If today's Jews are
non-Israelites as even they themselves are forced to admit, then WHO EXACTLY
ARE today's genetic Israelites because their lineage MUST be out there
somewhere? If
they have gone out of existence as most evangelicals teach, then God is not
true to His Word because He promised that they would never cease to be a
nation before him: “Thus saith the LORD, which
giveth the sun for a light by day, [and] the ordinances of the moon and of the
stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof
roar; The LORD of hosts [is] his name: If those ordinances depart from before
me, saith the LORD, [then] the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a
nation before me for ever. Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can be
measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also
cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD.”
(Jeremiah 31:35-37)
Although most contemporary
Israelites are oblivious to their own identity, The Most High however, has not
forgotten who they are: …O Jacob my servant; and
Israel, whom I have chosen … thou art my servant: I have formed thee…. O
Israel, thou shalt not be forgotten of me. (Isaiah 44:1-21)
It is impossible
for God to forget Israel as He could
never fulfil His Word as found, for example, in Jeremiah 31:
“Behold, the days come, saith Yahweh, that I will make a new covenant with the
house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the [Mosaic]
covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the
hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake,
although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD.
(Jeremiah 31:31-32)
Indeed the identity and
whereabouts of the “lost 10 tribes of Israel” is one of the great mysteries of
ancient world history. WHERE those Israelites went and WHO their descendants
are today, is deliberately shrouded in mystery and has recently stimulated
great interest and periodic debate. The hope of tracing their movements and
finding their present whereabouts has inspired many a curious searcher.
God Himself said in His Word that ISRAEL was
become a great and mighty
nation. (Genesis 12:1-3)
become a vast multitude
of people. (Genesis 22:17)
form a multitude of nations.
(Genesis 17:4-6)
rule over other nations.
(Deuteronomy 15:6)
be a blessing to all
nations. (Genesis 22:18)
have a new home,
other than Canaan Land. (2 Samuel 7:10)
be inhabited by people
gathered from many nations. (Ezekiel 38:8)
have a land of great
agricultural wealth. (Deuteronomy 28:8-11)
be described as being the
"camp of the saints." (Revelations 20:7-9)
have a new religion and
be saved by God. (Jeremiah 31:7,31-37)
carry the gospel to all the
world. (Isaiah 49:3-6)
to be the only nation given
God's Law. (Psalm 147:19-20)
be blind for the most part
to her identity. (Isaiah 42:16-19)
be called by a new name.
(Isaiah 62:1-2)
Of course HIS Word is always
faithfully fulfilled, and thus, just as He promised, it has been
Israelites and NOT JEWS
that have fulfilled Bible prophecy.
Take a globe and draw
circles around the landmasses wherein Christianity (in whatever form) has
flourished and you will find that you will encompass those nations primarily
comprised of Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon and kindred peoples.
Either these peoples comprise Israel - or God has not been true to Himself and
He has established His New Covenant with someone other than those to whom He
promised. God was and still is true to His word, and it has been the Celto-Saxon
peoples who, in accordance with Jeremiah's prophecy, that have most readily
embraced the New Covenant religion of Christianity. They above all peoples,
have been most responsive to the call of salvation over the last two thousand
Think about it, . . . the
other nations of the world would be oblivious to Christianity had it not been
for the Celto-Saxons' historical proliferation of the New Covenant message.
This mark alone unequivocally identifies today's Israelites as to who they
are. However, not only do the Celto-Saxon peoples fulfil the marks of Israel
as described in Jeremiah 31, (when studied carefully) they likewise fulfil all
of the Biblical marks of Israel. Moreover, archaeology and a mountain of
largely suppressed historical evidence clearly verify this genetic link
between the Biblical Israelites and the modern Celto-Saxon peoples.
Some LITTLE KNOWN facts from History
The little known “Alfred the Great”, in the
9th century, created the basis of what is today our common law, which is the
foundation of jurisprudence in Aryan civilization. The 33rd Law of Alfred
reads: “Vex thou not comers from afar and
strangers, for remember, ye were once strangers in Egypt.”
(See Exodus 22:21)
The Scottish Declaration of
Independence of April 6, 1320 states regarding the ancestors of its
creators: “ . . . and coming thence one-thousand
two-hundred years after the outgoing of the people of Israel, they by many
victories . . .”
Alexander Cruden, author of the
well-known Cruden’s Complete Concordance, addressed his preface to King
George III, saying, “. . . May the great God be
the guide of your life, and direct and prosper you, that it may be said by
present and future ages, that King George III hath been sent an Hezekiah to
our British Israel . . .”
Sir Walter Scott, in his novel
Woodstock, has Oliver Cromwell use these words in Chapter 30:
“How as my soul liveth, and as He liveth who hath
made me ruler in Israel ..”
William Tyndale, the great
English religious reformer, who translated the Bible into English, announced
in 1530 his discovery of the likeness between the Hebrew and English
languages, which made English the most suitable of any language into which to
translate the Bible.
In 1590 the French Magistrate
Counsellor LeMoyer wrote a large volume entitled The Lost Ten Tribes Found,
stating that they formed the then English peoples. (Petite Parisien)
Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596),
while on the ship “Bonaventure,” wrote John Fox and besought the prayers of
Fox that “. . . God may be glorified, His
church, our Queen and Country preserved, the enemies of truth vanquished, that
we might have continual peace in Israel. Our enemies are many but our
Protector commandeth the whole earth. . .”
Isaac Watts, composer of over
500 hymns, revealed his knowledge of true Israel is his poem entitled
“Israel’s Poem.”
Queen Elizabeth I was known as
the “Light of Israel.”
Vincenzio Galilei, father of
the famous astronomer, writing in 1581 about the origin of the harp in
Ireland, mentions the native Irish tradition that they had descended from the
royal Prophet David.
In 1502, Columbus wrote of his
voyages to King Ferdinand of Spain, “. . . Fully
accomplished were the words of Isaiah . . .”
(See Isaiah 49:1-12)
The famed English author, John
Lily, in his Euphes and his England, gives evidence of his knowledge
and agreement with the Israelitish origins of the people of the British Isles.
King James VI of Scotland
(James I of England) claimed that the Lord had made him king over Israel, and
upon the gold coin of his day, called the “Jacobus,”
he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of Ezekiel 37:22– “I will make of
them one nation.”
In the time of Cromwell (circa
1647) a political reform movement called the “Levellers” sought reforms, which
threatened the dictator’s power. Both Everard and Winstanley, prominent
Levellers, are mentioned in connection with the belief in the Israelitish
origin of the Saxon, Cletic and kindred peoples.
In 1671, a pamphlet issued in
Nether Dutch stated that the English-speaking people were Israel.
John Dryden (1681), in one of
his poems, referred to England by the name Israel fourteen times.
In 1723 Dr. Abbadie published,
in Amsterdam, Le Triomphe de al Providence et de la Religion,
expressing the view that the Northern European Tribes, from which the English
derive, are the Ten “Lost Tribes” of Israel: “.
. . Unless the Ten Trbes of Israel are flown into the air, or sunk into the
earth, they must be those ten Gothic tribes that entered Europe in the 5th
century, overthrew the Roman Empire and founded the ten nations of modern
Europe. . .”
In the early 1800's Thomas
Jefferson, recalling the death of George Washington, stated:
“I felt on his death with my countrymen, that verily a great man hath fallen
this day in Israel.”
Dr. Moses Margouliouth, a 19th
century Jewish scholar, in his History of the Jews, said,
“. . . It may not be out of place to state that the
Isles afar off mentioned in the 31st chapter of Jeremiah were supposed by the
ancients to be Brittania, Scotia and Hibernia
(Ireland) translates to “Land of the Hebrews.” Likewise, “Iberia”
(Spain) translates to “Land of the Hebrews.”
Former New York City Mayor Ed
Koch, during the 1987 St. Patrick’s Day parade, told a UPI reporter,
“. . . The ten lost tribes of Israel, we believe, ended up in Ireland.”
Sir Oliver J. Lodge, noted
English scientist (1851-1940), stated: “We, too,
are a chosen people. It were blasphemy to deny our birthright and
responsibility. Our destiny in the world is no small one. We are peopling
great tracts of the earth and carrying thither our language and customs. The
migrating of that primitive tribe from Ur of the Chaldees, under the
leadership of that splendid old chief, Abram, into the land of promise, was an
event fraught with stupendous results for the human race.”
The famed Baptist evangelist
Charles H. Spurgeon, who died in 1892, showed in Volume 2, page 154 of his
book The Treasury of the Old Testament that England and America were
The U.S. Supreme Court case
#6914, known as the “Huntress” case of November 5, 1840, in reference to the
neglect of the (U.S.) Constitution for seven years said:
“. . . We may well ask, with some feelings of
surprise, where, during these seven years, were slumbering the watchmen of our
American Israel?” (12 Fed. Case
page 993)
From the declaration of
principles given in the United Israel Bulletin of April, 1951, (a
non-Christian, Jewish publication): “We believe
that the Ten Tribes of Israel exist within the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic,
Scandinavian, American people, and that they in fact constitute them and that
they are Hebrews. . .”
Regarding contemporary Jews,
the 1980 Jewish Almanac states on page 3:
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call a contemporary Jew an ‘Israelite’
or a ‘Hebrew’.”
An amazing insight into these
facts can be had by dovetailing John 8:1-59 with Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. A
more clear understanding may be had by using the King James translation of the
Bible along with Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. The
Greek Dictionary contained in Strong’s makes clear the meaning
sometimes obscured by the King James translators.
On January 1, 1773, the men of
Marlborough, Massachusetts proclaimed unanimously:
“Death is more eligible than slavery. A free-born
people are not required by the religion of Jesus Christ to submit to tyranny,
but make use of such power as GOD has given them to recover and support their
laws and liberties . . .(we) implore
the Ruler above the skies, that He would make bare His arm in defence of His
Church and people, and let Israel go . . .”
The London College Of Heralds,
has traced Queen Elizabeth II to be the 144th direct descendant of
King David.
The tribes that poured into
the British Isles between the years 450 A.D. and 1066A.D., the Angles, Saxons,
Jutes, Scots, Picts, Danes and Normans, came bearing the various tribal
emblems of ancient Israel with many names clearly establishing their identity
as the descendants of the Ten Tribes. The Normans came with the Wolf Emblem of
the Tribe of Benjamin, the Angles with the Unicorn Emblem of the tribe of
Ephraim, etc. The Danes derived their name from the tribe of Dan, and the
Saxons from the ancient Persian name for Israel - SAXAE. The Anglo-Saxon group
of Nations bear many historical and prophetic marks of the ancient Israel
nation who were taken as captives to Assyria. The Anglo-Saxon people have
fulfilled God's promises of Genesis 28 in colonising the four corners of the
earth. Israel has indeed become “a nation
and a company of nations,” Genesis
5:11 - the U.S.A. (a nation), and the British Commonwealth (a
company of nations).

The mottos on the Coat of
Arms are also interesting. Under the shield is a motto, "Dieu et mon droit,"
meaning "GOD AND MY RIGHT." In the beginnings of the Bible story we read how
Israel, whose former name was Jacob, obtained the God-given birthright of an
everlasting national covenant. The other motto around the shield, "Honi
soit qui mal ypense," means "EVIL TO HIM WHO SPEAKS EVIL OF IT." This
again was God's covenant promise to Israel, when He declared,
"I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him
that curseth thee" (Genesis 12).
The shield is symbolic of God's assurance to King David, that his
house and kingdom would be established forever in II Samuel 7. The two
quadrants (first and third) containing the lions passants represent England,
whilst the second quadrant, containing the lion rampant, represents Scotland.
The Harp, displayed in the fourth quadrant of the shield, is associated with
David (as recorded in I Samuel 16:23) and represents Ireland.
The Crowns surmounting the
helmet and on the lion and unicorn symbolise Kingship. Abraham and Sarah were
promised that their descendants would be kings Genesis 17:5-6. This was to be
Israel's high calling - to be a nation of kings ruling as God's instruments of
blessing. The British Coat of Arms stands today as a reminder of God's great
and unfailing promises to His people – ISRAEL!
OK! Lets assume for a moment
that NO conclusive contemporary historical evidence exists that the
House of Windsor can be equated with the ancient House of Judah.
But charts however making that connection do exist and yes, long-held
traditions to that effect linger on, where no other nation on earth has them
and no such claims are registered by any other people. Why then are the
British Isles alone singled out as THE place where, according to traditions,
descendants of the 10 tribes have found a new home, ruled over by a royal
descendant of the Davidic line, one whose coat of arms is depicted by a lion,
symbol of the ancient tribe of Judah? The early Britons wrote no records that
have survived, nor did the early Anglo-Saxons see the need to highlight their
origins. However, unignorable tradition maintains that during past periods of
economic and political upheavals, Israelites began to leave the Middle East
and made their way to the British Isles, centuries before the time of Christ.
The prophet Isaiah tells us that the Messiah’s ultimate inheritance will be
the throne of King David of Israel (Isaiah 9:5-6). Surely, the validity of
this prophecy alone shows us that the throne of David MUST exist somewhere.
Why not in Shakespeare’s “Sceptred Isle,” whose very identifying name of
“Brit,” is strong
EVIDENCE of its Hebrew origin.
Regardless, the Bible has a
promise regarding the physical heirs of Abraham’s Birthright as the end of the
age rapidly approaches. Modern Israel must be made aware of its heritage and
its destiny. As Malachi predicts: “Behold, I
will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful
day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,
and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the
earth with a curse.” (Malachi
4:5-6) The impact upon the
Anglo-Saxons will be earth shattering when God finally reveals their true
Israelite roots - the clear truth of which the Pharisaic Jews of today have
taken great pains to distort, suppress and misdirect unto themselves.
It is ironic that today's Jews use every foul
means conceivable to deceive the
rest of the world into believing that they are Israelites, while admitting in
their own almanacs, older encyclopaedias and historical writings that they are
NOT Israel. It is also ironic that these religious phoneys, want the world to
believe that they are something that they clearly are NOT - whereas
paradoxically, the great majority of genuine Israelites do not care a whit as
to who they are, nor do they see the immense importance of it.
Modern Israel today is largely in unbelief,
and it is because of this unbelief and the ignorance of their identity, that
the Anglo Saxon/Celtic peoples of the White western world, are finally being
brought to their knees by their ancient and historic enemies, the
Babylonian/Canaanite/Edomite Jews of today, under the prophetic auspices of
their faithful God.
The two world
wars pitted the true Israelite Germanic peoples of the House of Judah and the
House of Israel against one other - with Esau-Edom, or International World
Jewry, as the perpetrator and victor.
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