9 06 2016
As a Jehovah Witness, Prince didn’t vote. Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) as a New (Dawn) Age Religion do not vote and never get involved in the political process. So, what was Prince’s secret mission inside the peoples’ White House with President Barack Obama, the highest political office of this nation? When God’s Spokesmen governing JW discovered that Prince had developed a secret liaison with President Obama inside the Oval Office, they remained SILENT. Why? Prince’s clandestine relationship with the Highest Public Official in the United States had a great deal to do with his assassination.
God is Not Dead, Yet. God Just Needs a Sex Change
I say this often. Secret Societies are one of the
most serious threats to this form of government, and the
peoples’ humanly pursuit of love, peace and happiness. You may believe
that what I am about to talk about is that of long lost empires. You may
believe that the Secret Cult of Cybele died along with Romans, but you would be wrong. Prince said, “Prophecy is what we all have to go by now.” It’s like Purple Rain and When Doves Cry, you really don’t know what PROPHECY that he is really talking about, because he spoke by a secret society code.
You may only hear this word once, Skoptsy. The Skoptsy was an ultra secret cult of the Disciples of Cybele that was believed to only have existed in Russia. After being widely persecuted around 1910 in Russia, they went far underground. They hold that the surest way of attaining ecstasy and gift of PROPHECY is to set the spirit free from the body’s desires. In order to unite himself with God, he must become similar to the angels- and they are sexless. It is symbolical appellation of white DOVES. So, they castrated themselves. (The Religion, Anatole L. Beaulieu, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, NY, pg. 422, 1896) In India, many of the goddess’ castrated disciples are called, transsexuals. We will talk about the “sexless” disciple, Prince Rogers Nelson, further below.
MATTHEW 19:12 (kjv)
“For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their
mother’s womb: and there are some eunuch, which were made eunuchs of
men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the
kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive
it.”Origen of Alexandria (185—254 C.E.) Origen (Son of Horus) of Alexandria is considered one of the greatest Christian theologians. He castrated himself in literal obedience to Matthew 19:12. Much debate surround Origen. Some called him a heretic and mystic, because his castration was more personal spiritual ecstasy (Mystical Marriage/Rites of Cybele) than solely obedience to Matthew 19:12, and he believed that the DEVIL and DEMONS could be saved.

In 1865, Boston Corbett is famously known to have killed John Wilkes Booth that assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. In some circles, he is a 19th Century Jack Ruby that assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald, a member of Ruby’s secret circle. Corbett and Booth secretly belonged to the same Masonic circle, the Knights of the Golden Circle. But, Corbett didn’t kill Booth. He killed a patsy so that Booth could escape. In Christian religion, Corbett followed Origen of Alexandria (Matthew 19:12). However, he was a secret castrated- transsexual Skoptsy of the Cult of Cybele. Corbett was a High Priest of Cybele, out of England not Russia, deeply imbedded in one of America’s most secret and dangerous Masonic cults that changed the course of history linked to the Luciferic Scottish Rite Confederate General, Albert Pike.
Lucifer represents the Age of Aquarius. Lucifer represents honor and respect for gods of old, as well as PAGAN spiritual heritage.[1] America’s global ILLUMINATI gay agenda has very little to do with civil rights. It is essentially a secret state revival of archaic–barbaric esoteric spirituality and androgynous sexuality led by President Barack Obama and elite Satanic Cabals.
Above is a 12-13th Century relief called “Cybele, philosophy” which is on the West portal of Notre-Dame of Paris. This Lady Wisdom, Cybele, has her feet on the EARTH and her head in the CLOUDS. She holds two books, one open and one closed, symbols for exoteric and esoteric knowledge, or wisdom gained from books and from interior prayer or meditation. Leaning on her is “JACOB’S LADDER”, which represents the gradual way of knowledge of God leading to her scepter of wisdom, divine union. They want you on that ladder. DEATH may be your only option to get off.

According to Alice Walker, High Priestess of the Earth Mother, Cybele, Wiccan Cult, [COLOR PURPLE] “is the pagan transformation of GOD from patriarchal male supremacist into trees, stars, wind and everything else …”[2] Even- A WOMAN.

In many of the ancient Mystery School religions, enthusiasmos included transvestism. The Galli, for example, or Priests of CYBELE with World in her hand (or Kybele, Phrygian Great Mother Goddess, or Magna Mater) ritually dressed in resplendent female attire. The Cult of Cybele, was presided over by “castrated male priests.” In that ancient pagan cult, emasculation of the male was a symbol of salvation with the gods. The physical emasculation and (homosexual) feminization of males was a transformation that lifted male worshippers to divine mystification, – a sacred marriage with the gods.[3] We revisit CYBELE at the end.

Carolina Panther Cam Newton & Transvestism, Transvestism is deeply rooted Satanic PAGAN spiritual ritual and heritage. Newton is on Cybele’s Ladder. He is a world class athlete that has no known spiritual or historical connection to the Cult of Transvestism, but here he is dressed provocatively as fairy ANGEL. Is it because he has attached himself to a pagan spiritual throwback as result of a vacuum in his mind, or have some entities deliberately implanted these alien spiritual layers, spirits and natures in his mind? This Satanic PAGAN spiritual heritage is slowly creeping into the NFL. This pagan EVIL has turned the game into a FRAUD just because we love it. I am convinced that Cam threw NFL Super Bowl 50. In the 4th quarter with the game on the line, a crucial fumbled ball bounced back right in front of him, that Negro jumped back to Timbuktu to avoid recovering the ball.

This is the NFL’s 50th Super Bowl Most Valuable Player, a closet down-low brother Denver Bronco Von Miller, dressed in a serious throwback Satanic PAGAN spiritual and ritual heritage to a Demonic Medieval Lunatic that he has no known spiritual or historical connection to Knight Templar Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio- David with the Head of Goliath.

Von Miller with the Owl associated with the Pagan Worship of Minerva, Athena, Lilith = The Great Mother, CYBELE.

Von Miller is also on Cybele’s Ladder. The mysteries that they have entered into involves ancient deep spiritual and ritual conversions of nature that they know little or nothing about.

In Greek mythology, Hermaphroditus or Hermaphroditos, god of effeminate men, was the son of Aphrodite and Hermes. According to Ovid, born a remarkably handsome boy with whom the water nymph Salmacis fell in love and she prayed to be united with him forever. A god in answer to her prayer merged their two forms into one and transformed them into an androgynous form. His name is compounded of his parents names, Hermes and Aphrodite. He was one of the Erotes, winged love gods. His name is the basis for the word hermaphrodite. He is portrayed in Greco-Roman art as a female figure with male genitals.[5]

Greek God Dionysus was also a hermaphrodite creature that dressed in women’s clothing. He was one of Hermaphroditus’ lovers. Dionysus is said to be the son of Zeus and a mortal high priestess of his temple, Semele, daughter of the hero, Cadmus. Another version, he is the son of Zeus, and Persephone or Demeter, Queen of the Underworld. It is said of the god Dionysus, that during his infancy the goddess Persephone placed him with Queen Ino who raised him as a girl, so that he grew up to be effeminate, unable to differentiate feminine from masculine functioning in himself.[6] We are told that priests at the temples of Baal and Astarte dressed themselves as women, rouged their faces and eyes. Dufour, in his History of Prostitution, says that the priests of Baal were handsome, un-bearded young men, their entire bodies being depilated and perfumed with fragrant salves. And in the Hysteria, “Festivals of Aphrodite” held in Argos, Greece– both sexes were seen to Cross-Dress.[7]

Dionysus is a god of mystery religious rites,
such as those practiced in honor of Demeter and Persephone at Eleusis
near Athens. In the Thracian mysteries, he wears the “bassaris” or
fox-skin, symbolizing new life. His own rites the Dionysian Mysteries were the most secretive of all. Dionysus also wore and carried the Leopard Skin, the Ancient Symbol of High Priesthood that indicates that he initiated followers into higher and more deeper secret levels of Occult Mysteries.

Bacchus and Dionysus
Around the turn of the millennium, the Cults and Mystery Schools of Hermaphroditus and Dionysus, the Bacchanals (Bacchus Cults), became highly disfavored even in Rome. The Roman counterpart of Dionysus was Bacchus.
There was a brutal “pitiless repression” to stamp out the matres bacchicae (Bacchanals) in 186 BCE. A hermaphrodite was found — and killed — in Umbria (historical central Italy).[8] As Roman historian Titus Livy (64-59 BC- 17 AD) tells it, the celebrants feasted, drank wine and,
“… all feelings of shame extinguished, they abandoned themselves to all kinds of debauchery… not limited to faceless coupling of male and female… also poisonings and internal murders, to the point that sometimes the body could not even be found for burial… This violence was hidden by the shouts and noise of the drums and cymbals so that none of the cries for help could be heard… There is no crime or misdeed which they have not committed. There is more debauch between men than with women.”[9]
The Rome Senate offered a reward to anyone who denounced participants in the Bacchanalia. Officials were ordered to “seek out the priests of these cults, whether men or women,” in Rome and in the provinces. Edicts outlawed any meetings of initiates of the mysteries “or any religious ceremony of the same kind.” Devotees were to be arrested, and vigilant watch kept for secret rites or meetings.[10]
Hermaphrodites became Associated with Alchemy, Occult and Horned Demonic Forces
A witch hunt swept across Europe to suppress the Bacchanals, hermaphrodites,
mystery schools, secret nocturnal meetings; initiation of children into
the cults by ecstatic rites with music, dancing and cries; celebrating a
feast followed by debauched orgies; the highlighting of gay sex among
allegations of ritual murder and other terrible crimes.[11] The Bacchanals, hermaphrodites,
and their mystery schools were not eradicated, but forced deep
underground in antiquity, and became among the hidden internal
foundations of masonic societies, fraternities, sororities, and BLACK SUN ORDERS.
God Pan Rejects Hermaphroditus
Pompeii was an ancient Roman town-city near modern Naples in the Campania region of Italy, in the territory of the commune of Pompeii. It was mostly destroyed and buried under 4 to 6 m (13 to 20 ft) of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesurvius in AD 79.[12] In the evidence preserved in volcanic ash chambers, the God PAN is captured in a fiasco running from and rejecting Hermaphroditus when he discovered that she was really a “man.” That is substantial evidence at the turn of the millennium there was a change of public perceptions and attitude about Hermaphrodites preserved and captured in a rare, time capsule in Pompeii. In the House of Dioscuri on the Island of Pompeii, it shows without a doubt that the people of ancient Rome had come to a point to reject the Hermaphroditus and Dionysus Black Sun Cults.
Earlier in Greece and Rome, God Pan had been a devoted “Disciple of the Hermaphroditus Cult and Dionysus.”
Even the lustful Pansexual God PAN that would even stoop to bestalitity to satisfy his carnal barbaric sexual passion and nature totally rejected Hermaphroditus when she was discovered to be a “MAN.” That is undeniable ancient evidence. But under President Barack Obama, and the most powerful nation in the world, tranvestism, the Bacchanals, and hermaphrodites
have resurfaced to rejoice and parade in the streets again just as it
were in Ancient Rome. This time they are drunken under naked federal and state power.The Commander and Chief of the U.S. has gone as far as to threaten other nations across the globe if they restrict or do not open up Pagan Ritual Bacchanals’ Tranvestism.

Don’t be fooled by the power, fame and money, both Barack Obama & Prince Rogers Nelson have multiple faces that serve several secret MASTERS that conspire to make the pursuit of love and happiness for the people a prey of secret Satanic societies. Again, don’t get it twisted. I am not interested in how Prince Rogers Nelson lived his private life, or what went on behind the gates of Paisley Park. That belonged to Prince. However, If a homicide occurred behind the gates of Paisley Park (Prince was found dead) that would be public business since it is a possible crime against our SOCIETY.
AND, if Prince Rogers Nelson conspired by secret liaisons with the highest Public Official in the United States, the President and Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces to arrest the pursuit of happiness of the people, that also is public BUSINESS- a Crime against Democracy, and a clear violation of the tenets of a FREE and OPEN government.

The WINGED SUN DISK is a complex SUN symbol associated with divinity, royalty and power out of Ancient Kemet.[13] It is a symbol that is often misappropriated, misused and bastardized by powerful western secret societies for their own wicked designs. What was JW Prince’s secret mission with President Barack Obama and the White House under the mysteries of the winged solar disk? Sit back and study. It may not surprise all, but many.
Global Dark Mission of the Masonic/ILLUMINATI SUN CULT
“We are convinced that the Order [Freemasonry] is being controlled by some SUN ORDER, after the nature of the ILLUMINATI, if not by that Order itself. We see our edifice…crumbling and covering the ground with ruins, we see the destruction that our hands no longer arrest…a great sect arose, which taking for its motto the good and the happiness of man, worked in the darkness of the conspiracy to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself. Duke of Brunswick, Grand Master of German Freemasonry, 1794 [14]

The 18th Century secret SUN ORDER threat to Freemasonry was, undoubtedly, the infiltration of “The Rosicrucians.” Rosicrucians claim to be connected to the Great and Mysterious Kemetic SUN GOD, Amen-Ra. One group even claims ties to the Great Pharaoh Thutmose III (“Thoth” is born) of the Eighteen Dynasty, about 1500 B.C. in Egypt (Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, 1915). Their founder is generally claimed to be Christian Rosenkreuz, supposedly born in 1378 and died in 1484 (Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, 1915).[15]

Behind all of these ancient mysteries of Rosicrucian SUN CULTS was an even far deeper and evil element: a secret order known to initiates as the Order of the BLACK SUN (OBS), an organization so secret, dangerous and globally feared that it is illegal to even print their symbols and insignia in modern Germany. The OBS was one of the secret societies that formed the Vril-Gesellschaft society in Germany. Out of the OBS of the Vril Society, Reichsfuhrer Henrich Himmler formed the SS, the Knights of the Black Sun. We will discuss the Black Sun Order further below, and link it to Prince Rogers Nelson.[16]

Himmler’s SS Wewelsburg Castle has several secret Round Temples and Chambers, and Pyramid Roof Shapes built into his Temple Complex.

The Paisley Complex represents some type of Secret Sun Temple Formula: 6 to the Pyramid Power
However first and foremost, the $10 million Paisley Park complex was created out of Knights Templar/Masonic sacred geometry. The symbols of sacred geometry at Prince’s Paisley Park are undeniable, and it was no accident that Paisley Park was located there. It is part of a long lost ancient sacred site most likely located on an ancient secret magnetic grid line.Lost Atlantis in Chanhassen, Minnesota
Paisley Park is located in Clanhassen (sweet sap of the tree), MN that had been inhabited by the Dakota Native People. Consistent with long lost knowledge of ancient grid and magnetic lines, Clanhassen had been an ancient settlement site by the Minnesota River that may go back 8,000 years.[17] In 4,000 B.C., there was a vast mysterious ancient city built along the river that was buried below the water around 1256 BC by a series of earthquakes.[18] What is the Masonic connection of the name, PAISLEY?
PAISLEY was the birthplace of Red-Haired CELTIC King Robert the Bruce

“In 1329, Bruce died, to be succeeded, as he had arranged, by his grandson, Robert II, the first of the Stuart Dynasty. Before his death, he had expressed the wish that his heart be removed, placed in a casket, taken to Jerusalem and buried in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. In 1330, therefore, Sir James Douglas, Sir William Sinclair, Sir William Keith and at least two other knights [templars]embarked for the Holy Land. . .” [Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Temple & The Lodge, Arcade Pub., 1989, p. 39][19]

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, above, is a circular building raised over the supposed site of Christ’s tomb, and Templar churches followed this design.
Ancient Solar Disc Temples in Jerusalem & Britain

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the Round Temple that is also found in Cambridge, England.[20] Knights Templars had occupied Jerusalem until 1291, when the Holy Land fell to the Saracens. Following the dissolution of the Knights Templar in 1312 and death of their Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, in 1314, many fugitive knights fled to Scotland, which was not under Papal control and where they were welcomed by the St Clair family. It was during this period that Robert the Bruce rose to prominence as the central figure in Scotland’s struggle for independence from England’s domination and restoration of the CELTIC religion. According to The Temple and The Lodge and other Masonic literature, Robert the Bruce was well-connected to the sacred Merovingian bloodline.[21]

The London church was consecrated in 1185 by Heraclius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, on land granted by King Henry II. King Henry was central to forming what is now known as the island/country of Ireland. Pope Adrian IV declared that the island was “illumined” by “CHRIST the SUN of RIGHTEOUSNESS.” In 1155 AD, he issued a Bull that empowered King Henry II of England to conquer Ireland.[22] It had been King Henry that first brought the Knights Templar into Ireland to help quell the “savage” state.[23] The Templar round church in England was used for secret Templar initiation rites. The Marshal family, Earls of Pembroke, were benefactors and several generations were buried in the church, including the 1st Earl who was instrumental in the negotiations that led to Magna Carta.[24]

Prince’s Solar Disc Temple at Paisley Park
Paisley Park was designed, created and built in esoteric metaphysical spiritual heritages by powerful secret Occulted Black Sun entities far greater and advanced than Prince Rogers Nelson.
Inside Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Jesus’ Circular Tomb
Inside England’s Templar Round Church
Inside Prince’s Paisley Park’s Round Symbolic Initiation Compound
Prince helped design Paisley Park. He asked for the pyramids. He loved pyramids like the founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We’ll return to the subject, below.

Goddess Nekhbet of the Land of Kemet
Palsm 91.4: “He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge…” Just as the wings represents the will and power of the disc to move, the dual serpents the intelligent of the disk from both sides of the brain, wings also represents its ability to protect and shield the disk’s inner secrets.
Edward Bulwer Lytton’s Vril-Ya Angels
One very stunning secret of a powered disk is the Thule’s flying vril discs powered by a secret dualism of the Golden Sun and Dark Sun inside earth. The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of “Prima Materia” which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation in the form of Vril. The Vril radiation propels flying discs. They teach themselves that the Vril-ya people of Black Sun built the SUN PYRAMIDS with secret Vril energy and psychic power.[25]In a discussion of the 28th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry—called Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept— Albert Pike said, “There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world.“[26]
The Vril Society latched on to a very old archetype already in the minds of alchemists and magicians, which was only re-interpreted, by French Magus Eliphas Levi’s Baphomet disciple, Edward Bulwer Lytton (1803- 1873), in light of that Age of Occult revival.[27] “This secret society was founded, literally, on Bulwer Lytton’s novel The Coming Race (1871). The book describes a race of men psychically far in advance of our own. They have acquired powers over themselves and over things that made them almost godlike. For the moment they are in hiding. They are said to live in caves in the center of the Earth. Soon they will emerge to reign over us.”[28]

Magus Eliphas Levi- Instead of Triangles, These Look Like the Vril Power of the Golden Sun and Black Sun Pyramids
NBA Super Star, Lebron James and Levi’s Triangles or Golden and Black Sun Pyramids, is climbing Cybele’s Ladder as a Hermaphrodite, his Female Alter is LeBre’sha.Lytton’s Occult Master, Eliphas Levi was a freemason under the Grand Orient of France, and former Catholic priest. Interested in the Occult in 1825, Levi gained rare access to some of the Vatican‘s unseen works on the Occult, and secret works collected from the Knights Templar inquisitions. In 1809, Napoleon Bonaparte had arrested Pope Pius VII, and removed the contents of the world’s oldest library,Vatican Library, to Paris. Most of its contents were returned in 1817, there years after the defeat of Napoleon, but some rare volumes and documents remained secret in Paris.[29] In 1861, Levi joined the Masonic order outlining the original purpose of the fraternity, bringing back the lost traditions, and proving that the Qabalah was the root of Masonic symbolism.” [30]
Levi’s book titled Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie introducing the Knights Templar’s BAPHOMET GOD was translated into English by Arthur Edward Waite as Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual and the Baphomet became the foundation of creating Aleister Crowley’s Masonic Circle, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (HOGD).[31] Another secret re-interpreter of Kemet’s SUN PYRAMID SYSTEM, VRIL and the BLACK SUN during the late 19th Century and early 20th Century founded Prince’s JW in 1870, Charles Taze Russell, discussed further below. Aleister Crowley’s HOGD established it first temple, Isis- Urania, in London in 1888.[32] Prince’s JW, Crowley and the Golden Dawn are secretly connected, also discussed further below.
Prince & Strange CELTIC Bedfellow: Sinead O’Connor

“I am a dyke …big lesbian mule.” Sinead O’Connor [33]
Sinead’s CELTIC Cross Tattoo on her head is a 4 (four) spoked SUN CROSS symbol appropriated from ancient pagan SUN WHEELS into Christian worship symbols.[34] It is a square cross
interlocking with or surrounded by circle is one of the most popular
symbols used by individuals and organizations to represent white nationalism, white supremacy, Neo-Nazism, and white pride. The CELTIC Cross was adopted as a symbol during WWII by Norwegian Order of the SS- Knights of the BLACK SUN.[35]The controversial Irish singer, Sinead O’Connor, is an enigma. At times, you can’t tell if she is a demon or a saint. She has the hallmarks of a CIA MK ULTRA mind controlled multiple personality disordered victim.

Up Cybele’s Ladder Satanic Black HollyWeird Hermaphrodites: Eddie & His Bitch, Arsenio Hall
In the wake of Prince’s death, Sinead brought some junk out of the closet. On about May 5, 2016, she posted on Facebook that she informed the Carver County Sheriff’s Department and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) that Eddie Murphy’s Bitch- Arsenio Hall supplied Prince Rogers Nelson with drugs. She said, “Anyone imagining Prince was not a hard drug user is living in cloud cuckoo land.” [36] In 1990, she recorded Prince’s song “Nothing Compares 2 U” with international success. She became so close to Prince’s inner circle that when he summoned her to Paisley Park, she immediately took off even though she said that they “detested” each other. She recalled one incident in the early 1990s that she had to escape out of a window at Prince’s compound at about 5 a.m. He chastised her for cussing during public interviews. She told him to “fuck off.” They got into a slugfest.[37]
She recalled another night in Los Angeles during that period when they got into it, again. She had a wild foot and car chase with Prince in the Hollywood Hills. She said that she was trying to “spit” on him, and he was trying to “hit” her. [38] The important thing is that during the early 1990s, Sinead ran in the secret homosexual HollyWeird Black Satanic Cult inner circles of Prince, Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall. At their HollyWeird (Eyes Wide Shut) Satanic mansion parties, it is said that they have a little demonic ritual something-something lesbian stuff (trauma based sexual abuse programming) for female initiates, too.

In fact, Alex Jones [Welsh- Celtic] and shock jock Erich “Mancow” Muller claims that Prince was one of their fans. They say that Prince told them that they were the only ones telling the truth.[39] On May 13, 2016, Muller said on the above youtube video that Prince revealed to them that he had attended secret “Eyes Wide Shut” Satanic Rituals (frames 7:00- 7:15). Nevertheless, wherever Alex Jones shows up, I would be extremely cautious with all involved. They give you the popcorn TV drama and entertainment ILLUMINATI journalism, but no concrete answers or solutions.
Eddie Murphy has been the Ladder for Quite Sometime
On Facebook, Sinead revealed that during a 1991 post-Grammy party at Eddie Murphy’s mansion her marijuana had been spiked with a drug by Arsenio, then he ran his tongue down her mouth.[40],[41] It appears as though Sinead’s Facebook
posts have been taken down. Corporate mass media didn’t want the masses
looking in that direction. They want the people under that Purple Rain. That also will be discussed further, below. The dragon snapped its tail on Sinead. In Ireland, they took custody of her 12 year old son, Shane.
Sinead O’Connor has been ritually physically, sexually, psychologically, spiritually, and emotionally abused in Catholic schools in Ireland, then locked away to indefinite servitude in the notorious inhumane and brutal Magdalene Laundries behind the Catholic Church. Yes, she talked about suicide because of that abuse, and the continued ritual mental and sexual abuse within the music entertainment industry, but she was committed to live and struggle to raise her children.[47]
Out of it all, Sinead O’Connor courageously developed a bold crusading social conscious. She stood up against the powerful Vatican and child abuse. She even tried to openly intervene with raunchy- pansexual MK ULTRA sex kitten pop artist, Miley Cyrus, to help dignify her as a socially responsible human being and woman.[48] One thing is certain, she hated Arsenio Hall for what he did to her, and others in the entertainment industry. In his $5 million lawsuit against her for libel, Sinead responded, “I do not like drugs killing musicians. And I do not like Arsenio Hall. He can suck my dick. That isn’t if he isn’t too busy sucking someone else’s dick.”[49]

Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall have little if any connection to, or love for the people and the struggle. It has been replaced with an implanted alien Pagan False Spirituality. Sinead makes sure it is clear that she has no real love for, or spiritual bond with Black People. With little or no consciousness or love for the people, Arsenio has little power to kick the Bitch to the curb when she gets out of pocket with her mass racist ideology and propaganda. In regards to the death of Prince Rogers Nelson, she remains among the very few that has spoken at least some TRUTH TO POWER. However, due to the amount of scientific ritual type CIA- MK ULTRA trauma based abuse and HollyWeird Satanic circles that she may have been exposed to or infiltrated, they can turn this Pagan CELTIC High Priestess on a dime.

There is no question about it. When they found Sinead in that hotel alone after she went missing for a day, she suddenly became speechless or powerless to speak about what happened to her during the time she went missing. Nobody is talking about her or Prince Rogers Nelson.

As for Prince believing that an elevator was the “DEVIL,” look at its source, L.A. Reid. It is disinformation. The Negro is dangerous. He is part of the secret Hermaphrodite Satanic ILLUMINATI entertainment industry.

Power Entertainment Industry Hermaphrodites: Clive Davis & Antonio L.A. Reid
Reid is the hand-picked successor to the infamous DEVIL himself, Clive Davis, at Arista Records. Davis, a now open Hermaphrodite with a spiritual heritage with the Occult, is a member of the Masonic order of the Columbians of New York. The vicious Clive Davis is not the one to hand pick anyone for a position of power and control, unless you are Luciferic initiated– a member of the cult. That is the way they roll. The Columbians are named after Christopher Columbus of the Knights Templar.[50] The Knights Templar held secrets essential to creating and forming the Thule-Vril BLACK SUN.[51]
“THE CLOSE, OR CLENCHED FISTS” is, in the Illuminist Philosophy, the symbol of secrecy, dissimulation, and hermeticism. It veils and conceals secrets from the “profane” and the “vulgar” (the non-ILLUMINISTS).The fists are both clenched, in allusion to one of the penalties of the obligation, which is to have both hands chopped off to the stumps. Unlike Clive Davis, Reid is still a vicious down-low homosexual predator preying on young men in the music entertain industry.[52] Also, as far as Charlamagne of the Breakfast Club claiming on radio that Prince could levitate, float on air and disappear at will.[53] That also is deliberate disinformation. The ILLUMINATI intends to mystify Prince.

Charlamagne has on a Pagan Throwback T-Shirt dedicated to Roman Emperor Caligula (August 31, AD 12 – January 24, AD 41). Charlamagne has no known spiritual or historical connection to Caligula that was known even during his own time as a madman and monster. His reign was a legendary frenzy of lunacy. He raped his own grandmother, Antonia. He was a god upon himself. He often paraded through the streets of Rome dressed as Dionysus/Bacchus and Venus.[54]

Caravaggio’s Young Dionysus/Bacchus
Caligula was the personification of Dionysus of the BLACK SUN. I can’t make this stuff up. He was known for indulging in homosexuality, incest, bestiality, pedophilia and infanticide.[55] He was the Devil’s Double. Caligula was a madman. They had to kill him at 29 years old to save Rome. The Negro is up the Ladder. Prince couldn’t conquer a Polly flower, let alone fly.
By the way, just so you know how deep this SHIT is, please excuse my expression, but scientific Levitation does, indeed, involve mysteries of the Black Sun. Himmler’s SS Black Sun scientific specialist was Professor Winfred Otto (W.O.) Schumann. In 1937, the occult Vril Gesellschaft Society began its continued disc development program with official Nazi Party backing under Schumann of the Technical University of Munich who worked on the JFM (Jenseitsflugmachine), flying disc, from 1922-1924.[56]
Professor Schumann invented the SM-Levitator from the JFM research and he put the device to work in a series of “ROUND AIRCRAFT“- the Rundflugzeug series.[57] Additionally, the Schumann Resonance is a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum mastered by Nikola Tesla. The terrestrial stationary waves phenomenon is named after SS- Knight of the Black Sun physicist Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952.[58] The next time that you see Prince, he will be a flying holograph singing, dancing and playing his guitar across the midnight sky like a DEMI-GOD to the song, Purple Rain, Purple Rain, the ILLUMINATI only want to see you laughing [being TRANSFORMED]under that Purple Rain, Purple Rain.
In the first instance, Sinead may seem like a strange bedfellow, but Sinead, Prince, Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall were/are high ranking HollyWeird Satanic Cultist, and students of the mysteries and occult. They were/are experimental ILLUMINATI Puppets of the super elite and secret SOLAR SUN Crafts.
Barack Obama: He Got to Have It
Blazing Roman Sun God Apollo & Barack Obama
The powers at be knew very well that President Hussein Barack Obama had been secretly created, raised and programmed to be an experimental Aphrodite/hermaphrodite type male with the sexual desires of a woman. He had to have it and they clandestinely made sure he got it, man or men, through out his entire political career.
Baby Obama, left, compared to normal child about his age, has very unusual large dark bags under his eyes as if he had suffered severe ritual sleep deprivation. From the day that he was born, Barack Obama had been artificially created to be a TOP SECRET programmed “Hermaphrodite” Cyborg. Obama had been ritually traumatized, sexually abused and programmed since birth. At the time that Obama was born in 1961, within 4 (four) years of his birth, there were only two (2) people in the world that had the expertise to seed humans in the field of artificial insemination and possessed spiritually that type of pure EVIL DESIGN, German Gynecology Professor/Scientist Dr. Karl Clauberg, and Dr. Josef Mengele, both SS Knights of the Black Sun.
Dr. Clauberg (1898- 1957) is still well respected as a scientific gynecological expert in the medical industry. In 1957, Dr. Clauberg thought that he could and tried to commercialize and profit from his world’s leading artificial insemination expertise that he acquired from human medical experiments on SS concentration camp inmates. Himmler didn’t play that, and he wasn’t dead. Dr. Clauberg must not have known that. After the fall of Nazi Germany, he had been interned as a Nazi prisoner of war of particular interest in Russian until October 1955. Dr. Clauberg suddenly turned up dead leaving Dr. Mengele as the BLACK SUN’s most leading world expert in artificial insemination. Dr. Mengele had monitored, studied and worked under Dr. Clauberg by special secret orders of Himmler. Mengele had been a diehard SS Knight, and officer.
During that period, Dr. Mengele was also the world’s leading expert in ritual sexual and trauma based mind control and iatrogenic multiple personality disorders working for the MK ULTRA and Occult Bureau of the CIA. This stuff is out of this world TOP SECRET. Obama’s primary personality could very well have been programmed as an “Hermaphrodite.” During his impressionate ages, he was raised and trained by a male Transvestite,

and a notorious black male PAN-SEXUAL Handler, CIA Occult Bureau Agent- This was TOP SECRET CIA STUFF NOT THE WORK OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY!

Frank Marshall Davis was a U.S. double agent. He worked the Communist Party as a spy and informer. They don’t turn over a valuable top secret MK ULTRA experiment to a member of the Communist Party. Davis was a PAN-SEXUAL fiend. He was like his father, God PAN. That means no limits to PAGAN SPIRITUAL LUST. NO LIMIT.

As you will come to realize, it placed Frank Marshall Davis high up Cybele’s Ladder. Barack Hussein Obama is a polished Hermaphrodite public political/presidential model alter personality with Satanic layers for future covert operations. The technology, opportunity and the pure EVIL and wickedness was there to create a Human Cyborg. (see Part II, The Boy from Brazil, Barack Hussein Obama II, the SS & Dr. Josef Mengele)
Not Only in the Roman Empire and HollyWeird

In Washington DC, Barack Obama has always had to have it, a man or men. He always had to have a high salaried special “body man” just like the Roman Senators. The first was his public financed “11-16 Hour Man“, Nick Colvin.[59] In 2006, Colvin gave an interview to The Michigan Daily titled Alum’s job: Be friends with a senator, where he described his job duties as Senator Obama’s personal assistant. He said that very few senators had salaried personal assistants at the time. His duties included waking up Obama every morning. He also most likely bathed and dressed him. And Michelle? In fact, Obama’s body men spend more intimate time with him than his wife. In fact, Michelle once slipped up and admitted that she was really a”single mom“.[60] They say that Nick had to go when rumors began to circulate in Washington that Obama and Nick were knocking the boots behind closed doors.[61]

During Obama’s 2008 Presidential Campaign, he hooked up a romantic relationship with actor, Kal Penn, and continued when “Obama asked Penn to move to Washington so they could be close to one another and the two could have sex more frequently.”[62]

Obama’s White House “body man” was Reggie Love. He “is also reportedly one of Obama’s regular gay sex partners.” [Wayne] Madsen also discloses that Love received a salary of $109,000 a year as Obama’s “body man.”[63]

Love, above, “passed out drunk at a University of North Carolina frat party” and was “tea bagged” by “white frat boys” (a gay sexual practice wherein one man dips his testicles into the mouth of another).”[64]
The presidency of Barack Obama began on January 20, 2009, when he became the 44th President of the United States. But, it was around May 2008, about 6 (six) months before the general election when the freaky provocative homosexual photos of his “body man” began to circulate on the internet. It seems as if the “white frat boys” were playing games with some of the world’s most clandestine, powerful, dangerous and demonic forces of the Black Sun that wanted a CIA- MK ULTRA experimental transhuman-hermaphrodite in the highest elected office of the United States. The frat boys internet campaign was a deliberate “Shaming of Reggie Love” designed to adversely affect Obama’s democratic presidential campaign. As soon as one set of pictures were taken down, another set appeared in another place on the internet.[65] In the photos, Reggie Love of rival Duke University was identified as Barack Obama’s “amusingly named ‘body man’. “[66]
The compromising pictures of Reggie Love were taken in the basement of a well-known but unnamed fraternity house on the Chapel Hill campus of the University of North Carolina (UNC). Undoubtedly, they had many pictures of Reggie with their naked “balls” in his mouth. They were determined to shame the democratic nominee in the eyes of the public. If they didn’t know it then. They certainly know it now. They had gotten themselves in the middle of extremely cold blood high stakes politics that take no hostages- the ends justify the means. Beginning in December 2007, 3 (three) homosexual members of Obama’s “Down Low” club at Trinity Baptist Church in Chicago were silenced by murder within 6 (six) weeks each other.[67] They weren’t about to allow some black gays or white conservative college frat boys block their road to the White House.

” The original investigative report stated that Smith had commented to friends [at the frat house] on the day of his death about possible suicidal ideas. But on Oct. 21 the investigative report was amended to say, “There is no evidence that prior to this [Smith’s claim that he had a gun in the car] he had expressed suicidal thoughts or intent.”[69]
Courtland Smith was shot dead while unarmed. There was no gun at the scene or in the car. He had been executed in cold blood. Nevertheless the evidence that Smith did not point a weapon at a police officer as alleged, a Superior Court judge in Randolph County ruled against the release of the dashboard camera video from inside the police car. He went on to seal the video from public record under court order.[70] The officer, former county deputy sheriff Jeremy Paul Flinchum, had only been with the Archdale police since April 2008 at about the time the pictures of Reggie Love began to surface.[71] Even though the UNC frat house at the bottom of the Reggie Love Scandal wasn’t named, it is suspected that it had been the late Courtland Benjamin Smith’s powerful Delta Kappa Epsilon, UNC’s first frat house founded in 1844. Delta Kappa Epsilon members have included five of forty-four presidents and one vice president- all Republicans– Rutherford B. Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Dan Quayle.[72]
The masses had no idea that Barack Obama was the hermaphrodite cyborg that he is. His 2008 campaign slogan was the single word “FORWARD.”[73] They didn’t know that he wasn’t talking about the American People moving forward, but the elite secret societies moving in formation with their agendas to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself. The idealization of homosexual androgyny being pushed by President Barack Obama across the country and world is a PAGAN archaic spiritual passion, consciousness, and fundamental Satanic ideological commitment that is deeply veiled, hidden and concealed from the public. It is indeed, spiritual warfare, waged against the people that respects no law.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803- 1882) Up Cybele’s Ladder, “If I am the DEVIL’s CHILD, I live then from the DEVIL. No law can be sacred to me but, that of my nature. Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to this or that.”[74] Emerson, further, “The
deliberate act of power which defiantly declares good and evil files in
the face of the creator’s designs and in so doing jumps into the
waiting arms of the tempter. One may wonder if this joining of the
opposites is possible implication of the Serpent’s word, ‘ … knowing good and evil.’ [Satanic Sacred Marriage of Opposites]“[75]
In 2014, the Late Joan Rivers put it very bluntly and shockingly on the world stage, Barack Obama is this country’s first “GAY PRESIDENT” and Michelle Obama is our first “TRANNY FIRST LADY“.[76] The first lady another up the ladder “Hermaphrodite.” I didn’t believe it. I was already outside the Twilight Zone and Outer Limits calling Obama a Human Cyborg. I just thought they couldn’t get anymore bizarre than that. I was WRONG – outside my wildest imagination.The Obama Administration has turned out to be one of the most secretive presidency in history, because it is the most dysfunctional and freakish of them all. They have had the most to hide from the masses.
In December 2013, Barack and Michelle Obama were involved in quite an abnormal and freakish public spectacle and debacle during the Nelson Mandela National Memorial in Johannesburg, South Africa. During the event, Barack was disrespectfully laughing and having a good time flirting with Danish Prime Minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt. The two were even photographed as they were disrespectfully taking a “selfie” during the ceremony that didn’t include Michelle.[77]

Like a 10 year old child, President Obama was made to switch seats with Michelle. The impertinent flirting obliviously got next to her. Don’t get it twisted, it wasn’t Obama’s childlike indignity of the office that really got under her skin, but the fact that he was openly enjoying flirting with a real female.

Maybe beside the Royal Houses of Great Britain, Barack and Michelle Obama have to be one of the most carefully watched, observed, studied and recorded couples on the planet.

Yet that didn’t seem to matter with them on a day of great celebration of the Life, Legacy and Struggle of the Late Nelson Mandela, they clowned on world center stage as if they were two jealous elementary school children instead of powerful and dignified heads of state representing the United States of America. But, this absolute public craziness in the high office don’t stop there.
The White House Romper Room with Steph Curry
Just days before Prince’s death, the Oval Office was turned into Obama’s personal special romper room to play with reigning handsome pretty boy NBA MVP Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors while the world, particularly in Palestine, Syria, Libya and Africa, was going to hell in a hand basket. With almost childlike behavior, President Obama and Curry filmed a public service announcement promoting the “My Brother’s Keeper” mentorship program. What about the Sisters? Huh! In it, Obama personally gives Curry unusal up close hands-on résumé advice, a connect four math game lesson (ages 6-14), tweaks his jumper, and helps him with an elementary school science experiment of an exploring (penis) volcano. Their comedic timing was described to have been “pretty spot-on.”[78]
Don’t get it twisted. Barack Obama is nobody’s Brother’s Keeper and give out special trips to the White House with the president if you don’t look handsome, “delicious” and “desirable” like a Steph Curry to an unfettered homosexual male with an age old programmed hermaphrotic tradition behind him.
Curry and the Order of the Black Sun

NBA ILLUMINATI Super Star, Stephen Curry, “Up the Ladder”
Let me say this about Stephen Curry. President Obama has an unnatural special interest in and underlining homosexual desire for the young man. If Curry wasn’t part of the ILLUMINATI before, he is now. He was initiated into some secret Masonic subset of it by the direct handlers of President Obama.
Jordan Fliegel is a Zionist/Israeli Founder, President & Chairman of The venture-backed company is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, and features over 14,000 private coaches and trainers nationwide, who conduct in-person 1on1 and group training sessions in everything from basketball, soccer and football, to yoga, fitness and dance. Curry has been set up in Fliegel’s ILLUMINATI/ New World Order network. Curry is a business co-founder and partner of CoachUp. Agencies such as private digital mind control programs controlled by the Zionist ILLUMINATI will become the future prerequisite for athletes to enter professional sports.[79]

While at the racist Bowdoin College in Maine, Fliegel won the Confederate President Jefferson Davis Book Award. Fliegel played professional basketball for the Hapoel Migdal Jerusalem, and Hapoel Kfar Saba of Israel. However most tellingly, Fliegel is the proud godson of Guido Goldmann, founder of the German Marshall Fund. Goldman’s father Nahum Goldmann, born in what is now Belarus and raised in Germany, founded the World Jewish Congress and negotiated post-war repatriation settlements for Jewish survivors in Europe. His mother was from Berlin. Born in Switzerland, Guido Goldman moved with his parents to New York in 1940 as refugees fleeing the war.[80]

Kissinger & Goldmann
Growing up, luminaries such as Knight of Malta– former German/Nazi Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (Operation Paperclip, Spy Chief Reinhart Gehlen) and Rothschild Jewish Presidential Court Jew and Factor Bernard Baruch of the One World Government were frequent guests at Goldmann’s home on Central Park West. In 1959, Goldmann went to Harvard where Obama’s Jewish handlers former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski was one of his undergraduate tutors and Henry Kissinger was one of his PhD advisors.[81],[82]
You can’t reach anymore of a dangerous top level ILLUMINATI initiation than that. They are the MASTERS OF THE BLACK SUN.

Curry also has a new “Up the Ladder” Kabbalah tattoo(brand) featuring a verse from 1 Corinthians 13:8 code written in Hebrew.

One week in April, President Obama was obsessed with handsome pretty boy Curry. The next week, he was fixated with the passing of another handsome pretty boy Prince Rogers Nelson.

The elder statesman occupying the highest public office of this nation has been lately consumed with risky and freaky feelings for Curry and the late Prince so much so that it has adversely affected and impacted his judgment in the Oval Office.

The President of the United States was much more than an abnormal FAN of Prince. He had an abnormal love for him. After Prince’s sudden death, a source that works close with a White House staffer says that President Barack Obama was “inconsolable” and heartbroken. The staffer said, President Obama “sequestered himself in the Oval Office with a laptop playing non-stop Prince music” including several hours where the song “Purple Rain” was said to have played on repeat. The staffer alleges that the President “cut short some meetings on Friday so he could properly mourn the loss of Prince”. They said that Obama’s behavior and mindset became even more bizarre in the wake of Prince’s sudden death.[85]
“He (Obama), saw those tributes that they did to the Superdome and Madison Square Garden, covering those buildings in purple light, and he wanted to do that to the Washington Monument and the White House,” alleges the source close to the staffer. Secret Service and Homeland Security vetoed that idea.[86]
President Obama allegedly spent the remainder of the weekend brainstorming a plan to create a proper tribute to Prince on the White House grounds. “The President is going to paint the Lincoln Bedroom PURPLE to ‘honor Prince in a fitting fashion’, his words – not mine,” claims the source.[87] If I hadn’t known about Prince’s June 15, 2015 secret rendezvous at the White House, I may have said that somebody was putting out false rumors about President Obama. What went on between Prince and President at the White House? How many times have Prince visited the White House, secretly? As far as the Obama Oval Office is concerned, it’s nobody’s business not even the people of the United States.

In June 2011, it was no secret that Prince had been a staunch critic of digital music and had refused to allow his back catalog to be sold digitally online. He told the press, “I personally can’t stand digital music. You’re getting sounds in bits… It affects a different place in your brain. When you play it back, you can’t feel anything. We’re analog people, not digital.” He further told the press that he was scheduled to go to the Obama White House and discuss his copyright issues.[88]
It can’t be confirmed or denied that Prince ever made it to the Oval Office. The White House contend that its visitor logs are not subject to the freedom of information act. At that time, the president’s “body man“, Reggie Love, was still at the White House until November 2011. He maintained his very own visitor’s list and log to the White House. I said that to say this. Off the public record, Prince had several possible ways to get semi-secret access inside the Oval Office. In 2011, Prince seemed certain that he had direct access to the White House, and I assume he went as scheduled. So, what changed between 2011 and 2015, when Prince turned his music and gigs over to Jay Z’s Tidal digital music streaming service? Nevertheless, all lips are sealed tight about Prince and Obama enforced by federal criminal law under strict non-disclosure secret covenants. Back at the White House, once the reality of Prince’s death set in, Obama stepped up to share his thoughts about Prince, even going as far as to quote the singer while celebrating his spirit. Referring to Prince’s quote that doubles as an ode to weirdness, “A strong spirit transcends rules,” Obama wrote that, “nobody’s spirit was stronger, bolder, or more creative.”[89]
Prince & Crowleyanity

“A strong spirit transcends rules,” is only a different way of saying, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law” dictated to the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley by a disembodied DEMONIC entity named Aiwass. “Crowley took Aiwass’ dictation for three hours on April 8–10, scribbling in longhand to keep pace with the voice. The sessions lasted exactly one hour each. The 65 pages of handwritten material composed the Liber Legis, or The Book of the Law, which Crowley saw as the herald Aiwass of the New Aeon or a new religion. Each chapter carried the voice of an Egyptian deity: Nut, the goddess of the heavens, and two aspects of Horus, Ha-Kadit, a solar aspect, and Ra-Hoor-Kuit, or “Horus of the Two Horizons.”
For years, Crowley remained in awe of Aiwass. In The Equinox of the Gods, he acknowledged that he never fully understood the nature of Aiwass. He alternately called the entity “a God or demon or DEVIL,” a praeterhuman intelligence, a minister or messenger of other gods, his own Guardian Angel, and his own subconscious (the last he rejected in favor of the Holy Guardian Angel). Crowley also said he was permitted from time to time to see Aiwass in a physical appearance, inhabiting a human body, as much a material man as Crowley was himself. C. S. Jones, who ran the Vancouver, British Columbia, lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis, said he underwent a series of magical initiations that revealed to him that Aiwass was in truth an EVIL DEMON and the enemy of humanity…
Aiwass told Crowley that he had been selected by the “Secret Chiefs,” the master adepts behind the Golden Dawn, to be the prophet for the coming Aeon of Horus, the third great age of humanity. Crowley genuinely believed that the Aeon of Horus would spread around the world as a new religion—Crowleyanity—and replace all other religions. “[91]
Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) or Watchtower Society (WS) is a secret SUN CULT overseen by a council of elders governed by the Governing Body. The Governing Body is said to provide “spiritual food” for JW worldwide. Until late 2012, the Governing Body described itself as the representative and “SPOKESMEN“- the Sun Cults’ most high priests for God’s “faithful and discreet SLAVE CLASS.”

Behind the veil, Prince was a SLAVE to TWO (2) MASTERS, Warner Bros. and “GOD’s SPOKESMEN“, the Solar High Priests of the WATCHTOWER.In 2009, The WS indicated that the dissemination of “new spiritual light” is the responsibility of only “a limited number” of the “slave class“, asking: “Are all these anointed ones throughout the earth part of a global network that is somehow involved in revealing new spiritual truths? No.“[92] Was Prince Rogers Nelson part of the limited number of the “JW Slave Class” allowed to illuminate the “new spiritual light“? Yes, clandestinely through his music.

Golden Dawn High Priest Samuel Mathers
JW’s Watchtower complex evocational (Act of calling upon or summoning a spirit, demon, god or angel) designs have its sole origin in the Enochian Magic System revealed to the 16th Century Elizabethan magician, sorcerer and spy Dr. John Dee (007) and his scryer Edward Kelley, which was later developed into a working system of magic by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers.[93] Mathers was a British occultist primarily known as one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (HOGD). HOGD was a basically an Anglo Saxon High Priest- SUN CULT based upon their interpretation of Kemetic Solar Cosmology.[94]
Golden Dawn High Priest Aleister Crowley
Just so you know. A story recorded in the first millennium BC, tells of how the wicked God Set disguised himself as a leopard to desecrate the body of Asar (Osiris). He was seized by Anubis and branded all over with a hot iron. This according to Kemetic myth, is how the leopard got its spots. Anubis than flayed Set and wore his bloody skin as a warning to those that would disturb the dead. It was Anubis who then decreed that PRIESTS should wear leopard skins to honor this triumph over Set.[95]Mathers was a Master Freemason initiated into Hengist Lodge No.195 on 4 October 1877. In 1882 he was admitted to the Metropolitan College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, England. He was awarded an honorary 8th Degree in 1886. In that same year, he lectured on the Kabbalah to Madame Blavasky and Maria Montessori’s tTheosophical Society. Mathers‘ friend and student disciple and high priest had been the BEAST, Aleister Crowley.[96]

Dr. Dee’s Angelic Four Quarters Angelic WATCHTOWER System
Among the surviving records of Dr. Dee that Mathers and Golden Dawn revived and expounded was the Angelic Operations, A Book of Supplications and Invocations which “deals with the Invocation of the Angels who preside over the [WATCHTOWER] Four Quarters of the Terrestrial sphere“.[97]
I can’t stress just how important the still mysterious Dr. Dee was in exploring and forming this country. Dee promoted the science of navigation and cartography. He studied closely with Gerald Mercator, and owned an important collection of maps, globes and astronomical instruments that English pilots used to voyage to America. Dee served as an advisor to the English voyages of discovery and personally selected pilots and trained them in navigation.[98] Dr. Dee was also a secret initiate of Knights Templar’s mechanics and sacred geometry. He was the rector of at least 2 (two) Knights Templar settlement temples in England, Temple Bruer in Leadenham, and Upton- Upon Severn in Worcestershire were built upon newly discovered secret sacred landscape geometry.[99]
The Golden Dawn & JW

“Not only that disk is used by the Rosicrucians but also by the Kabbalists who depicts Jehovah with that disk. The relationship of Russell with occultism don’t stop there, the name of the organization and their main publication is what the occultists call the magic universe, the “watchtowers”. In the Enochian magic, there are regions known as “watchtowers” of fire, air, water and earth. These correspond to the elements of the world. A society of Enochian magic deriving from the Masons was known under the name “The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn”…
Golden Dawn is close to the name of the Golden Age magazine edited in the past by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.”[100] Their symbol is a GOLDEN DAWN.

Prince was a priestly level “JW Class Slave.” His real calling card to America’s highest civil servant, U.S. President and Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces was actually the secret Enochian Magic System “Watchtower”, and the clandestine Scottish Rite Masonic “Crown and Cross.”

Prince had the President of the United States “Up the Ladder” under that PURPLE RAIN
The MATRIX, Purple Rain, Crowley and Whore of BabylonJW is a secret alter ego of Aleister Crowley and Mathers’ Anglo SUN CULT, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Prince appeared to have been a witting SLAVE of a clandestine Crowleyan SUN CULT. It is telling when Prince described his transformation from a Seventh Day Adventist to a Jehovah’s Witness as a “realization“, “It’s like Morpheus and Neo in The Matrix.”[101] It just happens that the science fiction cult classic, The Matrix (1999) is the product of the minds of the Wachowski Brothers, Andy and Larry.

Andy and Larry Wachowski
The brothers are believed to be students of Thelema, secret members of Aleister Crowley’s OTO. One thing is certain in the industry is that they are seriously dedicated adherents of the OCCULT.[102] They also belong to HollyWeird’s (Beverly Hills) Kabbalah Cult.[103] I was able to understand some of the Matrix after watching it a couple of times. However, I have not been able to watch any of the other two movies of the Matrix Trinity. Now, I know exactly why.
Hitler’s lifelong fascination with Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche is corroborated by the fact that the Nazis essentially made the Nietzsche Archives of Weimar the official shrine of their regime in 1933. Even as late as 1944, the green Nazi philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) went so far as to say that Nietzsche was the spiritual inspiration of Hitler. The Wachowski Brothers are disciples of the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900).[104] Prince’s quote, “A strong spirit transcends rules,” is also another way of quoting Nietzsche’s infamous, the “Will to Power.”[105] Crowley made Nietzsche a saint in the Eclesia Gnostica Catholica and wrote in Magick without Tears that “Nietzsche may be regarded as one of our prophets.”[106] Nietzsche called himself “the last disciple of the philosopher DIONYSUS.“[107]

Dionysus represents as Plutarch (Priest of the Pythian Apollo) observed, “the whole WET element in nature, blood, semen, sap, wine, and life giving juice.”[108] “He [Prince] is our Dionysus, and his lyrics are full of beasts. ‘You’re just as soft as a lion tamed,’ he crooned.”[109]

“Dionysus is the depiction of transcendent primordial light, life that persists even during the absence of Apollo (the Sun)- for as much as Apollo is the Golden Sun, Dionysus is the Black … Sun, reigning in the world below ground whilst Apollo’s presence departs for another hemisphere, dead to the people of the people of Delphi, the Winter Sun [Dark God] reigns in Apollo’s absence.”[110] Most tellingly, Nietzsche wrote the book, The Anti-Christ. In the book, he proclaimed the death of GOD and placed MAN in place as GOD, and put a curse on Christianity.[111] In the Wachowski Brothers’ Nietzsche and Crowleyan worldview, the Matrix’s NEO represents the Anti-Christ because he is not the ONE, while MORPHEUS and the “realization” represents Lucifer or the False Prophet in mass media covert Luciferic subliminal implantation.[112]

Nietzsche was allegedly a covert homosexual. He was certainly interested in things beyond homosexuality. He wrote a book called, The Gay Science. It is a book that pays homage to St. Januarius, Januarius I of Benevento, Italy. St. Januarius was the Bishop of Benevento during the Roman Emperor Diocletian’s (244- 311 AD) persecution of Christians. St. Januarius was arrested and thrown to the lions (“soft as a lion tamed“) and tigers, but when the animals did not attack him, he was beheaded around 305 A.D.[114],[115] The martyr was a man with striking feminine characteristics. He had a soft beauty and experienced periodic bleeding. Legend associated his martyr’s blood with menstrual blood. Considered both man and woman, he became the Saint of Androgyny.”[116] Androgyny is the combination or blurring in one being of certain identifiable sex-differentiate traits. The may display both male and female characteristics at once, but often remains so sexual ambiguous that these traits blend into each other and sexual identification is impossible.[117] Whereas, the Hermaphrodite has gender-ambiguous sexual organs.
A St. Januarius vial or capsule of his blood is a Christian relic. On September 19 of each year, his blood is ritually celebrated as a miracle. Each time it is removed from a safe, the blood liquefies in a state in which blood is normally found.[118] Some believe that Januarius’ blood is his actual menstrual cycle blood. Nietzsche was unnaturally obsessed with ANDROGYNY.
On the Oprah Show, Prince acknowledged and then denied that psychiatrists or psychologists had been involved with him in programs of secret psychoanalysis and psycho-therapy. He said that they informed him that he had an alter personality inside of him that he had created at 5 years old. It is a key age for classic CIA MK ULTRA mind control programs.[119]

Dr. Ralph Allison is a New Age Shaman and Exorcist/Psychiatrist out of the military-industrial handmaiden, Stanford University- Medical School. He is a former USAF Flight Surgeon, Keeslor AFB, Mississippi. Dr. Allison is one of America’s most quiet “dissociation” and “multiple personality disorder” experts and specialists in America via the clandestine association of Dr. James A. Hamilton (Stanford U Medical School, CIA Station Chief- Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility), Dr. Gregory Bateson, CIA Occult Bureau and MK ULTRA.[120]
In the early 1970s, British Godfather of MK ULTRA, Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Anthropologist, Dr. Bateston, moved his clandestine CIA SHIT HOUSE into the small surf city and mountain area, Santa Cruz, CA at the UC Santa Cruz. It suddenly became the Serial Mass Murderer capital of the U.S.[121] ,[122] Accompanying the sudden appearance of murders and mass murderers in the city and surrounding mountains, there was also a sudden mass appearance of people possessed by demons needing emergency psychiatric intervention. In stepped Dr. Ralph Allison to cover the rash of demonic possessions, and cover Bateson’s secret MK ULTRA assassin mind control and demonic possession experiments in the remote Santa Cruz Mountains area, and explain everything away.[123]
In the mind control of children as subjects, Dr. Allison made the following important observation; “Child development specialists have long considered that it takes an average of seven years for any child to develop the personality that will be theirs for life. The personality of a child less than seven is too fragile to absorb life-threatening trauma without reacting in some fashion. Obviously not all children react to early trauma by dissociating, but those who do develop psychological entities which are different than those created at an older age.”[124]
In a 2005 unpublished paper, Dr. Allison maintained that Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is an appropriate label for the first alter-personality created before the age of six. There is no resident Original Personality, and dozens of alter-personalities manifest itself. Disassociate Identity Disorder (DID) is appropriate for usual single alter-personality created after the age of six. There is a resident Original Personality that is usually quite socially.[125]
Prince is referring to being ambiguous to either gender- suggesting that he is a true androgyne instead of a hermaphrodite. In the Occult, there is a big spiritual difference between the two. There is a lot of confusion surrounding the difference. According to very old religious texts, God created several beings in his image. As I recall, the first creation was all spirit. God said that this is not good. The next creation were beings that had no sex or gender. These beings were one in spirit with everything. So, all they did was sit around and meditate because they knew everything. God said, this is not god. So, God created the sexes, man and woman. God said that this was good, and they multiplied. The androgyne is a spiritual being knowing everything, while the hermaphrodite is man ambiguous to the sexes.

“Dionysus is not the true androgyne any more than Hippolyte was, for he has not come to peace with his Feminine side. His Masculine and Feminine aspects are not fused, they are merely confused … Dionysus as god of madness, ecstasy, drunkenness and frenzy—was given to wild outbursts of excitement, performed preferably before an audience.”
Prince told Oprah that he wasn’t aware of the sex of his first alter-personality. However, “On June 7, 1993–his 35th birthday–Prince legally changed his name to a symbol, which combined the male and female signs with the ALCHEMY symbol for SOAPSTONE. To this day, the inspiration for the change remains unclear, but it was certainly not the first time Prince had experimented with multiple identities. In 1987–after the release of his double-album masterwork, Sign o’ the Times–Prince claimed to be caught between two personalities: “Camille” (his good side) and “Spooky Electric” (his dark side). Fortunately, Spooky Electric appears to have been vanquished during the 1988 Lovesexy Tour …”[126]

SOAPSTONE grinding cauldrons can be a witch and shaman’s ancient MAGICK mixing bowl. So, it is reasonable to understand that with Prince’s male and female alchemy symbols mixed or grinded together in a shaman’s cauldron that would spiritually transform him into a Magick Androgyne, whereas he enters into the realm of the sacred marriage of being a God- the DEVIL. “Jesus said to them: When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner and the above as the below, and when you make the male and the female into as single one, so that the male will not be male and the female (not) be female…then shall you enter (the Kingdom).” Gnostic Gospel of Thomas

Make absolutely no mistake about it. There is absolutely nothing funny or amusing about these people. It is an important ILLUMINATI New World Order Agenda to control procreation of the global masses. They are serious and extremely dangerous. In real life, the Wachowski Brothers have, in fact, transformed/transmuted themselves into some new types of transhumant androgynes as a homage of the metaphysical alchemist Satanic philosophy of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, and NWO agenda.
Larry has transformed himself “Up the Ladder” into “Lana Wachowski.”

Andy has transformed himself “Up the Ladder” into “Lilly Wachowski.”

Nietzsche and his disciples used music as a language for the conveying of mental, spiritual content- the Luciferic Worldview. PRINCE was not the ONE.
Revelation 17:4 …’And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour,
and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden
cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
HYMN TO PAN- Aleister Crowley 666
Dip the purple of passionate prayer
In the crimson shrine, the scarlet snare,
The soul that startles in eyes of blue …
In the crimson shrine, the scarlet snare,
The soul that startles in eyes of blue …
To watch thy wantonness weeping through
The tangled grove, the gnarled bole
Of the living tree that is spirit and soul
And body and brain — come over the sea,
(Io Pan! Io Pan!) DEVIL or god, to me, to me … [127]
Undoubtedly, Crowley reference to the woman arrayed in purple and scarlet color, is the WHORE OF BABYLON. It also shouldn’t be surprised to find a clandestine relationship between Prince, the Great BEAST 666, Golden Dawn, and the Baphomet (God PAN).The tangled grove, the gnarled bole
Of the living tree that is spirit and soul
And body and brain — come over the sea,
(Io Pan! Io Pan!) DEVIL or god, to me, to me … [127]

The WHORE is associated with the ANTI-CHRIST and the BEAST of Revelation by connection with an equally EVIL kingdom.[128] What’s the WHORE’s relationship to GOD PAN? In his earliest appearance in literature, Pindar’s Pythian Ode iii. 78, GOD PAN is associated with a mother goddess, perhaps Rhea or CYBELE. Pindar refers to virgins worshipping CYBELE and PAN near the poet’s house in Boeotia, Greece.[129]

GODDESS CYBELE with her FOOT on the WORLD Holding a PINECONE- Masonic Symbol of the Pineal Gland- THIRD EYE
For whatever reasons, Tyka Nelson in her house slippers greeted Prince’s fans at Paisley Park. She also had to open her PINEAL GLAND with purple crystals. She is a (Cybele?) Mystic controlled on Crack. Tyka is under sequestration. She is not talking under any circumstances.

The significance of the shape of the pyramid is hotly debated and unknown for certain, but many scholars believe that the pyramids represent Rays of the Sun as seen coming down from behind a cloud. In mortuary temples, there are references to the soul of the king ascending along the ramp of the Sun’s Rays to the Sun God himself. It is a great ancient SUN TEMPLE/MONUMENT.[134] Russell taught that pyramids contained prophetic [BLACK SUN] secrets known only to him. Russell and his followers spent a small fortune trekking to the Ancient Land of Kemet to study them. According to Russell, only by reading his books could one understand the pyramid mysteries and how they fit into the “Divine Plan.”

In the 16th Century, the Alchemist Dr. John Dee’s Enochian Magic and Angelic Language was introduced into Scotland and Ireland by Sir William St. Clair of the Knights Templar. The Grand Lodge of Ireland, the second most senior Masonic Lodge in world, helped create Russell’s early Watchtower Society in America. The Russell Family settled in Northern Ireland from Germany and Scotland as part of Pope Adrian IV, Henry II and the Knights Templar’s 12th Century plan to conjure, and pacify Ireland.[135]

According to one source, Enochian Magic and Angelic Language have been secret rituals of JW’s elite members since the beginning.[136] That explains Irish Masonic High Priestess Sinead O’Connor as a control agent being deeply embedded within Prince’s inner circle of the HollyWeird Black Satanic Cult. Prince admitted on Oprah that his symbols are pure ALCHEMY MAGICK. In the Oprah interview, he had also admitted an invocation and communion with an Angel (Angelic Language) at an early age.[137] The PURPLE RAIN that Prince, JW and the BLACK SUN CULTS want the President of the United States and America under, CROSS-DRESSING, FREAKING OFF and laughing under is the REIGN of GOD PAN’S MOTHER- GODDESS CYBELE, the WHORE OF BABYLON.

I could never listen to Prince’s music, and I have always loved music. I like Purple Rain– but I have no idea what he was talking about until now- EVOCATION OF DEMONIC SPIRITS. When the DOVES CRY, it didn’t touch my heart and inner soul. DOVES CRYING, I didn’t see it. I couldn’t envision it. I had no conscious reference to nor understood DOVES CRYING. For generations, even among the ancients they understood that music heals, and John Coltrane showed me it that it leads to the colors of the universe, and travel along the planets and stars. None of Prince’s music seem to soothe my soul. I have always left it alone.
Eric Clapton, that also SOUL HIS SOUL TO THE DEVIL, was asked about how it felt to be the World’s Best Guitarist. His response: “I don’t know. Ask PRINCE“. Beyond the two DEMONS, Clapton should have paid homage to the late B.B. KING instead of a fellow DEMON OF MUSIC.
[7] Id.
[9] Id.
[10] Id.
[11] Id.
[26] Id.
[27] Id.
[28] Id.
[38] Id.
[57] Id.
[58] Id.
[69] Id.
[70] Id.
[75] Id.
[80] Id.
[86] Id.
[87] Id.
[106] Id.
[108] Id.
[124] Ralph Allison, M.D., Abstract, MPD and DID are Two Different Post-Traumatic Disorders, 1995
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Tags: age of aquarius, alb, Aleister Crowley, alex jones, Alice Walker, Androgyny, andy Wachowski, antichrist, arsenio hall, athena, B.B. KING, bacchus, Baphomet, black sun order, boston corbett, Caligula, cam newton, celtic cross, Charlamagne, charles ta, Christian Rosenkreuz, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, CIA, clive davis, Courtland Benjamin Smith, cross dressing, crowleyanity, cult of cybele, cybele, Delta Kappa Epsilon, demons, devil, Dionysus, Dr. Gregory Bateson, dr. john dee, Dr. Josef Mengele, dr. karl c, dr. ralph allison, eddie, Edward Bulwer Lytton, eliphas levi, fred marshall davis, freemasonry, freemasons, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, galli, god apollo, god pan, Guido Goldmann, Heinrich Himmler, Henry Kissinger, hermaphrodite, hermetic order of the golden dawn, Illuminati, jacob's ladder, jehovah's witnesses, john wilke, Jordan Fliegel, kabbalah, knights of golden circle, Knights of the Black Sun, knights templar, l.a. reid, larry Wachowski, lebron james, Lilith, Lucifer, Lucifer's Servants, luciferians, mancow, Maria Montessori, michelle obama, minerva, MK-ULTRA, Morpheus, multiple personality disorder, Nazis, neo, occult bureau of cia, origen, paisley, pansexual, Pineal Gland, president obama, prince, prince ro, Ralph Waldo Emerson, reggie love, Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler, Rosicrucians, Samuel Liddell MacGregor, Satanism, scottish rite, sinead o'connor, skoptsy, sonya curry, St. Januarius, stephen curry, stevie wonder, super bowl 50, The Matrix, topsy, transsexuals, transvestim, transvestite, tyka nelson, von mi, vril gesellschaft society, vril society, watchtower society, Whore of Babylon, winfred otto schumann, Zbigniew Brzezinski
Categories : a Bateson, African Liberation, Aleister Crowley, ALL SEEING EYE, antichrist, anton lavey, anton LeVay, Apollo, Aryan Supremacy, avatar, baal, baphomet, Barack Obama, Barak Obama, Black Manchurian Candidates, blood covenants, blood oaths, boys from brazil, brotherhood of death, christianity, CIA, clive davis, columbia records, Crimes Against Democracy, cybele, cyborg, cyborgs, devil, devil's horns, Dr. Gregory Bateson, dr. john dee, Dr. Josef Mengele, Dr. Ralph B. Allison, dualism, earth mother goddess, egypt, esoteric dualism, evil, Eyes Wide Shut, False Satanic Rites of Lost Negroes, freemason, freemasons, Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Dr. Josef Mengele, Heinrich Himmler, hip hop satanic cult, hollywood satanic cult, holograms, illuminati, Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine connection, jay z, jay-z, john dee, Josef Mengele, kemet, king khufu, Knights of the Black Sun, Knights Templar, luciferians, Men of the Black Stone, Michael Jackson, Michelle Obama, mind control, MK-ULTRA, monarch child, monarch program, mulitiple personality disorder, Nazis, Neuro-Linquistic Programming, new age religion, new world order, nfl illuminati, nwo, order of teutonic knights, POST-HUMAN RENAISSANCE, Reichsfurhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, Ritual Satanic Abuse, ritual satanic sexual abuse, ritually abused children, rose and cross, Rose-Croix, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, rosy cross, satan, scottsish rite, set, seth, SS, the color purple, third eye, thule, trauma-based mind control, trinity unified church of christ, underground reich, underground third reich, vril, whitney houston, Zbigniew Brzezinski, ZIONIST
12 05 2016
“The GOAT … has to do with fertility
and is symbolic of the Magnum Opus of alchemy when one’s energies from
Kundalini increase. Spiritual alchemy … is the transformation of the
human soul into the godhead. This is completing our Creator God Satan’s [DEVIL] work.”[1]
Baphomet first became known when the Knights Templar were tried for blasphemy, homosexuality, and DEVIL worship by the Inquisition in the 13th century. According to confessions given by members, Baphomet was their idol of the “DEVIL“.[2] “In Ingolsstadt, Cagliostro is believed to have met Adam Weishaupt, professor of philosophy and canon law at the university, who in 1776, had founded the sect of Illuminati. Calling themselves Heirs to the Knights Templar …”[3]

The ILLUMINATI- Count Cagliostro and Adam Weishaupt
Count Alessandro di Cagliostro was initiated into the ILLUMINATI at Frankfort, Germany, 1781, under the authority of “the Grand Masters of the Templars.”[4] So, those that argue that the ILLUMINATI do not worship the DEVIL– you can argue with the WIND.
“Just When You Thought You Were Safe”
Prince’s last Instagram really doesn’t sound like a man in any eminent drug or medical crisis. More and more, it seems as if Prince died all alone underneath a freeway overpass in Los Angeles instead of his castle. All the people surrounding Prince, his music and millions suddenly have no names or faces. They want us to believe that Prince, a giant in the American music industry for decades, took off into the ocean on a rowboat without a paddle, or took off on the interstate highway on a skateboard.
The bottom line is that for those that have possessed to have loved him, and those like I that believe he sold his SOUL TO THE DEVIL, in America, the DEVIL’S CHILDREN have the same basic rights as anyone else. But Prince was no more protected in his home and castle then a man living underneath the freeway. If you believe the corporate mass media Prince Storyline, then you will fall for anything, and that endangers this nation’s democracy. The public has a right to answers in a case of homicide, a possible crime against SOCIETY. Right now, Prince’s death is a puzzle wrapped up inside an enigma. This is the time to stop crying with the doves whatever that means, stop partying like its 1999, ask and demand answers, and make this system act like its a democracy versus a secret society and an island for the few.
Prince’s Private Residential Compound: THE DEVIL’S DEATH SQUAD
“Only people with flowers have been allowed to approach the gates at Paisley Park …”[5]
Prince’s Paisley Park is a secured residential compound surrounded by a heavy metal link fence that is designed to keep people OUT. On April 20, 2016, the storyline is that Prince’s “team” called Dr. Howard Kornfeld in California and begged his assistance to intervene with Prince in a drug dependence medical crisis in Minnesota. Addiction medicine expert Dr. Stuart Gitlow questioned why Dr. Howard Kornfeld sent his son, Andrew, on a flight to Prince’s home in Minnesota rather than calling for emergency help. The Kornfelds’ lawyer, William Mauzy, said that Prince’s [unidentified] representatives told Dr. Kornfeld that Prince was “dealing with a grave medical emergency” when they first contacted him the day before the musician’s death. Dr. Gitlow says if a doctor believes there is a medical emergency, “his obligation is to call an ambulance and get the patient to emergency personnel who can assess the situation — not to fly to the patient.“[6] They have not and will not reveal who on Prince’s “team” called Dr. Kornfeld allegedly on Prince’s behalf. Prince may not even have been aware of the call to Dr. Kornfeld. Neither the doctor nor Andrew met or spoke with Prince before they invaded his home.[7]
On April 21, 2016, morning, Prince sent out a cryptic Instagram message from his home in Paisley Park, “Just when you thought you were safe.“[8] In other words, he had been lured into thinking that he had been safe in his castle. Suddenly, something changed at Paisley Park that made him believe that he was no longer safe in his home. This Instagram would be his last cry out.
On April 21, 2016, Dr. Kornfeld’s son, Andrew Kornfeld was part of a DEATH SQUAD that invaded Prince’s secured compound and home without his knowledge or consent. We know for certain that Prince didn’t open the gate and door to invite them in, and didn’t authorize anyone to open the gates to his home to stranglers.
April 21, 2016, at 9:43 AM, Prince was discovered by unknown and non identified individuals loosely known as Prince’s “team” lying in an elevator “unresponsive“.[9] One of the unknown persons running around Prince’s home when he was found dead has been confirmed for certain to have been Andrew Kornfeld of California.
Death Squad Cover-up: Carver County Sheriff’s Department

On April 22, 2016, the day after Prince was found dead, the Carver County Sheriff, Jim Olson told reporters at a press conference that on Thursday (April 21), [un-named] members of Prince’s staff became worried when they couldn’t contact him on Thursday morning. They went over to the house to find him unresponsive on the first floor of the house in the elevator.”[10]
During the press conference, Sheriff Jim Olson noted that Prince was a very private person, and the sheriff encouraged people to respect the singer’s privacy even though he was dead. A dead man no longer possess a right to privacy. I suppose that Sheriff Olson was asking the public not to ask too many questions about Prince’s death.[11] If un-named people were worried about Prince so much, why didn’t they respect his privacy by calling 9-11 before invading and trespassing his home?
During the press conference, Sheriff Jim Olson concealed and covered-up the fact that there was/were person(s) or entities (DEATH SQUAD) not part of Prince’s staff, Andrew Kornfeld, on the compound chasing him then allegedly found him dead. Sheriff Jim Olson concealed and covered-up the fact that Andrew had illegal drugs concealed in his backpack. Did they intend to drug Prince forcibly and covertly against his will? The Kornfelds are now represented by a high profile Minnesota white collar criminal defense attorney. They aren’t talking and answering any questions, and Sheriff Jim Olson isn’t talking about the evidence that he concealed from the public– the Kornfelds and the illegal drugs that Andrew– Buprenorphine. The corporate mass news media aren’t pushing for answers about the Kornfelds, and Prince’s right to left alone by trespassers, stranglers and interlopers even if in fact he had serious drug or medical problems.

Dr. Michael T. Schulenberg
Today as I speak, two news media agencies, Los Angeles Times and Minneapolis Star Tribune, obtained copies of a county search warrant that identified yet another medical specialist that was at Prince’s home on the morning he was found dead. Sheriff Olson also withheld the exposure of Dr. Michael T. Schulenberg of North Memorial Medical Center, Robbinsdale, MN that was also at Prince’s home when he was found dead. Dr. Schulenberg issued the prescriptions that Prince were filling at Walgreens. Dr. Schulenberg said that he just happened to drop by the house to deliver some medical results. He showed up and invaded Prince’s home with the DEATH SQUAD to cover his tracks, and the crack of his ASS. Dr. Schulenberg has removed himself from the medical center, and now, he is not answering any questions from anyone either.According to CNN, the U.S. Justice Department and DEA entered the investigation of Prince’s Death. As of yesterday, May 10, 2016, the Carver County Sheriff Department is backing up, revisiting the crime scene at Paisley Park. It should have closed off as a crime scene, period, the day Prince was found DEAD! Even Bremer Bank shouldn’t have been allowed to enter that property until the federal investigation was completed. The search warrant documents obtained by the Times and Star Tribune are no longer publicly available. The documents are under seal and they say that those warrants should not have been released in the first instance, according to Nancy Peters of the Hennepin County District Court. Just as in the case of Whitney Houston’s murder, the compound’s video surveillance system isn’t being discussed by anyone as if it doesn’t exist.
Buprenorphine & THE DEVIL’S BREW
Buprenorphine is a very complex drug with many clandestine and covert (CIA MK ULTRA) uses, implications and secrets. It a semisynthetic opioid derivative of thebine.[12] Thebaine (paramorphine), also known as codeine methyl enol ether, is an opiate alkaloid– a minor constituent of opium. Thebaine is chemically similar to both morphine and codeine, but has stimulatory rather than depressant effects.[13]
Buprenorphine was first developed as an analgesic. An analgesic or painkiller is any member of the group of drugs used to achieve analgesia, relief from pain. It appears that buprenorphine is gaining some acceptability within in the medical community for being used to treat anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and depression. An anxiolytic (also anti-panic or anti-anxiety agent) is a medication or other intervention that inhibits anxiety. Buprenorphine is similar to methadone in that it is used in opiate replacement therapy as well as pain management.[14] Opiates are found naturally in the opium poppy plant which has psychoactive compounds including morphine, codeine and thebaine.D-IX was an experimental performance enhancer secretly developed by the Nazis in 1944 for military application. The researcher who rediscovered this project, Wolf Kemper, said that “the aim was to use D-IX to redefine the limits of human endurance.” The formula contained in each tablet: 5 mg of oxycodone (semisynthetic opioid synthesized from thebaine): 5 mg of cocaine and 3 mg of methamphetamine.[15] Percocet is acetaminophen and oxycodone.[16] Acetaminophen is a less potent pain reliever that increases the effects of oxycodone.[17] However, Buprenorphine could have been used to keep Prince appearing normal as an ILLUSION to PARTY DOWN LIKE IT WAS 1999 until the time was ripe to LIQUIDATE HIM.
On Friday, April 15, 2016, Prince’s private plane had to make an emergency landing to hospitalize him. He was treated and discharged within hours. It was widely reported that the emergency hospitalization had been due to a Percocet overdose.[18] Today as I speak, a Carver County Search Warrant revealed that Prince was carried off the plane “unresponsive” by a body guard. He was treated with Narcan. Naloxone, sold under the brand name Narcan among others, is a medication used to block the effects of opioids, especially in overdose. The drug Suboxone, above, is a combination of Buprenorphine (opioid) and Naloxone. Buprenorphine takes you up, while Naloxone bring you down at the same time in the same area of the brain.

“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” SS Josef Mengele
There is a similar drug used for mind control that was secretly developed by Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz. The drug (opioid)
developed at Auschwitz was used on children experimentally to induce
severe pain and torture. Where the child would normally black out, and
become unconscious from severe pain, the doctor would administer or
inject the drug, most likely an opioid, and it
would keep the child from blacking out, and thus the doctor could than
inflict greater pain, going far beyond the threshold of human endurance,
which in turn would allow the mind of the child to became totally wiped
clean, a total blank so that the child forgot their own personal
identity, forgot how to add or subject, or carry on a conversation. (See
Gerald Astor, The Last Nazi, The life and times of Dr. Joseph Mengele, Donald I. Fine, Inc., N.Y. (1974))On Saturday, April 16, the day after he was released from the hospital, Prince took the stage at a dance party as nothing had happened the day before.[19] A combination of opioids like the Nazis’ secret D-IX could push you beyond the threshold of human pain, while you can use Suboxone– Buprenorphine to create euphoria (pain relief) while at the same the Naloxone take you down.
On Wednesday, April 20 around 7 pm, Prince was spotted at Walgreens for the 4th time that week near Paisley Park picking up prescriptions believed to have been Percocet.[20] On Thursday, April 21, Andrew Kronfeld invaded Paisley Park with Buprenorphine. You should be aware that “Percocet and buprenorphine” can both cause breathing to slow down, combining the two can result in serious injury or death.”[21] Both these links are involved in Prince’s Death, Percocet from Dr. Michael T. Schulenberg, and Buprenorphine from Andrew Kronfeld. Both Schulenberg and Kronfeld were at the crime scene at the time Prince was found DEAD.

Percocet and buprenorphine is a JONESTOWN COCKTAIL of lethal drugs, the DEVIL’S BREW. The DEVIL got his due from Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina Brown with a JONESTOWN COCKTAIL, a lethal combination of drugs.
Prince’s Financial Affairs: THE DEVIL IN CONTROL
THIRD EYE Tyka Nelson, Former Crack-Cocaine Addict
Corporate mass media is making it seem as though Prince hadn’t incorporated or legally organized any of his business affairs. According to the sheriff, he had some kind of a so-called authorized management “team” over Prince’s affairs before he died. It was a “team” that had the power to call in Dr. Kornfeld without Prince’s knowledge or consent, open his gates and the doors to his home. But, Prince’s sister, Tyka Nelson, who may be drugged, stated in probate court that an emergency existed to the appoint a special administrator without notice in Prince’s
estate, because immediate action and decisions need to be made to
continue the ongoing management and supervision of prince’s business
interests. What happened to Prince’s team?
The Comte de ST. GERMAIN of the Old World ILLUMINATI was a notorious charlatan and alchemist, whom many believed to be immortal. He was the Grand Master of Freemasonry, and had become an acquaintance of Louis XV, King of France, and his mistress Madame de Pompadour– THE DEVIL’S DAUGHTER.[22] Tyka nominated Bremer Trust, National Association on 1100 ST. GERMAIN Street, St. Cloud, MN. So, in fact, Bremer Trust was appointed, without notice, the special administrator of Prince’s decedent estate.[23]
In her moving papers, Tyka said that Bremer Bank, National Association, has provided financial services to the Prince for a number of years and has knowledge of his personal financial and business financial affairs. Its affiliate, Bremer Trust, National Association, is in the best position of any corporate trust company to protect the Decedent’s assets pending the appointment of a personal representative. Bremer Trust is a holding company of banks.[24]
Tyka Nelson is represented by the law firm of Gray, Plant, Mooty, et. al., at 1010 West ST. GERMAIN Street, St. Cloud next door to Bremer Bank. So, do you believe that Bremer went to Tyka and brought their neighbor Gray, Plant, Mooty, et. al. along for the ride. Or, did the Tyka and the law firm bring Bremer along for the ride. The answer to these questions will become plain and simple, below.
I beg to question if Bremer Bank/Trust had provided Prince with financial and business services, guidance, advice and support for years, why didn’t they advise Prince to incorporate some or all of his business affairs, draw up a trust or will? It seems like Bremer should be held liable for malpractice instead of being put in charge of Prince’s financial affairs to cover their tracks.
Freemason DEVIL Worshippers
Before his death, Prince removed all his videos, tracks, music and songs from online sharing platforms and YouTube, then licensed everything to Jay Z’s subscriber streaming service, TIDAL.[25] Tidal (checkerboard panel) was launched in 2014 by Norwegian/Swedish public company Aspiro.

Tidal is a serious GLOBAL threat. The ILLUMINATI/DEVIL boldly intend to control the music that you hear, the music performers that you see, and content of songs to open into the minds of listeners and subscribers.

The founding of Aspiro is linked directly to the Vodafone Group, a British multinational telecommunications company headquartered in London. The evolution of Vodafone started in 1982 with the establishment of the Racal Strategic Radio Ltd subsidiary of Racal Electronics, the UK’s largest maker of military radio technology, which formed a joint venture with Millicom called “Racal“, which evolved into the present day Vodafone.[27]
Vodafone has been accused of covertly sharing its subscriber data with UK intelligence and security organization, Government Communications (GCHQ).[28] In fact, Vodafone had been developed in close association and collaboration with U.S. corporate military-intelligence industrial handmaiden, General Electric (GE). For decades, GE has worked covertly to advance the cause of New World Order (NWO) global markets and the CIA agenda.[29]

Vodafone has Old World ILLUMINATI and THE DEVIL written all over it. Basically, it was founded by an elite circles of Knights of the British Empire. Vodafone was founded by Sir Ernest Harrison OBE, The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is the “order of chivalry of British constitutional monarchy”; Sir Gerry Whent, CBE, Commander of the Order of the British Empire; and Lord Arnold Weinstock, Baron Weinstock of GE.[30]

Lord Weinstock was knighted in 1970. He was a Honorary Bencher of Gray’s Inn (since 1982). He became a Commander of the Ordine al Merito (Order of Knighthood) of Italy in 1991 and an Officer of the Legion of Honor of France in 1992.[31]

You should keep a future reference to Gray’s Inn of Great Britain. The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn, commonly known as Gray’s Inn, goes back to 16th Century Queen Elizabeth I and William Shakespeare. The Inn was home to Sir Francis Bacon, New Atlantis, and African Human Bondage in America.[32] Gray’s Inn was the Inner Temple of the Knights Templar.[33] Everything Jay-Z touches clandestinely trace back and support the hidden agenda of the Knights Templar, Satanic Dragon Bloodlines of Old Britain, and THE DEVIL.
There isn’t much useful background information on Otto Bremer that founded Bremer Bank, and Bremer Trust, National Association. Bremer, the son of a wealthy and influential banker, was born 1867 in Seesen, Duchy of Brunswick, Germany. Otto
migrated to America in the late 19th Century, and started buying up
banks in Wisconsin, South Dakota and Minnesota. During the Great
Depression, from 1929 thru the 1930s, Bremer, often showing up with a satchel of cash, saved local bank from failing then bought them. By the mid 1930s, he held stock in 55 banks. Bremer served as Treasurer of the City of St. Paul for over 10 years and was an elite inside “court or factor advisor” (covered below) to presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was subsequently appointed by Roosevelt to manage the Federal Home Owner’s Loan Corporation of Minnesota.[34]Otto had three older brothers, Charles E., Carl and William, that arrived in America first. It is from William that we learn where all of Otto’s money came from, and his true mission and agenda in United States. William founded the city of Bremerton, OR. Bremerton is home to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and the Bremerton Annex of Naval Base Kitsap. In the late 19th Century, William bought up the land around Puget Sound in Oregon, then sold it to the U.S. Navy at substantial profits.[35]

Israel Jacobson
The Bremers were actually foreign lender “disciples” and banking agents of the Jacobson (school) Institute in Seesen, the Duchy of Brunswick, Germany.[36] The Jacobson Institute was founded by Israel Jacobson (1768–1828), a German financier and pioneer of Reform Judaism– relief and freedom from Orthodox Judaism.[37] Jacobson was a man that the Rothschilds, ILLUMINATI, the secret super rich emulated and followed his wicked business model and agenda for the clandestine control of governments. Israel Jacobson was a “Court Jew” for the ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry. A traditional Court Jew or Factor
was a Jewish banker who handled the finances of, or lent money to the
Houses of old European Royalty and Nobility. In return for their
services, court Jews gained social privileges, power, control including
noble status.[38]Jacobson had been referred to as “Jacobin, Son of Israel.” Jacobson had served as the financial agent of German Freemason Grand Master, and ILLUMINATUS Duke of Brunswick (Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel (1721-92) – Illuminatus, February 1783) sponsor of the Frankist/Sabbatean Asiatic Brethren, and Napoleon. [39],[40],[41]

The Scary Black Duke, Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1771- 1815)
The Dukes of Brunswick were members of the ILLUMINATI, and Grand Masters of the German Freemasonry. However by the late 18th Century, in 1794, the Duke of Brunswick, wrote a letter to his brethren recommending the dissolution of the entire freemason order, due to the fact that it had been infiltrated, and had been manipulated by an occult order.“I have been convinced that we, as an Order, have come under the power of some very evil occult Order, profoundly versed in science, both occult and otherwise, though not infallible, their methods being black magic, that is to say, electromagnetic power, hypnotism, and powerful suggestion. We are convinced that the Order is being controlled by some Sun Order, after the nature of the Illuminati, if not by that Order itself. We see our edifice…crumbling and covering the ground with ruins, we see the destruction that our hands no longer arrest…a great sect arose, which taking for its motto the good and the happiness of man, worked in the darkness of the conspiracy to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself.
This sect is known to everyone, its brothers are known no less than its name. It is they who have undermined the foundations of the Order to the point of complete overthrow; it is by them that all humanity has been poisoned and led astray for several generations…They began by casting odium on religion…Their masters had nothing less in view than the thrones of the earth, and the governments of the nations was to be directed by their nocturnal clubs…the misuse of our order…has produced all the political and moral troubles with which the world is filled today…we must from this moment dissolve the whole Order.” Duke of Brunswick, Grand Master of German Freemasonry, 1794
The ILLUMINATI, just 18 years after its official formation, was so powerful and influential that its infiltration into Masonry caused the Duke of Brunswick to try and “dissolve the whole order.” [42] Bremer Trust, and the Bremer brothers of Germany were secret financial arms and agents of the Old World Occult ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry. The brothers had been sent to America to buy or wickedly secure secret influence over the powers of government, and take control of the banking and financial industry for the Satanic Houses of Old European Royalty and Nobility.
It’s been widely reported that Bremer Trust/ILLUMINATI immediately went into Prince’s home and drilled open his basement walk-in vault that he had entrusted the combination to nobody. Naturally, it is a secret what they removed, concealed or destroyed. With Bremer going into Prince’s vault without an independent auditor, they will make sure that no operative wills, trusts, papers or legal instruments will be exposed to the public record to change their plans to control ALL of Prince’s estate affairs.[43]
“HIV/AIDS has yet to be confirmed officially as the cause of death. But
if he died from some other cause, just two days after we heard he was
dying of HIV/AIDS . . . well, it would be a remarkable coincidence.”[44]Before Prince’s death, it was widely reported that Prince had been extremely sick for a couple of weeks before his death. His publicist said that he had been diagnosed and suffered from dehydration and influenza.[45] Influenza is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus that shouldn’t be dismissed, especially, for a person suffering immune depression. Symptoms can be mild to severe. The most common symptoms include: a high fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle pains, headache, coughing and feeling tired.

Influenza viruses are RNA viruses that act like ZIKA and HIV. Influenza infection and replication is a multi-step process: First, the virus has to bind to and enter the cell, then deliver its genome to a site where it can produce new copies of viral proteins and RNA, assemble these components into new viral particles, and, last, exit the host cell just the same as ZIKA and HIV.[46]
Yet, it was coming to light that Prince was actually suffering complications from AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Zika and Influenza viral infections could very well be fatal for a person with AIDS if left untreated- if the diseases could be treatable at all.
If that had been confirmed that he had AIDS, Prince’s stock and brand would have certainly been severely impacted. It may have caused a fire storm among people he kept the disease secret from including the WHITE HOUSE. It would not have been pretty. It wouldn’t have been a “Party like it was 1999“. And, it certainly would not have been a an international celebration of his life, music; and album sales off the charts.

Before his death, Prince was exactly at the level of superstars Michael Jackson, and Whitney Houston were when they suddenly came up dead, they were worth more DEAD to the ILLUMINATI music industry than alive. PRINCE IS A HOMICIDE THAT IS BEING COVERED-UP!
[7] Id.
[24] Id.
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Tags: Adam Weishaupt, aids, Aleister Crowley, Andrew Kornfeld, aspiro, Baphomet, bobbie kristian brown, bremer bank, bremer trust, bremerton, Buprenorphine, comte de st. germain, Count Alessandro di Cagliostro, count cagliostro, d-ix, death squad, devil, dr. howard kornfeld, dr. michael t. schulenberg, dukes of brunswick, Dylann Roof, hiv, human bondage, Illuminati, influenza virus, israel jacobson, jay z, josef mengele, knights templar, lord arnold weinstock, michael jackson, naloxone, narcan, Nazis, new atlantis, opiates, opium, oregon, otto bremer, ovodafone, paisley park, prince, prince rogers nelson, queen elizabeth I, sheriff jim olson, sir ernest harrison, sir gerry whent, suboxone, thebaine, tidal, tyka nelson, Whitney houston, william bremer, william maurzy, zika virus
Categories : african american satanic cult, african holocaust, albert pike, Aleister Crowley, Alicia Keys, baphomet, Barack Obama, Barak Obama, black institutions, Black Manchurian Candidates, Black messiah, blood covenants, blood oaths, BOBBI KRISTINA BROWN, CIA, columbian cocaine, devil, false prophet, false prophets, freemason, freemasons, Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Dr. Josef Mengele, Hip Hop, HIP HOP false prophets, illuminati, israel, jay z, jay-z, jonestown, Josef Mengele, Knight of Malta, Knights Hospitaller, Knights Templar, lucifer's servants, luciferians, Michael Jackson, mind control, MK-ULTRA, monarch child, monarch program, mulitiple personality disorder, Nazis, new age religion, new world order, project mockingbird, rock and roll, rogers nelson, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, satan, Satanic Global High Cabal, Satanism, scottsish rite, slavery
24 04 2016
Classic CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Themes, Veiled Eye of the Occult & Satanic Principle of Good Versus Evil
In Los Angeles during the late 70s and early 80s, it was pretty well understood that a Prince music venue was an underground erotic freak ball. If you happened to go to a Prince venue, you were warned to leave early if your weren’t gay or a freak. This is the world that the Global Satanic Cabals and the ILLUMINATI recruited him out of to do their work. It’s hard to say the damage that he has done to the youth over the decades- death, drugs, perversion and Satanic influence. So, I have mixed emotions about the sudden lost of Prince Rogers Nelson. I was not endured to him or his music. I don’t listen to his music. I don’t know what “Purple Rain” may be, and I don’t want to know. “Let’s Go Crazy” with Prince. No!
I don’t think so. I choose to keep my mind and both eyes open. He was a
very sad ritually sexually abused and traumatized young man. I feel
very sorry for him, but you have to acknowledge the damage and saddest
that he has caused others throughout his lifetime, too.
My Saddest for Brother Prince Has No Description
Prince was a very strange dude, and demonic. He was foremost a false religious prophet, and a high priest of the occult.
They sing his praises across the globe as if he had been a hero of the
people this day hour after hour. Indeed, he was a hero to some, and they
can have him now for all time.
Prince & Greek God Pan
One of his admirers wrote in tribute to the Fallen Prince, “He was outlandish and outsize, PANSEXUAL
and biracial at a time when black artists simply weren’t, when the aura
of black masculinity was both a yoke and a badge of honor. He was a misfit when there weren’t black misfits on a stage that big.”[1]To some, the Fallen Prince was an enigma not worthy of praise even while hiding behind the Jehovah Witnesses and Bible.“This Prince guy put out a lot of explicit material for us all to purchase. He had songs of incest with his sister, he masturbated on records, he cursed god, he had an Erotic City, he did it all, he even asked us on record is he straight or gay?”[2]

Prince was a transgender man that suffered MK ULTRA/MONARCH Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). In 1987, Prince raised the female alter persona, Camille, out of someplace or another dimension to record, If I Was Your Girlfriend.[3] A record cover suggests that Camille may have drawn from an disordered “Altered State” as an ILLUMINATI constant struggle against the Sacred Feminine.
For decades, Prince had presented himself as a creepy ILLUMINATI new specie of a freakish post gender man-form (TRANSHUMAN) that tended to blur the lines of universal order, balance, and ultimately destroy the SACRED FEMININE.
The African, Late Baba Dr. John Henri Clarke
Let me add another dimension to Mr. Nelson and a discussion which nobody seems to want to acknowledge or speak about. Before his death, Prince was a devoted disciple, initiate and high priest of the Satanic New Age Counter-Culture. But, what if Prince finally found the courage and heart like Michael Jackson (Jehovah Witnesses) to defy his handlers? There is some evidence to suggest that he was changing– exploring, imagining and evolving another into a different and more powerful opposite cosmos to set himself free- MAAT?
If, Prince was imagining setting himself free. I know that the brothers and sisters would have welcomed him, and brought him HOME.

It is a strong possibility that all along Michael’s seemingly harmless little friend, 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason, Emanuel Lewis, bad been a Masonic Watcher– recording everything he did, said, went, and everyone MJ talked to. Likewise, Prince may have his own Masonic/ILLUMINATI watchers and monitors attached to him. One of the them may have been Vann Jones.

Prince- Under MK ULTRA/MONARCH Dissociated TRANCE
“He’s a Jehovah’s Witness... He’s talking about Greek philosophy, he’s talking about philosophies in Egypt … We used to talk about John Henrik Clarke and, like I said, Egyptian philosophy.” Vann Jones on CNN [4]
One of Prince’s many mass media story tellers on the idiot box has been the “tearful” Vann Jones, President Barack Obama’s former environmental green jobs czar and adviser. He is a Yale graduate, lawyer and a Dr. Negro that believes he is Superman has received numerous accolades from across the world, even from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Aspen Institute. He sits on all types of corporate boards to have been some type of people’s activist. He’s even on CNN. Vann Jones had to show another side of himself when he was alleged to have signed a 9-11 Inside Job petition. That Negro had to bend, scratch, grin and scuffle.[5]

Vann Jones- ILLUMINATI Fist Sign of Tight Secrecy and the Lion’s Paw
Vann Jones is a fellow at The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)- a secret high level affiliate of the CIA.[6] According to Jack Sarfatti, a “very, very sophisticated and successful covert psychological warfare operation run by the late Brendan O Regan of the Institute of Noetic Sciences
and the late Harold Chipman who was the CIA station chief responsible
for all mind-control research in the Bay Area in the 70s.”[7]
Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, founder of IONS, revealed that he had briefed then CIA director George Bush on the activities and results of the IONS mind control (MK ULTRA/MONARCH) experiments. (Mitchell, Edgar, The Way of the Explorer, GP Putnam’s Sons, 1996, pg 91).[8] Russell Targ, “How I was a Psychic Spy for the CIA and found God,” INSTITUTE FOR NOETIC SCIENCE (IONS), November 2003. Excuse me, but this stuff is an extremely heavy and deep rabbit hole that I can’t get into it right now. But if Prince was evolving Black Consciousness seeing through the lies that he had been living- studying our Late Most Honorary, Beloved African Master Scholar and Professor Baba Dr. Clarke and other brothers in field of the Ancient Kemetic Cosmology, he was most definitely in a world of danger, particularly, discussing his evolving black consciousness with a clandestine Negro CIA Mystic Spy.

Michelle Obama Got that Natural Male Instinct and Passion for Her Some Beyonce
President Obama is alright with Michelle and her crushes and freaks, because he get to play with his boy crushes at the White House like Golden State Warrior Stephen Curry.

This is an odd situation. Don’t you think that it should be the other way around. That is NBA Champ and All- Star Steph Curry should be teaching Obama how to shoot a basketball. However, Curry don’t seem to see any roadblocks ahead on the highway to HELL.

Curry is all the way down with the Perversion, Wickedness, 666, ILLUMINATI and the Baphomet.
And the DEVIL. This is one of the reasons that I am no longer a fan of the ILLUMINATI NBA, and they can care less. These Satanic signs are worse and more harmful to the soul and spirit than street GANG SIGNS. Yet, they have become an internal and Wicked part of the NBA.

The Late Joan Rivers violated some high level secrecy covenant when she exposed President Barack Obama as the first gay president and that First Lady Michelle Obama was a “tranny.”[9] She is DEAD!

On June 15, 2015, Prince gave a SECRET command performance for the Obamas and 500 guests (Boule and the ILLUMINATI) at the White House. Secrecy around Prince’s private concert was tighter than a nuclear explosion. All of the guests had to vow to Covenants of Secrecy to attend. To this day, Barrack and Michelle refuse to release the guest list, or explain the need for classified top secret security surrounding the event.

It was a night that the Obamas had all the DEVILS & DEMONS, and ILLUMINATI Freaks on Their Side. To this day, nobody is talking.

But, I suppose they wanted some of that controversial real hot low-down kinky, raunchy, and freaky Prince.

They roll like that.
Prince & the Masonic Seventh-day Adventists

“Prophecy [Ellen G. White] is what we all have to go by now.” –Prince[10]
Prince was raised in Minnesota as a 7th Day Adventist. Adventism is a branch of Protestantism with origins in the 19th century American Protestant revival known as the Second Great Awaking. The name refers to belief in the imminent Second Coming or “Second Advent” of Jesus Christ.[11]
Seventh-day Adventists were Millerites following Freemason William Miller, Worshipful Master 1811, Morningstar Lodge No. 22, Vermont. In 1833, he claimed that the Second Advent of Jesus Christ would be between 1843 and 1844. When the deadline of October 22, 1844 passed without incident, Millerite Ellen White declared that Daniel 8:14 foretold Christ’s entrance into the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary rather than his second coming. From there a new false doctrine of the investigative judgment was born: an eschatological process commencing in 1844 in which Christians will be judged to verify their eligibility for salvation.[12]
Seventh-day Adventists: The Cult of Ellen G. White
There would be no Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church without the works and prophesies of the Masonic Ellen G. White (1827-1915). She was known to SDA as “God’s Messenger” or “God’s Prophet.” She taught a New Age Doctrine via some of the pages of her voluminous published works. She was very limited in education. She was a contemporary of Madame Helena Blavatsky.[13] She was very much interested in the works of White, who may have been initiated as a kindred kind- co-Mason.Larry Graham & Prince with the all-seeing eye symbolism don’t look anything like Christian Bible Totters, they look like High Priests of Their Craft. From SDA, Prince changed churches or temples to a SDA Masonic and pedophile cesspool cousin, Jehovah Witnesses.[14] I believe that Prince changed faiths not because of the influence of Graham of Graham Central Station, but because JW has a secret Masonic hierarchal order (ladder) of secret Luciferic initiations.
“The Cross and Crown may be said to be confined almost exclusively to the historical degrees in Masonry as exemplified in the various orders of knighthood of York and Scottish rites. In Gaul we find the cross to have been a solar symbol when it had equal arms and angles; to the Phoenicians it was an instrument of sacrifice to their God, Baal; and to the Egyptians, the crux ansata was his symbol of eternal life.” (Ray V. Denslow, Masonic Portraits, Transactions of this Missouri Lodge of Research, vol. #29, p.7—emphasis in the original)[15]
Jehovah Witnesses: The Cult of Charles Taze Russell
“I am very glad to have this particular opportunity of saying a
word about some of the things in which we agree with our Masonic
friends, because we are speaking in a building dedicated to Masonry, and
we also are Masons. I am a Freemason.” Charles Taze Russell. (The Temple of God-Pastor Russell page 120)[16]Charles Taze Russell (1852 –1916) that found the Jehovah Witness or Watchtower Society rejected much of the Christian faith and claimed, as Ellen G. White had claimed before him, that he was “restoring” the true Christian faith. Russell was a deep cover ILLUMINATI bloodline Knights Templar Mason of York Rite, Odd fellow and a secret Rosicrucian.[17] Today, Jehovah Witnesses vigorously deny that he was associated with the secret societies.[18]
Prince’s Symbol is actually taken from Dr. John Dee’s Medieval Symbol for a DEMON or DEMONS
Russell was a occultist and a practitioner of Elizabethan Sorcerer Dr. John Dee’s Enochian Magick. The Enochian system of magick as practiced today is primarily the product of research and workings by four men: Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley of Queen Elizabeth I’s Court, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (British Founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn); and the Great BEAST 666, ALEISTER CROWLEY.[19],[20] JW’s secret advanced are initiated into the Enochian Works of Dr. John Dees. The Jehovah’s Witnesses, or Watchtower Society, is another ILLUMINATI New Age religion used for CIA cover and mind control experiments.[21] It systematically disconnects its members from non-members in the way of all mind-control cults. From the start, the Watchtower Society, based at Bethel, Brooklyn, New York, has been a front for Enochian Magic– SATANISM.
JW placed the flying Sun disk on the front of their books, and at the top of the entrances of its temple just as ancient Kemetic and Babylonian Mysteries Schools and Temples had done generations before. The Watchtower magazine has always been a mass of subliminal and less subliminal occult symbolism and the very name, Watchtower, is part of Illuminati and Freemasonic legend and code.[22]
The Luciferic New Age Religious Agenda
The New Age Religious Movement was substantially influenced by 33rd Degree Freemason Madame Helena Blavatsky and Co-Mason Alice A. Bailey of the Theosophical Society. Bailey was an English SATANIST who emigrated to America and who lived from 1880 to 1949. She was the spiritual successor of Madame Blavatsky.“There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church, the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the inner-most circles of the esoteric societies.” [Bailey, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 513]
Bailey laid the real foundations of the New Age Movement and is regarded as its high priestess. As a spiritist medium, she allegedly received messages from a so-called master of wisdom, the Tibetan Djwal Khul. These messages, which she wrote under dictation from this demonic being were published in numerous books. Her secret teachings, which to this day are followed minutely in New Age Circles, set forth “The Plan for the [Luciferic] New World Order.”[23] Alice Bailey revealed the secret underlining agenda of the New Age Religious Movement, “There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarizing the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church [false church] and the Masonic Fraternity… When the Great One [Antichrist] comes with his disciples and initiates we shall have the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation as a consequence of the first initiation.”[24]
Prince, Evangelist for the New Age Religious Agenda
Prince & the Rose, Symbol of Rosicrucian Order
If you don’t believe your lying eyes about the unveiled Prince. Let’s look at some concepts that Prince has used in music that he could not have obtained, but for the works of Lucifer’s Servants, and the Satanic New Age Movement. Keep in mind that among other things, Dr. John Dee is considered by some to be the founder of the Rosicrucian Order.Akashic Records & the Advanced Magikian
In 2001, Prince produced the album, “The Rainbow Children“, to familiarize the general public with the nature and mysteries of the Luciferic New Age. In the album, he said that the Rainbow Children with the accurate understanding of God and His law went about the work of building a New Nation flying upon the wings of the New Translation of the Covenant. The album alluded to his recent conversion to the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion. Imbedded in the album is the mysteries, Kemetic (Egyptian) Monotheism, and the Satanic New Age concepts such as the AKASHIC RECORDS.[25] The Sanskrit term Akasha was introduced to the language of theosophy through Madame Blavatsky, who characterized it as a sort of life force; she also referred to “indestructible tablets of the astral light“ recording both the past and future of human thought and action.[26]
Luciferic Alice Bailey wrote in her book Light of the Soul on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Book 3 – Union achieved and its Results (1927):
“The akashic record is like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and earth experiences of our planet. Those who perceive it will see pictured thereon: The life experiences of every human being since time began, the reactions to experience of the entire animal kingdom, the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature (based on desire) of every human unit throughout time. Herein lies the great deception of the records. Only a trained occultist can distinguish between actual experience and those astral pictures created by imagination and keen desire.”[27]
The German theosophist and later founder of Anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner, used the concept, AKASHIC RECORDS, mainly in a series of articles in his journal Lucifer-Gnosis in 1904 to 1908 where he wrote about Atlantis, Lemuria, etc.[28] It is alleged that Steiner had been a member German the secret Thule Gesellschaft and Vril Society along with Hitler, Himmler, etc.[29]
Don’t get it twisted. Prince directly introduced the mysterious “Akashic Records Genetic Information Division” to the Rainbow Children, and the unknowing public that he was influencing and indoctrinating to lead them straight into the Luciferic New Age.[30] Prince told the Rainbow Children, “We found this tape in the Akashic records. This is Thomas Jefferson: My fellow Americans, if there is a just God, we’re gonna pay 4 this!”[31]
It is important to clearly understand the degree of mysticism attainted by Prince, to understand the very high level of covert indoctrination of the nature of the Mysteries that he was spreading to the general public behind and through his music. The Askensa Records are nothing that you can touch. It is a mystery. It is pure mysticism. It is a cosmic– cosmic memory.

Akasa (or Akasha): derived from a Sanskrit word meaning “to shine.” The Tattva associated with the element of spirit, depicted as a black egg. Prince’s backward name suggests witchcraft in the conjuring up of his alter ego, Camille. Whereas, the black egg suggests that Camille came out of the Askensa Records. Akashic Record: the idea that all of the experiences and memories of every living being are contained in the substance of the ether. Advanced magicians develop the ability to recover details of past events by “reading the Akashic Records.”[32]

The Fuhrer Adolf Hitler was initiated into the “mysteries” of the occult at a young age. Initiated, he was introduced into the mysteries of occultic metaphysics, and the theories of transcendent states of consciousness, mind expansion, and the higher states of consciousness. Allegedly, he used Mescaline to transport himself to the desired higher states of consciousness, which enabled him to experience what occultists term the “Akashic Record“, a demonic version of historical and future events. Hitler believed he had made contact with Lucifer, and openly coveted possession. In 1938, he is said to have commented: “I have seen the Antichrist. He is cruel and intrepid. He frightened me.”[33]
The ties that bind Prince directly to the advanced mysteries of Lucifer-Gnosis are the Jehovah Witnesses that are linked directly to the demonic Works of Dr. Dee, Dr. Kelley and Sir Francis Bacon. When you move like Princes says that he moves leading children in the astral plane accessing Akashic Records that is the Enochian Works of Dr. John Dee. You can say what you want to, but this stuff is very real and serious.

Dr. Dee’s Obsidian Aztec Akashic Record “Scrying Mirror”
The Akashic Records and the Enochian system represent all the same things. There are two origins of the Enochian system. One is the calendrical cycle described by the Ethiopian Hebrew prophet Enoch. The other is the system of the Ayres described by scryers, Dr. John Dee and Dr. Edward Kelley.[34]
There is a lot of mystery surrounding the Works of Dr. Dee and Dr. Kelley. Dee is said to have been given a manuscript copy of sacred magick, Necronomicon (Book of Dead Names), the Necronomicon opened the Enochian system. It was given to him by the alchemist Jacob Eliezer known as the “Black Rabbi.” The Necronomicon is said to the be the basis of Aleister Crowley’s The Book of the Law and H.P Lovecraft’s Cthulthu Mythos.[35]
The word “necronomicon” is the title of a Greek translation made around 950 A.D. by Theodoras Philetas from an original Arabic manuscript. A Latin version of the Greek translation was made by Olaus Wormius in 1228 A.D. The original Arabic title of the work was “Kitab al Azif” which can be roughly translated as “The Book of the Howlings of the Desert Jinn (or DEMONS).[36]
The original writer was supposed to have been an Arab named Abdul al Azrad who supposedly died around 738 A.D. in Damascus. Death was due to being torn apart in the street by unseen entities. The true name was probably Abd Al Azrad. In Arabic, the name is more of a title meaning the “slave of the devourer” or “worshipper of the great devourer“, supposedly alluding to the “Great Old Ones.”[37]
After Dee‘s death, the Necronomicon went into the collection of Elias Ashmole then into the Bodleian Library in Oxford, England until it was stolen in 1934.[38] It wasn’t just stolen like someone walked away with it. There was deliberate night break in at the library to take the book. It may or could have been stolen by Hitler and Himmler’s SS (Knights of the Black Sun).[39] Nobody knows for sure who took it. Yet, there are said to be copies of the Necronomicon circulating on the internet. Are these books true copies of Dee‘s English manuscript? Nobody knows that for sure.

Edgar Cayce, the twentieth century psychic, said that he derived his ability to read people’s past lives from the Akashic Records. According to Cayce, he had learned of the Akashic Records in the same way Luciferic White Brotherhood Dame, Madame Blavatsky, on journeys made to the orient in the east, in particularly from Tantric yogic Sanskrit documents. Besides these two there is no writing on the Akashic Records known to western society, and there are no translations of the Sanskrit documents they claimed to have read into English or any other language. The documents themselves have allegedly been LOST.[40]

It just so happens that parties also interested in the Akashic Records is Prince’s most visible public crier and mourner, Fellow of Institute of Noetic Science (INOS), Vann Jones.[41] In philosophy, noetics is a branch of metaphysical philosophy concerned with the study of mind as well as intellect. Noetic topics include the doctrine of the agent/patient intellect (Aristotle, Averroes), and the doctrine of the Divine Intellect.[42] Noetic sciences explore the “inner cosmos” of the mind (consciousness, soul, spirit) and how it relates to the “outer cosmos” of the physical world. That’s a broad definition, including as it does research into the mind-body interaction, consciousness, the paranormal (often called psi research).[43]

The Institute of Noetic Science (INOS) was heavily involved in the psi testing of the 1970s, partly funding the Uri Geller experiments at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and, until the CIA came clean about their involvement in the remote-viewing experiments in the mid-1990s, it was the INOS that claimed to have funded the initial program. At the very least, this shows that the Institute allowed itself to be used as a “Cover for the CIA”, and perhaps even as a conduit for the funding of the agency’s more controversial experiments.[44]

Also, Dan Brown has gone from the Da Vinci Code to the Lost Symbol: FREEMASONRY, NOETIC SCIENCE (The Necronomicon). Did the higher and hidden Masonic hierarchical of Jehovah Witnesses come up with a copy of Dee‘s true manuscript? People like X-Men or Men in Black, Vann Jones, like to know the answer, and plug any leaks and prevent any defectors like PRINCE from reaching out to the other side.
[6] Id.
[8] Id.
[27] Id.
[28] Id.
[37] Id.
[40] Id.
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Tags: 7th Day Adventist, 9-11 inside job, Adolf Hitler, akasha record, alice bailey, antichrist, Baphomet, barack hussein obama, Beyonce, camille, charles taze russell, CIA, dan brown, dr. edward kelley, dr. john dee, Dr. John Henri Clarke, ellen g. white, emanuel lewis, Enochian system, freemasonry, freemasons, god pan, Heinrich Himmler, Institute of Noetic Sciences, jehovah's witnesses, knights templar, larry graham, lucifer gnosis, Madame Helena Blavatsky, madame helena p. blavatsky, men in black, michael jackson, michelle obama, millerites, MK-ULTRA, Monarch Program, necronomicon, new age movement, NEW AGE RELIGION, pansexual, pansexuality, prince, PSI, psychological warfare, purple rain, rainbow children, remote viewing, rogers nelson, rosicrucain, Rosicrucianism, Rudolf Steiner, sacred feminine, Satanism, scottish rite, seth curry, Seventh-day Adventists, sir francis bacon, STAR GATE, the lost symbol, Thule Gesellschaft, thule society, transhumanism, vann jones, vril society, WATCHTOWER, william miller, x men
Categories : Aleister Crowley, ALL SEEING EYE, ascended masters, Aspen institute, baphomet, Barack Obama, Barak Obama, black christianity, Black Manchurian Candidates, blood covenants, blood oaths, BOULE, christianity, CIA, devil, devil's horns, dr. john dee, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, dualism, earth mother goddess, egypt, evil, false prophet, false prophets, False Satanic Rites of Lost Negroes, freemason, freemasons, Heinrich Himmler, Hip Hop, HIP HOP false prophets, hip hop satanic cult, hollywood satanic cult, illuminati, illuminati sacrifice, jesus christ, kemet, Knights of the Black Sun, Knights Templar, lucifer's servants, luciferians, Madame H.P. Blavatsky, manchurian candidates, masonic sacrifice, Michael Jackson, mind control, MK-ULTRA, monarch program, MPD, mulitiple personality disorder, Nazis, new world order, nwo, order of teutonic knights, prince, rogers nelson, Rose-Croix, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, Satanic Global High Cabal, Satanism, Schutzsteffel, Secret Doctrine, SS, Stanford University, STAR GATE, Star Kids, thule, trauma-based mind control, Uri Geller
12 01 2015
I have been openly critical of Bill Cosby as a very dangerous soul-less creature of CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH for quite sometime. He had been a CIA tool (I [Bill Cosby] Spy), and mind control facilitator, handler and programmer for decades. However, it has never been my intention to try to single him out from the EVIL institutions and the BIG PICTURE that he plays a very small but significant supporting role and part among the CIA-Military Industrial Complex’s long list of cast of characters.
Corporate Mass Media’s EVIL agenda through a Smoke Mirror is once again to demonize a black face, Bill Cosby, yet veil the role of the CIA and Hugh Hefner in MONARCH Sex Kitten programming. They crucify black and powerless Cosby within the Elite Global Satanic Cabal, while at the same time continue to celebrate his confederate Hefner’s commercialized mass industry of normalizing trauma based ritual sexual abuse and mind control of women. It’s another example of mass population psychological warfare and DOUBLEBIND– insanity without disease.

New Jersey State Governor and likely 2016 U.S. Republican Presidential Candidate Chris Christie celebrate NFL Dallas Cowboys’ 2014 playoff/rip off victory with owner Jerry Jones.

It amounts to insanity to demonize Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson and other high profile black athletes for domestic violence, then celebrate white privilege, wealth and power like a soul-less JERRY JONES of the Dallas Cowboys that exploit, brutalize, sexually abuse, and rape poor, powerless and marginalized women with utter impunity.[1]
They demonize Cosby and yet remain silent to the EVIL/Demonic institutions that as a black man- he can only play by virtue of his race a marginal supporting role in the BIG PICTURE. Don’t get it twisted, Cosby is a problem and a menace to society, but he is only the tip of an iceberg that seek to drown all of us when it surfaces. During the 1960s, dealing with black collaborators of the EVIL empire that sought only to kill us has always been problematic.
I still maintain that unless it is a state of war, and we have express permission of our elders- they are not to be harmed. However, Cosby and the Black Satanic Cabal is still very much alive-well, growing and dangerous. It is our duty to continue to expose them as treacherous cold blood creatures of the shadow government and soul-less puns of the New World Order, and WARN the masses to be forever VIGILANT.

William Henry Cosby, Jr. is a such a black collaborator to warn the masses to watch and stay away from. He is a clandestine/covert BLOOD OATH SECRET high level MASTER MASON, and a BLOOD OATH SECRET hierarchical member of Negro section of the ancient BOULE [2] that serves the underground THIRD REICH, and Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS Cult of the Dark Messiah, the SHADOW power behind the throne. Cosby is a Master of Deception, ILLUSIONS and DUALITY.
ILLUMINATI– “Their whole insane doctrine is based on the supposition that black is white, that good is evil, that two plus two equals five. They are men of insane minds. And they have developed an equally insane ‘scientific‘ system, designed to reprogram and recreate social material and spiritual reality to fit their perverted, upside down theology.”[3]
Their scientific system, actually a form of Witchcraft, is based on alchemy and magic. Its process is one of Universal Motion, designed to purposely foment diabolical chaos so that order may come out of two dynamic competing forces, Ordo Ah Chao. Their objective is the Great Work, the changing of man created in God’s image into the image of a serpent-being void of morality and void of righteous, just values. In other words, the Great Work is designed to create and produce a race of soul-less satanic creatures.
goTo effect their Great Work, to transform and transmute the world and humanity into the “new soul-less creature,” heaven and earth must be destroyed, crushed, and thoroughly converted into a new paradigm. In essence, heaven and earth are to become hell. The will of Satan shall be done on Earth as it is in hell. This is the exalted, “Royal Secret.”[4]
Luciferian Albert Pike of the Knights of the Golden Circle, the former Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite taught that out of the ongoing universal motion of the conflict of OPPOSITES, a potent and magical force could be created or energized, so powerful that,
“a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world.” [5]
Cosby has the IMAGE of America’s idea heavenly FATHER.


Bill Cosby, DEVIL and Mr. Devlin
Cosby has the IMAGE of innocent FUN and GOODNESS.

He is Diabolical EVIL.

Cosby has the IMAGE of a MORTAL.

He is the UNDEAD.

Cosby’s 1990 Universal Studio film, Ghost Dad, directed by Sidney Poitier plot centers on SATAN. Lucifer had been the cause of his mortal death. He returned from the dead as a Ghost. In the movie, Cosby declared, “I AM SATAN.”[6]

Cosby’s true motives are hidden behind his SYMBOLS. The Fraternal Order of the Sons and Daughters of Shaka from the 1975 Warner Bros. film, Lets Do it Again, is indeed fictional, but the Satanic theme of the film is the same, and number and symbols below Cosby’s Pineal Gland (THRID EYE) are real.

The Occult Power and Mystic Virtue of NUMBER 11

The NUMBER 11 at the pyramid apex of Cosby’s Fez is the number most important to the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley. Crowley was a member of the Satanic-Occult group in England, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. According to its demonic teachings, the NUMBER 11 has Occult Powers and Mystic Virtue: “Upon the Number Eleven. This seems to have been the type of number with a evil reputation among all peoples… [E]leven is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful and imperfect; with the Ten Sephiroth they contrasted the Eleven Averse Sephiroth, symbols of destruction, violence, defeat, and death.”
The Great BEAST wrote about the NUMBER 11 frequently, and emphasized it’s significance: “Firstly”, 11 is the number of Magick in itself. It is therefore suitable to all types of operation. “Secondly”, it is the sacred number par excellence of the new Aeon. As it is written in the Book of the Law: …11, as all their numbers who are of us.” Crowley‘s infamous phase “Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law” (which he considered the dictum of the New Age), has eleven (11) words and eleven (11) syllables. [7]
The Occult Power and Mystic Virtue of the MASONIC PYRAMID
The PYRAMID and the “Eye of Horus” on the back of the dollar bill are ILLUMANTI symbology. The pyramid is an ancient form based on the holiness of the NUMBER 3
to the ancient mystery religions (it, not 6, is considered the most
spiritual number), and Freemasonry has perverted the pyramid to
represent a structure used specifically to call up the demonic, or occult, a point of psychic activity.
The Occult Power and Mystic Virtue of the MASONIC ALL SEEING EYE

Cosby is usually extremely very careful and coy about displaying ILLUMINATI ALL SEEING EYE Symbolism publicly, but this is Cosby early in his career. Lets Do it Again central theme involves the clandestine use of HYPNOTISM. In the film, lodge brother, Sidney Poitier is a MASONIC MASTER HYPNOTIST that creates a Manchurian Candidate boxer to rig a boxing match to win a substantial amount of prize money to save their lodge from foreclosure. [8]
The All-Seeing Eye on Poitier and Cosby’s Masonic fez is used to represent the planet Sirius. Sirius is important to the Hermetic magicians, and some mind control programmers are deeply into hermetic magic. SATAN is said to come from Draco or Sirius, esp. the Dog Star Canis Major. Masonic Programming may well have the “blazing star” portrayed in the programming as a pentagram, with the name Sirius. Sirius may represent the Master, the creator of the system in some systems where the programmer is steeped in MASONIC PHILOSOPHY.[9] Cosby’s Lets Do it Again also shows without a shadow of a doubt that he was aware before 1975 of the use of HYPNOTISM to destroy individual free will within the framework of Satanic and Masonic Mysticism.
It would be interesting to know who the HYPNOTISM film set technical advisor had been, William Joseph Bryan (Manchurian Candidate, Sirhan Sirhan) or William Henry Cosby, Jr.? Bryan wasn’t suicided until 1977 two years after Lets Do it Again had been released.[10]
SATAN SWINGS: Bill Cosby and Sammy Davis, Jr.
Of all the people of HollyWeird in Bill Cosby’s young television- film career-
he developed an unholy bond and decided to SWING with a notorious SATANIST- Sammy Davis, Jr.

1954- Sammy Davis, Jr. and Marilyn Monroe (How to Marry a Millionaire)
In the public eyes, Davis was a little harmless carefree driving force of individual artistic freedom while on the hidden side- he was a high level ILLUMINATI Negro whore also connected hand in hand to the Black Hand- the MAFIA. Davis was also a covert master of deceptions, duality and ILLUSIONS. It remains forbidden knowledge which Masonic lodge Davis or Cosby belonged to, and when they were first initiated into freemasonry. However, we are certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that Davis was a Freemason.
He was an ultra secret and well established Luciferian 33 degree York Rite Master Mason. At sometime for extraordinary services to the craft, he was promoted to the highest degree of the clandestine York Rite Freemasonry, KNIGHTS OF MALTA. As a clandestine crusading European KNIGHT, he moved among an ultra secret elite global cabal of Olympians, Nazis, and the IMPERIUM.[11] The founding fathers and architects of Project PAPERCLIP and the CIA, William “Wild Bill” Donovan, Allen Dulles and Himmler’s SS Puppet GENERAL REINHARD GEHLEN, were among Davis’ covert order of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.[12]

These Negroes aren’t hardly two fun filled loving buffoons. This picture represents an ancient Initiation Rite. Cosby with right foot slightly forward is presenting Davis for entry into another realm of a blood oath fraternal order or cult of ultra secrecy.

This is Queen Khamerernebty- Daughter of the God, Priestess of Djehuty [Thoth], Priestess of Tjazepef, One who sits with Horus, she has her right foot slightly forward initiating her husband, Pharaoh Men-Kau-Re, “Eternal is the Spirit (Ka) of Ra” fifth king of the Fourth Dynasty of Kemet, to the next level to delve into the realm of Gods.[13]
What ILLUMINATI lodge, sect, or cell Cosby initiated Davis into also remains secret and forbidden knowledge. Undoubtedly, they were two of the HollyWeird’s most powerful and diabolical EVIL figures that led the BLACK SATANIC CABAL. This cabal turns out to be much older and more established than you would suspect.

It’s more likely than not that both Bill Cosby and Sammy Davis, Jr. initiated a young Michael Jackson into the Occult and the BLACK SATANIC CABAL.

Sammy Davis, Jr. & Michael Jackson- Baphomet- So Above- So Below
Sammy Davis, Jr. & The Lookout Mountain Satanic Cult
In HollyWeird, anywhere there were hot blondes like actresses, Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, SHARON TATE, naked white women, drugs, booze, orgies, mind control and SATAN-
you can be assured that Cosby and his ultra covert little DEMONIC weasel sidekick, Sammy Davis, Jr. were in on or around the action. And, the body count begins to stack up.

Marilyn Monroe linked to Satanist Anton LaVey’s initial sex kitten programming during the early 1950s was among the first celebrities generally believed to have been subjected to CIA MONARCH/MK ULTRA mind control experiments. Through trauma and psychological programming, Monroe became a high level puppet of the shadow elite, even became JFK’s Presidential Model. When Monroe’s programming lost its effect and she started to break down, some argue that she was “thrown off the freedom train” on August 5, 1962, an MK ULTRA term for designating slaves that are killed when they are not useful (and potentially dangerous) to their handlers.[14]

Also during same early 1950s, Sammy Davis, Jr. (Freemasons) and Frank Sinatra (Mafia) had been some of the secret handlers entrusted with the codes, keys and triggers to Sex Slave Marilyn Monroe. In many instances, she had been in company with Davis or Sinatra, when she had been used and abused in numerous high level CIA, presidential, diplomatic and mob “sex parties” and orgies.[15]

Sammy Davis, Jr. & Satanist Jayne Mansfield
Satanist Jayne Mansfield was also associated with Sammy Davis, Jr. through underground Satanic Circles and the CHURCH OF SATAN.
On June 29, 1967, her fate was grisly sealed on a dark narrow stretch
of road near New Orleans. Her head was fatally severed in a head on
collision that the CHUCH OF SATAN believes was the result by one of Anton LaVey’s curses.[16]On August 8, 1969, HollyWeird’s infamous Hair Stylist of the Stars, JAY SEBRING and SHARON TATE’s fate were sealed among five victims of that infamous grisly Demonic Torture/Slaughter at Satanic (Rosemary’s Baby) film director Roman Polanski’s estate in Laurel Canyon.
The panorama below was taken from Lookout Mountain at the top of Laurel Canyon in 1906.[17]
SHARON TATE was 8 months pregnant when she was slaughtered.
Some reports said that she had been hung from the rafters in the living
room. She had a noose around her neck, attached to her friend JAY SEBRING. There were four deep stab wounds in her chest and a deep knife wound to her belly killing her unborn.[18] The Satanic blood slaughter at 10050 Cielo Drive, Benedict Canyon just a couple miles to the west of Laurel Canyon was like something out of the 19th century horrors of Jack the Ripper.
Nested in the hills overlooking HollyWeird, Lookout Mountain Laboratory was originally envisioned as a U.S. Air Defense Department center. Built in 1941 and nestled in two-and-a-half secluded acres off what is now Wonderland Park Avenue, the installation was hidden from view and surrounded by an electrified fence.

Marilyn Monroe’s February 8, 1953 Secret Pentagon ID to Lookout Mountain Lab
By 1947 on the eve of Operation PAPERCLIP and formation of the CIA, the facility became a TOP SECRET
and clandestine military intelligence fully operational movie studio.
HollyWeird’s leading technicians, directors, producers, actors and
actresses such as John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe had special U.S. Defense Department secret clearances to work at the facility on undisclosed highly classified projects like something out of the pages of Reich Minister Josef Goebbels’ Department of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.[19]With 100,000 square feet of floor space, the covert studio included sound stages, screening rooms, film processing labs, editing facilities, an animation department, and seventeen climate-controlled film vaults. It also had underground parking, a helicopter pad and a bomb shelter.[20] The existence of the facility remained unknown to the general public until the early 1990s when Svali, an ILLUMINATI Defector, stated that the HollyWeird Satanic Cult had a location in California which made all of the training films for “Trauma-based mind control”. No other place has been identified besides this one, Lockout Mountain Laboratory. These training films were undoubtedly also a part of the CIA/MK-ULTRA program.[21]

During the 1960s, international stuff film and pedophile ring fugitive, HollyWierd’s ROMAN POLANSKI had been a leading figure in an extremely dangerous and chilling Hollywood star studded Satanic Coven in Laurel Canyon below and linked to the Lookout Mountain Lab.
Lockout Mountain’s clandestine Satanic (Dark Messiah) HollyWeird Cult was directly involved with the the 1968 CIA assassination of U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful, Robert F. Kennedy; and Manchurian Candidate MK ULTRA/Satanic murderer, Nazi and pasty Charles Manson.
“Allegedly, on the night before Senator Robert Kennedy’s assassination (June 5, 1968), RFK had dinner with director John Frankenheimer and Roman Polanski and his wife Sharon Tate. Frankenheimer was of course the director of the original The Manchurian Candidate and Seven Days In May. John F Kennedy apparently spoke with Frankenheimer about both projects. Technical adviser on The Manchurian Candidate was MK-ULTRA programmer, William Jennings Bryan, who has links to Candy Jones and Sirhan Sirhan (amongst many other notables).”[22]
POLANSKI and SHARON TATE’s Laurel Canyon Coven of Lookout Mountain had also been linked to drug trafficking, mind control child sex slaves, pornography, snuff films, murder, and the Occult and Sex Magik of the BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley.

Panther Signature: PIG written in Victim’s Blood at the Polanski Mansion
At the beginning, the gristly, senseless and horrific massacre of
human beings in Laurel Canyon was laid by law enforcement agencies at
the feet of Black Nationalists and Black Panther Party for Self Defense. It was later, they took down the Lookout Mountain – Nazified Mind Controlled Manson Family for the gruesome crimes.[23]
At the absolutely horrendous murder scene, Sammy Davis, Jr.’s Satanic coven leader, SEBRING had been savagely beaten about the face- left eye and nose then repeatedly stabbed in the chest and the back then he was shot in the left lung. However, the fatal stab wound was to the chest that severed the aorta, the main artery in the human body.[24] Sebring’s assassins were no crazed strung out drug addicts. These were professional counterintelligence killers that created the murder scene to appear as if the crimes were committed by demonic dope fiends.

Davis with Marilyn Monroe in “Trance Formation” in front of Strange Symbol Wallpaper
Sammy Davis, Jr. was directly part of the ultra secret Lookout Mountain Satanic Murder Cult of Charles Mansion, Roman Polanski, SHARON TATE, and JAY SEBRING.[25], [26] He was definitely linked to MARILYN MONROE and U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon) as a “handler” when she was MK-Sex Kitten programmed on Lookout Mountain.
The little weasel Sammy Davis, Jr. didn’t abandon his Satanic Coven because the thrill and the fun with Dick and Jane were gone. He left the “Coven” because its leader, JAY SEBRING and some of its key grove like SHARON TATE, WOJTEK FRKOWSKI, and ABIGAIL FOLGER had been viciously slaughtered below Lookout Mountain. Whatever his mission had been with the “Coven,” it had been completed.
The CHURCH OF SATAN, Bill Cosby and Sammy Davis, Jr.
For Sammy Davis, Jr., the CHURCH OF SATAN was far from being a groovy 1960s-70s thrill ride or tip toe through the tulips as many would lead you to believe. Satanist Anton LaVey could arguable have been part of a three-ring circus of the church, but U.S. Army Lt. Col. Anthony Aquino, left, was absolutely no sideshow. Lt. Col. Aquino, U.S. Army and Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon authored a significant portion of LaVey’s Satanic Bible. Lt. Col. Aquino is a CIA/MK ULTRA trauma based multiple personality disorder programmer and a “Dark Disciple” of Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler directly connected to the infamous FRANKLIN SCANDAL. There seems no evidence that Bill Cosby was a members of the church. However, in an odd note, Audrey Quimby author of the book, Sodom, Satan and Sinatra, identified Bill Cosby as a leading member of the CHURCH OF SATAN during the 1960s. In regards to Sammy Davis, Jr., he said that Davis had been introduced to Satanism and the Occult in 1956 by Rex Ingram. There may be some grains of truth in Quimby’s story to be flushed out. However to begin with, there were two HollyWeird Rex Ingrams.[27]
One Rex Ingram (January 15, 1892 – July 21, 1950) was an Irish film director, producer, writer and actor connected to HollyWeird’s silent film industry that had been connected to the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley. In 1956, he had been dead for six years.[28] Whereas, the extraordinary black actor, Rex Ingram, was directly professionally linked to Sammy Davis, Jr. In 1959, Ingram and Davis starred in the United Artists film, Anna Lucasta.[29]
Rex Ingram and HollyWeird’s Early Black Satanic Cult
Ingram was born near Cairo, Illinois, on the Mississippi; his father was a steamer fireman on the riverboat Robert E Lee. Ingram graduated from the Northwestern University Medical School in 1919.[30]
In 1943, Rex Ingram starred in all Black cast film, Cabin in the Sky. In a segregated heaven and hell, he presided over colored HELL as “LUCIFER JR.” and also starred as the stereotypical “De Lawd “ in the 1936 Green Pastures,[31] was thus perhaps the only actor besides George Burns to play both God and Satan in HollyWeird film and television industry as if they in themselves are among the “DIVINE” and the “FALLEN ONES” that transcend GOOD and EVIL.[32]

Rex Ingram “De Lawd”
Ingram was the first African American man to be brought into the sphere of influence of the Greek-Hellenized fraternity of scholars by accepting a Phi Beta Kappa Key from Northwestern University.[33] In 1776, the Phi Beta Kappa was founded at the ancient William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Virginia.[34]Hellenization or Hellenisation is the historical spread of ancient Greek culture and, to a lesser extent, language, over foreign peoples conquered by Greece or brought into its sphere of influence, particularly during the Hellenistic period following the campaigns of Alexander the Great of Macedon.[35]

Apollyon is the BEAST from The Book of Revelation (9:11 & 13:11) Apollyon was also known as Alexander The Great. Historical Records show that Alexander the Great has two different colored eyes – one as dark as the night and one as blue as the sky, a harsh voice and that he was deformed – he had two horns on his head, above. Revelation 13:11 confirms that Alexander The Great is therefore the same person as Apollyon/Halios- the BEAST.
In 1831, a member of the fraternity, Avery Allyn, published a volume, “Ritual of Freemasonry to which is added a Key to Phi Beta Kappa, the Orange and Odd Fellows Societies with Notes.” Allyn attacked the fraternity as foreign- Order of the ILLUMINATI binding its members to an order of Blood Oath Secrecy.[36]
In 1919, Phi Beta Kappa was not a dance class or a dress rehearsal. It was deadly serious. Ingram accepted his key to share in the secrets of the ILLUMINATI, and entered the Gate of the BEAST.
A fully licensed physician with a Key to the Gates of Hell and the ILLUMINATI, Ingram entered HollyWeird where he said that he had been literally discovered on a street corner by the casting (couch) director for the silent film- Tarzan of the Apes (1918).[37]
Ingram was by all accounts a great and well respected HollyWeird actor, but behind the veil, doctor was a very strange man with other strange passions. He had been arrested twice in Harlem on assault charges and had served a brief jail sentence in New Jersey for multiple driving violations.

In 1948, Ingram, 53 years old, pleaded guilty to charges under the Mann Act that he transported a 15-year-old girl from Kansas to New York for “immoral purposes.” He served over nine months in prison before being released on parole from an 18-month sentence. In his Ebony essay, Ingram set out his side of the story, he said that his trouble with the law was the result of a “casual, genuinely warm friendship” with a minor 15 year old white girl. The Negro was a true lover or an unrelenting “soul less” Satanic ILLUMINATI pedophile. I think the latter.[38]

Ingram also shared a quiet but unholy bond with Bill Cosby. Ingram played a prominent role (Dr. Bingham) in Season 1 Episode 11 (Dec. 1, 1965)- I Spy, Weight of World.[39] Cosby also made sure that sure Ingram was part of the popular Bill Cosby Show. Ingram’s last performance before he died in September 1969 was on the Cosby Show.[40]
In the real and cold blood oath secret “soul less” Satanic Circles that only play for keeps, Ingram, Davis and Bill Cosby would have been subservient to an initiated black High Priestess of the Ancient Sethian Order of the Royal Houses of Europe. Both Ingram and Sammy Davis, Jr. would pay homage to her in Anna Lucasta (1958). And Bill Cosby would pay homage to the woman (black SATANIC QUEEN) that “HE WAS INTERESTED IN”– Season 1, Episode 6 (Oct. 20, 1965), I [Bill Cosby] Spy.[41]
[4] Id.
[5] Id.
Comments : 4 Comments »
Tags: Aleister Crowley, anthony aquino, Baphomet, bill cosby, Black Panther Party for Self Defense, black satanic cabal, blood oath secrecy, BOULE, cabin in the sky, chris christie, CHURCH OF SATAN, dallas cowboys, devil and mr. devlin, frank sinatra, freemasons, ghost dad, green pastures, I Spy, Illuminati, jay sebring, jayne mansfield, jerry jones, Jr., knights of malta, lets do it again, lookout mountain lab, marilyn monroe, menkaure, michael jackson, phi beta kappa, Queen Khamerernebty II, reinhard gehlen, rex ingram, roman polanski, sammy davis, satan, Sharon Tate, Sharon Tate Murders, sidney poitier, The Franklin Scandal
Categories : adrian peterson, african american satanic cult, albert pike, ALL SEEING EYE, allen dulles, anton lavey, anton LeVay, artichoke program, ascendant triangle, baphomet, bill cosby, Black Manchurian Candidates, Black Panther Party for Self Defense, brotherhood of death, church of satan, church of set, COINTELPRO, Col. Dr. Michael A. Aquino, col. michael Aquino, devil, Devil’s Bible, dualism, Eye of Horus, frank sinatra, Howard Hawks, illuminati, illuminati sacrifice, imperium, Knight of Malta, Knights Hospitaller, Knights of the Black Sun, Knights Templar, Lookup Mountain Laboratory, luciferians, manchurian candidates, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, MK-ULTRA, new world order, Paperclip Project, Paul Josef Goebbels, post amnesia barriers, post hypnotic suggestions, Reichsfurhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, Reichsstatthatter Hermann Goring, reinhard gehlen, Ritual Satanic Abuse, ritual satanic sexual abuse, rosemary's baby, sammy davis, satan, Satanic Global High Cabal, Satanism, Schutzsteffel, sex kitten, sex slave, sidney poitier, sirhan sirhan, the cosby show, third eye, trauma-based mind control, underground reich
30 04 2014
The NBA and a Sterling Deception and ILLUSIONS
Donald Sterling’s racist rant against Black People
isn’t necessarily the real issue in America. It seems as though every
other day, inflammatory, vile and demeaning statements about Black
People are spread through mass media to confuse, inflame and polarize
the races. The other day it was Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and now Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers. However, make no mistake Bundy is an old fashion classic red-neck bigot,

Picking Cotton! A Donald Sterling realms in a totally different dimension. Sterling is talking about something much more and deeper than vicious dumb- idiotic racism. Sterling is talking about the ancient Jealous Brother Sethian heresy, and secret Samarian/Palestine Luciferian BLOODLINE societies.

NBA players are crawling out of the woodwork to denounce Sterling‘s racism, but dare not mention the BLOODLINE SATANIC ILLUMINATI that they have become pawns to and sponsors of.

They know exactly where they stand with their Satanic Blood Covenants for Wealth and Fame. The NBA has become the league of the Freemasonry– ILLUMINATI.
The NBA is owned by the ILLUMINATI. Sterling wouldn’t have been allowed to own a NBA team unless he was an elite Luciferian. When he was in his 20s, he changed his surname from Tokowitz to Sterling. Born in 1936 to European Jewish immigrants, Tokowitz (variant of Tokos) may be of Slovak origin. Slovakiais located in Central Europe bordered by the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south. The bone chilling American horror film about an international elite secret murder society, Hostel, centers in Slovakia. Tokowitz’s desired name was no random selection. Sterling silver is an alloy of silver containing 92.5% by mass of silver and 7.5% by mass of other metals, usually copper.

Burning lips, and a wicked [Evil] heart, are like a potsheard couered with siluer drosse. – King James Version (1611)
The term drosse derives from the Old English word dros, meaning the scum produced when smelting metals. A potsherd may be anything severed “Potsherds will remind you of mans being at enmity [opposed-hostile] with God, without strength, and constantly at strife with his fellowman (Psalm 22:15; Isaiah 45:9). Every
broken piece will also be a reminder of a sinners heart-broken and
completely beyond repair, forgotten like a broken vessel (Proverbs 26:23; Psalm 31:12).
Donald Sterling (DS): You think I’m a racist, and wouldn’t—V. Stiviano (V). : I don’t think you’re a racist.
DS: Yes you do. Yes you do.
V: I think you, you—
Donald Sterling: EVIL HEART.
DS: It’s the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs.
V: So do you have to treat them like that too?
DS: The white Jews, there’s white Jews and black Jews, do you understand?
V: And are the black Jews less than the white Jews?
DS: A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent.
V: And is that right?
DS: It isn’t a question—we don’t evaluate what’s right and wrong, we live in a society. We live in a culture. We have to live within that culture.
V: But shouldn’t we take a stand for what’s wrong? And be the change and the difference?
DS: I don’t want to change the culture, because I can’t. It’s too big and too [unknown].
All of Donald Sterling’s’ works and fruits and many NBA players like KOBE BRYANT works also stem from an EVIL HEART. That’s what Sterling’s burning lips said. He has an “EVIL HEART” of a man severed and hostile to God and GOD’S CHILDREN like scum from smelted ancient precious metal (Sterling) silver. The NBA commissioner- Sterling’s Satanic cohort is Adam– SILVER. These people are Luciferians straight out of the Book of PROVERBS, and the New World Order centered out of Solomon’s Mound in JERUSALEM.
BLOODLINE Luciferians- they live in secret society and cult that “don’t evaluate what’s right and wrong.” Its “TOO BIG” to challenge, and he doesn’t want to give up his gold and silver, Pact with the DEVIL.
Donald Sterling is a master of deception and ILLUSIONS. He is a man with the Janus two faces, one good and other EVIL. You find these people hidden/concealed in the highest levels of government, military, industry, entertainment and sports. It is yet another facet of America’s two-faced world HYPOCRITCY that confesses to love All, God, Freedom, Justice and Democracy. They knew all along that this man’s works and heart are Satanic ILLUSIONS of his father, LUCIFER.
Alex Hribal- MK-ULTRA Sleeper Assassin Gone Wild
“They’re like the Brady Bunch. These parents [Hribals]are active with their two sons, and we’re trying to figure out what happened.”[2]
Mass media has described the knife welding Assailant Alex Hribal as a ordinary 16 year old All American student, “A shy teenager with no prior violent tendencies.”[3] Hribal doesn’t fit the world profile of the propagandized likes of a non-white/Muslim dysfunctional anti-social schizoid sociopath.Mass media want the masses to believe that Alex Hribal is consistent with an ILLUSION and a world vision of a Greg Brady out of that white segregated middle class idiot (TV) box family, “the Brady Bunch.”[4]
The Brady Bunch is a popular culture American sitcom created by HollyWeird television studios that originally aired from September 26, 1969 to March 8, 1974 on ABC. The series revolved around the lives of a large white suburban family that included six children.[5]

The Brady Bunch was an ILLUSIONARY family of pure propaganda created by New World Order (NWO) social (behavior) scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists. If there is a world nuclear family that the NWO want to ascend along human roots on this planet, this is the way they want them to look.

Propaganda Chief Josef Goebbels- Nazi Germany’s Picture Perfect Family with Six Kids
The whole world image of the Brady Bunch children had to be
white, innocent, ultra-squeaky-clean, intelligent and conservative kids
that were always morally fair, just, and righteous. The Bradys don’t drink, smoke, swear, sneak off to have pre-marriageable sex. The Bradys
didn’t question or dishonor their parents, authorities or superiors.
They didn’t race mix beyond token acknowledgement of people of color.
The Bradys didn’t question their government. They represented the NWO moral compass and character of America.[6]
It is an extremely bold and provocative statement to compare Alex Hribal to an ILLUSIONARY so-called All American image like for instance, a Greg Brady. In other words, we can’t be trusted to rely upon any objective reasoning in judging the conduct, deeds, character or laurels of 16 year old Alex Hribal.
Franklin Regional High School senior Ian Griffith, left, and fellow senior Connor Wolff speak to the media about the stabbing incident at the school Wednesday, April 9, 2014, outside the police station in Murrysville, Pa. Griffith said he saw the school police officer confront the student, who then stabbed the officer. (AP Photo/Tribune Review, Guy Wathen)
We are supposed to daydream and let the NWO plant images and pictures in our subconscious of universal innocence, sugar plums, daisies and dancing through the tulips. The masses can’t be trusted to handle the TRUTH about the so-called ordinary American students like Brady Bunch Alex Hribal. Because, you just won’t like or accept what you really see behind the VEIL, CONTRADICTIONS AND HYPOCRITES OF AMERICA.
Behind the Veil, Alex Hribal & Fuhrer Adolf Hitler

“Hitler never had a f—— beard.”– Alex Hribal[7]
Brady Bunch Alex Hribal’s Facebook has what at first impression appears to be a curious reference to Fuhrer Adolf Hitler.[8] Beard
is an American slang term originally referred to anyone who acted on
behalf of another, in any transaction, to conceal a person’s true
identity. informal Example- A woman who accompanies a homosexual man as an escort to a social occasion, in order to help conceal his homosexuality: the closeted male and his female ‘beard’ [9]In other words, Hitler didn’t wear a beard or hide behind anyone.
“Few people understand how completely Adolf Hitler was controlled by Satan. Hitler was totally taken over by the demonic host by the early 1920’s; in fact, [Satanist Dietrich] Eckart regularly held specialized rituals in which he and every other member of the Thule Society called for the Spirit of Antichrist to enter him. When Hitler began his quest for power, he was assured of success, even against the seemingly impossible odds facing him. While History records this success, almost no historian comprehends Hitler because he does not understand, or even believe in, the power of Satan.”[10]
Mass media and the NWO certainly doesn’t want the masses to discover anything to tarnish the image of All American Hribal that exposes a veiled fascination and interest in the Satanic inner complexities of Hitler the Thule.
The Hribals are believed to be 19th century Eastern European- Austrian immigrants. Hribal is a surname originating out of the background and history of Bohemia, Czech Republic, Hitler’s backyard.[11] Mass media, investigative journalists and manipulated Left will likely ignore Hribal particular interest in the Adolf Hitler. They will not disturb, question or destroy the NWO’s universal All-American images and ILLUSIONS of wholeness, family values and morals.
Brady Bunch Alex’s idolatry of the Fuhrer is certainty tell-tale of a pathology of sickness, and it is also strongly suggests that some Satanic ILLUMINATI secret entity or entities had been massing with Alex’s head.
Get Behind Me Satan: Brady Bunch Alex & The Cult of Kurt Cobain

Hribal’s Facebook wallpaper also features a large idolized picture ofKurt Cobain (February 20, 1967 – April 5, 1994), the Nirvana front star who shot himself in the head in 1994, with Hribal’s caption “Mind = Blown”.[12] Nirvana is essentially a state of dissociation. It is a state of conscious often achieved in CIA- MK ULTRA trauma based mind control programs as a gateway to developing iatrogenic (psychiatric) multiple personality disorders (MPD).[13] Under the veil, it is consistent with being as Alex says, “Mind = Blown.”

Cobain was “obsessed with Anton LaVey”(Mojo Magazine, Sept. 1999, p. 86). Anton LaVey was one of Lucifer’s High Priests. LaVey founded the Church of Satan and authored the Satanic Bible.[15] Cobain and Satanic LaVey certainly also doesn’t fit Alex’s normal and ordinary legend nor All American image. Cobain was undoubtedly driven into a Satanic psycho that had been on Ritalin since the age of 7.[16] He regularly dosed himself with heroin, valium, cocaine and marijuana. Allegedly, he dosed himself with a massive amount of a self-induced heroin overdose then shot himself in the head with a shotgun.[17] However, there are also many reasons to believe and suspect that Cobain’s death wasn’t a suicide; and there is a call to reopen the case certifying his cause of death at his own hands.[18]
Brady Bunch Alex’s idolatry or twinning with Kurt Cobain isn’t just a normal fading All American teen-age fascination. It is tell-tale of a mind control concept called twinning [19] with another MK ULTRA/Project MONARCH- Delta programmed victim with a termination key or trigger like Cobain. It seems that Alex is also suffering from some mental/personality disorder linked to MK ULTRA/MONARCH-Delta programming mind control.

Katt Williams & Kurt Cobain- We know about Katt’s ILLUMINATI Troubles
Many are becoming convinced that Katt Williams,[20] Miley Cyrus,[21] and Paris Jackson [22] are among HollyWeird’s MK ULTRA/Project MONARCH MPD experimental mind control victims. All are also seen to be associated with twinning in some aspects with the Cult of Kurt Cobain most likely as “CRY FOR HELP.”
In 2011, Paris Jackson began to open up and expose the secret HollyWeird Satanic ILLUMANITI through Twitter. In a Twit, she said that found about the ILLUMINATI 3 years ago when she was about 12 years ago. However, it appeared that she most likely had been initiated into Satanic circles well before 12 whether she knew it or not.

Paris Jackson & Kurt Cobain – Born inside the Occult
As result of a push back and resistance to the ILLUMINATI, she
exposed in a Twit one of the secret retreats for Satanic Programming and
indoctrination, the Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine Temple
in Pacific Palisades, CA. Pacific Palisades is an affluent
neighborhood and district in the Westside of the city of Los Angeles,
California, located among Brentwood to the east, Malibu and Topanga to
the west, Santa Monica to north.
Shrine Lake was founded by Hindu Mystic, Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1953) and the Self-Realization Fellowship. Paramahansa founded the Self-Realization Fellowship that is undoubtedly highly influenced by Sufism- Islamic Mysticism. Today, Yogananda’s spiritual Interpretation of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam plays an important part in the fellowship’s indoctrination. Omar Khayyam (1048- 1131 AD) is seen by many as a mystical Sufi poet and saint influenced by platonic traditions.
It is alleged the Sufism is the basis of the Luciferian elites’ One World Religion, and the origin of the Rosicrucians, the most important occult movement after the Renaissance, who later evolved into the Freemasons.

“Originally Satan was an archangel. He was given the power to create the world according to God’s plan… There is a great tug-of-war between the devil and God. One cannot dismiss the problem by thinking that Satan is a mere delusion… And why did Jesus say: ‘Get behind me, Satan’, and ‘Deliver us from evil’ …” – Paramahansa Yogananda [23]
Fearlessness means faith in God: faith in His protection, His justice, His wisdom, His mercy, His Love, and His omnipresence… To be fit for Self-realization, man must be fearless.— Paramahansa Yogananda [24]
Get Behind Me Satan
Are you kidding me! This is mass media’s
school I.D. picture for Mass-Murderer Gunman, Adam Lanza, that Died
Before the Shootings even took Place
On December 14, 2012, allegedly 20-year-old lone wolf gunman, Adam Lanza, fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Prior to driving to the school, Lanza shot and killed his mother at their Newtown home. All the killings were absolutely MOTIVELESS.[25]
The Lanza home sits at 36 Yogananda Street, Newton, CT where Nancy and Adam Lanza resided. The street just happened to be named after the famous Yoga Master, Paramahansa Yogananda.[26] Michael Jackson and Yogananda’s crypts also happens to have the same address, their bodies occupy the very same mausoleum.[27]

The Lanzas attended the Saint Rosa of Lima Church, where eight child parishioners were among Adam Lanza’s shooting victims. Saint Rosa is the very same order that sponsors the western-state hospital that employed Michael Jackson’s physician, Dr. Conrad Murray. Scottish Rite Freemason Dr. Murray was affiliated with only two hospitals in California. One was Saint Rose Hospital in Hayward, Cal. [28]

Saint Rosa of Lima- Headdress filed with (Rosicrucian) Roses
The hospital’s namesake, Saint Rose of Lima,
(April 20, 1586 – August 24, 1617), was a Spanish colonist in Lima,
Peru, who became known for both her life of severe asceticism and her
care of the needy of the city through her own private efforts. A member
of the Dominican Order, she was the first person born in the Americas to be canonized by the Catholic Church. St. Rose Hospital of Hayward was sponsored by in 1953 the Sisters of St. Joseph.[29]
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph began in
1650, with six women meeting in a small kitchen in Le Puy, France,
motivated by a common desire to serve God and the poor in their
community. These women, with the spiritual direction of a French Jesuit Priest, Jean-Pierre Medaille, formed the first community of the Sisters of St. Joseph.[30]Underlining Medaille’s founding of the Sisters of St. Joseph, it is a front for a secret blood covenant society/institution of Jesuitesses.[31] There are some allegations that a cover-up of a powerful international pedophile ring like Wonderland secretly lurks behind the Lanzas, St. Rose of Lima, and the Sandy Hook False Flag Elementary School Massacre.[32]
In June 2013, 15 year old Paris Jackson was rushed to the hospital for an alleged suicide attempt. She reportedly told whoever could hear that she didn’t want to die. She recovered and went into seclusion. Her ILLUMINATI twits have ended.

Miley Cyrus Twinning Kurt Cobain and Satanism
Both Paris and Miley Had Opened a Window of Wild and Extreme Public Satanic Exhibitionism
At this writing, Miley Cyrus is still in the hospital compelled to play with ILLUMINATI occulted symbolism and the Octopus of the Deep State-Shadow Government.[33]
Miley was hospitalized because she couldn’t stop crying allegedly as an extreme allergic to antibiotic cephalexin that may last from 5 to 27 days.[34] Twinning with Kurt Cobain is certainly indicative of MK ULTRA Delta Programming with termination keys and Post- Hypnotic Amnesia Blocks, and the CRY FOR HELP.
After Brady Bunch Hribal’s amazing lethal rampage with two knives on over 20 people before being subdued, Hribal was dazed “like a deer in the headlights” [35] suggesting that he had been implanted with very sophisticated Post- Hypnotic Amnesia Blocks.
Brady Bunch Alex, Manchurian Candidates & the Deer in the Headlights

Sirhan Sirhan- Caught in the Headlights
Psychologist define the commonly used phrase “deer in the headlights” as “a state of indecision caused by surprise, anxiety, fear and confusion.”[36]Hribal’s attorney, Patrick Thomassey acknowledged his client did not appear to appreciate the gravity of his actions, [37] nor did a lot of Manchurian Candidates like from Marcus Wayne Chenault (assassinated Mrs. Martin Luther King, Sr. in 1974) [38] to Batman Raising James Holmes- “Programmed to Kill,”[39]and Sirhan Sirhan.
In 1968, Sirhan Sirhan, the convicted PATSY assassin of U.S. Senator and Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert Francis Kennedy (RFK) was said to have been in a CIA/MK ULTRA TRANCE-LIKE state during and after the shooting.[40] Sirhan Sirhan after the TRANCE-LIKE deadly assault on RFK also appeared dazed “like a deer in the headlights” caused by Post- Hypnotic Amnesia Blocks.[41] For a while, Sirhan like James Holmes couldn’t figure out why he had been arrested and jailed.[42]
Brady Bunch Alex’s Blank Stare: Tell-Tale Sign of a Programmed Killer

CIA-MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidate Jesse Lee Cooks Out of San Quentin Caught in the Act of Killing
The victims that survived the infamous unprovoked MK ULTRA Zebra Murders and false flag racial attacks of the early 1970s described their assailants as virtual robots: Angela Roselli, “He had this ZOMBIE LOOK…”“His face was devoid of emotion; There was no hostility in it, just BLANK, STARING EYES”; “…he looked to be in some kind of state”; “It was like he was in a TRANCE– he was looking at me, but he was looking through me.”[44]

The first officer on the scene of the Beatle John Lennon 1980 assassination described Mark David Chapman as having a BLANK STARE, “like a programmed killer.”[45]
Scare them, you can herd them!

Like a Deer in the Highlights, Sebron Flenaugh Kept Telling Police, “May the Force Be With You”
On the evening on June 25, 1988 at the eve of the California presidential primary election of Former CIA director, Republican George Herbert Walker Bush, Sebron Flenuagh, Jr. (the Jedi
Assassin) went on a senseless, motiveless and unprovoked shooting spree
at a place called Micropure warehouse in Concord, CA. He killed two
people, and wounded five others with a high caliber weapon. One of his
victims that survived the attack that was shot first, Robert Webster, described his shooter as “EXPRESSIONLESS.”[46]It appeared that former U.S. Naval Officer Flenaugh had been MK ULTRA programmed. I suspect that his unprovoked deadly assault had been triggered remotely by a phone call that he received just prior to the killing spree that placed him in TRANCE just like the programmed assassins in the movies, “The Manchurian Candidate (1962)”;[47] “The Manchurian Candidate (2004).” [48]
I just don’t pluck things out of air. I learned in law school that when you become part of a case- you make yourself a quasi-expert of the matter by studying police reports, case files, witness statements and all the public documents that you can assess before coming to any conclusions.
Plus, the unusual case of Sebron Flenuagh had been of special interest to me. I had previously known and studied the strange case of his late younger brother, Ronnie Flenuagh (Al Rashid). Ronnie had been a member of a pseudo Muslim/Sufi? sect of CIA/MK ULTRA Black Manchurian Candidate Death Angels called Al Constran (Colestran).[49]
I witnessed Ronnie’s sudden transformation from one of the local regular young street brothers of the North Oakland/Berkeley community to a sudden Islamic fanatic. Ronnie had been someone special to us. He always stood out in a crowd. Ronnie was ripped in muscles. Ronnie represented what we could make of ourselves with hard work and dedication. He had been our neighborhood “Hercules.”
On the block and at Merritt Jr. College in North Oakland, Ronnie had been so close that I could reach out and touch him. As young brothers, we shared so much in common. I never had a conversation with Ronnie, but the street code and law of survival almost always command you to know of the reputation, morals and demeanor of brothers occupying the same spaces in case something go down between us.
I saw it myself, Ronnie in a long black cape and turban weaving from side to side in TRANCE- like he had been drugged. I saw it, Ronnie’s eyes- BLANK- EXPRESSIONLESS staring straight thru you. Ronnie had been a strong and beautiful brother with no history or reputation that I knew of unrighteous and violence. It was so outside the norms of my life experiences and community that it seemed like a Twilight Zone or an Outer Limits experience. It shook me up to see him that way as we say in our community, “out of his right mind.” I was left mentally confused and SCARED out my wits for a longtime.
Ronnie had been turned into some type of alien right in front of our eyes that had been stripped of all human moral boundaries for the Love of God- Lucifer.
Scare them, you can herd them!

The 2009 Christmas Day Dirty Drawers Airplane Bomber operation was a U.S-Israeli counterintelligence false flag terror covert operation.[50] A passenger described the alleged bomber’s behavior, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (Mutallab), in similar terms that RFK alleged assassin Sirhan Sirhan was described. Many serious researchers into that event have concluded that Sirhan was a hypnotized, programmed assassin.
Airplane passenger David Huisanga said that “the scariest part of the whole experience was looking into the eyes….seeing no emotion, no anger, no fear, just a BLANK STARE, BLANK EXPRESSION.”[51]
Scare them, you can herd them!

Dishwasher Richard Reid is another BLANK STARE “wacky Islamic terrorist.” On a flight from Paris to Miami on December 22, 2001, Reid tried to light an explosive in his tennis shoes with a sulfur match. Nevertheless, the explosives he had required a blasting or detonator cap to ignite. So much for a specially trained Islamic terrorist that had been trained to fail.[52] Reid was never known for his brains.
Six months earlier in July 2001, Reid working on a salary of a “dishwater” attempted to board a heavy security Israeli airline El Al from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam to Tel Aviv. Reid was taken by El Al security and identified as a terrorist suspect. However, rather than turning Reid over to Dutch security for further action he was allowed to board the El Al flight by Israeli Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency, counterintelligence and internal security service) and allowed to proceed to Tel Aviv for what had to have been 10 days debriefing, or implantation of a brain microchip.[53]
At about 16 years old, Reid entered Feltham Young Offenders Institution in Feltham town in the London Borough of Hounslow, in southwest London. The prison is operated by “Her Majesty’s Prison Service.”[54] It is believed that Her Majesty’s Secret Service (MI5) programmed Reid at Feltham as an adolescent for future sleeper operations.
Scare them, you can herd them!

Hummm! Where am I? Mombasa! So-Called
Dangerous Islamic Terrorist, Another Hapless British Mind Controlled
Patsy- Jermaine Grant
Another strange and “wacky Islamic terrorist” out of Feltham is Jermaine Grant that they say tried to enter Somali in a dress. He was naturally a recent Islamic fanatic that was arrested in Kenya in December 2011 for his role in the alleged Al Qaeda-linked plot to bomb British tourists in Mombasa.[55]
Scare them, you can herd them!

There is no blood on or around that allegedly freshly beheaded corpse or the woman on the street cradling the body. Look at the knives- There is no blood on the knives.

This is the blood and gore of a beheading!

The other so-called Islamic terrorist at the scene of the alleged beheading, Michael Adebolajo as early as 2007 may have joined MI5. In 2010, he was apparently in Kenya working for MI5.[57] At their sentencing, the Islamist Terrorist patsies put on quite a show shouting, “Allahu Akbar!” “You and America will never be safe!”
Scare them, you can herd them!

Testimonies given by those who were at the 2009 Fort Hood massacre said the assassin Nidal Hassan had a similar “BLANK STARE on his face and was not saying anything.”[58]
Standing about 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighing about 110 pounds, Alex Hribal is slight and a lithe assailant like Sirhan Sirhan.[59] Yet, both had been embodied with some extraordinary force and strange compassion to kill. In the Brady Bunch Alex Rampage, he was able to stab over 20 people with two butcher knives before being subdued. Someone should have been able to blow Sirhan or Alex over with a feather.

Time magazine described Sirhan Sirhan’s unusually superior strength under TRANCE in its issue immediately following the killing:
“The hotel men, Karl Eucker and Eddy Minasian, grappled with the assassin, but could not reach his gun hand. Author George Plimpton and Kennedy aide Jack Gallivan joined the wrestling match. The gun, waving wildly, kept pumping bullets, and found five other human targets. Eight men in all, including Rafer Johnson, an Olympic champion, and Roosevelt Grier, a 300-pound Los Angeles Rams football lineman, attempted to overpower the slight but lithe [thin-slim] assailant.“[60]
Big Rosey Greer by himself had been a member of one of professional football’s most legendary and celebrated defensive linemen, the Los Angeles Rams “Fearsome Foursome.”[61] If there was any man that should have been able to disarm and put a slight and lithe man like Sirhan Sirhan on his back within seconds, it was renowned strongman Big Roosevelt Greer of the American Football League.
Another reason for Alex’s high body count is that someone had trained him in tactical knife combat. Early news reports noted that Brady Bunch Alex used what is called the “Reverse Knife Grip Technique” to maximally injure and disable victims.
Reverse Knife Grip Technique: Edge Out

The advantages to the Reverse Knife Grip Technique is many. First, unless the elbow is extended and locked straight, the blade cutting edge always faces the enemy, no matter where the hand is located. When the fist moves as a cross punch, the blade and cutting edge can be raked across the enemy in slashing motion. Second, like an ice pick, tremendous force can be brought to bear on the point, not only when oriented downward, but when an enemy is behind or beside.[62]
The Brady Bunch Alex Rampage & the Satanic Principle Gone Wild

“No, I am not dropping them [knives], MY WORK IS NOT DONE, I have more people to kill.” – Alex Hribal
WHAT and WHOSE WORK? The bottom line is that Alex Hribal was created like Himmler’s SS symbolic of the Janus Face, one Good-Moral, the other Evil- Satanic that was compelled by unknown forces to savagely and blindly attack, critically wound innocent people without a MOTIVE. The Brady Bunch Alex Rampage was most likely an accidental trigger. Alex Hribal is an alarm. Maybe, Alex was created as a future Universal Soldier that malfunctioned. Like so many other CIA/MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidates, Alex Hribal had been turned into some type of alien that was stripped of all human moral boundaries to
commit motiveless heinous and unspeakable crimes against innocent
citizens that could be no other than a testament and trial of his faith for the Love of God- Lucifer.
Flick the script to Oakland.

Yet unlike the evidence in Alex’s case, we know for certain who programmed Marilyn into a sleeper MK ULTRA/Project MONARCH Satanic MPD black female Manchurian Candidate.
Just as in the case of the Jedi Assassin- Sebron Flenaugh, I studied the police reports, case files, witness statements and all the public documents that you can assess before coming to any conclusions. I also personally attended practically all of her handler’s Alameda County Superior Court hearings.
On March 15, 2005 around sunset in Berkeley, CA, Marilyn and her MK ULTRA/Project MONARCH handler/programmer, Seyedeh Hamaseh Kianfar, were on their way to a secluded section of the city’s nearly 4 acre wooded Historic Rose Garden for mental conditioning and exercises.
At that time, Berkeley resident’s Alexander and Katherine Pope were also walking through the park. While passing Kianfar and Webster along a narrow garden park pathway, Webster flipped the script on her programming and suddenly attacked Mrs. Pope with almost blinding speed. Webster went for her throat and slashed the 75 year old woman’s throat almost to the bone.
Like Alex, this adolescent had also been trained to strike with a knife. Marilyn struck so coldly, precisely, quietly and smoothly in TRANCE that Mrs. Pope’s husband walking only inches behind her on the path didn’t see the attack.
After the savage attack, Seyedeh Kianfar and Webster escaped the crime scene in a silver or light blue convertible sports car. Witnesses reported the getaway car’s license plate numbers to police that identified Seyedeh Kianfar as one of the fleeing suspects.
Mrs. Pope was left to bleed to death on that quiet garden pathway and only the swift action of her husband saved her life. In the aftermath of the crime, Seyedeh Kianfar scurried Webster away and bought her a complete change of bloody clothes. Seyedeh Kianfar disposed of the bloody clothes and secrete the Ritual Feasting Knife.
With a new set of clothes and a word of caution about Webster and access to knives, Seyedeh Kianfar dropped the girl off at home and took off. Seyedeh Kianfar didn’t call the police until 15 hours later.[63] Kianfar initiatively told police a bold face lie that she just happened to be driving by the Berkeley Rose Garden, and saw the 16-year-old girl holding a knife and running down the sidewalk toward Mrs. Pope.[64] That had been the original script for a veiled assassination by a sleeper agent- lone-wolf crazed juvenile black assailant.
Marilyn was intended to be yet another highline story- poster-child to fuel the eugenic debate about nature vs. mature, and further polarize the races. Marilyn was bound to be disposed of in a hail of police bullets until she unexpectedly flipped the switch and exposed her programmers.

This is actually an Elite United Nations
Global Family Delegation Responding to Felony Criminal Charges in
Oakland- Seyedeh Hamaseh Kianfar, UK Attorney Sahar Anghar Kianfar, and
World Sufi Spiritual Leader Shah Nasar Ali Kianfar
To the Berkeley Police Department (BPD) and the Alameda County Mafia DA, Seyedeh Kianfar was
like a secret U.S. State Department, CIA-MK ULTRA 900 pound gorilla in
the room. The hypocrisy and contradictions would have been far too
great to just let the asset walk. It had the danger of awakening the
people all over the country. Kianfar and Webster were both criminally charged, Webster for attempted murder, and Kianfar for accessory to attempted murder. However, Kianfar’s charge was only a token prosecution to lure the public to sleep. She was not booked, fingerprinted or photographed by the BPD, authorities said. Kianfar was given a 2 month May court date; felony suspects are generally required to appear in court within 48 hours.[65] Marilyn Webster’ was locked up and shut away from the public indefinitely in juvenile facilities.
The High Priestess- Boundless to Human Law & the Incredulous Prosecution

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”-The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley [66]
During court proceedings, the prosecutor said that Kianfar was unremorseful and failed to acknowledge responsibility in the case. The prosecutor said that the Elitist Kianfar told authorities that she was not able “TO HAVE BOUNDARIES.”[67]
“thou hast no right but to do thy will. Do that, and no other shall say nay.” —AL. I. 42–3, Liber LXXVII of Aleister Crowley [68]
Kianfar’s attorney, Laurel Headley, the defense attorney told Alameda County Superior Court Judge Jon Rolefson that she’s “incredulous [unbelieving]” that felony charges were filed against Kianfar. Accessory to attempted murder, Kianfar’s bail as a principal in Attempted Murder was set at a mere token $15,000.[69]
Do Thy Will, No Other Say Nay- Laurel Headley and Seyedeh Kianfar
In Alameda County, the schedule calls for a bail of $20,000 for each possession of crack cocaine.[70] In many scheduled court hearings, Kianfar stately privileges continued. She didn’t
even have to show up to court. It was a lone female journalist and I
that was shocked and surprised by a blatant hypocritical and racist
criminal justice system that allowed this woman a privilege of showing
up or not to felony attempted murder proceedings.However, I sat through court anyhow and watched with uneasiness and a sense of utter revulsion as predominately black and brown faces were led one by one out of the court’s backroom jail before the judge in orange jumpsuits for minor offenses and drug possession charges. I was broken hearted when one of my childhood heroes was among them. His bail for simple crack cocaine possession was higher than Kianfar’s bail.

“The Kings of the earth shall be Kings for ever: the slaves shall serve.” —AL. II. 58, Liber LXXVII of Aleister Crowley [71]
As in most cases, the mass media primary focus was on how crazy, sick
and anti-social the 16 year black girl had been then deeply delve into Seyedeh Kianfar’s background and why she was caught in the act of indoctrinating, programming and keying an alter personality of Marilyn Webster to blindly perform primeval Satanic Ceremonial Ritual Feasting Sacrifices.At the time of the knife attack, Miss Kianfar was a state/county employee. She was an Alameda County mental-health worker or a guidance counselor at Juvenile Hall in San Leandro. Marilyn Webster was a Ward of the State of California locked away in its foster-care (abuse) system. Mental health counselors had been strictly forbidden from fraternizing with their charges outside the facility.
In 2007, Kianfar surrounded by her seen and unseen influential grove of supporters had worked out a plea deal with the Alameda County Mafia. She pleaded “no contest” to the charge of accessory after the fact to assault with a deadly weapon. With her plea, she worked out a covenant to not spend any time in county jail or state prison.

Gutless Judge C. Don Clay Threw County/State Satanic Ritually Abused Black and Brown Children Under the Bus
Alameda County Superior Court Judge C. Don Clay completely twisted the facts around and almost proclaimed Kianfar a HERO
for calling police 15 hours later to get that wild and crazy black girl
off the streets before he attacked anyone else. The judge ordered Hamaseh Kianfar to spend the next five years on probation,
do 30 days of sheriff’s work detail, which can include picking up trash
on roadsides, and complete 2,000 hours of community service, such as
volunteering for a nonprofit organization. That was an end to a possible
public trial.[73]I was hopeful for a public trial. However, I knew all along that it wasn’t realistic. Kianfar’s public trial would have opened Pandora’s Box to covert Satanic CIA/MK ULTRA mind control projects involving virtual defenseless and throwaway predominately black and brown children, Wards of the State of California. In lieu of a public criminal trial, I was also hopeful that the Popes would file a civil claim against Kianfar, the county and state for damages, then proceed to a civil trial that also would have opened MK ULTRA’s Pandora’s Box in Oakland. However, I couldn’t find anything in the public records regarding the Popes’ claim for civil damages and proceedings.

The Popes weren’t ordinary liberal John and Jane Doe of Berkeley. It turns out that they both were purveyors of the secret shadow government. Alexander H. Pope had been a powerful Westwood-Sacramento politically influential attorney- key legal advisor and legislative secretary to 1950s California Governor Pat Brown, father of current Governor Jerry Brown.

A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Chicago and its law school, where he was managing editor of the Law Review, Pope served in the U.S. Army from 1952 to 1954. That included a stint in the U.S. Korean Aggression as the news analyst (military intelligence) for the 8th Army in Seoul. He also held the extremely powerful position of influence as the Los Angeles County Assessor during the 1970s.[74] The victim, Katherine Pope, was/is a special coordinator at UC Berkeley’s Bancroft Library [75] that has been an internal part of covert CIA/FBI collaboration, spying, surveillance/counterintelligence activities on campus for decades.[76]
Seyedeh Kianfar and her grove must have been an extremely powerful and scary force, because it appeared that the Popes either made a secret compensation deal with Kianfar, Alameda County Mafia and state or they were too afraid to open Pandora’s Box to the public. Kianfar’s “nolo contendere” literally means “I do not wish to contest.” Essentially the same as a guilty plea, a “no contest” plea results in a California criminal conviction. When you plead “no contest”, you are not technically admitting guilt but are still allowing the court to determine your punishment.[78]
Marilyn Webster initially charged with attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon pled guilty to assault charges in September 2005 and really hadn’t seen the light of day since her arrest. Most of her time in custody, Marilyn was under special 24-hour guard in solitary confinement at juvenile hall to plug any more leaks.
She was last reported living at the Porterville Developmental Hospital in Tulare County, a state mental health treatment facility in the Sierra Foothills. She was expected to be confined away at that facility until at least 2012.[79]
Make no mistake and don’t let the fancy name of the hospital mislead you, Porterville Developmental Hospital sitting in the Sierra Mountain foothills is no resort. It is theold Porterville State Hospital. It was created and established as an experimental behavior control/modification concept facility in 1945 at the end of WWII, and the beginning of Operation PAPERCLIP (secret importation of Nazi Doctors in America).[80]
Being at Porterville State Hospital was far from being a picnic and a rest resort for Marilyn. It is an institutional that that has primarily dwelt into “operant conditioning” as a so-called therapeutic system since 1966. By some accounts, “operant condition can be dehumanizing and can at times lead to a total loss of human values. They also complain about the use of electric shock grids, physical restraint., prolonged seclusion, and deprivation.” [81]

“Operant conditioning” really developed out of “obedience” in human behavior. It is a form of “social influence in which a person yields to explicit instructions or orders from an authority figure.” Humans have been shown to be obedient in the presence of perceived legitimate authority figures, as shown by the Miligram experiment in the 1960s, which was carried out by Stanley Milgram (August 15, 1933 – December 20, 1984) of Yale University to find out how the Nazis managed to get ordinary people to take part in the mass murders of the Holocaust. Miligram’s study subject had been Knight of Black Sun– SS- Oberstumbannfuhrer (lieutenant colonel) Otto Adolf Eichmann.[82]

SS Eichmann’s master tutor had been California Governor (1967-1975) Ronald Reagan’s alter ego, the David Niven of the SS, CIA Agent and Gehlen Org Head, SS Hauptsturmführer (Captain) Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing.[83]
The experiment showed that obedience to authority was the norm, not the exception. Regarding obedience, Milgram said that “Obedience is as basic an element in the structure of social life as one can point to; Some system of authority is a requirement of all communal living, and it is only the man dwelling in isolation who is not forced to respond, through defiance or submission, to the commands of others.” [84]
It is highly contested, but there is substantial reason to believe that Stanley Milgram’s obedience to authority experiments had been secretly funded in the primary interest of SS Bolschwing’s CIA.[85]
Nevertheless, Kianfar’s criminal conviction in programming a mentally disturbed MPD minor to commit a heinous crime is important. For all the simpletons that don’t believe in governmental conspiracies and covert mind control projects, Kianfar doesn’t wish to contest what Marilyn Webster stated that she was programmed to do.
Two days after the knife attack, there was a leak that Webster told police that she had slit Mrs. Pope throat as part of a blood “Feasting Ritual – Covenant with God.”[86]

In the Biblical Book of Judges, Jephthah of the House of Joseph [87] that parallels to the story of Abraham sacrificed his only daughter for a covenant with God for victory over the Ammonites. After his victory, God didn’t stop Jephthah’s human sacrifice. The Old Testament does not specify how Jephthah sacrificed his daughter, but following the correct methods for animal feasting ritual sacrifice, he would slit her throat first and drain her blood into a temple service vessel, then sprinkle, and smear her blood at prescribed points around the altar; and burn the flesh.[88]
Blood Sacrifice- A Covenant with the Devil!

Yezidism, as the religion of the Yezidis is called, combines traditional beliefs with Islamic Sufi heresies. The Yezidi belief system is reminiscent of the Gnostic Nag Hammadi scriptures. Like certain Gnostic sects, the Yezidis identify the disobedience of Satan as an enlightened act. The Yezidis follow the Quran, which states that Satan was cast down by God for refusing to submit to man. Like some Sufis, the Yezidis believe that God’s command was a test, and only Iblis understood this. In fact, God was testing the angel’s love of him. Iblis was willing to disobey God and endure hell itself rather than give up God his love and submission to the Highest. Thus, Iblis can be viewed as the true Moslem.[91]
The Quran, in many citations, portrays Satan or Iblis as an angel. Iblis is a personal name of the “Devil” and “Enemy of God.”
And (remember) when We said to the angels: “Prostrate yourselves before Adam.” And they prostrated except Iblis (Satan), he refused and was proud and was one of the disbelievers (disobedient to Allah). S. 2:34 [92]
One version is that Iblis claimed to be a nobler being created by fire while man came only from clay. For this exhibition of pride and disobedience, God threw Iblis out of heaven. His punishment, however, was postponed until the Judgment Day when he and his host will have to face the eternal fire of hell until that time he is allowed to tempt all but true believers to evil.[93]
Many Sufis see Iblis as a model for the perfect monotheist and lover of god because he refused to bow down to Adam, because of his separation from his beloved. Ahmad AL-GHAZALI reportedly said, who does not learn from Satan proclaiming god’s oneness is an infidel.[94]
According to tradition, Sufi Preacher AL-GHAZALI gave the so-called Devil worshippers, the Yazidis, the justification for their worship of Satan (Ahmad Taymur Pasha, al-Yazidiyya, Cairo 1352, 59-61).[95]
“Sufism is the science by which one knows the methods of traveling towards the King of kings.”[96] While in Alameda County Santa Rita Jail, Ronnie Flenaugh’s leader, Death Angel Executioner, William E. (Billy) Mapp, made a motion in his behalf (Pro Per) to the court to recues Superior Court Judge Leonard Dieden from his case for prejudice. In that motion written in longhand, Mapp aid that he was, “Most of all ordained by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to preach his words through out the land …” [97]
Mapp had been literally kidnapped off the street by OPD, severely beaten and jailed at Santa Rita County Jail. He went in as a young ordained Christian minister, and came out of jail an ordained Islamic fanatic. His sudden reference to “King of kings” isn’t conclusive that he had been subjected to MK ULTRA radical Sufi conversion, but it’s certainly a clue.
One thing is certain is that when Mapp was apprehended for capital murder in Southern California, Self-Destruct Alter Personalities set in. Devils and demons suddenly drove Mapp into paranoia and insanity – post hypnotic termination and amnesia blocks.
Prior to that, Mapp had been moving around the state and Nevada with a get-out of jail pass from the Alameda County Mafia, District Attorney, D. Lowell Jensen.[98] Just prior to Mapp gunning down two men in Southern California, he was arrested in Las Vegas for pimping. The police took his gun, then gave it back to him with walking papers from the Alameda County Mafia. He ended up in Pasadena executing two men with that same weapon.
By the time of trial for murder in 1973 in Los Angeles, Mapp had suddenly become so mentally impaired by devils and demons that a jury found him not guilty of murder by reason of insanity (CA Pen. Code, § 1026).[99]
Abraham, God’s Covenant & Sacrificial Blood Feast Ritual
Some sources say that it was Iblis that by a “Divine Trial” tempted Abraham to sacrifice his son by the blade of a knife. The consistent version is that God by “Divine Trial” compelled Abraham to sacrifice his son for Love– the Love of God.Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. Genesis 17:5
The bible and many ancient texts claim that Abraham of Ur of the Chaldeans is the father of all religions and nations.[100] By a covenant with God, he is said to be the father of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
God’s first covenant to Abraham was the land gift to him and all of his descendants. Along with that gift was the promise his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in heaven; and, the world would be blessed because of him. (Genesis 17:1-8.) When given his covenant from God his name was changed from Abram to Abraham. Abraham means “father of many nations.” But the covenant was conditioned on the requirement that Abraham “walk with me (God) and be blameless.” (Genesis 17:1.) This covenant requirement was repeated in detail in Deuteronomy 28. [101]
According to the Bible, God commands Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. (Genesis 22:5 and 22:8 ). After Isaac is bound to an altar, the angel of God stops Abraham at the last minute, saying “now I know you fear God.” At this point Abraham sees a ram caught in some nearby bushes and sacrifices the ram as a burnt offering instead of Isaac.[102]
Muslims consider that visions experienced by prophets are revelations from God, and as such it was a “Divine Order” to Abraham. The entire episode of the human sacrifice is regarded as a trial of God for Abraham and his son, and both are seen as having passed the test by submitting to God and showing their awareness that God is the Owner and Giver of all that we have and cherish, including life and offspring. The submission of Abraham and his son is celebrated and commemorated by Muslims on the days of Eid al- Adla.[103]
Abraham’s human sacrifice of Isaac had been under the system of the worship of Moloch and the Baal-Ishtar. It was common in Arabia and the world generally until the worship of the Golden Calf was eliminated by Christianity.[104]
The ritualized slaughter of animals is a very special and affectionate custom in Abrahamic Jewish life. They cut the animals throat wide open in order to drive the animal into a rage whereby the blood is agonizingly pumped out of the creatures body. Depending on the species the divine death throes can take up to four hours. By each body motion a fountain of blood gushes out of the “sacrificial lamb’s” throat. The animals go mad during this ordeal.[105]
Zabiha is an Arabic word which means ‘slaughtered’. The ‘slaughtering’ is to be done by cutting the throat, windpipe and the blood vessels in the neck causing the animal’s death without cutting the spinal cord.[106]

Northern Italy 1475-85 (from A.M. Hind, Early Italian Engraving, II, New York-London, 1938

Sacrifice of Isaac (1625) Orazio Riminaldi

Donatello’s Sacrifice of Isaac (1421)

Rosicrucian Dutch Painter Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, Sacrifice of Isaac (1635)
“When a Brother reveals any of OUR GREAT
EAR TO EAR …” Quoted from The Masonic Report, McQuaig, p. 3.
Marilyn’s throat attack was
not a random act. It was scientific and a trained attack to the throat
passed down through the ages from at least the medieval period from
Worship of Moloch, Abrahamic religions, Masons to Satanists. As you
see, the throat attack, Trial of Abraham and the Sacrifice of Isaac had been an important theme to the elite and illuminated classes for generations. it was as Marilyn Webster said it that it had been,a pagan “Ritual Feasting.”
Seyedeh Hamaseh Kianfar, The High Priestess of the Uwaiysi SufiPlease stay with me for a few more moments. It is a rare set of circumstances to find a smoking gun (clear evidence) in the Black Community of the covert programming of a mind controlled Black Manchurian Candidate, particular a black female adolescent. At times, I have been accused by simpletons of being paranoid and delusional. However, this is no delusion. The body count and the attack is unquestionable, and the programmer/handler by the public record didn’t contest the fact that she had programmed a young ritually abused 16 year old black female of our community to be a knife welding Blood Rite Executioner.
Sufism is a mystical or esoteric form of the Muslim faith that seeks a direct experience of God. In Sufi tradition, al-Khiḍr has come to be known as one of those who receive illumination direct from God without human mediation. He is the hidden initiator of those who walk the mystical path, like some of those from the Uwaisitariqa.

Uwaisis are those who enter the mystical path without being initiated by a living master. Instead they begin their mystical journey either by following the guiding light of the teachings of the earlier masters or by being initiated by the mysterious Prophet-Saint al-Khiḍr.[107] According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, “Sufism is the esoteric dimension of the Islamic faith, the spiritual path to mystical union with God. It is influenced by other faiths, such as Buddhism, and reached its peak in the 13th century.”[108]

Seyedeh Hamaseh Kianfar’s mother is Dr. Nahid Angha, PhD. She is a co-founder of the International Association of Sufism (IAS). Dr. Angha is the main representative of IAS to the United Nations (NGO/DPI). She is Executive Editor of the journal Sufism, An Inquiry, and founder of the international Sufi Women Organization (SWO).[109]

Dr. Angha is the daughter of Moulana Shah Maghsoud, above, the twentieth century Persian Sufi of the Uwaiysi School of Sufism, Dr. Angha was the first woman appointed to teach in her father’s school, and later the first woman ever to sit in the inner circle council with Muslim leaders from around the world to lead meditation at the annual Sufi Symposium. In 2000, she earned UNESCO’s “Messenger of Peace” award for her work as a humanitarian leader.[110]

Seyedeh Hamaseh’s father is Shah Nazar Ali Kianfar, 68, the 1983 co-founder of the IAS. He is the spiritual son of Uwaiysi Sufi Master Moulana Shah Maghsoud. He began his study and devotion to the discipline of Sufism in his twenties, and later was appointed to teach in the Uwaiysi Tarighat. Seyyed Dr. Kianfar was among the first of Moulana Shah Maghsoud’s students to be given this honor. To commemorate the significance, Moulana Shah Maghsoud gave Seyyed Dr. Kianfar the honorary title Shah Nazar (The Sight of the King).[111]

Seyedeh Hamaseh Kianfar’s sister, Sahar Angha Kianfar, is a Great Britain and California Attorney. [112] She is Hamaseh’s co-author of the book, Sufi Stories.[113] They are the granddaughter of Moulana Shah Maghsoud. Shah Maghsoud is the last of the long lineage descended from Uwaiys-i-Gharan whose way of spiritual traveling was directly approved by the Prophet Mohammad.[114]
Shah Maghsoud & The Bloodline and Path of Uwaiysi

Uwaiys-i-Gharan was a mysterious ascetic figure born in Yemen. He is reported to have been a slim man of medium height who had a white spot on the palm of his hand. He ate very little, and sold dates to earn a living, eating only to break his fasts and giving the remainder to the needy. He wore an old robe, which he knitted himself, to keep warm. He was a shepherd, and supported his elderly mother, whom he cared for.[115]
Uwaiys Gharan never met the Prophet Muhammad, but the Prophet told his devotees, “There is a man in Gharan whose name is Uwaiys. At the day of Resurrection, he shall intercede for my people to as many as the number of the Rabia and Muzzer tribes.” The Prophet also told his followers, “When you see him, give him my greetings and ask him to pray for my Ummah, my people.”[116]

Uwaiys Gharan was martyred at the Battle of Saffein. The Battle of Siffin (May–July 657 AD) occurred during the first Muslim Civil War, with the main engagement taking place from July 26 to July 28. It was fought between Ali ibn Abi Talib and Muawiyah I on the banks of the Euphrates River in what is now Ar-Raqqah, Syria.[117] At the other end of dualism, Uwaiys Gharan can also be seen as an Islamic Warrior renowned and honored among both Shia and Sunni Muslims, Sufis in particular, for his piety, Practice of Zuhd (asceticism), and Love for Muhammad Proved by Trial in Battle.
Zuhd, (Arabic: “detachment”), in Islam, asceticism. Even though a Muslim is permitted to enjoy fully whatever unforbidden pleasure God bestows on him, Islam nevertheless encourages and praises those who shun luxury in favour of a simple and pious life. The Quran (Islamic scripture) holds in great esteem those “servants of God who pass the night prostrating themselves in the worship of their Lord” (25:63–65). There are students of Islam, however, who maintain that zuhd was influenced directly by the Christian hermits, with whom early Muslims had some familiarity. Some scholars also point to the pre-Islamic Arab ḥanīfs, who practiced the ascetic life and who may have had considerable influence on the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet himself spent long periods in solitary vigil, fasting and praying, even before his prophetic mission.[118]

Seyedeh Kianfar’s grandfather Shah Maghsoud (1916-1981), above, claimed to have been the last of the long (BLOODLINE) lineage descended from the 7th Century Uwaiys-i-Gharan whose way of spiritual traveling was directly approved and sanctioned by the Prophet Mohammad.[119]

” … those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.” – President John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961[122]

Tamerlan was under MK ULTRA mind control after he returned to the U.S. following a trip to the Russian Republic of Dagestan in 2012, “He said, ‘Someone is in my brain, telling me stuff to do,’ ” Donald Larking recalled to the Globe. “He said he was trying to ignore it but it was hard to do. Whatever it was he was being told to do, he didn’t want to do it.” [125] However, Tamerlan was far from being a schizoid. He knew exactly what CIA/MK ULTRA programming was, “He believed in MAJESTIC MIND CONTROL which is a way of breaking down a person and creating an alternative personality with which they must coexist,” Donald Larking, a 67-year old who attended a Boston mosque with Tamerlan, told the Globe. “You can give a signal, a phrase or a gesture, and bring out the alternative personality and make them do things. Tamerlan thought someone might have done that to him.”[126]
We are led to believe that the alleged demons that compelled Tamerlan and Dzhokhar as “lone wolves“ to do unspeakable things and commit horrific crimes against innocent citizens didn’t come from CIA MK ULTRA. Both Tamerlan and his younger brother were used as pasties, informants and actual double agents for the FBI and CIA sheep dipped in Russian Republic Islamic Wahhabi jihadism[127] just like CIA/FBI double agent Lee Harvey Oswald had been sheep dipped in pro-Castro groups/communism before the assassination of JFK.[128]
Sufism and Majestic Mind Control
Majestic is an adjective- describing word. Its standard definition is having or exhibiting majesty.[129] Majesty definition includes, “The Sovereignty and Power of God.”[130]CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control consists of drugs, ritual abuse, ritual sexual abuse, operant conditioning, brainwashing, torture, brain surgery, hypnosis, brain chip and microchip implantation, ELF brainwave entrainment & electro-shock torment.[131] In Trauma Based Mind Control, the victim/survivor is called a “slave” by the programmer/handler, who in turn is perceived as “master” or “God.”[132] Majestic Mind Control can be all things above covertly controlling one or more multiple personalities of victims through the Sovereignty and Power of the Queen or God.[133]
According to Tsarnaev’s revelations, Majestic Mind Control is accomplished through “Divine Orders” of God with programmers/handlers acting as intermeddlers (Ibis-Satan) between the subject and God. A family friend said the Tsarnaev family were Sufi Muslims, the dominant and moderate form of Islam in their homeland of the northern Caucasus.[134]
Sufism is extremely most suitable for Majestic Mind Control. It is a Islamic belief system associated with teachings of Sufi masters—who may serve as an intermediary between God and humans—to achieve a spiritual sense of the meaning of God.[135]
I can understand the programmed blind fanaticism of how multiple personality disorder (MPD) Billy Mapp and lieutenant Ronnie Flenuagh and other brothers fresh out of MK ULTRA prisons and mental hospitals were compelled in TRANCE by the “Divine Trial of God” to gun down and hack up with malachites innocent people and so-called infidels of the pseudo Sunni (Sufi) Muslim group, Al Constran.
Al Constran’s intermeddler had been a mysterious man in Riverside, CA, George De Vaughn Booker. They called him, “Father” and God, “Abdul Alalah.“ The LAW OF AMANDA were written statements defining their relationship with “THE FATHER.”[136]
Amanda means lovable in either Latin or Greek.[137] In Latin, Amanda means “having to be loved,” “deserving to be loved,” or, simply, “worthy of love.”[138] Father–God George De Vaughn Booker or conspirator wasn’t pursued as a suspect in the Al Constran killings. The only path to discover Booker and the inner structure of this group is by reading Mapp’s criminal trial transcripts. Al Contran murdered and executed people all over California. That’s not what I say, it is according to the Pasadena Police Department in 1972 where Mapp, Ali Allm Alalah, executed two followers on the street in cold blood. [139]
In May 1974, San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto (1968- 1976) told a packed news conference that pseudo Muslim Black Manchurian Candidate Death Angels like Mapp and Flenaugh had committed at least 73 racial murders and mutilations all across the state since 1970.[140] Flenaugh was deposed of (executed) in Oakland in 1971. When Mapp was apprehended by police for murder in 1972, his mind snapped and lapsed into paranoid schizophrenia- locked in post hypnotic amnesia blocks.
Now you should also understand why a programmed alter personality of 16 year old Marilyn Webster could be compelled to commit a motiveless- senseless heinous crime at the throat of Mrs. Pope in TRANCE by her intermeddler, Seyedeh Kianfar. Under Sufi Majestic Mind Control, she had been compelled to slit Mrs. Pope’s throat in a pagan human ritual sacrifice under condition of Abraham’s Covenant with God; and by example of IBLIS‘ (Satan) example of “Divine Will” and blind obedience to “Divine Order” for LOVE– the Love of God!
People of the State of California v. Kianfar, Alameda County Superior Court is an extremely rare public record involving “mind control” experimentation involving black children in collaboration with the state. It concluded in her plea of no contest to felony criminal charges. Now and forever, Seyedeh Kianfar does not wish to contest the facts, circumstances, issues or change the conversation of the case.

Hamaseh Kianfar, Ed. D., currently works as the Director of Senior Services at Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center. Prior to this position, she had been working as a medical case manager for HIV positive women and children. Her passion for the area of HIV/AIDS let her to complete a doctoral dissertation that focused on the role that forgiveness and imagination play in allowing HIV positive women to move forward in their lives in a hopeful and meaningful way. She is a lifelong member of the International Association of Sufism, founding member and the President of the Voices for Justice, youth department of the IAS and an Ambassador of UNICEF.[141]
Seyedeh Hamaseh Kianfar’s Sufi Uwaiysi Tarighat are not a bunch of hermits, or ascetics like Uwaiys-i-Gharan living prostate in destitute deserts dedicating their total lives praying, serving, interceding by love of god. They hide behind the power and authority of the state. Kianfar and her mystic sufi and Satanic dualism wouldn’t have access toour community without the veil of the county and state. She entered our community behind a shroud of secrecy. These people are materialist, profiteers and NWO collaborators that sale their brand of Sufism to governments and the highest bidders.
State Sponsored Sufism (SAC) is being secretly extolled as the West’s pawns and proxies by the NWO Satanic Cabal as a moderate, comfortable and controllable alternative to more militant forms of Islamic resistance that they can’t control.[142]
Undoubtedly, programmers/handlers like Seyedeh Kianfar are protected governmental-political assets allowing them to walk between the raindrops. These IAS people have become some of the CIA’s latest cut-out mind control contractors adding a shroud of Islamic religious history, authenticity and credibility to a new set and scale to Islamic mind control Manchurian Candidates- A Permanent State of WAR AGAINST ISLAMIC TERRORISM.
Nazi Theory of State Terrorism
“whenever war breaks out, terrorism becomes a military principle,” since ‘terrorism is a relatively gentle means of keeping the masses in a state of permanent obedience.’ ” [143]Sit back. Reflect for a moment with the Musical Wisdom of Donnie.
[13] Ross, Colin, The C.I.A. Doctors, Manitou Communications, Inc, Richardson, TX (2000) pg. 232
[46] The multiple victims and survivors in the shootings filed suit against Sebron, Wells Security, and the landowner for negligence, Alameda County Courthouse, Webster, et. al, vs. Flenaugh, et al. (1988) Case No. 641939, Deposition of Robert Webster
[64] Id.
[90] Id.
[93] Donniger, Wendy, Merriam-Webster encyclopedia of world religions, Springfield, IL (1999) pgs. 484-485
[94] Id.
[97] State v. William Edwin Mapp aka Ali Allm Alalah, Los Angeles Superior Court, Case No. A550815
[99] Superior Court of Solano County, No. 13512, Dwight C. Ely, Judge
No. A019321 First Dist.; Div. Three. Dec. 30, 1983
[136] Trial Transcripts, People v. Mapp (1972) Los Angeles Superior Court, Case No. 550815
[143] Hartman, Militaerische Notwendigkeit and Humanitaet [Human and Military Necessity], Deutsche Rundschau, 1877-1878, XIII-XIV, cited in German Psychological Warfare; Survey and Biblography (New York, Committeee for National Morale, 1941, on deposit in the Maslow Library of the Wright Institute).; Opton, Edward M. Jr., Psychiatric Violence Against Prisoners: When Therapy is Punishment, 45 Miss. L.J., 1974, pgs. 605-644
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Tags: adam lanza, adam silver, Al Constran, Alameda County Mafia, Alameda County Santa Rita Jail, Aleister Crowley, alex hribal, Alexander H. Pope, Ali Kianfar, Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, Billy Mapp, brady bunch, C. Don Clay, donald sterling, Dr. Nahid Angha, Dzhokhar, Feltham Young Offenders Institution, Hamaseh Kianfar, Illuminati, jephthat, Jermaine Grant, Katherine Pope, katt williams, kobe bryant, Kurt cobain, Laurel Headley, lebron james, los angeles clippers, majestic mind control, marilyn webster, Mark David Chapman, Michael Adebolajo, Michael Adebowale, miley cyrus, nba, Nidal Hassan, Operant conditioning, otto adolf eichmann, Paramahansa Yogananda, paris jackson, Porterville Developmental Hospital, Richard Reid, Ritual Feasting, Ritual Feasting Sacrifice, Ronnie Flenaugh, Sacrifice of Isaac, Sahar Angha Kianfar, Saint Rosa of Lima, sandy hook false flag, satan, satanic rites, Satanism, Sebron Flenaugh, self desruct alter personalities, self realization fellowship lake shrine temple, Sethian Christianity, Sethian Gnosticism, shah maghsoud, Shoe Bomber, Sirhan Sirhan, Stanley Milgram, state sponsored sufism, sufi, sufism, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Trial of Abraham, twinning, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, underwear bomber, uwaiys Gharan, Uwaiysi Tarighat, V. Stiviano, Yezidism
Categories : Aleister Crowley, antichrist, anton lavey, anton LeVay, ascended masters, billy mapp, Black Manchurian Candidates, blood covenants, blood oaths, church of satan, CIA, Crimes Against Democracy, d. lowell jensen, devil, devil's horns, dualism, human sacifrice, illuminati, illuminati sacrifice, israel, james holmes, jeremiah wright, jerry brown, jesse lee cooks, katt williams, Lee Harvey Oswald, manchurian candidates, Marcus Wayne Chenault, Martin Luther King, masonic sacrifice, Michael Jackson, mind control, MK-ULTRA, Molech, Moloch, monarch program, MOSSAD, MPD, mulitiple personality disorder, Nazis, oakland, Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Adolf Eichmann, Operation PAPERCLIP, Paul Josef Goebbels, post amnesia barriers, post hypnotic suggestions, President John F. Kennedy, queen elizabeth, Rev. Jeremiah Wright’, Ritual Satanic Abuse, ritual satanic sexual abuse, ritually abused children, RONALD REAGAN, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, Satanic Global High Cabal, Satanism, Schutzsteffel, Sebron Flenaugh, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, SS, SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, thule, trauma-based mind control, underground reich, underground third reich, Zebra Murders
3 07 2012
You will not understand anything unless you know. This man, David “Shelley” Miscavige,
wants to control your mind, body and soul. He wants control of your
mind and soul because you are possessed with DEMONS and DEVILS.
Your community is filled with drugs and violence. You’re unemployed, broke and miserable. Your schools are in a shamble. It’s not racism or the system. It’s you. You are possessed with DEMONS and DEVILS.
Your Black Music and Entertainment Industry is crashing in on itself. Phyllis Hyman, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and Don Cornelius self-destructed. It not the MAN, conspiracies or plots- Believe him. They were possessed with personal DEMONS and DEVILS.
Your institutions are crumpling and falling apart around you. Your beloved Black Muslim Bakery, Inc. (YBMB), it was drugs, murder and mayhem from within. It’s wasn’t a secret plot or conspiracy.
Analysis: Jurors took the ‘DEMON’ over the ‘DEVIL’ in Bailey murder trial –Headlines, The Chauncey Bailey Project[1]
It’s wasn’t Squad 13, COINTELPRO-CHAOS-Believe him. It was them and it fell in on itself. It was possessed with DEMONS and DEVILS.
Miscavige is the CEO and President of Religious Technology Center (RTC) a corporation that controls the trademarked names and symbols of DIANETICS and the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY.[2]
David Miscavige, DIANETICS, and CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY have a plan to save you from yourself. They know all about DEMONS & DEVILS….. DEMONS & DEVILS.
It was understandable that Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam (NOI) would distance themselves from the late Dr. Yusuf Bey and the sex scandals and crimes that developed inside YBMB, Inc. Yet, there were the good and faithful; and the COINTELPRO-CHAOS infiltrators and agent provocateurs.
But why would the Minister Farrakhan and NOI distance themselves from the murder and homicide investigation of the faithful Muslim brother and businessman, Waajid Aljawaad Bey?
Why would Minister Farrakhan and NOI distance themselves from the deliberate destruction of the bakery, a successful Black Institution and Corporation, that provided jobs, self sufficiency, independence, opportunities and most of all vital and healthy products to the Black Community according to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad?
Unbeknown to many, Miscavige and the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY have been getting into the heads of Minister Louis Farrakhan and members of the NOI all along to cast out DEMONS & DEVILS. Above, SCIENTOLOGY’s Shane X Woodruff, vice-president of the Church of Scientology’s Celebrity Centre International address the NOI with the infamous ILLUMINATI Pyramid Symbol.
Above, Shane X, Rev. Alfreddie Johnson and Tony Muhammad of NOI in union. They had been on the same page all along. The paradigm was shifting; YBMB, Inc. and the good and faithful Black Nationalist Muslim brothers and sisters of YBMB, Inc. were by design to be phased out of existence, crushed and left out in the cold for the wolves to devour. SCIENTOLOGY joining forces with Minister Louis Farrakhan and the NOI is an extremely bold and provocative move by the ILLUMINATI to outright push the paradigm of Black Nationalism into the OCCULT and far to the right away from the masses. They have been pushed out on a limb with L. Ron Hubbard. THE DYE HAS BEEN CAST!
“My wins have been coming into the knowledge and understanding of my own personal DEMONS and DEVILS, to be able to cast them out, and to rightly see myself.” Tony Muhammad, Benefits of Dianetics[5]
Tony Muhammad is the Nation of Islam’s Western Region Student Minister. He has been one of main catalyst to bring the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY and DIANETICS into the NOI.[6] According to Tony Muhammad, “L Ron Hubbard was a saint and an angelic figure sent to us by the Creator himself.”
According to CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY founder L. Ron Hubbard (LRH), what holds people back from getting the most out of life and functioning at their highest levels is emotionally or physically painful experiences that remain stored in the reactive mind. These experiences are called engrams. They don’t go away on their own, causing individuals to worry about the future in such a way that it limits their effectiveness in the present.[7]
“You literally have one thousand individuals who are empowered with the ability to give sight to the blind, make the lame walk, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, the dead to rise. They literally are now armed with the tool that when somebody is in a traumatic experience they can give a pleasure moment or they can run an engram or they can run a situation and relieve the person of that re-stimulation, that mental fix that has caused them to be insane with aberrations and mental pain. That’s really what being and following God is all about and that’s really the power of the Christ.” Rev. Alfreddie Johnson, liaison between the Nation of Islam and the Church of Scientology.
Over 4,000 members of the Nation of Islam are currently on course with the Church of Scientology (CS) including hundreds studying to become a projected 1,000 fully certified Church of Scientology auditors.[8] Above, NOI’s 2012 Class of SCIENTOLOGY Auditors.
“[J.A.] Winter introduced [Dr. Louis Jolyon] West to [L. Ron] Hubbard on one occasion but West said: “I guess I didn’t find the man very memorable. I was more interested in the book [Dianetics, 1950] which described the auditing technique in which they had preclears — or prereleases if just beginners — count backwards from seven to zero repeatedly until they went into a trance, although Hubbard denied it was hypnosis.”[9]
Dr. Louis Jolyon West, above, was the infamous Maestro of CIA-MK ULTRA Mind Control. The book, DIANETICS, was produced three years before the official start of MK ULTRA.
The grand daddy of MK ULTRA was the Office of Naval Intelligence’s (ONI) classified and still TOP SECRET 1947 Project CHATTER straight out of the Nazi DACHAU Concentration Camp.
But the Rabbit Hole was much deeper than that, LRH was ONI. He was very high up in the ONI chain of command. He was deeply involved in much more than Projects CHATTER and BLUEBIRD Manchurian Candidate Project.
Dr. West and the CIA were concerned about LRH’s private use of HYPNOSIM in the Church’s AUDITING process from Classified and Top Secret information gained through ONI’s Rabbit Hole of Spying and Espionage prior to the creation of the CIA.
The real purpose of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY in the NOI is to control them taken chillingly- right out of the Rabbit Hole of CIA-MK ULTRA and LUCIFERIAN principles of the Nazis.
The old beliefs will be brought back to honor again. The whole secret knowledge of nature, of the divine, the DEMONIC. We will wash off the Christian veneer and bring out a religion peculiar to our race.” –Adolf Hitler[10]
Addressing the interaction between the Nation of Islam and the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLGY, Minister Farrakhan said he found something in the study of L. Ron Hubbard’s technology of auditing that he believed could be of use to the Nation of Islam to better prepare them to become saviours of their people. He also spoke of his respect for Mr. Hubbard and his importance to Whites.
“L. Ron Hubbard is so exceedingly valuable that every Caucasian person on this earth—all Whites—should flock to L. Ron Hubbard,”
said Min. Farrakhan. The very reason why L. Ron Hubbard might be so
hated is because he sought to end this world and civilize Whites by
taking away their reactive minds, Min. Farrakhan added.
“Mr. Hubbard recognized that his people had to be
civilized, he never wanted to continue this world nor did he try to save
this world. He was trying to prepare a people to build a brand new
world and a brand new civilization,” said Min. Farrakhan.[11]
LRH was certainly sent to us by a creator to build a New World Order from the “GALATIC CONFEDERACY” by way of the U.S. OFFICE OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE (ONI).
At age 12 in 1923, LRH’s mentor was US Navy Commander Joseph “Snake” Thompson also of ONI. According to LRH,
“Snake Thompson was the best friend of my great uncle, Con (Consuelo Seoane).Together, around 1911, they spent nearly two years as American spies inside the Japanese Empire, charting possible invasion routes and counting all the Japanese fortifications and naval guns. It was an official but top secret joint Army-Navy spy expedition, with Con representing the Army, and Snake, the Navy .They pretended to be South African naturalists studying Japanese reptiles and amphibians, and Con was constantly worried that Snake had a camera hidden in his creel, which would get them shot if the Japanese checked too closely. Thompson habitually wore a green scarf fastened with a gold pin in the shape of a snake.”[14]
Commander Thompson was a student of Dr. Sigmund Freud in Vienna, Austria. Introduction to Dianetics, an LRH lecture 23 September 1950 –
“I was in the Orient when I was young. Of course, I was a harum-scarum kid; I wasn’t thinking about deep philosophic problems; but I had a lot of friends. One such friend was Commander “Snake” Thompson. He signed his name Thompson by drawing a snake over the top of the T. He had studied under Sigmund Freud, and he found me a very wide-eyed and wide-eared boy. He had just come from Vienna, and his mouth and mind were full of associative words, libido theories, conversion, and all the rest of it. He had served as an intelligence officer in Japan during the First World War.” [15]
The Story of Dianetics and Scientology, an LRH lecture 18 October 1958 –
“The story actually starts back when I was about twelve years old and I met one of the great men of Freudian analysis – a Commander Thompson. He was a commander in the United States Navy. Anyway, at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, where they have all the books on everything, he started shoving my nose into an education in the field of the mind. Now, that’s a very unusual thing to do, to take a twelve-year-old boy and start doing something with the mind. But he really got me interested in the subject – up to the point where I was pretty sure that Freud didn’t know what he was talking about. My father was an officer in the Navy and he moved me from here to there. I studied quite a bit of MYSTICISM.”[16]
LBH virtually bled the secretive ONI. On May 1, 1930, LRH joined a Marine Corps Reserve training unit. He was placed on inactive status the same day, and spent only five weeks of his 18-month stint actually doing anything that is public information-ONI spy, above.
In 1939, LRH moved to Manhattan, NY in some very exclusive military intelligence dinner [briefing] company honoring Dr. Willy Ley. It included Lt. (Retired) Naval Commander, Robert A. Heinlein, and Lt. Commander of the U.S. Coast Guard, Johnny Arwine, Science Fiction Writers, John W. Campbell, and Sprague de Camp.[17]
Lt. Heinlein was leading an off the books secret ONI operation (science fiction think tank) through the Bureau of Navigation via the Commandant Eleventh Naval District.[18] Form the 1940 U.S. Census on Lookout Mountain Avenue in Los Angeles, Lt. Heinlein (Richard and Sigred) and his wife Leslyn may have actually been posing as German Nationals living a double spy life.[19] They must have spoke fluent Germany.
Dr. Willi Ley was a German rocket engineer who had immigrated to the United States in 1933 or 1935. He became a U.S. citizen in 1944. In 1927, he helped found the German VfR (Society for Spaceship Travel). In 1931, Dr. Ley tutored Germany’s premier rocket scientist Shurmbannfuhrer SS Wernher von Braun, above, an ardent and vicious Nazi and Knight of the Black Sun. [20]
In 1947, Dr. Ley published an article entitled “Pseudoscience in Naziland” in the science fiction magazine , John W. Campbell’s Astounding Science Fiction. There he attempted to explain to his readers how National Socialism could have fallen on such a fertile ground in Germany, the occult. Among other pseudo-scientific groups he mentioned a very peculiar one: “The next group was literally founded upon a novel. That group which I think called itself Wahrheitsgesellschaft – Society for Truth – and which was more or less localized in Berlin, devoted its spare time looking for Vril.”[21]
Dr. Ley had been and remains the exclusive authority on the Vril Society in Berlin. “The Vril Society or The Luminous Lodge combined the political ideals of the Order of the Illuminati with Hindu mysticism, Theosophy and the Cabbala. It was the first German nationalist groups to use the symbol of the swastika as an emblem linking Eastern and Western occultism. The Vril Society presented the idea of a subterranean matriarchal, socialist utopia ruled by superior beings who had mastered the mysterious energy called the Vril Force. ‘This secret society was founded, literally, on Bulwer Lytton’s novel the Coming Race (1871). The book describes a race of men psychically far in advance of our own. They have acquired powers over themselves and over things that made them almost godlike. For the moment they are in hiding. They are said to live in caves in the center of the Earth. Soon they will emerge to reign over us.’
While researching their classic book, Morning of the Magicians, authors Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwels were given the above account by one of the world’s greatest rocket experts, Dr. Willy Ley, who fled Germany in 1933. Dr. Ley said that the Vril Society—which formed shortly before the Nazis came to power—believed they had secret knowledge that would enable them to change their race and become equals of the men hidden in the bowels of the Earth. Methods of concentration, a whole system of internal gymnastics by which they would be transformed.
These methods of concentration were probably based on Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises. The Jesuit techniques of concentration and visualization are similar to many occult teachings, especially in shamanic cults and Tibetan Buddhism. The Nazi’s revered these Jesuit Spiritual Exercises, which they believed had been handed down from ancient Masters of Atlantis. The occultists of the time knew that Ignatius was a Basque — some claimed that the Basque people were the last remnant of the Atlantean race — and the proper use of these techniques would enable the reactivation of the Vril for the dominance of the Teutonic race over all others.
The Vril Society believed that whoever becomes master of the Vril will be the master of himself, of others around him and of the world. The belief was that the world will change and the “Lords” will emerge from the center of the Earth. Unless we have made an alliance with them and become “Lords” ourselves, we shall find ourselves among the slaves, on the dung-heap that will nourish the roots of the New Cities that will arise.
In The Unknown Hitler, Wulf Schartzwaller says:
‘In Berlin, Haushofer had founded the Luminous Lodge or the Vril Society. The Lodge’s objective was to explore the origins of the Aryan race and to perform exercises in concentration to awaken the forces of ‘Vril’. Haushofer was a student of the Russian magician and metaphysician George Gurdjieff. Both Gurdjieff and Haushofer maintained that they had contacts with secret Tibetan lodges that possessed the secret of the “Superman.” The Lodge included Hitler, Aalfred, Rosenberg, Himmler, Goring and Hitler’s subsequent personal physician Dr. Morell. It is also known that Aleister Crowley and Gurdjieff sought contact with Hitler. Hitler’s unusual powers of suggestion become more understandable if one keeps in mind that he had access to the “secret” psychological techniques of Gurdjieff which, in turn, were based on the teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan lamas and familiarized him with the Zen teaching of the Japanese Society of the Green Dragon.’”
“The Vril Society allegedly not only taught concentration exercises designed to awaken the forces of Vril, their main goal was to achieve Raumflug (Spaceflight) to reach Aldebaran. To achieve this, the Vril Society joined the Thule Gesellschaft and the alleged DHvSS (Die Herren des schwarzen Steins, The Masters of the Black Stone) to fund an ambitious program involving an inter-dimensional flight machine based on psychic revelations from the Aldebaran aliens [who are equivalent to the Anunnaki, who ruled in old Sumer. The word Sumer (or Sumeria) stems from Sumi-Aldebaran, which is the star system the Anunnaki originally come from, 68 light-years from Earth. Nibiru is merely a “station” they use on their Intergalactic journeys, according to The Thule. Wes’ comment].”[22]
In 1939, Dr. Ley was secretly debriefing Lt. Heinlein and LRH in Manhattan on the secret occult and the “Vril Force” which was at the heart of the power of Nazi Germany and its super weapons technology.
The Luminous Lodge was hardly a past time affair as they would like you to believe. It was taken over by Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler and incorporated into the AHNENERBE, the Nazi Occult Bureau.[23]
Undoubtedly, LRH, Jr. was referring to the fanatic Lanz von Liebenfels (July 19, 1874 – April 22, 1954), above. Lanz would have died within 4 years of LRH publishing DIANETICS in 1950.
Lanz like Dr. Willi Ley would have been another key German informant to debrief and tutor Lt. Heinlein’s secret military intelligence science fiction group on Nazi Germany’ secret occult-Vril secret forces of power.
In Germany, Lanz von Liebenfels is called, “The man who gave Hitler his ideas”.
In 1905, Lanz founded the magazine Ostara, Briefbücherei der Blonden und Mannesrechtler. Readers of this publication included Adolf Hitler and Dietrich Eckart. Lanz claimed he was visited by the young Hitler in 1909, whom he supplied with two missing issues of the magazine.
Lanz, a defrocked Cistercian monk, an ardent race theorist wrote under the acronym PONT (Prior of the Order of New Templars). (Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, NY, 1977, pg. 17).
Historians are divided on the question of whether Hitler was actually ever a member of either the Temple of the New Order (Lanz) or the Armanen (Guido von List). Nevertheless, Hitler studied the Lanz’s publication, Ostara. Hitler alluded to Lanz providing him with the “foundations of knowledge” which was to become so important to him. (Sklar, Supra).
Lanz’s pseudo racial theories took mankind from the beginning of time and divided the species into the ace-men and the ape-men, the first being white, blue-eyed, blond, and responsible of everything heroic in mankind. The second group was the repository of everything vile. The heroes-called variously Asings, Heldinge, or Arioheroiker-were superior by reason of breeding and blood, whereas the inferiors-Afflinge, Waninge, Schrattlinge, or Tshandale- always threatened to contaminate through interbreeding. (Sklar, Supra).
Lanz’s Temple of the New Order of Templars first used the Swastika-red facing right for Aryan racial propaganda. For whatever reason, Hitler and SS Himmler allowed Lanz to live, but his publications and temple had been suppressed.
On June 25, 1941, LRH broke cover and received an official commission in the Naval Reserves, as a Lieutenant junior grade in an ONI post in Melbourne, Australia.
It was, after all, Otto Rahn who helped popularize the notion that the Grail was not the special property of the Catholic Church (should it actually exist, and should it ever be found). For Rahn, the Grail was an emblem set up in opposition to the established Church — indeed, was a Luciferian symbol — and for this the Nazis were grateful; for, if Rahn’s conclusion was correct, it gave them a philosophical and historical edge over organized Christianity.”[24]
The Ancestral Heritage Research and Teaching Society, or Ahnenerbe Forschungs-und Lehrgemeinschaft, was founded on July 1, 1935 by Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Wirth (a Dutch historian obsessed with Atlantean mythology), and Richard Walter Darré (creator of the Nazi “blood and soil” ideology and head of the Race and Settlement Office). The purpose of the Ahnenerbe was to investigate “space” and “spirit.”[25]
Ahnenerbe had a group of off the book private financiers called the Circle of Friends, led by Wilhelm Keppler. Ahnenerbe SS was “to harness, not only natural, but also supernatural forces. All intellectual, natural, and supernatural sources of power- from modern technology to medieval black magic, and from the teachings of Pythagoras to the Faustian pentagram incantation – were to be employed in the interests of final victory.”[26]
Himmler would establish the headquarters of the SS Knights of the Black Sun at Wewlesburg Castle in Westphalia. At the castle, Himmler’s inner twelve high ranking SS generals would engage in various secret occult “Vril Forces” rituals and spiritual mental exercises which included telepathic communications and astral travels.
Above, Wicked Walter, SS Knight of the Black Sun. War Criminal Nazi Espionage Top Chief, Brigadefuhrer and Generalmajor der Polizeri Walter Schellenberg observed Himmler and his “Round Table” in Wewlesburg involved in “Vril” spiritual-metaphysical mind-body exercises,
“It was within the great dinning that with its Round Table that Himmler and his Inner Circle of Twelve Gruppenfuhrers would engage in mystic communications with the realm of the dead Teutons and perform other spiritual exercises.[27]
During WWII, U.S. military intelligence found it were light years away from the Ahnenerbe and SS in bridging the gap between natural, scientific and supernatural sources of “occult” and “Vril” power as military tools.
From at least 1939 to the end of WWII in May 1945, LRH represented ONI in a secret U.S. military intelligence think tank of science fiction experts trying to bridge that gap between science and science fiction.[28]
LRH was perfect for the job. He bled ONI and had delved into known military intelligence “mysticism” since he was twelve years old. Military intelligence provided the think tank with gathered top secret Ahnenerbe SS and SS spiritual – occult-Vril briefings, records and theories.
America’s twisted sister secret charge was to explore all of Ahnenerbe SS’ secret records and evidence of intellectual, natural, and supernatural sources of power- from modern technology to medieval black magic and from the teachings of Pythagoras to the Faustian pentagram incantation- that that Office of U.S. Naval Intelligence could obtain.
Some of their key discoveries of Himmler’s Ahnenerbe SS that were exploited by Heinlein’s think tank were the otherworld technologies of the SS Brotherhood of the Bell,[29] the Atomic Bomb[30], and antigravity time travel (Philadelphia Experiment).[31]
John W. Campbell, Jr., above, Science Fiction Writer of the RKO Film Studio infamous thriller “The Thing” (1953) was part of the secret science fiction think tank.[32] Campbell was also an early board member of the Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation in 1950[33].
Above, Lt. Heinlein, Secret Science Fiction Experts Sprague de Camp and Isaac Asimov at U.S. Naval Philadelphia Shipyards
ONI Naval Lt. Robert A. Heinlein, above U.S. Navy 1929, was one of the most famed and respected writers of science fiction’s “Golden Age,” which occurred from the 1940s to the 1950s. Heinlein’s science fiction recruits worked out of the U.S. Naval Air Experiment Center in Philadelphia, PA.[34] Lt. Heinlein’s secret think tank also included George O. Smith, Murray Leinster (Will F. Jenkins), L. Sprague de Camp, Isaac Asimov, and Fletcher Pratt.[35]
LRH was not beyond the others using the information gained through the off the books secret operation for personal profit and glorification. LRH’s Dianetics, set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body, was not invented by him or created out of a vacuum.
DIANETICS had some of its roots in the secret occult metaphysical theories of “VRIL Forces” and practices of Lucifer’s Servants, Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler’s SS Knights of the Black Sun and the Ahnenerbe SS. It was classified and Top Secret and the CIA formed in 1947 wanted its Nazi pseudo occult-Vril science back.
In November 1945, LRH lived with Robert A. and Leslyn Heinlein at 8777 Lookout Mountain Avenue, Hollywood, California. The Heinleins had moved there in June 1935. (Heinlein archives: CORR331-02; Patterson, W. H., (2010). Robert A. Heinlein, In Dialogue with his Century, pp. 370, 371.)
From 1933 to 1945, the hills surrounding Lookout Mountain in Los Angeles held a secret Nazi Military Compound led by Herr Schmidt.[37] The Heinleins posing as Richard and Sigred Heinlein of Germany may have infiltrated the group for ONI military intelligence. By 1947, Lookout Mountain had also become home to the secret MK ULTRA Lookout Mountain Laboratory.[38]
In December 1945, Hubbard moved to 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, CA, residence of Weird Jack Parsons, above, and the Agape Lodge. (Patterson, 2010).[39]
It is generally believed that Lt. Heinlein briefed LRH on the Agape Lodge, and sent him into the U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis, Agape, among some of Lucifer’s Greatest Advocates in America.
Crowley’s disciple, Wilfred Smith, founded THE OTO Lodge in Pasadena, California, the Agape Lodge, which was part of Crowley’s Church of Thelema. The OTO Lodge was soon taken over by a rocket engineer, Jack Whiteside Parsons. A U.S. Naval Intelligence officer “young magician”, LRH, joined Parsons.
LRH set himself up as an heir to Aleister Crowley’s satanic empire. LRH’s fascination with Crowley goes back to when he was sixteen (1927 or 1928) living in Washington D.C. He got hold of Crowley’s The Book of Law.[40]
LRH was particularly interested in Crowley’s invention, the Moon Child, the miraculous conception by Satan. Roman Polanski’s classic horror thriller, Rosemary’s Baby, is an extension of Crowley’s Moon Child.
Among other things, Crowley conducted secret black masses, and also practiced human and animal sacrifices. Among Crowley’s papers, there was a description of tying a Negro to a tree, cutting a hole in his stomach, then inserting his penis.[41]
During the 1940’s, Crowley’s rent in London was paid by the Parsons-Hubbard Pasadena sect. Crowley, Parsons and Hubbard worshipped Satan; practiced Sex Magick, and sadistic fantasies. Crowley, an ardent racist, had a habit of relieving his bowels on people’s carpets. Crowley died on December 1, 1947 in Hastings, East Sussex, England.[42]
Jack Parsons mysteriously died on June 17, 1952 from an explosion of fulminate of mercury at his home laboratory.[43]
LRH’s Dianetics also has its roots in the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley, the Book of the Law, and LUCIFER.
In 1979, LRH’s wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, and ten other top Scientology management officials were tried in a court of law (Criminal Case No. 78-401 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. MARY SUE HUBBARD, et al.) and convicted by uncontested stipulation of burglaries of United States Government offices in Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles, California, over an extended period of at least some two years.
On January 15, 1983, Mrs. Hubbard began serving a four-year federal prison sentence for her role in a conspiracy to burglarize federal buildings, following the failure of a series of appeals.[44]
Ms. Hubbard had been the director of the Scientology Corporation’s Guardians Office that controlled the Church of Scientology.
According to the second-in-command of Scientology, Jesse Prince, Ms. Hubbard was forced by from twelve to seventeen men to sign away all of her rights to Scientology copyrights, trademarks, and bank accounts for the sum of $100,000; the estimated value of the Scientology corporation was estimated to be worth from $400,000,000 to $700,000,000.[45]
The overthrow of Sue Hubbard and the Church’s Guardians Office was a high level governmental coup. Since the early 1970s, the Church of Scientology had been systematically infiltrated by government agents. Physicist Dr. Harold E. Puthoff, above, of the National Security Agency (NSA), successfully infiltrated Scientology.
Dr. Puthoff completed Scientology’s confidential upper-level Operating Thetans (OT) courses, and then secured a top-secret contract with the Central Intelligence Agency to set up the CIA-initiated “remote-viewing” intelligence programs, SCANGATE, STARGATE, GILLFRAME, etc., headquarter at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, CA.
By 1972, Scientology OT VII Hal Puthoff , Scientology OT VII Ingo Swann, laser physicist Dr. Russell Targ and Scientologist Pat Price were collaborating regularly with military intelligence services; and providing in-house training for CIA personnel in the Scientology-based Remote Viewing technique [46] under the auspices of CIA MK-ULTRA.[47]
SRI’s secret “remote-viewing” intelligence programs were also exploited by the Deep State, Department of Defense, the President’s National Security Council (NSC), and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
After the overthrow of Sue Hubbard, above, and the Guardians Office and right after the Supreme Court had upheld Mary Sue Hubbard’s conviction, IRS related Attorney Meade Emory led a special group to restructure the entire Church of Scientology from beginning to end, top to bottom. [48]
In the complex restructuring of Scientology between 1981-1983, Emory co-founded the Church of Spiritual Technology (CST), doing business under the fictitious business name of “L. Ron Hubbard Library. CST is the owner of all Scientology and LRH’s copyrights. CST is the owner and controller of the Church’s most important trademarks. [49]
In the complex restructuring of Scientology, Religious Technology Center (RTC) was formed as some type of advocate and “protector” of Scientology.[50] RTC is licensed by CRT to use Church of Scientology copyrighted works. David “Shelley” Miscavige is the President and CEO of RTC.
For all particular purposes, LRH had been completely removed from the scenes since 1979 like a Howard Hughes. Lafayette Ronald “Ron” Hubbard, Senior, was finally declared dead at the age of 74 years allegedly on January 24, 1986, in his mobile home near San Luis Obispo.[51]
The CIA has taken back its pseudo science, “Vril Force.” The Church of SCIENTOLOGY is the domain of the New Order of the Deep State. The book, DIANETICS, has been rewritten and revised for the New Order for copyright and other reasons known only to the New World Order.
What DEMONS and DEVILS the New World is drawing out of Minister Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Al Sharpton and the NOI through AUDITING is unknown.
As exposed by the CIA-MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL MAESTRO, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, AUDITING involves HYPONISM. We know it involves delving into the subconscious and unconscious mind for repressed traumas, most likely to discover or even to create ALTERS.
Another area of Ahnenerbe SS studies undoubtedly found and exploited by Hubbard’s science fiction group was Occulted Messianism and population control that was fruitfully and brutally exploited by Hitler, Himmler and Reichsminister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, Paul Josef Goebbels.
“We will of course not let them know about Wotan.” –Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels- [53]
Allegedly, one of LRH’s primary role models had been the little evil genius Goebbels,[54] above right with with look-a-like David Miscavige, who had been largely responsible for brilliantly creating the Nazi propaganda machine to control public opinion; spin the rise of the occulted mythic Fuehrer, paganism, and the global genocide of Jews and People of Color.
The basic principle of most religions is to behave unto others as we wish to be treated…The basis of these religions than is a principle of justice…[In contrast] the occultist …is lured by his vanity to seek a type of knowledge that sets him apart from others, maintaining that it is the preserved of the elite.”[55]
The Nazis universally proclaimed to be” enlightened and chosen ones” of the” new Fuhrer class.” The primary aim of the occult science of Goebbels was to empower a worldly aristocratic ad infinitum. The Nazi revolution…aimed to turn things around, but instead of a class struggle, it was concerned with a racial struggle.
A new class would be brought to power, not the old aristocracy, but a new aristocracy, based on the inherent nobility of the Aryan blood. The master race was to be the culmination of a biological evolution. If “interior” races prevented these goals, the master race would be justified, by the “natural law” of Darwinism, in doing whatever it needed to survive the harsh struggle of existence.”[56]
The secret ritual Magick of Nazis (hypnotism, telepathic powers, divination, and innate magical abilities) enables its followers to walk once more with the great ancient Germanic pagan gods, Thor, Frigga and Odin-Wotan. [57]
Before his death, LRH like his Nazi tutors wrote extensively about the importance of the genocide of lesser humans, “clearing the planet.” First, they had to establish a new race of “enlightened and chosen ones,” called “clears,” the Homo novis. Clears were Scientologists who have taken enough courses to become Homo novises and had freed their bodies of thetans.
“It is not necessary to produce a world of clears in order to have a reasonable and worthwhile social order; it is only necessary to delete those individuals who range from 2.0 down, either by processing them enough to get their tone level above the 2.0 line…or simply quarantining them from the society.” (L. Ron Hubbard, The Science of Survival, p. 157) People who are “low on the tone scale” – which includes people who are not Scientologists – should be handled. “There are only two answers for the handling of people from 2.0 down on the tone scale, neither one of which has anything to do with reasoning with them or listening to their justification of their acts. The first is to raise them on the tone scale by un-enturbulating some of their theta by any one of the three valid processes. The other is to dispose of them quietly and without sorrow….The sudden and abrupt deletion of all individuals occupying the lower bands of the tone scale from the social order would result in an almost instant rise in the cultural tone and would interrupt the dwindling spiral into which any society may have entered.” (L. Ron Hubbard, The Science of Survival, p. 157)[58]
Hubbard’s tone scale is a chart that claims to plot “emotions in an exact ascending and descending sequence.” The tone scale starts with “Body Death” in its lower end and ascends to “Serenity of Beingness” in its highest end. Scientologists use the tone scale to identify the emotional tone during auditing. The tone scale is also said to be used to predict human behavior. [59] Hubbard’s tone scale was inherently scaled to the “Serenity of Beingness” of Aryans.
You shouldn’t be scrubbing the floor on your hands and knees. Get yourself a nigger; that’s what they’re born for. –L. Ron Hubbard, in a letter to first wife, Polly Grubb[60]
By the way, does Hubbard’s rant of human extermination sound familiar? “We will unremittingly fulfill our task…We shall take care that never more in Germany, the heart of Europe, can the Jewish-Bolshevik revolution of subhumans be kindled internally or by emissaries from abroad. Pitilessly we shall be a merciless executioner’s sword for all these forces whose existence and doings we know…whether it for today, or in decades, or in centuries.” –Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler.[61]
In the final analysis, Minister Louis Farrakhan tells us in the opening pages that LRH “… was trying to prepare a people to build a brand new world and a brand new civilization.”
Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, the Luminous Lodge (Vril Society), Ahnenerbe and the SS Knights of Black Sun had the very same plan to build the very same new world and civilization.
Don’t be fooled, whatever they told Minister Farrakhan and the NOI, they will be used as trained black CIA GOONS to “Clear” the planet for a New World Order.
They will never slant SCIENTOLOGY’S e-meter tone scale beyond 2.0 to become the new man, Homo novis, or make the grade to become the new superman to avoid their very own extermination.
DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND? The New World and brand New Civilization that SCIENTOLOGY and DIANETICS is trying to bring about through extermination of the masses has been reserved for the elite, the Blue-eyed Blond Bloodlines of WOTAN.
[5] Supra, Id. At footnote 2
[6] Id.
[7] Id.
[14] Id.
[15] Id.
[16] Id.
[23] Ravenscroft, Trevor, The Spear of Destiny, Samuel Weiser, Inc. York Beach, Maine, 1973, pg. 246
[26] Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, NY (41977) pg. 103
[30] Supra, at footnote 13
[38] Id.
[41] Wilson, Colin, Aleister Crowley, The Nature of the Beast, The Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, Northhamptonshire,
[50] Id.
[52] Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, NY (1977) pg. 93
[56] Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, NY (1977) pgs. 94-95
[57] Levenda, Peter, Unholy Alliance, A History of the Nazi Involvement with the Occult, Continuum, NY (2006), pg. 53
[61] Id. Sklar, pg. 95-96
Your community is filled with drugs and violence. You’re unemployed, broke and miserable. Your schools are in a shamble. It’s not racism or the system. It’s you. You are possessed with DEMONS and DEVILS.
Your Black Music and Entertainment Industry is crashing in on itself. Phyllis Hyman, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and Don Cornelius self-destructed. It not the MAN, conspiracies or plots- Believe him. They were possessed with personal DEMONS and DEVILS.
Your institutions are crumpling and falling apart around you. Your beloved Black Muslim Bakery, Inc. (YBMB), it was drugs, murder and mayhem from within. It’s wasn’t a secret plot or conspiracy.
Analysis: Jurors took the ‘DEMON’ over the ‘DEVIL’ in Bailey murder trial –Headlines, The Chauncey Bailey Project[1]
It’s wasn’t Squad 13, COINTELPRO-CHAOS-Believe him. It was them and it fell in on itself. It was possessed with DEMONS and DEVILS.
Miscavige is the CEO and President of Religious Technology Center (RTC) a corporation that controls the trademarked names and symbols of DIANETICS and the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY.[2]
David Miscavige, DIANETICS, and CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY have a plan to save you from yourself. They know all about DEMONS & DEVILS….. DEMONS & DEVILS.
DEMONS & DEVILS, How Far Does the Rabbit Hole Go?
As we speak, the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY is shifting the paradigm of
Black Nationalism as we have known it in this country. YBMB, Inc. had
been a splitter group of the Nation of Islam (NOI) since the 1960s. But,
they were brother Black Muslims to a larger faith community.It was understandable that Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam (NOI) would distance themselves from the late Dr. Yusuf Bey and the sex scandals and crimes that developed inside YBMB, Inc. Yet, there were the good and faithful; and the COINTELPRO-CHAOS infiltrators and agent provocateurs.
But why would the Minister Farrakhan and NOI distance themselves from the murder and homicide investigation of the faithful Muslim brother and businessman, Waajid Aljawaad Bey?
Why would Minister Farrakhan and NOI distance themselves from the deliberate destruction of the bakery, a successful Black Institution and Corporation, that provided jobs, self sufficiency, independence, opportunities and most of all vital and healthy products to the Black Community according to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad?
“Sometimes you have to make a deal with a DEMON to get the DEVIL.” –Alameda County Mafia Deputy District Attorney Melissa Krum[3]
Why didn’t Minister Farrakhan and NOI cry out when the Alameda County
Mafia-COINTELPRO-CHAOS labeled their fellow Black Muslim brothers,
DEMONS & DEVILS… DEMONS & DEVILS?Unbeknown to many, Miscavige and the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY have been getting into the heads of Minister Louis Farrakhan and members of the NOI all along to cast out DEMONS & DEVILS. Above, SCIENTOLOGY’s Shane X Woodruff, vice-president of the Church of Scientology’s Celebrity Centre International address the NOI with the infamous ILLUMINATI Pyramid Symbol.
Above, Shane X, Rev. Alfreddie Johnson and Tony Muhammad of NOI in union. They had been on the same page all along. The paradigm was shifting; YBMB, Inc. and the good and faithful Black Nationalist Muslim brothers and sisters of YBMB, Inc. were by design to be phased out of existence, crushed and left out in the cold for the wolves to devour. SCIENTOLOGY joining forces with Minister Louis Farrakhan and the NOI is an extremely bold and provocative move by the ILLUMINATI to outright push the paradigm of Black Nationalism into the OCCULT and far to the right away from the masses. They have been pushed out on a limb with L. Ron Hubbard. THE DYE HAS BEEN CAST!
DIANETICS is a set of ideas and practices regarding
the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body that was
allegedly invented by L. Ron Hubbard and is practiced by followers of
Scientology. Hubbard coined Dianetics from the Greek stems dia, meaning through, and nous, meaning mind.[4]“My wins have been coming into the knowledge and understanding of my own personal DEMONS and DEVILS, to be able to cast them out, and to rightly see myself.” Tony Muhammad, Benefits of Dianetics[5]
Tony Muhammad is the Nation of Islam’s Western Region Student Minister. He has been one of main catalyst to bring the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY and DIANETICS into the NOI.[6] According to Tony Muhammad, “L Ron Hubbard was a saint and an angelic figure sent to us by the Creator himself.”
According to CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY founder L. Ron Hubbard (LRH), what holds people back from getting the most out of life and functioning at their highest levels is emotionally or physically painful experiences that remain stored in the reactive mind. These experiences are called engrams. They don’t go away on their own, causing individuals to worry about the future in such a way that it limits their effectiveness in the present.[7]
“You literally have one thousand individuals who are empowered with the ability to give sight to the blind, make the lame walk, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, the dead to rise. They literally are now armed with the tool that when somebody is in a traumatic experience they can give a pleasure moment or they can run an engram or they can run a situation and relieve the person of that re-stimulation, that mental fix that has caused them to be insane with aberrations and mental pain. That’s really what being and following God is all about and that’s really the power of the Christ.” Rev. Alfreddie Johnson, liaison between the Nation of Islam and the Church of Scientology.
Over 4,000 members of the Nation of Islam are currently on course with the Church of Scientology (CS) including hundreds studying to become a projected 1,000 fully certified Church of Scientology auditors.[8] Above, NOI’s 2012 Class of SCIENTOLOGY Auditors.
“[J.A.] Winter introduced [Dr. Louis Jolyon] West to [L. Ron] Hubbard on one occasion but West said: “I guess I didn’t find the man very memorable. I was more interested in the book [Dianetics, 1950] which described the auditing technique in which they had preclears — or prereleases if just beginners — count backwards from seven to zero repeatedly until they went into a trance, although Hubbard denied it was hypnosis.”[9]
Dr. Louis Jolyon West, above, was the infamous Maestro of CIA-MK ULTRA Mind Control. The book, DIANETICS, was produced three years before the official start of MK ULTRA.
The grand daddy of MK ULTRA was the Office of Naval Intelligence’s (ONI) classified and still TOP SECRET 1947 Project CHATTER straight out of the Nazi DACHAU Concentration Camp.
But the Rabbit Hole was much deeper than that, LRH was ONI. He was very high up in the ONI chain of command. He was deeply involved in much more than Projects CHATTER and BLUEBIRD Manchurian Candidate Project.
Dr. West and the CIA were concerned about LRH’s private use of HYPNOSIM in the Church’s AUDITING process from Classified and Top Secret information gained through ONI’s Rabbit Hole of Spying and Espionage prior to the creation of the CIA.
The real purpose of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY in the NOI is to control them taken chillingly- right out of the Rabbit Hole of CIA-MK ULTRA and LUCIFERIAN principles of the Nazis.
The old beliefs will be brought back to honor again. The whole secret knowledge of nature, of the divine, the DEMONIC. We will wash off the Christian veneer and bring out a religion peculiar to our race.” –Adolf Hitler[10]
Saviours’ Wanted
A New World Order
Minister Louis Farrakhan discussed the mind and spirit needed to be a
servant and saviour of the people swimming in sin, however, Black
people need to be saved from the enemy and THEMSELVES. Addressing the interaction between the Nation of Islam and the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLGY, Minister Farrakhan said he found something in the study of L. Ron Hubbard’s technology of auditing that he believed could be of use to the Nation of Islam to better prepare them to become saviours of their people. He also spoke of his respect for Mr. Hubbard and his importance to Whites.
DEMONS & DEVILS, the Quest for the Vril
Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (LRH) was born
March 13, 1911. He was the son of United States Navy Commander Harry
Ross Hubbard of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and Ledora May
Hubbard. [13]At age 12 in 1923, LRH’s mentor was US Navy Commander Joseph “Snake” Thompson also of ONI. According to LRH,
“Snake Thompson was the best friend of my great uncle, Con (Consuelo Seoane).Together, around 1911, they spent nearly two years as American spies inside the Japanese Empire, charting possible invasion routes and counting all the Japanese fortifications and naval guns. It was an official but top secret joint Army-Navy spy expedition, with Con representing the Army, and Snake, the Navy .They pretended to be South African naturalists studying Japanese reptiles and amphibians, and Con was constantly worried that Snake had a camera hidden in his creel, which would get them shot if the Japanese checked too closely. Thompson habitually wore a green scarf fastened with a gold pin in the shape of a snake.”[14]
Commander Thompson was a student of Dr. Sigmund Freud in Vienna, Austria. Introduction to Dianetics, an LRH lecture 23 September 1950 –
“I was in the Orient when I was young. Of course, I was a harum-scarum kid; I wasn’t thinking about deep philosophic problems; but I had a lot of friends. One such friend was Commander “Snake” Thompson. He signed his name Thompson by drawing a snake over the top of the T. He had studied under Sigmund Freud, and he found me a very wide-eyed and wide-eared boy. He had just come from Vienna, and his mouth and mind were full of associative words, libido theories, conversion, and all the rest of it. He had served as an intelligence officer in Japan during the First World War.” [15]
The Story of Dianetics and Scientology, an LRH lecture 18 October 1958 –
“The story actually starts back when I was about twelve years old and I met one of the great men of Freudian analysis – a Commander Thompson. He was a commander in the United States Navy. Anyway, at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, where they have all the books on everything, he started shoving my nose into an education in the field of the mind. Now, that’s a very unusual thing to do, to take a twelve-year-old boy and start doing something with the mind. But he really got me interested in the subject – up to the point where I was pretty sure that Freud didn’t know what he was talking about. My father was an officer in the Navy and he moved me from here to there. I studied quite a bit of MYSTICISM.”[16]
LBH virtually bled the secretive ONI. On May 1, 1930, LRH joined a Marine Corps Reserve training unit. He was placed on inactive status the same day, and spent only five weeks of his 18-month stint actually doing anything that is public information-ONI spy, above.
In 1939, LRH moved to Manhattan, NY in some very exclusive military intelligence dinner [briefing] company honoring Dr. Willy Ley. It included Lt. (Retired) Naval Commander, Robert A. Heinlein, and Lt. Commander of the U.S. Coast Guard, Johnny Arwine, Science Fiction Writers, John W. Campbell, and Sprague de Camp.[17]
Lt. Heinlein was leading an off the books secret ONI operation (science fiction think tank) through the Bureau of Navigation via the Commandant Eleventh Naval District.[18] Form the 1940 U.S. Census on Lookout Mountain Avenue in Los Angeles, Lt. Heinlein (Richard and Sigred) and his wife Leslyn may have actually been posing as German Nationals living a double spy life.[19] They must have spoke fluent Germany.
The Secret Vril Force, the Master of Self
Dr. Willy (Willi) Ley, above right, is an
important key to understanding Lt. Heinlein and LRH’s undercover ONI
military intelligence think tank operation at the outbreak of World War
II in 1939.Dr. Willi Ley was a German rocket engineer who had immigrated to the United States in 1933 or 1935. He became a U.S. citizen in 1944. In 1927, he helped found the German VfR (Society for Spaceship Travel). In 1931, Dr. Ley tutored Germany’s premier rocket scientist Shurmbannfuhrer SS Wernher von Braun, above, an ardent and vicious Nazi and Knight of the Black Sun. [20]
In 1947, Dr. Ley published an article entitled “Pseudoscience in Naziland” in the science fiction magazine , John W. Campbell’s Astounding Science Fiction. There he attempted to explain to his readers how National Socialism could have fallen on such a fertile ground in Germany, the occult. Among other pseudo-scientific groups he mentioned a very peculiar one: “The next group was literally founded upon a novel. That group which I think called itself Wahrheitsgesellschaft – Society for Truth – and which was more or less localized in Berlin, devoted its spare time looking for Vril.”[21]
Dr. Ley had been and remains the exclusive authority on the Vril Society in Berlin. “The Vril Society or The Luminous Lodge combined the political ideals of the Order of the Illuminati with Hindu mysticism, Theosophy and the Cabbala. It was the first German nationalist groups to use the symbol of the swastika as an emblem linking Eastern and Western occultism. The Vril Society presented the idea of a subterranean matriarchal, socialist utopia ruled by superior beings who had mastered the mysterious energy called the Vril Force. ‘This secret society was founded, literally, on Bulwer Lytton’s novel the Coming Race (1871). The book describes a race of men psychically far in advance of our own. They have acquired powers over themselves and over things that made them almost godlike. For the moment they are in hiding. They are said to live in caves in the center of the Earth. Soon they will emerge to reign over us.’
While researching their classic book, Morning of the Magicians, authors Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwels were given the above account by one of the world’s greatest rocket experts, Dr. Willy Ley, who fled Germany in 1933. Dr. Ley said that the Vril Society—which formed shortly before the Nazis came to power—believed they had secret knowledge that would enable them to change their race and become equals of the men hidden in the bowels of the Earth. Methods of concentration, a whole system of internal gymnastics by which they would be transformed.
These methods of concentration were probably based on Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises. The Jesuit techniques of concentration and visualization are similar to many occult teachings, especially in shamanic cults and Tibetan Buddhism. The Nazi’s revered these Jesuit Spiritual Exercises, which they believed had been handed down from ancient Masters of Atlantis. The occultists of the time knew that Ignatius was a Basque — some claimed that the Basque people were the last remnant of the Atlantean race — and the proper use of these techniques would enable the reactivation of the Vril for the dominance of the Teutonic race over all others.
The Vril Society believed that whoever becomes master of the Vril will be the master of himself, of others around him and of the world. The belief was that the world will change and the “Lords” will emerge from the center of the Earth. Unless we have made an alliance with them and become “Lords” ourselves, we shall find ourselves among the slaves, on the dung-heap that will nourish the roots of the New Cities that will arise.
In The Unknown Hitler, Wulf Schartzwaller says:
‘In Berlin, Haushofer had founded the Luminous Lodge or the Vril Society. The Lodge’s objective was to explore the origins of the Aryan race and to perform exercises in concentration to awaken the forces of ‘Vril’. Haushofer was a student of the Russian magician and metaphysician George Gurdjieff. Both Gurdjieff and Haushofer maintained that they had contacts with secret Tibetan lodges that possessed the secret of the “Superman.” The Lodge included Hitler, Aalfred, Rosenberg, Himmler, Goring and Hitler’s subsequent personal physician Dr. Morell. It is also known that Aleister Crowley and Gurdjieff sought contact with Hitler. Hitler’s unusual powers of suggestion become more understandable if one keeps in mind that he had access to the “secret” psychological techniques of Gurdjieff which, in turn, were based on the teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan lamas and familiarized him with the Zen teaching of the Japanese Society of the Green Dragon.’”
“The Vril Society allegedly not only taught concentration exercises designed to awaken the forces of Vril, their main goal was to achieve Raumflug (Spaceflight) to reach Aldebaran. To achieve this, the Vril Society joined the Thule Gesellschaft and the alleged DHvSS (Die Herren des schwarzen Steins, The Masters of the Black Stone) to fund an ambitious program involving an inter-dimensional flight machine based on psychic revelations from the Aldebaran aliens [who are equivalent to the Anunnaki, who ruled in old Sumer. The word Sumer (or Sumeria) stems from Sumi-Aldebaran, which is the star system the Anunnaki originally come from, 68 light-years from Earth. Nibiru is merely a “station” they use on their Intergalactic journeys, according to The Thule. Wes’ comment].”[22]
In 1939, Dr. Ley was secretly debriefing Lt. Heinlein and LRH in Manhattan on the secret occult and the “Vril Force” which was at the heart of the power of Nazi Germany and its super weapons technology.
The Luminous Lodge was hardly a past time affair as they would like you to believe. It was taken over by Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler and incorporated into the AHNENERBE, the Nazi Occult Bureau.[23]
DEMONS & DEVILS, LRH & The Man that Gave Hitler His Ideas
same individual that transmitted the various Magick tech to Adolf
Hitler as a young man also transmitted them to Dad. And like Dad,
Hitler, when he came to power, promptly had his teachers and the occult
field in general wiped out” L Ron Hubbard Jr – 1984 tape transcriptUndoubtedly, LRH, Jr. was referring to the fanatic Lanz von Liebenfels (July 19, 1874 – April 22, 1954), above. Lanz would have died within 4 years of LRH publishing DIANETICS in 1950.
Lanz like Dr. Willi Ley would have been another key German informant to debrief and tutor Lt. Heinlein’s secret military intelligence science fiction group on Nazi Germany’ secret occult-Vril secret forces of power.
In Germany, Lanz von Liebenfels is called, “The man who gave Hitler his ideas”.
In 1905, Lanz founded the magazine Ostara, Briefbücherei der Blonden und Mannesrechtler. Readers of this publication included Adolf Hitler and Dietrich Eckart. Lanz claimed he was visited by the young Hitler in 1909, whom he supplied with two missing issues of the magazine.
Lanz, a defrocked Cistercian monk, an ardent race theorist wrote under the acronym PONT (Prior of the Order of New Templars). (Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, NY, 1977, pg. 17).
Historians are divided on the question of whether Hitler was actually ever a member of either the Temple of the New Order (Lanz) or the Armanen (Guido von List). Nevertheless, Hitler studied the Lanz’s publication, Ostara. Hitler alluded to Lanz providing him with the “foundations of knowledge” which was to become so important to him. (Sklar, Supra).
Lanz’s pseudo racial theories took mankind from the beginning of time and divided the species into the ace-men and the ape-men, the first being white, blue-eyed, blond, and responsible of everything heroic in mankind. The second group was the repository of everything vile. The heroes-called variously Asings, Heldinge, or Arioheroiker-were superior by reason of breeding and blood, whereas the inferiors-Afflinge, Waninge, Schrattlinge, or Tshandale- always threatened to contaminate through interbreeding. (Sklar, Supra).
Lanz’s Temple of the New Order of Templars first used the Swastika-red facing right for Aryan racial propaganda. For whatever reason, Hitler and SS Himmler allowed Lanz to live, but his publications and temple had been suppressed.
On June 25, 1941, LRH broke cover and received an official commission in the Naval Reserves, as a Lieutenant junior grade in an ONI post in Melbourne, Australia.
LRH, Lucifer’s Servants, the SS & AHNENERBE
“In order to understand what Himmler was up to, we will have to look at the climate surrounding the Ahnenerbe
and at what many readers probably think of as being a purely Christian
symbol: the Holy Grail. As we do so, we will come across a fascinating
individual whom history has treated rather shabbily, the young SS
officer and historian, Otto Rahn (1904-1939). It was, after all, Otto Rahn who helped popularize the notion that the Grail was not the special property of the Catholic Church (should it actually exist, and should it ever be found). For Rahn, the Grail was an emblem set up in opposition to the established Church — indeed, was a Luciferian symbol — and for this the Nazis were grateful; for, if Rahn’s conclusion was correct, it gave them a philosophical and historical edge over organized Christianity.”[24]
The Ancestral Heritage Research and Teaching Society, or Ahnenerbe Forschungs-und Lehrgemeinschaft, was founded on July 1, 1935 by Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Wirth (a Dutch historian obsessed with Atlantean mythology), and Richard Walter Darré (creator of the Nazi “blood and soil” ideology and head of the Race and Settlement Office). The purpose of the Ahnenerbe was to investigate “space” and “spirit.”[25]
Ahnenerbe had a group of off the book private financiers called the Circle of Friends, led by Wilhelm Keppler. Ahnenerbe SS was “to harness, not only natural, but also supernatural forces. All intellectual, natural, and supernatural sources of power- from modern technology to medieval black magic, and from the teachings of Pythagoras to the Faustian pentagram incantation – were to be employed in the interests of final victory.”[26]
Himmler would establish the headquarters of the SS Knights of the Black Sun at Wewlesburg Castle in Westphalia. At the castle, Himmler’s inner twelve high ranking SS generals would engage in various secret occult “Vril Forces” rituals and spiritual mental exercises which included telepathic communications and astral travels.
Above, Wicked Walter, SS Knight of the Black Sun. War Criminal Nazi Espionage Top Chief, Brigadefuhrer and Generalmajor der Polizeri Walter Schellenberg observed Himmler and his “Round Table” in Wewlesburg involved in “Vril” spiritual-metaphysical mind-body exercises,
“It was within the great dinning that with its Round Table that Himmler and his Inner Circle of Twelve Gruppenfuhrers would engage in mystic communications with the realm of the dead Teutons and perform other spiritual exercises.[27]
During WWII, U.S. military intelligence found it were light years away from the Ahnenerbe and SS in bridging the gap between natural, scientific and supernatural sources of “occult” and “Vril” power as military tools.
From at least 1939 to the end of WWII in May 1945, LRH represented ONI in a secret U.S. military intelligence think tank of science fiction experts trying to bridge that gap between science and science fiction.[28]
LRH was perfect for the job. He bled ONI and had delved into known military intelligence “mysticism” since he was twelve years old. Military intelligence provided the think tank with gathered top secret Ahnenerbe SS and SS spiritual – occult-Vril briefings, records and theories.
America’s twisted sister secret charge was to explore all of Ahnenerbe SS’ secret records and evidence of intellectual, natural, and supernatural sources of power- from modern technology to medieval black magic and from the teachings of Pythagoras to the Faustian pentagram incantation- that that Office of U.S. Naval Intelligence could obtain.
Some of their key discoveries of Himmler’s Ahnenerbe SS that were exploited by Heinlein’s think tank were the otherworld technologies of the SS Brotherhood of the Bell,[29] the Atomic Bomb[30], and antigravity time travel (Philadelphia Experiment).[31]
John W. Campbell, Jr., above, Science Fiction Writer of the RKO Film Studio infamous thriller “The Thing” (1953) was part of the secret science fiction think tank.[32] Campbell was also an early board member of the Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation in 1950[33].
Above, Lt. Heinlein, Secret Science Fiction Experts Sprague de Camp and Isaac Asimov at U.S. Naval Philadelphia Shipyards
ONI Naval Lt. Robert A. Heinlein, above U.S. Navy 1929, was one of the most famed and respected writers of science fiction’s “Golden Age,” which occurred from the 1940s to the 1950s. Heinlein’s science fiction recruits worked out of the U.S. Naval Air Experiment Center in Philadelphia, PA.[34] Lt. Heinlein’s secret think tank also included George O. Smith, Murray Leinster (Will F. Jenkins), L. Sprague de Camp, Isaac Asimov, and Fletcher Pratt.[35]
LRH was not beyond the others using the information gained through the off the books secret operation for personal profit and glorification. LRH’s Dianetics, set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body, was not invented by him or created out of a vacuum.
DIANETICS had some of its roots in the secret occult metaphysical theories of “VRIL Forces” and practices of Lucifer’s Servants, Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler’s SS Knights of the Black Sun and the Ahnenerbe SS. It was classified and Top Secret and the CIA formed in 1947 wanted its Nazi pseudo occult-Vril science back.
DEMONS & DEVILS, the Boys from Lookout Mountain, the Great BEAST 666
“When Aleister Crowley died in 1947 that’s when Dad
decided he would take over the mantle of the Beast and that is the seed
and the beginning of Dianetics and Scientology.” — L.R. Hubbard Jr. [36]In November 1945, LRH lived with Robert A. and Leslyn Heinlein at 8777 Lookout Mountain Avenue, Hollywood, California. The Heinleins had moved there in June 1935. (Heinlein archives: CORR331-02; Patterson, W. H., (2010). Robert A. Heinlein, In Dialogue with his Century, pp. 370, 371.)
From 1933 to 1945, the hills surrounding Lookout Mountain in Los Angeles held a secret Nazi Military Compound led by Herr Schmidt.[37] The Heinleins posing as Richard and Sigred Heinlein of Germany may have infiltrated the group for ONI military intelligence. By 1947, Lookout Mountain had also become home to the secret MK ULTRA Lookout Mountain Laboratory.[38]
In December 1945, Hubbard moved to 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, CA, residence of Weird Jack Parsons, above, and the Agape Lodge. (Patterson, 2010).[39]
It is generally believed that Lt. Heinlein briefed LRH on the Agape Lodge, and sent him into the U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis, Agape, among some of Lucifer’s Greatest Advocates in America.
Crowley’s disciple, Wilfred Smith, founded THE OTO Lodge in Pasadena, California, the Agape Lodge, which was part of Crowley’s Church of Thelema. The OTO Lodge was soon taken over by a rocket engineer, Jack Whiteside Parsons. A U.S. Naval Intelligence officer “young magician”, LRH, joined Parsons.
LRH set himself up as an heir to Aleister Crowley’s satanic empire. LRH’s fascination with Crowley goes back to when he was sixteen (1927 or 1928) living in Washington D.C. He got hold of Crowley’s The Book of Law.[40]
LRH was particularly interested in Crowley’s invention, the Moon Child, the miraculous conception by Satan. Roman Polanski’s classic horror thriller, Rosemary’s Baby, is an extension of Crowley’s Moon Child.
Among other things, Crowley conducted secret black masses, and also practiced human and animal sacrifices. Among Crowley’s papers, there was a description of tying a Negro to a tree, cutting a hole in his stomach, then inserting his penis.[41]
During the 1940’s, Crowley’s rent in London was paid by the Parsons-Hubbard Pasadena sect. Crowley, Parsons and Hubbard worshipped Satan; practiced Sex Magick, and sadistic fantasies. Crowley, an ardent racist, had a habit of relieving his bowels on people’s carpets. Crowley died on December 1, 1947 in Hastings, East Sussex, England.[42]
Jack Parsons mysteriously died on June 17, 1952 from an explosion of fulminate of mercury at his home laboratory.[43]
LRH’s Dianetics also has its roots in the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley, the Book of the Law, and LUCIFER.
In 1979, LRH’s wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, and ten other top Scientology management officials were tried in a court of law (Criminal Case No. 78-401 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. MARY SUE HUBBARD, et al.) and convicted by uncontested stipulation of burglaries of United States Government offices in Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles, California, over an extended period of at least some two years.
On January 15, 1983, Mrs. Hubbard began serving a four-year federal prison sentence for her role in a conspiracy to burglarize federal buildings, following the failure of a series of appeals.[44]
Ms. Hubbard had been the director of the Scientology Corporation’s Guardians Office that controlled the Church of Scientology.
According to the second-in-command of Scientology, Jesse Prince, Ms. Hubbard was forced by from twelve to seventeen men to sign away all of her rights to Scientology copyrights, trademarks, and bank accounts for the sum of $100,000; the estimated value of the Scientology corporation was estimated to be worth from $400,000,000 to $700,000,000.[45]
The overthrow of Sue Hubbard and the Church’s Guardians Office was a high level governmental coup. Since the early 1970s, the Church of Scientology had been systematically infiltrated by government agents. Physicist Dr. Harold E. Puthoff, above, of the National Security Agency (NSA), successfully infiltrated Scientology.
Dr. Puthoff completed Scientology’s confidential upper-level Operating Thetans (OT) courses, and then secured a top-secret contract with the Central Intelligence Agency to set up the CIA-initiated “remote-viewing” intelligence programs, SCANGATE, STARGATE, GILLFRAME, etc., headquarter at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, CA.
By 1972, Scientology OT VII Hal Puthoff , Scientology OT VII Ingo Swann, laser physicist Dr. Russell Targ and Scientologist Pat Price were collaborating regularly with military intelligence services; and providing in-house training for CIA personnel in the Scientology-based Remote Viewing technique [46] under the auspices of CIA MK-ULTRA.[47]
SRI’s secret “remote-viewing” intelligence programs were also exploited by the Deep State, Department of Defense, the President’s National Security Council (NSC), and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
After the overthrow of Sue Hubbard, above, and the Guardians Office and right after the Supreme Court had upheld Mary Sue Hubbard’s conviction, IRS related Attorney Meade Emory led a special group to restructure the entire Church of Scientology from beginning to end, top to bottom. [48]
In the complex restructuring of Scientology between 1981-1983, Emory co-founded the Church of Spiritual Technology (CST), doing business under the fictitious business name of “L. Ron Hubbard Library. CST is the owner of all Scientology and LRH’s copyrights. CST is the owner and controller of the Church’s most important trademarks. [49]
In the complex restructuring of Scientology, Religious Technology Center (RTC) was formed as some type of advocate and “protector” of Scientology.[50] RTC is licensed by CRT to use Church of Scientology copyrighted works. David “Shelley” Miscavige is the President and CEO of RTC.
For all particular purposes, LRH had been completely removed from the scenes since 1979 like a Howard Hughes. Lafayette Ronald “Ron” Hubbard, Senior, was finally declared dead at the age of 74 years allegedly on January 24, 1986, in his mobile home near San Luis Obispo.[51]
The CIA has taken back its pseudo science, “Vril Force.” The Church of SCIENTOLOGY is the domain of the New Order of the Deep State. The book, DIANETICS, has been rewritten and revised for the New Order for copyright and other reasons known only to the New World Order.
What DEMONS and DEVILS the New World is drawing out of Minister Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Al Sharpton and the NOI through AUDITING is unknown.
As exposed by the CIA-MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL MAESTRO, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, AUDITING involves HYPONISM. We know it involves delving into the subconscious and unconscious mind for repressed traumas, most likely to discover or even to create ALTERS.
Saviours’ Wanted
The selection of the new Fuhrer class is what my struggle
for power means. Whoever proclaims his allegiance to me is, by this
very proclamation and by the manner in which it is made, one of the
chosen. This is great significance of our long, dogged struggle for
power, that in it will be born a new master class, chosen to guide the
fortunes not only of the German people but of the world. –Adolf Hitler.[52]Another area of Ahnenerbe SS studies undoubtedly found and exploited by Hubbard’s science fiction group was Occulted Messianism and population control that was fruitfully and brutally exploited by Hitler, Himmler and Reichsminister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, Paul Josef Goebbels.
“We will of course not let them know about Wotan.” –Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels- [53]
Allegedly, one of LRH’s primary role models had been the little evil genius Goebbels,[54] above right with with look-a-like David Miscavige, who had been largely responsible for brilliantly creating the Nazi propaganda machine to control public opinion; spin the rise of the occulted mythic Fuehrer, paganism, and the global genocide of Jews and People of Color.
The basic principle of most religions is to behave unto others as we wish to be treated…The basis of these religions than is a principle of justice…[In contrast] the occultist …is lured by his vanity to seek a type of knowledge that sets him apart from others, maintaining that it is the preserved of the elite.”[55]
The Nazis universally proclaimed to be” enlightened and chosen ones” of the” new Fuhrer class.” The primary aim of the occult science of Goebbels was to empower a worldly aristocratic ad infinitum. The Nazi revolution…aimed to turn things around, but instead of a class struggle, it was concerned with a racial struggle.
A new class would be brought to power, not the old aristocracy, but a new aristocracy, based on the inherent nobility of the Aryan blood. The master race was to be the culmination of a biological evolution. If “interior” races prevented these goals, the master race would be justified, by the “natural law” of Darwinism, in doing whatever it needed to survive the harsh struggle of existence.”[56]
The secret ritual Magick of Nazis (hypnotism, telepathic powers, divination, and innate magical abilities) enables its followers to walk once more with the great ancient Germanic pagan gods, Thor, Frigga and Odin-Wotan. [57]
Before his death, LRH like his Nazi tutors wrote extensively about the importance of the genocide of lesser humans, “clearing the planet.” First, they had to establish a new race of “enlightened and chosen ones,” called “clears,” the Homo novis. Clears were Scientologists who have taken enough courses to become Homo novises and had freed their bodies of thetans.
“It is not necessary to produce a world of clears in order to have a reasonable and worthwhile social order; it is only necessary to delete those individuals who range from 2.0 down, either by processing them enough to get their tone level above the 2.0 line…or simply quarantining them from the society.” (L. Ron Hubbard, The Science of Survival, p. 157) People who are “low on the tone scale” – which includes people who are not Scientologists – should be handled. “There are only two answers for the handling of people from 2.0 down on the tone scale, neither one of which has anything to do with reasoning with them or listening to their justification of their acts. The first is to raise them on the tone scale by un-enturbulating some of their theta by any one of the three valid processes. The other is to dispose of them quietly and without sorrow….The sudden and abrupt deletion of all individuals occupying the lower bands of the tone scale from the social order would result in an almost instant rise in the cultural tone and would interrupt the dwindling spiral into which any society may have entered.” (L. Ron Hubbard, The Science of Survival, p. 157)[58]
Hubbard’s tone scale is a chart that claims to plot “emotions in an exact ascending and descending sequence.” The tone scale starts with “Body Death” in its lower end and ascends to “Serenity of Beingness” in its highest end. Scientologists use the tone scale to identify the emotional tone during auditing. The tone scale is also said to be used to predict human behavior. [59] Hubbard’s tone scale was inherently scaled to the “Serenity of Beingness” of Aryans.
You shouldn’t be scrubbing the floor on your hands and knees. Get yourself a nigger; that’s what they’re born for. –L. Ron Hubbard, in a letter to first wife, Polly Grubb[60]
By the way, does Hubbard’s rant of human extermination sound familiar? “We will unremittingly fulfill our task…We shall take care that never more in Germany, the heart of Europe, can the Jewish-Bolshevik revolution of subhumans be kindled internally or by emissaries from abroad. Pitilessly we shall be a merciless executioner’s sword for all these forces whose existence and doings we know…whether it for today, or in decades, or in centuries.” –Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler.[61]
In the final analysis, Minister Louis Farrakhan tells us in the opening pages that LRH “… was trying to prepare a people to build a brand new world and a brand new civilization.”
Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, the Luminous Lodge (Vril Society), Ahnenerbe and the SS Knights of Black Sun had the very same plan to build the very same new world and civilization.
Don’t be fooled, whatever they told Minister Farrakhan and the NOI, they will be used as trained black CIA GOONS to “Clear” the planet for a New World Order.
They will never slant SCIENTOLOGY’S e-meter tone scale beyond 2.0 to become the new man, Homo novis, or make the grade to become the new superman to avoid their very own extermination.
DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND? The New World and brand New Civilization that SCIENTOLOGY and DIANETICS is trying to bring about through extermination of the masses has been reserved for the elite, the Blue-eyed Blond Bloodlines of WOTAN.
[5] Supra, Id. At footnote 2
[6] Id.
[7] Id.
[14] Id.
[15] Id.
[16] Id.
[23] Ravenscroft, Trevor, The Spear of Destiny, Samuel Weiser, Inc. York Beach, Maine, 1973, pg. 246
[26] Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, NY (41977) pg. 103
[30] Supra, at footnote 13
[38] Id.
[41] Wilson, Colin, Aleister Crowley, The Nature of the Beast, The Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, Northhamptonshire,
[50] Id.
[52] Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, NY (1977) pg. 93
[56] Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, NY (1977) pgs. 94-95
[57] Levenda, Peter, Unholy Alliance, A History of the Nazi Involvement with the Occult, Continuum, NY (2006), pg. 53
[61] Id. Sklar, pg. 95-96
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Tags: Adolf Hitler, ahnenerbe, Aleister Crowley, alfreddie johnson, BLUEBIRD Project, church of spiriitual technology, CIA, COINTELPRO, David “Shelley” Miscavige, david miscavige, Dianetics, Dr. Louis Joylon West, dr. willi ley, harold puthoff, isaac asimov, John W. Campbell, Knights of the Black Sun, L. Ron Hubbard, luminous lodge, mary sue hubbard, meade emory, michael jackson, mind control, minister louis farrakhan, MK-ULTRA, Nation of Islam, office of naval intelligence, oni, PROJECT CHATTER, PROJECT SCANGATE, Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler, religious technology center, remote viewing, Robert A. Heinlein, Russell Targ, Satanism, science fiction think tank, Scientology church, shane woodruff, sprague de camp, SRI, Stanford Research Institute, tony muhammad, vril force, vril society, waajid bey, Whitney houston, your black muslim bakery
Categories : 1000 Year Reich, alfreddie jackson, Aryan Supremacy, black christianity, black institutions, bloodline of wotan, bloodlines of wotan, Brotherhood of the Bell, chauncey bailey project, Defense Intelligence Agency, dianetics, illuminati, John W. Campbell, Knights of the Black Sun, L. Ron Hubbard, L. Sprague de Camp, Lookup Mountain Laboratory, lucifer's servants, Michael Jackson, mind control, MK-ULTRA, modern slavery, mulitiple personality disorder, nation of islam, National Socialism, new world order, office of naval intelligence, Operating Thetan, order of teutonic knights, project bluebird, psychological warfare campaign against Christianity, racial mass murder, Reichsfurhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, rosemary's baby, rosy cross, satan, Satanism, Scientology, scientology, dianetics, squad 13, STAR GATE, Strumbannfuhrer SS Dr. Wernher von Braun, tony muhammad, trauma-based mind control, waajid aljaawaad bey, waajid bey, xenu, your black muslim bakery, yusuf bey, yusuf bey vi
29 05 2012
Pictures speak a thousand words.While Whitney Houston’s body is lying
in a bed of cold water on the 4th floor of the Beverly Hilton Hotel,
Ray J is harbored under the wing of Clive Davis and hotel security (the
Mossad) on the 3rd Floor.
Here it is almost 4 (four) months after the assassination of Whitney Houston. The case is still an enigma wrapped inside a puzzle. There has finally been an arrest for homicide in the Trevon Martin case while Whitney Houston’s assassination has been virtually reduced to coffee house internet chat lines and cold case files.
Above, Brandy, and Ray J with the old familiar ILLUMINATI hand symbol of their subservient Negroes. ILLUMUNITI Negroes are dangerous. They are witting assets to spying and covert military intelligence operations; and any satanic evil design or empire.
Ray J remains the weakness link in Whitney Houston’s murder investigation. Pushed, Ray J is like late legendary Bluesman Sonny Boy Williamson, he’ll tell you everything he knows. Yet, I don’t think that Beverly Hills Police has interrogated him or his evil doppelganger, Brandy, about the note Whitney passed to her before her death like they’re linked to national security secrets.
Above, November 7, 1962, Tricky Dick-President Richard Milhouse Nixon at the Beverly Hilton in his infamous California gubernatorial run. Nixon not only stayed there, he also participated in the opening ceremonies when, on August 10, 1955, he deemed the new spread — formerly a large expanse of farmland — “the most sumptuous hotel in the world.”[2]
The Beverly Hilton also appears to be U.S. President Barack Obama’s Western Whitehouse. Whereas, any ordinary taxpayer would know that the Beverly Hilton would be at taxpayers’ expense just as fortified as the Presidential Whitehouse in Washington DC with no fly zones, a military intelligence command center; and ultra secret and advanced intelligence, communication and surveillance systems. That’s a gimme.
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villargosa and the illusive Beny Alagem. The Western Whitehouse is owned and controlled by Israeli Army Commander and citizen, Beny Alagem. In theory and practice, Alagem allegiance and loyalty remains with the Israeli Army, Mossad and State of Israel, the virtual reality Homeland Security and Surveillance Capital.
Where is the line between the CIA and the Mossad? Franklin Lamb, PhD of Beirut[3]
“There is a total integration between the Central Intelligence Agency and the intelligence agencies of the United States and the Mossad, and together they prey upon the American people and upon the peoples of the world. We have to keep in mind that the current prime minster of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, as documented by Neve Gordon and in the Israeli publication Ha’ir had four social security cards, as he worked for the Central Intelligence Agency, under Benjamin Netanyahu, Benjamin Nitai, John Jay Sullivan, and John Jay Sullivan Jr.,” said Jewish Author Ralph Schoenman.[4]
The reality is that Israel’s intelligence agencies target the United States intensively, particularly in pursuit of military and dual-use civilian technology Israel markets its expertise in defense to the rest of the world. Israeli academic Neve Gordon cited a glossy government brochure on drones titled “Israel Homeland Security: Opportunities for Industrial Cooperation,” which boasts, “no other advanced technology country has such a large proportion of citizens with real time experience in the army, security and police forces.” The chapter called “Learning from Israel’s Experience” notes that “many of these professionals continue to work as international consultants and experts after leaving the Israel Defense Forces, police or other defense and security organizations.”[5].
Below, Neve Gordon offers a revealing and stunning brief inside look at the mindset of the Israeli Security and Police State running amok in the United States.
The Beverly Hilton is owned and managed by previously employed military personnel. Accordingly, the Western Whitehouse as an entity has been morphed into an arm and extension of the State of Israel. It is a security and surveillance police state.
On February 16, 2012, five days after Whitney was killed, President Obama, secret service and his presidential team officially checked in on the hotel’s eight floor. On February 11, 2012 when Whitney was murdered, the president’s personal advance security, scout and surveillance team was at the Beverly Hilton securing the premises.[6] I don’t think anyone would disagreed that it would be standard, customary and routine U.S. Secret Service procedure to send in advance teams to setup surveillance and electronic monitoring systems; coordinate local, county and state law enforcement agencies; and secure locations to protect the President of the United States.[7]
President Obama could have demanded that the U.S. Secret Service and military intelligence coordinate its Western Whitehouse surveillance and intelligence resources with the Beverly Hills police to help solve Whitney Houston’s murder, but that would be like admitting that he is more than an ILLUMINATI CYBORG-SOFT HUMAN MACHINE.
She saw them dance on the bar. The man she was with liked to dance in a “disorderly” manner in which “he lifted his shirt to show off his six-pack.”
They didn’t speak the same language, but when the man mentioned “sex,” she answered in her basic English, “Baby, cash money.”
They agreed on $800, she said, and went to his hotel.
The next morning, she was awakened by a call from the front desk alerting her that it was time for overnight visitors to leave the hotel, she said.
She woke the man up, and he refused to pay, telling her “just go, bitch.” [8]
Ms. Londono Suarez reported the incident to local police that confronted the dead beat john. The drunken john turned out to be U.S. Secret Service Agent Arthur Huntington of President Obama’s personal advance security team. Obama’s advance team had moved into Cartegena, Colombia days ahead to secure his appearance at the Sixth Summit of the Americas held in Cartagena April 14 and 15, 2012.[9]
It was subsequently revealed that Obama’s personal advance team and military intelligence attaches had been nightly getting their thrill on at taxpayers’ expense in Colombia at Hotel Caribe with drugs, alcohol and at least 12 prostitutes.[10] That was also standard, customary and routine U.S. Secret Service and military attaché advance team procedure to party down.[11]
Londono and Suarez are familiar surnames notoriously associated with major Bolivian and Colombian cocaine cartel crime families and the infamous CIA Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine connections of the 1980s. Former Brooklyn billionaire drug trafficker Jose Santacruz Londono, above, was considered the Colombian Cali cartel’s No. 3 boss and one of the world’s wealthiest drug lords. Londono was allegedly gunned down in 1996.[12] During the 1980s, Haroldo Londono of Colombia was a syndicate member of Mr. Steve’s (Wilson) Mafia Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine Ring in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.[13]
Above, Bolivia’s Roberto Suárez, and Lt. Oliver North of the National Security Agency (NSA). Suarez was notoriously named “cocaine king”. Roberto Suárez gathered most of his country’s producers of coca and cocaine into one organization, which he called “the Corporation” and which one author described as the “General Motors of cocaine”. It became a major supplier to the Medellin cartel of Colombia.[14] Suarez had been Oliver North’s conduit for CIA’s crack cocaine profits to the Nicaraguan Contras.[15]
In Bolivia, Suarez worked the international crack cocaine network under racial mass murderers Klaus Barbie and the Fourth Reich.[16] The infamous Nikolaus ‘Klaus’ Barbie was an SS-Hauptsturmführer, Gestapo member under Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, and a major WWII Nazi war criminal. He was known as the Butcher of Lyon.[17] SS Barbie had been an agent for the 66th Detachment of the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC); and a CIA asset.[18]
As result of the scandal, U.S. Secret Service supervisor David Chaney was allowed to retire. U.S. Secret Service supervisor Greg Stokes was “removed with cause”. A third agent resigned in the wake of the scandal. At least eight other Secret Service employees remain under investigation and further resignations are expected. Ten defense personnel are also under investigation for alleged involvement.[19]
There is an ongoing major Capitol Hill investigation of Obama’s personal advance team. The scandal has developed a life of its own that won’t go away for some time.[20] Subsequent to Obama’s personal advance secret service team bust, discrediting and humiliation, Ms. Londono Suarez suddenly went underground.
It seems reasonable to suggest that President Obama’s personal advance team and military intelligence attaches had been customarily getting their thrill on at the Beverly Hilton prior to the president’s arrival courtesy of the Israeli Mossad while Whitney Houston was being murdered in room 434, but their electronic surveillance and monitoring systems had undoubtedly picked up the unusual goings on in Whitney’s hotel room; and background checks and recorded video surveillance tapes of the characters entering and exiting the room.
Yes, I suspect that the U.S. Secret Service had been compromised and “white mailed” by foreign intelligence, the MOSSAD, and then mopped up 2 (two) months later in the Cartegena Scandal. Simple-Toms will always ask, “Why would the MOSSAD be interested in Death of Black Entertainer and Super Star Whitney Houston?” Let’s go to Compton, California, Baby.
Heller and Klein were also deeply connected operatives of the agent provocateur/counterintelligence group, the Jewish Defense League (JDL).[23] The JDL was founded by Rabbis Meir Kahane and Joseph Churba in the mid 1960s. The JDL is a notorious CIA cutout and a U.S. domestic arm of Israeli intelligence services, the MOSSAD.[24]
Kahane and Churba were part of the fascist Betar youth movement of Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s New Zionist Organization (N.Z.O), Jabotinsky, above, was an ardent fascist and Nationalist Zionist and founder of Israel’s right wing Likud party.
Nationalist Zionism originated from the Revisionist Zionists led by Jabotinsky. The Revisionists left the World Zionist Organization in 1935 because it refused to state that the creation of a Jewish state was an objective of Zionism. The revisionists advocated the formation of a Jewish Army in Palestine to force the Arab population to accept mass Jewish migration. Revisionist Zionism evolved into the Likud Party in Israel, which has dominated most governments since 1977. It advocates Israel maintaining control of the West-Bank and East Jerusalem and takes a hard-line approach/racialist extermination policy in the Israeli-Arab conflict.[25]
Zionist & the Godfathers of Fascism and Racial Mass Murder, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler
In the 1930s, Jabotinsky was a fellow fascist of Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (July 29, 1883-April 28, 1945). Mussolini was an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party and is credited with being one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism. He became the 40th Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and later led Italy to join the racialist Axis Forces with Fuehrer Adolf Hitler during WWII. [26]The two best-known graduates of the Jabotinsky’s Betar National Zionist youth movement were former Israeli Prime Minister Menaghem Begin and the JDL’s founder Meir Kahane. [27]
Jabotinsky’s personal secretary (and a pallbearer at his funeral) was Benzion Netanyahu, the father and political mentor of former Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Another of the fascist elements within the National Zionist movement was the Stern Gang, which advocated a military alliance between Nazi Germany and the Zionist movement in order to drive the British from Palestine-the most famous graduate of the Stern Gang was Yitzhak Shamir, another Israeli Prime Minister.[28]
In the 1920s, Jabotinsky headed the Hagarah. The Hagarah was an underground Jewish Defense/terrorist force in British occupied Palestine. Feivel Polkes, a Polish Jew and a member of the Hagarah, worked with the SS spy network of Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, above, (The Beast of Bucharest),[29] Knight of the Black Sun, CIA agent and California’s resident SS officer.
This all leads to the Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine connection, which is alleged to have been a joint covert CIA/ MOSSAD operation.[30] Michael Harari, above, a longtime top agent of Israeli foreign intelligence, the Mossad, was a security adviser to Panamanian Defense Forces Gen. Manuel Noriega. As the Mossad station chief for Central and South America in the late 1970s and into the 1980s until the U.S. invasion of Panama, after which he returned to Israel, Harari coordinated the Mossad’s gun-running and drug-trafficking operations in South America. Michael Harari “…he was in charge of operation watchtower – the program of drugs to LA gangs for money for guns for Nicaragua.”[31] Harari was one of the covert backdrops of Gary Webb’s infamous book, Dark Alliance and the CIA Crack Cocaine Connection. [32]
It’s not only about genocide, the covert racialist control and suppression of Black Intellectual Freedom, Expression and Artistic Properties and Resources. It’s about covert sources of income and cash cows, the M-O-N-E-Y. Who benefits from Whitney Death? Look for the Devil in the Details, Zionist Clive Davis and Sony.
All along, I have maintained that in the control of the financial,
intellectual and artistic properties of Gangster Rap, Eazy E had been
murdered with the AIDS virus. Above, listen to Suge Knight confirm that
Eazy E was murdered. They play no games, especially with Black Folk kept
poor and powerless.
Hotel security did a more urgent and thorough job of surveillance and investigation of its employees violating secrecy covenants than Whitney’s death. In fact, none of the Beverly Hilton’s advanced command center intelligence, communication and surveillance systems controlled by the Israelis (Mossad), U.S. military intelligence and secret service have been released to solve any of the mysteries surrounding Whitney’s murder. Whitney Houston would have been better protected at a local downtown mom and pop hotel with a two dollar security surveillance camera than at the Western Whitehouse. IT WAS A DEN OF FOOLS, SPOOKS AND SNAKES.
Whitney’s murder is entangled in treads of the international and national security state, which is the dilemma, faced by the Beverly Hills Police Department and local law enforcement officials in solving the crime. They can’t penetrate the wall of silence and the security and surveillance state of the Western Whitehouse.
In lieu of the recent Tupac hologram performance at Coachella Music
and Art Festival in April 2012, artificial intelligence hologram
technology and its connection to the State of Israel is worth
In 2010, the technology and its far reaching dangerous implications was evolving at neck breaking pace, but the technology is far more advanced and far reaching today that I dreamed possible.
A hologram is a projected three-dimensional representation of a person or object, normally used in communication or entertainment. Holograms were used mostly in telecommunications as an alternative to screens. A holocamera of any recorder or receiver would acquire the dimensions, form and movements of an object by means of ray scanning. This vision then could be transmitted simultaneously somewhere else, or stored and reproduced on a holoprojector at a later time.[34]
Telepathy is the transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction.[35] Military intelligence applications of artificial electromagnetic telepathy-so called “white noise” and hologram manipulations would explain how Whitney Houston could be harassed 24 hrs. a day with holographic DEMONS, and see faces, images and All-Seeing Eyes on the walls, carpets, doors, and inside and outside of her closets.
A secretly coded “Holy See” Project was also publicly exposed two decades ago. The Holy See Project was a collaborative of the CIA, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and the Vatican in the use of holograms along with artificial electromagnetic telepathy to create visions of Angels, Light Beings, and DEMONS, etc. to mind control populations.[36]
The public health risk from exposure to electromagnetic and hologram technology radiation and frequencies is unknown. However, two decades ago, the military industry complexes were covertly developing out-of-this world non-hertzian scalar electromagnetic surveillance, and manipulation and alteration of DNA/RNA to conform to with mind control hologram optical protocols.[37]
Many artificial telepathy electromagnetic victims report dream manipulation, sleep deprivation, or induced sleep at inappropriate time, memory input and control, subliminal control, visual hallucinations, holograms, hearing distortions, sense of touch distortions, microwave burns, involuntary muscle movement, voice and speech input, control of emotions and personality overlay.[38]
Artificial telepathy electromagnetic applications and weapons used at lower levels of amplification can cause extreme forms of physical discomfort, debilitation and confusion, men and women are assaulted on sexual organs which cause extreme discomfort and pain, total control of body functions such as manipulation of breathing and heart beats. Many become ill with migraines, cataracts, burns, digestive tract health conditions with massive rectal bleeding, skin cancer, leukemia, breast cancers, brain lesions and tumors, various cancers, various diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, various teeth problems, Alzheimer’s disease, Epstein Barr virus, heart attacks, heart disease, brain tumors, brain aneurysm, & death.[39]
CNN was among the first to break ground in television holographic applications when it beamed into its Atlanta studios holographic images of Will. I. am of Black Eye Peas. The holographic project was the decade long work of eerie vice president and the Washington bureau chief for CNN, David Bohrman.[40]
It is unknown if David Bohrman is related to the late escaped and dangerous Nazi war criminal, SS-555 Martin Bormann, former head of the Nazi Party Chancellery (Parteikanzlei) and private secretary to Adolf Hitler.[41]
At one point, Wolf Blitzer and Bohrman revealed that Artificial Telepathy Technology is being developed and perfected off shore in Israel. Bohrman’s CNN holograms were developed in Israel by Norwegian graphics design firm, Vizrt and Israel-based sports enhancement specialist, SportVu.[42]
In December 2003, Whitney and Bobby entered Israel under the guise of a “spiritual retreat” that often have been best described as “strange.” They met in odd blood red outfits with former general and war criminal (Sabra and Shatila Massacre) Ariel Sharon, Israel’s 11th Prime Minister.[43] Sharon is alleged to be a master mason connected to Knight Templar’s secrets in House of Holy, Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.
Whitney and Bobby entered Israel under the subterfuge of spiritual healing with the Black Hebrews, but after the trip little or nothing has become of their spiritual or religious awaking among the Black Hebrews.[44] In fact, they often appeared in public distressed, disorientated, and confused, and returned home from Israel exhibiting even more bizarre, destructive and addictive behaviors.
Israeli publication Haaretz reported: “Houston, protected by a ring
of publicists and family, rarely spoke to the local media during her
trip, even famously evading a hand shake with then Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon while meeting him with Brown in Jerusalem.”[45]
When Sharon told Houston that he hoped that trip to Israel would be the
first of many, she answered, “Yes.” And when the prime minister asked
how she felt being there, she said, “It’s home, it’s home.”[46]
Whitney and Bobby most likely entered Israel as CNN’s Bohrman did as part of secret telepathy-holographic technology protocols and for medical and psychological examinations to study the effects of long term exposure to electromagnetic radiation from its applications.
AbbaNibi, the Israeli/Jewish cultural newswire reported that Whitney Houston before her death had been planning a return trip to Israel as a follow up to the time she spent there with Bobby Brown. She wanted to be baptized again in the Jordan River by the African Israelites (Black Hebrews). “The Insider” confirmed Whitney’s planned return trip to Israel through goddaughter Brandi Burnside saying, “We planned to go to Israel together. She said to me, ‘We need to get into the holy waters, so that nothing can harm us.’”[47]
In her tormented and confused state of mind, Whitney was “COMING HOME TO ROOST” and Israel didn’t want her there. Her autopsy confirmed that she was severely ill. Whitney Houston had outlived her usefulness. She was worth more to them dead than alive.
Bohrman was the chief executive officer (CEO) of Pseudo Programs founded by internet genius and entrepreneur Josh Harris, above.. Harris confessed that Pseudo was a fake corporation,[48] most likely a CIA front.
In 1999, Harris and Bohrman conducted human experiments called “Quiet,” which tested the effects of media, surveillance and technology on the development of personal identity. In New York, they invited New Yorkers to live in pods in a six-storey Broadway warehouse and be subjected to 24-hr. total surveillance, in the shower, in the bathroom, which would tie into Israeli security and surveillance state theories. During the experiment, everything was free: food, alcohol, drugs, a firing range, and shelter.
Pseudo called in a spook CIA psychiatrist to maximum overload the subjects with intensive Project CHATTER-MK ULTRA type interrogations and harassment. The experiment is captured in a film, “We live in the Public”.[49]
In 2000, after exposing himself and a girlfriend to the “Quiet” experiment, Harris suddenly took off for refuge in Ethiopia,[50] the ancestral land of Ashur-Aset-Heru Mysteries, the Ancient Land of Kush. Even in the ancient Land of Kush under the protection of the most ancient Heru (Horus) and Aset (Isis). In the ancient land, Harris believes that he had been shadowed by the Guardians of the Dark, the FBI.[51]
Decades ago, Dr. Michael Persinger of Canada, above, developed a “God Hemet” to feedback recorded EEG brain wave frequencies recorded from “spiritual states” and fed the frequencies back into subjects by VLF (very low electromagnet frequencies) and ELF (extremely low frequencies) to the temporal lobes to reconstruct religious experiences.[53]
Current Neurotheology studies use neuroimaging to localize brain regions that are active, or differentially active, during experiences that subjects associate with “spiritual” feelings or images. David Wulf, a psychologist at Wheaton College, Massachusetts, suggests that current brain imaging studies, along with the consistency of spiritual experiences across cultures, history, and religions, “suggest a common core that is likely a reflection of structures and processes in the human brain.”[54]
Some Neurotheology scientists working in the field hypothesize that the basis of spiritual experiences arises in neurological physiology. Suggestions have been made that an increase of N-Dimethyltryptamine levels in the pineal gland (Third Eye) or stimulation of the temporal lobe by psychoactive ingredients of magic mushrooms mimics religious experiences.[55]
Can you envision the danger of a Dr. King, JFK, RFK, Malcolm X or Huey P. Newton hologram with Artificial Telepathy Electromagnet Technology voices, words, content and messages controlled by the New World Order and military industrial complex for covert mass population mind control projects consistent with the Holy See Project?
Tupac’s Coachella (Virtual 2Pac for Coachella [Masses]) hologram aberration was commercially exploited by James Cameron’s Digital Domain.[56] James Cameron is the infamous Canadian film director and producer of horror-sci-fi blockbuster films, Terminator, Aliens, Abyss and Avatar.[57]
This is extremely troubling, freighting and chilling. James Cameron is ILLUMINATI. He is a subliminal messaging specialist, reimaging expert of Kemetic Mythology, and has been linked to high level Scottish Rite freemasonry, CIA Mind Control Contractor Dr. Ewen Cameron, and covert MK ULTRA mind control programs and projects.[58]
Cameron and Digital Domain appears to be spearheading the duel-use commercial exploitation of Artificial Holographic Telepathy Technology developed out of Israel, the Homeland Security and Surveillance Capital.
Already, there are plans in works to put this Cameron-ILLUMINATI Tupac hologram aberration and artificial creature on tour.[59] Of course, Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson hologram world tours are also in the works. See Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson perform their greatest hits at $150.00 per ticket padding the coffers of the New World Order. [60]
Artificial Hologram and Telepathy Electromagnet Technology overall implication in the control and manipulation of free artistic and political expressions of the Black Music Industry is simply frightening and mind blowing. There will no contracts, disputes, freedom of cultural-political expressions; and no independent Black enterprises, markets or industries in ILLUMINATI hologram manipulations. It amounts to the crime of cultural Genocide prohibited by U.N. Charter.
The New World Order ILLUMINATI- Luciferians are still busy at break neck pace developing neurotheological sciences with telepathy-holographic technologies under cover of the Israeli Security and Surveillance State with an agenda to mind control world populations to mimic the worship of LUCIFER as GOD. It’s called Project Blue Beam.[61]
We have entered the Era of Post Human Renaissance. We have come to the real time experience and virtual reality of a POLICE and SURVEILLANCE STATE in America and YOU DON’T HAVE OF A CLUE OF WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON EVEN AT THE WESTERN WHITEHOUSE!
[4] Id.
[7] Id.
[10] Ib.
[18] Id.
[27] http//
[28] Id.
[29] Id.
[31] Id.
[37] footnote 1
[39] Id.
[47] Id.
[51] Id.
[53] Id.
[54] Id.
[55] Id.
Here it is almost 4 (four) months after the assassination of Whitney Houston. The case is still an enigma wrapped inside a puzzle. There has finally been an arrest for homicide in the Trevon Martin case while Whitney Houston’s assassination has been virtually reduced to coffee house internet chat lines and cold case files.
Above, Brandy, and Ray J with the old familiar ILLUMINATI hand symbol of their subservient Negroes. ILLUMUNITI Negroes are dangerous. They are witting assets to spying and covert military intelligence operations; and any satanic evil design or empire.
Ray J remains the weakness link in Whitney Houston’s murder investigation. Pushed, Ray J is like late legendary Bluesman Sonny Boy Williamson, he’ll tell you everything he knows. Yet, I don’t think that Beverly Hills Police has interrogated him or his evil doppelganger, Brandy, about the note Whitney passed to her before her death like they’re linked to national security secrets.
Every U.S. President from JFK to Clinton stayed at least once at the
Beverly Hilton, the hotel says. The Hilton was the Western White House
for President John F. Kennedy when he was president – in those days the
helicopter would land in the parking lot of the Robinsons store next
door or at Beverly Hills High School, the hotel said.[1]Above, November 7, 1962, Tricky Dick-President Richard Milhouse Nixon at the Beverly Hilton in his infamous California gubernatorial run. Nixon not only stayed there, he also participated in the opening ceremonies when, on August 10, 1955, he deemed the new spread — formerly a large expanse of farmland — “the most sumptuous hotel in the world.”[2]
The Beverly Hilton also appears to be U.S. President Barack Obama’s Western Whitehouse. Whereas, any ordinary taxpayer would know that the Beverly Hilton would be at taxpayers’ expense just as fortified as the Presidential Whitehouse in Washington DC with no fly zones, a military intelligence command center; and ultra secret and advanced intelligence, communication and surveillance systems. That’s a gimme.
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villargosa and the illusive Beny Alagem. The Western Whitehouse is owned and controlled by Israeli Army Commander and citizen, Beny Alagem. In theory and practice, Alagem allegiance and loyalty remains with the Israeli Army, Mossad and State of Israel, the virtual reality Homeland Security and Surveillance Capital.
Where is the line between the CIA and the Mossad? Franklin Lamb, PhD of Beirut[3]
“There is a total integration between the Central Intelligence Agency and the intelligence agencies of the United States and the Mossad, and together they prey upon the American people and upon the peoples of the world. We have to keep in mind that the current prime minster of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, as documented by Neve Gordon and in the Israeli publication Ha’ir had four social security cards, as he worked for the Central Intelligence Agency, under Benjamin Netanyahu, Benjamin Nitai, John Jay Sullivan, and John Jay Sullivan Jr.,” said Jewish Author Ralph Schoenman.[4]
The reality is that Israel’s intelligence agencies target the United States intensively, particularly in pursuit of military and dual-use civilian technology Israel markets its expertise in defense to the rest of the world. Israeli academic Neve Gordon cited a glossy government brochure on drones titled “Israel Homeland Security: Opportunities for Industrial Cooperation,” which boasts, “no other advanced technology country has such a large proportion of citizens with real time experience in the army, security and police forces.” The chapter called “Learning from Israel’s Experience” notes that “many of these professionals continue to work as international consultants and experts after leaving the Israel Defense Forces, police or other defense and security organizations.”[5].
Below, Neve Gordon offers a revealing and stunning brief inside look at the mindset of the Israeli Security and Police State running amok in the United States.
The Beverly Hilton is owned and managed by previously employed military personnel. Accordingly, the Western Whitehouse as an entity has been morphed into an arm and extension of the State of Israel. It is a security and surveillance police state.
On February 16, 2012, five days after Whitney was killed, President Obama, secret service and his presidential team officially checked in on the hotel’s eight floor. On February 11, 2012 when Whitney was murdered, the president’s personal advance security, scout and surveillance team was at the Beverly Hilton securing the premises.[6] I don’t think anyone would disagreed that it would be standard, customary and routine U.S. Secret Service procedure to send in advance teams to setup surveillance and electronic monitoring systems; coordinate local, county and state law enforcement agencies; and secure locations to protect the President of the United States.[7]
President Obama could have demanded that the U.S. Secret Service and military intelligence coordinate its Western Whitehouse surveillance and intelligence resources with the Beverly Hills police to help solve Whitney Houston’s murder, but that would be like admitting that he is more than an ILLUMINATI CYBORG-SOFT HUMAN MACHINE.
Meanwhile about 2 (two) months after Whitney’s Murder in
Cartegena, Colombia at Hotel Caribe, Dania Londono Suarez, above,
watched as the man and his friends ordered bottles of vodka. “They were
buying alcohol like it was water,” she said.She saw them dance on the bar. The man she was with liked to dance in a “disorderly” manner in which “he lifted his shirt to show off his six-pack.”
They didn’t speak the same language, but when the man mentioned “sex,” she answered in her basic English, “Baby, cash money.”
They agreed on $800, she said, and went to his hotel.
The next morning, she was awakened by a call from the front desk alerting her that it was time for overnight visitors to leave the hotel, she said.
She woke the man up, and he refused to pay, telling her “just go, bitch.” [8]
Ms. Londono Suarez reported the incident to local police that confronted the dead beat john. The drunken john turned out to be U.S. Secret Service Agent Arthur Huntington of President Obama’s personal advance security team. Obama’s advance team had moved into Cartegena, Colombia days ahead to secure his appearance at the Sixth Summit of the Americas held in Cartagena April 14 and 15, 2012.[9]
It was subsequently revealed that Obama’s personal advance team and military intelligence attaches had been nightly getting their thrill on at taxpayers’ expense in Colombia at Hotel Caribe with drugs, alcohol and at least 12 prostitutes.[10] That was also standard, customary and routine U.S. Secret Service and military attaché advance team procedure to party down.[11]
Londono and Suarez are familiar surnames notoriously associated with major Bolivian and Colombian cocaine cartel crime families and the infamous CIA Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine connections of the 1980s. Former Brooklyn billionaire drug trafficker Jose Santacruz Londono, above, was considered the Colombian Cali cartel’s No. 3 boss and one of the world’s wealthiest drug lords. Londono was allegedly gunned down in 1996.[12] During the 1980s, Haroldo Londono of Colombia was a syndicate member of Mr. Steve’s (Wilson) Mafia Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine Ring in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.[13]
Above, Bolivia’s Roberto Suárez, and Lt. Oliver North of the National Security Agency (NSA). Suarez was notoriously named “cocaine king”. Roberto Suárez gathered most of his country’s producers of coca and cocaine into one organization, which he called “the Corporation” and which one author described as the “General Motors of cocaine”. It became a major supplier to the Medellin cartel of Colombia.[14] Suarez had been Oliver North’s conduit for CIA’s crack cocaine profits to the Nicaraguan Contras.[15]
In Bolivia, Suarez worked the international crack cocaine network under racial mass murderers Klaus Barbie and the Fourth Reich.[16] The infamous Nikolaus ‘Klaus’ Barbie was an SS-Hauptsturmführer, Gestapo member under Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, and a major WWII Nazi war criminal. He was known as the Butcher of Lyon.[17] SS Barbie had been an agent for the 66th Detachment of the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC); and a CIA asset.[18]
As result of the scandal, U.S. Secret Service supervisor David Chaney was allowed to retire. U.S. Secret Service supervisor Greg Stokes was “removed with cause”. A third agent resigned in the wake of the scandal. At least eight other Secret Service employees remain under investigation and further resignations are expected. Ten defense personnel are also under investigation for alleged involvement.[19]
There is an ongoing major Capitol Hill investigation of Obama’s personal advance team. The scandal has developed a life of its own that won’t go away for some time.[20] Subsequent to Obama’s personal advance secret service team bust, discrediting and humiliation, Ms. Londono Suarez suddenly went underground.
It seems reasonable to suggest that President Obama’s personal advance team and military intelligence attaches had been customarily getting their thrill on at the Beverly Hilton prior to the president’s arrival courtesy of the Israeli Mossad while Whitney Houston was being murdered in room 434, but their electronic surveillance and monitoring systems had undoubtedly picked up the unusual goings on in Whitney’s hotel room; and background checks and recorded video surveillance tapes of the characters entering and exiting the room.
Yes, I suspect that the U.S. Secret Service had been compromised and “white mailed” by foreign intelligence, the MOSSAD, and then mopped up 2 (two) months later in the Cartegena Scandal. Simple-Toms will always ask, “Why would the MOSSAD be interested in Death of Black Entertainer and Super Star Whitney Houston?” Let’s go to Compton, California, Baby.
The men behind Ruthless Records, Marion “Suge” Knight and the late
Eazy-E were Jerry Heller, above, and Michael Klein. Heller was the
co-founder of N.W.A., and CEO of Ruthless Records.[21]
Klein was the Ruthless director of business affairs. Heller was a
teacher at UCLA for Entertainment Studies and Performing Arts. Heller
had been invited to the White House by two of the country’s most
notorious fascist Republican presidential administrations, Richard
Milhouse Nixon and George H.W. Bush, Sr.[22]Heller and Klein were also deeply connected operatives of the agent provocateur/counterintelligence group, the Jewish Defense League (JDL).[23] The JDL was founded by Rabbis Meir Kahane and Joseph Churba in the mid 1960s. The JDL is a notorious CIA cutout and a U.S. domestic arm of Israeli intelligence services, the MOSSAD.[24]
Kahane and Churba were part of the fascist Betar youth movement of Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s New Zionist Organization (N.Z.O), Jabotinsky, above, was an ardent fascist and Nationalist Zionist and founder of Israel’s right wing Likud party.
Nationalist Zionism originated from the Revisionist Zionists led by Jabotinsky. The Revisionists left the World Zionist Organization in 1935 because it refused to state that the creation of a Jewish state was an objective of Zionism. The revisionists advocated the formation of a Jewish Army in Palestine to force the Arab population to accept mass Jewish migration. Revisionist Zionism evolved into the Likud Party in Israel, which has dominated most governments since 1977. It advocates Israel maintaining control of the West-Bank and East Jerusalem and takes a hard-line approach/racialist extermination policy in the Israeli-Arab conflict.[25]
Zionist & the Godfathers of Fascism and Racial Mass Murder, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler
In the 1930s, Jabotinsky was a fellow fascist of Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (July 29, 1883-April 28, 1945). Mussolini was an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party and is credited with being one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism. He became the 40th Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and later led Italy to join the racialist Axis Forces with Fuehrer Adolf Hitler during WWII. [26]The two best-known graduates of the Jabotinsky’s Betar National Zionist youth movement were former Israeli Prime Minister Menaghem Begin and the JDL’s founder Meir Kahane. [27]
Jabotinsky’s personal secretary (and a pallbearer at his funeral) was Benzion Netanyahu, the father and political mentor of former Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Another of the fascist elements within the National Zionist movement was the Stern Gang, which advocated a military alliance between Nazi Germany and the Zionist movement in order to drive the British from Palestine-the most famous graduate of the Stern Gang was Yitzhak Shamir, another Israeli Prime Minister.[28]
In the 1920s, Jabotinsky headed the Hagarah. The Hagarah was an underground Jewish Defense/terrorist force in British occupied Palestine. Feivel Polkes, a Polish Jew and a member of the Hagarah, worked with the SS spy network of Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, above, (The Beast of Bucharest),[29] Knight of the Black Sun, CIA agent and California’s resident SS officer.
This all leads to the Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine connection, which is alleged to have been a joint covert CIA/ MOSSAD operation.[30] Michael Harari, above, a longtime top agent of Israeli foreign intelligence, the Mossad, was a security adviser to Panamanian Defense Forces Gen. Manuel Noriega. As the Mossad station chief for Central and South America in the late 1970s and into the 1980s until the U.S. invasion of Panama, after which he returned to Israel, Harari coordinated the Mossad’s gun-running and drug-trafficking operations in South America. Michael Harari “…he was in charge of operation watchtower – the program of drugs to LA gangs for money for guns for Nicaragua.”[31] Harari was one of the covert backdrops of Gary Webb’s infamous book, Dark Alliance and the CIA Crack Cocaine Connection. [32]
It’s not only about genocide, the covert racialist control and suppression of Black Intellectual Freedom, Expression and Artistic Properties and Resources. It’s about covert sources of income and cash cows, the M-O-N-E-Y. Who benefits from Whitney Death? Look for the Devil in the Details, Zionist Clive Davis and Sony.
The Beverly Hilton also has a rigid covenant of secrecy not unlike an
arm of an intelligence agency; and secret societies. Within days of
Whitney’s death, low level hotel employees that leaked or provided any
information to the press were fired and silenced even to this day. “The
hotel employees that talked to the media were fired because they
violated hotel policy,” a source told RadarOnline. “They weren’t high
level employees, but the hotel didn’t want anyone to talk about
Whitney’s tragic death.”[33]Hotel security did a more urgent and thorough job of surveillance and investigation of its employees violating secrecy covenants than Whitney’s death. In fact, none of the Beverly Hilton’s advanced command center intelligence, communication and surveillance systems controlled by the Israelis (Mossad), U.S. military intelligence and secret service have been released to solve any of the mysteries surrounding Whitney’s murder. Whitney Houston would have been better protected at a local downtown mom and pop hotel with a two dollar security surveillance camera than at the Western Whitehouse. IT WAS A DEN OF FOOLS, SPOOKS AND SNAKES.
Whitney’s murder is entangled in treads of the international and national security state, which is the dilemma, faced by the Beverly Hills Police Department and local law enforcement officials in solving the crime. They can’t penetrate the wall of silence and the security and surveillance state of the Western Whitehouse.
In December 2010, I covered artificial intelligence hologram
technology in the Mind Rape of Whitney Houston. The technology was
covertly used to develop her demon aberrations and intentionally scare
her to death and drive her over the deep end.In 2010, the technology and its far reaching dangerous implications was evolving at neck breaking pace, but the technology is far more advanced and far reaching today that I dreamed possible.
A hologram is a projected three-dimensional representation of a person or object, normally used in communication or entertainment. Holograms were used mostly in telecommunications as an alternative to screens. A holocamera of any recorder or receiver would acquire the dimensions, form and movements of an object by means of ray scanning. This vision then could be transmitted simultaneously somewhere else, or stored and reproduced on a holoprojector at a later time.[34]
Telepathy is the transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction.[35] Military intelligence applications of artificial electromagnetic telepathy-so called “white noise” and hologram manipulations would explain how Whitney Houston could be harassed 24 hrs. a day with holographic DEMONS, and see faces, images and All-Seeing Eyes on the walls, carpets, doors, and inside and outside of her closets.
A secretly coded “Holy See” Project was also publicly exposed two decades ago. The Holy See Project was a collaborative of the CIA, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and the Vatican in the use of holograms along with artificial electromagnetic telepathy to create visions of Angels, Light Beings, and DEMONS, etc. to mind control populations.[36]
The public health risk from exposure to electromagnetic and hologram technology radiation and frequencies is unknown. However, two decades ago, the military industry complexes were covertly developing out-of-this world non-hertzian scalar electromagnetic surveillance, and manipulation and alteration of DNA/RNA to conform to with mind control hologram optical protocols.[37]
Many artificial telepathy electromagnetic victims report dream manipulation, sleep deprivation, or induced sleep at inappropriate time, memory input and control, subliminal control, visual hallucinations, holograms, hearing distortions, sense of touch distortions, microwave burns, involuntary muscle movement, voice and speech input, control of emotions and personality overlay.[38]
Artificial telepathy electromagnetic applications and weapons used at lower levels of amplification can cause extreme forms of physical discomfort, debilitation and confusion, men and women are assaulted on sexual organs which cause extreme discomfort and pain, total control of body functions such as manipulation of breathing and heart beats. Many become ill with migraines, cataracts, burns, digestive tract health conditions with massive rectal bleeding, skin cancer, leukemia, breast cancers, brain lesions and tumors, various cancers, various diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, various teeth problems, Alzheimer’s disease, Epstein Barr virus, heart attacks, heart disease, brain tumors, brain aneurysm, & death.[39]
CNN was among the first to break ground in television holographic applications when it beamed into its Atlanta studios holographic images of Will. I. am of Black Eye Peas. The holographic project was the decade long work of eerie vice president and the Washington bureau chief for CNN, David Bohrman.[40]
It is unknown if David Bohrman is related to the late escaped and dangerous Nazi war criminal, SS-555 Martin Bormann, former head of the Nazi Party Chancellery (Parteikanzlei) and private secretary to Adolf Hitler.[41]
At one point, Wolf Blitzer and Bohrman revealed that Artificial Telepathy Technology is being developed and perfected off shore in Israel. Bohrman’s CNN holograms were developed in Israel by Norwegian graphics design firm, Vizrt and Israel-based sports enhancement specialist, SportVu.[42]
In December 2003, Whitney and Bobby entered Israel under the guise of a “spiritual retreat” that often have been best described as “strange.” They met in odd blood red outfits with former general and war criminal (Sabra and Shatila Massacre) Ariel Sharon, Israel’s 11th Prime Minister.[43] Sharon is alleged to be a master mason connected to Knight Templar’s secrets in House of Holy, Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.
Whitney and Bobby entered Israel under the subterfuge of spiritual healing with the Black Hebrews, but after the trip little or nothing has become of their spiritual or religious awaking among the Black Hebrews.[44] In fact, they often appeared in public distressed, disorientated, and confused, and returned home from Israel exhibiting even more bizarre, destructive and addictive behaviors.
Whitney and Bobby most likely entered Israel as CNN’s Bohrman did as part of secret telepathy-holographic technology protocols and for medical and psychological examinations to study the effects of long term exposure to electromagnetic radiation from its applications.
AbbaNibi, the Israeli/Jewish cultural newswire reported that Whitney Houston before her death had been planning a return trip to Israel as a follow up to the time she spent there with Bobby Brown. She wanted to be baptized again in the Jordan River by the African Israelites (Black Hebrews). “The Insider” confirmed Whitney’s planned return trip to Israel through goddaughter Brandi Burnside saying, “We planned to go to Israel together. She said to me, ‘We need to get into the holy waters, so that nothing can harm us.’”[47]
In her tormented and confused state of mind, Whitney was “COMING HOME TO ROOST” and Israel didn’t want her there. Her autopsy confirmed that she was severely ill. Whitney Houston had outlived her usefulness. She was worth more to them dead than alive.
The 24hr. Surveillance StateBohrman was the chief executive officer (CEO) of Pseudo Programs founded by internet genius and entrepreneur Josh Harris, above.. Harris confessed that Pseudo was a fake corporation,[48] most likely a CIA front.
In 1999, Harris and Bohrman conducted human experiments called “Quiet,” which tested the effects of media, surveillance and technology on the development of personal identity. In New York, they invited New Yorkers to live in pods in a six-storey Broadway warehouse and be subjected to 24-hr. total surveillance, in the shower, in the bathroom, which would tie into Israeli security and surveillance state theories. During the experiment, everything was free: food, alcohol, drugs, a firing range, and shelter.
Pseudo called in a spook CIA psychiatrist to maximum overload the subjects with intensive Project CHATTER-MK ULTRA type interrogations and harassment. The experiment is captured in a film, “We live in the Public”.[49]
In 2000, after exposing himself and a girlfriend to the “Quiet” experiment, Harris suddenly took off for refuge in Ethiopia,[50] the ancestral land of Ashur-Aset-Heru Mysteries, the Ancient Land of Kush. Even in the ancient Land of Kush under the protection of the most ancient Heru (Horus) and Aset (Isis). In the ancient land, Harris believes that he had been shadowed by the Guardians of the Dark, the FBI.[51]
For decades the military industrial complex has been developing a new
scientific discipline, Neurotheology (spiritual neuroscience). The
Neurotheology theory is that man’s religious belief systems is
neurological (MK ULTRA’s Aldous Huxley’s Island).[52]Decades ago, Dr. Michael Persinger of Canada, above, developed a “God Hemet” to feedback recorded EEG brain wave frequencies recorded from “spiritual states” and fed the frequencies back into subjects by VLF (very low electromagnet frequencies) and ELF (extremely low frequencies) to the temporal lobes to reconstruct religious experiences.[53]
Current Neurotheology studies use neuroimaging to localize brain regions that are active, or differentially active, during experiences that subjects associate with “spiritual” feelings or images. David Wulf, a psychologist at Wheaton College, Massachusetts, suggests that current brain imaging studies, along with the consistency of spiritual experiences across cultures, history, and religions, “suggest a common core that is likely a reflection of structures and processes in the human brain.”[54]
Some Neurotheology scientists working in the field hypothesize that the basis of spiritual experiences arises in neurological physiology. Suggestions have been made that an increase of N-Dimethyltryptamine levels in the pineal gland (Third Eye) or stimulation of the temporal lobe by psychoactive ingredients of magic mushrooms mimics religious experiences.[55]
Can you envision the danger of a Dr. King, JFK, RFK, Malcolm X or Huey P. Newton hologram with Artificial Telepathy Electromagnet Technology voices, words, content and messages controlled by the New World Order and military industrial complex for covert mass population mind control projects consistent with the Holy See Project?
Tupac’s hologram commercial exploitation at Coachella Music and Art
Festival was a test to measure public response and resistance. It was an
aberration, an artificial creature. The hologram was in Tupac’s vision,
but the voice, words, false gestures and message were carefully
artificially crafted, manipulated and controlled.Tupac’s Coachella (Virtual 2Pac for Coachella [Masses]) hologram aberration was commercially exploited by James Cameron’s Digital Domain.[56] James Cameron is the infamous Canadian film director and producer of horror-sci-fi blockbuster films, Terminator, Aliens, Abyss and Avatar.[57]
This is extremely troubling, freighting and chilling. James Cameron is ILLUMINATI. He is a subliminal messaging specialist, reimaging expert of Kemetic Mythology, and has been linked to high level Scottish Rite freemasonry, CIA Mind Control Contractor Dr. Ewen Cameron, and covert MK ULTRA mind control programs and projects.[58]
Cameron and Digital Domain appears to be spearheading the duel-use commercial exploitation of Artificial Holographic Telepathy Technology developed out of Israel, the Homeland Security and Surveillance Capital.
Already, there are plans in works to put this Cameron-ILLUMINATI Tupac hologram aberration and artificial creature on tour.[59] Of course, Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson hologram world tours are also in the works. See Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson perform their greatest hits at $150.00 per ticket padding the coffers of the New World Order. [60]
Artificial Hologram and Telepathy Electromagnet Technology overall implication in the control and manipulation of free artistic and political expressions of the Black Music Industry is simply frightening and mind blowing. There will no contracts, disputes, freedom of cultural-political expressions; and no independent Black enterprises, markets or industries in ILLUMINATI hologram manipulations. It amounts to the crime of cultural Genocide prohibited by U.N. Charter.
The New World Order ILLUMINATI- Luciferians are still busy at break neck pace developing neurotheological sciences with telepathy-holographic technologies under cover of the Israeli Security and Surveillance State with an agenda to mind control world populations to mimic the worship of LUCIFER as GOD. It’s called Project Blue Beam.[61]
We have entered the Era of Post Human Renaissance. We have come to the real time experience and virtual reality of a POLICE and SURVEILLANCE STATE in America and YOU DON’T HAVE OF A CLUE OF WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON EVEN AT THE WESTERN WHITEHOUSE!
[4] Id.
[7] Id.
[10] Ib.
[18] Id.
[27] http//
[28] Id.
[29] Id.
[31] Id.
[37] footnote 1
[39] Id.
[47] Id.
[51] Id.
[53] Id.
[54] Id.
[55] Id.
Comments : 18 Comments »
Tags: 2pac, Adolf Hitler, Ariel Sharon, Artificial Holographic Telepathy Technology, artificial intelligence holograms, Artificial Telepathy, Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, Beny Alagem, beverly hilton hotel, Black Hebrews, bobby brown, Cartegena, CIA, clive davis, Coachella Music and Art Festival, cocaine king, Colombia, Dania Londono Suarez, David Bohrman, Digital Domain, Dissociate identity disorder, Dr. Michael Persinger, hip hop satanic cult, holograms, Holy See Project, Hotel Caribe, ILLUMINATI hologram manipulations, james cameron, Jose Santacruz Londono, josh harris, Michael Harari, michael jackson, MK-ULTRA, mossad, Neurotheology, Nikolaus 'Klaus' Barbie, obama's personal advance team, obama's secret service, oliver north, Project Blue Beam, Pseudo Programs, ray j, Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler, Roberto Suárez, Security and surveillance capital, spiritual neuroscience, SportVu, tupac, tupac hologram, Vizrt, western whitehouse, Whitney houston, zionism
Categories : 9-11, ALL SEEING EYE, avatar, Barack Obama, black diva, bobby brown, CIA, clive davis, columbian cocaine, Crimes Against Democracy, cybernetics, cyborg, cyborg warfare, cyborgs, Dark Alliance, Dr. Aldous Huxley, Dr. Ewen Cameron, Eazy-E, ELF, Eric Lynn Wright, Eric Wright, Extremely Low Electrical Frequencies, Gangsta Rap, gansta rap, Gary Webb, genocide, George W. Bush, Hagarah, Heinrich Himmler, hollywood satanic cult, huey p. newton, illuminati, Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine connection, israel, james cameron, JDL, Jerry Heller, jesus christ, Jewish Defense League, John f. kennedy, Knights of the Black Sun, Knights Templar, Likud party, luciferians, Malcolm X, Marion Suge Knight, Martin Luther King, Michael Harari, Michael Jackson, Michael Klein, MK-ULTRA, MOSSAD, n.w.a, new world order, POST-HUMAN RENAISSANCE, President John F. Kennedy, racial mass murder, re-image, re-imaging, Reichsfurhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, RONALD REAGAN, Ruthless Records, Satanism, Schutzsteffel, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Snoop Dog, Snoop Dogg, SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, Straight Outta Compton, Tupac, Tupac Shukar, whitney houston
Flickr Photos
Prince Ray
- #charlestongoddamn Dylann Storm [Trooper] Roof- Devil & CIA- MK ULTRA in the Details 12 months ago
- #charlestowngoddam, Slavocracy Lost Cause & Secret 2nd Civil War Against Blacks, 12 months ago
- The police didn't make it to Emanuel AME to save our elders in Charleston- planned diversion, Active Shooter Drill 12 months ago
- SMOKING GUN: DHS Drill During SC Shooting via @YouTube 12 months ago
- #queenbeebethmcelroy, #alabamagoddam, look here for the grandson's MONEY of AFRICAN ABSOLUTE BONDSMEN,… 1 year ago
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