experienced (he had more
than enough hours for an instructor’s license), he was described by his
trainers as “excellent”, “methodical”, and “very cautious.” (NTSB
report, page 3) The media
say the visibility was poor. But
the NTSB quotes the Tower manager at Martha’s Vineyard, where the plane
went down, saying that there were “stars out” and visibility was “between
10 and 12 miles” (NTSB report,
page 5). Why did the media lie? Why
have they always lied about the murder of his father?
Was John Kennedy Jr. murdered? Judge
for yourself.
1) the
rescue: This is enormously
important. FAA radar tracked Kennedy’s plane crash. The
U.S. Coast Guard has reported that Kennedy contacted the tower on his
final approach. THIS IS ENORMOUSLY IMPORTANT!!! It means
they would have known his
plane was going down before it hit the water. FAA
regulations require that a search begin immediately when a plane reports
itself on final approach and does not land within 5 minutes. Yet
it took them 14½ hours to send the first planes and boats to Martha’s
Vineyard. (Boston Herald,
7/20/99 “Time gaps in early hours of search are beyond explanation”
Jack Sullivan and David Talbot) (LINK5)WHY?
2) the
plane: Kennedy’s plane had
autopilot, capable of flying itself to within 100 feet of the airport.
All a “cautious and methodical” pilot
had to do was sit back and let the plane fly itself. (NTSB
report, page 18)
3) the
sabotage: Kennedy’s plane
had a black box. No other
private non-jet plane on earth had one. He
knew they wanted to kill him and he wanted to make it hard. The
NTSB, says the battery had been removed, destroying all record of
conversation in the cockpit. (NTSB
page 10)
All planes have an Emergency Locator
Transmitter (ELT), which sends out a beacon signal in case of a crash. It
took 5 days to locate Kennedy’s plane. Why? Was
it missing? Disabled? The
report says nothing.
According to the NTSB report, the fuel
valve had been turned to OFF (NTSB
report, page 12). This
valve had a safety device on it so that it could not accidentally be
turned to OFF. Turning it
off during flight would be suicide, since at
top speed, the engine will die in 45 seconds!! Because
the results are potentially deadly, the valve cannot be turned by
accident. A safety-release
button must be pushed down and held while turning the valve. This
piece of evidence is the smoking gun. It
is positive proof of foul play. Was
Kennedy committing suicide? If
he wasn’t, there can scarcely be any question but that he was
murdered. So who turned the
valve? Read on.
Kennedy’s flight logbook is missing. (NTSB
report, page 2) This will be seen as critical in one minute,
because the logbook would have recorded the presence of a flight
instructor on the plane.
4) the
flight instructor: All of
the early reports said there was a flight instructor on the plane (e.g.
The New York Times, Saturday July 17, 1999). Then
the flight instructor disappeared from the reports. Kennedy
very rarely flew at night without a flight instructor. Out
of 310 hours of flight time, and 55 hours at night, he had only 45
minutes at night without an instructor. (LINK12)He
was very cautious. He had
his wife on board. It is
almost unthinkable that he would not have taken an instructor.
5) Egypt
Air 990: Two months later
Egyptian Air flight 990, with 30 of the highest ranking members of the
Egyptian military on board, crashed. (It
was big news for several days. The
pilot’s family and the Egyptian government objected to the NTSB
finding that the pilot was committing suicide. “He
was happily married. Moslems
don’t commit suicide” etc.) This
pilot had walked into the cockpit, said “Allah help me’, grabbed the
controls, and tried to force the plane to crash. Three
other pilots, grabbed him, and there was a struggle; he gave up,
turned around, and he turned
the fuel valve OFF.
Both pilots, Kennedy’s flight instructor
and the Egyptian, were programmed, using hypnosis or other mind control,
to act in exactly the same way. The
CIA has settled lawsuits by victims of their mind control experiments,
the MK Ultra program. One of
the physicians, Dr. John Gittinger, Chief Psychologist of the CIA,
tortured by his conscience, has come forward to expose the existence of
these programs and their purpose: to
create walking, pre-programmed human time bombs, set to go off on cue,
taking out their intended victim.
Kennedy’s emergency locator was removed,
the cockpit recorder was disabled, the flight log was taken, and the
body of the flight instructor was removed. (But
they forgot to return the fuel valve to ON!!) They
delayed the rescue 14 hours to do it. They
were waiting in the water for the plane to crash. Who
was? Who indeed?
But why would anyone
want to kill John Kennedy Jr.?
was planning to run for National office according to Newsweek and People. He
told friends he would have run for Senate in New York, but let Hillary
Clinton run instead. And he
would have won. He was the
most popular man in the US. And
for good reason. He was a
great guy. But he was the only Kennedy to ever acknowledge a
conspiracy in his father’s death. He
not only acknowledge it, he published an article by Oliver Stone, in
his magazine, George, about assassination, conspiracies, and lying history
books. Who would want to kill
him? The people who
killed his father had to kill him. Kennedy
Jr. was going to go after them.
So, who killed his
father? George Herbert Walker
Bush. There’s
a ton of evidence at JFKII.com Here’s
somebody tells you Lee Harvey Oswald did it, show them the Zapruder film. Abraham
Zapruder was standing on the sidewalk filming when Kennedy got his brains
blown out the back of the
limousine. Oswald was in back. The
shot had to have come from in front. It
is very very obvious. You can
find the Zapruder film at JFKII.com(LINK2ZAPRUDER)
it’s in the last twenty minutes of the movie, JFK, and it is available
for $20 at Amazon.com. Nobody
can watch it with you and tell you Oswald acted alone! Try
didn’t pull the trigger, but he supervised E. Howard Hunt, who did.
1) E.
Howard Hunt: Hunt was the
leader of the Watergate burglars, a band of CIA-funded Miami-based
anti-Castro Cuban terrorists and assassins. In
1978, Spotlight magazine published an article saying that Hunt was in
Dallas the day JFK died and had murdered Kennedy. Hunt
sued and lost!! The jury
decided he did it. (Mark Lane,
Plausible Denial, 1991, Thundermouth Press, page 332) (LINK13)
2) 5
days after the Kennedy assassination, J
Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI, and signed a memo(LINk14, bushmemo.jpg), naming
“George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency” as an apparent
supervisor of the bands of
CIA-funded Miami-based anti-Castro Cuban terrorists and assassins. Bush
acknowledges the memo is real. The
title of the memo is “Assassination of President John F. Kennedy”. Why
would J. Edgar Hoover name it that? (LINK15)
3) George
de Mohrenschildt was an important witness in the first Kennedy
assassination. He got Lee
Harvey Oswald the job in the School Book Depository. He
was murdered the day he was supposed to testify about the assassination. Found
in his phone book were George Bush’s name, and Bush’s company
4) There
is every indication that Bush recruited Hunt for the Watergate burglaries. Bush
set up the slush fund that paid $1,000,000 in bribes to the burglars, his
friends contributed the money, and he laundered it.(LINK17)
What about George W. Bush? Was
he there?
plane went into the sea at 10:00 on Friday night, July 16, 1999. Bush
was involved in a heated campaign, which he was losing in New Hampshire. He
was constantly in public and constantly surrounded by reporters, so
it’s easy to figure out where he was. Right? Wrong! According
to the Omaha World Herald (7/17/99), on July 16th Bush was flipping
pancakes Friday morning in Des Moines, but he boarded a bus and
disappeared for the entire weekend. On
Saturday, July 18th, reporters looking for a comment from Bush
confronted a fumbling spokesperson who was unable to say when Bush would
be available for comment. (Newsday, 7/19/99, A19) Bush
finally called a press conference on Monday, to offer condolences.
Do you think this evidence is too weak to
accuse Bush of murder? As
George would say, “We got more than enough here to hang a feller in
Texas.” George, you’re
our feller.
CONTACT US: mail@jfkii.com
By involving himself in
Kennedy’s murder, George W. Bush was living out the legacy of his father
and his father’s father.
George Bush Sr. has always
denied that he ever worked for the CIA before 1976 when he became its
director. But the direct and circumstantial evidence of his membership in
the CIA is powerful and plentiful
(that’s why this section is so long, sorry), and his reason for denying
his membership is critical to understanding the enormity of his evil.
George Bush Sr. was secretly
active in the CIA 12 years before becoming the head of CIA. The evidence
for that begins with his membership in Skull and Bones.
Skull and Bones is a secret
society on the Yale campus. Since the early part of this century, the men
the Bush family, have belonged. It is famous for its celebration of
racism, deception, cowardice, and
death: They meet, twice a week, in a tomb, to engage in black
rituals using skulls, candles, and
ceremonial group masturbation. Fun stuff. It's also a museum. George W's
grandfather, Prescott Bush,
led a group who raided Geronimo's grave. The skull is on display here.
They also have Poncho Villa's
skull. They target the heroes of the people. It is a very safe bet that
they have JFK’s brain, which was
stolen from the National Archives.
It was through Skull and
Bones, and his father’s connections, that George Bush Sr. was recruited
to the CIA in 1960 or 1961. The idea for an organization like the CIA
originated in 1945 with the recommendations of a War Department
committee on post World War II intelligence. The Lovettt committee was
chaired by Robert Lovett, a business partner and neighbor of Prescott
Bush. In 1960, the head of the CIA was a close business associate of
Prescott Bush, Alan Dulles. Dulles negotiated many agreements between Bush’s
businesses and the Nazis. There are a number of warm letters between them
(e.g. March 19, 1934; September 22, 1937, in the W. Averell Harriman
papers in the Library of Congress).
George Bush Sr.’s
membership in Skull and Bones is relatively well-known (e.g. The New
Yorker, Nov. 27, 1989, p.108) From 1948 on, the year George Sr. graduated,
the CIA was hiring and promoting former Skull and Bones members as
well as Nazi's. George Sr.’s father, Prescott Bush, was a Nazi (see
below). So we have important evidence of a match between the hiring
practices of CIA and the background of George Bush Sr. In 1960 former
Skull and Bones member F.Trubee Davison was the director of personnel for
CIA, and the idea that the personnel director (Davison) should hire an
"old boy" (Bush) is cliché. But the relationship between
Davison and Bush goes far beyond employer and employee.
Davison's son, Endicott
Peabody Davison, is also an attorney representing both Skull and Bones and
the Bush family. Endicott was, according to The New Yorker, in Bush's
Skull and Bones class of '48. So that the CIA hiring director could,
through his son, do a more complete, intimate, and discrete background
check on George Sr. than the FBI could ever provide. In fact, real power
in the CIA is based upon these connections.
Presidents come and go. They
change their minds. They appoint new directors. But they exercise no real
control over the CIA. The men the presidents appoint as directors of the
CIA are front men who have no real idea what is going on in the
field. The real backbone of the CIA is rooted in these family and
old school ties. Under these circumstances, you cannot easily name anyone
more qualified for a leadership role in the CIA than George Bush Sr.
George Bush Sr. helped supervise the CIA’s disastrous invasion of Cuba
at the Bay of Pigs. Again, George Sr. denies that he was in the CIA during
the Bay of Pigs. It is a transparent lie.
In 1960, the CIA was
planning the invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. The Deputy Director at
CIA supervising the Bay of Pigs operation was Richard Bissell, who was a
former employee of Averell Harriman, Prescott Bush’s old boss. Bissell’s
older brother William was Skull and Bones. (Corn, David; Blond Ghost, New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1994, p.69)
According to Nicholas King's
authorized biography of George Bush Sr., Bush's oil company, Zapata
Off-Shore oil, was concentrating its business in the Caribbean and off
South America, at the same time and in the same area that the Miami-based
anti-Castro CIA-funded paramilitary groups were active. In 1957 Zapata was
drilling forty miles off the coast of Cuba. No CIA front could have
provided a better cover for the supervisor of these CIA activities. In
1959 the Bush family bought out George’s partner in Zapata Offshore,
giving George Sr. exclusive (and therefore covert) control of its
activities. The CIA code name for the operation at the Bay of Pigs was:
ZAPATA. Whether Bush's oil company is named for the operation, or the
operation is named for the oil company, is of little importance. The
important question is “What kind of idiot would name his CIA operation
after his cover, or his cover after his operation?” George Bush would.
During WWII Bush was a pilot. He named his first plane after his
wife: the Barbara. He named his second plane after his wife: the Barbara
II. (George Bush and Victor Gold, Looking Forward, (New York:
Doubleday, 1987), p.36 ) But that’s not all. Col. L. Fletcher
Prouty was chief of special operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
charged with the military support of clandestine operations of the
CIA. He was responsible for securing weapons and two US Navy craft
suitable for carrying men and weapons to the invasion at the Bay of Pigs.
The ships were sent to an inactive Navy Base in North Carolina where the
CIA took over repainting them to disguise their US Navy origins.
According to Col. Prouty, new names were painted on the ships for their
historic mission: the “Barbara” and the “Houston”, Bush’s wife
and his new home town. (Prouty, quoted by Marc Lane, Plausible Denial,
(New York: Thunder Mouth’s Press, 1992), p.332 a must read!) As we
mention above, Bush not only supervised E. Howard Hunt and his band of
Cubans at the Bay of Pigs, he did it again during the assassination
of JFK in Dallas, and he supervised them during Watergate. From the time
of the JFK assassination on, George Bush Sr. was a “Made” man. From
that point on, he lived a charmed political life, getting bailed out of
every failure, being constantly picked up and set back on the road to the
White House. Membership in the CIA, or even Skull and Bones, does not
explain the extraordinary events of Bush's political career, events that
indicate support from an invisible and sinister power elite. George Bush
Sr. became the Harris County Republican party chairman in 1962. It might
be considered a useless provocation to observe that Hitler was an
agent of German army intelligence when he was sent to organize the Nazi
party (information which is available on Microsoft Encarta). Except that
the same wealthy family, (Thyssen) that helped to create Hitler and
financed his rise to power was intimately connected with the Bush
family. So that for George Bush to be working for the CIA and the
Republican party at the same time would not be particularly original; and
perhaps even predictable, given his family ties, and the wholesale
recruitment of former Nazi intelligence operatives into the CIA at the end
of WWII. In 1963, weeks before the JFK assassination, Bush announced for
the Senate. He won the Republican nomination for Senate, but lost
the general election. That might have been the end of his political
career. But in 1966, the darkest and most evil political figure in
recent history (except for Bush), Richard Nixon intervened in Texas
politics and helped secure Bush's nomination for a congressional district
so solidly Republican he could not lose (according to that radical
font of conspiratorial rantings, Microsoft Encarta). How would
Nixon, the two time loser from California, have even known Bush, who by
his own account had spent the previous fifteen years running around the
Caribbean? How do they connect? And why should Nixon choose to help
Bush in a fight with other Republicans for the party nomination? These are
reasonable questions. Nixon was touring the country in 1966, attempting to
secure the support of the right-wing power elites for his 1968
presidential campaign. That is, he was selling himself; promising to
be the loyal servant of the darkest forces on the planet. So, the
apparent connection between Bush and Nixon in 1963, is that Nixon wanted
to prove the value of his services to these dark forces, and those
dark forces wanted Bush promoted. So Nixon promoted Bush. But why?
What had Bush had done to earn the commitment of those dark forces to his
political ascension? It's a fair question. And it is a question that will
come up over and over again. Because Bush AGAIN ran for Senate in 1970 and
AGAIN he lost. And again Nixon resurrected him, this time making Bush
United Nations ambassador, and then ambassador to China. With no
credentials. With no proven abilities except as a loser. Why? Again,
common sense demands an explanation of what Bush had done to earn the
commitment of those dark forces to his political ascension., despite
all the failings in his career. The obvious answer is that he played
a sufficiently important role in the JFK assassination to win acceptance
by a real dark power elite. This is supported, as we have seen, by a
wealth of information. One solution answers all questions. George Bush Sr.
killed Kennedy Sr. as his initiation into this dark circle of devils. The
devils promised him he would be president of the USA. They didn’t lie.
Let's talk about initiation into inner circles. If I am going to let you
into my super secret society of killers, where we are going to reveal our
darkest secrets and discuss our future and past crimes, your initiation
has to include committing a crime at least as serious as what you’re
going to learn about us; so that we have as much on you as you will have
on us. Two-way blackmail is no mail. Bush killed Kennedy. They made him
president. You may have noticed that George Bush Jr. has, since the
death of JFK Jr., led a similarly charmed life. Despite his stunning lack
of experience, despite his drug and alcohol-ridden past, despite his
previous losses in his first run for congress and then in New
Hampshire, despite an opponent in John McCain who is incomparably strong
where Bush is weakest, despite all his personal and intellectual failings,
George Bush Jr. is clearly the anointed candidate of a fabulously wealthy
power elite. But again, why was it worth hundreds of millions of dollars
to support Bush over McCain? What could he have done to win such
commitment from the dark forces of oil, tobacco, and guns? WHAT???
How’s this for an answer? He did the same thing his dad did to win a
charmed political life: He helped kill a Kennedy. Bush Sr. killed
JFK Sr. in order to prove himself a true fascist and worthy of the support
of wealthiest fascists in this country. George Jr. was required to do
likewise. More Bush and CIA When he was vice-president, Bush surrounded
himself with CIA “experts” in mass murder. He could have surrounded
himself with naked interns. It was a choice. He made it. It counts. It has
meaning. Donald Gregg, Oliver North, and Felix Rodriguez worked out of
Bush’s office and answered directly to him. They supervised a wild
campaign of murder, sabotage, and terror against the civilian populations
of Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador, slaughtering hundreds of
thousands of innocent civilians, including Jesuit priests, nuns, and
archbishop Romero. This is really no small point. Donald Gregg, Felix
Rodriguez, and Oliver North, were all veteran CIA officers from
Operation Phoenix in Vietnam. Operation Phoenix involved snatching,
virtually at random, a “suspected” communist sympathizer from the
population, and interrogating them to death. CIA admits that no one
ever survived these interrogations. Any one or any village that a “suspect”
named while being tortured would become the new “suspect.” Bush not
only brought these butchers to Central America, he brought them to
the White House and installed them in his office. Bush claimed he was “out
of the loop” of Iran-Contra (ridiculous!). However, Bush’s appointment
calendar revealed 17 scheduled meetings with Felix Rodriguez.
Neither Bush nor anyone else at CIA can explain the intimacy of the
relationship between these two men. They cannot explain it, because their
relationship developed during the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, when Bush was
Rodriguez's immediate supervisor. To explain the relationship would be to
expose Bush's perjury, when he testified before Congress in 1974
that he had never been in the CIA. In this case, the smoking gun of the
Hoover memo resolves a major enigma in the circumstances surrounding
Bush's vice-presidential relationship with Felix Rodriguez: they were war
buddies from the Bay of Pigs, if not from the Kennedy assassination.
POINTS OF INTEREST Who is the CIA? Not all rich people are completely
evil. They don’t all see mass murder of the population as an acceptable
option when poor hard working people demand justice. However, the
multi-billionaires who control the CIA are clearly fascist. And who are
they? Probably the best way to get a true answer is to ask, “Who does
the CIA serve?” For example, who was the CIA working for when they
overthrew Mossadeq, the popularly elected President of Iran in 1952, and
replaced him with a king? Whose interests were the CIA serving? Not the
democratic people of the United States. Certainly not the people of Iran.
They were working for Standard Oil and Chase Manhattan Bank, which
is to say that they were working for the Rockefeller family, which
controls both. They wanted to control the oil and they did. At an enormous
cost to the people of Iran. . Who's interests were the CIA serving when
they overthrew the President of Guatemala in 1952, and replaced him with a
bloody military dictatorship? United Fruit company, largely owned by the
Rockefellers. When the CIA killed the President of the United States, who
were they working for? They were working for devils. And every time we let
them get away unpunished, we pay an enormous price. America has been
haunted by a murderously evil specter for at least 40 years. JFK was
murdered, 80% of the American people think it was a conspiracy, but
we can't do anything about bringing the murderers to justice.
Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Bobby Kennedy were murdered, but no one
who studies the facts can conclude that the murderers have been
brought to justice. There are mountains of credible evidence that
the CIA flew plane-loads of cocaine into the US and funneled it into the
inner city. But no one has even been investigated, although hundreds of
thousands of Black and Latino street dealers and users are rotting
in prison. It is time to drive a stake through the heart of the dark
family of vampires that have been sucking the life-blood of America. This
article is a step in that direction. What can I do? Buy a T-shirt. Tell
your friends to to to JFKII.com or KillingGeorgeBush.com. Buy them a
T-shirt Note from the editor: I accepted the idea that both parties
were the same back in 1968. So I refused to help Herbert Humphrey get
elected. I sat back and watched Nixon win. And then I watched him wage
ware against the civilian population of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.
1,000,000 dead. I refused to help Carter and sat back and watched
Reagan win. And watched him wage a massive war of extermination on the
civilians of Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. 100,000 dead
at least. I sat back in 1988 and watched Bush win, and watched him wage a
drug war on the black and brown people of Los Angeles, flying it in
cocaine in transport planes, directing it into the inner city, training
the dropouts to make crack factories, and driving the murder rate up ten
times. The murder rate is down 90%. I like it that way. 2,000,000
are in prison. But I’m not sitting back. Gore may not be the guy you
want but he’s not a demon from hell. And if you sit back and let him
win, don’t let me find out, ‘cause I’m gonna be pissed.
George W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, was associated with Nazis
and Nazi-supporters in nearly every aspect of his life and work. Before
and during WWII, Prescott worked so closely with the Nazi banking
establishment that on November 7, 1942, his assets were seized under the
"Trading With the Enemy Act", as Nazi assets. That is, the
federal government determined that he was working so closely for the
Nazis that stock held in Bush’s name, and the entire company for which
he was the director, were Nazi assets. The order specified: “all of
which shares are held for the benefit of ...members of the Thyssen family.”
(Office of Alien Property Custodian Vesting Order Number 248, signed by
Leo T. Crowley, Alien Property Custodian, executed October 20, 1942;
F.R.Doc. 42-11568; filed November 6, 1942. 7 Fed. Reg. 9097 (November 7,
1942) Cited in The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush found at http://www.padrak.com/alt/BUSHBOOK.html
The Thyssens were the earliest and most enthusiastic of Hitler’s
supporters, aiding him even before he was the leader of the Nazi party.
(Fritz Thyssen, “I Paid Hitler”, 1941, reprinted in Port Washington,
N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1972. p.133) There are real forces of evil in the
US. They helped bring Hitler to power. And Prescott Bush, George W’s
grandfather, was right in the middle of the plans to create Hitler. The
history of the robbers barons that the Bushes serve is almost ridiculously
evil. They were war profiteers during the Civil War. General Custer, who
was a genuine hero of that war, was, under their influence, diverted
from fighting for democracy in Mexico and sent to slaughter Native
Americans for the benefit of the mining and railroad interests. They
turned machine guns on American women and children during the Homestead
strike. Recent scholarship (available in nearly any recent-edition
encyclopedia) has revealed that while Hitler was in the army, he was
recruited by German army intelligence as a secret agent. He was sent to
school and taught anti-Semitism (He had to be taught since his father was
half Jewish. This is not radical scholarship. It is the most basic
stuff.) and given intensive speech lessons. He was then sent to organize
the Nazi party. Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist who paid for
all of this, was conducting intimate conferences with Averell
Harriman at this time. Harriman was not only a fabulously wealthy banker,
he was also the employer of Prescott Bush (and later, his son George
Bush Sr.), as well as Allan Dulles, the future founding head of the CIA.
And he put all of them to work helping finance the Nazis. The Duponts,
Rockefellers, Fords, and Harrimans were huge in establishing the racist
eugenics movement in this country, directly providing Hitler with
pre-fabricated racist propaganda supported with phony “science.”
While people were literally starving in England, France, and the USA,
General Motors, Ford, and Standard Oil built factories in Nazi Germany,
which gave an enormous artificial boost to the Nazi economy, allowed
Hitler to appear an “economic genius”, and all of them cranked out war
materiel at top speed. Hard to believe? You ain't heard nothin' yet.
The Rockefellers, through their German subsidiary, funded the elite
SS from its birth and into 1944, while the SS was supervising mass murder
at the death camps. There are numerous references to the fact that
Hitler feared the SS. And with good cause. Shortly after Hitler came to
power, the SS wiped out the leadership of the Brown Shirts, Hitler’s
oldest friends and supporters, his working class henchmen. Hitler survived
at the pleasure of the SS. And whose interests was Hitler serving
when he allowed the SS set up the death camps? Not the Nazi's.
Transporting Jews was a serious detriment to the war effort. The
amount of resources, coal in particular, consumed in firing the ovens, is
astounding. It is unthinkable that Hitler would begin diverting such
resources at the very time when it first appeared that he might lose
the war. If he won the war, he could dispose of the Jews at his leisure.
But he jeopardized the war effort. Why? After displaying apparent
"genius" in his rise to power, rebuilding a destroyed
economy and war machine, and conquering most of Europe, he suddenly
went nuts? Here's a hint. According to the L.A. Times of 5/15/99, the
Paris offices of Chase Manhattan Bank (the Rockefellers) "froze
Jewish accounts before the Nazis ordered them to do so." The
Rockefellers advised Hitler to “order” them to freeze the assets, and
Hitler complied. And when the Jews died, the banks and insurance
companies kept the billions of dollars these Jewish people had invested.
So what did Hitler get out of the costly extermination? Well, he got to
avoid being murdered being murdered by the Rockefeller funded SS
like the rest of his comrades in the Brown Shirts. And on top of that he
either got a) nothing, or b) the Rockefellers (owners of Chase Manhattan
and Standard Oil and Mobil, and partners with IG Farben at Auschwitz), and
their fellow Nazis in the USA, promised that in return for the Holocaust,
they would use their influence over the US government and the military to
prevent an invasion of Europe for nearly two and one-half years. Which
they did. The only evidence for that “promise” is circumstantial. But
how else do you explain Hitler’s suddenly insane diversion of resources,
his sudden reversal of his ten-year old policy of deporting Jews
(actually, deportations continued on up to the very end of the war), and
the 2.5 year delay by the US in invading Europe?? As mentioned above,
Standard Oil’s contributions to the Nazi war effort were absolutely
vital. After Roosevelt’s death, these monsters took control of the State
department, the military, and the CIA. (Charles Higham, Trading With the
Enemy, N.Y.: Delacorte Press, 1983, pp. 20-22) (Anthony Sutton, “Wall
Street and the Rise of Hitler” (Seal Beach: ’76 Press, 1976) Hitler
literally could not have made war without the help of his allies/creators
in America. Hitler received enormous, indispensable, and really
unbelievable support from the most powerful elements in the country
including Ford, Dupont, and GM. The Rockefellers’ Standard Oil provided
Hitler's war machine with a patent for synthetic rubber, which was
kept secret from the US military even after Pearl Harbor. The US was
desperate for such a formula. Standard Oil provided the Nazi's with
numerous other patents critical to their war effort, and owned a
half-interest in the death camp at Auschwitz, together with their partner,
IG Farben. A 1943 IG Farben special report pointed out that without the
gasoline additive tetraethyl supplied by Standard Oil, “the war
effort would have been impossible.” (Charles Higham, Trading With the
Enemy, N.Y.: Delacorte Press, 1983, p.216)"This is not Copyrighted in
U.S. or anywhere’s else, and anybody caught usin’ it without our
permission, will be mighty good friends of ourn, cause we don't give a
dern. Publish it. Write it. Sing it. Swing to it. Yodel it. We wrote it,
that's all we wanted to do."