Pulling the Veil Over Your Eyes
The Magic and Mesmerism of Queen Diva WHITNEY HOUSTON brought to the U.S. Armed Forces by the Department of Defense, Pentagon and Commander and Chief of Armed Forces, Luciferian President GEORGE H.W. BUSH as an ILLUSION to pull the veil over the eyes of U.S. Military Forces that illegally invaded Iraq in a WAR OF AGGRESSION and GENOCIDE (Violation of Human Rights) in 1991.
Philly Sound, Michael William Masser & Linda Creed
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Michael Masser and
Linda Creed wrote the lyrics and music to
“The Greatest Love of All” for the
HollyWeird movie about the life of the
Great Muhammad Ali called, “
The Greatest (1977)”.
Masser was a blond
Ashkenazi Jew, while
Creed was often described as a “
French Jew“, maybe because you can see the
African in her.
What is important is that
Masser said that he returned to
Israel (
Holy Land) to find some
divine inspiration to help master the song.
Divine inspiration is often closely tied to the concept of revelation, the belief in information being revealed or disclosed through
communication with a deity or other supernatural entity or entities. While
Creed that had developed the
“lyrics” to the song had been so imbedded within the
Black Music Philly Sound scene, culture and community, she was generally considered-
just one of the sisters.
Holy Lands was the
Land of (Milk & Honey) Canaan when the
Ashkenazi Nomads invaded the country.
Canaan was a colony of the people of the Kingdoms of Kush and Kemet. A lot of what is
supernaturally revealed in
Israel isn’t necessarily
The true mystery of
Israel was once again revealed when they uncovered the
Sphinx of the Great Pharaoh Menkaure of the 4th Dynasty of the Pyramid and Golden Ages of Kemet in the temple complex of
Tel Hazor in Northern Israel. And, the name “
Israel” may be derived from a combination of the names
“Isis,” “RA” and “El.”
It is generally understood that
HollyWeird global mass media projects like
“The Greatest” are always implanted with
subliminal demonic spells. However, one of the most important words included in the song revealed to
Masser and
Creed out of
Canaan was
“No matter what they take from me, They can’t take away my DIGNITY [
. Black Children in playful dance (twerking) …
The Horned Goat God’s Twerk & Kiss of Shame (Osculum Infame)
spirit possession honoring SATAN (twerking)? Can you be really, really be sure?
Demonic Spirit Possession– that’s the way they roll, in particular, for the
Future of Black Children!
“Among the earliest records of human beliefs, the early goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon carried a sun above their head as a Symbol of DIGNITY (as daughters of Ra).”
Embodied in the golden sun which is His Symbol, RA is Netjer of light,
life, and heat, and the power inherent in the sun which warms our
planet. A special symbol of Ra via their connection to the Ben-ben, a
pyramidal-shaped stone from which Ra as a Bennu (a white heron, called
“Phoenix” by the Greeks) rose from Nun and sang the song of creation) in
His honor.
The beautiful thing about
DIGNITY is that it is a principle of MAAT.
has been described as ‘the key idea in the traditional African approach
to life’ which today ‘recurs in most African societies as the influence
of right and righteousness, justice and harmony, balance, respect and HUMAN DIGNITY.’(Asante and Abarray, 1996, p. 59)
DIGNITY just happens to be a very powerful and mysterious cosmic word in world civilized history that
resonates on his own. Just that word alone has the tendency to counteract and destroy any
Satanic/Demonic spells implanted in the song and music.
DIGNITY has many names and faces like the
Goddess Hathor.
DIGNITY takes us back to
RA, to the very
Dawn of Creation.
DIGNITY is the Divine Breath of Life of God (Gods). The 1977 movie version song was performed by
George Benson. In February 1985,
Whitney released the song in her debut album. The
Columbian Masonic/Demonic Clive Davis was initially against her recording the song, but backed down.
The Greatest Love of All was released as the B-side to the single “
You Give Good Love.” The song was eventually released as a single in its own right.
Stephen Holden of NY Times wrote that
“Houston sings it with a forceful directness that gives its message of self-worth an astounding resonance and conviction” and called the song a compelling assertion of spiritual devotion, black pride, and family loyalty, all at once.”
Another critic fearing the song and
Whitney’s latent power wrote,
had laughed at that song during the seventies as a mawkish ode to
self-involvement, not dreaming it would ever be taken seriously.” But it did move and inspired the
MASSES. This was not at all what the
Luciferians intended or dreamed would happen. This is not the
Luciferian/ILLUMINATI Global Agenda for the Masses-
A …
By April 1986,
Linda Creed was dead at the age of 37.
Whitney most likely began to be
DRUGGED soon thereafter with
CIA CRACK COCAINE, then placed under U.S. military jurisdiction for covert
Psychological Warfare projects.
“Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside …” Twerking is not an option.
What you are about to read may and very well should alarm, upset and
disturb many. It is as it is. It is the offensive, profane and vile
truth as ancient mysteries have been created it to be passed down throughout the generations of
Sethians (Satanist) and those that serve
Satan (
witches and warlocks) to 21st Century
Knights, z, Satanist, Witches and
Warlocks and the
mysteries manifest itself today. It is silently behind the
Satanic Booty Cult, and
Satan’s Twerk.
Goddess Hathor, giving the Divine Breath of Life to the Pharaoh, SETI, the Great
TWERK: Breath of the Dragon & Serpentine Life Force
The Devilish/Satanic Twerk
Even today as it was when it was first created, this type of erotic art (
Hans Baldung Grien or Grün’s Witch and the Dragon)
wasn’t intended to be viewed or studied by the general public or the
masses. Art critics say that they don’t necessary know what’s going on
in the woodcut. That isn’t the truth. It is a medieval
Sethian illustrated
secret doctrine, and a
blueprint for today. By the way, the children in the woodcut are human sacrifices.

The divine breath of life from
God that all of us have entered through the
nostrils. So, it stands to reason in
duality that the
DEVIL in the form of a
dragon may breathe its
Satanic Life Force through the
ASS/ANUS. Those with the
Breath of the Dragon and
Serpentine Life Force intend to create
EVIL and bring
destruction to mankind.
Revelation 12:9 states:
“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world. ” The
drac (
dragon) was a term synonymous with doing as much
EVIL as the
DEVIL himself could be supposed to desire. The
Drac is also designated a
demon and a
malevolent spirit.
“The dragon whose nature sulphur shares is often spoken of as the ‘dragon of Babel‘ or, more accurately, the ‘dragon’s head’ (caput draconic) , which is a ‘most pernicious poison,’ a poisonous vapour breathed out by the flying dragon. The dragon’s head ‘comes with great swiftness from Babylon.’ However,
the ‘winged dragon’ that stands for quicksilver becomes a
poison-breathing monster only after its union with the ‘wingless
dragon,’ which corresponds to sulphur. Sulphur here plays an evil role that accords well with the sinful ‘Babel.’ “ (Mysterium Coniunctionis, p. 117)
When we get into the subject of the
Dragon’s Breath of Burning Sulfur and the
anus- it involves very complex and complicated issues involving theology, metaphysics, esotericism, and alchemy spanning
Christianity, the
Gnostics of the
Knights Templars, Cathars and Rosicrucians (
Order of the Dragons), and
Hell is said to smell like
burning sulfur. It is often referred to in the Bible as “
brimstone.” It is a symbol of
perpetual torment and destruction.[3] However, among the
sulfur and brimstone has the same meaning as
Theios (thi’-os) Definition:
“godlike (neuter as noun, divinity)” Translated:
“divine, godhead“.[4] In religious terms,
divinity or godhead is the state of things that come from a supernatural power or deity, such as a god, supreme being,
Creator-God or spirits and are therefore regarded as sacred and holy.

That means that the
Dragon (Satan) has the
godhead power to create another face or alter Satanic personality in
witches through the
anus by its
creation breath and Serpentine Life Force. The
two faces, one where the mouth is – also the
anus, and the
devil’s tail second tongue.
Luciferians have been serving
SATAN (Seth)
for thousands of years. We could be a thousand years behind knowing
their true secrets, because their real mysteries are revealed to only an
elite select few throughout the ages.
Dürer and Baldung, The Secret Claw Hand
Hans Baldung Grien or Grün (1484 – September 1545) that created the
Witch and the Dragon may have been one of that elite few. He was a German artist of an elite and noble family.
Baldung was a painter and printmaking who was considered the most gifted student of
Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). It has been suggested that
“Grien” came from
“grienhals”, a German word for

High Priestess of the
ancient European Satanic Booty Cult in popular society is entrusted to
Kim Kardashian.

She is a
witch under the spell of the
Breath of the Dragon and
Serpentine Life Force. She intends to create
EVIL and bring about the
DESTRUCTION to mankind.

Booty Priestess’ under the spell of the
Breath of the Dragon is
Miley Cyrus.

Booty Priestess’ under the spell of the
Breath of the Dragon is
Jennifer Lopez.

Of course,
Rihanna is a
Booty Priestess under the spell of the
Breath of the Dragon.

Then last but none the least is the
CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH- Multiple Personality Disordered Sex Kitten,
Nicki Minaj.
Dürer and Baldung’s secret Satanic lessons and
doctrines were exposed in their paintings and woodcuts that most likely
weren’t intended for the world to see nor understand. Elite European
Satanists like
Baldung and
Durer believed that women and their private parts including their
asses/anuses were possessed by the
could be spiritual possessed by him by the
Serpent’s fierily breath and the
Shameful Kiss.

Even at that time,
witches had gained the knowledge and power of
mesmerism and
hypnotic trance formations (hypnotic sleep) as illustrated in
Baldung’s 1544 woodcut, “
The Groom Bewitched.“
[7] 16th Century French Franciscan theologian
Jean Benedicti and French jurist and political philosopher
Jean Bodin (1530–1596) named the nun’s “
parties honteuses” [private parts] as the
devil’s favorite entry point.
Bodin elaborated, explaining that
“evil spirits possess women from ‘down there’ [la-bas] and speak through their shameful body parts [parties honsteuses].”[8] In that age, they believed the
DEVIL primary used
women to serve him as sexual enslaved
witches that recruit men and convert the world over to the
DEVIL’s reign on earth.
“I [DEVIL] show Englishmen how to buy and sell slaves. And I teach their women how to be witches.” The Devil and Tom Walker, by
Washington Irving [9]

Freemason (
32 or 33rd Degree), clandestine
Knights Templar and
1st Baronet (
the holder of a rank of honor of the British Empire below a baron and above a knight) Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832),
[10] once observed to author, essayist, biographer, historian and
Demonologist Washington Irving (1783-1859),
[11] “Ah!
cats are a mysterious kind of folk. There is more passing in their
minds than we are aware of. It comes no doubt from their being so
familiar with warlocks and witches.”[12] Or
warlocks and witches being so familiar with
Cats were sent by the
DEVIL to help witches with their
evil workings. Using a cat in your magic will double any spell’s power.
[13] Undoubtedly,
Scott and
Irving were among
Lucifer’s Servants. Dürer and Baldung were high ranking
witches, sorcerers and dragonologists part of a secret powerful
German Satanic Cabal (
Hungarian Order of the Dragon) most likely part of the
Rosicrucian Circle that survived through the generations in secret, and
still exist this moment.
Satanist Annie Besant (1847-1933),
33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason with
Devil’s Claw Hand Sign.
Antonio “L.A.” Reid of “The X Factor” television show gesture “
The DEVIL’S CLAW” in the current music entertainment industry. He is in the Cult.
Hallie Berry,
SS Walter Schellenberg and
Will Smith are part of the secret
Dragon Cult.

This is one of
Baldung’s Naked Witches (
Woman with the Cat) that show you that the
Satanic Conspiracy have used
music and entertainment along with
Satan’s Spell Book for generations to lure men, women and children to
SATAN. Recall that the
Cat is sent by
SATAN to double any spell’s power.
Izzy Azalea and Jennifer Lopez Bearing the Cross of the Satanic Booty Religion
As you see, the Booty Cult is being pushed and promoted among the masses to religious proportions by CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Occult Bureau Witches and Sorceresses of America’s Luciferian Music and Entertainment Industry.
The Booty, the ASS is the other FACE of SATAN.
They (Sethians) believe that the Booty, the ASS is the other MOUTH of SATAN.
The “
TWERK“, the blog
AfroCentricQueen woke me up,
“Modern day twerking is very similar to Mapouka, a dance from Côte d’Ivoire. The dance has existed for centuries and consists of a series of movements emphasizing the buttocks. Mapouka was a celebratory dance for festivals by Africans and was widely accepted because people believed that this dance led to encounters with their Gods!!!
Twerking also is typically a Bantu dance style. The African try to
replicate these relics each time they came together… If you go into Cameroon where the dance actually started, you will see a couple of African Mystic tribes who dance merely by twerking. Gyrating with the waist is just an African dance that in almost every tribe in Cameroon most of them dance only with the waists and buttocks like the Bassa Assiko dancers.”[17]
Mapouka is a traditional dance from the Dabou area of southeast
Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) that originated with the
Aizi, Alladian and
Avika people. It is also known as
“la danse du fessier” or
“The Dance of the Behind”.
[18] Isolated from its whole, I didn’t recognize it as a form of ancient sacred ritual benevolent
“Spirit Possession.” AfroCentricQueen woke me up, I saw it, the benevolent and positive
twerk in
Brazil within its proper
spiritual context and order of things.

I have an
Associated Bachelor degree in
Anthropology. For my own enlightenment and enrichment, I had often traveled across the U.S. and across the sea to study
Black Culture wherever it existed. During the late 1980’s, I traveled to
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil alone on an independent backpack search and study of
Rio and
Black Orpheus.
[19] Black Orpheus has an infamous
de la Macumba scene.
Macumba pretty much have become
commercialized and
bastardized for tourists that I stayed clear of. For a couple of days, I stayed in a
beautiful and peaceful small town of overwhelmingly people of color. It was about a five to six hour bus ride outside
Rio. The town sat beside a
16th Century Wooden Spanish Colonial Fort
still occupied by the Brazilian Army. I sat in the public park in the
town’s square. To my utter amazement, people went about their calm
daily business while sharing common park space with a donkey, chickens,
roosters, dogs, cats and a giant 1,500 to 2,000 old world longhorn bull
that stood almost 7 feet at the shoulders with horns that spanned over
15 feet. I didn’t tell anyone, but I was very nervous and virtually
terrified until I calmed down and followed the flow of the people, but I
was still nervous. I prayed that my true nervous vibrations weren’t
picked up by the animals, particularly that
Big Bull.
Oh, crazy Americano.

My time in this small town had to have been one of my life’s most
remarkable human experiences. It was one of most peaceful and serene
places among men that I had ever experienced. It was at a café across
the square that I had become enchanted by a pair of extraordinary dark
eyes. She was a beautiful Brazilian waitress. Each time she drew near
me, it was as if we were breathing from the same nostrils. I was
drifting off into a dream. I had feelings of being complete. I had to
snap out of it. I was only passing through. I was committed to do what
was right and just and not disrupt anyone’s path or course not even my
own along my way. Back in the states, I had a lovely fiancé and small
family that I promised to grow with. I returned home with a peaceful
conscious, no secrets, regrets or drama.
In town, I was granted special permission by the
high priestess to attend a totally authentic and sacred
Macumba ritual
Macumba is the “
umbrella” term used for two principle forms of
African Spirit Worship:
Candomble and Umbanda.
[20] Candomblé is a Dance in Honor of the Gods. Music and dance are important parts of
Candomblé ceremonies. It is a religion, practiced mainly in Brazil.
Candomblé developed in a creolization and genius of traditional
Fon, and
Bantu beliefs of the kidnapped and enslaved from
West Africa
by the Portuguese. Between 1549 and 1888, the religion developed in
Brazil, influenced by the knowledge of African priests who continued to
teach their mythology, culture, language and spiritual religious belief
Practitioners of
Candomblé believe in a Supreme Creator called,
Oludumaré (
Zambi by the
Kongo and
Nana Buluku by the
Fon) who is served by
benevolent lesser deities, which are called
Orishas. The
Orishas and similar figures form a link between the
SPIRITUAL WORLD and the world of humans.
practitioners believe that every person has their own tutelary deity
which controls his or her destiny and acts as a protector.
During the ritual, the
high priestess was dressed in a white
suit with a white top hat instead of black. She carried a white cane.
She smoked a cigar while sipping from a bottle of Bud as she moved
around the temple. She called me,
Oh Americano, and laughed each time she passed me during the ceremony, because she knew like
a long lost child, I understood very little of what I was witnessing of an ancient African past.
As the group and
initiates danced to the hypnotic rhythm of
the drums, she would approach mostly young females then select one by
the tap of the white cane on the floor in front of her to celebrate the
fertility and motherhood rite. At the tap of the cane, each female would enter and literally drop down into
spirit possession of their deity. The ritual scene in the 1999 movie,
Eyes Wide Shut, is similar, but the women are under
Watched and supervised closely by the
priestess, each began to
remarkably roll and gyrate their waist, hips, the muscles of their
buttocks to the drums totally independent of the movement of her other
body parts and muscles. It only lasted moments, but it was as if they
had unique and total control over each and every individual muscle of
their lower extremities between and waist and their legs. I knew enough
to know that I had never seen that type of control over the muscles and
movements over that part of the body before.

My first impression was that they had practiced, trained and perfected the control over their muscles and tissues. Actual
“Spirit Possession” hadn’t entered my mind. I knew very little about it. I had seen
uncontrollable “Spirit Possession” and
“Talking in Tongues” through the
“Holy Ghost” in Black Churches most of the days of life. But this was a
priestess controlled and invoked manifestation by a
sacred deity that was unknown to me. It was no wonder that the
high priestess
continued to chuckle at me throughout the ritual. I had no idea of the
lost African wonders, mysteries and experiences that I was witnessing.
The “Bounce” as Marketed/Sponsored by Corporate America & Mass Media
It is very true that
“twerking” and
New Orleans‘ “bounce” dance or display removed from the context of collective
African Spiritual Consciousness incorporates many of the same movements of traditional
West African Sacred Dance including the emphasis on the hips and buttocks that may be an evolution of our ancient traditions.

Throughout the decades, we have often borrowed dance movements from traditional
African Ceremonial Dance and popularized it. However, taking and mass popularizing a movement that directly involves sacred
African Spiritual Consciousness and Possession without any spiritual guidance, supervision and controls is deeply troubling.
“Inverted twerking” also pose a serious health risk –
exploding head syndrome, dizziness and vertigo.
makes blood pool in your head, risking clot forming and raising local
blood pressure since the brain isn’t equipped to pump the blood back to
the heart like the legs are. This could cause a brain hemorrhage if the
pressure rises too much. Some even claim pooling of blood in the lung
can be the consequence of hanging upside down. So usually you won’t die
of it, but it can cause serious medical problems.”[23]
Isolated from its whole, the sacred moment and
“Encounter with the Benevolent God(s) of Fertility” that is a
mystery has been turned into an institutional
Satanic Booty Cult/Spirit Worship that opens a portal for
alien demonic spirits and gods to invade the sacred
African Collective Spiritual Consciousness.

through the back country of
Brazil, and old city of
Rio, I have seen with my own eyes the remarkable strange power of ancient
African spirit worship and possession. It involves entering streams of complicated hierarchies of
benevolent and
demonic spirits that
ordinary and unknowing people can’t navigate through, replicate, invoke or control without an experience and learned African Priest or Priestess.
Twerking is out of
place, order and balance. Its mystery is deliberately being manipulated covertly to initiate
Satanic Booty Worship to release those
ancient demonic spirits controlled by
Luciferians to run amok among us. It is being used primarily by the
ILLUMINATI to invoke and honor
Lucifer (CHAOS) by dance and music through covert hypnotic and subliminal suggestions of
Demonic/Satanic Spirit Possession.
“To the Satanist, he is his own God. SATAN is a symbol of Man living as his prideful, carnal nature dictates.”[24] Universally,
Carnal relates to the physical and especially
sexual appetites;
worldly or earthly; of or relating to the
body or flesh.

Greek God Pan is a ravenous, insatiable phallic god, whose
worshipers would celebrate him with offerings and massive drunken
orgies in caves and forests.
He’s a god specifically of PRIMAL/CARNAL male sexuality. He loves sex, the joys of the body, and wine. He’s a bringer of panic (hence the name). He is a war god. He is also a musician and singer.
[26] He was a rapist.

For generations,
Satan has been known as the
Lord of CHAOS.
[27] The
Greek God Pan brings about
CHAOS in the rules of orderly societies.
Pan disintegrates established orders back into CHAOS. One of the primary ancient
Demonic entities directly linked to the
Devil’s Other Face (
Cult known for generations to enter the
unconscious and conscious portals of the mind through dance and music is the
Greek God Pan.

‘Pan‘ is the pagan god of sexual fertility, lust,
homosexuality, rape and pedophilia. Many statues of Pan display him with
an erection. Wiccans adore Pan more than all the other false gods that
they worship.”[28] “Medieval legends say that the DEVIL CREATED THE GOAT. Satan himself often appeared with goat’s horns, and sometimes changed his shape completely into a goat.” – (
Encyclopedia Mythica).”[29] In the woodcut, PAN leads a woman to
SATAN and his
SATAN’S ANUS excrement in the
cauldron appears to have importance in imposing and gaining some type of
mind control over initiates and people.
Claude Gillot’s Ancient Ritual Dance Booty-Twerking for the Goat God Pan
GOAT was sacred to the
Temple of Pan.
[30] The
Cult of Pan is linked to a temple site in city of
Banyas (
Panias) dated to about
200 BC located at the foot of
Mt. Hermon in Northern Israel.
[31] During the crusades,
Knight Templars invaded, occupied and fortified
CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Occult Bureau Demonic Rihanna Booty-Twerking for the Goat God
Not every much is known or told about Frenchman
Claude Gillot (1673-1722). He was a weird and strange man, and one of France’s elite leading painters of the era. Like
Dürer and Baldung, he undoubtedly was a secret elite society
Satanist, Sorcerer and Witch.
Gillot was credited with creating the “
Kiss of Shame (ocsulum infame). Gillot’s Sabbath took place in a dark cave, the
DEVIL being shown on the right in the form of a
large goat (
PAN). There are two cats and a snake in the lower left corner. The snake is associated with the
DEVIL and their presence at the Sabbath identify the gatherers with the evil night gatherings to worship
SATAN. It also seems to show an act of shameful
sodomy by a
demon on a gatherer while he reads from the
DEVIL’s Spell Book.

he Kiss of Shame– Osculum Infame (PAN) is a recurring theme in European
DEVIL’S Sabbath.

The infamous Confederate General, Knights of the Golden Circle and KKK leader, Scottish Rite Freemason,
Albert Pike, also clearly associated
Pan with
Satan is not a black god, but negation of God … this is not a Person,
but a Force, created for good, but which may represent evil. It is the
instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent
this Force; under the mythologic and horned form of the God Pan; thence
came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the
Light-bearer.” [
Albert Pike,
Morals and Dogma, p. 102]
PAN was also one of the favorite
Satanic Gods of the
Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley. Reportedly,
Crowley raised the horned god
in a secret all night
Satanic ritual in Paris. It drove him insane and killed another.
[33] Crowley also created a
Satanic homosexual rite devoted to
Pan in which he was ceremonially sodomized by the god.

The origin of
PAN dates at least back to
6th Century BC Thebes, Greece.
[35] Walpurgis Night (
is a traditional spring festival celebrated on April 30 or May 1 in
large parts of Central and Northern Europe. In Germanic folklore,
Walpurgisnacht, also called
Hexennacht literally “
Witches’ Night“. It is believed to be the night of a witches’ meeting on the
Brocken, the highest peak in the
Harz Mountains,
a range of wooded hills in central Germany between the rivers Weser and
Elbe. The first known written occurrence of the English translation “
Walpurgis Night” is from the 19th century.
Walpurgis Night- Witches Sabbath & Booty/Ass Satanic Worship
Well, that is a rather
placid description of the “
Witches’ Night” or the
Witches’ Sabbath.
Walpurgis Night is another
ancient pagan ritual beside
Beltane that celebrate April 30- day of the arrival of spring.
[37] These spring festivals and rituals originate in the worship of the
God Pan.
Pan was evoked in the springtime to ensure the fertility of both the crops and the people.
PAN’s direct connection to
Walpurgis Night and the
Witches’ Sabbath is certainly verified by
Demonologist Johannes Praetorius’ Witches’ Sabbath woodcut that dates back to around 1668 from his infamous tract,
Blockes-Berges [
Verrichtung, Leipzig, Germany.

Witches’ Night had been recorded taking place in the
Harz Mountains as early as the 15th Century AD.
[40] It was
Praetorius’ woodcut that told us more than anyone else seem to have been willing to expose about what was really going on-
revels and orgies with and for the DEVIL.
Johann Richter or
Johannes Praetorius (1537 – October, 27, 1616) was a
Bohemian German mathematician and astronomer.
[41] He was certainly a celebrated
witness of his time.
Praetorius, according to one authority,
an open eye and a sharp ear for all wonder stories, witch tales, and
accounts of ghosts and sorcery current among the people.”[42]And, he certainly was aware of who the
Greek God Pan was and how he factored into the 16th Century
Walpurgis Night and the
Witches’ Sabbath as a very important and central Satanic figure.

PAN Ass/Anus Worship is unbelievable, but it was/is very-very real.

Horned God Ass/Anus Worship is unbelievable, but it was very-very real. It still exists, today …

no matter how profane, lewd, malevolent, and unworldly
(anti-DIGNIFIED) it may be.

PAN’s forbidden
Ass/Anus vulgar backward
DANCE to honor SATAN that dehumanize the people; degrade and demean
sacred feminine and motherhood is also unbelievable, but also was/is very-very real.
Praetorius was also very vocal about the dances that served the
Pan) involving the touching of
“shameful places“ that he accused
Satanic magicians out of Italy of inventing and spreading. One dance was the
La Volta, he described it as
new galliard… a foreign dance in which they seize each other in lewd
places … a whirling dance full of scandalous, beastly gestures and
immodest movements. [The volta] is responsible for the misfortune that innumerable murders and miscarriages are brought about by it.” “[43]
Queen Elizabeth I’s “pleasure aka ‘The Betty Hop’: The lavolta
was the ‘dirty dancing’ of the Renaissance. The music was characterized
by dotted-rhythms, and the dance itself was deemed quite lewd and
lascivious, if not downright immoral and dangerous. The man embraces
the woman, places his thigh between her buttocks, one hand on her back
and the other alternately near her crotch and bust, and she leaps into
the air, the flying skirts revealing glimpses of undergarments and leg. It was denounced as shamelessly obscene and suggestive.”[44]
Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
is the governing body of Freemasonry in Scotland. It was founded in
1736. The oldest records held within the Grand Lodge are meeting minutes
of the
Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary’s Chapel) No. 1 which date from

Decades before those first minutes of Freemasonry were set to ink,
witches on the peaks of
Harz Mountains were
“Riding the Goat” to each year at the pagan spring festival to the
Witch’s Sabbath.

Spanish painter
Francisco Goya (1746- 1828) “
Witches’ Sabbath”, which depicts a crowd of
“hoary old hags” listening intently while a black goat preaches to them, and “
The Great He-Goat”.

In 1854
, Eliphas Lévi published
Dogma et Rituele de la Haute Magie, in which he described the
Knight Templars’ BAPHOMET as the “
Sabbatic Goat”. This is the popular image of
Baphomet as the Satanic Black goat, or “Goat of Mendes” as
Lévi calls it.

The Last Test, apocalyptic horror author
H.P. Lovecraft makes first mention of
“The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young”. Though later descriptions of
Shub-Niggurath are not terribly goat-like,
its designation as a goat creates a tie between the animal and dark natural forces beyond man’s control.
[48] Pan is
Patron God of the
Witches’ Sabbath and
BLACK MASS [Eyes Wide Shut]. He is the
Knights Templar, Masons, and the
ILLUMINATI. It is a Satanic force far beyond original man’s control.
Witch Beyonce’s Twerk- Feeling the Hot Sulphur Breath of SATAN
“The owner of the ARCADIA GROUP … the star [Beyonce] on a new athletic street-wear brand. It had been reported that the global venture would launch this year.”[49] Beyonce’s direct ancestor was
Joseph Broussard (1702–1765). He is also known as
Beausoleil, was a leader of the
Acadian people in
ACADIA (Colony of New France), Canada.

She admits very freely that she is under
Sasha Fierce demonic “SPIRIT POSSESSION.”
Beyonce Ride the Goat to the Witch’s Sabbath and Black Mass
ACADIA is French for
ARCADIA which is the Greek land of peace and harmony. It was in fact, “
where God PAN was BORN“.
It was no coincidence that
Fuhrer Adolf Hitler chose
Walpurgis Night and the
Witches’ Sabbath on
April 30 to fake his suicide.
“Spear of Destiny“,
Trevor Ravenscroft
stated that the Nuremberg Trials had totally failed to identify the
real nature of evil which lay behind the “outer facade of National
Socialism”; indeed,
“initiation rites and black magic practices [lay at] the inner core of the Nazi leadership”. (Page xiii). From 1909-1913,
attained higher levels of consciousness by means of drugs and made a
penetrating study of medieval occultism and ritual magic …” (Page xxi).
Hitler was a
After his faked death in
Berlin in 1945,
U.S. Allied Forces followed his reported secret location in the
Black Forest on the top of the
Harz Mountains (Alpine Redoubt)– the ancient site of the
Pan-Germanic Witches’ Sabbath where they (
Hitler, Baron Otto von Bolschwing, Otto “Scarface” Skorzeny, Wernher von Braun and top SS Knights of Black Sun) were to be transformed into
Blacks in America once were a glowing example and
vanguard for revolutionary struggle for the global masses of color.
Across the great divide of the Atlantic Ocean on the other side of the
midnight, I was surprised and deeply humbled when beautiful little
sisters told me that their greatest inspiration for
strength and human dignity came from America.
Even though most of them were handicapped by no more than a 2nd grade
education, pictures were worth a thousand words to them. They collected
and cherished such small things as
Jet, Ebony, and Essence magazines that showcased Black Women in America on literally all pages in
power, strength, respect and
exceptional BEAUTY.
In their world of constant racial oppression, struggle, poverty, lack
of equal education and employment opportunities, they clinked to the
images of
strong, dignified and
beautiful Black women in America to inspire them and envision far greater things and opportunities for themselves and their families.
In America, World’s Greatness, the Powerful and Beautiful Florence Griffith Joyner (FloJo) Just Dropped DEAD/MURDERED.
In America, the Beautiful and Queenly Phyllis Hyman was Phased Out/Murdered (Columbian Clyde Davis) with DRUGS.
In America, the Beautiful QUEEN DIVA Whitney Houston was Phased Out/Murdered (Columbian Clyde Davis) with CIA CRACK COCAINE.
Don’t you see the sick pattern? Brothers
Huey and
Bobby often said that with our backs up against the wall and cornered, we had the right of the
natural law of self defense and preservation to strike back with the deadly lightning fast fury of a
BLACK PANTHER. However, when we are under constant direct and subliminal suggestions, influences and by deception by the
ILLUMINATI, elite Global Satanic Cabals and this racialist society to turn our backs to our enemies,
bend over out of the natural order of things, and

and our women and children get down on all fours, crawl,
twerk their booty muscles and behind for the enemies’ amusement and exploitation …

you can’t see what’s coming. You can’t see what the government is not doing or doing-
false flags and WARS OF GLOBAL AGGRESSIONS. You can’t see who is being shot down in the streets by police or what’s happening to your schools and community, or
GENOCIDE. You can’t see the enemy or strike back. Offering your
ASS to your enemies is an ancient form of
submission, surrender and human humiliation, and
First Line of Defense- MAAT (Establish ORDER) & DIGNITY (Establish Worthiness of GOD).
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[45] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Lodge_of_Scotland
[46] http://www.invisibleoranges.com/a-condensed-history-of-goat-worship/
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[48] http://www.invisibleoranges.com/a-condensed-history-of-goat-worship/
[49] http://www.bbc.com/news/business-34919500
[50] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Broussard
[51] Stutz, Bruce, Chasing Spring, Scibner, NY, NY (2006), pg. 35