Post by guitargaz on Aug 25, 2006 at 8:59pm
hey GG, were you aware the 2nd Pepperpots
album was released on cd in Estonia? It sounds pretty good (sonically).
It's not ripped from a record as far as I can tell.
I must try and get hold of it - my stepmother is over from Florida at Christmas - she may have the albums still.
don't mean to demean anyone's quest for the truth here - there is
obviously something that has rang a bell with people - hey I have at
times doubted that men actually landed on the moon so I'm not averse to a
conspiracy theory. I just think that Paul is so much the same person
now as he was then - its in the eyes mostly. You couldn't find a bigger
Beatles fan than me and I have been watching them on film and TV since
they started. I have never detected any difference in Paul - I think
John changed more and the later period John looked very different from
the early period John. But Paul has always been Paul. I presume the
story was put about - possibly by Brian Chalmers and/or others to
discredit or undermine Paul by making him a sort of joke - but it seems
to have been perpetuated somehow as if people want to believe it. It is
an interesting phenomenon. Why someone would want to do this is perhaps
more interesting - and is a better thoery to follow than than the myth
Post by on Aug 25, 2006 at 9:16pm
"Why someone would want to do this is perhaps more interesting - and is a better theory to follow than than the myth itself."
Exactly! ;D
But, as JoJo has already mentioned, we don't think of it as "mythical" here, for the most part.
The funny thing is: It is!
But not quite in the way you meant it, Guitargaz.
Again, thank you so much for your input!
Post by DarkHorse on Aug 25, 2006 at 9:16pm
Post by eyesbleed on Aug 25, 2006 at 9:39pm
...and there's this thread right here with a few good comparisons.
probably just haven't looked thru enough photos for it to "click". ya
probably never had a reason to want to do that in the first place... But
there does seem to be at least 2 guys.
It's very easy to tell the difference once ya know what to look for.
This isn't a PID forum, so much as a Paul was replaced forum.
( I lean toward PID myself,but that's beside the point.)
We're just a bunch of folks who have noticed somethin' "funny" goin' on with "Paul"... or the "Pauls".
There was a lot goin' on behind the scenes for sure.
This seems to be the never-ending mystery coz the more we look into stuff, the more questions arise.
Post by revolver on Aug 25, 2006 at 9:52pm
Gary, we understand the reluctance to accept
that PWR, but these two fades from the above site are good introductory
ones for skeptics. Do those really look like the same guy? We think
Post by guitargaz on Aug 26, 2006 at 6:26am
Sorry but I just don't see it - maybe Paul
has had plastic surgery (and thats the difference) but apart from a
different hair style which does make him look different, I don't buy the
height thing at all - your examples don't convince me at all that he
was taller. Photos and perspective all play tricks - maybe there is
something going on but the "evidence" provided is unconvincing. I am
very open minded - and I always thought he did look different from the
old Paul - round about Penny Lane time - but they all changed. I think
drugs drink and age played their part. I would love this to be true as
we all need mysteries - but I just don't think that there is enough here
to go on. I think Paul changed from being a boy to being a man. He went
through different looks. But I don't think your evidence from photos
proves he is an imposter. But thats just me and I'm not in denial - I
hated Macca in the late 70's and 80's for musical reasons - but we all
love him now. I don't think he is an imposter but I'd love someone to
prove it!
Post by eyesbleed on Aug 26, 2006 at 8:00am
but I just don't see it - maybe Paul has had plastic surgery (and thats
the difference) but apart from a different hair style which does make
him look different, I don't buy the height thing at all - your examples
don't convince me at all that he was taller. Photos and perspective all
play tricks - maybe there is something going on but the "evidence"
provided is unconvincing. I am very open minded - and I always thought
he did look different from the old Paul - round about Penny Lane time -
but they all changed. I think drugs drink and age played their part. I
would love this to be true as we all need mysteries - but I just don't
think that there is enough here to go on. I think Paul changed from
being a boy to being a man. He went through different looks. But I don't
think your evidence from photos proves he is an imposter. But thats
just me and I'm not in denial - I hated Macca in the late 70's and 80's
for musical reasons - but we all love him now. I don't think he is an
imposter but I'd love someone to prove it!
no problem GG. We don't require that ya agree with us; just having an
open mind is good enough. We'd love for ya to hang around if ya have a
mind to.
As a group, we're kinda split down the middle concerning PID.
of us aren't convinced JPM died in 66, but we do tend to agree that JPM
had a replacement. Was it permanent or temporary? That's part of the
But anyway, we're glad to have ya & I appreciate your contributions
Post by DarkHorse on Aug 26, 2006 at 3:48pm
If the physical evidence page didn't convince you, nothing probably will.
Just so know, we really appreciate you clearing up the Bill Sheppard/Pepperpots issue for us. 
Post by TotalInformation on Aug 27, 2006 at 12:04am
Hmm, I have another question for Shepherd fils, if he would be so kind as to attend to the query backlog...
is it that the Pepperpots released "Don't Tell Me You Don't Know" as a
single? Was that common for knockoff bands? This actually charted...
BTW - did Shepherd pere ever say anything about in-jokes, double
entendre, hidden meanings, etc in any of the Pepperpot albums? (I.e.,
or did he consider it all purely one-dimensional, acreative dreck?)
I suppose that's more than one question...
Post by guitargaz on Aug 27, 2006 at 8:38am
How is it that the Pepperpots released
"Don't Tell Me You Don't Know" as a single? Was that common for knockoff
bands? This actually charted...
And, BTW - did Shepherd pere
ever say anything about in-jokes, double entendre, hidden meanings, etc
in any of the Pepperpot albums? (I.e., or did he consider it all purely
one-dimensional, acreative dreck?)
Sorry - I can't help with
this - we never spoke much about this other than it was a cash in and
not taken seriously - I think they were asked to do it and treated it as
fun. Whether any royalties came in I'm not sure - I suspect they were
just paid a session fee. I will try and get hold of the records as I
haven't really heard them - and I would know my Dad's voice within a
blend of voices. If there were jokes it was nothing to do with the
Beatles/Paul replacement thing. I didn't know the single charted either.
Unfortunately he died before this seemed to be a subject of interest -
although he would have been hugely amused by it all. By the way he was
only about 5'7" or 5'8" so he didn't fit the profile of Paul's
replacement anyway.
Post by guitargaz on Aug 27, 2006 at 8:48am
If the physical evidence page didn't convince you, nothing probably will.
offence - I don't think the physical evidence is that strong - having
seen and read about all the Lee Harvey Oswald doctoring of photos and
the analysis done, the analysis here can only seem amateurish (and that
is not an insult as I'm sure a lot of work has gone into it) - but I'm
not any kind of expert - I think to take this seriously there must be no
prospect of photos not being properly compared (perspective and
size/distance) - and I think its shaky what I have seen so far - but
that doesn't mean there isn't a mystery here. Its been a story I've
lived with for many years - I remember how ridiculous it seemed to most
people when the first conspiracy theories over the Kennedy assassination
first became known - but the evidence later became compelling (even if
further scientific advances mean that this evidence has been somewhat
disproved). So keep up the investigation - a proper scientific look at
this would clear up what has obviously been compelling many people for
Post by eyesbleed on Aug 27, 2006 at 9:48am
offence - I don't think the physical evidence is that strong - having
seen and read about all the Lee Harvey Oswald doctoring of photos and
the analysis done, the analysis here can only seem amateurish (and that
is not an insult as I'm sure a lot of work has gone into it) - but I'm
not any kind of expert - I think to take this seriously there must be no
prospect of photos not being properly compared (perspective and
size/distance) - and I think its shaky what I have seen so far - but
that doesn't mean there isn't a mystery here. Its been a story I've
lived with for many years - I remember how ridiculous it seemed to most
people when the first conspiracy theories over the Kennedy assassination
first became known - but the evidence later became compelling (even if
further scientific advances mean that this evidence has been somewhat
disproved). So keep up the investigation - a proper scientific look at
this would clear up what has obviously been compelling many people for
No offense taken GG.
of us have looked at so many pics, we've gotten very good at tellin'
them apart, although there are periods of time when it's much harder to
tell who's who .... hence the "PWR not PID" argument.
(There's also a distinct difference in the vocals btw.)
Hard physical evidence would be a jewel of a find, but ya know those bones were buried a long time ago.
went to a lot of trouble to search out a certain issue of Reveille
that has a pic of "Bill" walkin' thru the airport all bandaged up from
plastic surgery, with the headline "What's Wrong With Paul?"
& we're pretty sure we found THE issue... ya know why? That page was missing!
have been reports that when "Paul" got busted for weed in Japan, the
fingerprints didn't match up at first.... but this is just one report in
one newspaper.... never to be mentioned again.
Now wouldn't that be a jewel of a find!
After all the work to find that issue of Reveille, somebody was way ahead of us.
accept yer conclusion GG, & I'm not gonna make a habit of this
HONEST!... but you really don't see 2 different people here?
(just this once)

If ya only see one person.. the Macca Funhouse crew's gonna LOVE you!! ;D
GG, if ya can't find that Pepperpots cd, you can download it. The
link's somewhere around here.... & I've scanned the cd's cover front
& back also & posted those images. Sorry I'm not prepared with a
link right to it.
I got my original cd on ebay... a company in Estonia has officially released the cd. (who woulda thunk it :P)
Post by on Aug 27, 2006 at 11:44am
Post by DarkHorse on Aug 27, 2006 at 12:33pm
EB, your example is better than fades in
many ways. I think the average person has a distrust of fades because it
is technological and therefore could be tampered with.
Post by on Aug 27, 2006 at 2:33pm
Thank you, DH. You know that I take this subject very seriously. ;D
Post by eyesbleed on Aug 27, 2006 at 5:14pm
Oooops... my bad....I don't think the links
& pics for the cd are in a an area that you can access.... if it is,
I can't find it.
Maybe I didn't look hard enough.....
But here's
the scans to the cd cover etc & I'll betcha one of us can get you
the download links for the cd-quality tracks if you want us to.

Post by noodles on Aug 28, 2006 at 5:29am
is it that the Pepperpots released "Don't Tell Me You Don't Know" as a
single? Was that common for knockoff bands? This actually charted...
Post by noodles on Aug 28, 2006 at 7:17am
There surely must be a few more pictures knocking about in which faux Paul is showing his real ears. Anyone have any?

Post by guitargaz on Aug 28, 2006 at 8:05am
Maybe I didn't look hard enough..... But
here's the scans to the cd cover etc & I'll betcha one of us can
get you the download links for the cd-quality tracks if you want us to.
is great - I'd love to get the cd download if anyone can find me a link
- I'll check with my stepmother as to whether any royalties come her
way from thes compositions. Thanks for all this - it is fascinating
reading all the theories.
Post by on Aug 28, 2006 at 11:18am
Noodles, I'm going through all of my photobuckets to see what I can come up with.
we try our best to do comparisons by using early photos of the Paul
replacement(s). I will date the photos of the replacement to the best of
my ability.
Paul, 1964/65 
Faul 1967, wearing his fake ears 
Faul, with his natural ears - during the filming of MMT - 1967  
Another photo of Faul with his natural ears, 1967 
Faul, with his fake ears sometime in the early 1970's:

Paul, circa 1963
far as there being a great resemblance between Paul & his
replacement(s), isn't that the whole idea ? Anyone who has seen Legends
In Concert knows that there are many people making a living
impersonating celebrities.
Bill has taken it one step further, by taking over that celebrity's life !
For those of us who forget, the TRUE Beatles - holding their MBE's - 1965:
The difference in the faces of John & George from 1965 to 1967 speaks VOLUMES.
Post by revolver on Aug 29, 2006 at 3:25pm
Guitargaz, here's one more thing to check
out before you completely rule out Paul being replaced. This is JoJo's
compilation video that switches between a '66 Beatles press conference,
and a '67 BBC TV interview of "Paul". (My avatar was made from two
stills of this video.) Remember, these were recorded less than a year
Post by noodles on Aug 29, 2006 at 4:28pm
Noodles, I'm going through all of my photobuckets to see what I can come up with.
think it was you that found several of the interesting ear pictures
I've seen lili so I'm sure you can find some more. You seem to have a
knack for it.
is one of my favourites. There seem to be several of these Beatles
Monthly pictures where they just thought '"Sod it!!" and painted the ear
His teeth look like freshly molded plastic too.
Post by jerriwillmore on Aug 31, 2006 at 9:37pm
Post by on Sep 1, 2006 at 11:56am
That could very well be, Jerri. The best way to get anywhere in the music business is by knowing someone. 
Post by on Sep 22, 2006 at 9:02pm
I'd never heard the Pepperpots, so a friend sent me the music on MORE MERSEYMANIA, and....
I liked it! 
Call me crazy, but "I Don't Need You" could have been a hit if it hadn't sounded like it was recorded in a tin can!
My only regret is that I haven't heard "Jericho" from their first album. 
But I have to say, NO ONE on that album sounds like Paul OR Faul, so clearly he must have come
from somewhere else. What I did notice was how similar they were in style and music
to Gary Lewis and the Playboys. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that there's a connection there somehow.
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