12 05 2016
“The GOAT … has to do with fertility
and is symbolic of the Magnum Opus of alchemy when one’s energies from
Kundalini increase. Spiritual alchemy … is the transformation of the
human soul into the godhead. This is completing our Creator God Satan’s [DEVIL] work.”[1]
Baphomet first became known when the Knights Templar were tried for blasphemy, homosexuality, and DEVIL worship by the Inquisition in the 13th century. According to confessions given by members, Baphomet was their idol of the “DEVIL“.[2] “In Ingolsstadt, Cagliostro is believed to have met Adam Weishaupt, professor of philosophy and canon law at the university, who in 1776, had founded the sect of Illuminati. Calling themselves Heirs to the Knights Templar …”[3]

The ILLUMINATI- Count Cagliostro and Adam Weishaupt
Count Alessandro di Cagliostro was initiated into the ILLUMINATI at Frankfort, Germany, 1781, under the authority of “the Grand Masters of the Templars.”[4] So, those that argue that the ILLUMINATI do not worship the DEVIL– you can argue with the WIND.
“Just When You Thought You Were Safe”
Prince’s last Instagram really doesn’t sound like a man in any eminent drug or medical crisis. More and more, it seems as if Prince died all alone underneath a freeway overpass in Los Angeles instead of his castle. All the people surrounding Prince, his music and millions suddenly have no names or faces. They want us to believe that Prince, a giant in the American music industry for decades, took off into the ocean on a rowboat without a paddle, or took off on the interstate highway on a skateboard.
The bottom line is that for those that have possessed to have loved him, and those like I that believe he sold his SOUL TO THE DEVIL, in America, the DEVIL’S CHILDREN have the same basic rights as anyone else. But Prince was no more protected in his home and castle then a man living underneath the freeway. If you believe the corporate mass media Prince Storyline, then you will fall for anything, and that endangers this nation’s democracy. The public has a right to answers in a case of homicide, a possible crime against SOCIETY. Right now, Prince’s death is a puzzle wrapped up inside an enigma. This is the time to stop crying with the doves whatever that means, stop partying like its 1999, ask and demand answers, and make this system act like its a democracy versus a secret society and an island for the few.
Prince’s Private Residential Compound: THE DEVIL’S DEATH SQUAD
“Only people with flowers have been allowed to approach the gates at Paisley Park …”[5]
Prince’s Paisley Park is a secured residential compound surrounded by a heavy metal link fence that is designed to keep people OUT. On April 20, 2016, the storyline is that Prince’s “team” called Dr. Howard Kornfeld in California and begged his assistance to intervene with Prince in a drug dependence medical crisis in Minnesota. Addiction medicine expert Dr. Stuart Gitlow questioned why Dr. Howard Kornfeld sent his son, Andrew, on a flight to Prince’s home in Minnesota rather than calling for emergency help. The Kornfelds’ lawyer, William Mauzy, said that Prince’s [unidentified] representatives told Dr. Kornfeld that Prince was “dealing with a grave medical emergency” when they first contacted him the day before the musician’s death. Dr. Gitlow says if a doctor believes there is a medical emergency, “his obligation is to call an ambulance and get the patient to emergency personnel who can assess the situation — not to fly to the patient.“[6] They have not and will not reveal who on Prince’s “team” called Dr. Kornfeld allegedly on Prince’s behalf. Prince may not even have been aware of the call to Dr. Kornfeld. Neither the doctor nor Andrew met or spoke with Prince before they invaded his home.[7]
On April 21, 2016, morning, Prince sent out a cryptic Instagram message from his home in Paisley Park, “Just when you thought you were safe.“[8] In other words, he had been lured into thinking that he had been safe in his castle. Suddenly, something changed at Paisley Park that made him believe that he was no longer safe in his home. This Instagram would be his last cry out.
On April 21, 2016, Dr. Kornfeld’s son, Andrew Kornfeld was part of a DEATH SQUAD that invaded Prince’s secured compound and home without his knowledge or consent. We know for certain that Prince didn’t open the gate and door to invite them in, and didn’t authorize anyone to open the gates to his home to stranglers.
April 21, 2016, at 9:43 AM, Prince was discovered by unknown and non identified individuals loosely known as Prince’s “team” lying in an elevator “unresponsive“.[9] One of the unknown persons running around Prince’s home when he was found dead has been confirmed for certain to have been Andrew Kornfeld of California.
Death Squad Cover-up: Carver County Sheriff’s Department

On April 22, 2016, the day after Prince was found dead, the Carver County Sheriff, Jim Olson told reporters at a press conference that on Thursday (April 21), [un-named] members of Prince’s staff became worried when they couldn’t contact him on Thursday morning. They went over to the house to find him unresponsive on the first floor of the house in the elevator.”[10]
During the press conference, Sheriff Jim Olson noted that Prince was a very private person, and the sheriff encouraged people to respect the singer’s privacy even though he was dead. A dead man no longer possess a right to privacy. I suppose that Sheriff Olson was asking the public not to ask too many questions about Prince’s death.[11] If un-named people were worried about Prince so much, why didn’t they respect his privacy by calling 9-11 before invading and trespassing his home?
During the press conference, Sheriff Jim Olson concealed and covered-up the fact that there was/were person(s) or entities (DEATH SQUAD) not part of Prince’s staff, Andrew Kornfeld, on the compound chasing him then allegedly found him dead. Sheriff Jim Olson concealed and covered-up the fact that Andrew had illegal drugs concealed in his backpack. Did they intend to drug Prince forcibly and covertly against his will? The Kornfelds are now represented by a high profile Minnesota white collar criminal defense attorney. They aren’t talking and answering any questions, and Sheriff Jim Olson isn’t talking about the evidence that he concealed from the public– the Kornfelds and the illegal drugs that Andrew– Buprenorphine. The corporate mass news media aren’t pushing for answers about the Kornfelds, and Prince’s right to left alone by trespassers, stranglers and interlopers even if in fact he had serious drug or medical problems.

Dr. Michael T. Schulenberg
Today as I speak, two news media agencies, Los Angeles Times and Minneapolis Star Tribune, obtained copies of a county search warrant that identified yet another medical specialist that was at Prince’s home on the morning he was found dead. Sheriff Olson also withheld the exposure of Dr. Michael T. Schulenberg of North Memorial Medical Center, Robbinsdale, MN that was also at Prince’s home when he was found dead. Dr. Schulenberg issued the prescriptions that Prince were filling at Walgreens. Dr. Schulenberg said that he just happened to drop by the house to deliver some medical results. He showed up and invaded Prince’s home with the DEATH SQUAD to cover his tracks, and the crack of his ASS. Dr. Schulenberg has removed himself from the medical center, and now, he is not answering any questions from anyone either.According to CNN, the U.S. Justice Department and DEA entered the investigation of Prince’s Death. As of yesterday, May 10, 2016, the Carver County Sheriff Department is backing up, revisiting the crime scene at Paisley Park. It should have closed off as a crime scene, period, the day Prince was found DEAD! Even Bremer Bank shouldn’t have been allowed to enter that property until the federal investigation was completed. The search warrant documents obtained by the Times and Star Tribune are no longer publicly available. The documents are under seal and they say that those warrants should not have been released in the first instance, according to Nancy Peters of the Hennepin County District Court. Just as in the case of Whitney Houston’s murder, the compound’s video surveillance system isn’t being discussed by anyone as if it doesn’t exist.
Buprenorphine & THE DEVIL’S BREW
Buprenorphine is a very complex drug with many clandestine and covert (CIA MK ULTRA) uses, implications and secrets. It a semisynthetic opioid derivative of thebine.[12] Thebaine (paramorphine), also known as codeine methyl enol ether, is an opiate alkaloid– a minor constituent of opium. Thebaine is chemically similar to both morphine and codeine, but has stimulatory rather than depressant effects.[13]
Buprenorphine was first developed as an analgesic. An analgesic or painkiller is any member of the group of drugs used to achieve analgesia, relief from pain. It appears that buprenorphine is gaining some acceptability within in the medical community for being used to treat anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and depression. An anxiolytic (also anti-panic or anti-anxiety agent) is a medication or other intervention that inhibits anxiety. Buprenorphine is similar to methadone in that it is used in opiate replacement therapy as well as pain management.[14] Opiates are found naturally in the opium poppy plant which has psychoactive compounds including morphine, codeine and thebaine.D-IX was an experimental performance enhancer secretly developed by the Nazis in 1944 for military application. The researcher who rediscovered this project, Wolf Kemper, said that “the aim was to use D-IX to redefine the limits of human endurance.” The formula contained in each tablet: 5 mg of oxycodone (semisynthetic opioid synthesized from thebaine): 5 mg of cocaine and 3 mg of methamphetamine.[15] Percocet is acetaminophen and oxycodone.[16] Acetaminophen is a less potent pain reliever that increases the effects of oxycodone.[17] However, Buprenorphine could have been used to keep Prince appearing normal as an ILLUSION to PARTY DOWN LIKE IT WAS 1999 until the time was ripe to LIQUIDATE HIM.
On Friday, April 15, 2016, Prince’s private plane had to make an emergency landing to hospitalize him. He was treated and discharged within hours. It was widely reported that the emergency hospitalization had been due to a Percocet overdose.[18] Today as I speak, a Carver County Search Warrant revealed that Prince was carried off the plane “unresponsive” by a body guard. He was treated with Narcan. Naloxone, sold under the brand name Narcan among others, is a medication used to block the effects of opioids, especially in overdose. The drug Suboxone, above, is a combination of Buprenorphine (opioid) and Naloxone. Buprenorphine takes you up, while Naloxone bring you down at the same time in the same area of the brain.

“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” SS Josef Mengele
There is a similar drug used for mind control that was secretly developed by Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz. The drug (opioid)
developed at Auschwitz was used on children experimentally to induce
severe pain and torture. Where the child would normally black out, and
become unconscious from severe pain, the doctor would administer or
inject the drug, most likely an opioid, and it
would keep the child from blacking out, and thus the doctor could than
inflict greater pain, going far beyond the threshold of human endurance,
which in turn would allow the mind of the child to became totally wiped
clean, a total blank so that the child forgot their own personal
identity, forgot how to add or subject, or carry on a conversation. (See
Gerald Astor, The Last Nazi, The life and times of Dr. Joseph Mengele, Donald I. Fine, Inc., N.Y. (1974))On Saturday, April 16, the day after he was released from the hospital, Prince took the stage at a dance party as nothing had happened the day before.[19] A combination of opioids like the Nazis’ secret D-IX could push you beyond the threshold of human pain, while you can use Suboxone– Buprenorphine to create euphoria (pain relief) while at the same the Naloxone take you down.
On Wednesday, April 20 around 7 pm, Prince was spotted at Walgreens for the 4th time that week near Paisley Park picking up prescriptions believed to have been Percocet.[20] On Thursday, April 21, Andrew Kronfeld invaded Paisley Park with Buprenorphine. You should be aware that “Percocet and buprenorphine” can both cause breathing to slow down, combining the two can result in serious injury or death.”[21] Both these links are involved in Prince’s Death, Percocet from Dr. Michael T. Schulenberg, and Buprenorphine from Andrew Kronfeld. Both Schulenberg and Kronfeld were at the crime scene at the time Prince was found DEAD.

Percocet and buprenorphine is a JONESTOWN COCKTAIL of lethal drugs, the DEVIL’S BREW. The DEVIL got his due from Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina Brown with a JONESTOWN COCKTAIL, a lethal combination of drugs.
Prince’s Financial Affairs: THE DEVIL IN CONTROL
THIRD EYE Tyka Nelson, Former Crack-Cocaine Addict
Corporate mass media is making it seem as though Prince hadn’t incorporated or legally organized any of his business affairs. According to the sheriff, he had some kind of a so-called authorized management “team” over Prince’s affairs before he died. It was a “team” that had the power to call in Dr. Kornfeld without Prince’s knowledge or consent, open his gates and the doors to his home. But, Prince’s sister, Tyka Nelson, who may be drugged, stated in probate court that an emergency existed to the appoint a special administrator without notice in Prince’s
estate, because immediate action and decisions need to be made to
continue the ongoing management and supervision of prince’s business
interests. What happened to Prince’s team?
The Comte de ST. GERMAIN of the Old World ILLUMINATI was a notorious charlatan and alchemist, whom many believed to be immortal. He was the Grand Master of Freemasonry, and had become an acquaintance of Louis XV, King of France, and his mistress Madame de Pompadour– THE DEVIL’S DAUGHTER.[22] Tyka nominated Bremer Trust, National Association on 1100 ST. GERMAIN Street, St. Cloud, MN. So, in fact, Bremer Trust was appointed, without notice, the special administrator of Prince’s decedent estate.[23]
In her moving papers, Tyka said that Bremer Bank, National Association, has provided financial services to the Prince for a number of years and has knowledge of his personal financial and business financial affairs. Its affiliate, Bremer Trust, National Association, is in the best position of any corporate trust company to protect the Decedent’s assets pending the appointment of a personal representative. Bremer Trust is a holding company of banks.[24]
Tyka Nelson is represented by the law firm of Gray, Plant, Mooty, et. al., at 1010 West ST. GERMAIN Street, St. Cloud next door to Bremer Bank. So, do you believe that Bremer went to Tyka and brought their neighbor Gray, Plant, Mooty, et. al. along for the ride. Or, did the Tyka and the law firm bring Bremer along for the ride. The answer to these questions will become plain and simple, below.
I beg to question if Bremer Bank/Trust had provided Prince with financial and business services, guidance, advice and support for years, why didn’t they advise Prince to incorporate some or all of his business affairs, draw up a trust or will? It seems like Bremer should be held liable for malpractice instead of being put in charge of Prince’s financial affairs to cover their tracks.
Freemason DEVIL Worshippers
Before his death, Prince removed all his videos, tracks, music and songs from online sharing platforms and YouTube, then licensed everything to Jay Z’s subscriber streaming service, TIDAL.[25] Tidal (checkerboard panel) was launched in 2014 by Norwegian/Swedish public company Aspiro.

Tidal is a serious GLOBAL threat. The ILLUMINATI/DEVIL boldly intend to control the music that you hear, the music performers that you see, and content of songs to open into the minds of listeners and subscribers.

The founding of Aspiro is linked directly to the Vodafone Group, a British multinational telecommunications company headquartered in London. The evolution of Vodafone started in 1982 with the establishment of the Racal Strategic Radio Ltd subsidiary of Racal Electronics, the UK’s largest maker of military radio technology, which formed a joint venture with Millicom called “Racal“, which evolved into the present day Vodafone.[27]
Vodafone has been accused of covertly sharing its subscriber data with UK intelligence and security organization, Government Communications (GCHQ).[28] In fact, Vodafone had been developed in close association and collaboration with U.S. corporate military-intelligence industrial handmaiden, General Electric (GE). For decades, GE has worked covertly to advance the cause of New World Order (NWO) global markets and the CIA agenda.[29]

Vodafone has Old World ILLUMINATI and THE DEVIL written all over it. Basically, it was founded by an elite circles of Knights of the British Empire. Vodafone was founded by Sir Ernest Harrison OBE, The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is the “order of chivalry of British constitutional monarchy”; Sir Gerry Whent, CBE, Commander of the Order of the British Empire; and Lord Arnold Weinstock, Baron Weinstock of GE.[30]

Lord Weinstock was knighted in 1970. He was a Honorary Bencher of Gray’s Inn (since 1982). He became a Commander of the Ordine al Merito (Order of Knighthood) of Italy in 1991 and an Officer of the Legion of Honor of France in 1992.[31]

You should keep a future reference to Gray’s Inn of Great Britain. The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn, commonly known as Gray’s Inn, goes back to 16th Century Queen Elizabeth I and William Shakespeare. The Inn was home to Sir Francis Bacon, New Atlantis, and African Human Bondage in America.[32] Gray’s Inn was the Inner Temple of the Knights Templar.[33] Everything Jay-Z touches clandestinely trace back and support the hidden agenda of the Knights Templar, Satanic Dragon Bloodlines of Old Britain, and THE DEVIL.
There isn’t much useful background information on Otto Bremer that founded Bremer Bank, and Bremer Trust, National Association. Bremer, the son of a wealthy and influential banker, was born 1867 in Seesen, Duchy of Brunswick, Germany. Otto
migrated to America in the late 19th Century, and started buying up
banks in Wisconsin, South Dakota and Minnesota. During the Great
Depression, from 1929 thru the 1930s, Bremer, often showing up with a satchel of cash, saved local bank from failing then bought them. By the mid 1930s, he held stock in 55 banks. Bremer served as Treasurer of the City of St. Paul for over 10 years and was an elite inside “court or factor advisor” (covered below) to presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was subsequently appointed by Roosevelt to manage the Federal Home Owner’s Loan Corporation of Minnesota.[34]Otto had three older brothers, Charles E., Carl and William, that arrived in America first. It is from William that we learn where all of Otto’s money came from, and his true mission and agenda in United States. William founded the city of Bremerton, OR. Bremerton is home to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and the Bremerton Annex of Naval Base Kitsap. In the late 19th Century, William bought up the land around Puget Sound in Oregon, then sold it to the U.S. Navy at substantial profits.[35]

Israel Jacobson
The Bremers were actually foreign lender “disciples” and banking agents of the Jacobson (school) Institute in Seesen, the Duchy of Brunswick, Germany.[36] The Jacobson Institute was founded by Israel Jacobson (1768–1828), a German financier and pioneer of Reform Judaism– relief and freedom from Orthodox Judaism.[37] Jacobson was a man that the Rothschilds, ILLUMINATI, the secret super rich emulated and followed his wicked business model and agenda for the clandestine control of governments. Israel Jacobson was a “Court Jew” for the ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry. A traditional Court Jew or Factor
was a Jewish banker who handled the finances of, or lent money to the
Houses of old European Royalty and Nobility. In return for their
services, court Jews gained social privileges, power, control including
noble status.[38]Jacobson had been referred to as “Jacobin, Son of Israel.” Jacobson had served as the financial agent of German Freemason Grand Master, and ILLUMINATUS Duke of Brunswick (Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel (1721-92) – Illuminatus, February 1783) sponsor of the Frankist/Sabbatean Asiatic Brethren, and Napoleon. [39],[40],[41]

The Scary Black Duke, Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1771- 1815)
The Dukes of Brunswick were members of the ILLUMINATI, and Grand Masters of the German Freemasonry. However by the late 18th Century, in 1794, the Duke of Brunswick, wrote a letter to his brethren recommending the dissolution of the entire freemason order, due to the fact that it had been infiltrated, and had been manipulated by an occult order.“I have been convinced that we, as an Order, have come under the power of some very evil occult Order, profoundly versed in science, both occult and otherwise, though not infallible, their methods being black magic, that is to say, electromagnetic power, hypnotism, and powerful suggestion. We are convinced that the Order is being controlled by some Sun Order, after the nature of the Illuminati, if not by that Order itself. We see our edifice…crumbling and covering the ground with ruins, we see the destruction that our hands no longer arrest…a great sect arose, which taking for its motto the good and the happiness of man, worked in the darkness of the conspiracy to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself.
This sect is known to everyone, its brothers are known no less than its name. It is they who have undermined the foundations of the Order to the point of complete overthrow; it is by them that all humanity has been poisoned and led astray for several generations…They began by casting odium on religion…Their masters had nothing less in view than the thrones of the earth, and the governments of the nations was to be directed by their nocturnal clubs…the misuse of our order…has produced all the political and moral troubles with which the world is filled today…we must from this moment dissolve the whole Order.” Duke of Brunswick, Grand Master of German Freemasonry, 1794
The ILLUMINATI, just 18 years after its official formation, was so powerful and influential that its infiltration into Masonry caused the Duke of Brunswick to try and “dissolve the whole order.” [42] Bremer Trust, and the Bremer brothers of Germany were secret financial arms and agents of the Old World Occult ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry. The brothers had been sent to America to buy or wickedly secure secret influence over the powers of government, and take control of the banking and financial industry for the Satanic Houses of Old European Royalty and Nobility.
It’s been widely reported that Bremer Trust/ILLUMINATI immediately went into Prince’s home and drilled open his basement walk-in vault that he had entrusted the combination to nobody. Naturally, it is a secret what they removed, concealed or destroyed. With Bremer going into Prince’s vault without an independent auditor, they will make sure that no operative wills, trusts, papers or legal instruments will be exposed to the public record to change their plans to control ALL of Prince’s estate affairs.[43]
“HIV/AIDS has yet to be confirmed officially as the cause of death. But
if he died from some other cause, just two days after we heard he was
dying of HIV/AIDS . . . well, it would be a remarkable coincidence.”[44]Before Prince’s death, it was widely reported that Prince had been extremely sick for a couple of weeks before his death. His publicist said that he had been diagnosed and suffered from dehydration and influenza.[45] Influenza is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus that shouldn’t be dismissed, especially, for a person suffering immune depression. Symptoms can be mild to severe. The most common symptoms include: a high fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle pains, headache, coughing and feeling tired.

Influenza viruses are RNA viruses that act like ZIKA and HIV. Influenza infection and replication is a multi-step process: First, the virus has to bind to and enter the cell, then deliver its genome to a site where it can produce new copies of viral proteins and RNA, assemble these components into new viral particles, and, last, exit the host cell just the same as ZIKA and HIV.[46]
Yet, it was coming to light that Prince was actually suffering complications from AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Zika and Influenza viral infections could very well be fatal for a person with AIDS if left untreated- if the diseases could be treatable at all.
If that had been confirmed that he had AIDS, Prince’s stock and brand would have certainly been severely impacted. It may have caused a fire storm among people he kept the disease secret from including the WHITE HOUSE. It would not have been pretty. It wouldn’t have been a “Party like it was 1999“. And, it certainly would not have been a an international celebration of his life, music; and album sales off the charts.

Before his death, Prince was exactly at the level of superstars Michael Jackson, and Whitney Houston were when they suddenly came up dead, they were worth more DEAD to the ILLUMINATI music industry than alive. PRINCE IS A HOMICIDE THAT IS BEING COVERED-UP!
[7] Id.
[24] Id.
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Tags: Adam Weishaupt, aids, Aleister Crowley, Andrew Kornfeld, aspiro, Baphomet, bobbie kristian brown, bremer bank, bremer trust, bremerton, Buprenorphine, comte de st. germain, Count Alessandro di Cagliostro, count cagliostro, d-ix, death squad, devil, dr. howard kornfeld, dr. michael t. schulenberg, dukes of brunswick, Dylann Roof, hiv, human bondage, Illuminati, influenza virus, israel jacobson, jay z, josef mengele, knights templar, lord arnold weinstock, michael jackson, naloxone, narcan, Nazis, new atlantis, opiates, opium, oregon, otto bremer, ovodafone, paisley park, prince, prince rogers nelson, queen elizabeth I, sheriff jim olson, sir ernest harrison, sir gerry whent, suboxone, thebaine, tidal, tyka nelson, Whitney houston, william bremer, william maurzy, zika virus
Categories : african american satanic cult, african holocaust, albert pike, Aleister Crowley, Alicia Keys, baphomet, Barack Obama, Barak Obama, black institutions, Black Manchurian Candidates, Black messiah, blood covenants, blood oaths, BOBBI KRISTINA BROWN, CIA, columbian cocaine, devil, false prophet, false prophets, freemason, freemasons, Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Dr. Josef Mengele, Hip Hop, HIP HOP false prophets, illuminati, israel, jay z, jay-z, jonestown, Josef Mengele, Knight of Malta, Knights Hospitaller, Knights Templar, lucifer's servants, luciferians, Michael Jackson, mind control, MK-ULTRA, monarch child, monarch program, mulitiple personality disorder, Nazis, new age religion, new world order, project mockingbird, rock and roll, rogers nelson, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, satan, Satanic Global High Cabal, Satanism, scottsish rite, slavery
5 05 2016
Vann Jones– NO TEARS. In fact, not many people that claim to have been close to Prince show ANY TEARS for him in passing. Two weeks, pray in JERUSALEM!
It is coded, veiled and bold statement of Anglo-Israelism. Anglo-Israelism is based on the assertion that Anglo-Saxons of Great Britain and America are the lineal descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel. They contend that they are the Natural Posterity of Israel, and inherited the wonderful promises made to Ten Tribes by God. They say that these promises are possessed nationally so onto them, that they become individually Israel’s Spiritual Posterity only by being born again of the “Holy Ghost.”[1] The Christ from the British Monarchy, the lineal descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel, that shall come in flesh to Jerusalem will be of the Anti-Christ. Pray to them to be worthy of a high place in the hierarchy of the False Prophet, Anti-Christ and the New World Order. I am not sure if the JERUSALEM Statement came from the mouth of Prince Rogers Nelson or U.S. disinformation agent, Vann Jones.
On May 31, 2004 , Buckingham Palace released this photo of the British Monarchy ANTI-CHRIST Prince William holding lamb’s hind cloven hoof (Baphomet symbol).

Well, if you thought that the Prince Story was veiled in secrecy before. It has become far murkier and more bizarre as we speak. It’s not only a deep rabbit hole, this entire Prince Thing has become a HELL HOLE.

It is now being widely reported that Prince had been infected by HIV since the 1990s, and may have succumbed to AIDS. I don’t believe very many people are laughing at Aretha Franklin, now. She speculated that Prince may have been infected with the Zika Virus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is no specific treatment or vaccine currently available for the virus.[2] Typical symptoms of Zika Virus infection can also be due to a number of other causes. Zika Virus infection may be misdiagnosed as other conditions such as dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya (U.S. biological warfare agents), or other infections that cause fever and rash.[3] The Zika Virus was developed by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1947 as a biological warfare weapon.
The Zika Virus was deposited into ATCC by Dr. Jordi Casals of the Rockefeller Foundation Virus Laboratory in 1953. The original source was isolated in 1947 from the blood of an experimental forest sentinel rhesus monkey in Uganda.[4] ATCC was established in 1925 when a committee of scientists recognized a need for a central collection of microorganisms that would serve scientists all over the world.[5] The bottom line of what people like Dr. Casals did was take viruses from birds, sheep, and cattle then introduce those viruses into monkeys as mixers closest to man. When the viruses become symptomatic in the monkeys by becoming diseased, they isolate and harvest the simian blood samples. Those diseased simian blood samples are shot into other monkey hosts to observe if the monkeys would become similarly sick with the original observed disease. If so, they take the simian diseased blood cells and mix them with human blood lines like the HeLa Cells to create new human diseases and viruses. Don’t believe me. Let Robert B. Strecker, M.D. PhD make it very plain.
One of the doctors that deliberately isolated viruses from birds, sheep (visna), and cattle (bovine leukemia) to model and create new biological warfare weapons was Nobel Prize winner virologist Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet (1889-1985). He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1960 for predicting acquired immune tolerance and was best known for developing the theory of clonal selection. His research and works were funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. [6]

Sir Burnet was a member of the Eugenics Society of Victoria, and remained a eugenicist (pseudo racial scientist) to the very end of his life. After World War II, he led biological warfare research whose purpose, he said, was to kill tens or hundreds of millions of Asians, and he called for the world population to drop to one billion or less, if necessary through repeated periods of “CHAOS“. He was also a seminal figure in Australia’s “environmentalist movement”, as part of the British centered, racist Establishment descended from Charles Darwin, T.H. Huxley, Julian Huxley, Prince Philip, et al., all of whom proclaim that man is merely an animal, to be herded and “culled” as necessary.

Prince William’s grandfather, Goat Rider Masonic Grand Master of Britain, Prince Philip, for instance, has repeatedly stated, “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.” He was Burnet’s friend and sponsor, wrote the introduction to Burnet’s biography (The Seeds of Time by Christopher Sexton), and, along with Julian Huxley disciple Francis Noble Ratcliffe, founded the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF), of which he was the first president.[7] Nevertheless, Aretha Franklin was right. The Zika Virus with no known cure or treatment could very well have been a death sentence for Prince with an AIDS immune depressed system.

True enough in 2009, Prince spoke about the controversial Chemtrails, and Dick Gregory on the Tavis Smiley Show, “Gregory said something that really hit home about this phenomenon of chemtrails. And you know, when I was a kid I used to see these trails in the sky all the time and ‘Oh that’s cool—a jet just went over.’ And then you started to see whole bunch of them and next thing you know everybody in your neighborhood was fighting and arguing and you didn’t know why.”[8]
However, like Dick Gregory, Prince talk only in general, and don’t expose enough factual details to get themselves in trouble with the powers that be. For instance, they will often say such and such happened, but won’t reveal any names, times, or documental proof.

Our Elder Gregory has a “Light & Dark [Satanic] Side.” He is a clever and masterful disinformation Goat Rider, a Greek Alpha Phi Alpha, the kindred kind of Freemasonry and Knights Templar that has taken our love for him as a weakness. [9] In Elder Gregory’s own comedic logic, does he look like a Greek? On November 24, 2013, Gregory was caught in the act of deliberately passing disinformation about the Panthers and Huey P. Newton. He changed the subject when he was fact checked. He had to scuffle his feet and back up of off Brother Huey.[10]

Well, if you believed that Prince had outed the ILLUMINATI with Elder Dick Gregory in 2009, he soon thereafter re-joined them or he had deliberately pulled the veil over the public eye. Prince performed at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards wearing a huge ILLUMINATI All-Seeing Blue Eye Ring.[11]
Prince’s Symbol Represents a Secret Name of One of Dr. John Dee’s unspeakable Fallen Angels- DEMONS. Prince was like his Lord Lucifer, a Grand Master of Public Deception.
Recently, People magazine reported as if it was newly discovered evidence that,“He [Prince] is a religious paradox as well. He gives thanks to God on his albums, yet his songs celebrate the pleasures of flesh, and the gospel he preaches is salvation by sex. In a song called Sister he even exploited the Big Daddy of all taboos: INCEST.“[12] Regarding Prince & Pedophilia, People magazine quoted him, “When a girl can get birth control pills at age 12, she knows just about as much as I do.” [13]
However, they had known about the wickedness of Prince all along. In May 2003, Charlene Friend, a former “sex slave” and girlfriend of Prince made some starling allegations against him in Los Angeles County California Superior Court pleadings that the world wasn’t allowed to be exposed to. She claimed to have been sexually abused by him. Prince made her call him, the [Satanic] MESSIAH.[14]
The Satanic Messiah is not a usual topic or subject commonly talked about. But, the Satanic Messiah looks like Jesus, acts like Jesus, and talks like Jesus. The Satanic Messiah accepts and adopts the three values of the Satanic kingdom which were offered to Jesus in Matthew 4 and Luke 4 of the Bible. In Matthew 4 and Luke 4, Jesus rejected the Satanic offerings of (1) self-reliance, (2) control over others, and (3) glory before men. And while Jesus rejected these things when offered to Him by Satan, the Satanic Messiah has accepted and adopted such offerings, and has even called them “good.”[15] That pretty much sums up Prince Rogers Nelson.

“Prince would have bizarre sex parties where he had different theme rooms. He kept people in rooms at his homes and would have different acts [freak shows] in each room. He had cages, chains, whips in these rooms. Sometimes he would watch and sometimes he would participate.“[16]
Since the 1970s, Prince stood at the gateway and forefront of an underground gay culture hidden away at the bottom of a thriving Black Entertainment Industry. Prince’s Freak Show was a throwback to something out of the early 20th Century that didn’t die away. During this period, after hours underground Freak Shows were not uncommon.
” … Afro-American institution that tolerated, and frequently encouraged, homosexual patronage was the ‘buffet flat.’ ‘Buffet flats were after-hours spots that were usually in someone’s apartment,” explained celebrated entertainer Bricktop, ‘the type of place where gin was poured out of milk pitchers. ‘Essentially private apartments where rooms could be rented by the night … By the 1920s, buffet flats developed a wilder reputation. Some were raucous establishments where illegal activities such as drinking, gambling, and prostitution were available. Others offered a variety of sexual pleasures cafeteria style. A Detroit buffet flat of the latter sort, which Ruby Smith remembered visiting with her aunt, Bessie Smith, catered to all variety of sexual tastes. It was ‘an open house, everything goes on in that house’:
‘They had a faggot there that was so great that people used to come there just to watch him make love to another man. He was that great. He’d give a tongue bath and everything. By the time he got to the front of that guy he was shaking like a leaf. People used to pay good just to go in there and see him do his act…. That same house had a woman that used to . . . take a cigarette, light it, and puff it with her pussy. A real educated pussy.’ “[17]
“In Harlem, Hazel Valentine ran a similar sex circus on 140th Street. Called “The Daisy Chain” or the “101 Ranch,” it catered to all varieties of sexual tastes, and featured entertainers such as “Sewing Machine Bertha” and an enormous transvestite named “Clarenz.” The Daisy Chain became so notorious that both Fats Waller and Count Basie composed tunes commemorating it.”[18]

“The most notorious such flat was run by Clinton Moore. Moore was an elegant, light-skinned homosexual, described as an “American version of the original … Proust’s Jupien.” Moore had a fondness for celebrities, and his parties allegedly attracted luminaries like Cole Porter, Cary Grant, and society page columnist Maury Paul. Moore‘s entertainments were often low-down and dirty. According to Helen Lawrenson, Clinton Moore’s . . . boasted a young black entertainer named Joey, who played the piano and sang but whose specialty was to remove his clothes and extinguish a lighted candle by sitting on it until it disappeared. I never saw this feat but everyone else seemed to have and I was told that he was often hired to perform at soirees of the elite. ‘He sat on lighted candles at one of the Vanderbilts’,’ my informant said.”[19]
The Jupien reference, above, is a character from In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust. Jupien is described as “Man Who Loves Only Old Men.”[20]
Prince could very well be a 21st Century secret cut version of Clinton Moore, a perverted sideshow for the ILLUMINATI. And that underground gay culture of the early 20th Century has merged into 21st Century Sex Magick Rituals of Black Satanic Cults. It also seems without a doubt that President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama had been fully briefed and vetted about the sad Pedophilia / Incestuous and Satanic background of the Dark Messiah Prince. So, the Obamas’ decided upon a U.S. government TOP SECRET party with the biblical significant Group 500, and the Satanic Messiah (False Jesus) just like it was Luciferic New Age- 1999. Prince’s party with the Obamas and Group 500 is U.S. GOVERNMENT CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. President Obama was so much of a huge fanatic fan, and personal friend of Prince that he couldn’t overcome himself without partying in secret with his New Age Idol and declaring it federal classified information.[23] Reportedly, they partied into the night also with a DJ like it was 1999.[24]
Barrack and Michelle Obama are about as wicked, demonic and crooked as the cloven feet and legs of the Baphomet. The White House spokesman said that the Obamas’ personally paid for the party, but what about security and secrecy covenants? The White House refused to release a guest list for the evening, and the Group 500 in attendance that had to sign a non-disclosure form [secrecy covenant] agreeing not to talk about the event.[25] Will Barrack and Michelle also privately enforce the secrecy covenants? Not hardly.
The federal non-disclosure agreement is the NDA- Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement, An Agreement Between the individual and the United States, Standard Form 312 (Rev. 7-2013). Violation of a classified non-disclosure agreement is penalized by U.S. Criminal Laws. And, Obama’s kindred kind Masonic DOJ has aggressively investigated and prosecuted leakers who offend the powers that be.[26] The White House isn’t talking about the Prince Party and it appears that the Group 500 that signed the non- disclosure agreement to attend the Obamas’ secret party with Prince won’t talk, either. Even without a secrecy agreement, there is a serious secret threat from dark agencies within the government against mass media public celebrities and civil politicians that publicly talk too much about, or expose Barrack or Michelle for what they truly are.

They are also in danger if they publicly offend the Obamas. In July 2014, comedian Joan Rivers was asked by a reporter for her thoughts on when the US will get its first gay or female president. She replied: “We already have that with Obama, so let’s just calm down… and you know Michelle is a tranny.” She refused to apologize or back away from her public statement.[27] At a White House press briefing, Press Secretary Josh Earnest was asked what the President and First Lady’s reaction was to Rivers’ comments. Earnest told reporters: “As a matter of policy, we don’t comment on statements made by mummies [deceased persons].”[28] By August 2014, Joan Rivers was among the deceased– DEAD that no longer tell any TALES just like a MUMMY.[29] I will jump directly ahead to Chapter Six

500 is a significant number deeply associated with the remote Ancient Occult. According to legend, to the birth of Buddha, 500 young white elephants came to touch with their trunk the feet of the king, that is to say the father of Buddha.[30] The number 500 is used mysteriously 27 times in the Bible. Genesis 5:32 (KJV) “And Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 1 Corinthians 15:6 (KJV) “After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once …”500 or more is associated with the disciples who were known amongst the churches as having been eyewitnesses of the risen Savior. It was a conclusive argument for the truth of Christ’s Resurrection that 500 persons witnessed it, and became his followers.

In the same sense, 500 or more, is a number of biblical testament of truth. In this case, a resurrection. The Phoenix Bird is associated with the Resurrection. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who … will one day rise triumphant. This [belief] also relates to the raising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic “Christ.” Some apocryphal books mention the appearance of the Phoenix, bird of resurrection, burning in the fire at the same time during the sacrifice of Abel in the Temple of Leontopolis in the Land of Onias (delta region of Kemet with a large Jewish settlement) bringing about a New Age of Salvation.[31],[32]
In Manley Hall’s book, The Phoenix: An Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy, pg. 176,177 we read the following:
“Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by early writers … in size and shape it resembles the eagle, but with certain differences. The body of the Phoenix is one covered with glossy PURPLE feathers, and the plumes in its tail are alternately blue and red. The head of the bird is light in color, and about its neck is a circlet of golden plumage. At the back of its back the Phoenix has a crest of feathers of brilliant color … The Phoenix, it is said, lives for 500 years, and at its death its body opens and the new born Phoenix emerges. Because of this symbolism, the Phoenix is generally regarded as representing immortality and resurrection … The Phoenix is one sign of the secret orders of the ancient world and of the initiate of those orders, for it was common to refer to one who had been accepted into the temples as a man twice-born, or reborn. Wisdom confers a new life, and those who become wise are born again.”
To “become wise” means to gain the New Occultic Light, and to thus be “born again” into the New Age Luciferic Worldview.[33]
Party with Prince Like it was 1999

June 15, 2015 (6 (5+1=6)(1+5=6) 666 was the night of the waning of the moon. The Baphomet is depicted with the waxing and waning Moon on either side of him epitomizing the concept of balance. Baphomet reconciles layers of opposing forces. The right hand is pointed upward at a white (waxing) moon with the hermetic sign as the left hand is pointed downward toward a black (waning) moon, illustrating the second code of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, “What is above is like what is below, and what is below is like that which is above, to make the miracle of the one thing.”[34]On the White House Night of 666, 500 of some of the most powerful and demonic people of the Boule and ILLUMINATI inside and outside the U.S. Government and Washington DC got a rare opportunity to party through the night with Prince at the White House with President Barrack and First Lady Michelle Obama. Prince introduced [Stevie] Wonder to the stage and the pair sang, “Signed, Sealed, Delivered I’m Yours.”[35] It was as if Prince, Stevie Wonder, Group 500, President Barrack and First Lady Michelle Obama had on the dark side dedicated the song to Lucifer and the New World Order.
Ciara & Russell Wilson, ILLUMINATI GOAT (BAPHOMET) WORSHIPPERS In with Secret 666 Night at the White House
“Spotted at the exclusive two-hour concert — during which Prince played hits including ‘Kiss” and “Purple Rain’ — were Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson and his date, singer Ciara, artists Jon Bon Jovi and James Taylor, TV & film stars Tyler Perry, Connie Britton, Angela Bassett, Gayle King, Tracee Ellis Ross, fashion designer Naeem Khan and J.Crew’s Jenna Lyons. Also there: Carlyle’s David Rubenstein, 32 Advisors’ Robert Wolf and American Express’ Ken Chenault, plus DC power players former Attorney General Eric Holder, Education Secretary Arne Duncan and National Security Adviser Susan Rice… In one show stopping number…”[36]

Jon Bon Jovi, The Goat and Devil’s Son, In with the 666 Night
ILLUMINATI & Satanic Muscular Angela Bassett Fits Right in the Secret 666 Night with Alleged “Tranny” Michelle Obama
James Taylor in with 666 Night
James Taylor spent time in two different mental institutions in Massachusetts before hitting the Laurel Canyon scene.[37] In 1965, one of his mental institutions had been “Spooky” McLean Psychiatric Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts.[38] Dr. John Clark of Harvard University held high staff positions at “Spooky” McLean Hospital since 1959. Dr. Clark ran the anti-cult and terrorism intelligence center, the American Family Foundation (AFF) in Lexington, Mass. , which also involved the CIA Maestro of Mind Control, Dr. Louis Jolyon West of UCLA, and Dr. Margaret [Jonestown] Singer of Berkeley University. The forensic director at “Spooky” McLean had been Dr. Park Elliott Dietz. Dietz was an expert witness in the trial of John Hinckley, who attempted to assassinate President Reagan. Dr. Dietz was reported to be a top consultant on terrorism and Manchurian Candidates for the FBI’s Behavioral Sciences Division at Quantico, Virginia. [39]Spooky McLean is affiliated with Harvard University.[40] McLean Hospital managed and hired all staff at Bridgewater State Hospital until 1985.[41] Eugene W. Stetson, Jr., Skulls and Bones Society, of Vann Jones’ Yale University’s was an assistant manager for Prescott Bush at Brown Brothers, Harriman’s New York office. He also served as treasurer of the Robert E. Lee Memorial Foundation at the time that organization purchased the birthplace of General Lee at Stratford, Virginia. [42]
Stetson organized the H. Smith Richardson [Greensboro, NC] Foundation after he married the namesake’s daughter in 1934. The foundation, in the late 1950s, participated in CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Projects. The Richardson Foundation helped to finance the testing of psychotropic drugs, including LSD, at Bridgewater State Hospital in Massachusetts, the center of some of the most brutal MK-ULTRA experiments. The H. Smith Richardson Foundation also runs the Center for Creative Leadership at Langley to “train leaders of the CIA,” as well as another center near Greensboro, North Carolina, that trains CIA and Secret Service Agents. Almost everyone who achieves the military rank of general also gets this training.[43] It’s not any wonder that James Taylor doesn’t just think the U.S. President is great, he believes Obama is the Greatest of All-Time.[44]

The problem is that the Satanic Messiah (False Jesus) that they partied with thru the night of the waning moon had full blown AIDS. An employee at the Walgreens that served Prince told The ENQUIRER, “We were all just shocked that he came in last night looking so beat. We said, ‘We are praying for you.’” Prince’s response? “He said, almost under his breath, ‘Maybe if you prayed for me a year ago it’d be different right now.’ Then he waved and said thanks anyway.”[45] It appears that Prince began suffering serious complications from HIV since around April 2015, just a couple of months before the classified White House party with Barrack, Michelle Obama and Group 500 guests. Human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a spectrum of conditions caused by infection with the MK- NAOMI biological weapon, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).[46]
In December 2010, the subject of sex with Prince came up directly on ABC’s The View. Instead of revealing publicly he had HIV, he walked away. For decades, Prince was a walking human incubator for the highly infectious HIV, and deliberately kept it SECRET, because he wanted to be remain a Superstar Idol, a Demi-Lord, to be longed for; to be touched and worshipped by the masses, or he was in complete denial induced by post-hypnotic suggestions.
Prince Rogers Nelson was vain, and was wickedly vain enough to remain sexually active without telling anyone he had HIV. The night before he was found dead in the elevator, Prince had a “pop-up” party like it was 1999.[47] Pop Up Party: “we bring food, drinks, furniture and ambiance. You just tell us where and when and invite your friends!”[48] There may have been justification for someone that may had been sexually involved with Prince that didn’t know he had AIDS to have deliberately asphyxiated him in the elevator as REVENGE.
VI- 666
Prince and Black Manchurian Candidate Vester Lee Flanagan
There are a lot of similarities between Prince and Black Manchurian Candidate Vester Lee Flanagan, Jr. aka Bryce Williams. Both suffered ritual sexual abuse at an early age within the Masonic Millerite Church System (Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seven Day Adventists). According to Vester, he had been exposed to the Jehovah Witnesses (JW) since early infancy. It had been alleged and charged that some type of experimental Satanic Trauma Based Mind Control was/is being used to create Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD) and mind controlled children born within the Watchtower and Jehovah’s Witnesses Society.[49]
JW have practiced Enochian Magick in secret for over a hundred years. You must understand that communion with spirits, angels, demons and the DEVIL by Enochian Magick always command the calling forth by secret symbols, signs, rites and rituals. The practice of Enochian Magick involve Fallen Angel Sex Magick.
The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley’s Satanic Ritual Sex Magick is a secret Enochian “Angelic” Ritual Ceremony.[50] Enochian Sex Magick involves invoking erotic-occulted paranormal experiences per instructions from Fallen Angels. “Sex Magick can be done with a Demon/ess.” “Sexual fluids, both semen and vaginal secretions and also menstrual blood have the power of Life Forces.” –Joy of Satan Ministries, U.S. Library of Congress.[51]
Crowley’s sex rituals involving the consumption of blood, semen, or feces were allegedly intended to achieve a higher consciousness to empower a talisman, or to simply empower ones self. Intense focuses on the intended result during the ritual, especially during orgasm, were paramount to achieving the desired goal in Sex Magick. Crowley saw in orgasm (as in drug experience) a means to create ‘breakage of consciousness’ by pushing the mind to a point of extreme exhaustion and so opening it the “super sensual.’ The technique “… was that of excess; through pain or pleasure, sex or intoxication, it was necessary to attain a condition of exhaustion taken to the extreme limit.” [52]
Most practitioners of Enochian Sex Magick agree with the Great BEAST 666 that every means of arousal may be used, such as physical stimulation, genital stimulation, psychological stimulation, devices (such as SEX TOYS) to reach Eroto-comatose lucidity. Eroto-comatose lucidity places the individual in a state between full sleep and full wakefulness as well as exhaustion, allowing the practitioner to commune with their god- the DEVIL.[53]
Both Prince and Flanagan were high priest practitioners of secret JW Crowleian/Enochian Sex Magick. Law enforcement agencies have confirmed that Vester Lee Flanagan was a Marcel Proust‘s Jupien, “Man Who Loves Only Old Men.” Prince is accused of using SEX TOYS in Freak Shows. Flanagan was found in possession of SEX TOYS that still had evidence of human DNA hormonal fluids and secretions on them. Both Flanagan and Prince are LINKED to highly classified and top secret activities in the belly of the nation’s Satanic Sodomite underground- Virginia- WASHINGTON DC. Both Flanagan and Prince’s bodies were cremated within days of their death before official autopsies were released. It makes a lot of sense to immediately cremate Prince’s body and tissues if it had been ravaged by HIV. However, Flanagan’s autopsy is still secret. Flanagan died August 26, 2015.[54] Did he also have HIV?
Prince, Biological Warfare Black Manchurian Candidate

“I only wanted to see you laughing in the purple rain.” Prince Rogers Nelson
Purple Rain- a Chem-Trail of ILLUMINATI Biological and Chemical Warfare? Purple Rain could also represent perversion- Prince pissing in the face and all over the public. Today with the advances and secrecy of bio-technicality, biological and Genetic warfare is not any longer a thing of the future. It is here, right now. The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Campaigns of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is a two-ring circus. They are enormous distractions from real subjects like clandestine Global Depopulation Chemical, Biological and Genetic Warfare. We will continue to be distracted and shielded from the subject by the U.S. Government and corporate mass media.“In this century, it is widely predicted that advances in biology and biotechnology will revolutionize society and life as we know it. At the same time, the “black biology” of biotechnology which can be used to create biological weapons, will be one of the gravest threats we will face.“[55]
This same technology that can be used to benefit mankind may and will paradoxically pose a threat to civilian populations by sinister ILLUMINATI, Masonic or Satanic forces. The Zika Virus was for sale online.[56] This comes from BIOLOGICAL WARFARE AND ITS CUTANEOUS MANIFESTATIONS, Thomas W. McGovern, MD, MAJ, MC, George W. Christopher, LTC, USAF, MC. Dr. McGovern is a former army major who was assigned to the Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease at Fort Detrick in the 1990s, VIRAL AGENTS – Hemorrhagic fever viruses
Hemorrhagic fever (HF) is a clinical syndrome featuring fever, myalgia, malaise, hemorrhage, and in some cases, hypotension, SHOCK and DEATH. The hemorrhagic fever viruses such as Dengue belong to four families of lipid [molecules] enveloped viruses with single-stranded RNA Genomes.[57] In modern molecular biology and genetics, the “Genome” is the genetic material of an organism.[58]
In other words, weaponized hemorrhagic viruses like Dengue, Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, Rift Valley and other fever viruses have been designed and packaged with envelopes similar to the HIV Virus. Enveloped HIV has molecular (waxed, etc.) spikes that attach itself to the body’s Helper T-Cells (also called T4 or CD4+ cells) to begin the process of invasion of these cells to destroy the body’s natural immune system.

The Zika Virus is a lot more complex than you are being told. They would not have produced it unless it was “operational” complex and deadly. That’s the way they roll.
Yes, these designer hemorrhagic viruses look just like sea mines, but they are no jokes. There are no vaccines. Just one contact and it may blow you apart like a sea mine. Additionally, the Dengue Virus has been the intense focus of US Army and CIA biological warfare researchers for over 50 years. In the early 1950s, Fort Detrick, in partnership with the CIA, launched a multi-million dollar research program under which Dengue Fever was intensively studied for use in offensive biological warfare attacks. Several CIA documents, as well as the findings of a 1975 Congressional committee, reveal that three sites in Florida, Key West, Panama City and Avon Park, as well as two other locations in central Florida, were used for experiments with Mosquito-Borne Dengue Fever.
The experiments in Avon Park, about 170 miles from Miami, were covertly conducted in a low-income African-American neighborhood that contained several newly constructed public housing projects. CIA documents related to its Top-Secret Project MK/NAOMI clearly indicate that the mosquitoes used in Avon Park were the Aedes aegypti type that carry the Zika Virus. Specially equipped aircraft, in one of the larger experiments, released 600,000 mosquitoes over the area. In one of the Avon Park experiments, about 150,000 mosquitoes were dropped in paper bags designed to open upon impact with the ground. Each bag held about 1,000 insects. Besides Dengue, some of the mosquitoes were also carrying Yellow Fever.[62]
Exposed to the Zika Virus, masses of people of color and others in the U.S. and around the world subjected to secret U.S. Army and CIA experiments by Dengue Virus filed Mosquitoes may be subjected to enhanced Dengue Fever symptoms such as fever, myalgia, malaise, BLOODY INTERNAL HEMORRHAGES, and in some cases, hypotension, GBS SHOCK and DEATH.
In simple terms, genetic engineering is the process of human intervention to transfer functional Genomes (DNA and RNA) between two biological organisms. In the Biological Warfare and the Bio-Terrorism context, it is the manipulation of genes to create new pathogenic characteristics (increased survivability, infectivity, virulence, drug resistance, etc.). Organisms with altered characteristics are not the future, but today’s biological weapons.
These viruses are sheath and silent retrovirus biological weapons that can quietly and permanently integrate themselves into human cellular chromosomes without any warning signs up ahead. They make perfect weapons for “whitemail.” The threat that bio-technical warfare weapons pose to the masses and populations are just not addressed by the government or corporate mass media. Prince carried HIV into the nation’s White House like a side arm out of the wild-wild west, and maybe even the complex biological warfare weapon, the Zika Virus, on the other side of his hip.

So, it would and should be imperative and absolutely critical to know what Prince was doing and who he was doing it with at the White House. At the time of the White House secret affair in June 2015, Prince was still partying like it was 1999, and involved with secret JW Crowleian/Enochian Sex Magick Rituals.

Now, the public has been informed that Prince had also been incapacitated by and had been a SLAVE to a severe COCAINE drug habit since the late 1980s. “Cops got a 911 call from a concerned Prince fan five years ago asking them to check on the singer because he had a serious cocaine habit, according to new records released Tuesday. The unnamed woman caller reached out to 911 on June 20, 2011, to tell Carver County officers she was “concerned” about Prince’s alleged drug abuse. ‘(Prince) advised her last year in Germany that he cannot control his habit & she is advised to report it,’ stated the 911 call log released by the Carver County Sheriff … The woman was calling from Germany, the records showed.” [66] GERMANY!

Today, it is being widely being reported as I speak that Prince was not alone when he came up dead at Paisley Park as we have been led to believe. There were a lot of people running around at Paisley when Prince was found dead, even a special [assassination?] crisis intervention team out of California was there. On special assignment, Andrew Kornfeld, B.A., B.S., above, of Mill Valley, CA was there. He is a graduate of the University of California at Santa Cruz where he studied both Neuroscience and Psychology. Andrew and his father, Dr. Howard Kornfeld are experts in administering Suboxone = buprenorphine/naloxone. Suboxone is a powerful psychoactive (mind altering) drug which is utilized in breaking heroin and narcotic pain reliever addictions. Just like methadone, suboxone has its downside risks and adverse side effects. It is a medication which contains two primary ingredients — buprenorphine and naloxone. Naloxone is drug that blocks feelings of euphoria; Buprenorphine is a synthetic opiate.
BUPRENORPHINE was first shipped to the U.S. Narcotic Farm and the government’s Addiction Research Center in Lexington, KY, in the mid-1970s. For decades, the Narcotic Farm was under the auspices of the notorious Dr. Harris Isbell.1 Dr. Isbell’s work at the Narcotic Farm and subsequent projects were at least partially funded and sponsored by the CIA as part of the MK ULTRA/MONARCH Project investigating mind control psychedelic drugs, including LSD.2
“Dr. Harris Isbell’s experiments can only be described as torture — on par with Nazi human experiments. Isbell tested 800 psychoactive chemicals, including LSD, using as his subjects African American male prisoners addicted to heroin.”3
MK ULTRA circle leader, Dr. Robert Hanna Felix was director of psychiatric research for the Masonic Scottish Rite, and the director of the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health. Felix was the immediate senior of Dr. Isbell. 4 Even though Dr. Isbell had retired from Narcotic Farm in 1963, his secret MK ULTRA circle that included the Narcotic Farm were at the forefront of studying and experimenting with BUPRENORPHINE.
At the Narcotic Farm along with Dr. Isbell, Buprenorphine was used experimentally along with other psychotropic drugs, to treat people, for example along with antidepressants and along with anti-anxiety drugs. 5 Prince may have been abusing Cocaine, but it is also possible he was also on psychoactive (mind control and altering) drugs. As you see, BUPRENORPHINE has also been used on people on psychotropic drugs to calm and neutralize the side effects, or intensify the effects of MK ULTRA mind control psychotropic drugs.
5 Donald R. Jasinski, Interviewed by Leo E. Hollister, Washington, DC, April 15, 1997

Suboxone is linked to CIA MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidate, Dylann Roof. The Wall Street Journal reported that a police incident document said Roof was found to have strips of Suboxone.

Today, May 4, 2016, the Kornfeld’s attorney, William Maurzy, filed in critical facts to the Prince storyline on the day of his death that should have done by police. Maurzy is a prominent white collar criminal defense attorney. At at a press conference, it was Maurzy that informed the public that it was Andrew Kornfeld that allegedly co-found Prince dead in the elevator and made the initial 9-11 call. Why didn’t the police inform the public of that in the first instance? Maurzy also said during the news conference that Andrew Kornfeld was carrying a small amounts of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH– BUPRENORPHINE.
The bottom line is that the Obamas, Group 500 and this entire nation have been left in a trick bag in that none of them can talk publicly about or reveal anything the HIV Ravaged Satanic Messiah [Prince] did with them, or saw him do on the Night of the Waning Moon of 666, at the Highest State House in the United States, and the World. It’s like something out of a James Bond Movie, and the plots of the ILLUMINATI/Masonic, Satanic Cabals and the “Cousinhood” international criminal/SS Knights of the Black Sun network, SPECTRE. You got the President of one of the most powerful countries in the world, First Lady, and 500 of their most powerful witnesses, friends, allies and conspirators in the U.S., Boule and the ILLUMINATI, in a most compromising situation.
Something like a SPECTRE could, for instance demand, $100,000 or more from each of Group 500 for antidotes to whatever biological warfare weapons they may have exposed to, or feared exposed to.
The U.S. President, and the U.S. Government would very well be at their very whim, too. Or, they can be put in line for the next presidential administration that will be even more sick, perverted, demonic, Satanic and throat-cutting than the Obamas. I don’t believe the CIA or U.S. Secret Service briefed the Obamas on Prince’s HIV infection or AIDS onset before the secret White House party. I firmly suspect that both Barrack and Michelle are so “tainted” that they will not live too soon after they leave the White House. They would be too much of a liability to be left alive. Don’t get or be discouraged by what you have read. They are a small, but a very powerful clandestine demonic minority. They can’t stand the light of day. It may not be possible to fight them all at once, but we can fight them, one at time.
PRINCE may have been used as a Black Manchurian Candidate to pull off one of the greatness breaches of national security in modern day history.
[18] Id.
[19] Id.
[31] Broek, R. Van, The Myth of the Phoenix: According to Classified and Early, Leiden EJ Brill (1971), pg. 120
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24 04 2016
Classic CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Themes, Veiled Eye of the Occult & Satanic Principle of Good Versus Evil
In Los Angeles during the late 70s and early 80s, it was pretty well understood that a Prince music venue was an underground erotic freak ball. If you happened to go to a Prince venue, you were warned to leave early if your weren’t gay or a freak. This is the world that the Global Satanic Cabals and the ILLUMINATI recruited him out of to do their work. It’s hard to say the damage that he has done to the youth over the decades- death, drugs, perversion and Satanic influence. So, I have mixed emotions about the sudden lost of Prince Rogers Nelson. I was not endured to him or his music. I don’t listen to his music. I don’t know what “Purple Rain” may be, and I don’t want to know. “Let’s Go Crazy” with Prince. No!
I don’t think so. I choose to keep my mind and both eyes open. He was a
very sad ritually sexually abused and traumatized young man. I feel
very sorry for him, but you have to acknowledge the damage and saddest
that he has caused others throughout his lifetime, too.
My Saddest for Brother Prince Has No Description
Prince was a very strange dude, and demonic. He was foremost a false religious prophet, and a high priest of the occult.
They sing his praises across the globe as if he had been a hero of the
people this day hour after hour. Indeed, he was a hero to some, and they
can have him now for all time.
Prince & Greek God Pan
One of his admirers wrote in tribute to the Fallen Prince, “He was outlandish and outsize, PANSEXUAL
and biracial at a time when black artists simply weren’t, when the aura
of black masculinity was both a yoke and a badge of honor. He was a misfit when there weren’t black misfits on a stage that big.”[1]To some, the Fallen Prince was an enigma not worthy of praise even while hiding behind the Jehovah Witnesses and Bible.“This Prince guy put out a lot of explicit material for us all to purchase. He had songs of incest with his sister, he masturbated on records, he cursed god, he had an Erotic City, he did it all, he even asked us on record is he straight or gay?”[2]

Prince was a transgender man that suffered MK ULTRA/MONARCH Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). In 1987, Prince raised the female alter persona, Camille, out of someplace or another dimension to record, If I Was Your Girlfriend.[3] A record cover suggests that Camille may have drawn from an disordered “Altered State” as an ILLUMINATI constant struggle against the Sacred Feminine.
For decades, Prince had presented himself as a creepy ILLUMINATI new specie of a freakish post gender man-form (TRANSHUMAN) that tended to blur the lines of universal order, balance, and ultimately destroy the SACRED FEMININE.
The African, Late Baba Dr. John Henri Clarke
Let me add another dimension to Mr. Nelson and a discussion which nobody seems to want to acknowledge or speak about. Before his death, Prince was a devoted disciple, initiate and high priest of the Satanic New Age Counter-Culture. But, what if Prince finally found the courage and heart like Michael Jackson (Jehovah Witnesses) to defy his handlers? There is some evidence to suggest that he was changing– exploring, imagining and evolving another into a different and more powerful opposite cosmos to set himself free- MAAT?
If, Prince was imagining setting himself free. I know that the brothers and sisters would have welcomed him, and brought him HOME.

It is a strong possibility that all along Michael’s seemingly harmless little friend, 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason, Emanuel Lewis, bad been a Masonic Watcher– recording everything he did, said, went, and everyone MJ talked to. Likewise, Prince may have his own Masonic/ILLUMINATI watchers and monitors attached to him. One of the them may have been Vann Jones.

Prince- Under MK ULTRA/MONARCH Dissociated TRANCE
“He’s a Jehovah’s Witness... He’s talking about Greek philosophy, he’s talking about philosophies in Egypt … We used to talk about John Henrik Clarke and, like I said, Egyptian philosophy.” Vann Jones on CNN [4]
One of Prince’s many mass media story tellers on the idiot box has been the “tearful” Vann Jones, President Barack Obama’s former environmental green jobs czar and adviser. He is a Yale graduate, lawyer and a Dr. Negro that believes he is Superman has received numerous accolades from across the world, even from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Aspen Institute. He sits on all types of corporate boards to have been some type of people’s activist. He’s even on CNN. Vann Jones had to show another side of himself when he was alleged to have signed a 9-11 Inside Job petition. That Negro had to bend, scratch, grin and scuffle.[5]

Vann Jones- ILLUMINATI Fist Sign of Tight Secrecy and the Lion’s Paw
Vann Jones is a fellow at The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)- a secret high level affiliate of the CIA.[6] According to Jack Sarfatti, a “very, very sophisticated and successful covert psychological warfare operation run by the late Brendan O Regan of the Institute of Noetic Sciences
and the late Harold Chipman who was the CIA station chief responsible
for all mind-control research in the Bay Area in the 70s.”[7]
Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, founder of IONS, revealed that he had briefed then CIA director George Bush on the activities and results of the IONS mind control (MK ULTRA/MONARCH) experiments. (Mitchell, Edgar, The Way of the Explorer, GP Putnam’s Sons, 1996, pg 91).[8] Russell Targ, “How I was a Psychic Spy for the CIA and found God,” INSTITUTE FOR NOETIC SCIENCE (IONS), November 2003. Excuse me, but this stuff is an extremely heavy and deep rabbit hole that I can’t get into it right now. But if Prince was evolving Black Consciousness seeing through the lies that he had been living- studying our Late Most Honorary, Beloved African Master Scholar and Professor Baba Dr. Clarke and other brothers in field of the Ancient Kemetic Cosmology, he was most definitely in a world of danger, particularly, discussing his evolving black consciousness with a clandestine Negro CIA Mystic Spy.

Michelle Obama Got that Natural Male Instinct and Passion for Her Some Beyonce
President Obama is alright with Michelle and her crushes and freaks, because he get to play with his boy crushes at the White House like Golden State Warrior Stephen Curry.

This is an odd situation. Don’t you think that it should be the other way around. That is NBA Champ and All- Star Steph Curry should be teaching Obama how to shoot a basketball. However, Curry don’t seem to see any roadblocks ahead on the highway to HELL.

Curry is all the way down with the Perversion, Wickedness, 666, ILLUMINATI and the Baphomet.
And the DEVIL. This is one of the reasons that I am no longer a fan of the ILLUMINATI NBA, and they can care less. These Satanic signs are worse and more harmful to the soul and spirit than street GANG SIGNS. Yet, they have become an internal and Wicked part of the NBA.

The Late Joan Rivers violated some high level secrecy covenant when she exposed President Barack Obama as the first gay president and that First Lady Michelle Obama was a “tranny.”[9] She is DEAD!

On June 15, 2015, Prince gave a SECRET command performance for the Obamas and 500 guests (Boule and the ILLUMINATI) at the White House. Secrecy around Prince’s private concert was tighter than a nuclear explosion. All of the guests had to vow to Covenants of Secrecy to attend. To this day, Barrack and Michelle refuse to release the guest list, or explain the need for classified top secret security surrounding the event.

It was a night that the Obamas had all the DEVILS & DEMONS, and ILLUMINATI Freaks on Their Side. To this day, nobody is talking.

But, I suppose they wanted some of that controversial real hot low-down kinky, raunchy, and freaky Prince.

They roll like that.
Prince & the Masonic Seventh-day Adventists

“Prophecy [Ellen G. White] is what we all have to go by now.” –Prince[10]
Prince was raised in Minnesota as a 7th Day Adventist. Adventism is a branch of Protestantism with origins in the 19th century American Protestant revival known as the Second Great Awaking. The name refers to belief in the imminent Second Coming or “Second Advent” of Jesus Christ.[11]
Seventh-day Adventists were Millerites following Freemason William Miller, Worshipful Master 1811, Morningstar Lodge No. 22, Vermont. In 1833, he claimed that the Second Advent of Jesus Christ would be between 1843 and 1844. When the deadline of October 22, 1844 passed without incident, Millerite Ellen White declared that Daniel 8:14 foretold Christ’s entrance into the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary rather than his second coming. From there a new false doctrine of the investigative judgment was born: an eschatological process commencing in 1844 in which Christians will be judged to verify their eligibility for salvation.[12]
Seventh-day Adventists: The Cult of Ellen G. White
There would be no Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church without the works and prophesies of the Masonic Ellen G. White (1827-1915). She was known to SDA as “God’s Messenger” or “God’s Prophet.” She taught a New Age Doctrine via some of the pages of her voluminous published works. She was very limited in education. She was a contemporary of Madame Helena Blavatsky.[13] She was very much interested in the works of White, who may have been initiated as a kindred kind- co-Mason.Larry Graham & Prince with the all-seeing eye symbolism don’t look anything like Christian Bible Totters, they look like High Priests of Their Craft. From SDA, Prince changed churches or temples to a SDA Masonic and pedophile cesspool cousin, Jehovah Witnesses.[14] I believe that Prince changed faiths not because of the influence of Graham of Graham Central Station, but because JW has a secret Masonic hierarchal order (ladder) of secret Luciferic initiations.
“The Cross and Crown may be said to be confined almost exclusively to the historical degrees in Masonry as exemplified in the various orders of knighthood of York and Scottish rites. In Gaul we find the cross to have been a solar symbol when it had equal arms and angles; to the Phoenicians it was an instrument of sacrifice to their God, Baal; and to the Egyptians, the crux ansata was his symbol of eternal life.” (Ray V. Denslow, Masonic Portraits, Transactions of this Missouri Lodge of Research, vol. #29, p.7—emphasis in the original)[15]
Jehovah Witnesses: The Cult of Charles Taze Russell
“I am very glad to have this particular opportunity of saying a
word about some of the things in which we agree with our Masonic
friends, because we are speaking in a building dedicated to Masonry, and
we also are Masons. I am a Freemason.” Charles Taze Russell. (The Temple of God-Pastor Russell page 120)[16]Charles Taze Russell (1852 –1916) that found the Jehovah Witness or Watchtower Society rejected much of the Christian faith and claimed, as Ellen G. White had claimed before him, that he was “restoring” the true Christian faith. Russell was a deep cover ILLUMINATI bloodline Knights Templar Mason of York Rite, Odd fellow and a secret Rosicrucian.[17] Today, Jehovah Witnesses vigorously deny that he was associated with the secret societies.[18]
Prince’s Symbol is actually taken from Dr. John Dee’s Medieval Symbol for a DEMON or DEMONS
Russell was a occultist and a practitioner of Elizabethan Sorcerer Dr. John Dee’s Enochian Magick. The Enochian system of magick as practiced today is primarily the product of research and workings by four men: Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley of Queen Elizabeth I’s Court, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (British Founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn); and the Great BEAST 666, ALEISTER CROWLEY.[19],[20] JW’s secret advanced are initiated into the Enochian Works of Dr. John Dees. The Jehovah’s Witnesses, or Watchtower Society, is another ILLUMINATI New Age religion used for CIA cover and mind control experiments.[21] It systematically disconnects its members from non-members in the way of all mind-control cults. From the start, the Watchtower Society, based at Bethel, Brooklyn, New York, has been a front for Enochian Magic– SATANISM.
JW placed the flying Sun disk on the front of their books, and at the top of the entrances of its temple just as ancient Kemetic and Babylonian Mysteries Schools and Temples had done generations before. The Watchtower magazine has always been a mass of subliminal and less subliminal occult symbolism and the very name, Watchtower, is part of Illuminati and Freemasonic legend and code.[22]
The Luciferic New Age Religious Agenda
The New Age Religious Movement was substantially influenced by 33rd Degree Freemason Madame Helena Blavatsky and Co-Mason Alice A. Bailey of the Theosophical Society. Bailey was an English SATANIST who emigrated to America and who lived from 1880 to 1949. She was the spiritual successor of Madame Blavatsky.“There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church, the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the inner-most circles of the esoteric societies.” [Bailey, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 513]
Bailey laid the real foundations of the New Age Movement and is regarded as its high priestess. As a spiritist medium, she allegedly received messages from a so-called master of wisdom, the Tibetan Djwal Khul. These messages, which she wrote under dictation from this demonic being were published in numerous books. Her secret teachings, which to this day are followed minutely in New Age Circles, set forth “The Plan for the [Luciferic] New World Order.”[23] Alice Bailey revealed the secret underlining agenda of the New Age Religious Movement, “There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarizing the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church [false church] and the Masonic Fraternity… When the Great One [Antichrist] comes with his disciples and initiates we shall have the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation as a consequence of the first initiation.”[24]
Prince, Evangelist for the New Age Religious Agenda
Prince & the Rose, Symbol of Rosicrucian Order
If you don’t believe your lying eyes about the unveiled Prince. Let’s look at some concepts that Prince has used in music that he could not have obtained, but for the works of Lucifer’s Servants, and the Satanic New Age Movement. Keep in mind that among other things, Dr. John Dee is considered by some to be the founder of the Rosicrucian Order.Akashic Records & the Advanced Magikian
In 2001, Prince produced the album, “The Rainbow Children“, to familiarize the general public with the nature and mysteries of the Luciferic New Age. In the album, he said that the Rainbow Children with the accurate understanding of God and His law went about the work of building a New Nation flying upon the wings of the New Translation of the Covenant. The album alluded to his recent conversion to the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion. Imbedded in the album is the mysteries, Kemetic (Egyptian) Monotheism, and the Satanic New Age concepts such as the AKASHIC RECORDS.[25] The Sanskrit term Akasha was introduced to the language of theosophy through Madame Blavatsky, who characterized it as a sort of life force; she also referred to “indestructible tablets of the astral light“ recording both the past and future of human thought and action.[26]
Luciferic Alice Bailey wrote in her book Light of the Soul on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Book 3 – Union achieved and its Results (1927):
“The akashic record is like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and earth experiences of our planet. Those who perceive it will see pictured thereon: The life experiences of every human being since time began, the reactions to experience of the entire animal kingdom, the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature (based on desire) of every human unit throughout time. Herein lies the great deception of the records. Only a trained occultist can distinguish between actual experience and those astral pictures created by imagination and keen desire.”[27]
The German theosophist and later founder of Anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner, used the concept, AKASHIC RECORDS, mainly in a series of articles in his journal Lucifer-Gnosis in 1904 to 1908 where he wrote about Atlantis, Lemuria, etc.[28] It is alleged that Steiner had been a member German the secret Thule Gesellschaft and Vril Society along with Hitler, Himmler, etc.[29]
Don’t get it twisted. Prince directly introduced the mysterious “Akashic Records Genetic Information Division” to the Rainbow Children, and the unknowing public that he was influencing and indoctrinating to lead them straight into the Luciferic New Age.[30] Prince told the Rainbow Children, “We found this tape in the Akashic records. This is Thomas Jefferson: My fellow Americans, if there is a just God, we’re gonna pay 4 this!”[31]
It is important to clearly understand the degree of mysticism attainted by Prince, to understand the very high level of covert indoctrination of the nature of the Mysteries that he was spreading to the general public behind and through his music. The Askensa Records are nothing that you can touch. It is a mystery. It is pure mysticism. It is a cosmic– cosmic memory.

Akasa (or Akasha): derived from a Sanskrit word meaning “to shine.” The Tattva associated with the element of spirit, depicted as a black egg. Prince’s backward name suggests witchcraft in the conjuring up of his alter ego, Camille. Whereas, the black egg suggests that Camille came out of the Askensa Records. Akashic Record: the idea that all of the experiences and memories of every living being are contained in the substance of the ether. Advanced magicians develop the ability to recover details of past events by “reading the Akashic Records.”[32]

The Fuhrer Adolf Hitler was initiated into the “mysteries” of the occult at a young age. Initiated, he was introduced into the mysteries of occultic metaphysics, and the theories of transcendent states of consciousness, mind expansion, and the higher states of consciousness. Allegedly, he used Mescaline to transport himself to the desired higher states of consciousness, which enabled him to experience what occultists term the “Akashic Record“, a demonic version of historical and future events. Hitler believed he had made contact with Lucifer, and openly coveted possession. In 1938, he is said to have commented: “I have seen the Antichrist. He is cruel and intrepid. He frightened me.”[33]
The ties that bind Prince directly to the advanced mysteries of Lucifer-Gnosis are the Jehovah Witnesses that are linked directly to the demonic Works of Dr. Dee, Dr. Kelley and Sir Francis Bacon. When you move like Princes says that he moves leading children in the astral plane accessing Akashic Records that is the Enochian Works of Dr. John Dee. You can say what you want to, but this stuff is very real and serious.

Dr. Dee’s Obsidian Aztec Akashic Record “Scrying Mirror”
The Akashic Records and the Enochian system represent all the same things. There are two origins of the Enochian system. One is the calendrical cycle described by the Ethiopian Hebrew prophet Enoch. The other is the system of the Ayres described by scryers, Dr. John Dee and Dr. Edward Kelley.[34]
There is a lot of mystery surrounding the Works of Dr. Dee and Dr. Kelley. Dee is said to have been given a manuscript copy of sacred magick, Necronomicon (Book of Dead Names), the Necronomicon opened the Enochian system. It was given to him by the alchemist Jacob Eliezer known as the “Black Rabbi.” The Necronomicon is said to the be the basis of Aleister Crowley’s The Book of the Law and H.P Lovecraft’s Cthulthu Mythos.[35]
The word “necronomicon” is the title of a Greek translation made around 950 A.D. by Theodoras Philetas from an original Arabic manuscript. A Latin version of the Greek translation was made by Olaus Wormius in 1228 A.D. The original Arabic title of the work was “Kitab al Azif” which can be roughly translated as “The Book of the Howlings of the Desert Jinn (or DEMONS).[36]
The original writer was supposed to have been an Arab named Abdul al Azrad who supposedly died around 738 A.D. in Damascus. Death was due to being torn apart in the street by unseen entities. The true name was probably Abd Al Azrad. In Arabic, the name is more of a title meaning the “slave of the devourer” or “worshipper of the great devourer“, supposedly alluding to the “Great Old Ones.”[37]
After Dee‘s death, the Necronomicon went into the collection of Elias Ashmole then into the Bodleian Library in Oxford, England until it was stolen in 1934.[38] It wasn’t just stolen like someone walked away with it. There was deliberate night break in at the library to take the book. It may or could have been stolen by Hitler and Himmler’s SS (Knights of the Black Sun).[39] Nobody knows for sure who took it. Yet, there are said to be copies of the Necronomicon circulating on the internet. Are these books true copies of Dee‘s English manuscript? Nobody knows that for sure.

Edgar Cayce, the twentieth century psychic, said that he derived his ability to read people’s past lives from the Akashic Records. According to Cayce, he had learned of the Akashic Records in the same way Luciferic White Brotherhood Dame, Madame Blavatsky, on journeys made to the orient in the east, in particularly from Tantric yogic Sanskrit documents. Besides these two there is no writing on the Akashic Records known to western society, and there are no translations of the Sanskrit documents they claimed to have read into English or any other language. The documents themselves have allegedly been LOST.[40]

It just so happens that parties also interested in the Akashic Records is Prince’s most visible public crier and mourner, Fellow of Institute of Noetic Science (INOS), Vann Jones.[41] In philosophy, noetics is a branch of metaphysical philosophy concerned with the study of mind as well as intellect. Noetic topics include the doctrine of the agent/patient intellect (Aristotle, Averroes), and the doctrine of the Divine Intellect.[42] Noetic sciences explore the “inner cosmos” of the mind (consciousness, soul, spirit) and how it relates to the “outer cosmos” of the physical world. That’s a broad definition, including as it does research into the mind-body interaction, consciousness, the paranormal (often called psi research).[43]

The Institute of Noetic Science (INOS) was heavily involved in the psi testing of the 1970s, partly funding the Uri Geller experiments at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and, until the CIA came clean about their involvement in the remote-viewing experiments in the mid-1990s, it was the INOS that claimed to have funded the initial program. At the very least, this shows that the Institute allowed itself to be used as a “Cover for the CIA”, and perhaps even as a conduit for the funding of the agency’s more controversial experiments.[44]

Also, Dan Brown has gone from the Da Vinci Code to the Lost Symbol: FREEMASONRY, NOETIC SCIENCE (The Necronomicon). Did the higher and hidden Masonic hierarchical of Jehovah Witnesses come up with a copy of Dee‘s true manuscript? People like X-Men or Men in Black, Vann Jones, like to know the answer, and plug any leaks and prevent any defectors like PRINCE from reaching out to the other side.
[6] Id.
[8] Id.
[27] Id.
[28] Id.
[37] Id.
[40] Id.
Comments : 11 Comments »
Tags: 7th Day Adventist, 9-11 inside job, Adolf Hitler, akasha record, alice bailey, antichrist, Baphomet, barack hussein obama, Beyonce, camille, charles taze russell, CIA, dan brown, dr. edward kelley, dr. john dee, Dr. John Henri Clarke, ellen g. white, emanuel lewis, Enochian system, freemasonry, freemasons, god pan, Heinrich Himmler, Institute of Noetic Sciences, jehovah's witnesses, knights templar, larry graham, lucifer gnosis, Madame Helena Blavatsky, madame helena p. blavatsky, men in black, michael jackson, michelle obama, millerites, MK-ULTRA, Monarch Program, necronomicon, new age movement, NEW AGE RELIGION, pansexual, pansexuality, prince, PSI, psychological warfare, purple rain, rainbow children, remote viewing, rogers nelson, rosicrucain, Rosicrucianism, Rudolf Steiner, sacred feminine, Satanism, scottish rite, seth curry, Seventh-day Adventists, sir francis bacon, STAR GATE, the lost symbol, Thule Gesellschaft, thule society, transhumanism, vann jones, vril society, WATCHTOWER, william miller, x men
Categories : Aleister Crowley, ALL SEEING EYE, ascended masters, Aspen institute, baphomet, Barack Obama, Barak Obama, black christianity, Black Manchurian Candidates, blood covenants, blood oaths, BOULE, christianity, CIA, devil, devil's horns, dr. john dee, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, dualism, earth mother goddess, egypt, evil, false prophet, false prophets, False Satanic Rites of Lost Negroes, freemason, freemasons, Heinrich Himmler, Hip Hop, HIP HOP false prophets, hip hop satanic cult, hollywood satanic cult, illuminati, illuminati sacrifice, jesus christ, kemet, Knights of the Black Sun, Knights Templar, lucifer's servants, luciferians, Madame H.P. Blavatsky, manchurian candidates, masonic sacrifice, Michael Jackson, mind control, MK-ULTRA, monarch program, MPD, mulitiple personality disorder, Nazis, new world order, nwo, order of teutonic knights, prince, rogers nelson, Rose-Croix, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, Satanic Global High Cabal, Satanism, Schutzsteffel, Secret Doctrine, SS, Stanford University, STAR GATE, Star Kids, thule, trauma-based mind control, Uri Geller
16 04 2016
I often talk about Sonny Boy Williamson. You need to know something about Sonny Boy and the strength, beauty and the classic expression of the Human Spirit. Sonny Boy grew up under so much pain, cruelty and hardship in Mississippi that he never was able to talk about it during his life, PERIOD.
The Ghouls & Dead

The House of Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II) have boosted their incomes for generations by taking from the dead. When someone dies in Cornwall without leaving a will their estate is taken by the Duchy of Cornwall (Prince Charles) if they have no surviving relatives entitled to inherit from them. Similarly, when a person dies in parts of Lancashire and in other parts of England and Wales that belong to the Duchy of Lancaster, their estate is added to the wealth of that Duchy (Queen Elizabeth II).[1]
The Ghouls & Dead in Birmingham

Jefferson County’s ILLUMINATI Wheel of Fortune, Hosted by Elizabeth McElroy & Alan Lamar King
In Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama, the ILLUMINATI also
boost their incomes by taking from the dead. However, Jefferson County
goes far beyond the British Empire, even if a person die, with or
without a will, in the county with surviving relatives entitled to
inherit, the dearly departed estates are given to the ILLUMINATI criminal
gang to loot. Below, I set out my federal government authorities to
support the contention that Jefferson County officials involved in this
particular case are in fact, a designated dangerous criminal gang.My dear elder, WWII Veteran and former coal miner, John Gregory, Jr. of Birmingham, Jefferson County, AL died suddenly in August 2011 after issues of elder abuse and racial senior-cide at the Veteran’s Hospital and Clinic in Birmingham. He was a humble yet classic god fearing Christian, and very dignified man. At over 90 years old, he was still the respected and beloved patriarchal head of his family. In his late nineties, he was still mobile, and very active in and about his home and affairs in the city. He was very active in his own legal affairs. I had the pleasure to help him in some legal affairs, but believe me, Mr. Gregory was in CHARGE of everything at his home on 429 G Street. He was a stately wise elder and counsel of his family that I ever so wished that I could have had in my own family and lifetime.
My dear elder paternal grandfather, Big Papa John Bullock, died in his sixties in Arkansas. I only met and shared an extraordinary experience with him only once after high school. My paternal grandfather, Luke Blueford, died in his fifties. Luke grew up hard in Arkansas and Louisiana. Luke was like the infamous Mississippi Bluesman, Sonny Boy Williamson (Little Boy Blue). Growing up in the South had been so hard and painful that he wouldn’t or couldn’t ever-ever talk about it.[2]
Similarly, Big Papa also grew up hard, but he grew up within an old respected large supporting extended family out of ante-bellum Pike/Marion County, MS. His father and my great grandfather, the remarkable Notorious Jake Bullock. Jake, born 1856, was an ex-bondage legendary fiddler and womanizer in his own time at the turn of the 19th century Pike/Walthall County, MS. Jake was known as the original Pac-Man. In his lifetime, Big Papa had refused to ever talk about Jake even with own children.
Even today, my mother’s paternal side of the family still refuse to discuss even with me any details that they may know of the family’s background or genealogy. I still don’t know if they arose out of bondage out of Alabama or Georgia. We are people worthy of a dignified history. However, I am certain of one thing- out of slavery, things were extremely hard for them. Out of bondage, my mother’s family had also been a stable extended and somewhat intact family. The Gregory Family had a rare opportunity to live with a lucid family historian and legend for decades. I admired that ever so much. I enjoyed so much on occasions to hear Mr. Gregory’s very settled voice of wisdom and reason over the phone.
In 2011, the elder John Gregory, Jr. passed with a blessed long line of surviving relatives entitled to inherit from him. Jefferson County Superior Probate Court Judge Alan Lamar King of the ILLUMINATI gave his very modest estate to a gang member, County Administrator, Elizabeth McElroy, the Queen Bee, to spin the wheel of fortune like in a LOTTERY on Mr. Gregory’s humble estate.
For over five (5) years, Judge King and Queen Bee held his property virtually in ransom trying to wrestle a substantial amount of cash out of his survivors. In the latter part of 2016, Queen Bee finally quitclaimed his real property to some of Mr. Gregory’s heirs without ever filling a Declaration of Heirs as mandated by law.
During this time, Mr. Gregory’s home at 429 G Street had been left vacant, and reduced to shambles. For the over five (5) years, vandals and trespassers freely entered the premises removing copper and raiding whatsoever possible valuable inside. Even though, Queen Bee released quitclaims deeds to Mr. Gregory’s property to some survivors, the Birmingham Police Department still consider Queen Bee, most likely at her insistence, still in charge and control of 429 G Street. They even threatened to arrest one of quitclaim title holders to the property if she entered the house. So my Lord, what HELL hole is this in America!

Mistress of a Million Bayonets of the State Power, Queen Bee McElroy
As mandated by law, Queen Bee refuses to account, not even once, of what money and assets she seized belonging to Mr. Gregory in over five (5) years. AND, if any money or substantial assets belonging to Mr. Gregory happens to pop up, these DEMONS reserve the right to re-open the estate as probate administrators and seize the assets. So my Lord, what HELL hole and EVIL is this in America! Maybe, these are the DEMONS that had been harassing and chasing me in my dreams as we “Countdown to Birmingham.”
This pass week had been pretty bad for me. I had been
unable to sleep nights. In my last post, I talked quite a bit about the
subject and language of DEMONS and DEVILS. Sometimes, it
really get inside my head. At night, I dreamed about being chased by
them and wake up in a cold sweat. Last night was no different, I tossed
and turned. I tried to think about something else, but it just seemed to
be fruitless.
During these nights, I often awoke confused. Was I somehow in league or in complicity with DEMONS and DEVILS? During my last post, I learned of a new classification and characterization of demonology and Satanism– Luciferic Initiation. I have never been Luciferic Initiated, but that still didn’t ease my mind. How do you know for sure? I continued to question myself. I turned on the idiot box in an attempt to distract my attention away from the subject.
In the middle of the night, I flipped through youtube for a good movie to focus my attention on. My favorite movie genre is, of course, sci-fi and horror. I passed the movie entitled, Barracuda, a number of times. Then for some reason, I settled on watching it. I surmised that it was only about Barracudas going crazy by pesticides randomly attacking humans. Sure enough, Barracuda is a 1978 American film about a small Florida coastal town that is menaced by chemically induced and highly aggressive barracuda fish.[3] I didn’t know it when I turned it on that the alternate title and plot of the movie is: The Lucifer Project.[4]
My jaw dropped when I discovered the alternative plot right in the middle of the movie. The movie was actually about a secret CIA MK ULTRA experimental mass behavior modification project entitled, LUCIFER. The government (CIA) had been clandestinely poisoning the water with mind altering chemicals to cause widespread CHAOS turning man aggressively and violently against each other. I couldn’t believe my lying eyes.
The movie was co-written and directed by Harry Edward Kerwin, born 1930, in the giant U.S. Navy Conclave, San Diego, CA. The movie was released on January 3, 1979. By June 2, 1979, just days before his June 30th 49th birthday, Kerwin was DEAD. Barracuda had been his last movie. Basically today, Harry E. Kerwin has been rendered literally off limits among the unseen and UNKNOWN even in HollyWeird.[5],[6] After watching the movie, my sanity was reaffirmed. As I had been introduced to a new classifying term, Luciferic Initiation, I had been introduced to yet another new classification involving demonology and Satanism, the Lucifer or Luciferic Project.
It was vitally important to protect and preserve my own sanity to begin to use classifications in analyzing and describing Luciferic and Satanic human events. The use of classifications tends to keep me properly separated from Luciferic and Satanic subjects and not get lost its names, terminology, and language that possess POWER in its own uttering.
After Barracuda, the Movie, I finally fell soundly asleep with PEACE OF MIND, and an renewed affirmation to continue to march forward to the Magick (Occult) City, BIRMINGHAM & ILLUMINATI.
“The Boule’ has taken a sworn oath to maintain the state of white supremacy and to never let you know the whites that rule the world.” Kushite Prince [7] “The Boule works in concert with their masters in maintaining the grip of Illuminati supremacy on their people. The Boule is another arm of the nefarious secret societies that recruit, indoctrinate and cull for the dark forces.” Kushite Prince [8]
The late Steve Cokely, had this to say: “Anywhere there are prominent professional Blacks, chances are they’re in the Boule”.[9] Beta Kappa Boulé (Boulé number 56) was founded on May 17, 1981 in Birmingham, Alabama. Beta Kappa Boulé was set apart by Phi Boulé, Montgomery- Tuskegee, Alabama. And that’s about all that you get out publicly of the Beta Kappa Boulé.[10]
Chapter Phi Boulé of Montgomery- Tuskegee was set apart in 1938. In 1956, this chapter invited a young Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to join. Other than that, you won’t get too much more out of Phi Boulé, either. [11] Consistent with their character and nature, they are classic secret societies.
Not many people other than Kushite Prince and Mbwebe Aja Ishangi (Da Ghetto and a few others dwell so deeply in the areas that I cover- black secret societies. It’s like so many people just don’t believe that “Fat Meat is Greasy.” However let me say this. I believe that my extraordinary infantile trauma-based experience in the Nazi and U.S. Navy’s ultra top secret Project CHATTER opened up a sub- dimensional portal or dimension in my mind.
In an incident related to the project, I had been so internally traumatized as a child that I went into a coma. For seconds, minutes or maybe hours, my original self and conscious went someplace (out of body) that I have no idea where. So, I don’t blame people for not knowing certain things, because they are secret. However, at some point, people must begin to peel away the layers, and become aware of the latent, hidden and growing clandestine spiritual dangers that they face on a daily basis.
Don’t get it twisted. Black Greek lettered fraternities and sororities are in fact reproductions of white collegiate satanic secret societies. A secret society is a collegiate society where significant effort is made to keep affairs, membership rolls, signs of recognition, initiation, or other aspects secret such as their rituals and false idols from the public.[12] They are organized pursuant to their traditional bylaws as the “kindred kind” to Free and Accepted Masons (Alpha Tau Omega).[13] If you don’t remember anything else, please remember this- black fraternities and sororities are “kindred kind” to the Freemasons and Eastern Stars.

“Kindred Kind”, in the sense of its use in the occult, is difficult to define. Kindred is defined as a group of related individuals; one’s relatives, and kinship, family relationship.[14] The Order of Knights Templar recognizes authentic Freemasons as “Kindred Spirits“, who share an inspiration and passion for ancient esoteric knowledge of the divine mechanics of consciousness of the universe. That common characteristic of both Masons and Templars should be honoured, and is sufficient and compelling reason to ensure friendly and mutually supportive relations between them.[15] The “Kindred Kind” appears to indicate a stronger Blood Ritual Kinship relationship than the spiritual bonds of “Kindred Spirits” for the ancient esoteric knowledge, but would also be an internal part of the former.

The numbers of secret society members with their Satanic false idols touching all aspects of the daily lives of Black Folk including children is absolutely mind blowing, staggering and continues to grow. It is estimated that 70- 75% of all black male lawyers are members of the secret society– Alpha Phi Alpha.[16] Virtually every black mayor, Congressman, banker or millionaire in America are members of the secret society– the Boule.[17],[18]

During this year’s Oscar ceremonies, Chris Rock admitted that to work regularly in the HollyWeird entertainment industry- black people had to be cleared through a secret society.[19]

The Masonic Heart Sign or Sign of Fidelity and Loyalty
To stop the robbing of the dignity of our dear departed love ones, as my dear brother and researcher, Kushite Prince, pointed out, they [black secret societies] have become the ILLUMINATI’S first line of defense in the Black Community. The battlefield has changed drastically since the 1960s’ struggle for civil and human rights. During that time, the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), the collaborative organization of nine “Divine Nine” historically black Greek lettered fraternities, sororities; and black freemasons often fought for and along beside the masses. If they didn’t fight, they certainty for the most part didn’t openly interfere. However, when called to action, they (black secret societies) aided the ILLUMINATI slaughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who became a “renegade” member of the Boule after its mission and role in the black community were changed significantly by its “kindred Kind“, the ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry.
Rev. Billy Kyles, Operation PUSH co-founder with Jesse Jackson, Boule and 33rd degree Freemason, led Dr. King to the balcony and admitted that he moved away from Dr. King to allow the assassin to get a clear shot.[21], [22] When you move up the ladder to special operation “hierarchical degrees” of a Jesse Jackson or Billy Kyles involving the assassinations of public figures, you must go through a higher degree of security and secrecy; and another higher degree of secret initiation. We don’t seem to be clear what the degrees are or the Boule initiation rituals even at the lowest levels.
However, some usual secret classical homosexual Sex Magick (booty) Rites appears to be common practice among the lower and entry level ranks.[23] That’s the way that they have rolled for quite sometime.

Without the traditional guidance and wisdom of their African elders, these strange Satanic Enochian Sex Magick Rites and practices are slowly creeping its way through the Satanic Hip Hop/Rap Cults.

Former Republican Presidents Reagan and Nixon at the Bohemian Grove, the Satanic Coven of the Powerful and Rich
“The Bohemian Grove — which I attend, from time to time — it is
the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd. I can’t shake hands with anybody from San Francisco.” – President Richard M. NixonThe Boule was organized to mimic their kindred kind Skull and Bones, and the Ancient Brotherhood of Death of Germany. The Boule’s ultra secret rituals would be similar to these groups. Their rituals involve a symbolic death and rebirth as a member of “The Order.”[24]
Its’ higher and most secret degrees of the Boule are initiated by the Ritual of the Blood Brotherhood– throat slashing of victims. “The sacrificial victims, who have been bred from birth for the role, are ritually killed by slashing the throat from left to right. This is the origin of the Freemasonic sign of pulling the flat hand across the throat from left to right, a movement which means ‘You’re dead’ ”.[25]

High Ranking ILLUMINATI/Masonic Boule Luciferic Initiated Pentecostal Prophetess Dr. Juanita Bynum and Rev. Billy Kyles- ILLUMINATI-Masonic Fangs Hand Symbol. Masonic Secret Finger Sign of Preservation– Columbian Order Primo Don & KGB Royal Arch Freemason Vladimir Putin. Here’s what ILLUMINATI False Prophetess Juanita Bynum has to say about the Blood Ritual of the Brotherhood. Here’s what Dr. Bynum has to say about the Ritual of the Blood Brotherhood (1:38-4:25).
More of Juanita Bynum is briefly covered below with T.D. Jakes. It would take an entire post to cover her. Nevertheless, in some cases, it is reported that low income parents, and those addicted to drugs, are at the mercy of the secret blood sacrifice of the Boule’s kindred kind Freemasons, and Satanists operating among the social services hierarchy and judges.[26]
Rev. Jim Jones and Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Share a MLK, Jr. Humanitarian Award, An Absolute CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY
You must recall that Rev. Jim Jones and the People’s Temple‘s doctor was Boule CIA Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett.[27] The social services hierarchy and state judges of California were complicit with the CIA (Knight Order) in ordering children of color, wards of the state of California, directly into Jonestown, a CIA medical/mind experiment in Guyana, South America. The investigation into the roles of social services and state judges in Jonestown was covered-up by the then, and current governor of California, the Jesuit Priest, Jerry Brown.[28] Boule CIA Dr. Isaac Slaughter was the black elder spearhead that lured black prisoners into Vacaville Prison’s CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control/medical and radiation experimental cohort group, the Black Cultural Association.[29] At one time, the black secret societies may not have been involved with their kindred kind in Rituals of the Blood Brotherhood, but when they became complicit in use with them in murders, assassinations, MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control projects, high levels of crime, corruption and secrecy, blood sacrifices, idol worship, kidnapping children, drug trafficking, and wars of aggressions, they are Luciferic initiated like the kindred kind.

Black Fraternities and Masons call themselves, Goat Riders, not me. The source of much of the modern lore surrounding the fraternal goat is a book written in 1902 called, The Lodge Goat: Goat Rides, Butts, and Goat Hairs, by James Pettibone. The book is written from the goat’s [God Pan] point of view.[30]

According to Pettibone, the source of goat riding can be traced back to the Middle Ages when Christianity converted the old Greco-Roman God Pan into a symbol of SATAN. PAN was described as a hairy creature with long horns, hooves, and a shaggy hide. SATAN “inherited Pan’s best known features of horns, beard, and cloven hooves. Renaissance artists sometimes pictured Satan as arriving in the midst of a pagan, blasphemous ceremony astride a goat.”[31]
Pettibone further points out that in England it was widely held that the custom of goat riding was assumed by the Freemasons.[32]
While in my confused state chased by demons, I confused the Babylonian Pazuza, Demon God of the Wind with the word Azusa that remained in the back of my subconscious. Don’t get it twisted. I was introduced to Pazuza by the popular HollyWeird American horror film series, The Exorcist, that began in the 1970s. The film series grossed over a half billion dollars. I am far from the only person with Pazuza implanted in my subconscious.[33] The word Azusa had also been implanted in the back of my subconscious
from an old Christian ministry that I saw on the idiotic box years
earlier. Nevertheless, I really wasn’t too far off the mark with loosely
associating the Azusa Street Ministry with the profane and DEMONIC Pazuza. I just didn’t know how to classify what I was looking at.
“A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” Matthew 7:18
The infamous Azusa Street Pentecostal meetings took place in 1906 in Los Angeles. In 2006, T.D. Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, Paula White, below, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Juanita Bynum (false prophets) and many other ministers of Christian faith led a highly televised Azusa Street Revival Movement, a hundred year anniversary.“Scholarly preachers spoke up about these [1906 Azusa] meetings; such as R.A. Torrey who declared that this new Pentecostal movement was ’emphatically not of God, and founded by a Sodomite.’ G. Campbell Morgan called it, ‘the last vomit of SATAN.’ “[34] In 2006, I watched some of the anniversary Azusa Street Ministry on television with a great of curiosity. I noticed that the all of evangelists pounded on the same common theme. They argued that if you weren’t rich, happy and prosperous- it wasn’t anyone’s fault but your own. It wasn’t the police, no New World Order, not even Satan. It was your fault by not giving enough money to God– their ministries as intermediaries between the people and Christ.

The Azusa Street Ministry was very successful in fleecing the mass Christian audience. It made Paula White, Wicked Witch of the South, into a mega religious super star. In 2006, she admitted to bringing in about $40 million that year. She was so thankful to T.D. Jakes that she bought him a new convertible Bentley for his 50th Birthday.[35]

While T.D. Jakes was bringing in the money, T.V. Evangelist Benny Hinn was getting all the “Honey.”[36]

T.D. Jakes & Azusa also spiraled Evangelist Juanita Bynum career in the super star religious spotlight. She had been under Jakes’ wings since 1996. In 2003, the “million-dollar” wedding of Dr. Bynum, well-known evangelist and author of the best-selling Matters of the Heart, to Bishop Thomas W. Weeks III featured a wedding party of 80, 1,000 guests, a 12-piece orchestra, and a 7.76-carat diamond ring. The black-tie wedding cost “more than a million,” the bride said, and included flowers flown in from around the world. “My dress,” she says, “took nine months to make. All of the crystals on the gown were hand-sewn. The headpiece was sterling silver, hand-designed.”[37]
In 2007, after the Azusa Anniversary, Dr. Bynum and Bishop Weeks were found in a knock down- ugly bloody slugfest in the parking lot of the Renaissance Concourse Hotel near Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International. Dr. Bynum found the bishop a little too friendly with the “men-es” at the church. Doc said he was gay.[38] She also confessed to being “gay” and lying with women at one time, or sometime?

“Bel bows down, Nebo stoops low; their idols are borne by beasts of burden. The images that are carried about are burdensome, a burden for the weary. They stoop and bow down together …” Bible, Isaiah 46
T.D. Jakes mimic the hand symbol of the Babylonian God, Nebu or Nebo. Jakes has been secretly initiated into another dimension of space, time and science. He has become a dual-spirited Trickster, Magickian and Master of ILLUSIONS, signs, symbols and language.

Gods Enill and Marduk
Nabu, meaning “to prophesy“, is the Babylonian god of wisdom and writing was worshipped by Babylonians as the son of Marduk. In Sumerian texts, the earlier God Enlil is the same as Marduk.[39] In the Yezidis tribes of Kurdistan mythology, a creature -who is half-lion, half-eagle called Imdugud or Anzu (Pazuza), “This monster was said to have stolen the Tablets of Destiny from the god Enlil (Ellil) … which, in its possession, gave ‘him power over the Universe as controller of the fates of all,’ enough to endanger ‘the stability of civilization,’ “ Andrew Collins writes in his book “From the Ashes of Angels.”[40]The mysterious and mythical God Pazuza implanted in HollyWeird’s mass popular Exorcist was no coincidence. It was also no coincidence that Azusa literally constitutes part of Pazuza without the P. It is also no coincidence that I found Pazuza deeply implanted in my subconscious awaken decades later by Azusa.

The author of Exorcist, William Peter Blatty, was a CIA operative. He was there in Lebanon in the early 1950s with President Obama’s maternal family, the Dunhams. Blatty most likely attended the same Catholic school, College Notre-Dame de Jamhour, that Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, had been a student at in Beirut.[41]

Additionally, guess who else was at the CIA station in Beirut, Lebanon in the early 1950s with Stanley Armour, Madelyn, Stanley Ann Dunham, and Blatty, Dr. William Thetford.[42]

Dr. Thetford was the CIA/MK ULTRA child fantasy expert and author of Oprah Winfrey’s “A Course in Miracles.” Beirut had been “ground zero” planning the MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control project (1953) with SS Hauptsturmführer Josef Mengele.[43]

The Exorcist movie deliberately implanted secret subliminal images in the subconscious to impair viewers with a sense of fear and demonic possession. According to previously classified documents, the CIA started testing subliminal manipulation in movie theaters during the late 1950s. In Washington, Blatty was head of the U.S. Air Force, Policy Branch of the Psychological Warfare Division involved in mass population psychological warfare programs in the Vietnam aggression. [44] You see. I wasn’t crazy- imagining things.

The CIA clandestine subliminal manipulation of DEMONS and DEVILS in mass media experimental projects is designed to distract the people from traditional “protest” activities. It appears that their point is make us despair, to see ourselves as ultimately bestial, vile, decaying, ugly, unworthy- falling short of dignity and being loved by our GOD. What do you think?
This is what I believe. It is just as I had found myself distracted in deep despair chased by DEMONS doubting my own sense of worthiness. I was ugly maybe possessed of DEMONS– falling short of the Love of God or anybody else. This stuff is extremely DEEP. The Occult Bureau of the CIA has been at this for decades.
As the god of wisdom and writing, Nabu was linked by the Greeks with Hermes, by the Romans with Mercury, and with Kemetic Thoth.[45] Nebu or Neb-o in Kemet means “Lord” and in the Paleo-Hebrew language “Neb” is translated “BAAL.”[46] Lord and Master Bel (Marduk) was a chief god that I outlined in my previous post involving the Hell Fire Satanic Blood Sacrifice Cults of Europe. Nebu, Son of Bel, was the god of wisdom and literature. Contrast this with Jesus who is called, “The Word of God” and, “The Son of God.” Thus, Bel and Nebu can be seen as the cultic demonic mimic of the Father and Son (Jesus).
Nebu was said to impart the hidden Masonic “Light” of wisdom; similarly, Jesus is called “the Light,” and “the Lamp.” By Jakes‘ secret signs and symbols, he asks mockingly among the unknowing and unseeing, Who is really like the Father, the only true God? Is Nebu or his father Bel? Or is it Jesus Christ of Nazareth? This is the game that the ILLUMINATI play- a contest between the gods of Babylon and the One True God.[47] It is a game of conquest of EVIL over GOOD played out between brothers Set (Seth) and Aset (Osiris) in Kemet that goes back tens if not hundreds of thousands years ago at the dawn of human civilization.

T.D. Jakes is believed to be an ultra secret high ranking “Presidential“ elite member of the Boule and the Freemasons. This is not by far an “idle” statement by any stretch of the imagination. The ILLUMINATI created and “puff” him as the black Billy Graham, and that also is no idle dualist and profane proclamation.

Bill Graham had been created by the ILLUMINATI. Satanist, 33rd Degree Freemason, ILLUMINATI William Randolph Hearst of the Bohemian Grove (Coven) sent a two-word telegram to every editor in his newspaper chain: “Puff Graham.”[48],[49] Like Global Evangelist Billy Graham, there is no definitive proof that T.D. Jakes is Boule or a Freemason. So, how do you prove those things that are protected by “blood oath secrecy?” Look in places of power and influence for ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry Signs and Symbols.

Below, Billy Graham, Freemason President Harry Truman, and President Eisenhower.
Below, Billy Graham, Presidents JFK and Freemason Lyndon Johnson.

Below, Billy Graham, Presidents Nixon and Reagan.

Below, Billy Graham, Presidents G.H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter.

Below, T.D. Jakes, President G.W. Bush.

Below, T.D. Jakes, President H. B. Obama.

The original 1906 Azusa Street Pentecostal Movement had been sponsored by an alleged Homosexual Goat Rider, CHARLES FOX PARHAM, through one of his black disciple lovers, William J. Seymour. But that’s not half the story. The real story behind the street movement is that Parham was a Freemason, and one of the leaders of the West Coast ORDER OF KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN. Parham had been Luciferic Initiated. So, that made the 1906 Azusa Street Pentecostal Movement a Lucifer Project.
Goat Rider Freemason Charles Fox Parham
Parham, a vicious psychotic racist, and Seymour fell out about Seymour baptizing– laying his hands on white people. Parham was a fervent ZIONIST advocate of the British-Israelism Theory, and the doctrine of white supremacy. British-Israelism was a racial, biological, national, and territorial theory. It claimed that Queen Victoria was descended from the Biblical King David, and was thus a descendant of the Davidic family tree that produced Jesus. It taught that the tribes of Israel wandered into northern Europe; that by this supposed genealogy, the British are the real Chosen People, and the British Empire is thus God’s empire.[50] Parham looked for the time when Israel and Judah would “become one stick.” According to Parham,
the return of the Jews to Palestine was the first in a series of
end-times events that would facilitate the inevitable reuniting of “All Israel.”[51]
Due to the split with Seymour, Parham setup Charles Harrison Mason that had received his Pentecost at Azusa in 1907 as the first presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ (C.O.G.I.C) in Memphis, TN.[52]
Image: Bishop Charles Harrison Mason 1953 displaying the items of nature which inspired many of his sermons. Bishop Mason would illustrate his sermons by pointing out “earthly signs” and he used “roots” to supposedly discern God’s will. Mason was a traditional “Root (Hoodoo) Man.” When C.H. Mason arrived in Los Angeles, Parham allegedly fell in love with him and decided to use Mason as the proxy for the new church, C.O.G.I.C, which would be financed by the Rothschilds and Freemasons as the Head Negroes in Charge. C.H. Mason had the name that fit perfectly in ILLUMINATI’s agenda to clandestinely control the global masses of color.[53] In America, C.O.G.I.C claim some 5,500,000 members in 15,300 local churches. In essence, the largest black church in the world was started and bankrolled by Freemasonry, the Order of Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the ILLUMINATI as a underground Negro LUCIFER PROJECT.[54]
The ILLUMINATI Roots of Pentecostalism
They Claimed to be ANGELS

In the New Testament, Pentecost was the occasion of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ, as described in the Acts of the Apostles 2:1-31. In the western world, Pentecostalism generally traces its roots back to the early 1800’s teachings and experiences of Edward Irving, a Presbyterian Minister in Scotland. In 1830, Irving became associated with Scottish Mary Campbell that began to speak in other tongues and claimed she was divinely healed. In 1831 her sister, Mrs. Cardale, also began to speak in tongues and to prophesy. Edward Irving and elite wealthy Scottish banker, Henry Drummond, regarded these events as genuine displays from the Holy Spirit.[55]

Angel– Rosicrucian Evangelist Henry Drummond
In Scotland, Edward Irving formed his own church called the Catholic Apostolic Church. He expounded a detailed teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit
and gave the whole of his theology an immediacy by his expectation of
the immanent second coming of the Lord. He died shortly thereafter, but
the movement he started, which became known as “Irvingites.” [56] It also became known as the “Drummond-Irving Cult” of Angels.[57]“The contention of the Irvingites was that Europe was equivalent to Spiritual Israel. This European-Israelism was a heresy coincidental to yet another heresy, Anglo-Israelism. In fact, it can be shown that Anglo-Israelism was an offshoot of Irvingism, and yet has deeper roots in Rosicrucianism e.g John Dee and Francis Bacon. It was important to the cause of the early Anglican Church to find means by which to lift England above the Vatican, wherefore teaching that the English peoples were the bloodline Jews became an effective part of that cause. To this day, to keep the myth alive, the British royal family (e.g. Prince Charles) falsely claims to be descended from King David. A few Christians are still swallowing this, and even proclaiming Prince Charles to be the anti-Christ!“[58]
Charles Parham became a disciple of John Alexander Dowie (1847- 1907) from Edinburgh, Scotland. Dowie founded the city of Zion, Illinois, and the Christian [Catholic] Apostolic Church.[59] He was known in the U.S. as the “Ghost of Edward Irving.”[60] Dowie’s ministry and mission in Zion was portrayed as a deliberate attempt to export the “Drummond-Irving Cult” and Irvingism, a deep web of the ILLUMINATI to America.[61] Pentecostalism, the “Drummond-Irving Cult” and Irvingism in America were clandestinely bankrolled by the olde European Satanic/ILLUMINATI Bloodline Banking Families, the Rothschild and Drummonds of Scotland.[62]
Black Pentecostals, a Secret Branch of the ILLUMINATI

“THE CLOSE, OR CLENCHED FISTS” is, in the Illuminist Philosophy, the symbol of secrecy, dissimulation, and hermeticism. It veils and conceals secrets from the “profane” and the “vulgar” (the non-ILLUMINISTS).The fists are both clenched, in allusion to one of the penalties of the obligation, which is to have both hands chopped off to the stumps.

In 2012, Jakes, Symbol of Secrecy, joined Lillith‘s High Priestess Oprah Winfrey’s mass media parade of ILLUMINATI New World Order/New Age Mystics and Prophets.[63]
“When we look at the
Boule’ closely, we find a confusion of values. Black men who felt that
their advancement was edged upon a positive relationship with wealthy
and influential white people.”[64]
Oprah & Hand Sign of Canaanite God EL also known as MOLOCH
Bryan Stevenson, Goatman of Montgomery, Alabama
The public display of the “Clenched Hands” is another symbol of ILLUMINATI/Occult Secrecy. The early formation of Pentecostal “Drummond-Irving Cult” meetings in churches or (Masonic) temples were also called secret “Mystery Babylon” Schools.

As I pointed out above, the Birmingham Boulé was set apart by Phi Boulé, Montgomery– Tuskegee. The Goatmen of Birmingham are the bastard children of the Goatmen of Montgomery. Centered in Montgomery is the new mega influential Google New World Order and the Equal Justice Initiative. When I first heard him interviewed on the idiot box, I thought he made a lot of sense. I was actually excited about what he was doing and saying what he was doing. From what he was saying, I got the impression that the Negro was out there all alone, heroically, fighting the system.

Just recently this year, Google donated $1 million to Stevenson’s Alabama-based nonprofit, Equal Justice Initiative.[65] Google World Order (Googlius Ordo Mundi) refers to an alleged theory in which Google, a powerful and secretive group, has created a secret plan to eventually rule the world via a Google as opposed to a world government.[66] The most prominent ILLUMINATI families such as the Rothschild Family, Rockefeller Family, Morgans, Kissingers, Schroders, and DuPonts, as well as European monarchs, are said to be important members. The theory claims that virtually all important persons of the international world of banking, commerce, arts, entertainment, and mass media are involved in Google New World Order.[67] Google is in fact part of the Bilderberg Group.[68]

Actually, the Equal Justice Initiative is a good sized fully-staffed legal firm, and Stevenson is actually some type of New Age charismatic black “evangelist” just as T.D. Jakes and his tree of associated false prophets are New Age religious Pentecostal “evangelists.” Evangelists, in particularly, share his belief in redemption concept of God. Stevenson, “Evangelicals say we believe that we’re put on the planet to spread the gospel and share the love of Christ, but to me it’s wholly inconsistent to be committed to that task and yet to want a secular government to eliminate folks before that act of ministry and reconciliation can be completed.”[69]

Dr. Paul Farmer sits on the board of directors of Stevenson’s Equal Justice Initiative. He appears to be Stevenson’s low key mentor and controller. In 2009, Bill Clinton of the Bilderberg Group appointed the physician and Harvard University professor Dr. Farmer as the United Nations Deputy Special Envoy to Haiti.[70] Dr. Farmer is an eternal part of the Clinton Foundation, UN and NWO massive international sham that exploited and continue to exploit the people of Haiti.[71],[72]

Dr. Farmers’ longtime close friend and business partner, Kim Yong Kim, that helped him found the global medical group, Partners in Health, took over as President of the World Bank. That’s unprecedented global power, money and the New World Order deeply seated in Montgomery, Alabama!

I contend that Bryan Stevenson is another High Level Boule ILLUMINIST and the NWO’s Controlled Puppet that Represents the Smoked Mirror of Token Resistance to Racism in America. The $1 million donation from Google to Equal Justice Initiative will be controlled by Dr. Farmer and the NWO. They will use that money to do as much for justice in America as they have done for Haiti– enough to be charged with the human right’s crime of GENOCIDE.[73],[74]

In Birmingham, the Boule’ Goat men are not so global or well known. They would be classified as a desperate constant tangle of black men who feel that their advancement and personal enrichment is edged upon concealing and protecting the wealthy, powerful, corrupt and racist white “kindred kind” of Jefferson County.
In December 2015, Birmingham Kappa Alpha Psi Goat men, (PUBLIC SERVANTS) Mayor William A. Bell and Councilor Marcus G. Lundy, got into a scandalous slugfest behind the doors of councilor chambers.[75] They didn’t reveal to police or public why they got into it. They didn’t want anyone to know, so all charges were dropped.[76] Nevertheless, the frat brothers’ fight most likely involved women or men, kickbacks and money bribes. One thing is clear is that whatever they were slugging it out had nothing to do with the black citizens of the city, or protecting their interests. These Negroes voted to raise their public salaries by 233% from a annual salary of $15,000 to $50,000, effective in 2017. The increase, combined with slightly less than $10,000 allotted for expenses per council member, means the job will pay nearly $60,000. That’s the way the Goatmen Boule’ HNIC (Head Negroes in Charge) roll these days in Birmingham, Jefferson County.
On May 27, 1975, the United States Department of Justice (“D.O.J.”)
filed a lawsuit under Title VII, 42 U.S.C. §2000e, et seq., and 42
U.S.C. § 1983, in the United States District Court for the Northern
District of Alabama against the Jefferson County Personnel Board, and the municipal and other governmental jurisdictions within Jefferson County. The DOJ
asked the court for injunctive and monetary relief alleging a pattern
or practice of discriminatory employment practices against blacks and
women.[77]After 30 years, the federal court still find that the county continually discriminates between its citizens on basis of race and gender.[78] On August 20, 2013, Jefferson County was adjudged to be in contempt for failing to comply with the requirements of the court’s consent decree entered on 12/29/82 where the county agreed to desist its discriminatory practices, and implement charges to remedy the wrongs to people of color and women.

One of the movants in the case currently seeking relief from the consent decree so that it could, I suppose, without any federal court intervention continue to discriminate against blacks and females is a “kindred Kind“, Jefferson County Probate Court Judge, Alan Lamar King.[79] The constitutional offending federal defendant, Personnel Board of Jefferson County, is headed by you know who, Judge Alan King, Chair Presiding Probate Judge. Sitting on the board with Judge King are most likely Boule’ Negroes, William Barnes, Birmingham Urban League, and Hezekiah Jackson, President, NAACP Birmingham Branch.[80]
Masonic/Goatman Fangs
We know for certain Hezekiah Jackson has a history in Birmingham of tacky political play for pay.[81] He was a long-time right-hand man for the late Birmingham Councilor, Aldrich Gunn, Jr. Interestingly, Hezekiah accused Gunn of sexual harassment. I suppose that means at least one of them was a “booty bandit.”[82] Last year, personally, I contacted the Birmingham local Urban League, NAACP and all of its branches in that part of the state to inform them of the indignity and injustices of the probate court and what it was doing to the legacy of John Gregory, Jr. and his family.I didn’t know that both the local Urban League and the NAACP were, in fact, sitting under and serving Judge King. The Personnel Board of Jefferson County is obviously a very important board that decides who get income jobs, and who keep well paying county jobs with rare full benefits these days. It is totally under the control of Judge King. He is surrounded and protected by his subservient Goat Riding Black Men, the Boule’.
So, you need not ask the question why aren’t black leadership necessarily aren’t interested in what happens to black people in Birmingham or whether or not Jefferson County has a long standing and traditional policy and practice of discriminating against its citizens of color. As far as Jefferson County is concerned, it has admitted its racism, and continue to be a racist system under Judge King against people of color in Birmingham as a matter of public record in federal court.
Kingfish & the GOATMAN: Alpha Tau Omega (ATO)

“Our fame has spread thro all the states, for which our rivals blame the fates, and every alien greatly longs to ride our GOAT and sing our songs.” The Alpha Tau Omega Palm, March 1906, Vol. XXVI, No. 1
As you know, I call Jefferson County Probate Judge, Alan Lamar King, the KINGFISH. Kingfish, as you also know is clearly Luciferic Initiated. Judge King is substantially involved in the “Inner Circle and Brotherhood” of the secret blood oath society, Alpha Tau Omega (ATO), the Order of 1865 . Kingfish is a LIFE LOYAL TAU: AN ASSOCIATION FOR THE MOST LOYAL MEMBERS of ATO going back to the secret Masonic societies of the rebellion and the Great Civil War.[83]

“[Alpha Tau Omega] In the beginning … The ceremony, with the members hooded and gowned in white muslin … was clearly borrowed from the rites of medieval chivalry. Thereby initiates … called themselves ‘KNIGHTS OF MALTA’ and ‘KNIGHTS OF THE MALTESE CROSS,’ … The Grand Seal, formerly the coat of arms, painted while this ceremony was being used, symbolizes the IDEALS OF CHIVALRY when they pervaded the Fraternity’s esoteric concepts” (Reno 46).”[84]
By its own bylaws, ATO was organized for the purpose of a secret fraternity for the promotion and culture of friendship and brotherly love among the members, said association being of a kindred kind to the Free and Accepted Masons.[85] As pointed out above, the Satanic/ILLUMINATI, Masonic and Fraternal GOATMAN is the ancient Greek GOD PAN.

By God Pan’s Very EVIL Nature, He will F**K Anyone or ANYTHING
In Birmingham and the State of Alabama, Judge King
has quietly moved into positions of extreme state power. As probate
judge, he has empowered himself to count all the votes of Jefferson
County, the largest county in the state. It’s fair to state that Alan King
has the power to make or break every politician in the state. Along
with controlling all the civil servant jobs in Jefferson County, its
very easy to understand why a great deal of people “LONG TO RIDE HIS GOAT”- GOD PAN.
ATO- A Long Established Secret SATANIC Society
According to the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment (NGTA) that was established in 2005 to
support law enforcement agencies through timely and accurate
information sharing and strategic/tactical analysis of federal, state,
and local law enforcement information focusing on the growth, migration,
criminal activity, and association of gangs that pose a significant
threat to communities throughout the United States, Alpha Tau Omega constitutes a organized criminal GANG inside ALABAMA.[86] Don’t believe me, PLEASE CLICK HERE.The NGIC is comprised of representatives from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), US Bureau of Prisons (BOP), United States Marshals Service (USMS), US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Department of Defense (DOD), National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC), and US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). This multi-agency fusion center integrates gang intelligence assets to serve as a central intelligence resource for gang information and analytical support.[87]
You can’t trust public servants that serve two masters, one public (the People), and the other secret (Lucifer). It doesn’t work and it will not-ever work.
Judge King’s ATO is a designated Organized Criminal GANG under federal investigation. Judge King’s Jefferson County Personnel Board is also under the federal noose for constitutional violations. We must demand that federal authorities tighten the noose on Judge King and ATO in the state of Alabama to protect and preserve the constitutional rights of the citizens of Alabama. Alan King, Queen Bee Elizabeth McElroy, and the GOAT PEOPLE of Jefferson have to GO!
In the highest office of the state of Alabama is also in the state of shame and scandal. Governor Robert Bentley, the most powerful breast man in the state once had a state law enforcement helicopter deliver his wallet to him at his beach house after he accidentally left it at home, about 250 miles away. And why was the governor leaving the house in such a hurry in the first place? His wife, whom he was probably cheating on, was mad at him. Yes, the helicopter wasn’t illegal, but it was an absolute abuse of state power invested in him by the people. He used state power as if he was another KING.
Governor Robert Bentley’s affair with a married Mistress, Rebekah Caldwell Mason, the governor’s communications director, was first exposed by the untiring work and dedication of a lone citizen couple that blog at Legal Schnauzer. They faced jail, harassment and a million bayonets of the state of Alabama. Yet, they continued to fight facing a king, his army and giants. I extend my sincere appreciation to them. As citizens, we can make a difference. JUSTICE DELAYED IS NO JUSTICE AT ALL FOR THE CITIZENS OF BIRMINGHAM AND JEFFERSON COUNTY. Keep the pressure on Judge King, Jefferson County and his criminal gang, Alpha Tau Omega.
U.S. District for the Northern District of Alabama
Hugo L. Black U.S. Courthouse
1729 5th Avenue North
Birmingham, AL 35203
U.S. v. Jefferson County, Case No. EE AL- 0097
Honorable Charles Lynwood Smith, Jr.
Finally, I asked volunteers to help me with the Count Down to Birmingham. I must explain and apologize by my lack of acknowledgement to your responses to my call. The hotmail email address that I had given out as a contact reference seems to have been compromised. I couldn’t pick up any volunteers from my designated email. All of the email responses to my call were poured into a unknown email box that I don’t know anything about. Interference like this is not uncommon when working on sensitive projects. I am still trying to figure out how it happened. I need to develop another medium of communications. However, if still interested respond normally by comment to this blog. POWER TO THE PEOPLE.
[9] Id.
[31] Id.
[32] Id.
[42] http://
[54] Id.
[61] Id.
[62] Id.
[67] Id.
[87] Id.
Comments : 2 Comments »
Tags: . James Alexander Hamilton, 1981 in Birmingham, Alabama. And that's about all that you get out publicly of the Beta KChapter Phi Boulé, Alabama. Beta Kappa Boulé was set apart by Phi Boulé, alan l. king, alan lamar king, Alpha Phi Alpha, azusa street ministry, azusa street revival movement, baal moloch, barack hussein obama, barracuda, benny hinn, Beta Kappa Boulé, Beta Kappa Boulé (Boulé number 56) was founded on May 17, bilderberg group, Bill Clinton, billy graham, birmingham, bishop c. h. mason, Bishop Thomas W. Weeks III, black boule, Black Pentecostals, bohemian grove, BOULE, C.O.G.I.C, California Medical Facility, charles fox parham, charles harrison mason, chris rock, church of god in christ, CIA, demons, devil, devils, divine nine, donald trump, Dr. Carlton Goodlett, Dr. Josef Mengele, dr. juanita bynum, Dr. Martin Luther King, dr. paul farmer, Dr. William Thetford, Drummond-Irving Cult, edward irving, elizabeth mcelroy, eniil, Equal Justice Initiative, Exorcist, freemasonry, freemasons, George W. Bush, goat people, goatmen, god pan, Google New World Order, greek god pan, haiti, harry edward kerwin, henry drummond, Hezekiah Jackson, hip hop satanic cult, Illuminati, jefferson county, jesse jackson, john bullock, john gregory, juanita bynum, Kim Yong Kim, kindred kind, kkk, klu, knights templar, kushite prince, legal schnauser, loretta lynch, Lucifer, lucifer project, Lucifer's Servants, luciferians, luke blueford, Marcus G. Lundy, marduk, Mayor William A. Bell, mind control, MK-ULTRA, Monarchs, Montgomery- Tuskegee, NAACP Birmingham Branch, nebu, notorious jake bullock, Oprah Winfrey, paula white, pazuz, Pentecostal Movement, Policy Branch of the Psychological Warfare Division, PROJECT CHATTER, queen bee, rev. billy kyles, richard nixon, rituals of the blood brotherhood, Ronald Reagan, Rosicrucianism, satan, Satanism, secret societies, Set, Seth, Sex Magick, sonny boy williamson, stanley ann dunham, steve cokely, T.D. Jakes, U.S.Air Force, Will Smith, William Peter Blatty, William Randolph Hearst, william seymour, world bank
Categories : alabama, albert pike, antichrist, Aryan Supremacy, baal, baphomet, Barack Obama, bill clinton, bill cosby, birmingham, black children, black christianity, black genealogy, black inheritance, black institutions, blood covenants, blood oaths, bohemian club, bohemian grove, BOULE, california medical facility, Charles Alex Gregory, chris rock, christianity, CIA, Crimes Against Democracy, devil, dr. isaac slaughter, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton, Dr. Josef Mengele, dr. william thetford, dualism, esoteric dualism, fallen angels, false prophet, false prophets, False Satanic Rites of Lost Negroes, freemason, freemasons, genocide, George W. Bush, Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Dr. Josef Mengele, Hip Hop, hip hop satanic cult, hollywood satanic cult, human sacifrice, illuminati, illuminati sacrifice, J. P. Morgan, jim jones, jonestown, Josef Mengele, Knight of Malta, Knights Hospitaller, Knights Templar, ku klux klan, lucifer's servants, luciferians, Martin Luther King, masonic sacrifice, mind control, MK-ULTRA, Molech, Moloch, monarch program, naacp, new age religion, new world order, nwo, oprah winfrey network, Phi Delta Phi, post hypnotic suggestions, Ritual Satanic Abuse, ritual satanic sexual abuse, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, satan, Satanism, set, seth, skull and bones, SS, Stanley Ann Dunham, Stanley Armour Dunham, trauma-based mind control, Uncategorized, vacaville, vietnam, Will Smith, William Thetford, ZIONIST
2 04 2016
Someone Really Loves YouOne morning, a couple of sisters with tears in eyes approached me at Merritt Jr. College. They were in the college cafeteria when they heard loud racial slurs coming from some white males at a fraternity table. They asked them politely to stop. It was upsetting. They said they were cursed out and threatened. They said that one of them reached under the table to his waistband, and indicated that he was armed. In other words, they had better get away from the table. I immediately knew exactly who they were. They were a fraternity of law enforcement-police science students that were allowed to have their own carved endorsed glass table and space in the cafeteria.
I had trouble out of them before being openly disrespectful to students of color. I was always civil with them. I would talk to them respectfully and ask them to value the rights of Black students on campus. They had never once said anything, but listened with their heads down. If any further respect was repeated, I was back at the table with some brothers to get down.
So, this time. I approached the table alone, again. I calmly appealed to them to respect the rights of students of color. What they were alleged heard saying about people of color was racist, offensive and fighting words. They had never once said anything in defense. They quietly listened with their heads down just as before. Suddenly, I observed one of them reaching under the table in a threatening manner as if he had a gun in his waistband just as what had been described to me.
So, I said this is how you want it to go down. I said, “I will be back.” My apartment that I shared with some brothers was just a couple blocks away. I got strapped and picked up a couple of Panthers on the way back. I surprised them when I suddenly seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Their table was just a couple of feet from the door. I stepped inside the cafeteria door frame for possible cover, then commanded all of them to put their hands on the table. Through my peripheral vision, I saw shadows rising throughout the cafeteria. I immediate shouted, FREEZE with my hand on my gun and turned partially toward them.
Thank God, they all complied, because if any of them had moved- there was going to be a firefight with deadly force, and results. In those few precious moments, I wasn’t concerned if I lived or died. If I was dancing with the shadows of life and death, they were dancing to the same tune. I intended to draw down on them if any of them had moved. While I was gone, the law enforcement-police science students called the authorities. Whoever and whatever these people were- I don’t know to this day. All I know is that they were dressed in suits and ties.
When they complied to my demand to freeze, the sudden moments and flashes of the world of living and dying, faded. I stepped away from the doorway. I would see the fear in the eyes of the Panthers that backed me up. I didn’t run and I did not allow them to run. I stood my ground and I let that be known clear to them and whatever and whoever was in the cafeteria. We stood just outside the back of the cafeteria until we were ready to go.

After that day, there were no more trouble out of the law enforcement-police science students. They pulled up their table- not to be so visible and open to the people. I said that to say this. I did what I did not because I thought that I was a big bad-ass Panther. I had heard of and seen a lot of big bad-ass brothers in Oakland that weren’t afraid of any man or thing, but I had never heard of brothers putting their lives on the line for something other than themselves and family, until I met brothers Huey and Bobby. What I went through that day was one of those unknown qualities of man that I had never known, a Huey-ism, that I learned from Huey, Bobby and wiser brothers and sisters of the movement- LOVE THE PEOPLE, MORE THAN YOU LOVE YOURSELF.Someone Doesn’t Care, Guess Who?
Satan Trinity of the NCAA Basketball Playoffs, V-Sign of the Brotherhood of Satan
The 2016 NCAA Final Four basketball tournament begin in a couple of days. This years’ NCAA basketball payoffs’ commercial spots also feature a final four, a Satanic/ILLUMINATI Final Four, 3+1=4. The Trinity of Evil, Spike Lee, Charles Barkley and Samuel L. Jackson plus 1
will appear over and over again during the final four as if they are
being intentionally implanted n our subconscious. But why? These men
have millions, fortune and fame. They are seasoned Black giants and leaders in the entertainment and sports industry. Their place, at this point in their careers, should be behind the desk- heads of their own corporate entertainment or sports industries.If I didn’t know of them for what they are, I would certainty love them for overcoming what seems to be overwhelming odds and barriers to become successful in their fields. It is perplexing why these successful and influential men are on the global idiot box- shamefully cooning, shining, shuffling, bootlicking- clowning like buffoons as if they were in a dime side show.
Its the DOUBLE-BIND, it makes no sense why these particular Black men of such great global respect, renown, wealth, power, influence and stature should be making a mockery of THEMSELVES on the world stage. They love the POWER of Lucifer, more than they love the people and THEMSELVES. The Global Satanic Cabals can make them sing, dance, shine and scratch in mockery of THEMSELVES and turn against the PEOPLE. Those IMAGES too are meant to be implanted in our subconscious confusing, and discouraging our desires and aspirations for love, peace and happiness among mankind.
Spike Lee is into the KABBALAH– an early source mentions tying a red string to ward off an “evil eye” and that is in the Tosefta, an early Talmudic work (Shabbat, ch. 7-8). It according also states that tying a red string around oneself is severely prohibited. It is characterized as “Darchei Emori,” superstitious practice, close to idol-worship READ MORE: Who or what such entity(ies) have the POWER and EVIL to pull the strings to make Spike Lee, Charles Barkley and Samuel L. Jackson DANCE FOR THE DEVIL like puppets to a shameful mockery of THEMSELVES in the face of the masses, particularly SPIKE LEE.
SPIKE LEE & KABBALAH Strings & Beads
In order to understand this story and the manifestations of pure EVIL that is now occurring and unfolding before our eyes, you need some understanding of the very complicated Portugal Inquisitions of 1531. The Inquisition was a Roman Catholic tribunal for discovery and punishment of HERESY.
Templars Being Burned to Death
Actually the Inquisitions began in the 14th Century, when Philip IV of France condemned the Knights Templars as HERETICS. On Friday, October 13, 1307, the Templars
were individually hunted down, tortured and condemned to death for
their crimes. The order, which had been officially recognized by the Vatican was denounced, outlawed and suppressed by Pope Clement V at the same time.[1]
The Military Order of Christ (Order of the Knights of Our Lord Jesus Christ) was founded in 1318 as the continuation of the Knights Templar of Tomar, following the suppression of the Templar Order in 1312. It was established by King Denis of Portugal, who negotiated with Pope Clement V’s successor John XXII for recognition of the new order and its right to inherit the Templar assets and property.[2]

Portugal- Alleged Jewish Terrorist Being Burned Alive During Inquisition
In 1481, the Inquisition against HERETICS started in Spain. It targeted primarily the Conversos (Secret Jews) and New Christians that had been forced to convert to the Catholic faith from other world views and religious belief systems such as Judaism.[3] The majority of so-called Heretics that settled in Spain were Jews that fled the fall of the First Temple of Jerusalem in 586 BC., and those out of Babylon that had been captured and held hostages there after the fall of the second temple. They were the Jews of the Spanish Rite that were an offshoot of the Babylonian-Arabic family of Jewish Rites based on the Talmud.[4] The term “Talmud” normally refers to the collection of writings named specifically the Babylonian Talmud (Talmud Bavli).[5]More than 13,000 Conversos were put on trial and all of their properties and wealth were confiscated during the first 12 years of the Spanish Inquisition. Hoping to eliminate ties between the Jewish community and Conversos, the Jews of Spain were expelled in 1492. The next phase of the Inquisition began in Portugal in 1536.[6]Thousands of Sephardic Jews migrated to Portugal after the 1492 expulsion. A Spanish style Inquisition was constituted and tribunals were set up in Lisbon and other cities. Due to the confiscations of property and wealth of the accused, the Inquisitions became a highly profitable corruption and bribery racket.
By the 17th Century, the Inquisitions in Portugal were characterized, the “Holy Office of Portugal as a tribunal which served only to deprive men of their fortunes, their honor and their lives, while unable to discriminate between guilt and innocence; it was known to be holy only in name, while its works were cruelty and injustice, unworthy of rational beings, although it was always proclaiming its superior piety”.[7]

Blanche LINDO Blackwell, Lord Chris Blackwell & Cabalistic Spike Lee
Blanche Blackwell and Lord Chris’ branch of the LINDOs had in fact been among the heretics and Conversos of Spain that the Inquisition accused of being “Judaizers“. The Lindos were closely related to many other Babylonian Sephardi “cousinhood” families of note in Britain.[8]

The House of Alexandre Lino that moved into Jamaica during the 1700’s were Jews of the Spanish Rite of the Inquisitions. Alexandre Lindo (1753-1812) was a “major importer of slaves” in the late eighteenth century. In one case, he admitted to being responsible for the deaths of over 150 Africans in the Middle Passage and 20 more upon their arrival in Jamaica, though he was never punished.[9]
But it was a much deeper rabbit hole than that. Alexandre was the part of an inner core of the PORTUGUESE SYNAGOGUE in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He was part of the “French Slavery Connection” in the French West India Islands under Napoleon. He was a “Slave-Sugar Broker” for the French government under Napoleon’s general and brother-in-law, Charles Victoire Emmanuel Leclerc, the husband of France’s Imperial Princess, Napoleon’s sister, Pauline Bonaparte. [10] Toussaint and the courageous Haitian people put a stop to Lindo and France’s plans in the colonial French West Indies or the mother country was in deep trouble of even more further mass depopulation of its people.

General Charles Leclerc was the liar that tricked the Great Toussaint L’Ouverture into boarding a French vessel that took him back to France where he would die in prison. L’Ouverture then signed a false and lying treaty saying that France controlled the whole island of Santo Domingo.[11] Alexander Lindo was known as a zealous Sephardic Jew that took great interest in the affairs of the congregation. He had passed through its various dignities (initiations-and secret master keys) until he became president of the Portuguese Synagogue.[12]

Spike Lee, Kabbalah Strings, and Luciferic Initiation Dragon or Lion Claw Symbol
Skip Lee is not playing. Lord Chris Blackwell, a direct descendant of Alexandre Lindo, and Island Pictures bankrolled Lee’s “She Gotta Have It.” Spike holds a certain most likely lower degree in a secret Jewish Kabbalah Satanic Cabal linked to what LINDO left behind. The two figures in the right hand cover are Frank and Jesse James with Claw Symbol– Members of Albert Pike’s ultra secret- Luciferian Knights of Golden Circle. Below is Master Mason 33 degree Ann Besant with secret Lion or Dragon Claw of the Luciferic Initiation.
Ann Besant- A Satanic Queen of the Occult
Spike Lee & Jay Z, Luciferic Initiation
The Lindos appeared to have been associated with international banking affairs for generations. They were the first members of Lloyds and propped up Bank of England, and major international slavers, and importers of enslaved Africans.[13] Actually, the Lindos appear to be one of the two great Jewish dynasties in the past thousand years of world history, ranking only with the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds are Ashkenazim, rising to importance first in Germany and then dominating the financial world of France, Britain and Italy. The Lindos are the most renowned of all Sephardic Jewish families. They rose to prominence in Spain in the 15th century, and have since that time enormously influenced the economic and cultural life of the Netherlands, Italy, Britain, Costa Rica, Israel, Canada, the Caribbean, and in some ways the whole world.[14]
Moses de Costa Lindo- Sworn Broker of the Royal Exchange
On April 12, 1861, Confederate forces fired on the
Union’s Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, igniting the
Civil War. Charleston, at the 33rd Parallel, is known officially as “the Mother Lodge of the World.” This Lodge had been founded by elite wealthy planter, enslaver, and importer of enslaved Africans, MOSES LINDO, as the King Solomon Lodge.[15] In other words, the Sephardic Jews had something clandestinely to do with the start of the American Civil War between the states to preserve the Institution of African based Human Bondage in the United States.Blanche Blackwell was a Babylonia Sephardic Jew part of the House of Alexandre Lino, and the “Cousinhood” that have been international brokers of banking, slave trading, drug trafficking, crime, and corruption since 1492. The Babylonian Talmud and Shulchan Aruch contain the legal code which is the basis of today’s Judaism and Jewish law. In fact, Talmudic Judaism is primarily a legal system in a literal sense. It has little to do with religion and is more of an ancient political cult group with many followers who are not openly Jewish. This is why so many Jews openly claim to be Jewish and atheist at the same time.

James Bond’s Goldfinger and Sir James Goldsmith in Background
According to their law, Spike Lee’s benefactor, Lord Chris Blackwell, was product of the female Sephardic Jew, he was born into the 15th Century Sephardic Houses and the “Cousinhood” as a matter of law that includes the Rothschild’s ILLUMINATI Jewish bloodlines. Ian Fleming’s Goldfinger could very well have been British billionaire and global financer Sir James Goldsmith.
He lived in London, Paris, and Monte Carlo. He owned casinos, oil
fields, forests, newspapers, publishing houses, supermarkets, etc., etc.
and etc. He had numerous mistresses, and a fortress hide-away in
Mexico. Sir James was the son of Frank Goldsmith, the descendant of a Jewish banking family of the Spanish Rite from Frankfurt, Germany. Yes, he was Blanche and Lord Chris’ “Cousinhood.” Sephardic Jew.One of the most intriguing things about Sir James that would have alarmed MI6 and British intelligence is that he had some heavy secret “inner core” links to the British Crown and the late Princess Diana. Sir Goldsmith may have secretly been her real father![16] Lady Diana’s mother was Frances Shand Kydd, who was born Frances Ruth Roche (Rothschild). Reportedly, Frances, in deed, had Jewish origins that she could certainly have been secretly part of the “Cousinhood.”[17] And, Fleming’s SMERSH (international criminal empire) could very well have been the “Cousinhood.”
Over the decades, Queen Elizabeth II and the British Royal House has chosen Half Moon as their abode of choice in Jamaica. Prince Henry of Wales (Prince Harry) marked the Queen’s Diamond on private retreat at Half Moon. Other notable past guests include Prince Philip, Prince of Wales and Grand Master of Masonic Lodge of England; Prince Rainier of Monaco; U.S. President John F. and Jacqueline Kennedy; and Vice President- CIA Director George H. W. Bush, along with SPIKE LEE.[18]
Satanic/ILLUMINATI Puppets Eddie Murphy, Rick James and Lil Wayne
Half Moon was also a popular choice with famous guests including Eddie Murphy, who used to stay in one of the resort’s private villas, including Lil Wayne and even Queen Elizabeth I in the 17th Century.
MASONIC “M”, Eddie Murphy and the Satanic Witch Madame de Pompador Discussed Below
Latter, you will clearly understand why Lil Wayne has suddenly become a mass media commercial product darling on the 2016 Super Bowl and NCAA Tournament Basketball playoffs. He has been officially Luciferic initiated into a higher degree at HELL HOUSE.
Rose Hall Great House (Masonic black and white theme) & Rose Hall Hilton Resort
Half Moon Resort was part of the Rose Hall Plantation. The Rose Hall Great House was nicknamed the “calendar house” because it originally had 365 windows, 52 doors and 12 bedrooms. The Rose Hall Mansion was said to have been built between 1770 and 1780 by Major General John Palmer, Esq., Custos and Chief Judge of Common Pleas, to honor his wife, Rosa Kelly. It was the grandest of the island’s great mansions. John and Rosa entertained the elite of the elite on the island.
Rosa was the daughter of the Priest of the St. James Parish Church of Montego Bay. Saint James the Greater, a Son of Thunder, was one of Jesus’ first disciples. The Military Order of Saint James of the Sword is a Knights Templar Portuguese order of chivalry founded in Portugal in 1170.[19] The church is set out in a Knights Templar classic Greek cross shape.

Rosa was ceremonially buried on the grounds in May, 1790.[20]

Luciferic Initiation “As Above, So Below”- Spike’s Cross is a Greek Cross not Christ!
John passed sometime around 1792.[21] The Rose Hall Mansion was passed down to John’s nephew, John Rose Palmer of England. Annie Paterson- Palmer was the wife of John Rose. The Ghost of Annie Palmer, the White Ghost of the Rosa Hall Great House, is said to haunt the mansion after she had been viciously murdered by rebelling Africans during the 1830s.Infamous Annie, Mistress of the Rosa Hall Great House, she was said to have dabbled in witchcraft. She took enslaved Africans as lovers then slaughtered them. She is said to have conducted classical human sacrifices, especially of infants, whose bones she used to practice magick.[22] They said that Annie took to her bedroom balcony each morning to conduct and witness the torture of Africans into submission, and their slaughter. She was said to be especially brutal to black females that they were constantly beaten to death at the end of a bull whip. They say that she setup Bear traps to help keep Africans within property lines, and from escaping. They say that she slaughtered, tortured and starved to death hundreds of Africans in earthly deep pits, and in the dungeons below the mansion.

She is said to have murdered her three (3) husbands with hot grease poured into their ears. Reportedly, she also resided over secret grand orgies like something out of Rome at the mansion. They allege that she was a witch that practiced West African Vodun- Voodoo.[23] Let’s be for real. The Royal House of England and inner core of the Global Satanic Cabal and ILLUMINATI don’t publicly attach themselves to any habitat haunted by the “negative spiritual forces” of a West African religious belief system such as VODUN. The Ghost of ANNIE PALMER is a looking glass and smoked mirror. Behind the VEIL, it is a very important part in understanding the Truth and Reality behind Spike Lee.
The bottom line is the Rose Hall Plantation/Half Moon Resort is a terrible-terrible place with a woefully horrific history and absolutely EVIL and SATANIC background, and place of human BLOOD sacrifices. John Palmer, Esq., (that I couldn’t find any pictures of) is an interesting individual that is a particularly veiled character in the story about the Rose Hall Great House even today. He was one of the ruling elite lords of the island. Yet, you can’t find very much about the man. Palmer was in fact King George III’s representative to Jamaica and its extremely lucrative slave plantation sugar industry. George III (1738- 1820) was King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland until his death in 1803. He had been America’s last King.[24]
The Honorable John Palmer had also been a Jamaican Supreme Court justice. Oh, John Palmer had been the island’s most powerful and wealthiest of the King’s Men. Certainly, his Rosa Hall Mansion had been the island’s grandest palace. So it is rather easy to understand how he hooked up with the island’s Bluebeard Irish Mistress, Rosa Kelly. Rosa‘s father was Dublin merchant, John Kelly, that may have been one of Palmer’s island Irish collectors. Subsequently, Rev. Kelly became the rector that resided over St. James (Anglican) Parish Church on Montego Bay.

Late 1740s to 1750, James Dawkins and Robert Woods in Palmyra, Syria
James Dawkins (1722- 1757, Sutton’s Plantation, Jamaica) was a British antiquarian and Jacobite conspirator and co-discoverer (Robert Woods) of the ancient city of Palmyra between 1749 and 1751. He was a member of the Society of Dilettanti (founded 1734) by secret ballot. The society was said to consist of “The Superior Order” of 12 members.[25] During King George III’s reign, the Society of Dilettanti was an underground and secret British elite ruling class Satanic society led by Freemason Sir Francis Dashwood, 15th Baron le Despencer of England.The Society of Dilettanti & the Hell Fire Club

The infamous and respected Freemason Benjamin Franklin (1709- 1790) had also been a member of the secret society. Recently, they unearthed the remains of 10 people– six children (sacrificial victims) deeply buried in the basement in his London home while it was being restored as a historical site. There is a high probability that there are more victims deeper buried in the basement floor. They did a lot more than worship Satan, get drunk and have orgies with prostitutes that also often became sacrificial victims to homicidal BLACK MASS blood sex magick rituals to conjure up Demons and DEVILS.[26]
You can be certain that King George was well aware of what was going on and did little of if anything at all to condemn or discourage their blatant secret satanic activities.
On moonlit nights during the reign of England’s King George III, immensely powerful members of His Majesty’s Government, important intellectuals, and influential artists could sometimes be seen traveling up the Thames River by gondola to a ruined abbey near West Wycombe. There, to the sonorous tolling of the deconsecrated cloister’s bell, they dressed in monkish robes and indulged in every manner of depravity, culminating in a Black Mass celebrated on the naked body of a debauched noblewoman and presided over by that notorious rake Sir Francis Dashwood. Their diabolical devotions concluded, the inner circle would adjourn to plot the course of the British Empire. This “unholy sodalily,” as it has been called, styled themselves, with suitably Gothic flair, “The Friars of St. Francis of Medmenham,” though they have been immortalized by their popular epithet “The Hell-Fire Club.”[27]

From the royal houses of England, Knight of Garter, Prince of Wales, Frederick, son of George II and Queen Caroline, joined the Hell-Fire Club sometime after 1728.[28]

In December 1745, Sir Dashwood married Sarah Ellis, widow of Sir Richard Ellis, 3rd and last Baronet. In this very same immediate bloodline, John Palmer had married Elizabeth Beckford that seemed to have been in the Ellis Bloodline. John Palmer’s daughter, Elizabeth, married John Ellis in St Catherine Parish, Jamaica. Palmer’s grandson was 1st Baron Seaford, Charles Rose Ellis.[29] Being John Palmer, he knew both Sir Francis Dashwood of the King’ court, and James Dawkins of Jamaica very well. John Cope Freeman of Jamaica was also a member Sir Francis Dashwood’s Hell Fire society that John Palmer also knew very well on the island.[30]
John Cope Freeman, Esq. of Abbots Langley Hertfordshire, England was a rich slave baron listed as a count and a sir of Irish peerage. He was even called “Count Freeman, a ‘French nobleman‘ “.[31] He was the nephew of Lord Macclethwaite, Earl of Portarlington of the Kingdom of Ireland. He was a member of the English Parliament, House of Commons.[32]On Jamaica, the Belvidere Plantation estate had belonged to John Cope Freeman, whose will was proved 17/01/1788. Stella Frances Freeman is identified as one of two sisters of John Cope Freeman (the other being Mary Clementina Freeman) who were beneficiaries of his will alongside John Cope Freeman’s widow Susanna. His nephew Philip Dormer Stanhope (son of a third sister of John Cope Freeman, Catherine-Margaretta and her first husband Charles Stanhope of Westminster) was an annuitant on the ‘Jamaican estate’ under John Cope Freeman’s will.[33]
Earl of Chesterfield- Luciferic Initiation
Philip Dormer Stanhope was the 4th Earl of Chesterfield.[34] He was a Knight of the Garter.[35] He received an annuity from Freeman’s Belvidere Plantation in Jamaica. [36] Charles Stanhope of Westminster was the 3rd Earl of Harrington. Lord Harrington was married to Jane Fleming, daughter of Sir John Fleming, 1st Baronet. She was a Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Charlotte, wife of King George III (Ian Fleming forebears?).If you don’t know it. You better ask somebody. Sir/Count John Cope Freeman and the Stanhopes were among the British Royal Crown’s most “inner circle.”. The way they talked about Belvidere Plantation, it was only a hop, skip and jump to Rose Hall and PALMYRA. And I don’t believe it to be any stretch of the imagination that the Old Bloodletting Satanist Sir John Cope Freeman was part of one of 13 ILLUMINATI Bloodline families- the FREEMANS.[37]
Earl of Sandwich, Luciferic Initiation “As Above, So Below”
John Palmer was certainly well aware of the The Friars of St. Francis of Medmenham.” In fact, Jamaica‘s post master general at that time was Francis Dashwood, Esq. of England, one of the baronet’s direct bloodline.[38] Additionally, it had been the Hell Fire Club’s leaders, Sir Francis Dashwood and the John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (dispensers) that directly financed the King’s Men of Jamaica from the coffers of King George’s Court.[39]The Dilettanti Society was a “Hell Fire” club- “A heathen tribute to the orgies of Rome. An act of rebellion against a tyrant God, The true grotto of SATAN, Of defiance and Pride.”[40] The Duke of Wharton founded the first Hellfire Club (Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe,” “The Knights of St. Francis”) in 1719, stating that the president of the club was the DEVIL. The society was accused of devil worship, human and blood sacrifices and virgin defloration. They secretly worshipped Greco-Roman gods such as Bacchus, Dionysus, Venus and the Eleusinian Mysteries of ancient Greece in CAVES hidden below Sir Dashwood’s West Wycombe’s estate .[41]

Dawkins’ Palmyra discovery had a major impact on the elite secret societies of France. Palmyra was a major theme built into Sir Dashwood’s West Wycombe Mansion and pleasure palace in Buckinghamshire, England.[42] Dashwood passed away December 11, 1781. He was buried beside his wife in St. Lawrence Church which he had transformed into a pagan chapel—a reconstruction of the Temple of the Sun at Palmyra.[43]

Rose Hall’s Underground Entrance to the Dungeons and Secret Tunnels
Being John Palmer of the Kings Court, he established his plantation estate as “Palmyra“. Both Rose Hall and Palmyra had some type of underground access, if not direct estate access, to Montego Bay‘s infamous Green Grotto Cove CAVES. In fact, part of the Great House tour package offers night tours that focus on the “Annie Palmer” legend: supposed locations of underground tunnels.[44] Green Grotto also ran under the Tryall Resort, the ultra secret nerve center for the JFK Assassination.
With the discovery of Palmyra, the Greco-Roman worship of Baal Shamin was added to the Dilettanti Society and Hell Fire’s secret pantheon of gods that they worshipped. Baal Shamin, also known as Hadad (whose symbol was the bull) was a Northwest storm and rain god similar to the God SET(SETH). Baal Shamin is the same god as the Assyrian/Babylon DEMON PAZUZU of the HollyWeird movie, The Exorcist.[46]
King George III had also been very informed and knowledgeable about Baal Shamin and PAZUZU. Architecture was a lifelong interest for George III. Sir William Chambers (1726–96) served as the future George III’s tutor and the prince’s architect from the 1750s. Sir Chambers had tutored King George on Dawkins’ co-discovery of Palmyra and Baalbek with Robert Woods during the 1750s.

Here of all things found at Palmyra, the temple of Baal Sharmin- Babylonian DEMON PAZUZU at Palmyra had been copied directly from an engraving in Robert Wood’s published volume The Ruins of Palmyra. A copy of Wood’s volume, issued in 1753, was in the Prince’s library.[47]

In the late 18th Century, John and Rose’s built into the mansion’s entrance, the occulted “Eye of Providence“. The “Eye of Providence” in western European alchemy, magick and the occult seems to be traced to Quo Modo Deum – an alchemical woodcut believed to be the 1600s’ woodcut from a book on alchemy showing an “Eye in the Sky” precursor to the “Eye of Providence“. Quo Modo Deum translates as “This is the way of God”, but what GOD or GODS?[48]

There is another thing that you should be aware of. Part of Rose Hall Plantation included an adjoining plantation place named, PALMYAR that had been created and built by John Palmer prior to his marriage to Rosa.[49] As you probably are aware of, Palmyra, Syria had been at the top of today’s news for at least the last two weeks. It has now been liberated by Syrian forces from the besiege of ISIL (Islamic State).[50]

I believe that John Palmer’s “Way of God” lies in Palmyra. It is an ancient City of Palms and City of Dates. “The palm-tree is an emblem of a just and upright mason… for the name of the, Phoenicia, whence the Masonic order sprung; signifies a palm-tree.”(The Michigan Freemason: A Monthly Magazine, Vol. VIII, (1877), pg. 13)

Bel of Palmyra, depicted on the far left alongside Ba’alshamin, Yarhibol and Aglibol on a relief from Palmyra
There were primarily two main sky gods that presided over the life of Palmyra. One was called, BEL. The Temple of Bel, also known as the Temple of BAAL, was an ancient temple located in PALMYAR. The temple, consecrated to the God BEL, worshipped at Palmyra in triad with the lunar god Agibol and the sun god, Yarhibol, formed the center of religious life in Palmyar and was dedicated in 32 AD.[51]
The temple was built on a tell indicating human occupation goes back to the third millennium BC. The area was occupied in pre-Roman periods with a former temple that is usually referred to as “the First Temple of Bel” and “the Hellenistic Temple“.[52]

Just as the First Temple of Bel has a round amphitheater, Rose Hall has an amphitheater. Bel became especially used of the Babylonian God Marduk and when found in Assyrian and neo-Babylonian personal names or mentioned in inscriptions in a Mesopotamian context it can usually be taken as referring to Marduk and no other god.

God Marduk & Pine Cone
Similarly Belit without some disambiguation mostly refers to Bel Marduk’s spouse Sarpanit. However Marduk’s mother, the Sumerian goddess called Ninhursag, Damkina, Ninmah and other names in Sumerian, was often known as Belit-ili’Lady of the Gods’ in Akkadian.[53]
The other main Sky God of Palmyra was called Baal-Shamin. This god is far more complicated to identity its roots. The Baal Shamin Temple in Palmyra was built in 17 AD and it was expanded under the reign of Roman emperor Hadrian in 130 AD.[54] Baal Shamin, also known as Hadad (whose symbol was the bull) was a Northwest Semitic storm and rain god. Hadad was also called “Pidar”, “Rapiu”, “Baal-Zephon”, or often simply Ba’ al (Lord). Hadad was equated with the Indo-European Nasite storm-god Teshub; the Kemetic god Set; the Greek god Zeus; the Roman Jupiter, as Jupiter Dolichenus.[55] Since Sir Dashwood and his wife were interned in a replica of the Palmyra Temple of Baal Shamin (Lord of the “air” or heavens), and King George III also had a particular keen interest in the same temple, my guess is that one of John Palmer’s God’s at the Rosa Hall Great House and Palmyra was Baal Shamin.
The Roman Emperor Hadrian is important. He tried the destroy the Talmud and its Rabbis, and suppressed the second Jewish War.[56] It was the North African tribes of Sephardic Jews that rebelled against Hadrian and the Roman Empire.[57] There are many references to Baal in the bible, but there are numerous complicated references specifically to Baal Shamin in the form of Hadad (Storm God- Ba ʾalim) as an early form of YHWH in the bible.

God EL & Sir Dashwood
“Did the early Israelites perhaps regard El-Berith as the God of the covenant made between YHWH and Israel? It is a noteworthy fact that Joshua made a covenant with all Israel precisely at Shechem, the city sacred to El-Berith, “the God of the Covenant” (Josh. 8:30–35;
24:1–28). Therefore, even though the late Deuteronomist editor of the
Book of Judges considered Baal-Berith one of the pagan Canaanite Ba ʾalim, this term may well have been regarded in early Israel as one of the titles of YHWH.
A god ilbrt, found in a second millennium hymn, has been interpreted
variously as El-berith and as Ilabrat, an old Semitic deity.”[58]I said that to say this. If Baal Shamin was the secret god of the way at Rosa Hall and Palmyra, it would also been of critical interests to the Spanish Rite Sephardic Jews and their descendants, Blanche and Lord Chris. Some claim that the Spanish Rite Jews were the tribes of the First Temple. It stands to reason that they are more familiar with the worship of old Canaanite Gods.[59] I don’t have to ask anybody. The Babylonian Talmud says that the First Temple Jews were the among the heretic idol worshippers.
“The Talmud (Yoma 9b) provides traditional theological reasons for the destruction: “Why was the first Temple destroyed? Because the three cardinal sins were rampant in society: idol worship, licentiousness, and murder… And why then was the second Temple – wherein the society was involved in Torah, commandments and acts of kindness – destroyed? Because gratuitous hatred was rampant in society. This teaches you that gratuitous hatred is equal in severity to the three cardinal sins: idol worship, licentiousness, and murder.”[60]
The Jews that appeared in Spain after the fall of the First Temple in 720 BC were “At all events their religious practices were largely PAGAN and in that sense they were not Jewish.”[61]

John W. Rollins & Peter du Pont
The Queen and British Royal Crown’s villas at Half Moon Resort were part of the Rose Hall and Palmyra Plantations. The Rose House Mansion was restored to its former splendor in the 1960s at great expense by John W. Rollins of Delaware. Rollins was deeply veiled. He possessed a great deal of unseen power and influence. He was a close friend and advisor to President Richard Nixon. The Rollins estate was the site for a Nixon disarmament summit. He was tied into the [Peter] duPont Satanic ILLUMINATI bloodline and network.[62] ,[63] Rollins was a former Republican Lieutenant Governor of Delaware, Luciferian, a Knight of Malta.[64]
Witch La Voisin & Madame de Pompador
For generations, the du Pont family have maintained a tight ring of secrecy and silence behind its family background and history.[65] The family dynasty is traced back to a humble French watchmaker’s son, Samuel du Pont. His claim to fame came through being a protégé of Dr. Francois Quesnay, the personal physician of Louis XV’s verified Satanic Mistress, Madame de Pompador (Montespan).[66] She had been a devotee and part of the Black Mass Coven of Catherine Monvoisin, or Montvoisin, nee Deshayes, known as “La Voisin.” Her cult (Affair of the Poisons) was suspected to have killed anywhere between 1000-2500 people in Black Masses to conjure up the favor of the DEVIL for the rich, famous and the King’s Court.[67]
The Witch and the Madame de Montespan would call on the DEVIL, and pray to him for the King’s love. They conjured the power of DEMONS and the DEVIL for that love by sacrificing a newborn’s life by slitting its throat with a knife. Next, the baby’s body would be crushed, and the drained blood and mashed bones would be used in the mixture of a Devilish love potion. King Louis’ food was tainted in this way for almost thirteen years, until the witch was captured after a police investigation where they uncovered the remains of 2,500 infants in La Voisin’s garden. In 1666, Madame de Montespan supposedly went so far as to allow a priest, Etienne Guilbourg, to perform a Black Mass over her nude body in a blood-soaked ceremony, which was also said to have included infant sacrifice.[68]
The Satanic Cult of La Voisin, Madame de Montespan and Physiocrat Dr. Francois Quesnay had to have been some devilish influence on Samuel du Pont and the family dynasty. By the way, Dr. Quesnay was a bit of a DEVIL himself, he said, “that, since the serfs on the aristocratic landlord’s estate were only human cattle, whose income should not exceed the feeding and other care due them as a form of cattle, the only source of the profit of the estate must be the magical powers of ownership (e.g., “shareholder value”) expressed by the award of the title to the landlord.”[69]

Pierre Samuel du Pont
By the way again, Satanic Butcher Benjamin Franklin was also a close friend of Pierre Samuel du Pont, the son of Samuel. Pierre’s mother, Anne Alexandrine Montechanin, taught him to be a medium with spirits. Like his father, Pierre flourished in the inner core of the French Elite and Palace Satanist Cults and Circles.[70] Pierre was a notorious Masonic brother of Butcher Ben and probably much more secret. When Benjamin Franklin arrived Dec. 1776 in France, one of the first people who sought out to visit with was Pierre Samuel du Pont. During the next year after that, DuPont was a frequent visitor to Franklin’s residence in the village of Passy. They should dig that place up, too. In 1783, du Pont expected to sit with Franklin at the treaty table in Paris.[71]There is a lot of speculation whether or not the family had married into the “Cousinhood.” But by and large, the du Pont Family ranks among the top 13 Satanic/ILLUMINATI families in the world, today. Of course, if any du Pont Family member had renovated the Rosa Hall Great House, a whole bunch of people would have known immediately what’s really up with that. So, John Rollins did the dirty-dirty with no cost shared.

In Ian Fleming’s novel, Goldfinger, Junius du Pont was introduced as a member of SMERSH, the “Cousinhood.” [72] Also in Goldfinger, Bond was sent to Mexico to shut down a heroin smuggling operation by fire-bombing the production facility (owned by a man named John Blackwell). Fleming’s golf partner, John Blackwell was a cousin to Blanche Blackwell.[73]
ABRAXAS is believed by some to be one of the many but highly secret God names of Freemasonry, that are slowly introduced to higher grade Freemasons as they progress up the ranks and hidden grades of the secret society. As I pointed out above, the Great House was restored to its original 365 windows, 52 doors and 12 bedrooms. The readings of the numbers leads to the occult, and Satanic secret societies. The occult calendar is divided into 4 parts of 13 weeks each- 13 x 4 = 52 weeks.[74] The twelve (12) rooms was for “The Superior Order” of 12 Hell Fire members. I believe the 365 windows are linked directly to the 365 Aeons of an extremely complicated divine and secret entity, ABRAXAS. That’s how they roll.
ABRAXAS is a gross figure not seen or exposed to many. But, there is a little known Biblical reference to the fowl and birds in Revelation, And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. –Revelation 19:17-18
Rosa is said to have slept with a BULL WHIP. She had been particularly terribly and brutally abusive of Black Women often beating them to death with the bullwhip. Some of the very ultra secrets of the Abraxas worship has something to do with violently suppressing the ancient sacred feminine Earth-Mother Cults. However, significantly, according to Irenæus (“Adversus Hæreses,” i. 24, 3-7), the Gnostic Basilides (died about 130) gave the name of ABRAXAS to the Highest Being, who presides over the 364 kingdoms of spirits (52 x 7 = 364), because the numerical value of the letters of this name is equivalent to 365 (a = 1, b = 2, r = 100, a =1, x = 60, a = 1, s = 200)—i.e., the 364 spirits + the Highest Being Himself. In a magic papyrus it is expressly stated that Abraxas is equivalent to 365, the number of days in the year.[75]
E. A. Wallis Budge : “Abrasax represented the 365 Aeons or emanations from the First Cause, and as a Pantheus, i.e. All-God, he appears on the amulets with the head of a cock (Phoebus) or of a lion (Ra or Mithras), the body of a man, and his legs are serpents which terminate in scorpions, types of the Agathodaimon. In his right hand he grasps a club, or a flail, and in his left is a round or oval shield.”[76]
The Cult of Abraxas and associated Basilidian beliefs did not disappear with the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century; they have persisted covertly to this day. The Knights Templar and the Cathars carried on Gnostic beliefs, and it is alleged that the emblem on one of the seals used by the Templars was derived from the ancient gem renditions of ABRAXAS. Abraxas and Gnosticism have also been associated, rightfully or wrongly, with Freemasonry, Rosicrucian Orders, and other secret societies. Most famously in modern times may be the encounters that the Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) had with ABRAXAS.[77]
It is believed that at the heart of Freemasonry is a conception of God which encompasses Good and Evil. On one level Freemasons refer to God as GOATU or the Grand Architect of the Universe. On a deeper level another Masonic epithet for God is Jahbulon, which is a word derived from the God names ‘Jah‘, ‘Baal‘ and ‘Osiris‘. Jahbulon is thought to represent a divine amalgam of light and dark in a way not so dissimilar from the idea of “ABRAXAS“.[78]
Madame Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine, reveal a possible secret meaning of John and Rosa’s Eye of Providence at the gateway to Rose Hall; and “Way of God”, and hint to what God.
“For, as the Basilidians taught, “there was a supreme god, Abraxas, by whom was created mind” (Mahat, in Sanskrit, Nous in Greek). “From Mind proceeded the word, Logos, from the word, Providence (Divine Light, rather), then from it Virtue and Wisdom in Principalities, Powers, Angels, etc., etc.” By these (Angels) the 365 AEons were created. “Amongst the lowest, indeed, and those who made this world, he (Basilides) sets last of all the God of the Jews, whom he denies to be God (and very rightly), affirming he is one of the angels” (Ibid.).”[79]
Basilides was an early Gnostic religious teacher in Alexandria, Egypt who taught from 117 to 138 AD, and claimed to have inherited his teachings from Matthew. The followers of Basilides, the Basilidians, formed a movement that persisted for at least two centuries after him.[80]

“The letters of ἀβραξάς, in the Greek notation, make up the number 365, and the Basilidians gave the name to the 365 orders of spirits which, as they conceived, emanated in succession from the Supreme Being. These
orders were supposed to occupy 365 heavens, each fashioned like, but
inferior to that above it; and the lowest of the heavens was thought to
be the abode of the spirits who formed the earth and its inhabitants,
and to whom was committed the administration of its affairs…In addition
to the word Abraxas and other mystical characters, they have often cabalistic figures engraved on them.”[81]Sephardi tradition tends to be more overtly Kabbalistic than Ashkenazi tradition. In ancient Hebrew, Abraxas probably means “holy name,” seeing that it is often attached to Jewish divine appellations. Abrasax represented a demiurge, a divine potency elevated by some heretic Sect to the position of a god. From the papyri and the magic gems it is certain that the word refers to the use of the Ineffable Name as a master-key with which the powers of all the upper and the nether world are locked or unlocked, bound or loosened, by the great Manda da Haye (Wisdom of Life = God). There occurs in the mystical writings the name Raza Rabba (“the Great Secret”), met also in the Cabala under the name of Raza de Razin (“Secret of Secrets”). This suggests the etymology from Ab Raza, “Father of the Secret,” which is the same as “Master Secret.”[82]
Abraxas-stones, especially those which from their material are used for superstitious practices, are also of interest from the standpoint of Judaism, inasmuch as they often bear Hebraic names of God: Iao, Sabaoth, Adonai, Eloai. All these stones were used as amulets, and they furnish indisputable evidence of Jewish influence over the views of heathen nations of antiquity.[83]
There is a striking affinity between the symbolism of the 13th Century works of Sefer HaBahir, on the one hand, and the speculations of the Gnostics, and the theory of the “Aeons” and Abraxas. Among medieval Cabbalists, it became known as Sefer HaBahir, taken from its opening comment, “One verse says: “And now men see not the light which is bright (bahir) in the skies“ (Job 37:21).[84] Another interesting point in the “Bahir” is the strange emphasis laid upon a celestial trinity, which became even more accentuated in the later cabalistic writings (“Bahir,” § 48).[85]

It isn’t too strange if you look at the Trinity of Sky-Gods at Palmyra. Palmyrene deities: from left to right: the lunar god Aglibôl, the supreme god Beelshamên, the sun god Malakbêl, 1st century CE, found near Bir Wereb, Syria.

The Rosa Hall Mansion was a Pleasure Palace similar to Sir Dashwood‘s Pleasure Palace in West Wycombe, London. Sir Dashwood’s mahogany staircase and fireplace was imported from Jamaica.[86] Until the 1760s over 90 per cent of the mahogany imported into Britain came from Jamaica.[87] Rose Hall is also ornately carved doors, floors and staircases is also of mahogany.[88]

Rosa was no more than a Witch of Hell House such as Madame de Pompador of the French Royal Court that ritually covered herself with the blood, and used the body parts, and organs of Africans to conjure up DEMONS and DEVILS. Like Madame Pompador and Butcher Ben, the Witch of Hell House conducted human sacrifices, especially of infants, whose bones the Rosa Hall Hell Fire Satanic Cult used to practice magick.

When the Witch of Hell became too old and useless, John Palmer & the Jamaican Hell Fire Cult had her wasted, and her lips was sealed forever. That’s way her memorial in St. James Parish Church show her covering and shielding the urn containing the secrets of cult with her body and a cloak. That’s the way they roll with it! Rosa Hall and Palmyra were temples to the Way to God[s]- Satanic Nature of Gods that satisfied their greed for WEALTH & POWER through covenants with the DEVIL by secret blood sacrifice initiations and rituals.
At Hell House, there were/are different higher and lower levels and degrees of initiations and rituals. The highest degrees involve the master keys of Kabbalah to unlock and lock the secrets of Abraxas, while the lower degrees involve the enlightenment of lower sky gods like Baal-Shamin. The Cult’s highest levels of imitations and degrees of enlightenment would certainty be reserved for the round table “Superior Order of 12.”
Here, we return to Blanche and Lord Chris’ ancestor, Alexandre Lindo. He arrived in Jamaica around 1765. He may have been born in Paris or Bordeaux, France instead of Portugal. When he arrived in Jamaica, he was primarily an inter-colonial slave broker and merchant backed by several Sephardic Jewish broker-banking firms (Lindo, Aguila & Sons, Lindo, Lake & Co.) in London. As a merchant, he settled in Kingston
where he purchased and distributed the whole cargoes of ships,
operating a credit business with the local merchants. He acquired large properties, including a coffee estate. He bought and sold Africans. He accounted for nearly 23% of the Africans sold in Jamaica between 1779 and 1788.[89]On the waterfront, he had his own wharf – “Lindo’s wharf”. Part of his business involved goods from ships captured (pirates) in the Caribbean. From 1775, he was involved in the importation of slaves, his company, Lindo and Lake, becoming the largest slave-importing company in the island, by the mid-1790s. He owned two ships which operated across the Atlantic.[90]
One of the ships that Lindo brokered in Kingston was one of the most recorded horrific and infamous slave ship expeditions in history. It was the Brookes Slave Ship that brought Africans (packed by sardines) across the Middle Passage. An appalling, horrific and gross example of man’s inhumanity to man.[91] Lindo’s house on Tower Street was the Biggest in Kingston, with 30 servants and 12 vehicles of various types.[92] It was the biggest and finest estate house in Jamaica until Rose Hall. John Palmer also knew him very well.
At the beginning, middle and end of Hell House, the most advanced Cabbalist with the advanced enlightenment degrees in the Babylonian Talmud and other secret knowledge books and things of Sephardic Jews on Jamaica was ALEXANDER LINDO. He had been President of the Sephardic Jewish Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam. He had been enlightened to all its dignities, degrees and those things hidden- ABRAXAS.

Ancient Palmyra had an active Jewish community. The Talmud reports that the rabbis looked upon converts from Palmyra, who evidently retained customs of idol worship. Aggadic tradition holds that Palmyrenes participated in the destruction of the First and Second Temples, and ruled over Palestine. The Talmud refers to Odenathus as Ben Naẓer and also mentions Queen Zenobia, who was considered to be sympathetic to the Jews.[93] Lucius Septimius Udaynath, Latinized as “ODENATHUS”, was the founder king of the Palmyrene Kingdom centered at the city of Palmyra.[94]
It was Lindo that attempted to personally guarantee, finance, and broker the French government’s institution of slavery in the Colonial French West Indies, particularly Haiti and Cuba, but for the African Haitian Rebellion and Revolution. Lindo was wicked enough to deliberately setup institutions to further one of the most Luciferian systems of bondage, brutality and inhumanity known to man- he would be just as wicked to be complicit enough to setup secret Luciferian Institutions and Empires to support it. At Hell House, Lindo would initiate Palmer, the King’s Men, Elite of the island, and the British Crown in enlightenment of the higher degrees of Abraxas only enough to keep them under control for much longer than you are probably willing to expect or believe.
The LINDO SNAKE, Separated but as ONE SERPENT
The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate, gave birth to her second child, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, at the LINDO Wing at St Mary’s Hospital in west London. Prince George, Prince William and Prince Harry, the Nazi, were all born in the LINDO wing.[95] Kate’s mother was surnamed, GOLDSMITH. Kate Middleton is believed to be a Sephardic Jew. She appears to be part of the “Cousinhood” along with Blanche LINDO- Blackwell, and Lord Chris.[96]
Over the decades, Queen Elizabeth II and the British Royal House has chosen Half Moon Resort (Rose Hall- Palmyra) as their abode of choice in Jamaica. Other notable past guests include Prince Philip, Prince of Wales and Grand Master of Masonic Lodge of England; Prince Rainier of Monaco; U.S. President John F. and Jacqueline Kennedy; and Vice President- CIA Director George H. W. Bush. Prince Henry of Wales (Prince Harry) marked the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee on private retreat at Half Moon.[97]
In 2012 to mark the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne as Queen of England, Prince Harry is known to have entered through the Eye of Providence (Abraxas) to the Way of a Satanic God. He was initiated by a blood sacrifice into one of the advanced degrees of enlightenment in one of Rosa Hall’s most secret chambers hidden under HELL HOUSE.

Tonya Lewis- Lee Loves Her Ceremonial BLACK
Spike is married to Boulé Tonya Lewis. On their first date, he took her to the party for Kabbalah Queen Madonna’s book, “SEX [Magick]” most likely to be initiated in the Satanic Jewish Cabal. By her father’s admission, Tonya is initiated in the secret so-called mores of African-American Society– the Boulé. Her father, George Lewis, is Boulé. Spike, Tanya and family often vacation at Half Moon. The Boulé also often vacation at HELL HOUSE.[98]
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith, family also have been known to visit Half Moon/HELL HOUSE entered through the Eye of Providence, OFTEN.[99] As you clearly observe.

Secret Jewish KABBALIST Spike Lee
Through the Looking Glass and Smoked Mirrors, Spike Lee‘s manifestation of Sophia embedded in his Malcolm X HollyWeird movie, in the Nag Hammadi texts, SOPHIA is the lowest Aeon, or anthropic expression of the emanation of the light of God. She is considered to have fallen from grace in some way, in so doing creating or helping to create the material world.[100] So, it isn’t clear up to what degrees Black people can advance, if at all, to in the advance levels in the ABRAXAS Cult of HELL HOUSE.
Boulé Tonya in her favorite Black. It’s all the same. The Boulé conceals its secrets within the urn with the lion’s paw over the opening. Rosa Hall also covers her urn of secrets with a hand, body and cloak. Spike Lee, Tonya and two children favorite jaunts is Half Moon Resort and HELL HOUSE. E.T. Williams, a retired real- estate investor and art collector who was in Tonya’s father, George Lewis’s chapter of the Boulés, and comes from an African-American family that has been prosperous—and, by the way, free—since the late 1700s. Williams is an acquaintance of Spike and Tonya Lewis Lee’s; he last saw them for lunch in Jamaica, when he and his wife, Auldlyn, were staying at the Ritz- Carlton and the Lees were vacationing at the Half Moon.[101] According to Williams, Tonya was initiated in the secret Luciferic mores of the bootlicking African-American Society– the Boulé. Spike, Tonya and family often vacation at Half Moon/HELL HOUSE.[102]
There is only one way in and off Jamaica. You won’t get very far being nosey or investigative around the island. Jamaica became a British Slave Colony in 1655 and achieved its independence August 6, 1962 but remains within the Commonwealth with the British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, as its head of state. It appears that in remote Jamaica under the Satanic British Crown, many of America’s top black entertainment and business figures (Boule) are secretly being Luciferic initiated at HELL HOUSE.

Secret Cabbalist Lil Wayne with Kabbalah Black Beads, White and Green Kabbalah Strings. Green is the color of healing of his soul. I was very surprised when I saw Lil Wayne featured on super main stream media in a commercial spot during Super Bowl 50. I couldn’t watch it. I turned away. I said to myself, “wow, Lil Wayne has been initiated into a higher order of the ILLUMINATI.
Now, I reflect back to the commercial- 4 (four) months later. Some have raised their voices, the commercial was “racist.” And indeed, it was offensive, ugly, tasteless, racist and a dangerous piece of global mockery of Black people– moving on up from colonial slavery to get a piece of the pie. Yes, it has hidden meanings- it isn’t just serving a colonial slave master that is disconcerting. George Washington was the first Worshipful Master of Alexandria Lodge No. 22. He was of the most high Luciferic initiated, 33rd degree, Master Mason of the Scottish Rite.

It is the Eye of the Deity. The “Eye of Providence“, sometimes referred to in Masonic ritual as the “All-Seeing Eye” (of Deity). It is found in the ritual of most jurisdictions, reminding a Mason that his words and deeds are being judged by the Supreme Architect of the Universe. What Deity and God? ABRAXAS.

Yes, Lil Wayne had been Luciferic initiated at slave colonial HELL HOUSE. He is a higher level puppet and tool of the “Cousinhood.” He will get a fat slice of pie from the ILLUMINATI.Lil Wayne’s fat slice of pie began with Super Bowl 50. In the Final Four NCAA tournament, Samsung will likely feature Lil Wayne in its Galaxy G7 commercials as it had with the NCAA Sweet 16.

Samsung is ILLUMINATI. Its early logo told its story, the triple star system– a Trinity of Stars that appears throughout ancient mythology and the OCCULT. Osiris’s coming was announced by Three Wise Men: the three stars Mintaka, Anilam, and Alnitak in the belt of Orion. There is also Sirius A & B, two of the three stars that comprise the Sirian star system.
The Trilateral Commission is also a system of THREE’s. The Holy Trinity consists of God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. At the NCAA Final Four, the Holy Trinity’s counterparts in a FINAL FOUR will also make itself known in the unholy trinity +1- Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet + 1, the ILLUMINATI COUSINHOOD.
[17] Id.
[52] Id.
[73] Id.
[83] Id.
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Tags: 2016 NCAA, ABRAXAS, Aglibol, albert pike, alexandre lindo, annie besant, Annie Paterson- Palmer, Baal Shamin, Ba’alshamin, babylon, Babylonian Talmud, Basilides, Basilidians, Belvidere Plantation, benjamin franklin, black mass, blanche blackwell, bobby seale, BOULE, brooke slave ship, Charles Victoire Emmanuel Leclerc, charlesl barkley, converso, cousinhood, demons, devil, dragon claw, DU PONT ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE, earl of sandwich, eddie murphy, eye of providence, final four, frances shand kydd, FREEMAN ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE, george lewis, god bel, goldfinger, hadad, half moon resort, hell fire club, HELL HOUSE, heresy, Huey P. Newton, Jada Pinkett Smith, james bond, James Dawkins, jay z, jews, john cope freeman, john palmer, john w. rollins, kabbalah, kabbalah red string, kate middleton, King George III, Knight of Malta, knight templars, knights of garter, knights of the golden circle, knights of the golden dawn, knights templar, lindo, lindo wing, lion's paw, Live and Let Die, lord chris blackwell, Luciferic Initiation, Madame de Montespan, Madame de Pompador, madonna, malcolm x, marduk, Merritt Junior College, mi6, middle passage, Military Order of Saint James of the Sword, montego bay, palmyra, pazuzu, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Philip IV of France, Pope Clement, portugal inquisitions, PORTUGUESE SYNAGOGUE, prince harry, prince philip, princess diana, queen elizabeth I, queen zenobia, quo modo deum, richard nixon, Rick James, robert woods, rosa kelly, rose hall, rose hall plantation, rothschild, Samuel du pont, samuel l. jackson, Satanic Cult of La Voisin, sephardic jews, Set, Seth, she gotta have it, Sir Francis Dashwood, sir james goldsmith, Society of Dilettanti, Sophia, St. James Parish Church of Montego Bay, talmud, Temple of the Sun at Palmyra, The Friars of St. Francis of Medmenham, tonya lewis, Toussaint L'Ouverture, voodoo, west wycombe, Will Smith, Yarhibol
Categories : african american satanic cult, african holocaust, African Liberation, African slavery, albert pike, Aleister Crowley, ALL SEEING EYE, Aryan Supremacy, baal, black christianity, Black Panther Party for Self Defense, blood covenants, blood oaths, BOULE, christianity, CIA, devil, double bind, evil, fallen angels, false prophets, freemason, Hip Hop, HIP HOP false prophets, hip hop satanic cult, hollywood satanic cult, Horus, huey p. newton, human bondage, human sacifrice, illuminati, illuminati sacrifice, Jada Pinkett Smith, Jada Smith, jamaica, Knight of Malta, Knights Hospitaller, Knights Templar, lil wayne, lucifer's servants, luciferians, masonic sacrifice, MK-ULTRA, Molech, Moloch, Nationalist Zionist, nazi party, hitler youth, Nazis, nba, President John F. Kennedy, queen elizabeth, queen mother, re-image, re-imaging, Ritual Satanic Abuse, ritual satanic sexual abuse, ritually abused children, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, satan, satanic booty cult, god pan, witche's sabbath, Satanic Global High Cabal, Satanism, scottsish rite, set, seth, skull and bones, slave insurrection, slavery, spike lee
26 03 2016
Our UNDYING loving relationships with the sacred feminine have the power to launch a THOUSAND SHIPS!
“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” –Morpheus to Neo[1]
The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular culture symbols representing the choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of REALITY (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of ILLUSIONS (blue pill). The terms, popularized in science fiction culture, are derived from the 1999 film, The Matrix. In the film, the main character Neo is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill. The blue pill would allow him to remain in the fabricated reality of the Matrix, therefore living the “ignorance of ILLUSION“, while the red pill would lead to his escape from the Matrix and into the real world, therefore living the “TRUTH OF REALITY” even though it is a harsher, more difficult life.[2]
The other day, I couldn’t stop sneezing from a sudden serious seasonal hay fever attack. My usual hay fever medicine didn’t work. I had to take a red pill (Diphenhydramine HCI). The red pills always put me in a zone. So, I rarely take one of them unless it is an emergency. The pills make me drowsy, sleepy and my head spin. So, I went upstairs to lie down. While lying down, I watched some of the 2016 NCAA Basketball Playoff Rounds on the idiot box.

While in a zone and through a fog, I saw IMAGES of a black dysfunctional family with a NBA player in drag posing as a mother during a commercial run. The family was called, the Hoopers. “… The Hoopers, an all-star American family. Various NBA players star as Dad (Chris Paul- LA Clippers), Mom (DeAndre Jordan- LA Clippers), Son (Kevin Love- Cleveland Cavaliers), Grampa (Kevin Garnett- Minnesota Timberwolves) and Baby (Damian Lillard- Portland Trail Blazers). Additionally, a State Farm agent plays the Hoopers’ helpful neighbor who assists them with the problems they encounter.”[3]

“Psychotronic Weapons (PF- weapons) this is the totality of all possible methods and means (techno-genic, suggestive, pharmacological, paranormal, complexes, and others) of hidden, forced influences on the psyche of a person for the purpose of modifying his consciousness, behavior and health for what is desired in the way of influencing aspects of control…”
For me, the Hoopers was electronic torture and terrorism. The commercial spots were designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter my body’s psychological and data-processing capabilities, even incapacitate me. The commercial spots were used as clandestine psychological weapons aimed to “control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism… [T]he goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body [mind] in [balance, order: MAAT] equilibrium.”[4]
The “TRUTH OF REALITY” of the NBA Hoopers was that it was an EVIL. It was a vicious attack and veiled affront against the sacred feminine, and the dignity of the BLACK FAMILY UNIT and STRUCTURE. It is no laughing matter as the NBA and NCAA seasons continue through the year.
The EVIL of the Hoopers’ commercial spots were created out of a partnership renewal between the NBA and State Farm Insurance.
“State Farm has enjoyed a very successful relationship with the National Basketball Association over the past few years, and we’re excited to be continuing it,” State Farm advertising director Ed Gold said in a statement. “Our integrated NBA marketing campaigns have become a terrific platform for differentiating the State Farm brand, demonstrating the value of an assist, and connecting with customers through the lens of basketball.”[5]
In other words, the ILLUMINATI NBA is working hand and hand in combination with State Farm in setting up these Negroes and the black coonery family structure for international mockery, ridicule and humiliation.

The State Farm Logo represents the very complicated and ancient “Tripod of Life” (also known as “Borromean rings“) that is formed from a third circle being added to the Vesica Piscis (Cosmic Womb of Goddess Nut), where the third circle’s center point is placed at the intersection of the first two circles’ circumferences. To some, it represents the mind, body, and spirit. Most notably, in (Christian) religion, the Tripod of Life symbolizes the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of the Holy Trinity. What remains of it today is the altered version in religion where it vaguely identifies God, son and holy spirit after the cosmic sacred feminine woman teaching was thrown out of holy books.[6]

The Rothschild ILLUMINATI obtained certain secret ancient Illuminated manuscripts that represented the “Tripod of Life” form to be a triangle position as the sacred feminine womb of stars down pointing triangle when seen on eastern horizon when rising. The bottom line is that the ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry deliberately bastardized the symbol and its extremely deep inner ancient universal teaching and lessons of the sacred feminine and created the BAPHOMET to intentionally confuse its mass of followers and the people.[7]
State Farm and Freemasonry

“Every man who accomplishes anything worthwhile in this life will leave behind him many temples still unfinished when he departs this life.” These words were spoken to his employees by George Jacob Mecherle, the founder of State Farm Mutual Insurance Companies and a very dedicated Freemason … [He] drew much of his philosophy from the lessons he learned at the Masonic altar.” Illustrious George Jacob Mecherle, 33 Degree[8]
Luciferian George J. Mecherle started State Farm Mutual Insurance Company in Bloomington, Illinois, on June 8, 1922. The name of the company was inspired by the original clientele, the farmers of the state of Illinois. Mecherle was a member of Bloomington, Illinois, Lodge No. 43, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Bloomington Chapter No. 26, Royal Arch Masons; Peoria Council No. 11, Royal and Select Masters; DeMolay Commandery No. 24, Knights Templar; and Mohammed Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He was a very active member of Bloomington Consistory, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.[9]
At one time, he arranged for State Farm to rent office space from the Scottish Rite. During his lifetime, a large number of Scottish Rite Masons were employed by State Farm. Twice a year, these Brethren enjoyed lining up in front of the State Farm building and marching two blocks to the Consistory building for a Scottish Rite Reunion. Mecherle served as Thirtieth Degree Master for a ritualistic team composed totally of State Farm employees. On September 29, 1943, he was awarded the 33rd Degree during the meeting of the Supreme Council in Buffalo, New York.[10]
As you know, Freemasonry, Scottish Rite and the Civil War Criminal-Confederate General Albert Pike spawned the secret Knights of the Golden Circle, and the Ku Klux Klan to drive Black people back into SLAVERY.
State Farm and the Luciferian Doctrine
“Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p.321)[11]
Albert Pike, the Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite from 1859 to 1891, is one of the most honored and influential American Freemasons of all time. The Supreme Council exalts Pike by saying: “Albert Pike remains today an inspiration for Masons everywhere. His great book Morals and Dogma endures as the most complete exposition of Scottish Rite philosophy. He will always be remembered and revered as the Master Builder of the Scottish Rite.” (The House of the Temple of the Supreme Council 1988)[12] George J. Mecherle, founder of State Farm, is also listed among the secret and powerful ILLUMINATI in America.[13] The racialist Hoopers Family of the NBA was spawned by Pike’s clandestine Luciferian Scottish Rite Temple and the secret ILLUMINATI.

I not quite sure what or who Charles Barkley may be. He is far more then a traditional Uncle Tom, Handkerchief head and bootlicker. The ILLUMINATI may have created him as an experimental MK ULTRA/MONARCH black “CYBORG.” Don’t laugh, yet. Barkley publicly calls himself a “METROSEXUAL.”

ILLUMINATI SYMBOL, Ava DuVernay (Selma), Charles Barkley & Prince Philip– Royal House of England, Grand Master of Freemans of England and Wales. This is far from being a laughing matter. It is one of the most scary, dangerous and clandestine programs of the New World Order and ILLUMINATI that seek to re-image, re-design and re-create Mankind to serve them- Transhumanism.
“Transhumanism is an occult project, rooted in Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, and derived from the Kabbalah, which asserts that humanity is evolving intellectually, towards a point in time when man will become God. Modeled on the medieval legend of the Golem and Frankenstein, they believe man will be able to create life itself, in the form of living machines, or artificial intelligence.”[17]

Charles Barkley presents a new specie of freakish post gender men-forms of ILLUMINATI Transhumanism that will tend to blur the lines of universal order, balance, and ultimately destroy the SACRED FEMININE. I am sure that Charles Barkley has been programmed to cross the lines of his manhood, and sadly serve the BROTHERHOOD with his Mouth and Ass.
Postgenderism is a diverse social, political and cultural movement whose adherents affirm the voluntary elimination of gender in the human species through the application of advanced biotechnology and assistive reproductive technologies.[18] The elite of the world will be the ones who will have exclusive and sole access to the secret technologies to change MANKIND.[19] Charles (Chuck o Licious) Wade Barkley was born and raised in Leeds, Alabama, ten miles outside Birmingham.[20] He says absolutely bizarre things through mass media that unlikely came from his humble background. He says things like he would in fact “work for ‘the Klan’ if they paid me enough.” It is isn’t the money. It is MK ULTRA/MONARCH multiple personality disordered (MPD) mind control programming. This Negro can be programmed to slaughter all of us. [21]

Shaq first tweeted his praises of the group through a video of the dance group’s performance at a basketball game, which became an Internet hit.[22] As I said before, this SHIT is far beyond funny. It is criminal and major International HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS.

Morgan Freeman says,
“After God, I think I should play Satan. Remember when Al Pacino played Satan in The Devil’s Advocate? Like that.” He continued, “I think that God and the Devil are one. They’re not one in the same, but they’re in the same body, and it depends on which one of them surfaces.” Freeman insinuated that he believed all people have GOD and SATAN inside of them. He added that his faith in a GOD is his faith in himself. “The highest power is the human mind. That’s where God came from, and my belief in God is my belief in myself.“[24]

King Diamond is a Danish heavy metal “quasi-Satanic stage persona” that maintain the same Satanic thought pattern of Morgan Freeman.[25]

In August 2015, Freeman’s step-granddaughter, E’Dena Hines, was slaughtered on a Manhattan, New York street in what has been described as an exorcism, “Get out, devils! I cast you out, devils! In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast you out!” the killer yelled as he plunged a hunting knife into 33-year-old E’Dena Hines’ chest, according to George Hudacko, who witnessed the 3 a.m. attack from his apartment window in Washington Heights, New York City.[26] In September 2015, her boyfriend, Lamar Davenport, pleaded not guilty to the murder. He appears out of his mind. He was alleged to be possessed by Demons, God and SATAN.[27] Since 2009, it had been widely reported that Freeman and E’Dena had been romantically involved since she was teenager. Reportedly, she had hoped to have a baby and marry SATAN– Morgan Freeman.[28] So, we should be very clear that if E’Dena was possessed by the DEVIL– we know who put the DEVIL in her.

A few internet sites celebrate Samuel L. Jackson as formerly associated with or in fact being a member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP). During the Summer of 1969 in Atlanta, Jackson said that he hooked up with gun running operations with Kwame Touré (Stokely Carmichael), “Honorary Prime Minister“, Iman Jamil Al Amin (H. Rap Brown) “Minister of Justice” of the BPP.[29], [30],[31]
There are several big problems with Jackson‘s timeline. August 29th, 1968, the New York Times reported that the Republican Party leader of the House, Gerald Ford of Michigan, stated it was time to slam the door on H. Rap Brown and other Black power advocates. However, there had already been a clandestine illegal full press government program since July 1967 to kill or jail Stokely and H. Rap. But, they particularly wanted to kill and silence H. Rap, forever.
In the summer of 1969, H. Rap was already facing two violations of the Federal Firearms Act out of Louisiana, and Federal charges in Maryland for Counseling to Arson, and Inciting to Arson and Riot. H. Rap was under intense federal travel restrictions. He may not have been in Atlanta, at all. In 1969, they were chasing Rap like something out of Slavery (Fugitive Slave Act). That summer, Stokely and H. Rap were under very intense, 7 days a week-24 hours a day, federal and state surveillance.[32]

At the time of the purge, I didn’t even know that Murrell was on the BPP Central Committee. Needless to say, I was very happy to be listed on the same historical document with internationally renown and respected brothers, Stokely and Rap. Kwame Touré was poisoned and died in the Motherland. The Bold and Beautiful Brother Iman Jamil Al Amin (H. Rap Brown) is a Political Prisoner in North Carolina.

Interestingly, Samuel L. Jackson was a former cheerleader for the Morehouse pep squad when he allegedly became a “revolutionary brother” along beside Stokely and Rap collecting guns for the revolution.[37] I say that it was a highly unlikely situation. Stokely, in particular, because of constant COINTELPRO- Project CHAOS death threats, harassment and surveillance, maintained a tight security ring around him. Additionally, there were also many FBI ghetto informants, military intelligence and agent provocateurs constantly trying to infiltrate his inner circle. I know this, because his team called me on occasion of a subject of interest claiming to be close to Oakland BPP, and my inner circle that was turning up in Washington DC on a number of occasions on Stokely’s doorstep trying to get in.
I knew who they were talking about. On several occasions, he had tried to incite me to try to physically harm him. I knew it was a deep setup to discredit, jail or kill me. He was very scary. He foamed at the ends of his mouth (MK ULTRA/MONARCH) when he got excited. He didn’t work anyplace that I knew of to pay for airline passage across the U.S. To this day, I am not sure who this (pedophile) brother works for, and he remains a very dangerous (ghetto informant) individual in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.
Samuel L. Jackson said that he was among a group of former G.I.’s, which led him to H. Rap Brown and Stokely Carmichael. “It was my ‘kill whitey’ period,” he said. “I really thought there’d be an armed struggle between blacks and whites. So we began to collect guns.”[38] It sounds as if Jackson had been part of an agent provocateur group of U.S. Army Phoenix Project Assassination/Suppression Teams out of Vietnam that led secret BPP Assassination Goon Squads in the U.S. to murder members, oppress, neutralize, terrorize, and destroy the party. I know, because I faced some of them, directly. The Oakland BPP Goon Squad was led by a former U.S. Army Ranger out of Vietnam.
Yes, I was very much afraid. I faced him several times, but I was also heavily armed- to defend myself. They had a U.S. Government license to kidnap, torture and kill. The Ranger, that I know of directly, was linked to two murders of young BPP brothers. He is featured as a loyal Panther in the recent BPP documentary on PBS, The Black Panthers, The Vanguard of the Revolution.[39]
As soon as the PBS documentary internet site opens, it features a late female undercover FBI infiltration agent out of San Diego by the name of Dixie. I remember when she first walked through the doors of Merritt Jr. College from out of nowhere. She was an extremely fine and most beautiful young sister, but a wicked and EVIL individual. I sensed it almost immediately. I saw it in her eyes and demeanor. She had no problem in penetrating the inner circle of the BPP. I will not and can’t venture to look at that documentary. It still hurts.
Samuel L. Jackson claims that after the FBI paid a visit to his mother about his direct involvement in the Black Liberation Movement and Panthers– he immediately left Atlanta for Bel Air, an affluent neighborhood in Los Angeles, California. By my own experience with my mother and a FBI visit, there is some truth to that. However, Jackson appeared to have went to work immediately for the State of California– Los Angeles County Department of Social Services.[40] The FBI don’t ever just forget about real Black Nationalists. They watch and hound you for life. You just don’t roll over into a State Job unless they owe or own you. Nevertheless, we understand clearly that Samuel L. Jackson has very little if any true love for the people.

Samuel L. Jackson is a HollyWeird Darling because he belongs to a powerful International Circle of DEVIL WORSHIPPERS setup by British MK ULTRA/MONARCH GODFATHER, Aldous Huxley to blindly serve the New World Order.

Samuel L. Jackson is one of the leaders of the black Satanic/ILLUMINATI Cabal that will cut your THROAT for his master, SATAN.

Somehow, the movie got into my head. It had appealed to my basic carnal nature. I wondered if I needed myself a NO- Love (La La) to satisfy my very own carnal nature. It shook me up for a while and confused me so much that I have avoided watching any of Spike’s movies with the exception Malcolm X. I only watch the last scenes, hour or half of the movie.

Subliminally implanted, Sophia is a central idea in Hellenistic philosophy and religion. Sophia is honored as a goddess of wisdom by Gnostics, as well as by some Neo-pagan, New Age, and Goddess spirituality groups.[42] As you can observe above, the Hermetic/Baphomet axiom “as above, so below” is implanted in Spike’s Malcolm X movie poster.

She’s Gotta Have It features a young black sister, Nola Darling (Tracy Camilla Johns).[44] NOLA is a name that is significantly meaningless (white shoulder), unless you give it meaning to the word, NO; or the subject of James Bond 007’s debut in Dr. NO (discussed below).

The movie centers around black female sexual sensuality as if Spike Lee had any expertise on the subject, and the attempt to re-image traditional black womanhood, motherhood, the nuclear family structure, and the classic Christian moral code of black families.

Nola was molded for mass media consumption in the IMAGE of Black woman as “OVERSEXED” African Savages. Such vicious and dehumanizing false myths about Black Women have persisted in America culture from the days of the EVIL empire of human bondage- Slavery.

WWII, Super Spy Sir William Stephenson of British Intelligence MI6 (Man Called INTREPID) played a key role in the creation of the CIA. As Winston Churchill’s personal representative to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the war, Stephenson became a close advisor to FDR and suggested he put William J. Donovan in charge of all U.S. intelligence services. Donovan, a good friend of Stephenson, founded the U.S. wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which eventually became the SS Gehlen Org–CIA.[49] It is believed that Stephenson was a key player in combination with others that hit JFK in Dallas in November 1963.[50]
After WWII, William Stephenson bought a 22 acre beach house, Hillowton, on Jamaica overlooking Montego Bay. His close friends, Lord Beaverbrook, William Donovan, Ian Fleming, Sir Ivar Bryce and Sir Noel Coward also purchased beach property on the island.[51] Sir Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, was a British newspaper magnate and vicious Anglo propagandist. He was an intimate of Hitler’s inner circle and became a very good friend of Rudolph Hess. He was a secret society member of the 1001 Club (New World Order International Satanic/Criminal Network Involved in the Assassination of JFK), Le Cercle and a co-founder of the British Roundtable (Masonic New Order Order) Group with Cecil Rhodes.[52]
Sir Ivar Bryce was a key British intelligence officer connected with the CIA and its Operation (Propaganda) Mockingbird through INTREPID- Stephenson. He was a key player in developing the movie character, Agent 007, James Bond.[53] Bryce may have been involved in the assassination of two U.S. Presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.[54] These people were part of the most dangerous inner core of the New World Order, Global Satanic Cabal, and the ILLUMINATI. They were centered on the island of Jamaica.
Lord Chris Blackwell (Island Records-Picture) is the son of the notorious Islander socialite, Blanche Blackwell. She was a Cabbalist Sephardic Jew descended from Lindo Clan that had fled Portugal during the Knights Templar Inquisition that settled on the island during the 1700s.[55] The Lindo Clan was also among the island’s early freemasons. She was the infamous host of the Blackwell’s Bolt House.[56] The Bolt House played a significant role in the social life of the island that hosted such luminaries as Charlie Chaplin and the Queen Mother of England. Blanche Blackwell was right smack in the middle of the secret inner core of the Global Elite Satanic Cabal, and the ILLUMINATI.
On the island of Jamaica, Blanche was friends and lovers of Errol Flynn, the HollyWeird Nazi Spy,[57] and the infamous British Intelligence Agent Ian Fleming (James Bond) of MI5. Fleming resided at a small home which he called Goldeneye and playwright, novelist Noel Coward also resided on the island. Coward was also a notorious secret British Intelligence Agent.[58] All three of them, hosted parties together, with HollyWeird’s elite like Elizabeth Taylor, Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn, Charlie Chaplin, Sophia Lauren; and the Royal House of England, Queen of England.[59]

It has been claimed that Blanche was “the inspiration for Dr. NO’s Honeychile Ryder, whom Bond first sees emerging from the waves – naked in the book, bikini-clad in the movie.” As well as Honeychile Ryder it has been argued that Fleming based the character of Pussy Galore, who appeared in Goldfinger on Blanche.[60] Lord Chris Blackwell developed Fleming’s Goldeneye into a deluxe resort for the ILLUMINATI, crooked, rich and famous.[61]

Lord Chris Blackwell was recruited into British Intelligence MI6 by Ian Fleming during the filming of the first James Bond movie, Dr. NO (1962) in the Caribbean. It makes a lot sense for British intelligence to recruit Lord Chris, and initiate him into their secret societies to commit him to an oath of secrecy and silence. Here’s why. Sir Stephenson had been head of the North American Desk of MI6. Stephenson ran a super secret counter intelligence division, Special Operation Executive (SOE). He was involved in appointing Major Mortimer Louis Bloomfield of Canada to run the FBI’s counter-intelligence service, Division Five. SOE was secretly centered between Stephenson’s Hillowton Estate and the 2200 acre Tryall Resort Complex on Montego Bay.
In March 1963, Stephenson and Bloomfield began to work for what is believed to have been a review of the strategy for JFK Assassination. The Tryall Resort became a nerve center for the assassination. A number of core committee meetings took place at the resort. One of those seen at the Tryall meetings on a number of occasions was CLAY SHAW of New Orleans.[62]
Tryall Resort was created in 1957 by a syndicate of some of the most dangerous and notorious ILLUMINATI bloodline groups in history that included John D. Rockefeller. The syndicate included Lord Louis Mountbatten’s personal pilot, George Breary Girardet.[63] Lord Mountbatten was King Philip’s cousin of the Royal House of England. He was a Rothschild, and SATANIST that supported Adolf Hitler.[64] The Bronfman crime syndicate family of Canada that owned Seagrams also had an interest in Tryall. They had ran a bootleg operation and sugar plantation on Montego Bay since the late 19th Century.[65]

During the 1950s, Texas entrepreneurs including John Connally, later governor of Texas, and Lloyd Bentsen, who would become a U.S. Senator bought into Tryall. In 1957, they founded the Tryall Club as a private villa resort. Recall, Connally suffered a gunshot wound in the JFK Dallas motorcade crossfire. Connally famously cried out, “My God, they are going to kill us all!“[66]
So, it made absolute sense to initiate Lord Chris like his mother Blanche, right down the road from Tryall, Montego Bay, into MI6, and the global Satanic/ILLUMINATI, and CIA network.
According to Bunny Wailer, Lord Chris Blackwell play a key part in assassinating both Bob Marley and Peter Tosh in order to steal the Wailers pre-Island Records albums as well as the wealth of the Marley Estate.[67] Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS Officer Dr. Josef Issels, a colleague of Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz, and part of Lord Chris’ ILLUMINATI/CIA network finished killing off Bob Marley.[68]

Half Moon Resort on Montego Bay was an infamous haunt of Queen Elizabeth II, the Royal House of England, Dr. NO, James Bond 007, ILLUMINATI and by the way– SPIKE LEE.[69],[70] CONTINUED ON PART II
[7] Id.
[9] Id.
[12] Id.
[56] Id.
[66] Id.
“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” –Morpheus to Neo[1]
The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular culture symbols representing the choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of REALITY (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of ILLUSIONS (blue pill). The terms, popularized in science fiction culture, are derived from the 1999 film, The Matrix. In the film, the main character Neo is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill. The blue pill would allow him to remain in the fabricated reality of the Matrix, therefore living the “ignorance of ILLUSION“, while the red pill would lead to his escape from the Matrix and into the real world, therefore living the “TRUTH OF REALITY” even though it is a harsher, more difficult life.[2]
The other day, I couldn’t stop sneezing from a sudden serious seasonal hay fever attack. My usual hay fever medicine didn’t work. I had to take a red pill (Diphenhydramine HCI). The red pills always put me in a zone. So, I rarely take one of them unless it is an emergency. The pills make me drowsy, sleepy and my head spin. So, I went upstairs to lie down. While lying down, I watched some of the 2016 NCAA Basketball Playoff Rounds on the idiot box.

While in a zone and through a fog, I saw IMAGES of a black dysfunctional family with a NBA player in drag posing as a mother during a commercial run. The family was called, the Hoopers. “… The Hoopers, an all-star American family. Various NBA players star as Dad (Chris Paul- LA Clippers), Mom (DeAndre Jordan- LA Clippers), Son (Kevin Love- Cleveland Cavaliers), Grampa (Kevin Garnett- Minnesota Timberwolves) and Baby (Damian Lillard- Portland Trail Blazers). Additionally, a State Farm agent plays the Hoopers’ helpful neighbor who assists them with the problems they encounter.”[3]

All Hooper family members were black NBA players except Kevin Love of Cleveland. The were no IMAGES of females. The one character that was by nature supposed to be a motherhood/female was turned into an ILLUSION of a monstrous tall hairy male figure.
HOOPER GRAMPA- A IMAGE of a Lazy Steppin Fletchin
Under the influence of the red pill, I saw some racialist sensitive IMAGES
of Black people on global television networks that I didn’t think was
possible in the 21st Century. As a fan, I had abandoned the NBA years ago. I didn’t know anything about the NBA Hoopers.
HOOPER BABY- The IMAGE of a Stereotypical Picaninny
I thought the IMAGES of the Hoopers would go away, but the idiot box kept repeating the IMAGES over and over again like every twenty minutes or so like PSYCHIC DRIVING. It wasn’t happenstance that IMAGES and ILLUSIONS of Hoopers continued to parade through my dreams as I fell off in deep sleep. While I experienced the “March Madness” NCAA Basketball Tournament 2016, the idiot box was turned into a psychotronic mind (behavior modification) control weapon.“Psychotronic Weapons (PF- weapons) this is the totality of all possible methods and means (techno-genic, suggestive, pharmacological, paranormal, complexes, and others) of hidden, forced influences on the psyche of a person for the purpose of modifying his consciousness, behavior and health for what is desired in the way of influencing aspects of control…”
For me, the Hoopers was electronic torture and terrorism. The commercial spots were designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter my body’s psychological and data-processing capabilities, even incapacitate me. The commercial spots were used as clandestine psychological weapons aimed to “control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism… [T]he goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body [mind] in [balance, order: MAAT] equilibrium.”[4]
The “TRUTH OF REALITY” of the NBA Hoopers was that it was an EVIL. It was a vicious attack and veiled affront against the sacred feminine, and the dignity of the BLACK FAMILY UNIT and STRUCTURE. It is no laughing matter as the NBA and NCAA seasons continue through the year.
The EVIL of the Hoopers’ commercial spots were created out of a partnership renewal between the NBA and State Farm Insurance.
“State Farm has enjoyed a very successful relationship with the National Basketball Association over the past few years, and we’re excited to be continuing it,” State Farm advertising director Ed Gold said in a statement. “Our integrated NBA marketing campaigns have become a terrific platform for differentiating the State Farm brand, demonstrating the value of an assist, and connecting with customers through the lens of basketball.”[5]
In other words, the ILLUMINATI NBA is working hand and hand in combination with State Farm in setting up these Negroes and the black coonery family structure for international mockery, ridicule and humiliation.

The State Farm Logo represents the very complicated and ancient “Tripod of Life” (also known as “Borromean rings“) that is formed from a third circle being added to the Vesica Piscis (Cosmic Womb of Goddess Nut), where the third circle’s center point is placed at the intersection of the first two circles’ circumferences. To some, it represents the mind, body, and spirit. Most notably, in (Christian) religion, the Tripod of Life symbolizes the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of the Holy Trinity. What remains of it today is the altered version in religion where it vaguely identifies God, son and holy spirit after the cosmic sacred feminine woman teaching was thrown out of holy books.[6]

The Rothschild ILLUMINATI obtained certain secret ancient Illuminated manuscripts that represented the “Tripod of Life” form to be a triangle position as the sacred feminine womb of stars down pointing triangle when seen on eastern horizon when rising. The bottom line is that the ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry deliberately bastardized the symbol and its extremely deep inner ancient universal teaching and lessons of the sacred feminine and created the BAPHOMET to intentionally confuse its mass of followers and the people.[7]
State Farm and Freemasonry

“Every man who accomplishes anything worthwhile in this life will leave behind him many temples still unfinished when he departs this life.” These words were spoken to his employees by George Jacob Mecherle, the founder of State Farm Mutual Insurance Companies and a very dedicated Freemason … [He] drew much of his philosophy from the lessons he learned at the Masonic altar.” Illustrious George Jacob Mecherle, 33 Degree[8]
Luciferian George J. Mecherle started State Farm Mutual Insurance Company in Bloomington, Illinois, on June 8, 1922. The name of the company was inspired by the original clientele, the farmers of the state of Illinois. Mecherle was a member of Bloomington, Illinois, Lodge No. 43, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Bloomington Chapter No. 26, Royal Arch Masons; Peoria Council No. 11, Royal and Select Masters; DeMolay Commandery No. 24, Knights Templar; and Mohammed Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He was a very active member of Bloomington Consistory, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.[9]
At one time, he arranged for State Farm to rent office space from the Scottish Rite. During his lifetime, a large number of Scottish Rite Masons were employed by State Farm. Twice a year, these Brethren enjoyed lining up in front of the State Farm building and marching two blocks to the Consistory building for a Scottish Rite Reunion. Mecherle served as Thirtieth Degree Master for a ritualistic team composed totally of State Farm employees. On September 29, 1943, he was awarded the 33rd Degree during the meeting of the Supreme Council in Buffalo, New York.[10]
As you know, Freemasonry, Scottish Rite and the Civil War Criminal-Confederate General Albert Pike spawned the secret Knights of the Golden Circle, and the Ku Klux Klan to drive Black people back into SLAVERY.
State Farm and the Luciferian Doctrine
“Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p.321)[11]
Albert Pike, the Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite from 1859 to 1891, is one of the most honored and influential American Freemasons of all time. The Supreme Council exalts Pike by saying: “Albert Pike remains today an inspiration for Masons everywhere. His great book Morals and Dogma endures as the most complete exposition of Scottish Rite philosophy. He will always be remembered and revered as the Master Builder of the Scottish Rite.” (The House of the Temple of the Supreme Council 1988)[12] George J. Mecherle, founder of State Farm, is also listed among the secret and powerful ILLUMINATI in America.[13] The racialist Hoopers Family of the NBA was spawned by Pike’s clandestine Luciferian Scottish Rite Temple and the secret ILLUMINATI.

Dangerous Cartoon (Coonery) Characters and Satanic Brotherhood V Sign
There were other IMAGES that also screened through my conscious and subconscious. It included the Satanic ILLUMINATI Coonery Trio of dangerous handkerchief heads, Charles Barkley, Samuel L. Jackson and Spike Lee that was also totally “VOID” of female IMAGES. Like the Hoopers, the Coonery of Jackson, Barkley and Lee appeared (psychic driven) in constant and persistent time sequences throughout the televised NCAA tournament playoff games. The IMAGES of Hoopers and Coon trio swam through my conscious and subconscious for a couple of days. What follows is the “TRUTH OF REALITY” of the Coon Trio IMAGES that I really experienced and envisioned. I will start with CHARLES BARKLEY.
1. The “TRUTH OF REALITY” of Charles Barkley

“The only problem I had with Kenny’s, umm, open letter was, umm, I
don’t think anytime something bad happens in the black community we
have to talk about slavery. Listen, slavery is, uh, well, I shouldn’t
say one of the worst things ever, because I don’t know anything about it
other than what I read or what my grandmother told me.” Charles Barkley[14]I not quite sure what or who Charles Barkley may be. He is far more then a traditional Uncle Tom, Handkerchief head and bootlicker. The ILLUMINATI may have created him as an experimental MK ULTRA/MONARCH black “CYBORG.” Don’t laugh, yet. Barkley publicly calls himself a “METROSEXUAL.”

Charles Barkley in Women’s Satin Outfit with Purse
As late as March 14, 2016, he confirmed that over mass media that he was a “METROSEXUAL.”[15] Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of man, the metrosexual shows his soft, sensitive, feminine side. The neologistic term is popularly thought to describe heterosexual men who adopt fashions and lifestyles stereotypically associated with homosexual men. [16]
ILLUMINATI SYMBOL, Ava DuVernay (Selma), Charles Barkley & Prince Philip– Royal House of England, Grand Master of Freemans of England and Wales. This is far from being a laughing matter. It is one of the most scary, dangerous and clandestine programs of the New World Order and ILLUMINATI that seek to re-image, re-design and re-create Mankind to serve them- Transhumanism.
“Transhumanism is an occult project, rooted in Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, and derived from the Kabbalah, which asserts that humanity is evolving intellectually, towards a point in time when man will become God. Modeled on the medieval legend of the Golem and Frankenstein, they believe man will be able to create life itself, in the form of living machines, or artificial intelligence.”[17]

Charles Barkley presents a new specie of freakish post gender men-forms of ILLUMINATI Transhumanism that will tend to blur the lines of universal order, balance, and ultimately destroy the SACRED FEMININE. I am sure that Charles Barkley has been programmed to cross the lines of his manhood, and sadly serve the BROTHERHOOD with his Mouth and Ass.
Postgenderism is a diverse social, political and cultural movement whose adherents affirm the voluntary elimination of gender in the human species through the application of advanced biotechnology and assistive reproductive technologies.[18] The elite of the world will be the ones who will have exclusive and sole access to the secret technologies to change MANKIND.[19] Charles (Chuck o Licious) Wade Barkley was born and raised in Leeds, Alabama, ten miles outside Birmingham.[20] He says absolutely bizarre things through mass media that unlikely came from his humble background. He says things like he would in fact “work for ‘the Klan’ if they paid me enough.” It is isn’t the money. It is MK ULTRA/MONARCH multiple personality disordered (MPD) mind control programming. This Negro can be programmed to slaughter all of us. [21]

I believe that Charles Barkley had been initiated into Freemasonry like his associate, Shaquille Rashaun O’Neal as a front to access their individual psyche. Shaq with a military complex background seems also to have been subjected to similar frightening (electrical shock) trauma based multiple personality disorder (MPD) programming.
Shaq- Secret Masonic MK ULTRA/MONARCH black Male Sex Kitten Cyborg Programming
In regards to Shaq and the ILLUMINATI plans to destroy the sacred feminine. It was Shaq that introduced the world to the female transsexuals, PRANCING ELITES.
Shaq first tweeted his praises of the group through a video of the dance group’s performance at a basketball game, which became an Internet hit.[22] As I said before, this SHIT is far beyond funny. It is criminal and major International HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS.
2. The “TRUTH OF REALITY” of Samuel L. Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson doesn’t attribute his talents to God. When asked if he thought his talents were God-given, Jackson replied: “No, because I work at it. I still learn, I read.”[23] Jackson was mentored into HollyWeird and EVIL by Morgan Freeman.
Morgan Freeman says,
“After God, I think I should play Satan. Remember when Al Pacino played Satan in The Devil’s Advocate? Like that.” He continued, “I think that God and the Devil are one. They’re not one in the same, but they’re in the same body, and it depends on which one of them surfaces.” Freeman insinuated that he believed all people have GOD and SATAN inside of them. He added that his faith in a GOD is his faith in himself. “The highest power is the human mind. That’s where God came from, and my belief in God is my belief in myself.“[24]

King Diamond is a Danish heavy metal “quasi-Satanic stage persona” that maintain the same Satanic thought pattern of Morgan Freeman.[25]

In August 2015, Freeman’s step-granddaughter, E’Dena Hines, was slaughtered on a Manhattan, New York street in what has been described as an exorcism, “Get out, devils! I cast you out, devils! In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast you out!” the killer yelled as he plunged a hunting knife into 33-year-old E’Dena Hines’ chest, according to George Hudacko, who witnessed the 3 a.m. attack from his apartment window in Washington Heights, New York City.[26] In September 2015, her boyfriend, Lamar Davenport, pleaded not guilty to the murder. He appears out of his mind. He was alleged to be possessed by Demons, God and SATAN.[27] Since 2009, it had been widely reported that Freeman and E’Dena had been romantically involved since she was teenager. Reportedly, she had hoped to have a baby and marry SATAN– Morgan Freeman.[28] So, we should be very clear that if E’Dena was possessed by the DEVIL– we know who put the DEVIL in her.

A few internet sites celebrate Samuel L. Jackson as formerly associated with or in fact being a member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP). During the Summer of 1969 in Atlanta, Jackson said that he hooked up with gun running operations with Kwame Touré (Stokely Carmichael), “Honorary Prime Minister“, Iman Jamil Al Amin (H. Rap Brown) “Minister of Justice” of the BPP.[29], [30],[31]
There are several big problems with Jackson‘s timeline. August 29th, 1968, the New York Times reported that the Republican Party leader of the House, Gerald Ford of Michigan, stated it was time to slam the door on H. Rap Brown and other Black power advocates. However, there had already been a clandestine illegal full press government program since July 1967 to kill or jail Stokely and H. Rap. But, they particularly wanted to kill and silence H. Rap, forever.
In the summer of 1969, H. Rap was already facing two violations of the Federal Firearms Act out of Louisiana, and Federal charges in Maryland for Counseling to Arson, and Inciting to Arson and Riot. H. Rap was under intense federal travel restrictions. He may not have been in Atlanta, at all. In 1969, they were chasing Rap like something out of Slavery (Fugitive Slave Act). That summer, Stokely and H. Rap were under very intense, 7 days a week-24 hours a day, federal and state surveillance.[32]

Stokely, H. Rap and Brother Bobby Seale- 1968
Additionally, it was impossible for Samuel L. Jackson to be associated with Stokely and H. Rap Brown as members of the BPP in the summer of 1969. In January 1969, Stokely and Rap were expelled from the BPP in what is known as the Great Purge of 1969 at the height of the FBI’s COINTELPRO Program and the CIA’s Project CHAOS’ clandestine criminal campaign to destroy the BPP. Stokely and Rap were on the top of the list as expelled “Renegade Members.” The BPP threatened to deal (death warrants) with them on sight. I bottomed out the list- purged as a “Counter-Revolutionary.” The BPP Central Committee chairman that proudly put his name as the head of the Great Purge was Virtual Murrell.[33]
Murrell is a “negro sellout” convicted federal felon for municipal government (Oakland) corruption, fraud and bribery. He is a current principal/owner of The Pegasus Group, a deep-cover beltway lobbyist Virginia-based public (GOVERNMENT) relations firm, secretly connected to inner workings and multi-million contracts of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.[34]
Murrell & Rich and Elite Michelle Nunn
Murrell is tied into the powerful deep cover House of Samuel Augustus “Sam” Nunn, Jr. Nunn’s political experience and credentials on national defense reportedly had put him into consideration as a CIA chief, and potential running mate for Democratic presidential candidates John Kerry (2004) and Barack Obama (2008).[35] In 2014, Murrell was caught up and exposed as a key fundraiser for Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Michelle Nunn, daughter of Sam Nunn.[36] That should let you know who and what was really secretly behind the Great BPP Purge of 1969.At the time of the purge, I didn’t even know that Murrell was on the BPP Central Committee. Needless to say, I was very happy to be listed on the same historical document with internationally renown and respected brothers, Stokely and Rap. Kwame Touré was poisoned and died in the Motherland. The Bold and Beautiful Brother Iman Jamil Al Amin (H. Rap Brown) is a Political Prisoner in North Carolina.

Interestingly, Samuel L. Jackson was a former cheerleader for the Morehouse pep squad when he allegedly became a “revolutionary brother” along beside Stokely and Rap collecting guns for the revolution.[37] I say that it was a highly unlikely situation. Stokely, in particular, because of constant COINTELPRO- Project CHAOS death threats, harassment and surveillance, maintained a tight security ring around him. Additionally, there were also many FBI ghetto informants, military intelligence and agent provocateurs constantly trying to infiltrate his inner circle. I know this, because his team called me on occasion of a subject of interest claiming to be close to Oakland BPP, and my inner circle that was turning up in Washington DC on a number of occasions on Stokely’s doorstep trying to get in.
I knew who they were talking about. On several occasions, he had tried to incite me to try to physically harm him. I knew it was a deep setup to discredit, jail or kill me. He was very scary. He foamed at the ends of his mouth (MK ULTRA/MONARCH) when he got excited. He didn’t work anyplace that I knew of to pay for airline passage across the U.S. To this day, I am not sure who this (pedophile) brother works for, and he remains a very dangerous (ghetto informant) individual in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.
Samuel L. Jackson said that he was among a group of former G.I.’s, which led him to H. Rap Brown and Stokely Carmichael. “It was my ‘kill whitey’ period,” he said. “I really thought there’d be an armed struggle between blacks and whites. So we began to collect guns.”[38] It sounds as if Jackson had been part of an agent provocateur group of U.S. Army Phoenix Project Assassination/Suppression Teams out of Vietnam that led secret BPP Assassination Goon Squads in the U.S. to murder members, oppress, neutralize, terrorize, and destroy the party. I know, because I faced some of them, directly. The Oakland BPP Goon Squad was led by a former U.S. Army Ranger out of Vietnam.
Yes, I was very much afraid. I faced him several times, but I was also heavily armed- to defend myself. They had a U.S. Government license to kidnap, torture and kill. The Ranger, that I know of directly, was linked to two murders of young BPP brothers. He is featured as a loyal Panther in the recent BPP documentary on PBS, The Black Panthers, The Vanguard of the Revolution.[39]
As soon as the PBS documentary internet site opens, it features a late female undercover FBI infiltration agent out of San Diego by the name of Dixie. I remember when she first walked through the doors of Merritt Jr. College from out of nowhere. She was an extremely fine and most beautiful young sister, but a wicked and EVIL individual. I sensed it almost immediately. I saw it in her eyes and demeanor. She had no problem in penetrating the inner circle of the BPP. I will not and can’t venture to look at that documentary. It still hurts.
Samuel L. Jackson claims that after the FBI paid a visit to his mother about his direct involvement in the Black Liberation Movement and Panthers– he immediately left Atlanta for Bel Air, an affluent neighborhood in Los Angeles, California. By my own experience with my mother and a FBI visit, there is some truth to that. However, Jackson appeared to have went to work immediately for the State of California– Los Angeles County Department of Social Services.[40] The FBI don’t ever just forget about real Black Nationalists. They watch and hound you for life. You just don’t roll over into a State Job unless they owe or own you. Nevertheless, we understand clearly that Samuel L. Jackson has very little if any true love for the people.
ILLUMINATI British Transsexual Jodie Harsh and Samuel L. Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson’s BET network- WITCH Impersonation of the wicked DEMON Bitch Nicki Minaj. The Witch and Cat combined, increase the power of magic and spells. Jackson, mainly because of his fake IMAGE as a down Black Nationalist or even a Panther, is supposed to be some type of HollyWeird Bad-Boy–BAD ASS. It is only a HOLLYWEIRD ILLUSION. This Negro is a LUCIFERIAN, breed, trained and committed to the New World Order Satanic Cabals.
Samuel L. Jackson is a HollyWeird Darling because he belongs to a powerful International Circle of DEVIL WORSHIPPERS setup by British MK ULTRA/MONARCH GODFATHER, Aldous Huxley to blindly serve the New World Order.

Samuel L. Jackson is one of the leaders of the black Satanic/ILLUMINATI Cabal that will cut your THROAT for his master, SATAN.
3. The “TRUTH OF REALITY“ of Spike Lee

Stylized 666 NOLA DARLING
The above is a international movie poster. I am not certain if it has been altered, but 666 symbols are implanted in it. Shelton Jackson “Spike” Lee was born in Atlanta and also attended Morehouse College in the city. He made his directorial debut with She’s Gotta Have It (1986).[41]
I went to see the movie when it first came out to support his debut,
but I came out confused with odd mixed emotions. You see I though that I
had a balanced undying love and respect for Black women and the sacred feminine before I saw the movie.
Somehow, the movie got into my head. It had appealed to my basic carnal nature. I wondered if I needed myself a NO- Love (La La) to satisfy my very own carnal nature. It shook me up for a while and confused me so much that I have avoided watching any of Spike’s movies with the exception Malcolm X. I only watch the last scenes, hour or half of the movie.

SOPHIA & BAPHOMET “What occurs above so reflects below, or As above so below”
At a special meeting that I may have crashed in on with the late Chicago Black Intellectual Steve Cokely in Oakland after the release of Spike’s Malcolm X, I was startled when he told the group that the SOPHIA (White Woman) scenes in the first half of the movie were at the insistence of FBI censors. I donated $50 to help finance a trip for Brother Cokely to meet with Spike privately to further clarify the FBI’s role in the movie. I gave him a check with my name, address and phone number,
intentionally, to document it. I was hoping to buy myself an update or
invite to the next meeting, but sadly either happened. To date, I have
found no other references by Cokely on the FBI’s role in scripting the movie. On April 11, 2012, Brother Cokely died under what I believe to be suspicious circumstances. He had finally publicly promised to reveal what he really knew about President Barack Obama in Chicago in an upcoming radio broadcast, but never lived to see the day.
Subliminally implanted, Sophia is a central idea in Hellenistic philosophy and religion. Sophia is honored as a goddess of wisdom by Gnostics, as well as by some Neo-pagan, New Age, and Goddess spirituality groups.[42] As you can observe above, the Hermetic/Baphomet axiom “as above, so below” is implanted in Spike’s Malcolm X movie poster.

Keep this in mind as you continue to read this section. In the script before their first sexual interactions, there is a Sophian implant, she says, “Malcolm, look at them. Have you ever seen white breasts like these? Put your black hands on them” and “Am I the first white woman you’ve been with?… THAT ISN’T A WHORE [but a Goddess] ?[43]She’s Gotta Have It features a young black sister, Nola Darling (Tracy Camilla Johns).[44] NOLA is a name that is significantly meaningless (white shoulder), unless you give it meaning to the word, NO; or the subject of James Bond 007’s debut in Dr. NO (discussed below).

The movie centers around black female sexual sensuality as if Spike Lee had any expertise on the subject, and the attempt to re-image traditional black womanhood, motherhood, the nuclear family structure, and the classic Christian moral code of black families.

The bottom line is that Spike’s She’s Gotta Have It quite frankly and seriously marginalizes and demean Black Womanhood. He presented the sister to the world universally as a black female sexually liberated “Social Deviant” and “SYMBOLIC WHORE.”[45] Spike Lee’s NOLA presents the WHORE OF BABYLON. Miss Ophelia: “Do you know who made you?” Topsy: “Nobody as I know on,” replied the child, “I ‘spect I jest growed.”[46]
In the movie, Spike Lee made Nola the center of the attention of three friends in which she was laying sexually with each and every one of them. She was a classic “TOPSY” without a god, church, mother, father, family, guidance, direction and wisdom. “I ‘spect she jest growed.” TOPSY was designed and created as the absolute opposite of SOPHIA.
Nola was molded for mass media consumption in the IMAGE of Black woman as “OVERSEXED” African Savages. Such vicious and dehumanizing false myths about Black Women have persisted in America culture from the days of the EVIL empire of human bondage- Slavery.

Spike Lee created Nola as a classic racial stereotypical oversexed Negress- a “Social Deviant” and “A SYMBOLIC WHORE OF BABYLON” that white society and the ILLUMINATI feel quite at home and comfortable to buy into, and distribute globally. And Spike Lee found the planet’s most corrupt and dangerous EVIL forces, the DEVIL himself, to spread the message around the WORLD.
Black ILLUMINATI Luciferians, Charles Barkley & Bill Cosby
“THE CLOSE, OR CLENCHED FISTS” is, in the Illuminist Philosophy, the symbol of secrecy, dissimulation, and hermeticism. It veils and conceals secrets from the “profane” and the “vulgar” (the non-ILLUMINISTS).The
fists are both clenched, in allusion to one of the penalties of the
obligation, which is to have both hands chopped off to the stumps.
MI6 Lord of the Island of JAMAICA, Sir Chris Blackwell & Spike Lee
She’s Gotta Have It was distributed globally by ISLAND PICTURES, a film division of Island Records primarily co-founded by English Businessman, Lord Chris Blackwell from the island of Jamaica. Chris Blackwell’s Island Records was financed partially by Stanley Borden of RKO Records,[47] a records division of RKO Pictures that has Joseph Kennedy and Howard Hughes of the CIA/ILLUMINATI embedded in its background and historical records.[48] The Blackwell family was one of sugar plantation complex of 21 colonial families that have controlled the island of Jamaica since Slavery.

WWII, Super Spy Sir William Stephenson of British Intelligence MI6 (Man Called INTREPID) played a key role in the creation of the CIA. As Winston Churchill’s personal representative to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the war, Stephenson became a close advisor to FDR and suggested he put William J. Donovan in charge of all U.S. intelligence services. Donovan, a good friend of Stephenson, founded the U.S. wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which eventually became the SS Gehlen Org–CIA.[49] It is believed that Stephenson was a key player in combination with others that hit JFK in Dallas in November 1963.[50]
After WWII, William Stephenson bought a 22 acre beach house, Hillowton, on Jamaica overlooking Montego Bay. His close friends, Lord Beaverbrook, William Donovan, Ian Fleming, Sir Ivar Bryce and Sir Noel Coward also purchased beach property on the island.[51] Sir Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, was a British newspaper magnate and vicious Anglo propagandist. He was an intimate of Hitler’s inner circle and became a very good friend of Rudolph Hess. He was a secret society member of the 1001 Club (New World Order International Satanic/Criminal Network Involved in the Assassination of JFK), Le Cercle and a co-founder of the British Roundtable (Masonic New Order Order) Group with Cecil Rhodes.[52]
Sir Ivar Bryce was a key British intelligence officer connected with the CIA and its Operation (Propaganda) Mockingbird through INTREPID- Stephenson. He was a key player in developing the movie character, Agent 007, James Bond.[53] Bryce may have been involved in the assassination of two U.S. Presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.[54] These people were part of the most dangerous inner core of the New World Order, Global Satanic Cabal, and the ILLUMINATI. They were centered on the island of Jamaica.
Lord Chris Blackwell (Island Records-Picture) is the son of the notorious Islander socialite, Blanche Blackwell. She was a Cabbalist Sephardic Jew descended from Lindo Clan that had fled Portugal during the Knights Templar Inquisition that settled on the island during the 1700s.[55] The Lindo Clan was also among the island’s early freemasons. She was the infamous host of the Blackwell’s Bolt House.[56] The Bolt House played a significant role in the social life of the island that hosted such luminaries as Charlie Chaplin and the Queen Mother of England. Blanche Blackwell was right smack in the middle of the secret inner core of the Global Elite Satanic Cabal, and the ILLUMINATI.
On the island of Jamaica, Blanche was friends and lovers of Errol Flynn, the HollyWeird Nazi Spy,[57] and the infamous British Intelligence Agent Ian Fleming (James Bond) of MI5. Fleming resided at a small home which he called Goldeneye and playwright, novelist Noel Coward also resided on the island. Coward was also a notorious secret British Intelligence Agent.[58] All three of them, hosted parties together, with HollyWeird’s elite like Elizabeth Taylor, Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn, Charlie Chaplin, Sophia Lauren; and the Royal House of England, Queen of England.[59]

It has been claimed that Blanche was “the inspiration for Dr. NO’s Honeychile Ryder, whom Bond first sees emerging from the waves – naked in the book, bikini-clad in the movie.” As well as Honeychile Ryder it has been argued that Fleming based the character of Pussy Galore, who appeared in Goldfinger on Blanche.[60] Lord Chris Blackwell developed Fleming’s Goldeneye into a deluxe resort for the ILLUMINATI, crooked, rich and famous.[61]

Lord Chris Blackwell was recruited into British Intelligence MI6 by Ian Fleming during the filming of the first James Bond movie, Dr. NO (1962) in the Caribbean. It makes a lot sense for British intelligence to recruit Lord Chris, and initiate him into their secret societies to commit him to an oath of secrecy and silence. Here’s why. Sir Stephenson had been head of the North American Desk of MI6. Stephenson ran a super secret counter intelligence division, Special Operation Executive (SOE). He was involved in appointing Major Mortimer Louis Bloomfield of Canada to run the FBI’s counter-intelligence service, Division Five. SOE was secretly centered between Stephenson’s Hillowton Estate and the 2200 acre Tryall Resort Complex on Montego Bay.
In March 1963, Stephenson and Bloomfield began to work for what is believed to have been a review of the strategy for JFK Assassination. The Tryall Resort became a nerve center for the assassination. A number of core committee meetings took place at the resort. One of those seen at the Tryall meetings on a number of occasions was CLAY SHAW of New Orleans.[62]
Tryall Resort was created in 1957 by a syndicate of some of the most dangerous and notorious ILLUMINATI bloodline groups in history that included John D. Rockefeller. The syndicate included Lord Louis Mountbatten’s personal pilot, George Breary Girardet.[63] Lord Mountbatten was King Philip’s cousin of the Royal House of England. He was a Rothschild, and SATANIST that supported Adolf Hitler.[64] The Bronfman crime syndicate family of Canada that owned Seagrams also had an interest in Tryall. They had ran a bootleg operation and sugar plantation on Montego Bay since the late 19th Century.[65]

During the 1950s, Texas entrepreneurs including John Connally, later governor of Texas, and Lloyd Bentsen, who would become a U.S. Senator bought into Tryall. In 1957, they founded the Tryall Club as a private villa resort. Recall, Connally suffered a gunshot wound in the JFK Dallas motorcade crossfire. Connally famously cried out, “My God, they are going to kill us all!“[66]
So, it made absolute sense to initiate Lord Chris like his mother Blanche, right down the road from Tryall, Montego Bay, into MI6, and the global Satanic/ILLUMINATI, and CIA network.
According to Bunny Wailer, Lord Chris Blackwell play a key part in assassinating both Bob Marley and Peter Tosh in order to steal the Wailers pre-Island Records albums as well as the wealth of the Marley Estate.[67] Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS Officer Dr. Josef Issels, a colleague of Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz, and part of Lord Chris’ ILLUMINATI/CIA network finished killing off Bob Marley.[68]
Part of the story of the emasculation and feminization of Black Men, particularly in America, often ignore is the ILLUMINATI’s collectively marginalization and clandestinely forced invisibility of Black Womanhood and Motherhood. There are deliberately no Black Women (Sacred Feminine) visible with the above NBA Hoopers’ Family and their storyline. It is no coincidence, and it seems that NBA Negroes do not the guts or heart to speak up for their people, or protect and preserve the IMAGES of their families and very own dignity and manhood. There are deliberately no Black Women (Sacred Feminine) visible with the Negro Coonery Trio of Samuel L. Jackson, Spike Lee and Negro Cyborg Chuck-o-Licous.
Half Moon Resort on Montego Bay was an infamous haunt of Queen Elizabeth II, the Royal House of England, Dr. NO, James Bond 007, ILLUMINATI and by the way– SPIKE LEE.[69],[70] CONTINUED ON PART II
[7] Id.
[9] Id.
[12] Id.
[56] Id.
[66] Id.
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Tags: 007, 1001 club, Adolf Hitler, Aldous Huxley, Ava DuVernay, B.B. KING, Baphomet, bill cosby, Black Panther Party for Self Defense, blanche blackwell, blue pill, bob marley, bobby seale, bolt house, bootlickers, borremean rings, BOULE, bpp central committee, bpp goon squad, cecil rhodes, Charles Barkley, chris paul, Chuck-o-Licous, CIA, cyborgs, damian lillard, DeAndre Jordan, devil, Dr. Josef Issels, dr. no, E’Dena Hines, elite prancers, emasculation of black males, errol flynn, exorcism, fbi division five, feminization of black males, franklin d. roosevelt, freemasonry, freemasons, fugitive slave act, gehlen org, george j. mecherle, global satanic cabal, h. rap brown, half moon resort, hankerchief heads, hillowton, homosexuality, homosexuals, hoopers, Howard Hughes, Illuminati, Iman Jamil Al Amin, jamaica, james bond, Jamie Foxx, jfk, jfk assassination, jodie harsh, john connally, joseph kennedy, kevin garnett, kevin love, king diamond, knights of malta, knights of the golden circle, Kwame Touré, lord beaverbrook, lord chris blackwell, Lord Mountbatten, Lucifer, luciferian brotherhood, luciferians, Major Mortimer Louis Bloomfield, malcolm x, man called intrepid, matrix, metrosexual, mi6, michelle nunn, MK-ULTRA, montego bay, morehouse college, morgan freeman, Morpheus, multiple personality discorder, nba, nba hoopers, nba illuminati, NCAA basketball tournament, Negro Coonery, neil coward, neo, New World Order, nicki minaj, nola darling, OSS, panther purge 1969, prancing elites, prince philip, psychological warfare, queen elizabeth, red pill, roundtable group, sacred feminine, sam nunn, samuel l. jackson, satan, satanic trinity, scottish rite, shaq, Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal, She's Gotta Have It, sir ivar bryce, sir william stephensen, slavery, sopha, spike lee, state farm insurance, steppin fletchin, steve cokely, stokely carmichael, topsy, transhumanism, trauma-based mind control, tripod of life, tryall resort, uncle tom's cabin, uncle toms, virtual murrell, Whore of Babylon, william donovan, winston churchhill
Categories : 1000 Year Reich, African Liberation, African slavery, Aleister Crowley, ALL SEEING EYE, Aryan Supremacy, ascendant triangle, baphomet, Barack Obama, Bet, Black Panther Party for Self Defense, bobby seale, bohemian club, bohemian grove, BOULE, Charles Alex Gregory, CIA, COINTELPRO, cybernetics, cyborg, cyborg warfare, cyborgs, devil, devil's horns, division five, Dr. Josef Mengele, egypt, evil, Eye of Horus, fallen angels, false prophet, false prophets, False Satanic Rites of Lost Negroes, freemason, Fugitive Slave Law, genocide, George W. Bush, h. rap brown, Hip Hop, hip hop satanic cult, hollywood satanic cult, Horus, human sacifrice, illuminati, illuminati sacrifice, jesus christ, john D. Rockefeller, john the baptist, Josef Mengele, kemet, Knight of Malta, Knights Hospitaller, Knights of the Black Sun, Knights Templar, ku klux klan, lucifer's servants, lucifer's workshop, luciferians, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, masonic sacrifice, mind control, MK-ULTRA, Molech, Moloch, monarch child, monarch program, mulitiple personality disorder, Nazis, new age religion, new world order, nwo, oakland, oakland police department, post amnesia barriers, post hypnotic suggestions, project mockingbird, psychotronics, queen elizabeth, queen mother, re-image, re-imaging, reinhard gehlen, Ritual Satanic Abuse, ritual satanic sexual abuse, Rose-Croix, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, satan, Satanic Global High Cabal, Satanism, Schutzsteffel, scottsish rite, sex kitten, sex slave, spike lee, SS, steve cokley, Strategy of Tension, third eye, trauma-based mind control, uncle tom, vietnam
14 03 2016
America & Secret Societies
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant
in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and
historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret
proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and
unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers
which are cited to justify it… For we are opposed around the world by a
monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for
expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion,
on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free
choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system
which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the
building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines
military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political
operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes
are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No
expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
“Without debate, without criticism, no
Administration and no country can succeed– and no republic can survive.
That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any
citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was
protected by the First (emphasized) Amendment– the only business in
America specifically protected by the Constitution– not primarily to
amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and sentimental, not
to simply “give the public what it wants”–but to inform, to arouse, to
reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our
crises and our choices, to lead, mold educate and sometimes even anger
public opinion.”
“And so it is to the printing press–to
the recorder of mans deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier
of his news– that we look for strength and assistance, confident that
with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and
Bohemian Grove Newt Gingrich is not telling the TRUTH, again. Donald and his father, Fred, were initiated Luciferian Freemasons, The Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian (Masonic) Order in New York City.
Until January 2016, behind the veil, DiCaprio, Snake in the Grass, may have been the true but secret reigning Prince of the Global Satanic Hip Hop Generation. The DEVIL is so cold hearted that the N-Word slides out of his mouth like a hot buttered ice pick stuck in your heart. You don’t realized that he has drawn your blood and that you have been stabbed until you fall down- DEAD.
Among his demonic black devotees was always Comedian Chris Rock. In December 2014, Chris told Howard Stern, “I LOVE THE GUY. He enjoys himself. If he’s not doing a movie, he’s 40 pounds more, with a fine motherf—er. With a beard and model. F— y’all. I’m eating cheeseburgers and f—ing fine bitches.”[1]

Rihanna, Satanic/ILLUMINATI Blood Lapping Tongue of Goddess Kali
Another of his black devotees includes SATAN’s Pan-Sexual Daughter, Hip Hop Star, Rihanna. She’s has had a thing for the movie star for quite some time. “Rihanna said that Leonardo is her childhood crush,” a source close to the singer tells exclusively. “She said that she’s wanted him since she was a teenager.” “She is actually really, really into him,” the friend adds.[2]
Pay really close attention to what her off and on demonic schizoid lover, Chris Brown, had to say about DiCaprio, “You can only go up, and that’s the upper, upper echelon…”[3] Upper, upper echelon of what exactly? Huh! The ILLUMINATI.

Another one of his Hip Hop/Rap devotees is the Pan-Sexual Down-Low, half of a man, 50 Cent.[4] 50 Cent on DiCaprio, “I get photo bombed by the hottest people in the world. You should try living with out limits [Aleister Crowley 666, The Book of the Law: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”].[5]

With the Selfie of the two, 50 Cent posted “Getting Advice“, that is exactly what Rihanna claims that she is also doing.[6] DiCaprio’s most likely advice to them all that are devoted to the ILLUMINATI and Lucifer: N*gg***, “Get GAY or DIE“, like TOPSY CHUCK-Licous!

N*gg***, “Get WITCHED or DIE“, Like a 50 Cent (half a man).[7]

Mistresses of EVIL, TOPSY 50 Cent & Angelina Jolie
50 Cent says that he isn’t GAY, but why impersonate and glorify the IMAGE of a Satanic Angelina Jolie– a female WITCH Disney Character called, Maleficent if you’re not gay and a TOPSY female impersonator at heart. Jolie is a serious and real Mistress of All Evil “… drawn to EVIL.”[8]“Add to this that in Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent is the self-proclaimed ‘Mistress of All Evil.’ She bears devilish horns and seeks to destroy what she deems as good. In Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent’s evil sidekick is a raven whose name is Devil in Spanish (Diablo). In the movie Maleficent, Disney changes the name to sound a bit more like our English word for Devil, to ‘Diaval.'”[9]
These Negroes have “Lost Their Damned Minds!” I believe that the masses can and will read through all of this blatant madness and Satanic BS. The year 2016 isn’t starting out too well for America’s International IMAGE. NFL Super Bowl 50 turned out to be a Male Homo-Erotic Ball featuring Willem Dafoe’s Satanic Cult of Marilyn Monroe, and the “Throw Your Balls in Their Face” Denver Broncos.
The February 28, 2016 88th Academy Awards (Oscars) ceremony got a lot of major global shade and salt thrown in its face about its “lack of diversity”. Over the past 2 (two) years, numerous critics and stars have spoken out about their disappointment over its blatant lack of diversity among Oscar nominees. 2016 was no exception, it turned out to be business as usual. The Oscar’s ceremony was yet another typical HollyWeird exclusive ROMAN BALL of the American Plutocracy.[10]
Oscars, Topsy & The Great Diversity Satanic PRETEXT

Goddess Kali- Satanic Blood Lapping Tongue, Jada Pinkett Smith– ILLUMINATI
However, the 2016 Oscars ceremony was quite different than others. The Global Satanic Cabals used the Oscar ceremonies “lack of diversity” protest as a WICKED “pretext” to make an international MOCKERY of Black People.
Secret ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Symbol, Ray J and Brandy (implicated directly in the Assassination of Whitney Houston), and Jada Pinkett Smith-they’re all part of the HollyWeird Black Satanic Society (Boule). Jada is beholden to the demonic EVIL & TRICKERY of SATAN and L. Ron Hubbard’s Satanic Rooted Scientology, not to the will and good of the people.
The seemly false protest at the 2016 Oscar ceremony was setup by their HollyWeird black Luciferians like Jada Pinkett Smith to run that hot buttered ice pick into the hearts of Black People, and it looks as if most people don’t realize that they have been clowned, distracted, then stabbed.

Just a Classical Funny Emasculated N*gg**, Chris Rock and Vanity Fair Magazine
On Oscar’s night, they danced out some of HollyWeird’s most vicious black Luciferians, uncle toms, mammies, handkerchief heads, bootlickers, sellouts, Oreos, minstrels coons, and House Negroes led by the Minstrel Coon Chris Rock; Stacey Dash, Angela Bassett, Tracey Morgan, and Whoopi Goldberg to make the world comfortable to join them in mockery, menacing, humiliating, belittling and marginalizing Black People and their legitimate aspirations as a people.They poked fun at emasculating, humiliating and degrading Black men. They turned the bootlicking Tracey Morgan into a Global Danish TOPSY.

They drew blood by attacking, ridiculing and marginalizing Black History Month that was established primarily designed to humanize a people burned alive, butchered, hung by their necks from trees, shot and tortured solely because of their race in their own native country that possess to be the world’s peacemaker, and leader of the entire free world. It is no laughing matter. It is a Natural and Human Rights Violation!
Instead of opening up the Oscars to people of color, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) bought in one of its classic beaten down submissive HollyWeird Uncle Tom Clowns, Chris Rock, to distract, deceive, confuse the masses; and suppress the legitimate concerns of the people for what is right, fair and just.
Most people have some idea who Uncle Tom was/is. Except, maybe, Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Drumpf (Trump). After being endorsed for the presidency by David Duke, above, and Klan, he doesn’t know whom the Invisible Empire of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan are.[11]

That’s a very, very tricky subject and question even for a cartoon character Bugs Bunny, and a con man like Satanic Donald Drumpf– especially if he’s one of the invisible members of “The Original Folks Klansmen 333” or OFK333”.[12]

Uncle Tom is the title character of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The phrase “Uncle Tom” has also become an epithet for a person who is slavish and excessively subservient to perceived authority figures, particularly a black person who behaves in a subservient manner to white supremacy; white people; or any person perceived to be complicit in the oppression of their own group. To this particular Uncle Tom’s credit in the novel, when the oppressor demanded that he be complicit in the brutal suppression of the legitimate demands of the people to be free, he refused, laid down, rolled over and was inhumanly beaten to DEATH. [13] However in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, you may not be aware of TOPSY.

“I’s wicked, – I is. I’s mighty wicked, any how. I can’t help it.” Topsy
Topsy is another famous character in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. In the book, she is a mischievous, clever little girl who hasn’t been raised with any moral or intellectual instruction- so they say. She had been raised in complete subjugation, beaten and whipped with any instrument that comes to hand by her heartless masters. Topsy was treated like an animal. She was described as a “FUNNY SPECIMEN” and they used to whistle to her the way “a man would to call the attention of a dog.” Topsy was trained to believe and act, as a “N*GG** “.[14]The Oscars & It’s FUNNY SPECIMEN

For the 2016 Oscars ceremonies, AMPAS and the gatekeepers didn’t have to pull out the whip to get an emasculated cowardly “FUNNY SPECIMEN” like Christopher Julius Rock III to be complicit in the oppression of people of color; show all of his white teeth, bend down, roll over and act a N*GG** like a TOPSY.
The Making of Chris Rock

Chris Rock was born in Andrews, South Carolina- grew up in Brooklyn, New York. He said while growing up in Brooklyn, “My mother and father wanted me to go to a better school, so I was bused to this poor, white neighborhood…I was the only black boy in my grade for most of the time. I was a little guy, too, a skinny runt.”[15] In 2007, Chris Rock told host James Lipton of Bravo’s Inside the Actors Studio that bullying was “the defining moment of my life … it made me who I am.” He even thanked the pack of [white] boys who regularly “kicked my a–, spit in my face, and kicked me down the stairs,” because the experiences not only helped him to think quick on his feet, but also fueled his drive to succeed [dissociate].[16]
The defining moment of his life also included being called a “N*GG** “ each and every day. He said that his daily struggle in school was like suffering daily ritual traumatic war stress in Vietnam. Chris Rock’s Post-traumatic stress (war) disorder (PTSD) analogy is good to describe the trauma he suffered except for one thing, each and every day, he bent over, rolled over, laid down, suffered, and never once fought or resisted his racial oppressors and tormentors.
“My spirit was broken everyday. After a while you just go into a zone [disassociation]… So, after a while, I would just shove my personality into my SHOE from nine to three. I just wasn’t a person. Then, when I got home. I would bring Chris out. Brining Chris out meant cracking jokes, and trying to be funny.”[17]
The ritual ass-kicking, name calling and spit in his face didn’t help him succeed in school. He dropped out of high school. No, Chris Rock that wasn’t bullying that made you what you became- dangerous to the masses- a dissociated FUNNY SPECIMENT. It was criminal ritual traumatic racial harassment, humiliation and abuse that left him brutalized, marginalized, and a fragmented and disassociated personality- submissive and subservient to white authority and supremacy like a classic TOSPY.
Let me say this. For many of us, the N-Word is a provocative fighting word not protected by the 1st Amendment. I went to a predominately all-Chinese grammar school, and a predominately white junior high school. I was always known to be a quiet, peaceful and respective young man. Each semester of every school year, I made the citizenship honor roll. In the few instances that I had been called out of my name- I moved in on a student as quick as a cat and strong as a lion to snatch him off the ground and that would be the end of calling me out of my name. I didn’t care if he was ten feet tall or a black belt in martial arts. It quickly got around school- don’t go there.
I had a particular subconscious rage associated with N-Word that must have stemmed from my infancy, father, local police, naval enlisted personnel, and the still TOP SECRET and highly classified Project CHATTER (the U.S. Navy Dachau Medical Experiments). The N-Word that I experienced as an infant was associated with some trauma surrounding the brutalization of my father. During my very early childhood, the N-Word would strike me to such a degree that it became a sudden blinding hot blaze of rage. I would actually blackout in a fit of rage. I have yet to discover why or understand it. Just as the N-Word had the power to drive Chris Rock’s emotions into a SHOE and make him feel like a non-person, that same indignity drove me to run to do a fury of battle. After I became aware of that fury and rage, I had to learn to remain conscious not to do serious harm to anyone. The N-Word hurts more ways than one. Those that use it also need to be very “leery” and on notice of its history and use in this country. Don’t get it twisted, during that time, the N-Word had been unacceptable and offensive even among our own people.
I went to a predominately all-white middle-class high school in Oakland. One evening, I went to a public fast food hamburger stand with about three meek black students like Chris that lived in the predominately all-white upper-class hills of Piedmont, CA, where they probably have been called the N- Word constantly in school and their neighborhood. The public commerce hamburger stand happened to be a white gang hangout. That evening, it looked as if there was from fifty to a hundred of them just chilling in the public spaces behind and around the stand. As we made it back to the car in a public parking space, there were about two of them leading a pack that followed behind us. One or two of them called us the N- Word. I dropped my food and drove into the pack to lay my hands on them. I couldn’t get to them alone, because the brothers that backed me up just weren’t accustomed to street fighting. So, I left and returned with a notoriously known street fighter and back street brawler, Joseph Young. We called him, BIG JOE HOBO. He was like our dark skinned Hercules of ANCIENT KEMET. Joe and I along with the young brothers behind us drove into the pack and squared off. Don’t get it twisted, when we pulled up to the public fast food stand. They mashed. They rushed the car beating their chests, and bayed at the moon- selling a lot of wolf tickets.

Most of the kids at the hamburger stand were our fellow high school students, even Joe Hobo was a big gentle hug-a-bear student on campus, too. That’s why I always respected Big Joe. He was a monster on the street battle field, but naturally as kind and gentle as a lamb. Big Joe also respected me and my special teen-age judgment. Some of the white students finally came forward and told us that they had got the point of it all. They said that the guys that started it all were mostly out of school trouble makers that didn’t really reflect their upbringing, judgment and values, but they had seemed to always blindly go along with them until now. They said that they will deal with them further down the road.
I can see clearly now that it had been somewhat of a victory for the young brothers from the hills like a Chris that didn’t no longer have to put their emotions in their shoes to survive vicious racial attacks and conflicts particular in public places and institutions. At school, the melee was a big soul-searching topic of discussions among the students that had been involved, and the prohibited TRUCE on the N-Word and senseless overt racism and discrimination was honored and stood firm.
Don’t get it twisted, I am not saying that Chris Rock’s unnatural impulse and drive for money, fame and fortune is preliminary rooted from being racially traumatized or being called the N- Word. It certainly affected his mental instability and psyche, but beyond all things, Chris’ choice was to worship power & cold hard cash money– the root of all EVIL.
Chris Rock: “The number one reason people hate America: the number one reason is because of our religion. Americans worship money, we worship money. Separate God from school, separate God from work, separate God from government, but on your money it says in God we trust. All my life I’ve been looking for God, and He’s right in my pocket.”[18]
The Negro sold his soul to the DEVIL a long time ago. By the way, two of the young brothers from the hills that fought for their human dignity beside us were cousins. They became very gifted, successful and respected music industry jazz artists and staples that didn’t sell their SOULS TO THE DEVIL.
On Oscar Night, a lot of people had waited a long time to hear what Chris Rock would say amid the controversy of #OscarsSoWhite. A lot of them say that he didn’t disappoint the crowd, with a so-called “topical, funny, biting and even philosophical monologue.“[19] It was a cruel ILLUSION.
Topsy, Chris Rock & Eddie Murphy

HollyWeird Eddie Murphy as Rasputia
After dropping out of high school, Chris Rock became a teen-age stand-up comic. His first break came in 1986 at the age of 21 years old, when actor-comedian Eddie Murphy attended his show at Manhattan’s Comic Strip Club. He immediately packed up Chris and took him off to HollyWeird. Murphy set him up in the “sweet” La Montage Hotel.[20] In 1989, Chris Rock said that Murphy set him up in a HollyWeird area hotel for secret Masonic initiation that he called the La Montage, because it appears certain that he had been indeed initiated into Freemasonry.
It appears that the current exclusive Beverly Hills Montage Hotel was formed sometime in the early 2000s. Chris must have referred to the beach front Montage Laguna Beach about 58 miles outside of HollyWeird.[21]

Since the 1930s and 1940s, the city of Laguna Beach had become a HollyWeird cozy nesting place for stars like Bette Davis, Mary Pickford, Judy Garland, Rudolph Valentino, Charlie Chaplin and Mickey Rooney maintained homes in town. Later, Ozzie and Harriet Nelson (popular 1950-60s Ozzie & Harriet TV Show) joined them.During WWII, Laguna Beach became a nesting place for military officers out of the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station El Toro. During the 1960s, the White House Press Corps of President Richard Millhouse Nixon, Bohemian Grove Satanic Initiate, setup shop in Laguna Beach. From the 1960s to beyond, Laguna Beach became a full-fledged resort town. The Montage Laguna Beach hotel became a well-known quiet hide-away off the beaten path for the HollyWeird Elite Crowd.[22]
There were several major problems with Chris Rock being picked up by Eddie Murphy. First, Eddie is a Luciferian HollyWeird Freemason.[23] Second, Chris Rock, at 21 years old, was at the required age for a man to become a Mason. Third, Eddie is a notorious PAN-Sexual and secret PEDASTIC boy-lover. In one well documented case, the public record reflects that at 4:45am Friday, May 2, 1997, Murphy picked up 20 years old transsexual Samoan young male Atisone ‘Shalomar’ Seiuli off the street in HollyWeird, CA. Cops on hooker watch – observed as Shalomar hopped in Eddie’s Land Cruiser and they drove off. Two miles later, they were pulled over. According to Shalomar, while in the car – Murphy placed $200 on his thigh, and asked him to model lingerie for him. The word on the street is that Eddie Murphy is sexually fascinated with transsexuals and transvestites.[24] Numerous HollyWeird transsexuals and drag queens have claimed carnal encounters with Eddie dating back to the early 1980s.[25]

By April 22, 1998, Shalomar was dead. He refused to consider a bribe for silence from Murphy’s handlers (Attorney Mark Singer).[26] Since 2014, Murphy has been caught up in another scandal regarding another young transgender, 26 year old, Miss Honey Dip Ashton. He sued him for $2.1 million. Miss Honey Dip claims to have had a sexual relationship with Eddie since he was 17 years old.[27]

Could Chris Rock have prostituted himself as a young black male lover/escort for Eddie Murphy and other HollyWeird secret elite Luciferian Freemason pedophilic/Pedastic power brokers; or sign his name in blood to a Satanic Covenant of Fame and Fortune? YES!

Chris has the same secret HollyWeird Satanic Hand Symbol of Terrence Howard that actually claims to be SATAN and the ANTICHRIST, and elite Global Satanist and ILLUMINATI.[28]

According to The Woman Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets (1983), the downward pointing triangle is a common symbol of the womb.[29] The womb has been symbolized and worshiped in a variety of forms from ancient times to today. Caves, burial chambers, and temples were seen as Wombs of the Mother Earth.[30]

Chris Rock is undoubtedly along with HollyWeird’s clandestine Black Satanic Cults that worship SATANIC ENTITIES and IDOLS. They run his pack with the DEVIL through his twisted ASS. One thing is crystal clear. Chris Rock publicly rejects, denounces, and ridicule the traditional Christian Faith of his forebears. “A black Christian is like a black person with no memory.” So, he says.[31]

Eddy Murphy’s “Golden Child” Foreign Movie Poster Highlighting Mind Control and SATAN
The year, 1986, when Eddie Murphy picked up Chris Rock out of Brooklyn was a significant period and a serious patent Luciferian turning point in Eddie’s HollyWeird film career, “The Eddie Murphy [1986] film “The Golden Child” has many themes associated with theosophy, occultism, Satanism mixed with hints of Monarch mind control. The name instantly evokes The Golden Dawn, and the pseudo-Blavatsky
style Tibetan mysticism themes contained within would point further in
that occult direction. Note solar symbolism on the film’s poster and it
has a duality theme with L.A. on one side and Tibetan mountains on the other (Murphy also wears black and white).”[32]In 1988, within 2 (two) years of taking off with Eddie Murphy to mix into and inside the secret Luciferian/Satanic Cultic HollyWeird, Chris’ father, Christopher Julius Rock II, a truck driver and newspaper deliveryman, was (blood sacrifice) dead.[33] It was the Satanic and Pedastic Eddie Murphy that directed and mentored Chris in HollyWeird, and gave him a spot on his HBO special, “Uptown Comedy Express” as well as a minor role in “Beverly Hills Cop II.”[34]

By the early 1990s, Chris Rock was placed as an initiate inside the Masonic HollyWeird stable of Jewish Tamra Davis that they say made him and Dave Chappelle stars.[35]
I don’t think that it was a strange coincidence in October 2015 that Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, particularly, teamed with DiCaprio on Q-Tip’s Beats 1 Radio program (called “Abstract Radio”) to kick it about music and film, and much more.[36] DiCaprio was also an adolescent initiate of a Luciferian HollyWeird Stable (discussed below). Chris Rock took off to global prominence under Davis as a cast member of Saturday Night Live (SNL).[37]

Davis is married to Mike D (Diamond) founding member of the Jewish Hip Hop Group, The Beastie Boys. Mike Diamond’s father and mother were very prominent New York art dealers. His mother, Hester, survived the death of his father, Harold. Recently, just part of Harold’s art collection sold for about $60 million.[38] The Diamonds are intertwined with very heavy, old and secret Zionist-Israeli interests, American-Israeli Cultural Foundation, founded by the late Edward A. Norman of Chicago.[39] Norman was directly linked to the German [Felix] Warburg Banking Family- directly connected to financially underwriting Prescott Bush; secretly financing Hitler and Nazi Germany.[40],[41] Mike D and Tamra Davis aren’t necessarily inside Hip Hop for the money. It’s about the Luciferian exclusive MANAGEMENT & CONTROL of the industry.

Davis was also involved in puffing up the career and modern art form of the late demonic homosexual Luciferian/Sethian Jean-Michel Basquiat. The most important and scary part of Davis’ background is that she was trained in the secret circle of tutorage, agency and apprenticeship of Italian/Roman HollyWeird Film Director and Producer Francis Ford Coppola at his Zoetrope Studios in San Francisco co-founded by George Lucas.[42]

Coppola, and Davis with secret ILLUMINATI X Hand Sign
That’s elitist Francis Ford Coppola of the BOHEMIAN GROVE and the ILLUMINATI.[43] Francis Ford Coppola‘s expertise at the Bohemia Grove was to teach the elite how to secretly transform America into a New Rome under the nose of a constitutional democracy that make all America’s citizens equal under the law.[44] Coppola was also a Freemason, most likely with the notorious Propaganda Due or P2 Lodge.[45]Plutocracy or plutarchy, is a form of oligarchy and defines a society ruled or controlled by the small minority of the wealthiest citizens. Examples of plutocracies include the Roman Empire, some city-states in Ancient Greece.[46] Deeply imbedded within the Plutocracy (oligarchy) of Rome, there was the Boule. The verb βουλευω (bouleuo), meaning to counsel, consult or resolve (Luke 14:31, 2 Corinthians 1:17). The noun βουλευτης (bouleutes), meaning a councilman.Together with the preposition συν (sun), meaning together or with: the verb συμβουλευω (sumbouleuo), meaning to counsel with or advise someone (John 18:14, Revelation 3:18). the noun επιβουλη (epiboule), meaning a scheme or plot (Acts 9:24, 20:3).Again together with the preposition συν (sun), meaning together or with: the noun συμβουλος (sumboulos), meaning counselor (Romans 11:34 only). The noun συμβουλιον (sumboulion), meaning a consult (Matthew 12:14, Mark 3:6), or a counsel (a group of men: Acts 25:12).[47]

Basically, the Boule was a un-elected and secret group of counselors subservient to the will of the secret oligarchy (elite bloodlines) and plutocracies of Ancient Greece and Rome. In this American Democracy, the classical underground Roman Boule that exists today constituents a clandestine select group of black men and women subservient to will of the secret plutarchy and oligarchies of America.
“The Boule, (an acronym for Sigma Pi Phi) and pronounced “boo-lay”), was formed to bring together a select group of educated Black men and women. Fashioned after Yale’s Skull and Bones, the Boule historically takes pride in having provided leadership and service to Black Americans during the Great Depression, World Wars I and II, and the Civil Rights Movement. What could the Boule offer America’s Blacks in the early 20th century? Joining the exclusive secret society offered advancement and perks to select Blacks in return for loyalty to its objectives.”[48]
Just like in Ancient Rome, the Satanic blood oath secrecy Greek/Roman Negro Boule in America is submissive and subservient to the New Elite Centurions of New Rome in HollyWeird, America and globally. HollyWeird’s Black Satanic Societies of female and emasculated male stars like Chris Rock are now organized in the ancient Greek/Roman classical function of the BOULE.

Chris Rock- Classic MK ULTRA TOPSY
This is CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Chris Rock in the “Jasmine Alter” dressed in Sex Kitten Leopard Print Pattern– Fresh Prince of Bel Air (1995). Chris Rock is a powerless ILLUMINATI Puppet. There were many calls for black comedian Chris Rock to step down from hosting the February 2016 88th Oscar Academy Awards program amid complaints about its lack of diversity. Chris hosted the awards ceremony, nevertheless. But in reality, Chris Rock had been programmed to address the secret New Elite Centurions of New Rome in HollyWeird.
During the global televised Oscar ceremonies, he reasoned that only unemployed Negro actors had been demanding that he step away like sort of the stereotypical black people can’t do anything– “crabs in the barrel mentality” each pulling another away from the top. Chris said, “How come there’s only unemployed people that tell you to quit something, you know? No one with a job ever tells you to quit.”[49] Consistent with his MPD on Oscar Night, Chris Rock’s approach to serious issues like fighting back and resistance to racial abuse, discrimination and oppression was symptomatic/psychosomatic COMEDIC. [50]

The Negro scratched his head, scuffled his feet, bent over, and rolled over. His god given original self withdrew into his “SHOE“ that allowed his minstrel powerless and mindless alter personality to enter and take over with a big fat GRIN; and act a N*GG*R like a TOPSY. However confused by Chris’ ILLUSIONARY performance on Oscar Night, you may have missed some significant truths of the Negro Minstrel Act Behind the Veil. These are some of the TRUTHS that you may have missed. In reality, Chris Rock was programmed to address the secret New Elite Centurions of New Rome in HollyWeird.

Chris Rock implanted the FALSE IMAGE that HollyWeird’s Satanic Cabals as not racialist “Racist Per Se”, but “SORORITY RACIST.” Like, “We like you, Rhonda, but you’re not a ] Kappa [Freemason or ILLUMINATI Phi Beta,” he quipped- showing all his pearly white teeth. Chris Rock implanted the ILLUSION that HollyWeird’s New World Order (NWO) Global Satanic Cabals were “the nicest white people on earth” that didn’t hire black people. [51] Part of that statement was somewhat accurate “Forbidden Secret Truth” facing America and the world.

In this day and age, just as we have suspected and argued all alone, you have to a black CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH, Freemason, Satanic Cult member, Boule or the ILLUMINATI to work regularly in HollyWeird. American college fraternities are a way that Freemasonry and the ILLUMINATI recruit and entrap students. College Greek Fraternities were modeled after ANCIENT SATANIC SECRET SOCIETIES and CULTS, mainly Freemasonry.[52]
As far as Chris’ powerful HollyWeird Kappa brothers are concerned, Francis Ford Coppola was the leader of the Secret Greek Society, KAPPAS– the Phi-Beta-Kappa Fraternity in Hollywood. The fraternity also known as Phi Beta Kappa was organized in 1776 by students at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia (the second oldest in the country, founded in 1694), as a secret debating club. It was later infiltrated, and used to introduce ILLUMINATI principles to America.[53]
“DiCaprio is … a Demonic Entity.”[54]
Behind the Veil of Oscar Night 2016, it was secretly all about Oscar winner Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio. The 2016 Oscar ceremony was an underground celebration of the ascension of Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio in the ILLUMINATI/Masonic hierarchy.
German Born Irmelin Indenbirken
DiCaprio was born in HollyWeird. His mother, Irmelin Indenbirken, was a native born German. His father was George DiCaprio of Italian (Roman) and German descent. DiCaprio’s maternal grandparents, Wilhelm Indenbirken, was German and Helene Indenbirken was a Russian born Germany citizen. His parents divorced when he was 1 (one) year old. DiCaprio spent part of his childhood in Germany with his maternal grandparents, Wilhelm and Helene.[55] DiCaprio was named the Old European Master, Leonardo da Vinci, because his pregnant mother claimed that she was looking at a Leonardo da Vinci painting in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy, when DiCaprio first kicked- insinuating and suggesting that DiCaprio was a Miraculous Birth inspired by or triggered by a hidden key or code in a painting by Leonardo .[56]
The secret works of the Old Satanic Masters are implanted throughout the 2016 Oscar Night ceremony. Dr. John Dee’s Old World 7- Pointed Pentagram used to conjurer up Demons and Devils is clearly visible inside the circle. The Miraculous Birth is no idle or off the wall concept. There is an ancient myth on the miraculous birth of Queen Makere (Hatshepsut). In this myth, God Amun goes to Queen Ahmose in the form of Pharaoh Thutmose I and awakens her with pleasant odors. At this point Amun places the Ankh, a symbol of life, to Ahmose’s nose, and Queen Makere was conceived by Queen Ahmose. In the mythology of the Magi, the “light bursting” from the heavens had something to do with the miraculous conception of Mithra born from the rock.”[57]

One of the most mysterious, important, controversial but unfinished Da Vinci master pieces in the Uffizi Gallery that Irmelin Indenbirken viewed that is directly related and most relevant to a miraculous birth or divine birth is entitled, the “”Adoration of Magi“. It is an extremely extraordinarily and secretly occulted. Diagnostic scans of the painting showed that much of da Vinci’s true work was painted over to mask and hide some of its real details that are absolutely inconsistent with Christian biblical interpretations and theology.

The figure of what looks like a Knight that is not ghostly that turned completely away from Mary and Baby Jesus is believed to be a self portrait of da Vinci. The Da Vinci Code controversy revolves around the contention that Leonardo Da Vinci’s paintings are full of Rosicrucian symbolic allusions to secrets claimed to have been preserved by successors of the outlawed Knights Templar. The Code claims that Christ married Mary Magdalene and had a family whose descendants are the Mervovian Bloodlines.[59]

In da Vinci’s “Adoration of the Magi“, a person stands by an elevated roots of a carob tree – John’s tree, symbol of sacrificial blood, pointing toward the heavens. Da Vinci’s use of the up-pointed finger of Mercury/Hermes is also referred to as the John Gesture, that is proposed to denote the universal Hermetic Motto, “As above; so below.”[60]

Italian Painter Raphael (1511) has the whole phrase, “As above; so below”, depicted in the very center of his painting, The School of Athens, where Plato (painted with Leonardo da Vinci’s face) points up. Chris Rock, “As above; so below.” This is absolutely no coincidence.

Da Vinci’s St. John the Baptist (1514)
Da Vinci’s works are often clandestinely symbolic and associated with the ancient secrecy around John the Baptist. The pointing gesture of St. John toward the heavens suggests the importance of salvation through baptism that John the Baptist represents. Knights Temple were secretly connected to the Johannite Cult and Heresy that consider that John the Baptist was the “true Christ” and that Jesus was a Usurper of his true role and authority. Some argue, even the Baphomet of the Knights Templar is said to be directly related to the name, John the Baptist. [61]
Is DiCaprio being claimed to be a miraculous birth Mervovian Bloodline descendant by his mother and the ILLUMINATI to justify his ascend up the secret hierarchal ladder of the Global Elite Masonic/Satanic Cabals? Yes, I believe so. Like HollyWeird’s Willem Dafoe, DiCaprio has the ROMAN, BERLIN and Harz (Witches Shabbat) Mountains’ secret occult pedigree to move up the hierocratic ILLUMINATI ladder as the old bloodlines die off.
Think about it. How did Dafoe’s sole individual homo-erotic fantasy out of everyone in the world about walking in the panties, dress and heels of Marylyn Monroe become implanted in the collective global conscious of some 167 million Super Bowl 50 viewers (third largest viewing audience in television history) – more than half the population of the United States appeared without warning?[62]

As a child actor, DiCaprio was raised up in the HollyWeird boy stable of a convicted pedophile and child pornographer, Talent Manager Robert Villard.[63] Villard’s HollyWeird pedophile and child pornographic ring and rabbit hole has the same “gatekeeper and handler” as Eddie Murphy, Attorney Martin (Mark) Singer.[64] During an interview on the German television network RTL, DiCaprio admitted to being a Luciferian Freemason.[65]

In September 2010, a consortium led by Leonardo DiCaprio and billionaire Stewart Rahr, bought Humphrey Bogart’s infamous studio symbolic Maltese Falcon for $305,000.[66] Steward (Stewie Rah Rah) Rahr, King of All Fun, is the ILLUMINATI Zionist billionaire financial backer of Donald Drumpf (Trump) for President of the United States.[67] What’s so special about the Maltese Falcon? “The Maltese Falcon, a creation of San Francisco-based detective novelist Dashiell Hammett, is one of the great Weird Icons of American pop culture. Some occultists claim that Hammett’s novel is an esoteric allegory of the quest for magical powers. According to them, the Falcon represents Horus, the Egyptian hawk-headed god of magick. Conspiracy theorists point out that Hammett’s jeweled falcon was supposedly once owned by the Knights of Malta, a Catholic quasi-secret society which allegedly controls certain corrupt factions within the CIA and the Italian mafia.”[68]

ILLUSIONARY King of All Fun, Stewie Rah Rah
Are DiCaprio and Rahr secret Knights of Malta, or occultists seeking symbolic esoteric demonic magick powers? Unknown. However, Stewie’s “V” hand symbol is a Sign of the Occult, Satanic Sabbatean/Frankists. The true meaning of this “V” sign can be traced back to the 18th century ILLUMINATI.
The symbol represents the fulfillment of Illuminist founder Adam Weishaupt’s Satanic “Law of Fives.” “V” is also the Roman sign for the number and Adam Weishaupt used it in the ILLUMINATI to symbolize the “Law of Fives. In the Cabala: “the meaning for the Hebrew letter for V (Van) is ‘Nail.’ Now, ‘The Nail‘ is one of the secret titles of SATAN with the BROTHERHOOD OF SATANISM.“[69]
Pope Francis, Child Sacrifice Cult- “Guilty as Charge”
Just days before the Oscar’s ceremony on January 28, 2016, Leonardo DiCaprio was granted a special audience with Pope Francis of the Satanic Ninth Circle in Rome.[70],[71]
Satanic King of the ILLUMINATI- DiCaprio’s Kiss of Fisherman Ring
After a private audience with Pope Francis of the Holy Roman Church, the pontiff offered and allowed DiCaprio his hand to kiss the fisherman ring. Normally, the Pope will not raise his hand to allow most people the slightest opportunity to kiss the ring. The kiss of the ring allowed DiCaprio’s HollyWeird secret Satanic/ILLUMINATI Roman Order to be awarded and ESTABLISHED.[72]
HollyWood hasn’t always been without LOVE, PASSION and HEART for the struggle. It is part of the unknown history of Tinsel Town that few acknowledge, discuss or expose to the public. Chris Rock told a global audience, “It’s
the 88th Academy Awards. It’s the 88th Academy Awards, which means this
whole no black nominees thing has happened at least 71 other times.”[73] He basically reasoned, what’s the big deal concerning black folk about this academy awards program? He told a global audience, “You gotta figure that it happened in the 50s, in the 60s — you know, in the 60s, one of those years Sidney [Poitier] didn’t put out a movie. I’m sure there were no black nominees some of those years. Say ‘62 or ‘63, and black people did not protest. Why? Because we had real things to protest at the time, you know? We had real things to protest; you know, we’re too busy being raped and lynched to care about who won best cinematographer. You know, when your grandmother’s swinging from a tree, it’s really hard to care about best documentary foreign short.” [74]
Hollywood Super Star Paul Newman at the Historic 1963 March on Washington
No. That’s not entirely true, and far from the TRUTH. The fact is that during the Civil Rights Movement, the entire academy awards ceremony program became somewhat irrelevant and an after thought as a sign of the times. It wasn’t just Black people that had something better to do than protest the lack of diversity of the annual Oscar ceremonies. The world, this entire country and most of the people of conscious in Hollywood also had something far more important and better things to think about and do.
(L-R) Tony Franciosa, Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, Paul Newman, Polly Bergen, Joanne Woodward, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Celes King III, Sammy Davis Jr., Marlon Brando, and Lloyd Bridges
During the Civil Rights Movement, some of the most powerful, respected and influential movers and shakers in Hollywood organized themselves around “Stars for Freedom” to support the national Civil Rights Movement and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It included James Baldwin, Harry Belafonte, Tony Bennett, Frankie Laine, Peter, Paul and Mary, Sammy Davis, Jr., Joan Baez, Nina Simone, The Chad Mitchell Trio, Mahalia Jackson, Leonard Bernstein, and the cast of a popular television series, Bonanza.[75]

HollyWood Super Stars James Garner and Diahann Carroll- 1963 March on Washington
Hollywood’s Stars of Freedom also included Charlton Heston, George Kirby, Peter Lawford, Mike Nichols, Mai Britt and Elaine May, Tony Perkins, Frank Sinatra, Shelley Winters, Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward also appeared among many Hollywood dignitaries joined the people on the March From Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.[76]During the early 1960s of the Civil Rights Movement, America and the World went through quite a bit of soul-searching and major conscious bending in regards to Racism. Chris Rock’s statement about Hollywood and the Civil Rights Era was deliberately misleading, deceiving, an intentional over-simplification and INTENTIONAL MARGINALIZATION of Hollywood and human history.
The public airwaves should not be used as a vehicle to subliminally and overtly demean and attack a people and their culture. It is a Human Rights Violation. Chris Rock and his Oscars’ black minstrel show’s false ILLUSIONS, IMPRESSIONS and IMAGES of Black People are sold to other countries around the world. Many of them including U.S. citizens implant those demeaning and disrespectful “black stereotypes in their conscious and subconscious minds” straight out of the HollyWeird television and film industry. If anyone in America or those that come here with those false impressions of Black People believing that they may have a license to disrespect us or call us out of our names, they better ask somebody other than the Satanic Cabals of HollyWeird. They may be in for a very serious raw and rude awakening in America.If Beyonce’s salute to the Black Panther Party for Self Defense during Super Bowl 50 was any way meant by the ILLUMINATI to demean or place Black People in America in a false light here and around the world, it failed. It was a re-awakening that woke people up. They misunderstand the power and love that the people had for the legendary Panthers here and around the planet; and the impact they had on the psyche of the people the world, 50 years later.
Huey P. Newton told us almost 50 Years Ago, white liberals (race baiting, race war conspiracy pundits) believing that Black People should back down and away from racial tension, terrorism, attacks need to be concerned about with what’s going on wickedly and internally in America. They need to show some respect for the movement, and take a stand against the BEAST in the BELLY and his works right here, because the Black Liberation Movement must move on and continue right here with or without them. And remember, the great King Charlemagne, for all his size and character, his voice was rather unusually high pitched.
In 1968, the Panthers may have been at its peak, because they had not only won the hearts and minds of Black People, but “ALL THE PEOPLE” in general here and abroad. In April 1968 after the brutal and senseless assassination of the Dr. King, the Prince of Peace on April 4, 1968 that shocked the conscious of the civilized world, we were in serious secret negotiations with representatives (Marlon Brando) of Hollywood’s Stars for Freedom and conscious white liberals in America to lead the way for “ALL THE PEOPLE”. The Gehlen Org/CIA, FBI COINTELPRO, and fascist Military Industrial- Congressional Complex was absolutely alarmed, and LIVID.
I say it again LOUD and CLEAR, “Our Orders were to Stand Down” and await further instructions while the extremely sensitive and very complicated talks went on. That order came directly to me from Chairman Bobby Seale. On April 6, 1968, it was the standing “ORDER” that I communicated to the ALL general membership from headquarters. There were NO EXCEPTIONS. It was the standing “ORDER” just a couple of hours before the so-called police/military intelligence Strategy of Tension Panther shootout with Oakland Police Department (OPD) that they claimed was a Panther ambush of the POLICE. The false shootout was designed to frame, attack and discredit the BPP, and MARLON BRANDO. They slaughtered LITTLE BOBBY HUTTON in Cold Blood.
I said that to say this. It is totally up to the people to determine their own destiny. If your cause is right and just, move forward despite the odds and continue to win the hearts and minds of the people, ALL THE PEOPLE, nevertheless the Naysayers, Doubting Thomas’s, and the Simpletons. If the cause is right and just, hundreds and thousands of Big Joe Hobos, Jack Johnsons and Beautiful Sisters will join you in battle. As far as Donald Drumpf (Trump) is concerned, if he continues to challenge the people, they will show up by the thousands ready to do battle.
As for the SHollyWeird’s Satanic-Boule Negro Uncle Toms, Mammies, Handkerchief Heads, Bootlickers, and emasculated Topsies, Huey and Bobby use to say don’t harm them- EXPOSE THEM, and the People will deal with them. On to Alabama, Birmingham– QUEEN BEE & KINGFISH.
[3] Id.
[16] Id.
[17] Ebony, May 1997, Vol. LII, No.7, pg. 136
[21] Id.
[30] Id.
[31] Id.
[50] Id.
[52] Id.
[73] Id.
[74] Id.
[80] Id.
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Tags: 50 cent, 88th academy awards, 88th Oscar Academy Awards, Aleister Crowley, Angelina Jolie, Atisone ‘Shalomar’ Seiuli, Baphomet, bbp, black boule, Black History Month, Black Panther Party for Self Defense, black satanic cabal, black satanic cults, bob villard, bobby hutton, bobby seale, bohemian grove, BOULE, brandy, Charles Barkley, chris brown, chris rock, civil rights movement, columbian order, da vinci code, Dave Chappelle, david duke, devil, donald drumpf, donald trump, dr. john dee, eddie murphy, Francis Ford Coppola, freemasonry, freemasons, goddess kali, golden child, hip hop, hip hop satanic cult, hollyweird, homosexual, homosexual agenda, Huey P. Newton, Illuminati, illusions, Irmelin Indenbirken, jack johnson, Jada Pinkett Smith, Jean-Michel Basquiat, jfk, john f. kennedy, john gesture, Jr., knight templars, ku klux klan, L. Ron Hubbard, Leonardo da Vinci, Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio, Lucifer, luciferian brotherhood, lynchings, malefi50cent, Maleficent, maltese falcon, mark signer, Martin Luther King, martin signer, Mary, mary magdalene, masons, Mervovian Bloodlines, Mike D, Miraculous Births, Miss Honey Dip Ashton, monarch project, n-word, newt gingrich, Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult, oscars, pansexual, pansexuality, pentagram, phi beta kappa, pope francis, PROJECT CHATTER, ray j, rihanna, robert villard, romans, satan, Satanism, satanists, Scientology, secret societies, sex kitten programming, sons of tammany hall, stars for freedom, stars of freeedom, stewart rahr, Tamra Davis, The Beastie Boys, topsy, uffizi gallery, uncle tom, uncle tom's cabin, v sign, wll smitth, zionism
Categories : 2016 acadamy awards, african american satanic cult, Aleister Crowley, ALL SEEING EYE, antichrist, Aryan Supremacy, Black Manchurian Candidates, Black Panther Party for Self Defense, bobby seale, bohemian club, BOULE, chris rock, CIA, Dr. Charles Savage, False Satanic Rites of Lost Negroes, Hip Hop, HIP HOP false prophets, Horus, Jada Pinkett Smith, Jada Smith, Knights Hospitaller, Knights Templar, Little Bobby Hutton, Martin Luther King, MK-ULTRA, Nazis, Oprah Winfrey, Phi Delta Phi, PROJECT CHATTER, Rihanna, Ritual Satanic Abuse, Rosicrucian, Rosicrucianism, Satanic Global High Cabal, Satanism, Scientology, uncle tom, ZIONIST
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Prince Ray
- #charlestongoddamn Dylann Storm [Trooper] Roof- Devil & CIA- MK ULTRA in the Details 11 months ago
- #charlestowngoddam, Slavocracy Lost Cause & Secret 2nd Civil War Against Blacks, 11 months ago
- The police didn't make it to Emanuel AME to save our elders in Charleston- planned diversion, Active Shooter Drill 11 months ago
- SMOKING GUN: DHS Drill During SC Shooting via @YouTube 11 months ago
- #queenbeebethmcelroy, #alabamagoddam, look here for the grandson's MONEY of AFRICAN ABSOLUTE BONDSMEN,… 12 months ago
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