by Ray
Part II
The concept of money and credit creation was
developed in ancient Babylon. Once relative values were placed on commodities,
(like cattle, grains or craft) silver and gold became established as a store
of values and a convenient means of exchange. In order to guarantee the safety
of their wealth, Nimrod, the priest-king, offered the temple vaults and
protection of the gods as security for the treasure of his citizens. Observing
that the bulk of deposits remained in the vaults at any one time, he developed
the lucrative concept of Fractional Reserve Banking. This device was the key
to unparalleled prosperity and unbounded influence. Nimrod explained and
franchised his scheme to certain illuminated Adepts, (today’s bankers) who
were licensed to take deposits and lend gold from the temple vaults at around
20% interest. Nimrod's next innovation was to issue clay tablet receipts in
the value of the gold, and sealed with the high priest's signet as legal
tender - precursor of today's paper money. Safer and easier to carry than
bullion, it quickly gained acceptance and still has ancient Babylon’s mark
upon it.
It is no coincidence that the
Great Seal together with
the reverse - the insignia of the Order of the Illuminati, plainly appear
together on the reverse side of all U.S. one-dollar notes (clearly designated
as Federal Reserve Notes) and have done for nearly seventy
years. The first time it appeared was in 1933, by order of U.S. President
Franklin D. Roosevelt, at the beginning of the New Deal - the name given to
Roosevelt's political reforms of that time.
Interestingly enough, the reverse has
never been cut and used as a seal even though it is designated quite plainly

The obverse is on the
left with the reverse on the right. Note the “Star of David” design of the
star cluster above the eagle’s head, a pattern of which was never intended by
the original designer C L Totten ( refer to:The Cult of the All Seeing Eye).
The illustration right is a typical example of the symbolic root base at the
heart of the disguised pictographic form of the emblem of the Illuminati.
In “The Reverse Side of the Seal of the
United States and its Symbolism” Lang comments:
“The reverse side must have been designed by a
mystic, one well versed in symbolism…. all true Theosophists aught to be able
to see the connecting link between true Theosophy and the reverse side of the
Seal …. the time will come when the white headstone (capstone) of our
government…. in the proclaiming of a new religion in which all spiritual
currents flowing from every other religion shall meet in the perfection of the
white stone, having neither
dogma nor doctrine.”
The “Ancients” claimed that
God works by mathematics.
Their belief system was a strange confusion of religion, astrology, alchemy,
physical and mental science, and mathematics. The Pythagoreans however,
believed that the source of all truth was hidden in geometric symbolism, with
the triangle especially as the most “sacred” of all symbols, where the ternary
(3) and certain multiples thereof, were regarded as the key to unlocking all
“hidden wisdom.” There are a variety of numbers that hold secret significance
within occult circles today and amongst the most common are 3, 4, 6, 9, 13,
33, 36 &
The ancients also believed
that numbers had formative powers. Pythagoras is reputed to have declared
that "Numbers rule the universe." Plato said, "God ever geometrizes."
The modern mathematician Jacoi expressed his own belief that "God ever
The Babylonians, who
invented the Zodiac, considered each of the twelve signs to rule over the
twelve months of the year. In the Zodiac there are
6 houses that the sun passes through during the day
and 6 during the night. Each house
is divided up into 3 rooms. So there are 36 rooms in the Zodiac, as the
Babylonians believed there were 36 magnifications of the sun and thus 36
separate gods, all different revelations of the “Sun-god.”
"In symbolism, numbers are not merely the expressions
of quantities; but idea-forces, each with a particular character of its own."
(J. E. Cirlot, "A Dictionary of
Symbols", p. 220) "The very numbers you use in counting are more than you
take them to be. They are at the same time mythological elements, but you are
certainly unaware of this when you use numbers for a practical purpose."
(Carl Jung, "Man and His Symbols", p. 40)
Presently, let us concentrate on just one
specific and perhaps THE most important identifying mark on the reverse of the
Great Seal, referred to as the “spiritual side” of the seal. – MDCCLXXVI,
which represents 1776 in Roman numerals. In Hebrew and Greek, all letters
have numerical value, but the Romans used only six numerals: D=500, C=100,
L=50, X=10, V=5, I=1. These six letters add up to
666, (The Roman numeral M was not used to
denote thousands until the second century AD). You will now see how cleverly
and subtly, occult numerology and geometry is woven into this seal.
put three triangles in a row - starting with M, place the Roman numerals
representing 1776 in the exact sequence of top, bottom left and bottom right,
at the corners of the triangles, and you get an amazing revelation. We can
see that the top row of numerals M C X adds up to 1110. The
bottom row of numericals is in perfect Roman numeral order, D C L X V I
and where DC = six hundred,
LX =
threescore, and VI = six
- 666. What does all this mean?
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his
number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
(Rev. 13:18).
It is interesting that only
the King James Version of the Bible
translates the number as six hundred, threescore and six, when later
versions write the number as 666. Notice how this verse refers to a number
of a man, not just a title, a role or a system. It is the name of the
beast referring to a MAN. Also in Greek, the number is a man’s number,
literally - "is a man" and "the number of him" is
kosioi hexakonta hex,
these are words of numerals which are in 3 groups:
6x10’s=60, and
adding up to
There may be special significance that this is written out this way that may
assist us in this study, where any speculation based on triple six, reflects
only today's way of writing it and it may have nothing to do with the
real biblical number.
The Greek and Hebrew letters
are also numbers, where the “Gematria” is the adding up or "counting" the
numerical equivalent of each letter in a word or name. This was fairly common
in the days long before alphabetical numbers existed. On the walls of ancient
Pompeii for example, someone wrote:
"I love her whose number is 545,"
this way the loved one could decipher that it only applied to her, but for
strangers it was almost impossible to find out which one out of the many Greek
girls’ names was meant.
We must remember that almost
two millennia have passed since the last books of the NT were completed. Even
if we share the same basic Christian faith as the original writers, readers
and hearers, we live in a vastly different cultural and intellectual
environment. A tendency to read the texts through our modern eyes makes us
susceptible to modern prejudices and anachronisms; even in something as simple
as how a particular number is to be represented as the original author

The "magic square (talisman) of the sun,"
(shown above) was one of the most important symbols used to represent the sun
in antiquity, because of all the symbolism involving the “perfect” number "6."
There are six sides to a cube, the numbers 1, 2, and 3, when added or
multiplied together are equal to "6." The square was "magic" because the sum
of any row, column, or diagonal was uniquely equal to the number "111," and
that the sum of the numbers from 1-36 added to 666.
Another mystical counting system
can also be graphically represented by the full Pythagorean “Tetraktys,” where
there are 36 rows of dots starting with one dot at the top and ending with 36
dots at the bottom. Together, this forms a triangle, and it also represents a
simple system of harmonic counting. When we summarize all the dots in the
triangle together, we come to that same cornerstone 'solar' number, that of
In “Apocalypse
Unsealed” by Robert F. Riggs, a respected Baha'i Faith teacher says:
“ In the Pythagorean system of number symbolism, 36 symbolizes the union of
the male and female powers of nature, being the sum of 16 and 20. The number
16 is the sum of the first four odd (male) numbers (1+3+5+7), while 20 is the
sum of the first four even (female) numbers (2+4+6+8). Plato considered 36 to
be the number of the World Soul.”\
The old Babylonian numbering and monetary
system was sexagesimal, that is, based upon six or sixty. They had sixty
“cents” to their “dollar”. In fact we still use the old Babylonian system for
example to measure time; sixty seconds to the minute, sixty minutes to the
hour. And it is also reflected on our modern maps and compasses - there are
still 360 degrees in a circle after all. Also the NEW Babylon’s (America’s)
numbering and monetary system is centesimal, based on multiples of ten. By
decoding the Roman numerals on the Great Seal, representing 1776, we find both
the old Babylonian and the new modern American systems of exchange.
Mathematically, 1110 old Babylonian dollars are equal to
666 American (New Babylonian) dollars.
(0.6 x 1110 = 666) – These two figures, 1110 & 666
are skilfully codified into the number 1776 – the founding of the
American Republic and the beginning of America as the Biblical “Babylon the
Great” together with its “Mystery Religion.”
Is it mere coincidence that the rapidly
degenerating society of today’s America reflects that of ancient Babylonia?
From her ever-increasing anti-Christian laws, her monetary system with its
associated Usury and all its devastating consequences, together with its
immoral Freemasonic religion that has totally corrupted her leaders - she
mimics Biblical Babylon in every possible way. Is it also coincidental that
the United Nation's religion is identical in spirit to that of ANCIENT NIMROD
and that the UN, together with the United States openly stands for GLOBAL
GOVERNMENT? Is pushing for all its worth to implement its New World Order,
and wants the world to totally embrace an ancient religious belief system that
is contrary to the true God in every way and that it will ultimately lead to
the second death and to eternal damnation?
The Triangle is used in every degree of
Freemasonry as a representation of their satanic deity (written as G-D, or YOD).
They use the Triangle in the form of jewels, furniture, aprons, grips, signs,
and emblems. The Royal Arch, and the Royal & Select Council uses the Triangle
for the Scottish Rite, including The Order of the Knights Templar and The
Order of the Eastern Star for women. (Interestingly the Triangle is also
referred to as a “Vehicle of god,” - which has important UFO connotations, but
more on that later)
To those who practice the magic
arts, the Ternary, or number three (3) is the first sacred number, the
first perfect number and it represents the counterfeit Pagan
“Trinity." It is represented geometrically as the triangle, and spiritually
as the Third Eye Of Illuminism/Hinduism – this “third eye,” is usually
designated by Hindu practitioners as a red dot clearly marked upon the

“THE LOST WORLD OF FREEMASONRY” by Dr Ali Peter Ezzahir “The
Tetraktys is a triangular figure consisting of rows of one, two, three, and
four dots. It was as important to the Pythagoreans as the Cross-is to
Christians, for it symbolised the four elements- earth, air, fire, and water.
The first four numbers also symbolised the harmony of the spheres and added up
to ten, which was unity of a higher order. It is said that initiates were
required to swear a secret oath by the Tetraktys when they began their three
years of silence as novices, and they even prayed to it . . . Tetraktys has a
very mystic and varied significance. It is sometimes called the "Mystic
Tetrad". It was used in the Jewish Cabbala to represent the Name of God.
Cabbalists believe that the Tetraktys is to be understood in regard to the
cabbalistic numerology attached to the tetrad of the Holy Name Yahweh "YHWH.”
In the Cabbala, the Tetragrammaton, the ineffable, unpronounceable (Jewish)
name of G-d is transliterated "YHWH" or "YHVH" and is pronounced "Yahweh" or
"Jehovah,” –
the god of the Cabbalists. -
Satan to the initiated
The four letters refer respectively to the
four "elements" of
in the order named.

It will be observed that there are 60 degrees
in each corner of an equilateral triangle. Each angle, therefore, is the
equivalent of the Heb. -Chaldee Samech – S; symbol of the devil and the
serpent. We also observe that the Heb-Chaldee Vav is a V and 6 and that
the Greek S - Stigma is the symbol for 6. Some secret societies
frequently place SSS in each corner of a triangle. Sorath, is spelt in
Hebrew: Samech, Vau, Resh , Tau -
having the numerical value 60 + 6 + 200 + 400 =
666. The Sun-Demon, Sorath, is the inspirer of black magic.
In ancient mythology, becoming like the
“gods” was viewed in terms of the seemingly unattainable and immortal “secret
wisdom.” However in the Genesis account, it is clearly understood in terms of
disobedience by Eve, where she was deceived by the Serpent into believing that
she could be “like God” and able to distinguish between “good and evil.” A
strict prohibition by the Creator, the volitional disobedience of which led to
the expulsion of both Adam and Eve from paradise, as God held Adam responsible
for the actions of his wife. John Daniel in “Scarlet
and the Beast,” writes: “The
Serpent promised Adam and Eve that their eyes would "be opened" (Genesis 3:5)
if they ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The
key word in this passage is eyes, which in Hebrew can be translated
"knowledge." Opened can be translated "broadened." What the Serpent promised
Adam and Eve was that their knowledge would be broadened if they ate of the
forbidden fruit. But the most foreboding aspect of this Scripture emerges from
the fact that the Hebrew word for "eyes" is not plural, but singular. What the
Serpent actually told Adam and Eve was that their "eye" would be broadened by
knowledge. The "eye" that Scripture wants us to consider is not the physical
organ of sight, but the eye of the mind or soul. This singular "eye" is
called the "third eye" of clairvoyance in the Hindu religion, the eye of
Osiris in Egypt, and the All-Seeing Eye in Freemasonry.”
Robert Keith Spenser on page 32 in his
classic must-read: “the Cult of the All-Seeing
Eye,” comments as follows:“Now we arrive at the point where we must
consider that all-important symbol the All-Seeing Eye. Mr. Totten traced the
history of the Eye in the triangle back to ancient Chaldea and its appearance
as the Solar Eye, the Eye of Jove or Jupiter, of Phoebus or Apollo, the Eye of
Baal and as the Eye of Providence. The Eye of Jove appeared on the front of
Jove’s temple at Peloponnessus. As the Solar Eye it was the symbol of the
Arabian god of Jethro, the black father-in-law of Moses, and of the Arabic
motto, “Allah,” or “I am that I am.” All ancient temples of Arabia were
decorated with the Eye, which had first appeared as the symbol of Osiris, Isis
and Horus and the Egyptian Sun god Ra.”

Continuing further to prove the undeniable
link between Rabbinical/Talmudic Judaism and occult sun-worship,
it appears also somewhat more than
coincidental that the words rabbi or rebbi, (those
affectionately referred to as teachers of the Talmud) commences with the
two-letter Hebrew word ra’ which when translated into English is
rendered ‘evil’ or ‘bad’, or as the “evil eye of ra.” Maloney in his
book “The Evil Eye”
links the “All-Seeing Eye” with the “Evil Eye” as a foundational teaching in
Talmudic (Cabbalistic) Judaism: “In early
Mediterranean mythologies, in Egypt, Babylonia and elsewhere – the Eye is
symbolic of the deity: Eye of Ra, Eye of Atum, Eye of Osiris,
etc. It has been argued that the Hellenes conquered the Jews and were in
turn conquered by Judaic modification of their philosophical systems. There
is much to be found in Talmudic literature involving evil spirits, evil
impulses and where the “Evil Eye” (ayin ha ra) abound in the folklore of the
Jews, that even required rabbinical legislation. The Jews of England were
forbidden to attend the coronation of Richard the Lion-heart (1189) for fear
that an evil eye might harm the crown. So feared was the purported power of
the Jew, that the German word for evil eye remains “Judenblick”
(Jews glance).”
Martin Wagner in his life’s
work “Freemasonry – An Interpretation”
under the chapter dealing with Masonic symbols and their meaning he writes:
“The All Seeing Eye is a symbol of the Masonic
deity and expresses the universal presence of the generative principal in
nature, especially as the male and female principles combined. The Masonic
deity is viewed as a sexual binary, that is that the male and female
principles are inherent in him.”
Interestingly enough, the
word "synagogue" is only used in the New Testament and where the Greek word
here is "Sunagoge." Archaeologist Zeev Weiss describes a mosaic
recently uncovered in an ancient Jewish synagogue in Sepphoris in which a
zodiac surrounds a striking portrayal of the Greek sun god Helios. Evidently
similar artwork has been discovered in synagogues at Tiberias, Khirbet Susiya,
Na'aran, Husifa, Yafia, Beit Alpha and Sephoris. The New Testament writers,
had two words to chose from when they wanted to talk about the true Church:
synagogue and ecclesia. The fact that they deliberately
chose to use ecclesia, and not synagogue, indicates
that their idea of the "church," or the body of Christ, was that of a calling
out from the evil gatherings of Talmudic Judaism, rightly described as the
“Synagogue of Satan!” (Rev. 2:9, 3;9)

Victor Ostrovsky, a former
Israeli Mossad agent and now best-selling author, became internationally
famous in 1990 when he published his first book “By Way of Deception,” which
documented the outrages committed by the Israeli Secret Service. The Mossad,
considered by intelligence experts to be the most ruthless and well-funded spy
agency in the world, doesn't take kindly to defectors, and Ostrovsky’s life
has been in danger ever since he went public with his first blockbuster book.
Logo of the Mossad:
"kee betachbulot
ta'ase lecha milchama"
Translation: "By way of
deception thou shalt do war."
The Latin words "ANNUIT COEPTIS"
translate to "Announcing the creation or beginning". Below them, "NOVUS
ORDO SECLORUM" translates to a "New secular order" with the year written
in Roman numerals at the base of the Pyramid. This insignia was duly adopted
by the U.S. Congress as the reverse of the seal of the United States on
September 15, 1789. The appearance of this emblem of the Illuminati on U.S.
one-dollar bills, meant that the followers of Weishaupt regarded their efforts
as beginning to "be crowned with success" and that they were even then, (1933)
close to total control of the U.S. Government.
The pyramid is also a symbol of the Knights
Templar of Freemasonry and a Zionist symbol
and the Hexagram (Hexalpha) is used extensively by Royal Arch Masons, which is
part of the York Rite Masonry - also a Zionist symbol. Both seals combine
symbolism of all Masonic Orders, where the Eagle is a symbol of the Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry. Masonic initiates elevated to the 33 (Luciferian)
degrees are given a "jewel" to wear - three interlocking triangles, with the
Latin inscription "Ordo Ab Chao" (Order from Chaos). Lucifer is rightly
called the "Author of Confusion." For Masonic “wisdom" teaches that out of
Chaos shall come Order – their version. Planned chaos will lead to calls from
the “mob” (the stirred-up, unenlightened masses) for more.. government
control, more.. government programs, more and more government imposed …O R
D E R.
As an interesting illustrative exercise, take
a ruler and a copy of a US one dollar note and pencil outline the pyramid with
a triangle. Now take the pyramid and draw a line under the base of the
capstone and extend it left to right extended to the A in ANNUIT and the S in
COEPTIS. Now draw lines from the end of this line down to the last O in ORDO
to then finish the Hexagram. Draw circles around all five letters to which
the Hexagram points. These letters make the word MASON.
Another interesting exercise is when the
Great Seal is overlaid with the Illuminati Crest. By doing this you will
see how the eye in the triangle symbol, matches perfectly with the centroid of
the stars within the crest, leaving an unmistakable message for the
initiated elites, clearly illustrating that Satan and the so-called “Star
of David” or more correctly
the “Double Divinity” are representative of one and the same.

To the adepts, the Pyramid is symbolic of a
mountain. A Square base represents
the four corners of the World and the four directions. Its peak rises to the
sky, piercing the heavens, where it connects Heaven and Earth. It is a path
between the worldly and the heavenly. It combines the triangular symbol and
that of the square, the sacred numbers 3 and 4. Also the word "pyramid" is
composed of the Greek words "pyra" meaning fire, light, or visible, and the
word "midos" meaning measures. The pyramids of Giza are among the oldest
man-made structures in existence and were used, among other things to indicate
solstices and equinoxes. The ancient Pythagorean relationship represented by a
3-4-5 right triangle is displayed in the dimensions of the King's Chamber,
however the Pythagorean relation was not identified until 497 B.C.
Interestingly, the length of the diagonals of the antechamber within the very
heart of the Great Pyramid is exactly 666
pyramid inches with the outer mantle composed of exactly 144,000 casing
Though many well-meaning, but ignorant
Christians have attempted to prove that the "Founding Fathers" of the American
Republic were venerators of the True God, their open affiliation with Masonic
Lodges and their undisguised use of its symbols, clearly betrays their faith
to have been nothing more than thinly disguised Baal worship.
If America was truly founded as an explicitly
Christian nation, as is continually proclaimed by “Judeo-Christian" activists
such as
James Dobson,
Pat Robertson,
D. James Kennedy,
Chuck Colson,
Tim and Beverly LaHaye,
Jerry Falwell,
Bill Gothard, etc., then why do we find no mention whatsoever of Jesus
Christ in America's founding documents? -- not in The
Declaration of Independence nor in The Constitution of the United
States! In fact, the Constitution does not even make a
single reference to God! And the only reference to god in The
Declaration of Independence is merely "Nature's God," a god that is
vague and subordinated to natural laws that everyone should know through
common sense, or "self-evident" truths? Moreover, the Bible is never
mentioned nor alluded to in either document! It is presently believed from
reliable sources, that of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence,
50 were Masons and/or Rosicrucians.

Upon seceding from the
British Empire through force of arms, the Founding Fathers were nevertheless
themselves not immune to the encroaching and omnipresent influence of the
European banking cartels upon their freshly won soil. The war of 1812,
financed almost completely by the Rothschilds, was a desperate attempt to
bring the disobedient, colonial “red-headed step-child” to heel. Behind the
scenes, plans had been laid for a new capital to be constructed and based on
the ancient esoteric knowledge and magic of Old Egypt.
Weishaupt's Illuminati had
taken many of its guiding principles from the top levels of Freemasonry and
had incorporated them into its charter. Thus a site had to be found in the
New World, which faithfully reflected that of the worship home of the ancient
demonic trinity, Osiris, Isis and Horus of Egypt. A fever-ridden swamp along
the banks of the Potomac suited their purposes admirably, where its river
course and tributaries closely resembled that of the Nile and its course
southward into the African interior. The land chosen by this river was
parcelled into lots and carefully numbered, with the city plans having been
drawn up by a French Mason L'Enfant years before. The positioning of the US
town of Alexandria faithfully mirrors its counterpart in Egypt. Later, other
towns and monuments celebrating the pervading demon-gods of Egypt would be
constructed such as the pyramid in Memphis, and the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas.
Today the city of Washington - District of
Columbia, is a veritable mirror of Illuminist endeavour,
a city-temple meticulously constructed according to the religious rites of
Freemasonry where even street names are connected to famous Freemasons.
Incorporated into its street design can be seen the Sphinx, the thirteen
tiered pyramid with the All Seeing Eye of Horus staring straight down the
avenue into the White House. The US Capital, built incidentally upon Lot 666,
is shaped into the Goat of Baphomet and sits atop a truncated pyramid. The
Washington Monument symbolises the venerated male organ of Osiris.
According to legend, the
ancient emperor, Nimrod (later deified as Osiris), was hunted down shortly
after the Flood by one of Noah's sons, Shem, and brought to trial for crimes
and abominations committed against God. Nimrod was tried by an assize of 49
judges in Egypt and sentenced to death by dismemberment, his 13 body parts
carried into the various corners of the known world and displayed as an
example to the world of the consequences of blasphemy and apostasy against the
Most High. Nimrod's wife, the beautiful witch Semiramis, resolved to seek out
the pieces of her husband's body and found all but the penis, which later
became a symbol of veneration and worship by the pagans as the bringer of life
and the ultimate generative principle. Thus phallic worship became the staple
diet of ancient Egyptian religious culture. Nimrod became deified as Osiris (Ammon-Ra),
his wife Semiramis as Isis, and the Earth mother goddess.

On top of the White House is
an inverted 5-pointed star of Satanism.
The point is facing south in true occult fashion. It sits within the
intersections of Connecticut and Vermont Avenues north of Dupont and Logan
Circles, with Rhode Island and Massachusetts Avenues going to Washington
Circle to the west and Mt. Vernon Square on the East. The Pentagram or
five-pointed star is, of course, both a Masonic symbol and the ancient symbol
of witchcraft. With its point facing down (or south, when placed on the
ground) it is especially associated with Satanism. Satanists can be found
wearing the inverted pentagram frequently; and it appears on the cover of many
black magic books, including THE SATANIC BIBLE.
The centre of the pentagram
is 16th Street where THIRTEEN blocks due north of the very center of the White
House, the Masonic HOUSE OF THE TEMPLE* sits at the top of this occult
iceberg. The "House Of The Temple" is the headquarters of the Council of the
33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Within the walls of this
pagan temple lies buried the corpse of Albert Pike, the former Grand Pontiff
of all the lodges of Universal Freemasonry throughout the world. The
Washington Monument, which happens to be an EXACT DUPLICATE of the "sun
images" or alters of Baal which stood in ancient Babylon and Egypt, itself
stands in perfect line to the intersecting point or the form of the Masonic
square, stretching from the House Of The Temple to the Capitol building.
Let's commence our detailed tour
by visiting the library of congress where we learn that the U.S. Capital is
really called the "
Temple of Liberty" or the Capitols
Temple of Justice and Faith or for that matter that the true names of the
U.S. Capital’s East and West porticos are as follows
East Portico "TEMPLE OF THE SUN" and the West Portico and Dome, known as
the Temple of the Moon. Know also that in the prayer room of the U.S. capital
of Liberty" as it was called during it's construction, hangs a stained
glass version of the obverse side of the Great Seal.
Not only are there temples to the
Sun and the
Moon and six pointed stars - but there are also statues and
paintings of the . . . “gods.”
If you walk inside the U.S. Capital building
and look up. You will see a giant fresco of George Washington seated in the
heavens and flanked by ancient goddesses. And besides Washington, you will see
other founding fathers, such as Benjamin Franklin being instructed by Minerva
the goddess of war. Robert Morris, the financier of the American Revolution,
is shown being handed a bag of gold by Mercury, the god of pickpockets and
thieves. Why are the gods and goddesses of ancient Rome sprinkled throughout
the capital grounds, and atop the capital domes of the several States? Why are
gods and goddesses on official State seals? How could a "Christian Nation"
ever deliberately place the Pagan gods of Rome in its capital buildings and on
official documents?
The Washington Beltway
is shaped like the skull of Satan with the little horn of the Antichrist
mentioned in the book of Daniel. Gallows Road forms the mouth of the skull;
the nasal cavity by Route 66 and the eye to the skull is the CIA headquarters
at Langley, Virginia. The total circumference of the Beltway (Route 495
(4+9+5=18=6x6x6)) is 66.6 miles
Arlington cemetery
contains pathways that seem to be randomly shaped. However if one maps these
and shades them in, the face of Isis is clearly seen, and if the pattern is
reversed, the child (French: L'Enfant) of Satan (the Antichrist) becomes
visible. Bordering this area is the aptly named military headquarters of the
New World Order - The Pentagon.
The Watergate centre
is shaped as a reversed `JC' (Jesus Christ). In satanic circles, the reversal
of holiness is unholiness. A little to the east, decorating the frieze of the
Department of Agriculture building is a row of stone swastikas, which stare
directly across the avenue at the Jewish Holocaust Memorial. Rock Creek Park
is in the shape of a goat - plainly so. Other research documents display an
intricacy to the artwork contained in the streets that map out mythological
scenes from ancient Egypt and the pantheon of their pagan gods. This is
clearly not the capital city of the God implied in the Founding Documents, but
of another - yet to make his final, if futile attempt, to subvert the eternal
rule of Jesus Christ. The name of this “god” is Lucifer, the Shining One,
represented by the sun, so faithfully depicted on the Shell Oil logo, 76
gasoline, United Artists, the Japanese national flag and countless other
seemingly innocuous logo’s.
Today, Washington DC is a city built in the
shape of a 10-mile square. The square is oriented like a diamond, split into
the upper and lower triangles. This is the same shape as the so-named “Star
of David” which also symbolises the twin-god theology of paganism. Interesting
also that in Lafayette Park there is a flowerbed, which has a unique
arrangement; it can be clearly seen from the air to be "the all seeing eye".
Lafayette, who the park was named after, was a prominent Freemasonic General.
The Washington Monument
in Washington,
D.C, is modelled after a classic Egyptian obelisk. According to the historian
Diodorus, Queen Semiramis in Babylon erected a 130-foot tall obelisk. The
obelisk was a popular edifice in Egypt and was associated with sun worship.
The erect upright pointed column represents the phallus, the male sex organ,
of Baal (Nimrod). An obelisk within a circle represents the sex act between
male and female. The Washington Monument sits within a circle. Freemasonry
planned, designed, and created the Washington Monument. Here again we see
this common, recurring theme of Babylonian worship, with its emphasis on
sexual perversion. The monument itself is exactly 555 feet in visible height
(6,660 inches). However tourist guides to the obelisk tell us that 20% of its
overall height forms part of the foundations in order to stabilize the
monument. Thus the true height of the obelisk is 666 feet.

Statue of Liberty is
yet another example, and is actually a replica of another Babylonian goddess
“Ishtar” the Mother of Harlots and the goddess of Freedom/Liberty. A European
Freemason who wanted to honour a Masonic doctrine that dates back to the time
of Nimrod and Babylon created this "artwork”!
The Statue of Liberty is simply another
Brotherhood symbol, highlighting the lighted torch. It is in actual fact the
Statue of Liberties – more like the “liberties” perpetrated on the
American people by the Freemasonry Brotherhood. There she stands on her
island in New York Harbour holding her torch of freedom and Americans believe
she is the symbol of their liberty in the Land of the Free. Nothing could be
further from the truth. The Statue of Liberty was given to New York by French
Freemasons and her mirror image stands on an island in the River Seine in
Paris. These statues of “liberty” are in reality representations of Queen
Semiramis and Isis et al, with the rays of the Sun around her head, similar to
that of the venerated saints of Catholicism. The ancients typically symbolised
the Sun in this way. They are not holding the torch of liberty, but the torch
of the illuminated ones, the Judeo-Masonic, Luciferian Initiated Elites!
An Egyptian Obelisk
(ancient symbol of the Phallus) is central at the entrance to St. Peter’s
Basilica in the Vatican in Rome. This is not a mere copy of an Egyptian
obelisk, as is the Washington Monument. It is THE VERY SAME obelisk that stood
in Egypt in ancient times at the pagan temple of Heliopolis (city of the sun
god). Emperor Caligula, in 37-41 A.D., hauled it from Egypt to Rome at great
expense, to his then circus on Vatican Hill. Heliopolis is the Greek name of
the Hebrew Beth-shemesh (house of the sun), which was the centre of ancient
Egyptian sun worship. Obelisks that stood there are called “images of
Bethshemesh,” Jeremiah 43:13. In 1586, Pope Sixtus V had the 83-foot high
320-ton obelisk moved to the centre front of St. Peter’s square, where it
resides today, symbolic of yet another merger of Egyptian sun worship with
professing Christianity. It comes, therefore, as no surprise to learn that
Rome is still regarded as "the City of Obelisks." It has 13 in all; the
largest being in the Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano. All are from Pagan
Sun Temples in Egypt.
The cornerstones of all these buildings
and many more (Denver Airport
especially) have been laid in true Masonic ritual and dedicated to “The Great
Architect Of The Universe,” the demonic god of Masonry – JaoBulOn. That is
the secret name of the Masonic god, the "Lost Word" learned in the ritual of
the Royal Arch degree. "JAO" is the Greek for Jehovah, "BUL" is
a rendering of the name, BAAL, and "ON" is the Babylonian name of
“There are still in existence
today remarkable specimens of original phallic symbols . . . steeples and
spires on churches . . . and obelisks . . . all show the influence of our
phallus-worshipping ancestors.”
Eichler, “The Customs of Mankind,” p. 55.
Interestingly enough, tall spires feature
prominently on all Mormon Temples and upon a host of traditional churches of
all denominations down through the centuries. In fact, the symbols of the sun,
moon and stars have been used throughout the history of the LDS church. Also,
SIX POINTED STARS adorn Mormon Temples everywhere, a phenomenon of which
is answered by Edith Starr-Miller in “Occult
Theocracy,” where on page 464 in her conclusion on Mormonism, she
writes: “The Mormon dogma is universality,
materialism and Pantheism. It blends Judaism and Christianity, aiming at a
progressive universal religion while seeking to unite all faiths and the cults
of all people on earth. The Mormon state is a theocratic community at the
head of which is a grand-priest president, assisted by two others and a
travelling council of twelve. Its mysteries are those of Spiritism and the
séance room.”
Freemasonry has always seemed an outward
semblance of loyalty towards the Bible and exhibits a vague notion of God; but
is actually based on subtle lies and deception, typical of religious cults
everywhere. Freemasonry is founded upon a Cabbalistic Pantheism or the
deification and worship of the potential supremacy of man rather than simply
in God Himself. Masonic symbols secretly stand for things other than what they
appear to be - such as sexual indulgence of every sort clearly sanctioned by
the command, “Do What Thou Wilt Is The Whole Of The Law.” Freemasonry
is at the forefront of the one-world movement, with a moral standard identical
to Talmudic Judaism since they originate from the same un-Godly source.
"Masonry is a Jewish institution, whose history,
degrees, symbols, passwords and explanation are Jewish from beginning to end."
(Quoted from Gregor Shwarz Bostunitch: die Freimaurerei, 1928; The Secret
Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, P. 101)
Freemasonry in its Jewish
guise is the controlling power of the governments of both Great Britain and
the United States. The reference book; - “10,000
Famous Freemasons,” lists two prominent Rothschilds, including
James Mayer Rothschild (1792-1868), son of the dynasty's founder, Mayer
Amschel Rothschild. James is listed as a "33
degree adept of the French Supreme Council." Nathan, the second
son of Mayer is also listed. It was Mayer Rothschild, the founder of the
dynasty, who once was quoted as exclaiming:
"Give me the right to issue a nation's money, and then I do not care who makes
it laws."
In 1822, the "Magen David,"
was adopted by the Ashkenazim (Khazar) self-styled Jew, Mayer Amschel Bauer,
who hung a red hexagram on his door to identify his address amongst other
things. Upon becoming a supplier of coinage to the royal Court, he changed his
name to "Roth Schild", meaning Red Shield, and it was used on the Rothschild
coat of arms when they were raised to the nobility by the Austrian emperor (Encyclopaedia
Judaica, p696).
Biographer Frederic Morton,
in his classic, “The Rothschilds,” tells us that Mayer Amschel Rothschild and
his five sons were "wizards" of finance, and "fiendish
calculators" who were motivated by a "demonic drive" to succeed
in their secret undertakings. All five brothers were imbued with this same
spirit of cunning and conquest. Morton describes how the Rothschilds formed
no true friendships and how their associates were but mere acquaintances who
were used to further the interests of the House of Rothschild, and then thrown
on the garbage heap of history when they had served their purpose or outlived
their usefulness.
Behind the scenes as
always, the
ROTHSCHILDS were THE principal players in most of the 19th century's
history making events. The Duke of Wellington could never have paid his
army at Waterloo without Rothschilds' assistance. Rothschilds' intervention
enabled Disraeli to acquire the Suez Canal for Britain. A Rothschild-led
syndicate enabled France to discharge its reparations debt early after the
Franco-Prussian war. They also financed Cecil Rhodes, making it possible for
him to establish a monopoly over the goldfields of South Africa and DeBeers
diamonds. In America, they financed the monopolisation of railroads. The
National City Bank of Cleveland, which was identified in congressional
hearings as one of three Rothschild banks in the United States, provided John
D. Rockefeller with the money to begin his monopolisation of the oil refinery
business, resulting in the formation of Standard Oil. Rockefeller was
nothing but a pit-bull on a Jewish leash, as was Andrew Carnegie. The man knew
next to nothing about steel, but his Jewish masters guided his career and like
so many others, raised him up to be their lackey. Virtually all of the great
"Robber Barons" were the puppets of Jewish investment bankers - behind the
scenes as always.
Rothschild money-power which reached the point of complete world control by
1885, together with its London policy group, the Royal Institute of
International Affairs - are THE policy makers for what has essentially been a
secret government in the United States since 1900. This ruling, occupational
government, functions primarily through the Council on Foreign Relations, but
only as the subsidiary of RIIA and through the Rockefeller Foundation which
controls all government functions, the educational establishments, the media,
all religions and the state legislatures.
And so it was that, in 1913,
when Paul Warburg, another Rothschild darling, engineered the institution of
the Federal Reserve System, this was by no means an American invention or an
isolated event. To the contrary, it was the next logical step of integrating a
global banking system that had been evolving since the seventeenth century.
Then, as now, speed, efficiency and easy access to limitless funds were
qualities highly prized by all governments, with appropriate favours ever
sanctioned accordingly. There is no evidence that the Rothschilds'
predominant standing in European or world finance has changed. To the
contrary, as their wealth has increased, they have simply raised their passion
for anonymity. Today, their vast holdings rarely bear their name - for obvious
Starr-Miller, (Lady Queensborough who paid with her life for the meticulously
documented 1933 expose' of the history of the Secret Societies of her day)
clearly proved the link between Freemasonic Illuminism and Talmudic Judaism –
a crucial fact of which is vigorously denied by Jews everywhere. On page 465,
under the heading of “Jewish Masonry,” in her classic,
“Occult Theocracy” she writes:
B’rith means
“Sons of the Covenant,” the covenant being that of circumcision practiced
according to the Mosaic Law. Hence the Independent Order of the B’nai B’rith
admits only Jews as members. This rite was founded in New York in 1843 by a
number of German Jews, headed by “Henry Jones.” Its constitution, District
Lodges, Grand Lodges, stamp it as a Jewish Masonic Society. Like most
societies, it covers its political activities under the cloak of benevolence
and philanthropy. From its inception until the present time, its main contact
has been with Germany and its chief aim is the establishment of the supremacy
of the German Jews in all world affairs through the channel of
“Internationalism.” In 1882, the strength of the I O B B in the United States
warranted the opening of Lodges in Germany by Moritz Ettinger and the growth
of the order was so rapid that in 1885, Julius Bien, President of the Order in
New York, went over and inaugurated the first German Grand Lodge of the I O B
B. The political activities of the leaders of the order in Rumania, Austria
and Hungary are a matter of record, although the chief centre of their power
is in the U S where they have lately obtained supremacy in the Jewish World,
by absorbing “national” Zionism and submitting it wholly to their own
“international” policy when the Jewish World Agency was created in October
1928. . . . . .There is little doubt now that the B’nai B’rith seems to be the
supreme body, shaping and directing, for the attainment of its own ends, the
policies, whatever they may be, of ALL FREEMASONRY beginning with the Grand
Lodge of England, The Grand Orient and Scottish Rites, and ending in the O T
O, which is Illuminism under another name.”
The “scriptures” at the
occult core of Freemasonry - originally found in the ancient Jewish Cabbala,
are now expressed via Talmudic Jewry,
the religious doctrine of
the ancient Pharisees. The late Freemason, Foster Bailey, a man who devoted
his life to the Plan of Lucifer, writes: “The
recognition of Masonry as a spiritual quest resulting in a spiritual way of
life will hasten the more brilliant shining forth of The Great Light from all
our Temples.” The “Great Light” to Foster Bailey can be none
other than the light bearer himself - Lucifer. Is it possible that Masonic
temples of the “Synagogue of Satan” are to serve as the centres of worship in
the coming New Age?
The Bohemian Club has an Annual Summer
Encampment, a two-week retreat for the super-rich and powerful that President
Herbert Hoover once called “the greatest party on Earth.” The club’s famed
annual gathering has been held for more than 100 years at the 2,700-acre
Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio, about 70 miles north of San Francisco in Sonoma
County. It draws in notables such as President George W. Bush, Vice President
Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich
and Dow Chemical Chairman Frank Popoff, as well as actors and other notables.
The annual gathering near
the Russian River, which was first held in 1879, starts with the “Cremation of
Care” ritual, in which the club’s mascot is burned in effigy to an owl god
(Moloch), symbolizing a freedom from care. Members also perform several plays,
and gourmet food and expensive wine are plentiful. While the club was formed
in 1872 by a group of San Francisco journalists, the male-only club now bars
journalists from membership to protect the group’s privacy. Membership is
coveted, and people routinely wait 10 or 15 years before gaining admittance.
There are currently about 2,700 members.
The world’s most prestigious
summer camp, The Bohemian Grove, is fiercely guarded. The 2,700-acre retreat
is the country extension of San Francisco’s all-male ultra-exclusive Bohemian
Club to which every Republican President since Herbert Hoover has belonged.
With its high-powered clientele, coveted privacy and cabbalistic rituals, the
Bohemian Grove has prompted considerable suspicion.
Some past members include,
George P. Shultz, Stephen Bechtel, Jr., Gerald R. Ford, the hideously evil
Henry Kissinger, William F. Buckley, Jr., Fred L. Hartley, Merv Griffin,
Thomas Haywood, Joseph Coors, Edward Teller, Ronald Reagan, A. W. Clausen,
George Bush, William French Smith, John E. Swearingten, Casper W. Weinberger,
Justin Dart, William E. Simon, and hundreds of other prominent politicos and
businessmen.” Up until recently, our knowledge of Bohemian Grove was that it
is the exclusive elitist hideaway of supposedly adult wheeler-dealers, a.k.a.
Washington statesman and prominent personalities.
Some may dismiss their
behaviour as immature, even pitiful, acted out by emotionally disturbed
individuals, and not worth attention. However, this is actually where Bush,
Cheney, and their friends (2700 members) "the governing elite", gather to take
part in bizarre, satanic rituals. Recent information will radically change the
perception of Bohemian Grove. Not merely drunkenness, unbounded use of alcohol
and drugs with vague homosexual tones, but reported activities much more
serious – kidnapping, rape, paedophilia, illegal detention of children, sodomy
and ritual murder. Investigation is blocked under the 1947 National Security

An article in a local
community newspaper, The Santa Rosa Sun, reported on the Cult of Canaan and
the legend of Moloch in place at Bohemian Grove. The Moloch Pagan Cult of
Sacrifice is human sacrifice. About the mid 1980s there were rumours of
murders in remote parts of the property. A local police investigation went
nowhere. State investigators on related criminal acts went nowhere.
An observer and near victim
has described the Bohemian Grove inner hideaways, the closed sanctum, even the
decor at secret locations, places where no outsider goes (or servants
according to our sources). Apparently there is an UNDERGROUND lounge (sign
spelled U.N.derground) a Dark Room, a Leather Room and a Necrophilia Room.
Also he reported: “Slaves of advancing age or with failed programming were
sacrificially murdered at random in the wooded grounds of Bohemian Grove and I
felt it was only a matter of time until it would be me.” This potential
victim survived. Others reportedly did not.
These cults were based on
human sacrifice. Why would a 20th century resort reproduce occult ceremonies?
At the minimum, it demonstrates an attraction to the ceremonial practices of
the occult, i.e. adoration of destruction, blood, and the barbarity of the
sacrifice of children. In brief, the charges are consistent with the tenants
of Bohemian Grove as played out in ceremony. This is not a resort devoted to,
for example, tennis or swimming. It is apparently devoted to blood sacrifices.
There is video footage
covertly shot by radio talk show host Alex Jones,, who shows on his Web site the bizarre, Luciferian
ceremonies that occur there. It was taken around 200 yards from the owl idol
during the grove's annual and highly secret "Cremation of Care" ceremony.
Jones says he was close enough where he could make out the form of a wrapped
infant, which he believed was alive, apparently in the process of being

Skull and Bones has curled its tentacles into every corner of American
society. This tiny club has set up networks that have thrust three members
into the most powerful political position in the world. And the group’s
influence is only increasing, the 2004 presidential election might showcase
the first time each ticket has been led by a Bonesman. The secret society is
now, as one historian admonishes, ” ‘an international mafia’. . . unregulated
and all but unknown.” In its quest to create a New World Order that restricts
individual freedoms and places ultimate power solely in the hands of a small
cult of wealthy, principally Jewish families, Skull and Bones has already
succeeded in infiltrating nearly every major research, policy, financial,
media, and government institution in the country. Skull and Bones, in fact,
has been running the United States for years.
As a matter of factual record, Jewish control
of American society, politics, media, and religions ever continues to
increase. As of this writing,
almost 50% of Cabinet positions in the US government are held by Jews and they
hold the present (as well as the past) Directorship of the CIA and the
Directorship of the FBI. (Louis Freeh of Ruby Ridge notoriety) The fact that
almost all of the crucial ambassadorial appointments have gone to Jews is
proof positive of who wields the real power. And anyone who looks at
this anomaly with an open mind cannot fail to see the outright dominance of
high-level government positions that continue to be held by Talmudic Jews. A
group that incredibly makes up less than 3 percent of the overall population
yet manages to claim 10 percent of the U.S. Senate and two out of nine members
of the U.S. Supreme Court alone.
For all those unfamiliar with how Politicians
are bought and paid for in so-called "democracies;" a brief overview. To
almost guarantee election, aspirants have their campaigns openly funded by
Zionist groups. The Zionist/Jewish media then supports their campaign with
ringing endorsements, negative facts are suppressed and opponents ruthlessly
smeared. This is paid back one hundred fold by these bought men and women when
they use their office to authorise payments to Zionist groups, selected
individuals and their particular state via aid packages, interest free loans,
free pardons, censorship or elimination of critics, military aid and even
destroying their enemies. Then when they have completed their stint in
office, they can look forward to a rich Kosher gravy train of executive
positions on the boards of Zionist corporations, book deals and serialisation
payments from Zionist owned publishing houses and media conglomerates,
consultancy fees from the same type of organizations that funded their
political careers and then free dinners and big money for
after-dinner-speaking gigs. The really big traitors, like degenerate ex
presidents, can look forward to $1,000,000 an hour, to say they would die for
Israel (when they were never inclined to do the same for their own Nation and
people). All it takes is unbridled greed, ambition, a total lack of morality
and basic human dignity – useful idiots as the protocols calls them!
As a further illustration of this political
degeneration, the U S Congress has around 535 elected members. This is the
same group of politicians that crank out hundreds of new laws each year,
designed to keep the rest of us in line. So far, 29 of them have been accused
of spousal abuse; 7 have been arrested for fraud; 19 have been accused of
writing bad checks; 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2
businesses; 3 have done time for assault; 71 cannot get a credit card due to
bad credit; 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges; 8 have been
arrested for shoplifting; 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits and so far,
84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the past twelve months.
According to yet another new
book, government crimes and cover-ups are just "Business As Usual."
Government-sanctioned narcotics trafficking, wholesale fraud and illicit
weapons deals are part of an ongoing criminal enterprise called "government."
Whistleblower Lt. Cmdr. Al Martin (US Navy, Ret.) "The Conspirators:
Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider," has written a powerful expose of the
hidden history of America from the 1980s, the 1990s to the present day. He
reveals details of wholesale corruption and unimaginable financial fraud
foisted on US taxpayers. The book's premise is simple: Organized crime,
comprised of government bureaucrats, military officers, intelligence officers
and associated Zionist lackeys have, in essence, taken over the US Government.
One of the biggest lies
being perpetuated by the Bush Cabbal, is that they are "conservatives" in the
traditional sense of the word. While some of Bush's policies (tax breaks for
the rich, giving corporations free reign to destroy the environment) are
familiar "conservative" themes, the reality is Bush and Co. are
radicals, out to
transform the American government and shred the Constitution in their quest
for power and profit. Expansionist
abroad and reactionary
at home, the Bush Administration is on the verge of enshrining
near-dictatorial Executive power, similar to that of the Roman Caesars.

In its mission statement, DARPA (Information
Awareness Office) says: “. . . the most
serious asymmetric threat facing the United States is terrorism, a threat
characterized by collections of people loosely organized in shadowy networks
that are difficult to identify and define.”
I guess it can't get any
clearer than this, blatant Illuminati/Freemasonic symbolism together with
Crowleyan acronyms. Here is yet another project with occult overtones for the
Mystery Babylon program. Even more sinister are the associated projects
Human Identification at a Distance (HumanID) and the
Total Information Awareness (TIA) program. In IAO's Total
Information Awareness System the goal is to:
“detect, ID, classify and track potential anti-government targets through
multi-agency OPs. The program is an ongoing research project designed to
acquire data through advanced technological applications for surveillance”.
The All-Seeing-Eye in IAO's logo is watching, listening, and tracking the
whole globe. Judging by their stated areas of research, I think the plan is to
marry 'psychic
spying' with Echelon technology - hence the use of a blatant
Cabbalistic symbol for the logo.
Information Awareness Office is brand new
and is lead by the ageing shabbas goy, John Poindexter. Remember him? His CV
states that, "He was directly involved in
implementing The President's policies on a strong defence, freedom and
democracy around the world, human rights, world hunger, economic and military
assistance." The fact is that after serving as Reagan's
national security adviser (presidential pimp) during the Iran-Contra scandal,
Poindexter was found guilty of five felony counts, (later overturned on a
“technicality”) including obstructing Congress. By stating
"Scientia est potentia,"
they're just coming out and saying, "Knowledge is unconstitutional
political power for a few private individuals." Sounds about right to
me! More proof yet again of those in control pushing us further and further
toward a World Police State - commencing with the U.S. and is further
evidence of the growing Talmudic influence over the Federal government and its

For years now,
a small army of faithful pastors, ministry leaders and laymen have been
warning Christians about the dangerous U-turn of Billy Graham into false
teaching and apostasy. However, the rich, influential, and powerful
Judeo-Christian establishment has, regrettably, blocked this message from
getting out to the masses. Millions of Christians and non-Christians alike are
therefore totally unaware of Billy Graham's liberal, antichrist positions.
They do not know of his often strange, unscriptural, false teachings and
statements. Nor do they know of the hidden origins of and the secretive men
behind this man's meteoric rise to stardom. What might God have to say about
a man popular with the world who sings the praises of bloody Communist
dictators and who enthusiastically promotes the spiritual authority of the
Vatican and its Pope? What might God conclude about a man like Graham who
endorses false bibles and supports the blasphemous worst of Hollywood movies?
And ask yourself: Would God look favourably upon a "Christian" evangelist who
is painfully and embarrassingly silent on the crucial issues of Abortion and
Homosexuality? Billy Graham is the friend of Bill Clinton, David Rockefeller,
Jeanne Dixon, and Pope John Paul II. Moreover, Oral Roberts, Jerry Falwell and
a host of religious and other authorities have put him up on a pedestal.
Billy Graham
(born in 1918) now has Parkinson's disease, a progressive nervous disorder
that has already made it impossible for him to drive a car or write by hand.
Graham, an ordained Southern Baptist Minister, heads a $100 million a year
evangelistic empire, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (Graham is now
paid $101,250 per year with a $33,750 housing allowance.) The BGEA also
operates a 1500-acre training centre, "The Cove," located in Asheville, North
Carolina. The Cove was started in 1987 and includes an Inn and a Cove camp for
youths ages 9-15. Approximately 5-10,000 adults are trained there annually in
Graham-style evangelism.
magazine, Decision, reaches 1.7 million people, his column appears in more
than 100 newspapers, his radio program is on 700 stations worldwide, and
several of his books have been bestsellers. (Angels, published in 1975, sold
one million copies in just 90 days.) Graham has reportedly preached to over
200 million people and once claimed that precisely 2,874,082 of them have
stepped forward to "accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour" (11/15/93,
Time magazine). George Bush called Graham "America's pastor." Pat Boone
considers him "the greatest man since Jesus." Still another says Graham "has
done more harm to the cause of Christ than any other living man." Who's
There have
been a lot of speculations, accusations and denials about Billy Graham and his
Freemasonic membership, connections and associations.
However there does appear to be substantial proof from a number of credible
websites, that Billy Graham is indeed a thirty-three degree Luciferian adept.
For example author Robert Morey, while doing pro- Freemasonry research at the
“House Of The Temple,” asked the resident Librarian if they had Billy Graham's
Masonic membership file. She replied that they indeed did have such a file on
hand. On page 23 of Morey's book entitled "The Truth About Masons" he refers
to Billy Graham when he states: " Or that one of the most well-known
evangelists in the world is a Luciferian because he is a thirty-third degree
Mason? " Also of interest is Morey's mention of Jesse Helms being a 33 Degree
Freemason, where Helms admitted being there at Billy's Masonic award
presentation in Washington, D.C.
Jim Shaw, one
of the highest-ranking Freemasons to ever defect to Christianity, says that
Billy Graham took part in Rev. Jim Shaw's 33rd Degree Masonic initiation. This
was before Shaw left the Lodge for Christ. Only 33rd Degree Masons and
candidates participate in that particular initiation. Jim Shaw refers to Billy
Graham's presence at this Masonic ritual on page 104 of his book co-authored
with Tom McKenney titled 'The Deadly Deception" Lafayette, LA: Huntington
House, Inc. 1998. In fact Huntington House refused to print this book unless
they took out Billy Graham's name and substituted it with a general
description ("internationally prominent evangelist," p104) Before Jim died he
confirmed this fact to many people.
In a book by
PhD Carol George, “God's Salesmen,” Oxford Press, 1992, the author reports
that on August 18, 1960, Billy Graham called a top secret conference of 25
hand chosen guests to Mintreaux, Switzerland, and they discussed how they
could block the election of John F. Kennedy. The most prominent guest was
Norman Vincent Peale. The men were later embarrassed when the conference was
exposed. We note one interesting fact - Norman Vincent in 1960, and Billy
Graham later, were 33rd Degree Freemasons, while John F. Kennedy was never a
Freemason. Interesting to say the least!"
In 1992, broadcast across the US on Graham's
radio program "Embrace America 2000," after Bush Sr. gave his now infamous New
World Order Speech, the Rev. Billy Graham said that we should all embrace this
. . . "New World Order"!
As mentioned
previously, the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith is THE supreme ruling body
within the Illuminati structure
and they operate on several broad fronts, including the powerful ADL. It is a
secret society within a secret society, a circle within a circle etc, so that
only the Adepts, or Luciferian elites knows its real agenda. In their own
words B'nai B'rith, “is the only overtly exclusive Jewish organization with
a full-time presence at the United Nations and is the world's oldest and
largest Jewish association with members in 56 countries." (More on the ADL
According to
the official Billy Graham Evangelistic Association web-page, Billy Graham
received the "The Torch of
Liberty Plaque by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1969."
Remembering that the
main definition of Freemasonry is that of “a peculiar system of Morality,
veiled in Allegory, and illustrated by Symbols,” we will examine the
occult significance of the term “Torch of Liberty" and it's possible meaning
to the 'enlightened' of the Masonic/Illuminati brotherhood. Research taken
from the book called
"Masonic and
Occult Symbols Illustrated"
states the following about the torch symbol:
“Many of the
gods and goddesses of mythology carried torches. Some of these are: Hecata
(the "Queen of the Witches"), Comus, Eros, Hymenaeus (or Hymen), Apollo,
Ilithyia, Eos (or Aurora), Iakchaos & Phosphorus. (who is also called
Listen to what
occultist Edouard Schure says about Lucifer and his flaming torch:
having regained his star and his diadem, will assemble his legions for new
works of creation. Attracted by his flaming torch, celestial spirits will
descend and he will send these messengers from unknown spheres to earth. Then
the torch of Lucifer will signal 'From Heaven to Earth!'- and . . ‘The
Christ’ will answer 'From Earth to Heaven!"
Luciferian and 33rd Degree Freemason, Manly Palmer Hall states that
"the torches
represent the Occult arts and sciences, the doctrines and dogmas by the light
of which “Truth” is made visible."
It is only by
placing key 33rd degree Freemasons at the apex of political, religious and
economic institutions that their satanic NWO goals can succeed. Billy
Graham has been selected and used by the Illuminati/Freemasonic Establishment,
to help bring about a One World Global Church. But in all fairness, and
please THINK HARD ON THIS, I am certain that if you had confronted a young
Billy Graham back in 1950, and told him that he would one day be a 33rd
Freemason and a prophet and missionary for the “Whore of Revelation,” he would
have been duly horrified and certainly denied any such possibility. This
man's descent into Satan's tantalising world has been gradual and
unsuspecting, as it has with so many others.
The Devil only
asks us to take one small step at a time. Satan positioned Graham at some
vulnerable point in the past, where he could see "all the kingdoms of the
world in a moment of time," and Graham fell for it – selling his soul for
temporal riches and fleeting fame.
As well as Billy Graham, we also include
other well-known past and present 33rd Degree Freemasonic Luminaries such as:
Norman Vincent Peale - ex Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New
York, Past Grand Prelate of the Knights Templar and Shriner. Robert
Schuller - Pastor of the Crystal Cathedral and host of the popular
"Hour of Power" television programme. Oral Roberts - founder of
Oral Roberts University. Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagin –
Word of Faith founder. Dr. Bob Jones Sr - founder of Bob Jones
University. Rev. William Booth - founder of the Salvation Army.
Rev. Jesse Jackson - of the NAACP. Rich DeVos -
CEO of AMWAY. Daniel Carter Beard - founder of the Boy Scouts
Movement. Most of the early founding Mormons such as Joseph Smith,
Brigham Young, Sidney Rigdon and latter Mormons such as Spencer Kimball
were all high level Freemasons. In fact, the founder of the Jehovah's
Witnesses was also an initiate of the 33rd Degree. Charles Taze Russell
was an avowed Satanist, a Paedophile, (according to his wife’s testimony) and
a close friend of the Rothschilds. Indeed it was the Jewish Rothschilds
FUNDED the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Mormons and a host of other wealthy
evangelicals into being.
It’s also interesting to note that 33rd
degree Luciferian adept William Booth, founder of The Salvation Army,
adopted a red shield as a logo for his Christian ministry, now freely
operating and endorsed on a worldwide scale. Red Shield is pronounced
“Rothschild” in German! - Do you see now what is so patently obvious?
Continuing with the theme of
Jewish funding of popular evangelicals; last, but by no means least, was their
trump card avid Freemasonic adept, C.I.
Scofield – author of the incredibly popular Scofield
Reference Bible, and avid promoter of Christian Zionism through the
brilliantly conceived “Dispensationalism.”
And what is the message of
ZIONISM? Simply stated it is this: Every act perpetrated by the so-called
state of “Israel” is orchestrated by God, and should be condoned, supported,
and even praised by the rest of us. "Never mind what Israel does," say
the Christian Zionists. "God wants this to happen." This includes the
invasion of Lebanon, which killed or injured an estimated 100,000 Lebanese and
Palestinians, most of them civilians and the bombing into oblivion of
sovereign nations such as Iraq, where over half a million of their innocent
children alone have
died since 1991, with much more to come. The mindset is that Israel
cannot possibly ever do anything wrong. People therefore cannot hate anything
Israel does; therefore all criticism MUST result from unreasonable and totally
causeless hate of Israel. Israel's group psychology is one of total denial.
The fact is that people do
not hate Israel per se’ - they hate what Israel DOES. The only people filled
with unreasoning hate is
Israel itself. In the last two decades, the powerful Israeli Lobby in the
US has expanded its constituency to include a major new base among right wing
Evangelicals who believe that Israel is ALWAYS right. According to this very
new and very American branch of Protestant “Christianity,” the Bible (read
Talmud) says Israelis can kill and maim Palestinians, steal their land and
place them under a constant state of siege. Among the many followers of this
'new religion' is one Richard Armey, the House Majority Leader, who has
publicly advocated the ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians from the West
Bank. This new 'constituency for repression' believes that Israel has a
biblical sanction to administer collective punishment and torture, destroy
personal and public property and generally make life miserable for the native
people of the Holy Land. It seems to make little difference to these 'Zionist
Christians' that the community they seek to 'cleanse' includes the oldest and
most faithful Christian community in the world.
Today, between the Jordan
River and the Mediterranean, ten million people are locked in a bitter
struggle over land and destiny.
Nearly half of the population between the river and the sea are native
Palestinians. Their desperate cry for liberty is not only ignored, but tens of
billions in United States tax revenues are spent to assist their tormentors.
Israel's excuse for its
genocide policy against the Palestinians can be summed up as follows with some
very strange logic indeed: The Nazi holocaust was so horrible that the Jews
must be granted the right to commit even worse atrocities in order to fend off
any possible future holocaust??. Israel's precarious situation in
Palestine elucidates how important the continuous promotion of the holocaust
myth is for the survival of the Jewish state. Without the holocaust-story, the
land of robbery and murder would be deprived of its fundamental principles of
existence. Knowing this, it becomes crystal clear why most of the Western
world introduced, under pressure of the Jewish power centres, new laws which
punish anybody who expresses doubts about the official holocaust-story. But
the chief use of this cleverly contrived myth of the Holocaust is to undergird
the legitimacy of the state of Israel. The Holocaust therefore proves that
Jewish existence is always in danger, unless the Jews have their own state in
their own homeland. The Holocaust stands as the historical objectification of
all the world's gentiles' eternal "anti-Semitism." Jewish life is an endless
emergency, requiring endless emergency measures and justifying everything done
in the name of "defence." Jews and Israel can't be judged by normal standards,
at least until Israel is absolutely safe - if even then. Their circumstances
it seems, are forever anomalous.
In short, the Holocaust has
become a device for exempting Jews from normal human obligations. It has
authorized them to bully and blackmail, to extort, oppress and cold-bloodedly
murder. This is all quite irrational, because even if six million Jews
were murdered during World War II, the survivors are not entitled to commit
the slightest injustice. If your father was mysteriously stabbed to death in
the street, that's a tragedy, but it's no excuse for taking the head off the
next person you see.
Christian Zionism is a
dangerous and growing segment within evangelical Christianity,
which was popularised by the 19th-century American, Cyrus Scofield, when he
postulated his judaised interpretation of events in history. Scofield
believed that Christ cannot return to earth until certain crucial events
occur: The “Jews” must return to Palestine, gain control of Jerusalem and
rebuild a temple, and then we all must engage in the final, great battle
called Armageddon. Estimates vary, but most students of Armageddon theology
agree that as a result of these relatively recent and grossly flawed Biblical
interpretations, 10 to 40 million Americans firmly believe Palestine is God's
chosen land for the Jews.
Here is an interesting
interpretation on the Middle East by Doug Bandow,
LINK a secular writer and journalist based in Washington USA, trying to
make some sense of it all. “With the Mideast in
flames, administration policy is in disarray. It is hard to fight terrorism
and conquer Iraq without Arab allies. But any attempt to win Arab support by
pressuring Israel might lose evangelical Christian votes. Interest groups have
long influenced American foreign policy. Rarely, however, has foreign policy
rested on theology. Even the vast majority of American Jews who support Israel
do so more on ethnic than on religious grounds. But now some Christians are
attempting to turn the U.S. government into an arm of the church. Sympathy
toward Israel is understandable: there is no excuse for murderous suicide
bombings. Yet Washington needs to develop a Mideast policy that advances the
interests of America, not one that advances a peculiar interpretation of
Christian theology.
Republican state chairman, Ralph Reed, recently wrote: "There is an undeniable
and powerful spiritual connection between Israel and the Christian faith. It
is where Jesus was born and where he conducted his ministry." So? This has
nothing to do with the formulation of foreign policy for the secular nation of
America, which represents non-Christians as well as Christians.
Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer goes further: "The Bible is
pretty clear that the land is what is called covenant land, that God made a
covenant with the Jews that that would be their land forever." Yet the premise
of Christianity is that that covenant was voided by disobedience, and thus now
runs to the body of Christian believers.
Moreover, why
assume that nonreligious Jews who established a secular state in the Mideast
are entitled to the same land once held by religious Jews following in the
line of Moses? As Marvin Olasky, editor of World Magazine, notes, "A biblical
case can certainly be made that Israelis who are atheists have tossed away
their inheritance just as Esau did." And if the land was to belong to Jews
forever, why did they lose control of it? Surely God does not require
America's assistance to give it back.
Finally, to how
much are Jews entitled? A generous reading of Genesis suggests ownership of
Jordan and chunks of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Syria.
Another group of
Christians, primarily Protestants, cite their dispensationalist eschatology,
or end times theology. Never mind the complicated details of this minority
interpretation. Backing whoever happens to be Israel's Prime Minister is
supposed to accelerate Christ's return. Of course, there is no way to prove
what God actually intends. But the dispensationalist case is particularly
strained. For instance, candidates for the Antichrist include the Pope,
European Union President Roman Prodi and England's Prince Charles.
In fact, the
book of Revelation is best understood in the context of the Roman Empire, when
it was written. It foreshadows an apocalyptic end of mankind; it does not
provide an exact time line of events.
This argument
also arrogantly assumes that the God who reconciled mankind through the
sacrifice of his son requires Washington's help to get the end right.
Interestingly, some Orthodox Jews are hostile to Zionism precisely because
they view it as hubris for man to try to supplant God's timing.
Another argument
is that only by supporting Israel will America prosper. For example, activist
Ed McAteer cites the promise that "I will bless them who bless you and curse
them who curse you." Two decades ago, the Rev. Jerry Falwell declared that God
had been kind to America only because "America has been kind to the Jews."
there's no verse explaining that to bless the Jewish people or to be kind to
them means doing whatever the secular government of a largely nonreligious
people wants several thousand years later. This is junk theology at its worst.
Or almost worst. Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said in a speech last March: "One
of the reasons I believe the spiritual door was opened for an attack against
the United States of America is that the policy of our government has been to
ask the Israelis, and demand it with pressure, not to retaliate in a
significant way against the terrorist strikes that have been launched against
them." Wow. God is punishing the American people because their government,
which has long supported Israel more firmly than any other, is insufficiently
pro-Israel. Speaking for the creator of the universe is a dicey proposition
and I won't try. But presuming that a biblical injunction to "bless" the
Jewish people requires a secular state run by nominal Christians to offer a
blank check to a secular state run by ethnic Jews is simply bizarre.”
The key purpose of this
pseudo-Christian doctrine of Dispensationalism, is to instil a fiercely loyal
evangelical support for the state of Israel - regardless.
Even though Israel today is largely atheistic, totally unrepentant and
persists with the demonization and wholesale slaughter of Palestinian men,
women and children as if they were the very enemies of God, these glaring
facts are deliberately ignored by the spellbound Christian sheeple.
For the
majority of Western Christians to continue to ignore the suffering of the
indigenous Palestinian Church in such a troubled situation, where they are
ignored and maligned, is not only deeply offensive to them, it is surely a
contradiction of our faith, and ultimately immoral before God. It is nothing
less than to perpetuate the evil of the Levite in the Parable of the Good
Samaritan who carefully walked by on the other side.
"I don't know
something called International Principles. I vow that I'll burn every
Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and
child is more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinian child’s
existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited
danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I
would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit
I've killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my
soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian women is a slave for Jews,
and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we
tell others what they shall do."
[Ariel Sharon,
the war criminal and current Israeli Prime Minister, transcripted from an
interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956]
In summary, fundamentalist
Christians today are overtly Zionist and NOT Christian.
Christian Zionism offers an uncritical endorsement of the Israeli political
right and at the same time shows an inexcusable lack of compassion for the
Palestinian tragedy. In doing so it has legitimised their oppression in the
name of the Gospel. In practice, they reject the teaching of The Lord
Jesus in the New Testament: that each of us is equally precious in the eyes of
the Lord. Instead, they live in the Judaised world of the Old Testament, where
a mean-spirited Yahweh played favourites with his children, giving only his
“chosen” the right to commit unspeakable acts of barbarism upon others.
Judeo-Christians will seemingly do anything for Israel and the Jews, whom they
worship as God or God's little brother, although they would never admit it.
They are only too happy to be the Jews' mind slaves, and insist we all join in
their bondage. Certainly their beliefs are anti-Christian. More to the point:
Zionist "Christians" are traitors to the cause of Christ. Along with Jews,
they urge us to spill the blood of any who stand in the way of Israeli
ambition. Essentially, Christian Zionism fails to recognise the deep-seated
problems that exist between Palestinians and Israelis; it distorts the Bible
and marginalizes the universal imperative of the Christian gospel; it has
grave political ramifications and ultimately ignores the sentiments of the
overwhelming majority of indigenous Christians. It is a situation that many
believe Israel exploits to her advantage, cynically welcoming Christian
Zionists as long as they remain docile and compliant with Israeli government
policy. “Woe to him who builds a town with
bloodshed, who establishes a city by iniquity! Behold, it is
not of
the Lord of hosts.."
It is impossible to
overstate the influence of this immoral conman, outright deviant and dishonest
trickster, Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, on twentieth-century Christian belief.
Scofield has served as the primary agent by which Evangelical Christianity has
become corrupted - teaching and propagating the doctrine of a Jewish New World
Order for over 100 years. In fact, the Scofield Bible is so highly
regarded today as THE standard Dispensational reference work in virtually all
major Christian ministries and divinity schools worldwide, that even the
author’s margin notes are popularly viewed as “holy writ.”
And who was Cyrus Scofield?
History records that as a young con-artist in Kansas after the American Civil
War, he met up with the notorious John J. Ingalls, an aging Jewish lawyer who
had been sent by the "Secret Six" some thirty years before to work the
Abolitionist cause. Pulling strings both in Kansas and with his compatriots
back east, Ingalls assisted Scofield in gaining admission to the Bar, and
procured his appointment as Federal Attorney for Kansas. Ingalls and Scofield
became partners in a railroad scam, which led to Cyrus serving time for
criminal forgery. While he was in prison, Scofield began studying the
philosophy of John Darby, pioneer of the Plymouth Brethren movement and the
"any moment now" Rapture doctrine. Upon his release from prison, Scofield
deserted his first wife, Leonteen Carry Scofield, and his two daughters
Abigail and Helen, and he took as his mistress a young girl from the St. Louis
Flower Mission. He later abandoned her for Helen van Ward, whom he eventually
married. Following up his Illuminati connections in New York, he settled in at
the Lotus Club, which was listed as his residence for the next twenty years.
It was here that he presented his ideas for a new Christian Bible concordance,
and was taken under the wing of the infamous Samuel Untermeier, who later
became chairman of the American Jewish Committee, president of the American
League of Jewish Patriots, and chairman of the Non-sectarian Anti-Nazi
League. Untermeier introduced the “useful idiot” Scofield to numerous Zionist
and socialist big-boys, including Samuel Gompers, Fiorello LaGuardia, Abraham
Straus, Bernard Baruch and Jacob Schiff. These were the questionable people
who financed Scofield's “research trips” to Oxford and arranged the
publication and distribution of his widely read Bible concordance. On the “Scofield
Reference Bible,” John Wick Bowman
says: "This book represents the most dangerous
heresy currently to be found within Christian circles."
(Ibid., p.588)
The outspoken John H.
Gerstner, in his 1991 book, “Wrongly Dividing the
Word of Truth: A Critique of Dispensationalism,” states
emphatically and without mincing words: “What
is indisputably, absolutely, and uncompromisingly essential to the Christian
religion is its doctrine of salvation. If Dispensationalism has actually
departed from the only way of salvation, which the Christian religion teaches,
then we must say that it has departed from Christianity. No matter how many
other important truths it proclaims, it cannot be called Christian if it
empties Christianity of its essential message. We define a cult as a religion
which claims to be Christian while emptying Christianity of that which is
essential to it. If Dispensationalism does this, then Dispensationalism is a
cult and not a branch of the Christian church. It is as serious as that. It
is impossible to exaggerate the gravity of the situation.”
Ernest Reisinger states in
his article, "A History of Dispensationalism in
America": “All honest
Dispensationalists would agree that the Dispensational system of theology has
a different view of the grace of God, the law of God, the church of God, the
interpretation of the Word of God and the salvation of God. That is, its
teachings are different from tested, respected historic creeds and confessions
.... Dispensationalism has a different view of living the Christian life of
sanctification and, more specifically, how justification and sanctification
are inseparably joined together in the application of God's salvation.”
In a lengthy and in-depth
article in the liberal, “Christianity Today,”
Timothy Weber explains "How
Evangelicals Became Israel's Best Friend". He explores the history
of dispensationalism in Britain and the United States and its influential
contributions to world history and foreign policies. Weber frankly admits
that most evangelicals show little or no concern for Palestinian rights -
which is rather ironic because there have always been far more Semitic Arab
Christians in the Middle East than Jewish ones (Weber, pp.11-12). He further
cites the constant human rights violations of the illegal Israeli state with
their 1982 invasion of Southern Lebanon. He continues:
“While the Jews have a right to be secure within
their own borders, do they have the right to seize other peoples' land, occupy
their territory, ignore their rights of self-determination, and bulldoze
and/or blow-up the homes and businesses of Palestinian families? ...
Evangelicals need to consider whether believing in Bible prophecy absolves
them from grappling with the issues of right and wrong. Does having a handle
on the prophetic details allow them to turn a blind eye to injustice? Does the
end justify the means, just because the ends have been prophesied?”
In order for the concept of a one-world
government to become established in the hearts and minds of the faithful, this
clever “doctrine of demons” called “Dispensationalism” was thus
propagated, and promoted to the point where it was quietly foistered upon the
world’s Christian community. The
complacency, ineptness, and spiritual laziness that this popular "end of the
world" system has produced, was exactly the goal of the One Worlders.
This teaching, which appears quite Scriptural to those unschooled in correct
Bible terminology, was financed and brought to the forefront by Scofield’s
secret backers, perpetuated and enthusiastically endorsed by evangelical
giants such as Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Hal Lindsay (described as the most
respected prophecy teacher in the world today, and possibly the richest) and a
whole host of others that decided to feed from the ever-full Jewish
establishment trough. This has created precisely what was intended - passive
believers who think it is a sin, (even anti-Semitic) to dare question anything
that Israel does or wants. It has produced a largely religious and dozy,
“un-salty” people, forever waiting for their beloved “rapture,” who claim to
know God but in their worldliness deny Him. We are alive today to witness the
satanic counterfeit of the REAL Truth, in the final triumph of Dispensational
futurism - wrapped as usual in the pretty ribbons and bows of Jewish fables.
Deceived Christians by the tens-of-thousands are buying-into an ill-founded
belief system - one that was created to endorse and promote the acceptance of
the murderous beast of Revelation 13.
Christians are at war
and don't even know it, nor would they care even if they knew! In fact
the very opening words in the forward to Jesse-Pen Lewis’s classic, “War on
the Saints” is . . “WAR ON THE SAINTS! Why, most Christians do not even
know there is a war on.” The average “dumbed-down” Christian is at
opposite ends from the sphere of world dominance and hasn't a clue because of
a naive innocence that precludes them from believing how deliberate lies and
intrigue can ooze from the pores of the skin as it does with some. Then there
are those that deliberately resist the Truth of the Jew, because direct
knowledge of their brand of eugenic evil may degrade them somehow and perhaps
coarsen their delicate souls once they are forced to acknowledge it. Jesus
often said that the cost of truth was high and may include the loss of family
and friends - the price of which the large majority will simply not pay. As a
result, we are being herded like trusting sheep and gradually imprisoned by
familiar, smiley faces with unbelievably evil minds, infinitely more sinister
than anything produced by the communists of Russia.
The Jews constantly reconstruct reality and
legislate morality according to the needs of their age-old enterprise, that of
the total destruction of White Christian Civilisation.
For example have you ever noticed how the overwhelming percentage of all of
the experts that the news media refer for the so-called "objective" quote from
some authority, are always Jews? It doesn't matter whether they are lawyers or
judges, doctors or psychiatrists, actors or directors, journalists or
reporters, politicians or highly placed governmental officials, if you will
watch your TV closely, you'll see for yourself the endless parade of liberals
with Jewish names. “The real menace of our
republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its
slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it
operates under cover of a self-created
screen. At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil
interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to
as the International Bankers. The little coterie of powerful International
Bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish
purposes. They practically control both political parties." New
York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922
Jews now exercise complete control over the
world’s banking community. They control over 90% of the worlds gold and
diamond markets. Endless names like Goldstein, Silverstein, Perlstein and
Rubinstein dominate the highest levels of the billion dollar international
"Jew-elry" business. They completely control Hollywood and all of the major
media outlets in every nation. They now own all the (once independent)
principal Christian publishing houses in the U S, (where they wield editorial
control in all modern Bible translations) and even fund to a degree, all the
major evangelical Bible Colleges - directly or indirectly. And where many
orthodox Jewish Rabbis incredibly are now in many senior teaching and/or
administrative-overseer positions. Don’t believe it? Then make the effort to
check it out for yourself!
The Jews exercise powerful influence over the
governments and nations of the earth by means of the unbelievable wealth they
have acquired - and they truly
can and will use their extensive power, wealth and influence to
ruthlessly destroy all their perceived enemies.
“The great majority of the Senate
of the United States...somewhere around 80 percent are completely in support
of Israel . . anything Israel wants! This has been demonstrated time and
again, and this has made it difficult."
The above media statement made on April 15,
1979 - in a moment of frustration and anger, ended the political career of the
courageous James Fulbright, as powerful Jewish Interests collaborated for his
subsequent removal.
The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith,
or ADL for short, presents itself
as an organization against ethnic, racial or religious intolerance. The very
name suggests that it opposes "defamation." In reality, the Anti-Defamation
League is an organization that supports Jewish ethnic and religious supremacy,
and relentlessly "defames" anyone who dares to point out its own blatant
hypocrisy. Whilst supposedly opposing ethnic segregation and ethnic
superiority, the ADL ever supports Israel and international Zionism, which
promotes not a vision of a "multi-cultural," "multi-ethnic" Israel, but of a
strictly segregated "Jewish state," openly dedicated to the advancement of all
things “Jewish.” “Behind this mask of
humanitarian public service hides an organization with links to organized
crime, murder squads, a domestic spying ring used to “monitor” tens of
thousands of Americans, and the Mossad, the secret police and assassination
service of the Israeli government. With the help of a friendly media, the ADL
has become the premier lobby for Jewish interests in America, and the source
of hate crime legislation and curtailment of First Amendment freedom of speech
through their attempted censorship of the Internet.”
David Duke in “The truth about the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith.”
The ADL was founded in 1913 as an adjunct to the international
Jewish freemasonic order and secret society, THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF B'NAI
B'RITH - an exclusively Jewish organization that CONTROLS AND DIRECTS THE
Council on Foreign Relations
is another little publicized, but
extremely powerful group - a virtual shadow government, according to some.
The clear objective of the CFR has
been to form a world system in which capitalism could bring all of the world's
currencies, banking systems, credit, manufacturing, and raw materials into one
body, and policed by its own military. According to Rear Admiral Chester Ward,
who had been a member of the CFR for 15 years, its purpose is to:
"promote disarmament and the submergence of American
sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world
The CFR is THE establishment.
Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at
the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also
finances and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to
justify the high level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign
Constitution Republic into a servile member of a one-world dictatorship. In
the most recent list of its 43 officers and directors - 47% are Jewish.
Trilateral Commission
was formed in the 1970's, with David
Rockefeller unsurprisingly playing a prominent role. The Trilateral Commission
is a non-governmental, policy-oriented discussion group of about 350
“distinguished citizens” from Western Europe, North America and Pacific Asia
formed to encourage mutual understanding and closer cooperation among these
three regions on common problems. Among their 103 members in the North
American region, 85 are Americans, 12 Canadians, and 7 Mexicans - 25% are
Jewish Institute for National Security affairs
is a kind of Fifth Column for Israel, made up of high-ranking American
military men. This one think tank puts the U.S./Israel strategic relationship
first - regardless! Of the 48 officers and directors - 42% are Jewish.
It is now time for all of us who love
freedom, to wake up and fight the Federal Reserve System, the C.F.R, our
corrupt political establishment, Hollywood, The International Bankers, the
United Nations and Washington D.C., all of whom are controlled either directly
or indirectly by powerful and mostly liberal, Talmudic Jews! Is there any
wonder why the battle seems so difficult, when we see how Cabbalistic
conspirators from within have systematically plotted against this nation from
its very inception to the present hour?
If you really think about it, if the god of
the Jews is the same one as to whom the Christian's give reverence, then why
are the Jews the principal driving force behind the removal of
prayer from our schools?
How have such evils like greed and conspiracy within our national
leadership been able to rock our nation?
How has the Federal Judicial system become such a power cult that it is
able to violate our human rights with total freedom?
How have such Biblically opposed acts such as abortion,
homosexuality and other sexual perversions, become acceptable and even
welcomed practices?
When did this people give up the right of freedom OF (and not from)
When did we say it was OK for the open practice of Witchcraft and Satanism
within our government and in our own schools, while Christianity in any form
is prohibited?
When did humanism and a host of New Age and occult philosophies
replace Christianity as the Rock upon which this nation was supposedly
Well, it began when we allowed the soothsayers
and worshippers of JaoBulOn to lay out our National Capital as a giant Satanic
Talisman where the door was opened to the demonic world of darkness.
The following is a most revealing remark at
the conclusion of a shocking and controversial taped
INTERVIEW with Harold Wallace Rosenthal,
former Senate staff member and aide to the
then US Senator Jacob Javits. A concerned American, Walter White, Director and
Editor of the monthly conservative publication “Western Front,” conducted the
interview in 1976. Mr. Rosenthal,
heavily involved in the workings of government in Washington, D.C., bluntly
discussed in breathtaking arrogance, the various tactics that certain Jews
have used in destroying Christian civilization and gaining control over
peoples lives. This largely unopposed Talmudic tyranny he attributes to "the
stupid goyim" who are so gullible they are unable to see who is destroying
their own culture, and even assist their enemies towards these ends.
“Dear reader - after the tape machine had been turned
off, I accused Harold Rosenthal of not living up to our agreement in replying
truthfully to my question as to the Jews being God's Chosen people. He
replied: "We are god's chosen people,
most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer, so I wasn't lying -
and, we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive." I was
stunned. I had no further comment. I had watched this arrogant, boastful
person change at times like a chameleon that changes its colour. Many times he
showed a hatred - yes, even a venom. At the conclusion I felt unclean being
around him.”
"We Jews, who
have posed as Saviours of the World; we are today nothing else but the world's
seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners."
- Oscar Levy
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root symbolic form
pictographic forms of various Masonic Lodge emblems
The interlaced triangles of the Hexagram
and its core esoteric meaning, is at the root of ALL Lodge and other
esoteric fraternity systems, as commonly depicted by their various logo’s,
emblems and complex pictographs. For example; the ancient Egyptian “Ankh,”
also illustrates the conjunction of
male and female genitals in a looped cross. Similarly, the
Order of the Rosy Cross or Rosicrucians demonstrates a similar theme in their
emblem of the “Rosy Cross.” The “Yin and Yang” is yet again a
representation of the harmony of dualism in the mostly eastern/oriental
tradition. The importance of the Hexagram as represented in all
Cabbalistic/occult systems past, present and future, cannot be overstated.
The illustrations above are further
examples of the symbolic root base behind that of a more complex emblem and
clearly show how the compass and square pictographs are simply interlaced
triangles with their bases removed. Some Lodges quite openly display the
Hexalpha outright to prove the point, as with the one on the right.
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The Rotary emblem is another classic example of a disguised Luciferic pictograph, showing the Hebrew Talisman – an encircled Hexagram, (the circle - representing Illuminism) at the root of this emblem. Notice how the shaft key is at the 12 o’clock, or apex/capstone position. Rotary is a powerful, worldwide organization and is strongly, but covertly linked to Freemasonry. |
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Apex is yet another seemingly benevolent community based civic organization, somewhat similar to that of Rotary. The quoted aims of Apex, is to: “work together to serve their community's greatest needs by promoting service, fellowship and community spirit.” Fine sentiment - but in reality, Apex is just another form of junior Freemasonry, where promising future “adepts” can be closely monitored. The Apex emblem, regardless of its stated aims – clearly demonstrates its consistent harmony with other forms of Illuminist/Luciferic based sects, in Masonic belief and practice. |
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This logo for example, is used for the on-line Authorised KJV of the Bible and is ironically the one translation most purists hold dear. Even God’s Word has Satan’s corrupting mark, in a very cleverly thought-out Freemasonic emblem - right down to the correct fire/water colour usage. Tilt the picture 45 degrees right and take a close look and just marvel at the incredible consistency of it all. |
Just to confirm all this in your own mind,
carefully look around at the number of company logos and other emblems
that feature principally triangulate/Pyramidal root forms in one way or
another and that predominantly use the opposite spectrum colours of
red (spirit) and
blue (matter). I have collected
literally hundreds of them over the years. The purpose of these and other
Logo’s, is to psychologically prepare the world to gradually accept the
“Mark,” using clever, preconditioning/subliminal imagery.
If you want to see
more Judeo-Masonic symbols, I suggest paying a visit to:here
"Freemasonry, Judaism, and
Occultism, whose alliance and reciprocal interpretation no longer require
(LÇon de Poncins, The Secret Powers behind Revolution, (1929).
As mentioned earlier, when a
number is expressed in the Bible, words are used to do so. For example, the
153 fish that the disciples caught in John 21:11 is expressed as hekaton
(a hundred) pentekonta (fifty) treis (three). However, in a form
that is unique in the KJV Bible, the number 666
is also expressed simply by three alphabetical characters: (chi), (xi) and
(stigma). This form of "600 + 60 + 6" is interesting and invites speculation
drawn from the Old Testament. What if these numbers represent the relative
power of certain avowed enemies of God, each of whom typifies Satan? In order
of history, these enemies would be Goliath, Nebuchadnezzar, and the end-time
Beast. Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, taunted Israel for forty
days before David killed him using a sling and five smooth stones (1 Sam
17:1-51). Spiritually, David's defeat of Goliath foreshadows Christ's defeat
of Satan. Goliath's height is recorded as "six cubits and a span" (a cubit
is about eighteen inches, a span about half that). Reckoned purely in
cubits, we can say that Goliath was nominally six cubits high.
Some five centuries after
Goliath died, king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon made an image of gold (Dan
3:1-5). It was sixty cubits high and six cubits broad, and was to be
worshipped when any music was heard, particularly from six specified
instruments (the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer). It is
interesting to note that just as Nebuchadnezzar wielded far more power than
Goliath, so his image is ten times Goliath's height. A spiritual parallel may
be similarly drawn. In David's day, Satan's power over Israel was limited.
However, by Nebuchadnezzar's day, it was much greater, as Satan worked through
the Babylonians to defeat and exile God's people.
The real speculation,
though, comes with the final number 600. If Goliath's power (representing
Satan's limited power over Israel) is typified as six cubits, and if
Nebuchadnezzar's power (representing Satan's greater power over Israel) is
represented as sixty cubits (a tenfold increase), then the beast of Revelation
13 - who will overcome the church and rule all the world - is aptly scaled at
six hundred cubits (a further tenfold increase). This MAY represent a
progression of Satan's culminating power over the church in the form "600 + 60
+ 6" to also represent the beast's number.
Further interest may also be
stirred when it is noted that as we come to the beginning of the 6th seal of
Revelation at the end of the 6th thousandth year, we have precisely 6 billion
souls on the face of the earth, scattered among 6 major continents.
The Six-Pointed Star or
Hexagram, is called the “Tetragrammaton,” and is the symbolic representation
of the
Jewish/Talmudic G-d of the Cabbala – none other than Satan! The
Sephirotic Tree (ref. Gen 2:17) of the Cabbala, taught that the sum of the
numerical values of Aïn-Soph (166, absolute empty) and Kether
(500, unity) gives 666
- the Sun. “666 is the occult number
of the Hexagram, the symbol of the Sun, for a single line of the Hexagram
contains three equal parts, each of which may be represented by the number 1,
so that every line can be symbolised by the number 111. There are six lines in
all, so that 111x6=666, the most Holy Number of the Sun. Each angle of the
Hexagram is 60 degrees. 60 is the number of the Hebrew letter Samekh, which is
the letter of the Holy Guardian Angel or the Solar Self in Man. Six angles of
60 degrees each equals 360 degrees, and 360 is the number of the Hebrew letter
Shin spelled in full. Shin is the letter of the Sun and of 666. Also 666 is
the number of a "Man" who lives in the Sun.”
Thelmic Numbers and Words by David Cherubim (Frater Aurora Aureae). The Order
of the Thelemic Golden Dawn:
From “The View
Over Atlantis” by John Michell:
“666, the predominant number at both Stonehenge and Glastonbury Abby, has
always been recognized as a solar number. Its traditional character is
confirmed by its obvious significance as the sum of the numbers in the square
of the Sun and it is the number of TEITAN, an ancient Greek name for Satan.”
According to the fundamental doctrine of the Mysteries, as
brought from Pergamos to Rome, “Teitan,” or Satan, was recognised as the one
and ONLY true god. Now if you add Teitan in its Greek numerical values for
the letters we get: T=300
E=5 I=10
T=300 A=1
N=50 with a total of
666. Now since the
Sun-god, (the Heavenly Bull) brought
both light and
darkness as he rose from east to west, he
was worshipped also as both good and
evil. He was venerated not only as a
good and evil
“god,” but both male and
female at the same time. The reasoning
behind this Pagan philosophy is that the
Sun-god was believed to be the source of all things. So since there
is good and evil, and male and female, the Sun-god also had to be good and
evil and hence double-sexed, because men
and women were created in the image of their
“god.” Here again another consistent and clear representation of Satan as the
“double divinity” of the Six-Pointed Star.
666 was thus the symbolic
representation of the ancient pagan mysteries connected with the worship of
the Devil. It is
still today the secret connecting link between those ancient mysteries and
their modern revival in Spiritualism, Theosophy, Freemasonry, Talmudism, etc.
The efforts of the eternal enemy are now being directed towards uniting us all
into one great whole. The media everywhere, are full of schemes actively
promoting such a union. "Reunion" is in the air. The various societies for
the regathering of Christendom, and the endless conferences for the merging of
the Churches, are like parts of the same great movement, and are all signs of
the coming Apostasy. During this age, "Separation" is God's word for His
people, and is the mark of Christ; whilst "union" and "re-union" is the mark
of Antichrist. Regarding this union or transcendence, Miriam Donner
comments thus in her “Esoteric
Astrology and the 666.” “The
triple-six, or 666, "The Number of the Beast", is the final struggle within
"self" to control and then totally transmute the instincts, desire nature, and
the emotions from its lower state (emotional imbalance and self-centeredness)
and turn it into "wisdom" and a "pure heart" which expresses love in action.
The battle between self-serving desires (lower animal nature, greed, etc.) and
desires for self-sacrificing service for the good of all wages in everyone. It
is often a terrific battle, but every soul on Earth must move through this
experience before evolution in "consciousness" (both personal and universal)
can continue, and we become "superindividuals." Therefore, 666 represents the
challenge of change (transcendence) from selfish willfulness and emotionalism,
into a being of wisdom and most of all—love; that love that "unites all
"... I felt I had to write and
urge you to
contend for the faith
was once for all entrusted to the saints. For certain men whose condemnation
was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you.
They are godless men,
who change the grace of our God into a
license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and
(Jude 3,4) Read this Scripture
again carefully!
The Jewish mystics of the Cabbala practiced
the "messianic mystery of awakening" which for them was akin to the Great Work
of Alchemy. For them, a woman was a “door of G-d, through which one enters
into G-d." The “coming’ of the Messiah, they believed, happened in a
purely personal, rather than on a collective level, and could be occasioned
via sexual union – the ultimate perversion. Salvation was not some external
condition granted by a gracious Saviour, but occurred only through a direct
“experience” of God based on personal Gnosis. Talmudic Cabbalists believed
that direct knowledge of God exempted them from strict adherence to Mosaic
Law. Personal Gnosis could be gained only through engaging in sex, the union
with man's "other half" – woman, and the dirtier the better. Thereby plunging
man into degeneracy and lust, enabling subtle control of the individual
through gradual demonization – the key to it all!
The Interlaced Triangles of the
Hexagram, is the ultimate representation of Sex and Religion as being one.
Therefore all sex-acts become a “Divine Union” between God and Man. The
Orgasm therefore becomes holy absolution, a form of “Atonement” with God. A
sick, deliberate and satanic counterfeit of the pure Love of God!
All occult traditions, venerate sexuality,
and view coitus as the highest expression of spiritual union
with the combined male and female aspects of
the Absolute. This is precisely the reason that sexual immorality has been so
consistently rampant in the various branches of paganism, for it is the direct
result of mankind’s universal rejection of the knowledge and Love of the True
and Living God and man’s consequential decline into the worship instead of the
mystery of creation. (Numbers 25:1-3; Romans 1:18-27)
Of all the goddesses of ancient pagan
mythology, none was more widely venerated than the
goddess of sex.
The Greeks called her Aphrodite; the Romans worshiped her as Venus. In Homer's
'Iliad,' Aphrodite is said to be the daughter of Zeus and Dione, a Titan
goddess. Meaning “born of foam,” this pagan goddess venerated in the ancient
Biblical city of Smyrna, was considered the ancestral Goddess of the Romans -
recorded by accident or design in the city's name, 'Roma,' which is 'amor'
(love) when written backwards – a common occult practice. Aphrodite (from
where we get our word Aphrodisiac) was also widely venerated as a nature
goddess and because she came from the sea, sailors prayed to her to calm the
wind and the waves. The colour RED (the
fire of love) and the red rose were dedicated to Aphrodite. Aphrodite’s mystic
number was 666, and at its centre
was the figure of the hexagram.
The poets of Greece and Rome never tired of
singing the praises of their sex goddess. Sculptors carved countless figures
of her and the most famous one that remains today is the beautiful and
priceless - 'Venus de Milo', now in the Louvre in Paris. Other names for her
are Aphrogenia, Anadyomene, and Astarte. It is often written Ashtoreth,
particularly in Bible references to Philistine idols. The name may have also
been derived from that of the Assyrian goddess Ishtar. Hermaphrodite, was the
offspring of Hermes and Aphrodite.
It is
almost impossible to imagine a time when images of the erotic were not part of
everyday life. Sex is the not-so-secret weapon used to promote anything from
ice-cream to cars to TV newsreaders. Most of all, sex sells itself: we are
bombarded with self-help manuals, videos, magazine features and even
personalised coaching, aimed at improving virility, performance and
satisfaction between the sheets.
But our
wise GOD, placed restrictions upon human sexuality, because He well understood
the tremendous corrupting power of SEX. Physical Intimacy was limited
between a man and a woman who were joined together in marriage; anything else
was BANNED under the penalty of death! This included sex outside of marriage,
prostitution, rape, incest as well as Homosexuality let-alone nasties such as,
Bestiality, Necromancy and other flesh perversions freely practiced today!
Violators were to be stoned to death and their bodies burned - no questions
asked! Today, almost anything goes and is becoming more and more morally
acceptable. Homosexuality and lesbianism are gaining greater mainstream
acceptance, where adultery and swinging couples are experiencing a
renaissance! The Sex Industry for example, with its sales of pornography, sex
toys, aphrodisiacs, etc., are at an all time high, with a huge $10 billion
dollar a year industry and one of the few, financially successful ventures on
the Net. But where is all of this leading us? Back, back in time-- to the
ancient Pagan and Gnostic rites and perverted sexual rituals of ancient
Babylon and also to a righteous and holy God that is becoming increasingly
of the teaching of “once saved always saved,” grace has been taught as a
license for immorality for so long, and without challenge, that when Scripture
is quoted, such as 1 Cor. 6:9,10 or Rev. 21:8, it is disregarded, and the
giver of God's Word is falsely accused of teaching legalism, bondage, works,
etc. This reflects how truly dark are the days in which we live!
Fornication is Satan’s trump
card and has been
running rampant since the beginning of time. It is one of the oldest and most
commonly indulged-in and accepted sins of any society, where the
temptation to succumb is powerful and universal. It was so common in the
Apostle Paul's time that when he wrote the letter to the church at Corinth he
was moved to say, "now the body is not for
fornication, but for the Lord." This same warning needs to be
sounded in our day, where there have been great advances in this sin within
the society in which Paul lived, so that sexual promiscuity is now widely
encouraged, publicized and glamorized.
WHEN was the last time the media ever told
you the truth about sexual sin? Notice how no one on TV or the movies pays the
price of illicit sex. No one in fantasyland gets Herpes, Hep C, or AIDS when
they jump into bed with their current ”fun” partner of the moment. Nobody that
sings the songs connects their "I want your sex" life-style with constant
pain, crazy rages and suicide attempts. No one on the screen gets hurt, blown
apart at heart or devastated when they casually throw away their future with
the loss of their virginity. MTV plugs sexual songs, cultivates sexual
situations, pushes you into "safe sex". Then it offers the almighty cure; use
a condom. "Sex cures loneliness. Sex makes you feel good about yourself. Sex
makes you happy. Sex is like a box of chocolates . . . ?
On the silver screen
everybody is pretty, everybody looks good, everybody has great sex with
anybody at anytime with no consequences. Pretty Women marry millionaires – of
course there's no sequel, because the marriage only lasts as long as the
credits. The script always assures that the "sexually active" athlete gets the
girl and they always live happily ever after.
However, the contrasting
Sexual sin defiles your body
and damages its ability to fulfil God's purposes.
Sexual immorality is unique, in that it is committed against our own bodies (1
Corinthians 6:17). Our bodies function as temples of God's HOLY
Spirit (1
Corinthians 6:12-20). When we use our body for sex sin, we dishonour and
defile God's temple. We're also defiling the people with whom we commit that
sin. Our lack of respect for our body, (and for God) harms our relationship
with Him.
Sexual sin grieves God's
Spirit. Any sin
we practice will grieve The Spirit of God (Ephesians
4:31). It puts out the "fire" of the HOLY Spirit in our life (1
Thessalonians 5:19). The more we quench God's Spirit, the less we will be
inclined to live a changed life in righteousness, which ultimately leads to
our salvation.
Practicing sin forms a
stronghold for evil in our lives.
When we repeatedly sin, we give evil an increasingly protected place in our
lives. The more we give in to our sinful lusts, the more they have control
over us. Paul described this as slavery to sin in
Romans 6:16. Sexual strongholds are particularly powerful, since they
involve our body, soul and spirit.
Sexual sin can bring a curse
on you, your partner and/or your children.
Sex sin gives Satan a right to oppress us and our descendants through curses
generational curses). The scriptural basis for generational curses is
found in
Exodus 34:6-7 and several other passages. Promiscuity, adultery, divorce,
infertility, frigidity and other reproductive problems can sometimes be traced
to curses arising from sexual sins of the past. (Numbers
Sexual sin can give evil
spirits a foothold in your life.
Romans 1:28-32 provides a vivid account of how sexual promiscuity and
idolatry opens the door to many other forms of evil. The Bible offers plenty
of additional examples of sex sin and the ensuing consequences (see
Bible Sex Sin Examples). Perhaps the most famous is David's sin with
Bathsheba. His adultery with Bathsheba and resultant murder of her husband
produced continual family strife, the death of his precious son and
opportunities for enemies to blaspheme God. (2
Samuel 11-12)
Sexual sin can bring
spiritual confusion.
Spiritual confusion begins when we start pursuing certain pleasures and
disregard our conscience of what is right and wrong. The more we pursue this
sin, the more our conscience becomes dulled (1
Timothy 4:2,
Titus 1:15). A dull conscience causes us to be susceptible to the enemy's
lies, which will draw us progressively further away from God (James
1:14). Eventually we may not even think our actions are sinful and our
ability to repent can be hindered (Hebrews
6:1-8). Two examples of sex-related spiritual confusion are found in
Romans and 1 Kings. The people in
Romans 1:24-32 sinned through sexual immorality and idolatry and were
filled with all kinds of evil.
1 Kings 11 illustrates how Solomon, the wisest person that ever lived,
descended into spiritual confusion through sexual idolatry with his many pagan
Sexual sin can cause
emotional confusion.
Sexual activity creates
emotional bonds ("soul ties") with our sex partner. These bonds will vary in
strength depending on the relationship. God intended this emotional bond for
marriage partners. When we bond with people other than our spouse through sex,
emotional confusion results.
Sex sin can destroy
marriages and families.
Adultery destroys marriages
and families. The husband and the wife will suffer emotional, spiritual and
even physical damage when the bond of fidelity is broken. Major healing will
be needed to repair the breach. Memories created during a marriage break-up
can last the lifetime of the family and the effects can be felt up to four
generations. Viewing pornography is a form of adultery (Matthew 5:28), and
it's potential to damage a marriage cannot be underestimated. Too often it is
justified as a harmless necessity by the addicted, suggesting that it is not
as damaging as physical adultery. This is a blatant lie!
Sexual sin can lead to an
unbridled pursuit of lust and perversion.
Sex sin usually feeds a
growing fire of other
lusts in our minds. If we continue to feed that fire, we can easily drift
further and further into decadence. Paul described this state as indulgence
in every kind of impurity, with continual lust for more (Ephesians
Romans 1:24-28).
Sex is never JUST sex. God
says sexual sin is like nothing else in the Book. It can hurt you physically,
mentally, emotionally and spiritually - screwing up your life in ways you
would never have dreamed. The life of one who bows “At the Altar of Sexual
Idolatry,” has made the act of sex his god, it’s as simple as that. Many
people sincerely believe they are worshippers of The Most High, but in
reality, it is something or someone else who receives their adoration. Jesus
said that God, The Father, must be worshipped “in Spirit and in TRUTH.” (John
4:24) This means that any so-called worship that is not done in “Spirit and
TRUTH” is both false and perverted. It is this TRUTH,” that quenches the
fiery darts of lust, and destroys the demonic passion that drives it. We
are to KNOW the Truth – i.e., to act on its wisdom and THE TRUTH will set us
I once knew an old Navy man who had traversed
the seven seas many times in his long life. His simple advice to me as an
inexperienced rating was, "always trust your compass." The most common problem
for green sailors, he said, was their tendency to lose confidence in their
compass. When you lose sight of familiar landmarks due to bad weather,
especially at night, your mind fills-in the darkness with false images. You
see what you want to see, not what's really there.
A people who are too timid to trust their
moral compass, or too fearful to resist the comforting certitudes of
self-anointed holy men, will soon find themselves lost in a fog of moral
chaos. Today, the ship of state is steered by demagogues who strategically
place magnetic lies of propaganda around our moral compass, to force the
needle to point wherever it profits them to take us. The world is adrift,
under gathering storm clouds and we seem to have abandoned our moral compass.
The Scriptures
have been readily provided for our learning and when they differ from “the
traditions of men”, those traditions must be discarded.
The first Biblical mention of a “Star” is in Amos 5:26 where the primary
religions of the day (just as now) were in fierce competition between God, The
Father of our Lord Jesus, with that of the Baals of Canaan. The Canaanite’s
religion centred on a fertility cult that appealed to the sexual urges of the
people, leading to their separation from the true God and to their ultimate
destruction. In her authoritative work ”The Plot
Against Christianity,” Elizabeth Dilling comments that demonism and
their veneration in paganism, was the essence of Baal-worship:
“Baal, meaning lord, or master; the demon-god of male
procreative powers associated with the Sun in Biblical times and with a
goddess of female procreation, called variously: Venus, Astarte, Mylitta,
etc. It involved mass nudism, fornication, sodomy and mad knife-slashing
rites, including the burning of children – were all features of this so-called
While it is certainly true that King David
would never have allowed Baal worship or anything resembling either a five or
a Six-Pointed Star to exist in his day, let alone any idols associated with it
- that was not so however of his son King Solomon. In 922 BC, King Solomon
spectacularly backslid and converted to the fashionable occult religions of
his day, by being enticed by his one thousand ethnically diverse wives and
concubines that God warned would lead him astray, a warning of which he duly
ignored. (I Kings 11:1-13, 26-36) As a result of Solomon’s heart being turned
away by his affection directed elsewhere, he erected an altar to Satan's false
god, Astarte and to Molech, even after God appeared to him twice and commanded
him not to do such an abominable thing. This was the beginning of the end for
Solomon, as God raised up a number of “adversaries” that eventually, forcibly
deprived him of his kingdom. A sad and ignoble end to a once great and
honourable man of God, something of which we should all be aware, lest our own
hearts be drawn away to become darkened through disobedience and fleshly
The Hexagram is THE most wicked
and THE most powerful, of all symbols in cabbalistic magick.
It is the foremost representation of the elevation of Lucifer/Satan to
god-hood in man with bondage through sexual perversion as the key. This now
is the real “Illuminated (demonised) Man,” one who is in totally enslaved to
all forms of moral degeneracy, depravity and sin and who is eternally destined
for the fiery pits of hell – professing Christian or not!
In a nutshell, God - The
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, IS LOVE in all its purest forms. Satan’s
counterfeit is SEX in all its most degenerate forms as symbolised by the SIX
As hard as it may be to believe, it was from
the worship of Astarte (Ishtar) and her Six-pointed Star that the so-called
Christian festival, named after her in the English - Easter,
originated. At the festival of Astarte, or Easter, (Eostar Sabbat) this
sex-goddess asks her followers to worship fornication and fertility which is
represented by the Sign of the Rabbit and the Astarte Egg. She had her pagan
followers celebrate the first Sunday after the first full moon, after the
Spring equinox (March 20-23) and at a time when day and night are in balance,
with the light mastering the darkness as believed by Wiccans and Celtics.
Incredibly, Christmas also originated
from Babylon, where the SUN was worshipped as the supreme god. As the year
progressed and the days grew shorter the people feared the sun was leaving
them. On December 22 the shortest day of the year, they began conducting long
rituals and sacrifices to the sun god, appealing for it to return for another
year. On December 25 they could determine the day was getting longer again and
on this day they held a great celebration rejoicing in the re-birth of the
sun! Yule was the original Pagan holiday when the Moon Goddess gave birth to
the SUN God. You can see quite clearly
the similarity to Christianity and to the birth of the
SON OF GOD, showing this was and still
is, ancient Pagan ritual that has continued from Babylon to this day.
So then, is there a command anywhere in the
Scriptures that someone should cut down a tree from the forest, set it up in
one's home at the time of the Winter Solstice, deck it out with gifts,
trinkets and various colourful decorations, and then place a five or
six-pointed star on its topmost part to show an association of the tree with
the signs of the heavens? There is, of course, no such command, nor suggestion
that such a thing should ever be done. However with some sort of twisted
reasoning, the church authorities tell the ignorant faithful that all these
pagan customs are innocent enough as long as they "put Christ back into
Christmas" with their worshipful adoration for the nativity of the
Christ-child. But the problem is, how can the church leaders "put Christ back
into Christmas" when He was never in Christmas in the first place?
Here now is the true origin of that jolly
individual in the red suit, "Santa Claus."
It certainly was a stroke of demonic genius
that produced such a charming and attractive figure for our children to enjoy,
and straight from the dark pages of Pagan mythology.
“Thor was the god of the peasants and the common people. He was represented as
an elderly man, jovial and friendly, of heavy build, with a long white beard.
His element was the FIRE, his colour RED. The rumble and roar of
thunder were said to be caused by the rolling of his chariot, for he alone
among the gods never rode on horseback but drove in a chariot drawn by two
white goats (called Cracker and Gnasher). He was fighting the giants of ice
and snow, and thus became the Yule-god. He was said to live in the "Northland"
where he had his palace among icebergs. Our pagan forefathers considered him
as the cheerful and friendly god, never harming the humans but rather helping
and protecting them. The fireplace in every home was especially sacred to him,
and he was said to come down through the chimney into his element, the FIRE.”
[Note 70: H. A. Grueber,
Myths of Northern Lands, Vol. I, New York, 1895, 61ff.].
Another interesting exercise
to prove the Pagan point even further, is what we get when we unscramble the
cleverly worded - “Santa Claus.” Santa is obviously S a t a n, and
Claus is L u c a s, from the Roman name Lucius, meaning
“luminous or white,” which is derived from Lucifer or the “bringer of
the light.” Now we can see clearly why Santa Claus is also called “Old Saint
Nicholas,” because Nicolaus is the same name as Nicholas, or “Old Nick,” - the
Devil himself.
If we stretch our imagination even further, every time Santa says “Ho-Ho-Ho”,
he is really saying “666.” Each word "HO" has 6 letters between the H and the
O, where you
get...H i j k l m n
O, then HO HO HO here
6 6 6. Now,
A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, .... etc., the name S A N T A C L A U S also
adds up to 666. Do you get a picture
of brilliant supernatural consistency here, or am I slowly going nuts?
The Six-Pointed Star or “double divinity” is
identified as the Seal of Solomon, as is the
FIVE POINTED STAR in some instances. Deceivers among us have been
attempting to convince us through the legitimacy of the widespread use of
these symbols, especially on our nation’s flags and elsewhere, that the Six
Pointed Star (the interlaced triangles) is the “Mogen David,” and is
somehow associated with the great Biblical patriarch, and is something to be
admired and even revered, especially by Christians – a dangerous and
deliberate lie. This symbol has nothing to do with the great patriarch and
prophet King David - but instead has mostly to do with that of an Ashkenazi
Jew - Menahem ben Duji, who changed his name to David Al-Roy. This man was a
leading 16th century “Zaddikim” or Ba'al Shem, a leading
Cabbalistic sage, who also claimed to be the “Messiah.”
“The Plot Against Christianity” by
Elizabeth Dilling comes this: “The six pointed
star, called “Davids Shield” or “Mogen David,” has been used for magical
amulets for centuries for pagan purposes and then “hung” on to David. Only in
this last century did this commonly come to be used as a symbol of Talmudism.
The five pointed star also used for pagan sorcery was then “hung” on to
Solomon. Together on the RED FLAG you may note, both David’s Shield and
Solomons Seal were used to make a red flag, with which the Jews met King
Mathias of Hungary in the fifteenth century. The Bible has an uncanny way of
prophesying what Satanists will do, as a doctor predicts the run of a
contagious disease in advance. The Babylonian power of the future red
government of the world is represented as BLOOD RED”.
(The Red Dragon of Rev. 12:3-4, & The woman astride the Scarlet Beast of
Rev. 17:3-4) – [Red is the colour of Esau who is Edom, and has
generally represented Communism with its insatiable appetite for blood.
Biblically, red
applied to blood (2 Kings
322;22), a heifer (Numbers
19:2), pottage of lentils (Genesis
25:30), a horse (Zechariah
1:8), wine (Proverbs
23:31), the complexion (Genesis
25:25; Cant
5:10). This colour is symbolical of bloodshed and death (Zechariah
Revelation 6:4;
The god, Saturn, and the number 6 are found
on the
Talisman of Saturn, which has the Six-Pointed Star on one side and the
Pentagram on the other. "On the first face is
engraved . . . a pentagram or a star with five points. On the other side is
engraved a bull's head enclosed in a SIX-POINTED STAR, and surrounded by
letters composing the name REMPHA, THE PLANETARY GENIUS OF SATURN, according
to the alphabet of the Magi."
(Christian, p. 304-5). Rempha is precisely the false god
referred to by the first Christian martyr, Stephen, in his sermon to the
Council of Jewish establishment leaders, (mostly Pharisees) in Acts 7:43 and
earlier by the OT prophet Amos 5:26-27.
The book, “Encyclopaedia of Occultism” by
Lewis Spence, calls the Six-Pointed Star the occult's "chief magical diagram."
None of the references you will ever find anywhere to the origin of this Star
will indicate any positive, Godly or Christian meanings at its root. In fact
the Hexagram figures prominently in Tarot readings and is on the lid of the
box for the Tarot deck. It is also the highest sign of the Sabbath of
Witches, often called Halloween and is enthusiastically celebrated on the same
day all over the world, even by some Evangelical Christian Churches. Their
ignorant congregations dress up their children as goblins, skeletons, and a
host of other disguises, and send them out into the “All Hallows Eve” to play
out the witch's role of "Trick or Treat," a childish combination of blackmail,
bribery and theft. Halloween is considered by witches to be the one-day of the
year most suitable for magic or demonic activity.
The deliberate murder of the first-born was a
common ritual for those under the power and authority of Molech. Today, that
ritual is dutifully carried on by medical
ABORTIONS lawfully done under the sign of the serpent on the staff – the
Caduceus, a symbol of divinity in Phoenicia and Babylonia. The majority of
abortions now permitted in most countries, sanctioned by their courts and
performed on the “seed of the woman,” is promoted most widely by those whose
loyalty and allegiance, whether knowingly or unknowingly, is to the two
interlaced triangles and to the cruel hermaphroditic god that it represents.
The Six-Pointed Star has long been used in magic, occultism, witchcraft, and
astrology, and has been found at the scene of so many occult crimes, that the
state police in California, recently issued a directive to all schools warning
children to be cautious of this particular symbol.
Satanic sacrifices of
innocent young people that are cold-bloodedly murdered in frightening numbers
world-wide under this candle-lit sign,
are the real reason for the large majority of missing children that are never
seen again. Most police forces everywhere know this as plain fact, but
because of the heavy influence of career altering Freemasonry and its
“loyalty–to-the-brotherhood” mindset throughout the constabulary and judiciary
systems especially, the mere mention of any occult involvement is at best
glossed over and usually explained away. The English press reported in
February 1998, that the leaders of Britain's Freemasons had been ordered to
lift the cloak of secrecy surrounding their organizations and name members
involved in infiltrating and corrupting the police force there.
Unsurprisingly, nothing has been heard since. This would account for the fact
that there are around 340,000 Freemasons in England and Wales alone, where
their considerable influence reaches even into the British Royals. In fact,
of all the professions, the law enforcement and intelligence community, have
the highest percentage of members who are Freemasons. This is no coincidence
as Freemasonry intentionally seeks out new recruits that can be the most
useful for its specific purposes. Unfortunately organised crime and the
occult has long been aware of this, and the more sophisticated criminals and
adepts have ever used the cloak of Freemasonry especially, in their continual
attempts to corrupt the justice system and to gain the ultimate “edge.”
“You must conceal all crimes of your
brother Masons...and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother
Mason be always sure to shield him...It may be perjury to do this, it is true,
but you're keeping your obligations.”
Ronayne Handbook of
Masonry, page 183
Continual sexual abuse and murder of
children, together with the ever-increasing incidents of Paedophilia around
the world, all point to the
involvement of a highly organised
NETWORK of elitist, pro-establishment type criminals who are at the apex
of principally the law enforcement and judicial systems. This has been proven
time and time again and is THE reason why Paedophilia will never be totally
Our many textbooks describe adnauseum;
excruciating details of Jewish persecution yet stop short of telling readers
why they were so persecuted. Countless books on the subject of Jewish
suffering repeatedly enlighten us that Jews are hated for whatever they are,
when in fact; Jews are really hated for what they DO.
For example, the
KOLNIDRE is a Jewish absolving prayer named from its opening words "All
vows" (kol nidre) and is based on the declaration of the Talmud:
"He who wishes that his vows and oaths shall have no
value, stand up at the beginning of the year and say: 'All vows which I shall
make during the year shall be of no value.” (NEDARIM,
23a-23b) It would be nice if we could declare that this is merely
one of the curiosities of the filth and darkness which envelopes the Talmud,
but the fact is that Kol Nidre is not only an ancient curiosity - it is also
very much modern practice. One of the most important aspects of this “prayer”
is that it suborns or excuses perjury in the Courts – especially in the case
of Jewish witnesses, whose testimony is knowingly rendered worthless by it.
Below, is a copy of
the sworn,
partial derivation from the older, Oath of the Jesuits. It is now interesting
to compare the similarities of the above Jewish Kol Nidre, with the
renunciation of the vows portion of the evil, blood curdling oath of The
"In the name of the son
crucified, (the Pentagram, the
illuminised man) swear to break the bonds which
still bind you to your father, mother, brothers, sisters, wife, relatives,
friends, mistresses, kings, chiefs, benefactors, and all persons to whomsoever
you may have promised faith, obedience, and service. Name and curse the place
where you were born, so that you may dwell in another sphere, to which you
will attain only after having renounced this pestilential globe, vile refuse
of the heavens! From this moment you are free from the so-called oath to
country and laws: swear to reveal to the new chief, recognised by you, what
you may have seen or done, intercepted, read or heard, learned or surmised,
and also seek for and spy out what your eyes cannot discern. Honour and
respect the Aqua
Tofana (a slow acting poison)
as a sure, prompt, and necessary means of purging the globe by death of those
who seek to vilify the truth and seize it from our hands. Fly from Spain,
Naples, and all accursed land; finally fly from the temptation to reveal what
you may hear, for the thunder is no prompter that the knife, which awaits you
in whatsoever place you may be. Live in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit.” (This is the Trinity of Illuminism - Cabbalistic and
Gnostic: The Father - the generating fire; the Holy Spirit - the Great Mother
Nature, reproducing all things; the Son - the manifestation, the vital fluid,
the astral light of Illuminism). Another perversion of Christian Symbolism!

It is not for nothing that the authoritative
edition of the Jewish Talmud is known as the Babylonian Talmud.
As Christians, misled by their Judaising preachers and popes are increasingly
consulting Jewish rabbinical sources for a more "purer" understanding of the
Old Testament, they are unknowingly consulting the occult. Orthodox rabbis
place curses, cast spells and imagine they have powers greater than God
Himself, resulting from their study of the Sepher Yetzirah,- a book of
Cabbalistic magick. Christians are simply indulging in Babylonian paganism
when they defer to the degenerate rabbis of Judaism.
"According to Jewish belief, the
Jewish People constitutes a species of their own...i.e., a special, separate
act of Creation by the Almighty. 'The thought of creating the Jewish People
preceded every other thought' of the Almighty when creating the Universe
according to the teaching of Rabbi Samuel bar Isaac."
(Talmud: Bereshith Rabba 1,5)
The Babylonian Talmud is
something considered most holy by many Christians and yet the large majority
have never neither seen, nor even read as much as a single extract.
How then did they come to this opinion except by careful deception? These
alleged “holy books” have within it the most evil and satanic plot ever
devised against humanity and Christianity especially. In reality, the Talmud
replaces the Old Testament verse by verse in such a subtle manner and in such
evil ways, as to make the Bible obsolete and of little importance. And
because Christians have not studied Talmudism and Cabbalism especially, they
are unlearned about this Babylonian Mystery of iniquity, that is alive and
infiltrating and influencing Christian thinking, doctrine, and Christian
standards of holiness living.
The Babylonian Talmud (Pes. 113b)
"Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love
lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth."
For almost four thousand years these five points have been the modus
operandi of these evil Canaanite heirs, who are now so near to the total
control of the world.
In chapter 3, of the late Jewish academic and
historian, professor Israel Shahak’s courageous, epoch-making book
'Jewish History, Jewish Religion - The Weight of
Three Thousand Years' (Pluto Press, London). He makes the
following important statement on current Jewish Orthodoxy and to its proper
Interpretation: "This chapter is devoted to a
more detailed description of the theological-legal structure of classical
Judaism. However, before embarking on that description it is necessary to
dispel at least some of the many misconceptions disseminated in almost all
foreign-language (that is, non-Hebrew) accounts of Judaism, especially by
those who propagate such currently-fashionable phrases as the 'Judeo-Christian
tradition' or 'the common values of the monotheistic religions'.
Because of the considerations of
space, I shall only deal in detail with the most important of these popular
delusions: that the Jewish religion is, and always was, monotheistic. Now,
as many Biblical scholars know, and as a careful reading of the Old Testament
easily reveals, this ahistorical view is quite wrong. In many, if not most,
books of the Old Testament the existence and power of 'other gods' are clearly
acknowledged . . what concerns us, however, is not the Biblical but Classical
Judaism, and it is quite clear, though much less widely realised, that the
latter, during the last few hundred years, was for the most part, far from
pure monotheism. The same can be said about the real doctrines dominant in
present-day Orthodox Judaism, which is a direct continuation of Classical
Judaism. The decay of monotheism came about through the spread of Jewish
mysticism [the cabbala], which developed in the 12th and 13th
Centuries [Christian Era], and by the late 16th century had won an
almost complete victory in virtually all the centres of Judaism. The so-called
Jewish Enlightenment, which arose out of the crisis of Classical Judaism, had
to fight against this mysticism and its influence more than against anything
else, but in latter-day Jewish Orthodoxy, especially among the rabbis, the
influence of the cabbala has remained predominant . . . The duty of pious Jews
is to restore through their prayers and religious acts the perfect divine
unity, in the form of sexual union, between the male and female deities. Thus
before most ritual acts, which every devout Jew has to perform many times each
day, a cabbalistic formula is recited . . . The Jewish morning prayers are
also arranged so as to promote this sexual union, if only temporarily.
Successive parts of the prayer mystically corresponds to successive stages of
the union: at one point the goddess approaches with her handmaidens, at
another the god puts his arms around her neck and fondles her breast, and
finally the sexual act is supposed to take place."
Footnote 5 (from the book):
[The cabbala is, of course, an esoteric doctrine and its detailed study was
confined to scholars. In Europe, especially after about 1750CE, extreme
measures were taken to keep it secret and forbid its study except by mature
scholars and under strict supervision. The uneducated Jewish masses of Eastern
Europe had no real knowledge of the cabbalistic doctrine; but the cabbala
precolated to them in the form of superstition and magical practices.]
Several points should be made
concerning the proper understanding of Judaism. Whatever can be said about
this cabbalistic system is that it
cannot be regarded as monotheistic, unless one is also prepared to
regard Hinduism, the late Greco-Roman religion, or even the religion of
ancient Egypt, as 'monotheistic'.”
The Talmud is Judaism's
holiest book. Its authority easily takes precedence over the Old Testament.
Evidence of this may be found in the Talmud itself,
"My son, be more careful in the observance of the
words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament)."(Erubin
21b - Soncino edition):
Today’s Scribes claim the
Talmud is partly a collection of traditions Moses gave them in oral form.
These had not yet been written down in Jesus time. Christ condemned the
traditions of the Mishnah (early Talmud) and those who taught it (Scribes and
Pharisees), because it clearly nullified Biblical teachings.
The famous warning of Our
Lord about the tradition that voids Scripture (cf. Mark 7:13), is actually a
direct reference to the Talmud
or more correctly, the forerunner of the first part of it - the Mishnah, which
existed in oral form during Christ*s lifetime, before being committed to
writing. All of Mark chapter 7, from verse one through thirteen, represents
Our Lord’s piercing condemnation of the Mishnah.
Unfortunately, due to the
abysmal ignorance of our day, the widespread Christian notion is that the Old
Testament Torah is the supreme book of Judaism. But this is not so, nor has it
ever been. The Pharisees teach for doctrine the commandments of rabbis, not
God; the Talmudic COMMENTARY on the Bible is their supreme law and not the
Bible itself. That commentary does indeed, as Jesus said, void the laws of
God, not uphold them.
To the Mishnah, the rabbis
later added the Gemara (rabbinical commentaries). Together these comprise the
Talmud. There are two versions; the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian
Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud is regarded by far as the most authoritative
version: "The authority of the Babylonian
Talmud is also greater than that of the Jerusalem Talmud. In cases of doubt
the former is decisive." (R.C.
Musaph-Andriesse, From Torah to Kabbalah: A Basic Introduction to the Writings
of Judaism, p. 40).
It is the standard
disinformation practice of the Pharisees of today to deny the existence of the
unbelievably degrading filth in the Talmudic “scriptures”
and to claim they are the fabrications of "anti-Semites." This disinformation
can only obtain a hearing amongst those too lazy to go to the English-language
books of the Talmud and look the passages up for themselves. The late Hebrew
University Professor emeritus Israel Shahak in his monumental 1994 work,
"Jewish History, Jewish Religion" (London: Pluto Press), has openly confirmed
the hate, malice and racism contained within the Talmud, especially with
regard to Christ and Christians.
Yet the Talmud is considered an indispensable
companion to the Torah (Old Testament), where the Lord Jesus openly condemned
the Talmudic Pharisees for placing oral and written traditions ahead of HIS
Word. Yet, even from Solomon’s time, the OT was completely perverted by evil
men who elected to read mystical meanings into the Hebrew alphabet in
preference to taking the Word of God at face value. Instead of reading the
Word as it was plainly written, the mystics borrowed pagan mystical beliefs,
most of which were traced to Babylon, and applied other interpretations to the
Hebrew texts. They ascribed mystical words and phrases to each letter and
number of the alphabet, then ignoring the plain, face value of a God-given
word or sentence, proceeded to give the Bible a completely contrary meaning to
that which was originally intended by the inspired authors. In their
perversion, they believed they could be as gods, exercise divine powers,
perform magical feats and command spirits - really demons.
“From time immemorial the cabalistic Jews have had
their great adepts, who have succeeded in their quest for hidden knowledge,
and mastered certain secrets of nature; and who, having thus acquired occult
powers, have used those powers for the furtherance of their own political
aims. These aims were carried out in the lodges of continental masonry and
other secret societies, and we have it on the authority of Disraeli himself
that these Jews were found at the head of every one of these”
(Quoted in Patriot, June 9 and July 21, 1927).
Today’s “Jews” believe the mind-set of the
world must be changed to think of Christianity as evil and that the true
Elect, those who practice Pharisaism, (Babylonian Talmudism) are the ONE AND
ONLY, genuine people of God. Talmudic Jews call the New Testament Covenant
"blank paper" (Talmud, Sabbath 116a), or the same as toilet tissue,
therefore claiming: (1) That Christianity is a 2,000 year old fraud; (2)
Pharisaism is the only true religion of God on the earth; (3) And that the
Talmud, is the only “holy book” God ordained since the Old Testament.
his two-volume work, the renowned Rabbi Finklestein writes: “Pharisaism
became Talmudism . . but the spirit of the ancient Pharisee remains
unaltered. When the Jew studies the Talmud he is actually repeating the
arguments used in the Palestinian academies. From Palestine to Babylonia:
from Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from these
to Poland, Russia and Eastern Europe generally, ancient Pharisaism has
In Rabbi Finklestein’s history of the Jews,
he states: “the TALMUD derives its authority
from the position held by the ancient academies.” (Pharisee) “the teachers of
those academies, both of Babylonia and of Palestine, were considered the
rightful successors of the older Sanhedrin. At the present time the Jewish
people have no living central authority comparable in status to the ancient
Sanhedrin’s or the later academies. Therefore any decision regarding the
Jewish religion must be based on the TALMUD as the final resume of the
teaching of those authorities when they existed.”
(“The JEWS - Their History, Culture and
Religion” vol 4, p 1332, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1949).
was the heading 17/11/1959 instalment of a
bestseller book by Herman Wouk which ran serially in the New York
Herald-Tribune. To quote: “The TALMUD is to
this day the circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws,
customs or ceremonies we observe-whether we are orthodox, Conservative, Reform
or merely spasmodic sentimentalists-we follow the TALMUD. It is our common
The Jewish Encyclopedia:
(1905 Page 665) reveals that the ancient Religion of the Pharisees has been in
continuous total control of what is fashionably recognised as the "Jewish
Religion", ever since the destruction of Solomon's Temple.
"With the destruction of the Temple ...Henceforth,
Jewish life was regulated by the teachings of the Pharisees ... Pharisaism
shaped the character of Judaism & the life & thought of the Jew for all the
With the eventual decline in the influence of
the Sadducees, the only entity, which thereafter stood in opposition to the
Anti-Christ Pharisees and their blasphemous Talmud, were the Christians.
As revealed elsewhere, this doctrine of the Pharisees continues to this day
under their self-proclaimed banner of "Judaism" or "Jews.” In fact they are
not true "Jews" at all, but clearly revealed by the Lord Jesus Himself as the
"Synagogue of Satan,” in Rev (2:9 & 3:9).
We have all read the devastating condemnation
by Jesus Christ in His unashamed denouncement of these Pharisees,
but have any of us ever really WANTED to understand his meaning. He
said they nullified all the commandments of God by their Tradition.
“ . . teaching for doctrines the commandments of
men.” (Mark 7:13; Matt 15:6-9,
etc). His invective, in truth, cannot be equalled. All of Matthew
23 is like a whip’s lash. He likened Pharisaism to a whitened sepulchre,
indeed beautiful outwardly, but “ . . inside
full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.” He
climaxed one censure after another with the expletive, “Hypocrites!”
He called the Pharisees, children of them that killed the Prophets. He
foretold that they would go on killing, crucifying and persecuting until the
guilt for all the righteous blood shed from Abel on down would be upon them
and them alone. “Ye serpents, ye generation
of Vipers how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” His words,
not mine! Then in John 10:26b, speaking directly to the Jewish leaders - the
Pharisees, He concludes with this: "Ye believe
How much plainer need His words be?
The Pharisees that Jesus so
vehemently denounced have not gone away, but have established an even more
formidable control mechanism in today’s society than ever existed in Christ's
mortal lifetime. Some are Christian Pharisees, or “Judeo-Christians,” and some
are Jewish. First of all, let us define the term. The noun "Pharisee" occurs,
according to Strongs' Concordance, 78 times in the New Testament, much more
frequently than "Satan." Yet usage of the word has been largely eliminated
from teaching in many Bibles studies, the pulpits of churches, professing
Christian media and most seminaries. So who were/are the Pharisees, and why do
we rarely hear about them today? Webster defines “Pharisee,” as:
"One of the members of a school or party among the ancient Jews noted for the
strict formal observance of the rites and validity of the traditions of the
elders . . . . Pharisee interpretation provided the standard of observation
and belief for the great majority of the Jews from the 1st Century A.D."
Pharisaic: "Hypocritical, self righteous and censorious of others" --
Webster's New International Dictionary of
the English Language, 2nd Edition, 1950.
Webster's all but forgotten
definition is a Biblically accurate one. Pharisees were in conflict with Jesus
whenever and wherever they met. Followers of Christ confronted the Pharisees
repeatedly. It was indeed a "Jewish sect” that followed the "traditions of the
elders" as Webster stated and as Jesus also said. These traditions now
comprise the books of the "Talmud." But what the 1950 dictionary did not
recognize, is that Pharisaism was even then no longer exclusively Jewish, as
it once may have been because Pharisaic influence prior to the 1950’s could
probably have been found in every denomination in America - busily reshaping
Christianity into Pharisaic/Talmudism. It was then and has now become, both a
Jewish and a Christian sect.
All mention of the Pharisees
and Pharisaism occurs only in the New Testament where it has formed the centre
of conflict around Christ, His disciples, and His followers. As Jesus
predicted, many were stalked, scourged and killed by the Pharisees. In
addition to the 78 verses in which Pharisee is mentioned by name, pronouns
including "you" point to Pharisees in many additional verses. The Pharisees
are the object of The Lord’s debate and outright denunciation in entire
chapters in Matthew, Luke and John as well as in the writings of Paul who had
clearly once been a Pharisee and admitted having killed numerous Christians.
These many Bible references provide undeniable accounts of the ongoing
conflict and plot against Christ’s life, eventually succeeding in His murder.
The noun Pharisee, occurs about three times more often than the infamous name
of Judas, 30 times more than Satan and 50 more times than the name of Pontius
Pilot. It is, without a doubt, the most denounced noun in the New Testament.
It is the ONLY religious group that Jesus constantly associated with Satan.
The followers of Jesus
clearly understood and feared the political power of the Pharisees more than
they did the Romans. Yet the word Pharisee is pointedly ignored by most
Christian leaders and all but forgotten in modern evangelical Christendom and
in the ranks of the celebrity media broadcasters. "Pharisee," with the
exception of the term “Jew,” may also be the most avoided word found in the
Bible. Some pastors and most televangelists are capable of fearlessly
preaching the year through without ever mentioning “Pharisee,” except in
passing by on the way to some other point. The Term is either spiritualised,
or dismissed as an extinct and irrelevant species.
Organized Bible study
courses rarely mention who the Pharisees really were, why Jesus pronounced
upon them so harshly, and they are NEVER treated as an anti-Christ type to
watch out for in our day. Celebrity Christians on national TV never-ever
suggest that the Pharisee's war on Jesus included His followers, or that this
anti-Christ sect may have survived to this day.
The word Pharisee has not
yet been removed from any Bibles that I know of, but most Bible commentaries
and concordances avoid any serious treatment of who their successors are
today. For instance, the concordance in the new Thompson Study Bible, a very
popular one that is supposedly designed to help readers understand the
scriptures, has all but eliminated any mention of this sect. Amazingly,
Thompson new edition concordance lists only one of the 78 sites, yet its
previous 1962 edition listed four. Pray tell, what happened to the other three
verses it previously recognized, not to mention 74 never cited at all. The
four references cited are atypically favourable having to do with Paul's own
Pharisaic history. It appears the publisher is whitewashing the word and
deleting "Pharisee" from its readers' vocabularies. This is unthinkable
because Jesus denounced the Pharisees, the most powerful and destructive
faction of anti-Christianity - calling them a "generation of vipers" and "sons
of Satan." – heavy stuff from the Lord Himself. But most study Bibles and
Bible courses omit all but casual mention of Pharisees. Curiously, the
much-maligned paraphrase Living Bible Concordance contains the key sites found
in Strongs, and is well worth reading.
Let us now closely examine what has become of
the Pharisees in our modern society and how they continue to attempt to
control our lives. The New Testament tells us they controlled Judea at the
time of Jesus' mission. The modern day Pharisees, both professing Christian
(Judeo-Christian) and Jewish, control Palestine again today with the exact
same brutality.
Then Jesus said unto them,
Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
After painstakingly gathering more than 17
pages full of references, looking for every occurrence of "Pharisee(s),"
"Sadducees," "herodians," "chief priest(s)," "scribes," "teachers (experts) of
the law," "elders, "high priest," "Sanhedrin," "the council," "the, senate,"
"rulers," "synagogue ruler," etc. I was quite struck by the fact that the
majority of the New Testament, would NOT have been written in the manner it
was, had it not been for the overt hypocrisy of the Pharisees and their
co-religious, associated hangers-on.
Almost everything that Jesus said and did in the New
Testament was a form of confrontation with the Pharisees - in one way or
The pitched battle between Jesus and
all these sympathetic religious groups, is woven throughout almost
every page of the four synoptic gospels and their indirect influence continues
throughout the Book of Acts and on into many of the later Epistles. This begs
the question of WHY were the most scathing words of Jesus reserved for
the Pharisees and their religious counterparts? What was it about this group
particularly that was so vitally important, where He was constantly trying to
admonish and alert His people?
He was
warning about the Pharisees and their spiritual/religious contemporaries,
manifested in our age, in the form of today’s Talmudic Jews. And the warning
was as vital and relevant then, as it is today!
To Jesus' listeners, leaven was a sign of
evil. It represented kneaded
dough from leftover bread, which had slowly fermented. Fermentation together
with its tell-tale odor, was thus associated with putrefaction where in
rabbinical literature, leaven was recognized as causing decay and so became a
symbol of sin, a representation of the slow, gradual corruption of human
nature. This leaven to which our Lord refers, is described as affecting the
whole lump because evil will in fact, spread throughout the church until at
last, in the days before Christ's return, it will reach everywhere, and all
will be contaminated by it. It will be pervasive, just like the final stages
of any terminal cancer.
Jesus explained that when He spoke of the
"leaven of the Pharisees," once again he wasn't literally talking about yeast
or bread. Instead, what he meant by this interesting comparative reference,
was that the Jewish religious leaders had replaced the original "doctrines" of
God with the subjective "traditions of the fathers/elders,” and that gradually
throughout the years, these false, subjective interpretations would totally
corrupt the true Law/Word of God.
The failure of the Pharisees to appeal to THE
Scripture as the absolute standard for their conduct was at the root of many
other issues for which our Lord condemned them. Their rejection of Jesus for
performing miracles on the Sabbath was a result of that false concept. Their
many attempts to trap Him in speech were not the result of a close
investigation of His actions in light of Messianic OT prophecy, but because
He was perceived as violating their occult TRADITIONS and so posed a direct
threat to their authority. Their self-righteousness and pride was as a
direct result of these self-appointed shepherds, looking to their interpretive
traditions as the standard for judgment, rather than God's Law/Word.
The opposite of righteousness through faith,
is righteousness through works, which can also be called righteousness of the
Law - or man’s self-righteousness. The Pharisees with their outwardly
pretentious prayers, sanctioned by their subjective traditions, were an
abomination to God as compared to the true, quiet reverence demanded of His
people. (Matthew 23:13-14; 6:5-8) When Jesus warned us to; "Beware of the
LEAVEN of the Pharisees" (Luke 12:1, Mk. 8:15, Mt. 16:6), He was
describing the hidden mysticism of the Zohar, Cabbala, and the Sefer
Yetzirah (oral laws). Because at the root of what the Pharisees
(Talmudic Jewry) had firmly established, was the deliberate occult negation of
all that He taught, and is THE reason why He charged them with blasphemy
against the Holy Spirit – the unpardonable sin.
Dr. Israel Shahak, in his work,
“Jewish History, Jewish Religion”
and Bernard Pick in “Jesus in the Talmud,”
(pp. 57; 105-106), have both confirmed the overt hate and blatant
racism contained in the Talmud and any Jews who deny their existence within
their holiest book are liars. Neither the modern popes nor the modern heads
of evangelical Protestantism, have ever insisted that the rabbis of Judaism
repudiate or condemn the racism in the Talmud or the murderous hate for Christ
and Christians expressed within it. . “For fear
of the Jews.” On the contrary,
the blind guides of Churchianity have urged their sheeple to love, honour and
obey these unbelievably evil, degenerate, blasphemous followers of the Talmud.
Therefore, it should be quite evident that today’s leaders of Christendom are
by default, the worst betrayers of Jesus Christ on earth. (Cf. Matthew
23:13-15; I Thess. 2:14-16; Titus 1:14; Luke 3:8-9; Rev. 3:9).
“Someone may think that I am saying too much. I am not saying too much,
but too little - for I see their writings. They curse us Goyim. In their
synagogues and in their prayers they wish us every misfortune. They rob us of
our money and goods through their usury, and they play on us every wicked
trick they can. And the worst of it is that they still claim to have done
right and well, that is, to have done God a service. And they teach the doing
of such things. No pagan ever acted thus; in fact, no one acts thus except the
devil himself, or whomever he possesses, as he has so possessed the Jews.”
“On the Jews and their Lies” by Martin Luther
Once they are seen for what they are, the
ubiquitous presence and culture destroying nature of the Jew is obvious to the
point of revulsion. Indeed, there
is a reason why the founding fathers of America, as well as other
world-renowned philosophers, writers, entrepreneurs and great leaders
throughout history have warned against them. Many have openly scorned the Jews
as the most dangerous enemy to Western cultural integrity and European values.
Others have merely depicted them as the most lecherous and deceptive creature
there is. Here are but a few of those who understood the Jewish mindset:
Jesus Christ
F.Scott Fitzgerald
Immanuel Kant
Ralph Waldo
Mark Twain
Charles Lindbergh
Winston Churchill
Adolf Hitler
Wilhelm II
Richard Wagner
H.H. Beamish
Martin Heidegger
Henry Ford
H.L. Mencken
Henry Wallace
Gen. Ulysses S.
St. Thomas Aquinas
Henry Adams
George Bernard
Gen. William
Franz Liszt
G.W. Hegel
The Judeo-Christian MYTH
Since the end
of WWII, we have been bombarded from all sides with references to the Western
world's "Judeo-Christian religion," and to a so-called “Judeo-Christian
heritage." Both church leaders and scholars forever tell us that our
society is based on a supposed "Judeo-Christian tradition". This
notion of a "Judeo-Christian religion" is an unquestioned - almost
sacrosanct part of both secular and church thinking. American Christian
leader Prof. Franklin H. Littel, a vocal supporter of the illegal Zionist
state, frankly declared that "to be Christian is to be Jewish," and
that consequently it was the duty of a Christian to put support for the
"land of Israel" above all else. Pat Boon, the North American singer and
evangelist, said there are two kinds of Judaism, one Orthodox and the other
Christian. The very term "Judeo-Christian" is a mischievous misnomer
without the slightest historical or Scriptural validity.
Moshe Maggal of the National Jewish Information Service said it all in 1961
when the term “Judeo-Christian” was relatively new.
"There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. We consider the two
religions so different that one excludes the other."
(National Jewish Information Service) In
fact the Early Church knew of no such "Judeo-Christian" tradition.
Dr. Albert M. Gessman,
writing in the Winter 1969 number of the conservative Jewish journal,
"Issues” and after contrasting critically
almost nine pages of glaring differences between Judaism and Christianity to
the disadvantage of the latter and after reviewing the back-grounds of both
religions, he concludes that, "A
Judeo-Christian heritage or tradition in the proper sense of that hyphenated
word does NOT exist; it has no foundation in historical fact."
over the origins of Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity is at the very root of
the Judeo-Christian myth.
In fact, Christianity and Judaism are two distinct and utterly divergent
religious inheritances, despite all the superficial attempts by modern
“scholars” to manufacture a naïve and convergent "Judeo-Christianity."
Extracts from
“Biblical Prophecy and The State of Israel”
by William W. Baker.
“As a young boy attending a
Church of Christ Sunday School class, I can recall being taught that the Jews
of the world were special and that all the Jews of the world were "returning
to their homeland" by creating the current state of Israel. Somehow, I was
told, the creation of an Israeli state was "fulfilling prophecy." My teachers
made no mention of the exclusionary philosophy of Zionism, and also totally
overlooked was the small but important fact that the ancient land of
"Palestine" was now, as it had always been, inhabited by millions of peaceful,
productive, God-honouring Palestinian Arabs. No doubt my teachers then, as
well as many Christian believers today, knew little or nothing of the
political, historical, and even Biblical background of the Middle East.
As one who remained within the
"mainstream" of what is known as "New Testament Christianity" usually
understood to include Churches of Christ and Independent Evangelical Christian
Churches, and who later taught a few years in a "loyal" Christian College. I
soon discovered that most of my fellow believers either embraced a hodgepodge
of popular eschatological gibberish, or they simply chose to remain
"uncommitted" when it came to the subject of fulfilled prophecy, Christianity
and Judaism, the Israeli- Zionist state and the Arab world, and even the
second advent of Christ. I soon discovered that the majority of those who held
a definite "conviction" about the "end times" were adherents of what is known
as Premillennialism. Most theological dictionaries define Premillennialism as
the belief of premillenearians who "believe in the imminent return of Christ,
to be followed by a thousand years of peace during which Christ will reign
over the earth.
Millions of believers embrace
this man-made dogma, not as a result of intensive Bible study, utilizing the
important tools of hermeneutical principles, but primarily from reading and
believing such unscholarly but popular "prophetic soothsayers" as Hal Lindsay
and his "The Late Great Planet Earth" or "Satan is Alive and Well." Still
others become adherents of millenarianism out of ignorance of the Scriptures
and the belief that it must be true - for so many people believe it, including
such high profile Christian "leaders" such as Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell,
etc. The importance of false teaching concerning Biblical prophecy became
readily apparent to me during my first visit to Israel as an undergraduate
student working at various archaeological sites such as the Temple Mount and
ancient Tekoa in 1968. I was quite disappointed to discover that many Israeli
citizens are not only non-religious, but atheistic. It was during that summer
and many years to follow that I was to observe one of the most brutal and
inhumane governmental policies in existence. I saw young Palestinian children
beaten, interrogated and arrested for singing songs about Palestine and their
longing to be free; families evicted from their homes, lands seized under the
guise of "National Security;" all of this done by "God's Chosen People" or so
I had been led to believe. Upon returning to the United States I found most
Christians supportive of such ungodly activities, because the "Jews” are
returning to their homeland to prepare for Christ's return. Indeed, the
prevailing eschatology of our time teaches that the Arab people (Palestinians)
are "demons of Satan" and any who oppose Israel oppose the Lord Himself!
Suffice it to say there exists a great need to expose and correct some of the
more unscriptural and patently false teachings so popular today.”
We are apt to shut our
eyes against a painful truth. . . For my part, I am willing to know the whole
truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it."
- Patrick Henry
The simple facts are that after the death of
Solomon, the Kingdom of Israel was divided into two kingdoms. The
Northern Kingdom - composed of ten (10) tribes, with the capital at
Samaria, called "Israel," and the Southern Kingdom - composed of only two
(2) tribes (Judah & Benjamin), with
the capital at Jerusalem, called "Judah." Both of these
Kingdoms went into Captivity to Babylon within a few short years of each
other, due to Israel’s sins of pride and rebellion. Contrary to what most
teach and believe, the following Biblical giants could never have been "Jews."
- was a Hebrew (racial)
- was a Hebrew
- was a Hebrew
- was a Levite (tribal)
– was a Benjaminite and BECAME a devout and religious JEW BY CHOICE!
– was/is The Son of God, a strict adherent of His own Law, but never a JEW!
Saul was a racial Israelite, a Roman citizen
- born in Tarsus and studied the
“Traditions of the Elders/Fathers” (Gal 1:14) under the Pharisee, Gemaliel, in
Jerusalem in his youth and became the “golden haired boy” of the controlling
Jewish establishment. At this time, prior to his conversion, Saul was a
vicious, Pharisaic Antichrist that persecuted the followers of “The Way” to
their deaths, arresting both men and women and throwing them into prison
whenever the opportunity arose. Paul wrote:
"You have heard of my earlier
in Judaism - how furiously I persecuted the Church of God, and made havoc of
it; and how in devotion
to Judaism I out-stripped many men of may own age among my people, being far
more zealous than they for the
tradition of my forefathers"
(Gal 1:13, 14, Weymouth Translation)
Clearly while in Judaism, Saul persecuted
Christians due to his intense hatred for believers, because of his total
commitment to the fraternity holding to the “traditions of the fathers.”
Paul at that time
Please carefully read it again,
“And profited in the Jews'
above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the
traditions of my fathers.”
(Gal 1:14 KJV)
When Paul
became a Christian,
HE CEASED BEING A “JEW” as such, simply because Pharisaism, (Judaism,
Jewry) TOTALLY CONTRADICTED EVERYTHING he now stood for as an Apostle of
In fact, this very system
of religious/cultish legalism called "Jewry" was something of which
even Jesus Himself would NOT walk.
This is
so incredibly important to understand!!!
. . . .
“After these things Jesus walked
in Galilee: for he would
not walk in Jewry, because
the Jews
sought to
kill him.”
(John 7:1)
These "Jews" that were determined to
KILL Christ were the cosy, religious (freemasonic) boys club
establishment of the Scribes and Pharisees that held considerable political
power during the time of the brutal Roman occupation of Palestine, where Jesus
openly condemned their status-seeking and carnal, ego-centric attitudes.
“According to the Talmud, Jesus was executed by a
proper rabbinical court for idolatry, inciting other Jews to idolatry, and
contempt of rabbinical authority. All classical Jewish sources which mention
his execution are quite happy to take responsibility for it; in the Talmudic
account the Romans are not even mentioned.”
Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three
Thousand Years by Professor Israel Shahak
The fact is that after the death of Herod the
Great, (a pro-Roman, pro Pharisee/Edomite Jew descended from Esau, who tried
to kill Christ when He was a child) Judea was reduced to a Roman province
under a procurator. Despite the occupation however, the Pharisees were given
near total autonomy in dealing with what was deemed as “religious matters.”
It was under the fifth procurator, Pontius Pilate, that Jesus Christ was
crucified, by order of the Pharisees of which the Sanhedrin was the supreme
ruling/decision-making body. It was these JEWS who ordered the death of
Christ. The “Jews" referred to, meant the high priests, the Sanhedrin, the
scribes and the Pharisees, all of whom earned the scorn of our Lord because of
the total abuse of their authority. The religious establishment saw The
Lord Jesus as a threat to their power base because he was becoming popular
with the people, who had several times sought to make him their king.
Hence the term "Jew" refers to the followers
of this Pharisaic system of religionised law based on men’s traditions and
upon generations of subjective interpretations of God’s Law/Word that
ultimately became "Talmudic Judaism.” It was and still is, a
powerful, influential and liberal religious sect where only a select and
privileged few were invited to join. "Judaism
denotes the Jewish faith in its extravagant form of blind attachment to rites
and traditions, and national exclusiveness. This must have been prevalent in
the time of Christ, because of His constant exposure of their formalism and
self-assumption, and because in John's Gospel 'the Jews' is used as synonymous
with opposers of Christ and His teachings."
(The Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. II, (1901), p. 999).
What is it today that the
Jews desperately try to hide from Christians?
This question goes way back to the history of the feud between Jacob and Esau
over the birthright, and who the Chosen People of God really are. As most of
you will remember, Jacob and Esau were the twin sons of Isaac, who had been
named Israel by God. In Genesis 25, we are told that the two boys struggled in
their mother's womb, even before they were born. (Gen. 25:22). Esau, being the
firstborn, was supposed to have received the "birthright" blessings. However,
God rejected Esau even before he was born. Romans 9:11 tells us:
"For the children being not yet born, neither having
done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might
stand, not of works, but of Him that calleth) It was said of her, (Rebecca)
the elder shall serve the younger. As it is written, Jacob have I (God) loved,
but Esau have I hated."
Because of his love for
material things, Esau willingly sold his birthright to his brother Jacob.
(Gen. 25:29-34) Esau became angry over this turn of events - angry with his
father Isaac and Jacob's God (Jesus Christ) and from that point in history to
the present, Esau has ever struggled to regain this lost birthright. The
"Children of Esau" have wanted more than anything else to be regarded as the
"Chosen People" and if God would not choose them and bless them, then they
would forcibly choose themselves. They have done a very good job of selling
their fictitious “chosen” position to most of the Judeo-Christian world. (Read
Malachi 1:2-4). “Keep not thou silence, O God:
hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. For, lo, thine enemies make a
tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They have taken
crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They
have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of
Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with
one consent: they are confederate against thee:
The tabernacles of Edom, and the
Ishmaelites.” (Psalm
When asked the question, "Who is Israel? -
Who is a Jew?" the Israeli Government's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
answered thus: "The term Israelite is purely
Biblical. An Israeli is a citizen of Israel, regardless of religion. A Jew is
a person anywhere in the world born to a Jewish mother, or converted to
Judaism, who is thus identified as a member of the Jewish people and
religion.” Notice here that the Jews themselves clearly
imply that the term "Israelite" and "Jew" are separate and distinct and where
Jews have no relation whatsoever with the Biblical Noahatic bloodline.
In fact, under the heading "A Brief History of the
Terms for Jew," in the 1980 Jewish Almanac, is the following
incredible admission:
speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a "Jew" or to call a
contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew".
Today, to trace anyone's
descent to ancient Palestine would be a
genealogical impossibility. The Jewish racial myth flows from the
fact that the words ‘Hebrew,’ ‘Israelite,’ ‘Jew,’ ‘Judaism,’ and the ‘Jewish
people’ have been used synonymously to suggest a historic continuity, but this
is a gross
misuse. The descriptive name
Judaism was never heard by the Hebrews or Israelites; it appears only
within modern Christianity. The English abbreviation, 'Jew,’ is recent and
does not correspond to anything denoted by the Aramaic, Greek or Roman terms
for 'Judahite' or 'Judean,’ which were in use during the lifetime of Jesus. In
fact, according to Reporting Guidelines for the Australian Press Council,
General Press Release No. 49 (issued June 1982) with reference to the word
"Race" as applied to Jews. “The
Press Council wishes to alert editors to a common mistake. There is no
"Jewish race". Judaism is not a race but a religion. There are Caucasian Jews,
Mongolian Jews, Oriental Jews, Semitic Jews and so on - terms defining both
racial origin and religion. The Council asks all editors and sub-editors to
watch for this error . . . .”
During Christ’s lifetime, no persons were
described as "Jews" anywhere. This
very important FACT is supported by sound theology, suppressed historical
truth and science. When Jesus was in Judea, it was not the "homeland" of the
ancestors of those who today style themselves as "Jews". Their ancestors never
set-foot anywhere near Judea. They existed at that time in Asia, their true
"homeland", and were known as Chazars, or Turkish Mongols.
Banned author Douglas Reed, in his superbly
researched classic, “Controversy of Zion,”
writes: "No authority, Judaist or other,
would support the claim to blood decent from Judah for the so-called Jews of
today." In fact, the Palestinians would have more claim to the racial
description, 'Semite', than any within modern Jewry who are of
Eastern-European stock and trace their lineage back to the ancient Asiatic
kingdom of the Chazar”.
Here's a paradox, a paradox, a
most ingenious paradox: and anthropological fact, many Christians may have
much more Hebrew-Israelite blood in their veins than most of their Jewish
neighbors." -
Alfred M. Lilienthal: "What Price Israel.”
Racially, Jesus
Christ was a Hebrew of the tribe of Yehudah (Judah), one of the twelve tribes
ISRAEL - Jesus was properly known as either a Samaritan, a Nazarene, or a
Galilean, since he lived his entire life, with the exception of the first two
years, in an area which was northeast of both Judea and Samaria.
In none of the manuscripts of the original
Old or New Testament was Jesus described as, or referred to, as a "Jew." The
term originated in the late eighteenth century as an abbreviation of the
general term ‘Judean’ and refers to a resident of Judea without regard to race
or religion, just as the term "Victorian" signifies any person living in that
particular Australian state. Benjamin Freedman in his suppressed classic:
“Facts are Facts,” dealing with this very
important issue says: "Incontestable historic
facts and an abundance of other proofs establish beyond the possibility of any
doubt the incredibility of the assertion so often heard today that 'Jesus was
a Jew'. Without any fear of contradiction based upon the most competent and
best-qualified authorities all agree that Jesus Christ was not a so-called or
self-styled 'Jew'. They now confirm that during His lifetime Jesus was known
as a 'Judean' by His contemporaries and not as a 'Jew' and that Jesus referred
to Himself as a 'Judean' and not as a 'Jew'. "Inscribed upon the Cross when
Jesus was crucified were the Latin words 'Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum'.
Pontius Pilate was the author of that infamous inscription. Latin was Pontius
Pilate's mother-tongue. No one will question the fact that Pontius Pilate was
well able to accurately express his own ideas in his own mother tongue. The
authorities competent to pass upon the correct translation into English of the
Latin 'Iesus' Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum' agree that it is 'Jesus the Nazarene
Ruler of the Judeans".
Theologians and churchmen,
willingly ignorant of true history, blaspheme and accuse Jesus Christ of being
a Jew, but Christ
Jesus, the Only-Begotten of God, never subscribed to the teachings of the
Talmud. He was therefore never a Jew either by religion, nor was He a Jew
politically, bent on conquering the world through the philosophy of Babylonian
Talmudism - that is, subscribing to world Zionist megalomania. It is therefore
very important to understand that the Bible never says that Jesus of Nazareth
was a Jew. It specifically says that Jesus was a JUDEAN. The Bible never says
that Jesus was King of the Jews. The Bible says that Jesus was King of the
JUDEANS, a Biblical term referring to the
Israelite Adamics who lived in
Judea and who were the pure racial descendants of Abraham, where some of whom
had fallen for the lies of the Talmudic Pharisees. Allow me to reiterate;
understanding the clear distinction between the historic terms ”Jew,” “Israel”
and “Gentile,” is of the utmost importance for discerning Bible Truth.
This most important Biblical
word translated as "Gentile," was also never used by any writer of any books
of the Bible, for there is (like the word “Jew”) no such word in the Hebrew,
Aramaic or Greek languages. The translators put it there, (possibly in
good faith) in an effort to make the Bible say what they thought it should
have said. Wherever you see the word "Gentile" in the Bible, remember that the
correct title is "nation," "race," or "people." Sometimes it is used when
speaking of ISRAEL NATIONS or the ISRAELITE RACE. In other instances, the
context will show that it is being used of any nation, which is NON-Israelite.
Only the context in which it is used will show you which meaning to give it.
But NEVER-EVER be deceived by reading the word "Gentile" as meaning “non-JEW,”
as this is not necessarily what it means.

The fact is that modern Jewry has never been
under the Mosaic Law and has been a counterfeit and satanic religion from its
conception. One of their own,
Jewish academic Alfred Lilienthal writes, in "What
Price Israel" (Henry Regenery Co., 1953):
"Perhaps the most significant mass conversion to the
Judaic Faith occurred in Europe, in the 8th century A.D., and that story of
the Chazars (Turko-Finnish people) is quite pertinent to the establishment of
the modern state of Israel." Again,
"That the chazars are the lineal ancestors of Eastern
European Jewry is a historical fact. Jewish historians and religious textbooks
acknowledge the fact, though the propagandists of Jewish nationalism belittle
it as pro-Arab propaganda."
another Jewish historian, Arthur Koestler, in his meticulously researched book
"The Thirteenth Tribe" (New York: Random House,
Inc., 1976) also blew the lid off this suppressed fact of Chazar
history: "In the 1960's, the number of the
Sephardim was estimated at 500,000. The Ashkenazim, at the same period,
numbered about eleven million. Thus in common parlance, Jew is synonymous with
Ashkenazi Jew." He further states:
"For the sake of piquantry it should be mentioned
that the Ashkenaz of the Bible refers to a people living somewhere in the
vicinity of Mount Ararat and Armenia. The name occurs in Genesis 10:3 and 1
Chronicles 1:6 as one of the sons of Gomer, who was a son of Japheth. Ashkenaz
is also a brother of Togarmah (and a nephew of Magog) whom the Chazars,
according to King Joseph, claimed as their ancestor."
The greatly persecuted
Arthur Koestler – who was reduced to grinding poverty and “committed suicide”
in 1983, further quotes an earlier source indicating that the Chazars had some
connection with Gog of the land of Magog. "At
some date earlier than 864, the Westphalian monk, Christian Druthmar of
Acquitania, wrote a Latin treatise `Esposito in Evangelium Mattei,' in which
he reported that `there exist people under the sky in regions where no
Christian can be found, whose name is Gog and Magog, and who are Huns; among
them is one, called the Gazari Chazars who are circumcised and observe Judaism
in its entirety."
For those
interested in Bible prophecy, the implications of this last sentence are
absolutely staggering!
read Genesis 10:2-3 to see from whom Ashkenaz actually descended and notice
who his relatives are. Then CAREFULLY read Ezekiel 38 & 39.
Lilienthal further stated:
"These Ashkenazim Jews have little or no trace
of Semitic blood."-p. 222, "What
Price Israel." The Jews fully understand their Chazarian heritage
as the third edition of the Jewish Encyclopedia for 1925 clearly records:
"Chazars: a people of Turkish origin whose life
and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews
of Russia." The Jewish
Encyclopedia, Third Edition, 1925.
Even the pro-Jewish New York
Times, reveals that European - descended Jews are counterfeits and have no
blood line to Abraham.
The fact that most of those
who call themselves Jews are not Jews (Rev. 2:9) and have no claim to the
lands of Palestine because they have no genetic relation whatsoever to
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob can no longer be suppressed. The October 29, 1996
N.Y. Times, in an article entitled, "Scholars
Debate Origins of Yiddish and the Migrations of Jews," states:
"Arching over these questions is the central
mystery of just where the Jews of Eastern Europe came from. Many historians
believe that there were not nearly enough Jews in Western Europe to account
for the huge population that later flourished in Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine
and nearby areas. By reconstructing the Yiddish mother tongue, linguists hope
to plot the migration of the Jews and their language with a precision never
possible before.”
It has even been suggested,
on the basis of linguistic evidence, that the Jews of Eastern Europe were not
predominantly part of the Diaspora from the Middle East, but were members of
another ethnic group altogether that adopted Judaism as their religion.
One linguist has
recently argued that Yiddish began as a Slavic language that was 'relexified,'
with most of its vocabulary replaced with German words. Even more troublesome
are demographic studies indicating that during the middle Ages there were no
more than 25,000 to 35,000 Jews in Western Europe. These figures are hard to
reconcile with other studies showing that by the 17th century there were
hundreds of thousands of Jews in Eastern Europe.
More recently, Koestler's
controversial thesis has been revived and expanded in a 1993 book, The
Ashkenazic 'Jews': A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity (Slavica
Publishers), by Dr. Paul Wexler, a Tel Aviv University linguist. Wexler uses
a reconstruction of Yiddish to argue that it began as a Slavic language whose
vocabulary was largely replaced with German words. Going even further, he
contends that the Ashkenazic Jews are predominantly converted Slavs and
Turks who merged with a tiny population of Palestinian Jews from the
Diaspora. Think hard and long about these facts.
In the 37th Psalm, the words
"wicked" and "evil doers" identify a particular group of people who are at
enmity with God, who are continually warring, against Him. Like the children
of Amalek, the Canaanites and other forces which have always contended against
Israel - a people of whom they envy and hate, because they are righteous and
true to the One and only God. We have been given much instruction in The Bible
on how to protect ourselves from those who are classified as the wicked -
Jesus identified them when He said: "Ye are of
your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a
murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no
truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a
liar, and the father of it." (John
8:44) Christ said they would be like their father.
Therefore, there were and are a particular people with an inherent background,
which are on a course of knowing wickedness and violation of Divine Law and
are carrying out active and knowing opposition to the One and Only True God.
Often the course of
wickedness is subtle and perhaps difficult for the children of the Kingdom to
discern. But, we have been well advised of its true nature. When The Lord
Jesus spoke to His disciples, he warned them to beware of false prophets and
of men who would deliver them up unto their councils. When multitudes of
people would come to hear Him, He forewarned his disciples (as in Luke 12:1)
"Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees,
which is hypocrisy." These are admonitions that are
also meant for us in these last days. Can we do less than take heed?
The Jews today continually use such religious
and impressive sounding words as "the Jewish faith," "the Jewish
people/religion/race," "Jewish spiritual values," "Jewish religious
doctrines," and like, which deceive and lead the unlearned into total
equanimity. Behind this mask of contrived religiosity stands a complete plan
for world government, world power, world conquest, a Jewish kingdom of this
world, and the total destruction of Biblical Christianity and all true
believers right along with it. "Jewish
Talmudism owes its existence today to the indifference with which it is
regarded. The Jew is prejudiced against the Bible, doing what he can to
destroy public honour of the Book."
(The International Jew, Vol. III, p. 16). "I am devoting my lecture in
this seminar to a discussion of the possibility that we are now entering a
Jewish century, a time when the spirit of the community, the non-ideological
blend of the emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms
will emerge through the forces of anti-nationalism to provide us with a new
kind of society. I call this process the Judaization of Christianity because
Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish."
(Rabbi Martin Siegel, New York Magazine, p. 32, January 18, 1972)
“Never do the Christians go
after the Jews who are killing their doctrines; never do they speak the name
of their real enemy despite the spittingly obscene provocations to which he
has subjected them. This is why, with tens of millions in numerical advantage,
the Christians aren't even masters of the civilization they created. In fact,
much of the leadership class of the Christians has become so enthralled with
Jewish ideas that now the church will bend any which way the Jews require,
whether it's removing the Commandments from the classroom the way the Jew
judge and Jew-created and -run ACLU tell them to, or rewriting history to
avoid the fact that Jews condemned their own Savior to die (as in the revised
[read: Semitically Correct] Passion Plays)! They may think they are only
turning the other cheek, but self-abasing worms is what these new Christians
truly are. This used to be a religion whose adherents killed others in
glorious crusade for their Truth, and died at the stake before renouncing
their Faith. Today, the biggest name in Christendom hobnobs with nutty
Buddhists and faxes apologies to Jerusalem. For all its residual focus on
humility and self-discipline (welcome antacids to the Jewish public school
lies about self-esteem, which is really self-absorption and self-worship; in a
word, selfishness), the Christian church in America is today furthering the
racial evils that Jewish ideologues, especially those misappropriating the
name conservative, have subjected us to. Pat Robertson has no problem with
those influxing Mexican chicken-pluckers heaping his collection plates, and
has publicly advocated miscegenation as the long-term solution to our racial
ills. If he preached miscegenation as a sin, as his hardier forebears did, he
would be burned at the stake. Pardon me, I mean, he wouldn't be on TV. The
fact that any evangelicals are on TV at all is conditioned on their support
for Israel and their multiracialism. This is what makes their leaders so
Excerpt from a review of Paul Gottfried's 1993
BOOK The Conservative
Movement, by Alex Linder – A NON-CHRISTIAN.
When studied carefully, we can clearly see in all four Gospels the racial,
political, and religious clash between Christ and his devoted Judean
followers, together with the written Law of Moses - versus the
Babylonian Pharisees; the “Jews,” and their "Oral Law," which eventually
became the Talmud. This intense, never-ending conflict is the defining feature
of the struggle between early, first-hand Christian truth and its satanic
counterfeit, that of Talmudic Judaism - the battle of which still continues
unabated to this very day. "For ye, brethren,
became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus:
for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they
have of the Jews: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and
have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men."
(I Thessalonians 2:14-15)
The most brilliant strategy
of all was to forcibly portion off a section of Palestine and name it
“Israel,” – a so-called “Jewish homeland,” a land of which the actual feet of
their religious Chazar forebears NEVER ONCE TROD. This unbelievably clever
misapplication of terms has during this last half-century confused countless
Christians into believing a lie, and where good men of God have blindly
assisted their historic enemies to achieve their very own ETERNAL
destruction. Only the considerable intelligence of the “Father of lies,”
could achieve something such as this!
a more detailed word study on the terms “Jew,“ “Israel” and “Judean” refer to
Appendix A, at the end of part II)
If today's Jews are
non-Israelites as even they themselves are forced to admit, then WHO EXACTLY
ARE today's genetic Israelites because their lineage MUST be out there
somewhere? If
they have gone out of existence as most evangelicals teach, then God is not
true to His Word because He promised that they would never cease to be a
nation before him: “Thus saith the LORD, which
giveth the sun for a light by day, [and] the ordinances of the moon and of the
stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof
roar; The LORD of hosts [is] his name: If those ordinances depart from before
me, saith the LORD, [then] the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a
nation before me for ever. Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can be
measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also
cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD.”
(Jeremiah 31:35-37)
Although most contemporary
Israelites are oblivious to their own identity, The Most High however, has not
forgotten who they are: …O Jacob my servant; and
Israel, whom I have chosen … thou art my servant: I have formed thee…. O
Israel, thou shalt not be forgotten of me. (Isaiah 44:1-21)
It is impossible
for God to forget Israel as He could
never fulfil His Word as found, for example, in Jeremiah 31:
“Behold, the days come, saith Yahweh, that I will make a new covenant with the
house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the [Mosaic]
covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the
hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake,
although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD.
(Jeremiah 31:31-32)
Indeed the identity and
whereabouts of the “lost 10 tribes of Israel” is one of the great mysteries of
ancient world history. WHERE those Israelites went and WHO their descendants
are today, is deliberately shrouded in mystery and has recently stimulated
great interest and periodic debate. The hope of tracing their movements and
finding their present whereabouts has inspired many a curious searcher.
God Himself said in His Word that ISRAEL was
become a great and mighty
nation. (Genesis 12:1-3)
become a vast multitude
of people. (Genesis 22:17)
form a multitude of nations.
(Genesis 17:4-6)
rule over other nations.
(Deuteronomy 15:6)
be a blessing to all
nations. (Genesis 22:18)
have a new home,
other than Canaan Land. (2 Samuel 7:10)
be inhabited by people
gathered from many nations. (Ezekiel 38:8)
have a land of great
agricultural wealth. (Deuteronomy 28:8-11)
be described as being the
"camp of the saints." (Revelations 20:7-9)
have a new religion and
be saved by God. (Jeremiah 31:7,31-37)
carry the gospel to all the
world. (Isaiah 49:3-6)
to be the only nation given
God's Law. (Psalm 147:19-20)
be blind for the most part
to her identity. (Isaiah 42:16-19)
be called by a new name.
(Isaiah 62:1-2)
Of course HIS Word is always
faithfully fulfilled, and thus, just as He promised, it has been
Israelites and NOT JEWS
that have fulfilled Bible prophecy.
Take a globe and draw
circles around the landmasses wherein Christianity (in whatever form) has
flourished and you will find that you will encompass those nations primarily
comprised of Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon and kindred peoples.
Either these peoples comprise Israel - or God has not been true to Himself and
He has established His New Covenant with someone other than those to whom He
promised. God was and still is true to His word, and it has been the Celto-Saxon
peoples who, in accordance with Jeremiah's prophecy, that have most readily
embraced the New Covenant religion of Christianity. They above all peoples,
have been most responsive to the call of salvation over the last two thousand
Think about it, . . . the
other nations of the world would be oblivious to Christianity had it not been
for the Celto-Saxons' historical proliferation of the New Covenant message.
This mark alone unequivocally identifies today's Israelites as to who they
are. However, not only do the Celto-Saxon peoples fulfil the marks of Israel
as described in Jeremiah 31, (when studied carefully) they likewise fulfil all
of the Biblical marks of Israel. Moreover, archaeology and a mountain of
largely suppressed historical evidence clearly verify this genetic link
between the Biblical Israelites and the modern Celto-Saxon peoples.
Some LITTLE KNOWN facts from History
The little known “Alfred the Great”, in the
9th century, created the basis of what is today our common law, which is the
foundation of jurisprudence in Aryan civilization. The 33rd Law of Alfred
reads: “Vex thou not comers from afar and
strangers, for remember, ye were once strangers in Egypt.”
(See Exodus 22:21)
The Scottish Declaration of
Independence of April 6, 1320 states regarding the ancestors of its
creators: “ . . . and coming thence one-thousand
two-hundred years after the outgoing of the people of Israel, they by many
victories . . .”
Alexander Cruden, author of the
well-known Cruden’s Complete Concordance, addressed his preface to King
George III, saying, “. . . May the great God be
the guide of your life, and direct and prosper you, that it may be said by
present and future ages, that King George III hath been sent an Hezekiah to
our British Israel . . .”
Sir Walter Scott, in his novel
Woodstock, has Oliver Cromwell use these words in Chapter 30:
“How as my soul liveth, and as He liveth who hath
made me ruler in Israel ..”
William Tyndale, the great
English religious reformer, who translated the Bible into English, announced
in 1530 his discovery of the likeness between the Hebrew and English
languages, which made English the most suitable of any language into which to
translate the Bible.
In 1590 the French Magistrate
Counsellor LeMoyer wrote a large volume entitled The Lost Ten Tribes Found,
stating that they formed the then English peoples. (Petite Parisien)
Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596),
while on the ship “Bonaventure,” wrote John Fox and besought the prayers of
Fox that “. . . God may be glorified, His
church, our Queen and Country preserved, the enemies of truth vanquished, that
we might have continual peace in Israel. Our enemies are many but our
Protector commandeth the whole earth. . .”
Isaac Watts, composer of over
500 hymns, revealed his knowledge of true Israel is his poem entitled
“Israel’s Poem.”
Queen Elizabeth I was known as
the “Light of Israel.”
Vincenzio Galilei, father of
the famous astronomer, writing in 1581 about the origin of the harp in
Ireland, mentions the native Irish tradition that they had descended from the
royal Prophet David.
In 1502, Columbus wrote of his
voyages to King Ferdinand of Spain, “. . . Fully
accomplished were the words of Isaiah . . .”
(See Isaiah 49:1-12)
The famed English author, John
Lily, in his Euphes and his England, gives evidence of his knowledge
and agreement with the Israelitish origins of the people of the British Isles.
King James VI of Scotland
(James I of England) claimed that the Lord had made him king over Israel, and
upon the gold coin of his day, called the “Jacobus,”
he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of Ezekiel 37:22– “I will make of
them one nation.”
In the time of Cromwell (circa
1647) a political reform movement called the “Levellers” sought reforms, which
threatened the dictator’s power. Both Everard and Winstanley, prominent
Levellers, are mentioned in connection with the belief in the Israelitish
origin of the Saxon, Cletic and kindred peoples.
In 1671, a pamphlet issued in
Nether Dutch stated that the English-speaking people were Israel.
John Dryden (1681), in one of
his poems, referred to England by the name Israel fourteen times.
In 1723 Dr. Abbadie published,
in Amsterdam, Le Triomphe de al Providence et de la Religion,
expressing the view that the Northern European Tribes, from which the English
derive, are the Ten “Lost Tribes” of Israel: “.
. . Unless the Ten Trbes of Israel are flown into the air, or sunk into the
earth, they must be those ten Gothic tribes that entered Europe in the 5th
century, overthrew the Roman Empire and founded the ten nations of modern
Europe. . .”
In the early 1800's Thomas
Jefferson, recalling the death of George Washington, stated:
“I felt on his death with my countrymen, that verily a great man hath fallen
this day in Israel.”
Dr. Moses Margouliouth, a 19th
century Jewish scholar, in his History of the Jews, said,
“. . . It may not be out of place to state that the
Isles afar off mentioned in the 31st chapter of Jeremiah were supposed by the
ancients to be Brittania, Scotia and Hibernia
(Ireland) translates to “Land of the Hebrews.” Likewise, “Iberia”
(Spain) translates to “Land of the Hebrews.”
Former New York City Mayor Ed
Koch, during the 1987 St. Patrick’s Day parade, told a UPI reporter,
“. . . The ten lost tribes of Israel, we believe, ended up in Ireland.”
Sir Oliver J. Lodge, noted
English scientist (1851-1940), stated: “We, too,
are a chosen people. It were blasphemy to deny our birthright and
responsibility. Our destiny in the world is no small one. We are peopling
great tracts of the earth and carrying thither our language and customs. The
migrating of that primitive tribe from Ur of the Chaldees, under the
leadership of that splendid old chief, Abram, into the land of promise, was an
event fraught with stupendous results for the human race.”
The famed Baptist evangelist
Charles H. Spurgeon, who died in 1892, showed in Volume 2, page 154 of his
book The Treasury of the Old Testament that England and America were
The U.S. Supreme Court case
#6914, known as the “Huntress” case of November 5, 1840, in reference to the
neglect of the (U.S.) Constitution for seven years said:
“. . . We may well ask, with some feelings of
surprise, where, during these seven years, were slumbering the watchmen of our
American Israel?” (12 Fed. Case
page 993)
From the declaration of
principles given in the United Israel Bulletin of April, 1951, (a
non-Christian, Jewish publication): “We believe
that the Ten Tribes of Israel exist within the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic,
Scandinavian, American people, and that they in fact constitute them and that
they are Hebrews. . .”
Regarding contemporary Jews,
the 1980 Jewish Almanac states on page 3:
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call a contemporary Jew an ‘Israelite’
or a ‘Hebrew’.”
An amazing insight into these
facts can be had by dovetailing John 8:1-59 with Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. A
more clear understanding may be had by using the King James translation of the
Bible along with Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. The
Greek Dictionary contained in Strong’s makes clear the meaning
sometimes obscured by the King James translators.
On January 1, 1773, the men of
Marlborough, Massachusetts proclaimed unanimously:
“Death is more eligible than slavery. A free-born
people are not required by the religion of Jesus Christ to submit to tyranny,
but make use of such power as GOD has given them to recover and support their
laws and liberties . . .(we) implore
the Ruler above the skies, that He would make bare His arm in defence of His
Church and people, and let Israel go . . .”
The London College Of Heralds,
has traced Queen Elizabeth II to be the 144th direct descendant of
King David.
The tribes that poured into
the British Isles between the years 450 A.D. and 1066A.D., the Angles, Saxons,
Jutes, Scots, Picts, Danes and Normans, came bearing the various tribal
emblems of ancient Israel with many names clearly establishing their identity
as the descendants of the Ten Tribes. The Normans came with the Wolf Emblem of
the Tribe of Benjamin, the Angles with the Unicorn Emblem of the tribe of
Ephraim, etc. The Danes derived their name from the tribe of Dan, and the
Saxons from the ancient Persian name for Israel - SAXAE. The Anglo-Saxon group
of Nations bear many historical and prophetic marks of the ancient Israel
nation who were taken as captives to Assyria. The Anglo-Saxon people have
fulfilled God's promises of Genesis 28 in colonising the four corners of the
earth. Israel has indeed become “a nation
and a company of nations,” Genesis
5:11 - the U.S.A. (a nation), and the British Commonwealth (a
company of nations).

The mottos on the Coat of
Arms are also interesting. Under the shield is a motto, "Dieu et mon droit,"
meaning "GOD AND MY RIGHT." In the beginnings of the Bible story we read how
Israel, whose former name was Jacob, obtained the God-given birthright of an
everlasting national covenant. The other motto around the shield, "Honi
soit qui mal ypense," means "EVIL TO HIM WHO SPEAKS EVIL OF IT." This
again was God's covenant promise to Israel, when He declared,
"I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him
that curseth thee" (Genesis 12).
The shield is symbolic of God's assurance to King David, that his
house and kingdom would be established forever in II Samuel 7. The two
quadrants (first and third) containing the lions passants represent England,
whilst the second quadrant, containing the lion rampant, represents Scotland.
The Harp, displayed in the fourth quadrant of the shield, is associated with
David (as recorded in I Samuel 16:23) and represents Ireland.
The Crowns surmounting the
helmet and on the lion and unicorn symbolise Kingship. Abraham and Sarah were
promised that their descendants would be kings Genesis 17:5-6. This was to be
Israel's high calling - to be a nation of kings ruling as God's instruments of
blessing. The British Coat of Arms stands today as a reminder of God's great
and unfailing promises to His people – ISRAEL!
OK! Lets assume for a moment
that NO conclusive contemporary historical evidence exists that the
House of Windsor can be equated with the ancient House of Judah.
But charts however making that connection do exist and yes, long-held
traditions to that effect linger on, where no other nation on earth has them
and no such claims are registered by any other people. Why then are the
British Isles alone singled out as THE place where, according to traditions,
descendants of the 10 tribes have found a new home, ruled over by a royal
descendant of the Davidic line, one whose coat of arms is depicted by a lion,
symbol of the ancient tribe of Judah? The early Britons wrote no records that
have survived, nor did the early Anglo-Saxons see the need to highlight their
origins. However, unignorable tradition maintains that during past periods of
economic and political upheavals, Israelites began to leave the Middle East
and made their way to the British Isles, centuries before the time of Christ.
The prophet Isaiah tells us that the Messiah’s ultimate inheritance will be
the throne of King David of Israel (Isaiah 9:5-6). Surely, the validity of
this prophecy alone shows us that the throne of David MUST exist somewhere.
Why not in Shakespeare’s “Sceptred Isle,” whose very identifying name of
“Brit,” is strong
EVIDENCE of its Hebrew origin.
Regardless, the Bible has a
promise regarding the physical heirs of Abraham’s Birthright as the end of the
age rapidly approaches. Modern Israel must be made aware of its heritage and
its destiny. As Malachi predicts: “Behold, I
will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful
day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,
and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the
earth with a curse.” (Malachi
4:5-6) The impact upon the
Anglo-Saxons will be earth shattering when God finally reveals their true
Israelite roots - the clear truth of which the Pharisaic Jews of today have
taken great pains to distort, suppress and misdirect unto themselves.
It is ironic that today's Jews use every foul
means conceivable to deceive the
rest of the world into believing that they are Israelites, while admitting in
their own almanacs, older encyclopaedias and historical writings that they are
NOT Israel. It is also ironic that these religious phoneys, want the world to
believe that they are something that they clearly are NOT - whereas
paradoxically, the great majority of genuine Israelites do not care a whit as
to who they are, nor do they see the immense importance of it.
Modern Israel today is largely in unbelief,
and it is because of this unbelief and the ignorance of their identity, that
the Anglo Saxon/Celtic peoples of the White western world, are finally being
brought to their knees by their ancient and historic enemies, the
Babylonian/Canaanite/Edomite Jews of today, under the prophetic auspices of
their faithful God.
The two world
wars pitted the true Israelite Germanic peoples of the House of Judah and the
House of Israel against one other - with Esau-Edom, or International World
Jewry, as the perpetrator and victor.
Engineering the Genocide of the White
A RACE is defined as a group
of individuals sharing common genetic attributes, which determine that group's
physical appearance and, more controversially, their cognitive abilities.
Ethnicity is defined as the creation of groupings by individuals, (most often
within racial groups but also possible across racial divides) of certain
common traditions, languages, art forms, attitudes and other means of
A CULTURE is the name given
to the physical manifestations created by ethnic groupings - the actual
language, art forms, religion and social order and achievements of a
particular ethnic group. In practical terms then, it is possible to talk of a
White race; of a Scottish ethnicity and a Scottish culture. The last two -
ethnicity and culture - are directly dependent upon each other, and in fact
flow from each other in a balanced and symbiotic relationship.
The Ruling Elite has
engineered an increasing flood of illegal aliens into every country in the
White Western World via their agents in both major political parties, with the
sole purpose of destroying the White race and its unique culture. Furthermore,
the two major parties in the governments of all these countries are officially
sanctioning ridiculous loopholes allowing these non-citizens to become
registered voters.
"[We] prepare
for the day when the United States will have
no single race or ethnic
majority." -President
Clinton re: White Western Civilization's
The above quote from President Clinton while
still in office, was a revealing
and major policy statement from a typically Marxist/socialist/feminist,
regarding the Ruling Elite’s ultimate goal. Yet at the time, no one in the
conservative opposition dared to question it, in either the print or
electronic media. President Clinton's meaning though was quite clear, as he
scrambled to be the first to displace whites with minorities in his
administration and throughout the federal government. Whites must become a
minority in their own civilization through importation of people of colour
from the Third World. Interracial breeding between whites and people of colour
must grow in acceptance by constantly using the media everywhere as propaganda
tools; depicting mixed-race couples as the politically correct norm and NOT
the exception. The final goal being, "no single race or ethnic majority" can
exist to dominate the others, which amounts of course to creating a mongrel -
based, communistic universalism in America first - then the world. This
requires the implementation of the following by the global elite:
Confiscation of workers' wealth through heavy taxation and, then, its
"fair" distribution by U.N. - run global welfare programs
Transferring manufacturing from white Western democracies to those
designated as "underprivileged" nations
Transferring real governing power and control from nation-states to the
U.N. and other one-world entities;
Creating a borderless world that ensures
dispersement and racial mongrelisation of whites in their Western democracies,
importing people of colour from the Third World to that end, which
mongrelisation - or genocide of the white race - is the only certain means to
effecting demographics where no race or ethnic majority exists. To reiterate:
Communism and universalism are equivalent terms. UNIVERSALISM is the Talmudic
Jews idiom for masking their communistic, utopian goals for white Western
democracies. These goals include:
Racial mongrelisation, requiring denigration
of the ideas of "nation-state," "private property," "race" and "good
breeding," the latter of which leads to classism and unequal distribution of
heritable talents. Perfect parity in men and women's social standing and
responsibilities, meaning men and women must have equal access and equal
representation in the work force, while child rearing increasingly devolves to
the State.
JEWS charging WHITES WITH RACISM at every turn these past decades, has
served the purpose of indoctrinating the
WHITE RACE into quietly trashing its own unique culture and civilization
on the altar of an imposed self-guilt. This has been driven by the
advancement of a feminist and socialist "fairness" doctrine, and while hiding
Since the Fifties, minorities and feminists
have been struggling to unseat white males and dismantle their culture
and they've executed the rout virtually unopposed, displaying the most
frenzied and extensive example of bloodless cultural conquest in history.
“In the long history of the European people, no
century was more destructive than the 20th Century. More of our precious blood
was spilled, and more of our genetic treasure was lost during the last 100
years than in all of the previous thousands of years of our existence.
European mankind had unchallenged world domination at the beginning of the
20th Century. In stark contrast, the 21st Century threatens to make Europeans
a besieged minority even in our own ancient homelands. Everywhere on earth,
the European population is aging and rapidly declining, while the non-white
world is young, growing and aggressive. Even more importantly, massive and
uncontrolled immigration into Europe and America, combined with the low White
birth-rates and racial intermarriage, will make Europeans and Americans
politically and culturally moribund in our own democratic societies. The
non-European majority will eventually rule, and we will be a politically
impotent minority.
Already, the West is being
remade. The faith of our fathers, the traditions and values of our people, the
standards of civility, freedom and high culture that have so distinguished the
West – are being eroded away in the rising, dark waters of unrestrained
immigration. The writing is on the wall; it is scribbled everywhere for us to
see, just like the graffiti that now blemishes many of the walls of our major
cities. In America we can see our schools ban even the mention of our
Christ-rooted Christmas, while promoting Black pagan celebrations such as
Kwanzaa. In Europe and America, MTV and an alien Hollywood establishment
pervades every White home, making primitive Black rhythms, racial
miscegenation, drug use, sexual irresponsibility and spiritual nihilism the
fashion for the ever-dwindling numbers of White youth. In the 20th Century,
Non-Europeans of Jewish descent have seized control of the major news and
entertainment media, as well as dominating through money and political
blackmail the key elements of political control in America and Europe.
This aggressive, worldwide Jewish
supremacism has carefully made its own agenda OUR agenda. Just as the 50
million European lives lost in the Second World War have now become secondary
in importance to the Jewish losses in the "Holocaust," so every major issue is
now seen in the light of the Jewish agenda. Through their media domination,
they have made Jewish suffering through the ages, our suffering; Jewish
concerns, our concerns; Jewish objectives, our objectives. Their criminal
actions against the Palestinians and other Muslims have become our own,
despite the fact that such policy does great harm to our national interests.
We even supply Israel with the weapons of suppression and torture that they
apply against the Palestinians. Their enemy has become our own nemesis.
The Jewish juggernaut has sucked
America and Europe into supporting their Jewish supremacism in the Mideast,
and we “Goyim” supinely pay the price. Many of us are so mesmerized by the
Jewish media that most Americans swallow the blatant media lie that the 9-11
attack had nothing to do with America's support for Israel, and that we were
attacked, because bin Laden and others hate us for having a democratic
society! Americans frantically wave the American flag on the media's cue, but
they have no understanding that we were attacked precisely because the
anti-American, anti-European power has supremacy over us. We were attacked
because Western leaders in Washington, London and elsewhere put the Israeli
Star of David over our own banners. In other words, our flag-waving has become
a celebration not of America first, but is actually symbolic of a foreign
power's supremacy over us!
In this world turned upside down,
the ever-expanding federal government-run-amuck now announces that it shall
defend our freedom by taking it away. The most sacred icon of the U.S.
Constitution, the Bill of Rights, is under direct attack. Privacy rights,
which are so essential to freedom, are being cast away like pearls to the
swine. And, Americans just smile and say go ahead; the government can read my
most personal and private mail, tap my phone conversations, and suspend my
most basic constitutional protections. "Please," they ask, "defend my freedom
by taking it away!"
The government and media are
telling us that we must take away these American rights to defend ourselves
from evil foreign powers. Yet, the U.S. Government is now busily covering up
the biggest foreign spy ring against America in the history of the United
On December 12-15, Brit Hume on
the Fox News Network, in four parts, broke the amazing story by Carl Cameron,
Fox News senior correspondent, that over 140 suspected Israeli spies were
detained or arrested by the FBI and the Secret Service, many even before the
9-11 attacks. Several are known Israeli operatives of high rank in the Israeli
Mossad. One of the startling aspects of the report showed that Israel
Intelligence has tapped into practically the entire telephone system of the
United States! This penetration also includes most of American police and
governmental law enforcement agencies. Fox News also revealed that American
FBI investigators believe that these Israeli agents knew the details of the
attack of 9-11, but purposely did not share it with the United States. (Israel
has effectively used the 9-11 attacks to justify their efforts to brutally
dismantle the Palestinian Authority and savagely suppress their quest for
freedom). The report shows how American officials, in an act of blatant
treason, have authorized Israeli companies to spy on American phone
The major Israeli companies are
Amdocs and Converse, and the information came to light because of a Federal
investigation into an Israeli drug ring that was completely compromised by the
Israeli companies. The Jewish organized crime ring obtained the telephone
numbers of the American agents investigating it, and was able to monitor their
conversations and learn enough important information to avoid prosecution.
Through the Israeli system, they were able to discover the name of informants
and witnesses and eliminate them. How blatant Jewish supremacism over us has
become! To think that the government of the United States has contracted with
Israeli companies to spy on all telephone conversations in the United States
of America! The Federal Government has let Israeli firms, which are in part
funded by the Israeli Government; to notate practically every phone call made
in the United States, including that of law enforcement agencies. Consider the
fact that this has occurred even after Israeli spies such as Jonathan Pollard
have done such tremendous damage to the United States. Fox News reported the
fact that if an American investigator in the FBI even dares to suggest Israeli
spying, he is committing career suicide. Quote: But investigators within
the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest
Israeli spying through Converse is considered career suicide. (Fox News, Brit
Hume, Dec. 14) Israeli treason has become so blatant in our country that if an
American law enforcement agent diligently works to stop it, his career is
shattered! The discovery of the largest spy ring in the history of the United
States, as revealed by Fox News, was never even investigated or reported on by
any other major media in America. Not a single major U.S. newspaper daily
picked up the story, nor did any of the normal news programs of the major TV
and cable networks utter a word about this huge scandal. It should rightly be
the lead story in every news organ of the United States. Within days of the
report on Fox News, higher ups in the Fox Network removed the four-part story
even from Fox websites and even made it unavailable from their archives!
George Orwell's prophecies, detailed in his classic 1984, have certainly come
true. Big Brother is here, and he is a Jewish supremacist. He controls the "telescreen"
and can send whatever information he wants, "down the memory hole." Our
people must understand that the objectives of the Jewish supremacists who
control us involve far more than supremacy over Palestine and the suppression
of the freedoms of the Palestinians. They seek and exercise supremacy here;
controlling us in the same way they do the West Bank and the Occupied
Territories. They don't need, quite yet, to send missiles into our
neighbourhoods or torture us (as they do the Palestinians) by the thousands in
their prisons; for they control us in the most effective way of all, the mind
control exerted by their dominance of the mass media. The media control and
the political supremacy they exercise though the unbridled power of
information, money and organization, is more than enough to rule us for the
present. They know, however, that our people are bound eventually to rise up
for ethnic survival and freedom, so they are busily working to diminish our
power and numbers in our own nation. In just a few years, they plan through
massive non-European immigration to make European-Americans a minority in the
nation our forefathers built. In a more easily dominated, multi-cultural,
deracinated Babylon, they know they can "divide and conquer." And, if we
European-Americans try to resist their plans to take our freedom and destroy
our very race itself, they will certainly resort to the same kinds of terror
that they use against the Palestinians today: assassination, incarceration,
torture and terror.”
Article written by David
No nation is born multicultured.
Multiculturalism is an unnatural as well as an unhealthy condition that can
only afflict states in national decline. A multicultural state carries in its
genes the seeds of eventual national destruction. All multicultural nations
will be found to be in a state of gradual political, moral, economic and
social decay. Greed and corruption will characterize the government coupled
with oppressive measures directed against citizens. Lies and deceit will be
stock and trade of media, politicians, and educational institutions. Such are
the bellwethers of a multiculturalist advent.
In modern times multiculturalism is
instituted from the top down as an elitist ruling class tool used to play one
or more racial or ethnic groups against another. The ensuing cultural melee
serves the political designs, economic goals and power needs of elitist rulers
and their sponsors. This technique was developed by Marxist ideologues, which
used multiculturalism in Russia to divide and conquer resistance to the
institution of a communist state. The end result of their successful takeover
was the murder of thirty million humans in the Soviet Union alone.
The same internationalist cabbalists who
sponsored Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin as the multicultural leaders of the
Soviet state from their banking houses in New York, similarly sponsor the
multicultural leaders of the United States, Canada, and Europe today. An
interlocking network of foundations such as Ford and Carnegie, international
banking empires such as Rockefeller and Rothschild, and government agencies
firmly in their control work in tandem with controlled propaganda outlets such
as the New York Times, CBS, and Hollywood, to promote, foster, and institute
multiculturalism today.
Multiculturalism is being used as a hammer to
forge a compliant people who will compose the obedient states of the New World
Order. As a weapon of post-modern
political warfare, multiculturalism has few equals, which, thus explains its
use currently against all of Western Europe, the United States, Canada,
Australia, and New Zealand. Deliberate fragmentation of these nations and the
resultant loss of national identity and purpose into politically disharmonious
units, serves as a stepping-stone to world government. And who will compose
that world government? A ruling class consisting of an "economic hierarchy"
that replaces the philosophy of the nineteenth century "natural hierarchy." An
evil force that views countries and the people that live in them first as
economic targets to be exploited, and second as military targets to be dealt
with if they resist.
In Zimbabwe - the former and prosperous
Rhodesia, Whites are now systematically being driven off their farms, and
those who resist are often killed, the women raped, and the bodies horribly
mutilated. A horrendous tragedy, the facts of which should be spread across
newspapers everywhere, but of course the "enlightened" Talmudic media masters
promised us bright glories of freedom and prosperity once the "racist" White
regime was overthrown, where only vile "nazis" clearly predicted a return to
savagery and terror after the civilizing hand of the White man was removed
from control. Thus in a monumental irony, Robert Mugabe, the “can’t touch me”
and president-for-life of Zimbabwe, is proving that the media Jews are indeed
blatant liars and the so-called "racists" were telling the truth all along.
However, the ultimate irony is that Mugabe now has to beg to the world for
food, which was formerly grown by the very people he has been systematically
persecuting. What lunacy! – A country once celebrated as the “Breadbasket of
From an article by Cathy Buckle, entitled
writes: “For
well over a year I've been wearing a small yellow ribbon pinned on my shirt in
silent protest at what is happening in Zimbabwe and in support of all those
people who are suffering - black, brown and white. There are many hundreds of
thousands of people who are suffering here now. There are children who can no
longer go to school because their parents cannot afford the fees. There are
teachers, doctors, nurses, lawyers, magistrates and judges whose lives have
become unbearable due to political harassment. There are hundreds of brave men
and women who continue to suffer the most extreme intimidation, physical and
psychological torture because they openly support the opposition political
party. There are many thousands of farmers and their workers who have been
evicted from their homes and lost their farms and employment. There are many
thousands of people who have literally nothing to eat and to the outsider all
these are mere statistics. But they are not just numbers, they are real people
just like you and me and this week I am wearing my small yellow ribbon for
three farmer's wives.
I was hot and fed up on Friday
morning having stood for a long time as the 42nd person in a queue at our
local Marondera supermarket for one loaf of brown bread. Long before I got to
the front, the bread was finished so I bought the newspaper instead. On the
front page is the story that the government's much talked about irrigation of
a winter crop of maize that was supposed to be the saving grace of us all, is
about to be harvested. It turns out that at best it will only yield enough
food for the country for one and half days. Leaving the supermarket with only
food for thought I felt pretty low as I passed the arrogant groups of
youngsters wearing Zanu PF T shirts who've been crowding our town the whole
week, ready to harass voters in the weekends' council elections. As I got into
my car a man stood at my window, his hands held as if in prayer, "Oh please
help me with something to eat" he begged. Then I stopped in at the dentist who
told me that he is struggling to keep going. Yesterday he and his partner saw
only 10 patients as opposed to the 40 they normally see in a day - dentists
and doctors have become a luxury that most of us can no longer afford.
By the time I got home I felt
pretty depressed but then the phone rang. A woman I have never met or spoken
to before said: "Oh please Cathy, can I talk to you, I know I don't know you
but please can I just talk to you?" She is a farmer's wife and through her
tears I listened to yet another story of utter hell, which involves 30 months
of extreme harassment and intimidation. This was the third such call from a
stranger that I'd had in a few days and these women are so incredibly brave
that I feel ashamed to be sitting in the comfort of my relatively civilized
Marondera home. Every day they face drunk and doped up strange men who hurl
obscene abuse at them. At night they have to try and sleep while men sing
drunkenly and bang on tins to try and scare them out of their homes. Some days
they are threatened with sticks, pangas and other crude weapons; other days
the men have guns. These horrors have become a part of every day life for the
few commercial farmers still trying to grow food for Zimbabwe. A woman,
arriving on a farm this week, told the owners to get out and in a hurry as
this was now her home. She was accompanied by five men armed with AK rifles.
She refused to shake hands with the farmer saying she didn't shake hands with
whites and went on to say that she hadn't tasted "white blood" since 1980.
This woman gets away with saying and doing these things not because she is
black but because she belongs to Zanu PF. Not only does she belong to the
ruling party but also she is the wife of the Commander of the Zimbabwe Army.
This is the calibre of our new commercial farmers and while these obscenities
go on, the world does absolutely nothing but use diplomatic double talk. While
they do this, more and more people become victims and go to work hungry
and to bed at night on empty stomachs.”
Zimbabweans shouldn't kid
themselves that they're going hungry because of some well-publicised drought
or whatever. Dams around the country are full to overflowing, so there's
obviously no lack of water that would have irrigated many thousands of
hectares of land, had it been allowed. It's the stupidity of race-based
politics that is making the people go hungry. Instead of terrorising the farm
community into leaving, Mugabe should be cherishing them. Clearly the Whites
are the ones with the business acumen and knowledge to generate wealth and
jobs, THEY are the people who made this country tick, like it or not! So now
as the country rapidly spirals down to year zero, the best Zimbabweans of all
colours are leaving in droves to other countries that welcome them with open
To ask such a common sense question about
humans is much like asking if breeds of dogs really matter and as if a dog
owner’s care in choosing a certain breed is of no consequence to either the
owner or to the dog breeder. Just as for canines, there are of course,
distinct breeds of men, or races, that exhibit unique mental and physical
attributes, both positive and negative - not unlike how breed-specific
attributes may be found among canine breeds. For example, a pit bull and
poodle represent speciation with diametrically opposed temperaments - or
distinctly evolved traits that are passed on to their respective offspring.
Pit bulls and poodles are distinct and separate gene pools. A similar example
may be found in humans, like the clear differences between, say, African and
Chinese men, whose breeds display distinct heritable potentials in
physicality, temperament and intelligence that have scientifically measurable
Although it's not politically correct to
acknowledge them, or admit their relative importance in human history, five
distinct human races DO exist: yellow, red, white, brown and black. And
mongrel offspring from interbreeding between the races may, through thousands
of years of speciation, evolve into distinct racial categories.
Race does matter, because the clear heritable
traits distinctive to a racial group determine its own survival,
as well as the survival of humanity if a particular group displays talents,
(or combination of talents) which other groups do not, and which critical
talents might be lost from interracial breeding with a less capable race.
This is also true among interracial ethnic groups. For example, Englishmen
generally exhibit a higher average IQ than Irishmen, displaying heritable
differences in both intelligence and temperament. In the history of English
"racism," the Irish were thought to be both difficult to educate and bad
tempered. That difference in intelligence potential may be lost in offspring
of English/Irish couples, but the offspring generally will display a lower IQ
potential than the parent with the higher IQ (matrilineal links to heritable
IQ notwithstanding). You may deny it, but it's either denial by ignorance or
by purposely hiding the truth for political reasons. The latter case being the
primary reason today for denying any existence of distinct race-based
potentials. These nay saying folks - mostly Jews, Judaised Christians and
secular humanists, wish to deny reality in order to legitimise their
mongrelisation of racial groups in Third-World-immigration-strapped Western
democracies, using tyrannical forced-integration of racial tribes for the
building of a Marxist/socialist/ feminists' one-world, socialist Utopia. So,
if the truth be known that human races do exist - and if they do indeed
display unequal heritable potentials in temperament, character, physicality
and intelligence, then the Marxists' dream of a New Utopian World Order will
never be realized – AND THEY KNOW IT!
The steady occupation of the
modern White heartlands of Europe, Australia and North America by increasing
waves of Third World Nonwhites are a direct replay of the events, which led to
the fall of the ancient nations. In exactly the same way that the White
nations of old vanished after their population make-up changed, so will
Europe, North America and Australia disappear as their populations change from
White into Non-white. This is not a subjective opinion, or the wild ravings of
an apocalyptic prophet of doom, it is simply an observable fact. The prospects
for the future of Western civilization are therefore, bleak. Whites will be
increasingly squeezed out of their great cities and replaced by more and more
Third World Nonwhites and mixed race populations.
Even John the Baptist correctly identified
the hypocritical Pharisees, as a brood of vipers and snakes.
He too could see they were wolves in sheep’s clothing then, as they are
today. The Pharisees were also covetous and lovers of money, clearly serving
two Masters, where in the eyes of God that was identical to committing
adultery. They were not only holding on to their own perversion of the Law of
Moses, but at the same time were using the great patriarch to gather coveted
esteem from the common people who usually looked up to their shepherds. The
Pharisees priorities however, were clearly Mammon and self-gain. God’s Word
says that “No man can serve two masters: for
either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the
one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew
6:24). If a man concentrates all his attention on amassing
WEALTH and making it a god, to whom he subconsciously gives inner worship,
he may unknowingly becomes an enemy of himself before becoming an enemy of
God. He will eventually self-destruct both physically and spiritually.
Regarding this matter, Job said, "If I have
made gold my hope, or said to fine gold, You are my confidence, . . I would
have denied God who is above me." (Job 31:24).
upon money alone means that we have cast God OUT of our lives!
"Do not love the world or the
things in the world. If anyone loves
the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the
world -the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life - is
not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the
lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever."
(John 2:15-17) According to
this passage: "If anyone loves the world, clearly the love of the Father IS
NOT in him". In other words: the love of the world eliminates
the love of the Father. It is impossible for both of them to coexist.
While never abandoning the worship of the Lord completely, Israel seemed to be
able to make room for the worship of other gods as well. Her religious slogan
was “compromise” and "compatibility." The Lord however, did not see it that
way; to serve another was and still is, to forsake HIM - that is how
far HIS jealousy extends.
Defeat and the most miserable suffering loom
large whenever believers retreat from their exclusive commitment to God.
They become their own worst enemy. There will be no peace serving two
masters, because to whichever master we yield, by that master we shall be
controlled. False gods have always been attractive however, If they are not,
why are there so many souls bowing at their shrines?
In the "The Satanic Bible," the late (and
now in Hell) Anton LeVay, describes Mammon as the Aramaic god of wealth
and profit and was commonly regarded as a deity in the Middle Ages. In fact
Jesus often referred to money as "the mammon of unrighteousness” because of
the corrupting nature in its continual pursuit. Why then should we serve God,
instead of Mammon? Because the Bible says Mammon is temporal, susceptible to
decay and theft, will make us blind and selfish creatures. Whereas with God
the Father, our eternal treasures are secure and through the diligent seeking
of sanctified living we become kind, righteous people. By gaining mastery
over Mammon we will also avoid falling into a temptation and a snare and into
many foolish and harmful lusts. Paul told Timothy in 1 Tim. 6:6-12, to flee
the desire for riches (v. 11) and stated why such was so important, because it
had caused some believers to have wandered from the faith. Clearly, a man
of God can be plunged into ruin and destruction through the insatiable desire
to get rich. So alongside the command to flee sexual immorality (1
Cor. 6:18) and idolatry (1 Cor. 10:14), we are also informed here to
flee the desire to get rich. Straying from the faith because of greed and
avarice, means piercing ourselves through with many sorrows - cf.1Ti 6:9-10.
But more importantly, Christians will be
"storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come", and
"laying hold on eternal life" (1 Ti 6:17-19). Isn't
THIS what we really
want? “Riches profit not in the day of wrath:
but righteousness
(in Christ) delivereth
from death.” (Prov 11:4)
Idolatry is the worship of created things,
rather than God the Creator. This is the essence of Paganism and the mark of
the beast. Antichrist entices man
to covet material things and to direct all of his efforts towards acquiring
them. In this way the very acts of insatiable buying and selling become
tainted with idolatry - preparation for acceptance of the mark. In the New
Testament, the letters of the Greek word euporia, from which the word
"wealth" is translated, interestingly total 666.
Out of all the 2,000 Greek nouns in the New Testament, there is only one other
word that has this exact same numerical value, the word paradosis,
translated "tradition" (Acts 19:25: Matt. 15:2). We could perhaps interpret
this as to observe how wealth corrupts in practice and honesty, and where
holding to subjective traditions of men corrupts in doctrine, leading to
“The Jewish people as a whole
will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of
other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and
by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere
exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order the Children of
Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The
Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall
without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for
the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of
the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled,
in which is said that when the Messianic time is come the Jews will have all
the property of the whole world in their
(Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, La Revue de Paris, p. 54, June 1, 1928)
Whenever we find the numbers
666 referred to in the Bible, it is
usually in the form of measurement and concerns WEALTH. It is usually
dealing with GOLD or SILVER. But we also find something else that is important
in this 666 system – AN IDOLATROUS
IMAGE and this symbolic representation or "image," deals with TOTAL
SUBSERVIENCE TO A SYSTEM OF CONTROL – or the ultimate evolving of government
to GODHOOD. Babylon did it first, Nebuchadnezzar of Neo-Babylon did it, Rome
also did it, and ANTICHRIST WILL DO IT. It is the ultimate form of forcing
upon the populace a certain system of interrelated ideas, be they economic,
religious and/or political.
King Solomon, in his God-honouring
state, was renowned for his wisdom,
for building the temple at Jerusalem and for his beautiful songs. He was one
of the select few who penned the words of the Most High and was the great
patron of Israel’s Wisdom literature. His name, Solomon, is variously spelt,
but is said to derive from the Hebrew
meaning ‘The Peaceful One’. Solomon in his backslidden state however was known
also in esoteric/freemasonic tradition, to represent the Sun, (Sol
– the male principle)
and the moon, (omon
– female principle).
In this archetypal/Cabbalistic form, Solomon is equated with Apollo, the
Greek/Roman name for this same divine archetypal “god of the Sun,” - an
Illuminated adept! This refers to the invisible, all-powerful, “spiritual and
intellectual effulgence of the Sun,” representing that “spirit of universal
illumination” embodied within
the Seal of Solomon, as represented by the so-called “Star of David.”
It is also interesting to note that the
weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was
666 talents and he was involved in
extensive trading of gold, silver, gems, ivory, cinnamon, spices, wine, oil,
wheat, cattle, sheep, horses and chariots (see 1 Kings 10 and 2 Chronicles 9).
These are almost exactly the same as the things traded by the prostitute who
rides the scarlet
beast (see Revelation 18:11-13). It is
quite possible that the number 666 was
intended to be a primary clue, pointing to the extensive international trading
system of the end-time beast, with some similarities to that of Solomon, some
thousands of years before. Thus, in Solomon's 666
talents of gold (and other possessions), we see the irresistible allure of
earthly things, (to be gained at all costs) that is so very relevant today.
Most Christians have had their eyes fixed so
intently on the world and on outward appearances that they have failed to
focus on spiritual truths and flesh realities within themselves.
The fact is that all professing
believers are soon to face the ultimate test of faith. This trial revolves
around the love of money and to its direct, proportional relationship to the
acceptance of false, or what I would term “coercive” Bible doctrine. More
than what most Christians would care to admit, doctrine doesn't play a
particularly significant part in their on-going lives, it exists more as a
JUSTIFICATION for the way they are already living, than it does as a genuine
GUIDE to the way their lives should be led. In other words, rather than
acting as a lamp in the darkness to guide them in the way they should
go, doctrine exists to most Christians merely as an explanation for the path
they have already chosen, based on "other" criteria having very little
to do with the acceptance of (at times unpalatable) Truths. When doctrine is
reduced to a justification for the way people live, rather than as an
authentic guide to living, then it is capable of being moulded and shaped in
any way people so choose. And what is that "other" criteria? Usually love of
the "here and now" which the love of money and the things that money can buy,
engenders. In other words, mammon
casts a spell that deceives people everywhere; they are irresistibly drawn to
it, as if spellbound by magic.
Simply put;
setting riches as a primary goal can only mean that one is not free to pursue
the higher more coveted goal of godliness. It is the idolatrous DESIRE, not
the riches that proves the obstacle. "For the LOVE of money is the root of
all evil". A root is that which anchors and is the source of life and when
the overriding love of anything else replaces the love of God, one's salvation
must then be jeopardized. When love for God is displaced as the focus and
drive of one's life, trouble sets in. The greed for riches leads to various
and sundry evils - shows no respect for others, their properties, or their
rights. Paul discloses in this discourse that some had already demonstrated
the pattern, had erred from THE faith, and as a result had pierced themselves
through with many sorrows. Their salvation was lost, and unhappiness was the
result, where the temptations of the “here and now,” rather than some vague
notion of “pie in the sky,” were just too great. It’s just another trick of
the Devil to elevate this temporal life over the most important LIFE to come.
One would do well to take note of the fact
that most people don't simply fall into false doctrine by "accident," or
because they have somehow or other "misread" the Scriptures. The Scriptures
are not all that complicated! They become "complicated" only when people
approach them with a pre-disposition of mind, and in order to vindicate a
particular theological/denominational mind-set. They unknowingly pervert the
Scriptures into a shape that fits their preconception, and in the end, making
the Word say things that it clearly does not. This is the kind of subtle
Scripture twisting that the purveyors of the "Evergreen Gospel" and the "Name
it and Claim it" crowd push incessantly! No fair reading of the Bible can
possibly sustain what they teach, but the sweetness of health and wealth
together with all of it’s irresistible trappings has so blinded these largely
good men to the truth, that they have come to a point in their lives where
they are no longer capable of recognizing truth, so that -
"... hearing, they no longer hear, and seeing, they
no longer see." (Mark 4:12)
success in our day is usually always a sign of moral failure. Success and
riches are simply NOT a sign of God's benevolence as some popular
denominations would have us believe.
Wealth, ease, and comfort
- these three devices are presently used by Satan to lull believers into a
dozy state, where they cannot see the very real truths of the Bible that flit
past their eyes as they read. This has clear parallels with the Parable of
the Ten Virgins, (Mat 25:1-13) five of whom were foolish, failed to keep watch
and were thus excluded from the wedding feast simply because of their
inability to CORRECTLY DISCERN the signs of the times - the responsibility of
which was clearly theirs, the lack of which cost them dearly. Take note:
Christ will admit into the Kingdom ONLY THOSE who are spiritually prepared and
with priorities that are firmly seated in the HEAVENLIES.
"This is a nice place - but this is not my
destination!" This is the kind of comment that true believers in Christ OUGHT
to make about the world in which they are IN; but not OF. Once you've gotten a
glimpse of eternity through a meaningful relationship with Him, the Earth and
all the enticing things thereof, should never look the same and should never
mean the same. The Apostle Peter was encouraging new believers who had lost
much. Many have been driven out of their homes and their immediate futures
were uncertain at best. In 1 Peter 2, beginning in verse 9, Peter reminds them
- and us - of who they really are and WHERE they really belong:
“But ye [are] a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the
praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
Which in time past [were] not a people, but [are] now the people of God: which
had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. Dearly beloved, I beseech
[you] as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against
the soul;”
God's meaning here is clear. This world is
your temporary assignment from God, but this is NOT your home. This
isn't a destination. It's a place you pass through. In the words of the old
hymn, "This world is not my home. I'm just a-passin' through. My treasures
are laid up somewhere beyond the blue."
The problem is that too many of us are living
as if this is a place where we're staying, and not just visiting. You can tell
by the bits-n-pieces we're accumulating, by how much time and effort and money
we spend on things that will last less than a lifetime instead of all
eternity. By how seldom we tell people about Jesus and eternity, by the advice
we give our children on what kind of lives they should lead. Strangers and
pilgrims don't fill their arms with all this stuff and then start settling
down in a place they know they're ony there for just a short time. For us
eternity folks, that's what an earth-house is, an earth-car, an earth-job, an
earth-position - it's all for a very short time. Which means some of us should
be de-cumulating and simplifying our lives so that we're living more like
we're passing through than settling in. Yes, there's a lot of beauty along the
way on our earth-journey, but we forget that we're just passing through. Hold
earth-stuff lightly - don't hold a lot of it, because the more you hold, the
more of a millstone around your neck it tends to become. Remember that
earth-struggles are, at most, only temporary inconveniences.
Make no mistake, there
is going to be a reckoning - and we will all play a part in it whether we like
it, want it or not! Soon - very
soon now, we are all going to be tested with regard to the question of money,
and in the process all will be revealed for what we really are.
Whether we are of the worldly kingdom of the "here and now" that money
undergirds, or the kingdom of heaven which has nothing to do with money, but
everything to do with lasting spiritual treasures. Many of us are about to be
stripped of our wealth on a personal basis, and then what will we do? Will we
“sell our souls” to a satanic system to get it back, or will we be able to say
with the prophet Habakkuk: "Although the fig
tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the
olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut
off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: "Yet I will
rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”
(Hab. 3:17-18) One should also carefully bear in mind the words of
our Saviour regarding this very same matter:
"And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said
unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his
cross, and follow me.” "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but
whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall
save it. "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul? "Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
(Mark 8:34-37)
Many people are already more
concerned about their ability to buy and sell, than they are about their
soul's future welfare.
At that time when all food is rationed and scarce, together with the inability
to engage in any form of electronic or other commerce, it will be the ultimate
test for professing Christendom, that will be forced to decide between the
broad and narrow paths. And that is to lose all material goods that have
taken a lifetime of sacrifice and gut-wrenching toil to accumulate - including
the possibility of the loss of one’s own life, or to simply accept the mark of
allegiance and the associated worship of Anti-Christ - which seals one's
eternal doom.
God help those
of us who refuse to take this obsession with wealth seriously!!
The placement of Judeo-Masonic symbolism on
American money and elsewhere is no different to the implied meaning behind
that of displaying a cross on the front cover of the local Church newsletter,
the use of which will soon be illegal as is prayer now in all government
schools. But you will never-ever see occult and or Masonic symbols being
removed from anything anywhere, because organizations such as the
ACLU and
ADL, only attack what
they perceive as truly Christian. The truth is that the separation of
so-called “Church” and “State” that these organizations have taken upon
themselves to “police” is a farce. The law requiring the "Separation of Church
and State" might as well say "Separation of Christendom and State,"
because that’s what they really mean. From “Mystery
Mark of the New Age” by Texe Marrs: “The word "mark" in Greek means to
literally cut into the body, to physically etch or carve. Throughout the
centuries, Satan worshipers and other pagans have used marks on the body,
especially on the forehead and hand, to identify themselves with their god or
goddess or false teaching. In the days of the early Church, the Roman and
Greek worship of Mithra was a strong competitor to Christianity...the Mithra
neophyte, or candidate, would be given a secret name...followed by a mark on
the forehead. The mark consisted of being "signed" on the forehead with a hot
iron. This event was followed by ecstatic dancing in a symbolic circle,
offerings of incense, riotous drinking and a ritual of free sex. It is a
proven fact that the New Age is a religion based on occult symbology. The
words symbol and devil come from the same Greek word.
Already New Age propaganda touts
the Mark as a sign of the spiritually and mentally advanced person. An ad in
New Age magazines invites people to write in for information. The picture in
the ad is that of a man with a glittering, lighted star emblazoned on his
forehead. Elizabeth Clare Prophet's false "Christ," Count Saint Germain, has
a name written on his forehead - VICTORY. She says he is now assisted by
Master Jesus in his work on earth and in the invisible spirit world. He
supposedly seals enlightened human beings in their foreheads. New Age Virgin
Mary of Medjugorje says: "I am the Sign of the Living God. I place my sign on
the foreheads of my children."
In today's New Age and Hindu
philosophies, the body is made up of certain energy points or chakras. Two
important chakras are the one in the forehead and the other in the palm of the
right hand. The forehead chakra is called the third eye or Ajna Centre or Agni
Centre. Agni was the Hindu male fire god who was the sexual partner of the
Mother Goddess. Symbolically Agni was represented as fire from heaven:
lightning. Ancient peoples later began to call him by his actual name,
Lucifer. When you take Agni's Mark you are really taking Lucifer's Mark.
The Mark of the Beast clearly deals with
satanic devotion, veneration or worship in one way or another. To
avoid it however, we need to know exactly what this "mark" is, so before we
examine what the Word of God says about the mark of the beast, let us be
very careful not to interpret all the relevant verses with the "light" of
today’s technology. Especially in popular-theories, politically correct
teachings, narrow constraints of denominational loyalty and especially
our own subjective opinions, but to allow the purity of Scripture to do the
interpreting for us. The number 666 is
used 4 times in the Bible - 3 times in the OT and once in the NT where it is
clearly linked to the word “mark.” THE MARK of the beast is mentioned
eight times in the book of Revelation and whenever the word is used, it is the
Greek word charagma.
a scratch or etching, i.e. stamp (as a badge of
servitude), or sculptured figure (statue):- a stamp, an
imprinted mark, graven work of
idolatrous images, a mark like a branded horse. (Strong's
Exhaustive Concordance for # 5480)
denotes "a stamp, impress," translated "mark" in Rev. 13:16, etc.
(Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words) Barclay makes the following
comments: “On every contract of buying or
selling there was a charagma, a seal, and on the seal the name of the emperor
and the date. If the mark is connected with this, it means that those who
worship the beast accept his authority”.
is well attested
through history, to have been most commonly used for imprints on coins and
documents, including the imperial seal of the Roman Empire when used in
any official capacity during the first and second centuries.
This is important to
The only other NT use of the word for mark
(charagma) apart from the eight instances in Revelation, is in Acts
17:29 where Paul speaks to the men of Athens.
"Therefore since we are God's offspring, we should not think that the divine
being is like gold or silver or stone--an image (charagma) made by man's
design and skill.” Paul is contrasting idols with the living
God who made the world and everything in it see Acts 17:24 cf. Rev 14:7. We
should note the close connection between the mark and worshipping the image
(13:15), which is an act of idolatry cf. 2:14, 2:20, 9:20, 21:8,
22:15. Therefore anyone receiving the mark means being regarded (Biblically)
as an idolater and is a crucial clue in our understanding.
Something being scratched or etched, as a stamp or tattoo, hardly sounds like
a computer chip implant, now does it?
Revelation 13:16-18
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive A MARK in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the MARK, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. “
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive A MARK in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the MARK, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. “
Revelation 14:9
“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his MARK in his forehead, or in his hand. “
“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his MARK in his forehead, or in his hand. “
Revelation 14:11
“And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the MARK of his name. “
“And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the MARK of his name. “
Revelation 15:2
“And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his MARK, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God”.
“And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his MARK, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God”.
Revelation 16:2
“And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the MARK of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.”
“And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the MARK of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.”
Revelation 19:20
“And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the MARK of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.”
“And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the MARK of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.”
Revelation 20:4
“And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his MARK upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”
“And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his MARK upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”
In these verses, the
MARK is referred to as:
Rev 13:16 "a mark"
Rev 13:17 " the mark"
Rev 14:9 "his mark"
Rev 14:11 "mark of his name"
Rev 15:2 "his mark"
Rev 16:2 "the mark of the beast"
Rev 19:20 "the mark of the beast"
Rev 20:4 "his mark"
Rev 13:17 " the mark"
Rev 14:9 "his mark"
Rev 14:11 "mark of his name"
Rev 15:2 "his mark"
Rev 16:2 "the mark of the beast"
Rev 19:20 "the mark of the beast"
Rev 20:4 "his mark"
Notice how the mark is
personally associated or representative of the beast or Antichrist and
is associated with WORSHIP:
Rev 14:9 "his mark"
Rev 14:11 "mark of his name"
Rev 15:2 "his mark"
Rev 16:2 "the mark of the beast"
Rev 19:20 "the mark of the beast"
Rev 20:4 "his mark"
Rev 14:11 "mark of his name"
Rev 15:2 "his mark"
Rev 16:2 "the mark of the beast"
Rev 19:20 "the mark of the beast"
Rev 20:4 "his mark"
times (14:9, 15:2, 20:4) it’s called "HIS mark"
Two times (16:2, 19:20) it’s called "the mark OF THE BEAST"
One time (14:11) it’s called "the mark of HIS Name"
Two times (16:2, 19:20) it’s called "the mark OF THE BEAST"
One time (14:11) it’s called "the mark of HIS Name"
times the Bible refers to "receiving" the mark. (13:16, 14:9, 14:11,
19:20, 20:4) Three times the Bible refers to "receiving" the mark
specifically "in their right hand, or in their foreheads," (13:16,
14:9, 20:4) but NOWHERE does the Bible mention "receiving" the name
of the beast, or the number of his name.
Could the
mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name, be one and the
“And the third angel followed
them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image,
and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink
of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into
the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and
brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the
Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever:
and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and
whosoever receiveth the MARK of his name”.
(Rev. 14:9-11)
“And the beast was taken, and
with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he
deceived them that had received the MARK of the beast, and them that
worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire
burning with brimstone.”
(Rev 19:20)
What about the name of the beast, or the
number of his name? Is there any punishment for "having" them? In Rev. 16:2,
a "noisome and grievous sore" falls upon those who receive the mark:
“And the first went, and poured out his vial upon
the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had
the MARK of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.”
(Rev. 16:2)
So what about the name of the beast, or the
number of his name? Again, is there any punishment for "having" his name or
number? Why no "torment" or "grievous sore" for those that have the name of
the beast, or the number of his name? Rev. 15:2, tells of all those that
gained victory over "….his MARK, and over the NUMBER of his
name…" How does someone gain "victory" over "the NUMBER of his name",
unless they receive the number when they receive the mark. Does one
also receive the name of the beast, AND the number of his name "in their right
hand, or in their foreheads:" – like the mark?
Following these Scriptural clues through
their logical sequence, it appears evident that the Mark of the Beast
incorporates 666 in a manner that only
those initiated into the mysteries would understand.
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
COUNT THE NUMBER of the beast: ” The number –
666 is somehow codified within, or forms part
of the name and requires God-given wisdom to see it.
The Mark of
the Beast will simply be a satanic counterfeit of the “Seal of God!”
A non-literal Seal of ownership shall be
placed upon all of God’s true and faithful people during the time of “Jacobs
Trouble.” This Seal confirms
loyalty to The Most High just like Satan’s mark literally identifies
all those true to the beast system. Divinely given spiritual identifying
marks in both forehead and hands are the results of outworkings of faith,
patterned after God's requirement for His Old Testament people to remain
faithful through the deeds of their hands and minds - in behavior and
thinking. Concerning God's Seal it says: "And
I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living
God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given
to hurt the earth and the sea saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor
the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads."
(Revelation 7:2,3)
THE BEAST is the designation of the Antichrist's own personal name, almost
certainly in a hidden, esoteric and/or hieroglyphic/pictographic form. One
thing is for certain though; the Antichrist will champion the worship of
earth-centered deities and the ancient mystery religions, neatly dressed up in
just the right disguise. The core of the coming world religion, will simply
be a continuation of the ancient mystery cults, where all those who reject the
New Age god-king will ultimately be destroyed from the face of the earth!
Babylon the Great -Catholic or Jewish? (Israel's role in the New World
Where is the Promise of His Coming? ~ A Defense of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church
The Lost Tribe of Dan ~ Early Jewish & Christian View of the Identity of the Antichrist
The Six-Pointed Star: The Mark of the Beast ~ Star of David or Star of Remphan?
Mark of the Beast ~ Tattoos and Branding ~ Junk Religion for Generation X
Designer Marks of the Beast ~ Why the Mark of the Beast is NOT the Microchip Implant
End-time Revival or Great Apostasy?
Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” ~ International Hoax Starring Porn Queens
The United Religions ~ Evangelicals Join the Global Church
The Latter Rain Revival ~ Gnosticism Revived
Cosmic Christmas ~ Saturnalia: Rebirth of the Sun God
The Elijah Revolution ~ Joel's Army Coming of Age
Transformations II ~ The Glory Spreads ~ City Transformation…Divine Visitation?
The Messianic One World Religion
THE NEW WORLD ORDERUnder the Law ~ The Noahide LawsThe New Age Ties of the Discernment Ministries
The Hebrew Roots Movement ~ The Judaizers
The Semitic New Testament ~ Messianics Reject the Greek New Testament
The Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism ~ The Messianic Movement Joins Lausanne
A Chronology of Major Movements ~ Ecumenism, Pentecostalism & Zionism
Pseudo-Elijah in Israel ~ The {False} Prophecy Club
Back to Egypt ~ The Papal Goddess Worship
The Discernment Ministries ~ Merovingian Connections
Antipas: Another Jesus Revolution? ~ CIA Connections
Diakrisis International ~ Discernment or Deception?
Lambert Dolphin & The Great Sphinx ~ Edgar Cayce/Masonic Connections
Smoke, Mirrors & Disinformation ~ The Compromised Ties of the Apologetics Ministries
Christian Research Institute ~ Spiritual Counterfeits Project ~ EMNR ~ American Family Foundation
Behind the Conservative Curtain
The Third Way ~ Politics of the Radical Center ~ Understanding the Dialectical ProcessThe Rise of the Fourth Reich
The John Birch Society ~ A CFR Front
The Council for National Policy ~ The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Sun Myung Moon & the CNP ~ Unification Church Front Groups & Christian Right Leadership
The Rockefeller ~ Heritage Connection ~ Follow the Money Trail
Freedom From Religious Persecution ~ United Nations to Standardize Religion
Church of Scientology ~ Hudson Institute ~ Freedom House ~ International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church & more
Charter Schools, Character Education & The Eugenics Internationale
~ Pseudo Grassroots Organizations Front for Corporate/Government Takeover
The Bush Family Oligarchy ~ Funding the Hitler Project
New Crimes Defined as “Terrorism” ~ Bye, Bye Bill of Rights!Brave New Babies ~ The Unprotected Human Subjects of Biomedical ResearchThe British-Israel Movement
~ Bush Administration Exploitation of the Christian Right & Pro-Life Cover-Up of Same
BIBLE VERSIONSThe Rhodes~Milner Round Table ~ British Think Tank for Applied Eugenics
The Masonic New World Order ~ Masonic Foundations of the United States
The Next American Revolution ~ Agents Provocateurs Wage Psycho-Political War on Christian Right
Modern-Day Knights Templar in the Holy Land ~ New World Order Plan for Israel
The Nineteenth Century Occult Revival ~ The Legacy of Westcott & Hort
Another Bible ~ Another Gospel ~ Letters of Westcott & Hort
Tables of Comparison of Selected Scriptures ~ KJV ~ ERV ~ NASB ~ NIV ~ NKJV
Unholy Hands on the Bible ~ The New King James Version
A Chronology of American & British Bible Revision ~ Collaboration of 19th C. American & British Revision Committees
The Semitic New Testament ~ Replacing the Greek New Testament
A Defense of King James ~ False Accusations Laid to Rest
Erasmus & The Textus Receptus ~ Questions & Answers
The Message ~ The Mystical Bible
The Daemonologie ~ King James' Treatise on Witchcraft
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