23 03 2015
Riding the GOAT, the Black Music Entertainment Industry

“The devil, the originator of sorrowful anxieties and restless troubles, flees before the sound of music almost as much as before the Word of God… Music is a gift and grace of God, not an invention of men. Thus it drives out the devil and makes people cheerful. Then one forgets all wrath, impurity, and other devices.” – Martin Luther (1483 – 1546)[5]
They have known for generations that music is a highway to the soul. Black Music was universal, spiritual, healing and a key to the universe and peace. In the darkest hours, our music brought light to our hearts and lessen the heavy burdens over the roads. For generations to the eyes of the world, whether in the form of Spirituals, Blues, Jazz, Gospels, Rhythm and Blues, Poetic Rap, it humanized the Black Experience.
Now, it is turning into an avenue for SATAN. It is be filled with EVIL, inclinations and spells to ENSLAVE the masses. In Old Europe, they often called on and appealed to SATAN for Power, Wealth and Fortune through secret Roman Catholic Satanic Human Blood Sacrifice Rituals. These ancient Black Mass/Satanic Cults of the Blood Sacrifice have continued underground throughout the generations. In the late 20th Century, these Satanic Blood Oath Secrecy Syndicates have moved in to control the illegal drug industry, and now seek the total takeover of the Black Entertainment and Music Industry to dedicate it to Chaos and glorify the Goat God. It isn’t any coincidence that one of the Black Music Industry’s biggest proponent of riding the Goat God, the BAPHOMET (discussed below), is Beyonce.

It is not just the Jesuits as some would argue. It is much more deeper. The satanic murder cults among European royalty, nobility and the Knights Templar preceded the formations of the Jesuits in 1531.[1] It is certain because Knights Templar, French Nobleman Gilles de Montmorency-Laval aka Baron Giles de Rais, the lord of 15 princely domains and Duke of Brittany (England), was executed for secret Roman Catholic Black Mass Blood Sacrifices on October 26, 1440, almost a hundred years before the Jesuits were formed.[2]
“Henriet and Poitou told tales of how he delighted in bathing in the boys’ blood and cutting off their heads himself so that he could wash his face and beard in the gore. They said he often had his servants stab a boy in the jugular so he could shower in the spurting blood. He sat on their chests and cut across part of their throats so they bled slowly to death. Others he hanged until they were nearly dead and then cut their throats. Still others had all their limbs cut off, or were ripped open so he could see their hearts and entrails. After death, all the bodies and their clothes were burned in the castle’s great kitchen furnaces. The servants spoke of obscene torture and blood-splattered walls in each of his castles. When Gilles returned to the court, dressed from head to toe in white to indicate his repentance.”

The precise number of Baron Gilles Roman Catholic Coven victims is not known, as most of the bodies were burned or buried just as in the case of Lady Baroness Marie Delphine Macarty-LaLaurie in French New Orleans. However, the number of the Gilles’ Coven murders is generally placed between 80 and 200; a few have conjectured numbers upwards of 600. The victims ranged in age from six to eighteen and included both sexes.[3]

We are also quite certain about what the Knights Templar’s supreme Satanic Goat God had been, the BAPHOMET. It also seems certain that during Baron Gilles de Rais’ era around the 15th Century that the Knights Templar human sacrifices had been dedicated to a god or demon in the form of a Goat, below. In the case of Lady Baroness LaLaurie’s New Orleans Coven, we aren’t sure of their idol. They allowed Baroness Lalaurie to escape prosecution and a proper investigation because her victims were Africans subjected to human bondage. It is more probable than not that she sailed to France until the scandal of ritualistic mass murder, torture and mayhem of Africans discovered at her mansion died down. However, throughout the history of the European Order of Knights, their one consistent Demon and God had been the ram goat– the Baphomet.

So, it is more probable then not to begin with the secret blood covenant Knights Templar, then the Jesuits, Freemasons and Mafia as currently secretly involved in the 21st Century continuation of the Black Mass/Satanic Blood Sacrifice Circles.[4]
However, we face a serious dilemma in challenging the crimes of Satanic cults, because society and our system of laws does not recognize ritualized and spiritual crimes without a Corpus Delicti (“body of crime“). It is also extremely difficult to prove ritualistic crimes because of ultra blood oath secrecy of its religious doctrines and among its members. There are also over 2 million Masons in North America and nearly 5 million worldwide. Freemasonry is made up of many individuals in the legislative national and state branches of the government. They are in the national and state judicial branches. They are in the all branches of the military and local law enforcement agencies. They are in schools, universities and corporations. They are in the music, television and movie industry, all subordinate and obedient to the Masonic Grand Lodges and the Baphomet- SATAN. They all, “Ride the GOAT” to carry on a vast global campaign of ritualized spiritual warfare, and a criminal enterprise to cover-up and veil their crimes.

Baroness Lalaurie and French New Orleans are closely related to Bobbie Kristina Brown and Nick Gordon, because one of them, Rosie Perez, close to the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church let it slip that the crimes committed against them were ritualistic and spiritual. For only a moment, she pointed the finger directly at Angela Bassett and her made for TV Whitney Houston biopic for Bobbi Kristina’s current fate. Additionally, Bobbi Kristina publicly exposed Angela Bassett as a secret transgender that violated Blood Oath Secrecy of the cult. The EVIL and SPIRIT that possess and empowers her demonic motivations is that of the same of the ancient French Satanic Blood Sacrifice Cults of Baron Giles de Rais and Baroness Lady Marie Delphine LaLaurie of French New Orleans.

The EVIL and Demonic Spirit of Roman Catholic French Creole Madame Marie Laveau possess Angela Bassett. In the popular television series, An American Horror Story, the Coven, the TV show resurrected the Roman Catholic racial mass murderer Baroness LaLaurie for a global audience played by HollyWeird’s Actress Cathy Bates. In 1440, when Baron Giles de Rais was only partly burned, some ladies and damsels of his family requested his remains of the Duke of Brittany, that they might be interred in holy ground (immortality), which was granted.

The staggering prevalence of Satanic Mythological Themes deeply embedded in the Black Entertainment and Music Industry is absolutely unprecedented in African American World History. It also isn’t any coincidence that one of the Black Music Industry’s biggest proponent of SATANISM is the Luciferian Black Queen, Rihanna.
In the Coven, Madame Laveau decapitated Baroness LaLaurie, then buried the body. Before decapitation, Madame Marie Laveau gave her an immortality magick potion that granted her soul and head (the Medusa Head) IMMORTALITY and renewed life to haunt Africans and People of Color into the 21St Century. Whether you choose to believe or not, Whitney Houston rode the GOAT, Little sister, Bobbi Kristina Brown, was Whitney Houston’s first born Satanic Blood Sacrifice to the BAPHOMET of the powerful global ultra secret Ninth Satanic Circle Cabal, the bastard child of the Medieval French Murder Cults.

” … Houston had been planning a return trip to the Holy Land as a follow up to the time she spent there with her then-husband Bobby Brown. She apparently wanted to be baptized again in the Jordan River by the African Israelites (Black Hebrews). ‘The Insider” showed Houston’s goddaughter Brandi Burnside saying, “We planned to go to Israel together. She said to me, ‘We need to get into the holy waters, so that nothing can harm us.’”[6]
For Whitney Houston, there was no turning back from her pact with the DEVIL for her genius, soul and destiny. Even returning to Israel to wash herself clean and anew in River Jordan to get her off the GOAT to save her and Bobbi Kristina wouldn’t have been successful. At the very least, the Freemasons of the Mossad were involved in assassinating her before her return.[7] Both Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston’s name, images, music portfolios and their “souls” after death are equivalent to goldmine commodities viciously removed from the pools of Black Enterprise and Genius by the secret Global Satanic Blood Sacrifice Cabals.
From the formation of this country, whether it was Knights Templar/Rosicrucian’s ARCADIA, or the Satanic Elizabethan’s NEW ATLANTIS, they believe that theirs is a “Divine“ right by God to clandestinely create and build “Utopias” from the genius, bodies, hearts, minds, soul, inheritances and “Destiny” of Africans, Native Americans and the People of Color ruled by the Hand of SATAN .
The Bobbi Kristina & Nick Gordon Play, the DEVIL in the Details
Don’t get it twisted by Dr. Phil’s national/international sensationalized FALSE FLAG Negro drama with Nick Gorgon and the Brown family. Nick is a just a pawn in the game. Nick Gordon can be turned in and out of a balling/babbling 10 year old with the flick of the switch. It is a big ILLUMINATI drama and play designed to distract, divide and confuse the masses.Dr. Phil blew into Atlanta like a deputized commando of the police state to seize Nick even if it was under the power of the state of Georgia. Nick was going in- interned and reprogrammed whether he had the power to resist or not.
Nick’s commitment/disappearance behind the veil is very suspicious. Who is reprogramming Nick- CIA and the Mossad? Nick may come out like the young Boston Bombing suspect Manchurian Candidate Dzhokhar Tsarnaev- helpless, SOLD OUT- Guilty of First Degree Murder.[8]

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s lawyer is Judy Clarke that represented high profile CIA Manchurian Candidates Theodore Kaczynski (an underage MKULTRA volunteer in his Harvard years), Eric Rudolph, Jared Lee Loughner, and none other than Zacarias Moussaoui. All of them were found guilty. Clarke, an intelligence asset, sold Tsarnaev down the drain. She told his Boston criminal trial jury- Yea, he did it! Almost 2 years behind the veil in state prison, Tsarnaev appears mentally helpless to protest being railroaded.[9]
The assassination of Whitney Houston and drowning of Bobbi Kristina are international intelligence operations- way over the head of a hapless- mind controlled drugged out Nick Gordon.

International Interviewer & Producer Daphne Barak Opened a Wide Window into the Lives of Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon
In September 2009, lawyers representing 16 Palestinians asked a London court to issue a “War Crimes” arrest warrant for its then Zionist defense minister, Ehud Barak, who was visiting Britain.[10]
Israeli Freemasons, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu served under Barak in one of his special elite Israel Defense Force’s units in the early 1970s.[11]

“The Illuminist/Masonic meaning of the X is simply this: It is the sign of Osiris, the great (Egyptian) sun God…” —Texe Marrs, Dark Majesty[12]
Ehud Barak, a Freemason chosen Prime Minister of Israel in 1999, with his wife, Nava. This is a very staged “X.”
Also significant is Nava’s earring, which has the emblem of the Masonic
double-headed eagle. (Photo: Time magazine, May 31, 1999, p. 64)[13]
The sign, or letter X, has a long history of use in the Ancient Mystery
Religions, in apostate Judaism, in Freemasonry, and in the occult. The
Illuminati elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark
significant events.[14]
Daphne Barak in Bani Gala, Islamabad– Exposed Internationally as a secret Israeli agent, the Sister of Israeli Freemason Defense Minister Ehud Barak- Former Israeli Mossad Chief [15] For about 15 months, Nick and Bobbi Kristina had been behind the wing of Daphne Barak under the cover of an independent producer under the ruse to have Bobbi Kristina narrate a film concentrating on her late mother.[16] For over a year prior to Bobbi Kristina’s drug induced-drowning, the DEVIL in the DETAILS, Daphne Barak, kept them under her false confidence while behind the scene producing the play, writing the script and directing the players. She had been their secret Israeli Freemason Mossad Case Officer.

“To me, Bobbi Kristina is sweet, intelligent and
compassionate. But she is a little girl lost without the mother she
adored – and probably copied.” –Daphne Barak [17]
Yea, Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon just like Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
did it to themselves. That was the objective of the play- deceive the
masses. One thing is clear is as a player acting out the script, Bobbi Kristina had been exposed to Iatrogenic Multiple Personality Disorder Programming and Reprogramming.
In 2012, the Enquirer claimed that Whitney Houston paid $49,000 for Bobbi Kristina to enter an outpatient program at Talbott Recovery in Atlanta. The paper claimed that the teen was allegedly admitted previously to a psychiatric ward at Peachford Hospital in Atlanta.[18] At least one victim of “Ritual Satanic Abuse” claimed in a lawsuit that Peachford was a related covert CIA MK-ULTRA mind control and brainwashing center.[19] Undoubtedly, Nick is also a CIA/MONARCH/MK ULTRA multiple personality dissociated player through secret multi- generational programming of Whitney Houston’s direct family associates.The stage for the Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon Play takes place on the grounds of Rowell, 20 miles north of Atlanta. Roswell is the sixth largest city in Georgia. In 2010, Roswell had a population of 88,346. The racial and ethnic composition of the population was 74.7% White, 11.7% Black. [20] Bobbie Kristina and Nick Gordon moved into the high security Ellard townhouse complex in Roswell sometime after June 2013.[21] Roswell is where the DEVIL and Knight Templars/Freemasons have ruled since human bondage in America.
American Slavery: Where SATAN Rules
In regards to Slavery in America, my ancestors speak. My father’s blood was in the Deep South, Marion and Pike County,
Mississippi. There, they toiled the black earth along one of the
branches of the mighty Mississippi River on the plantation of Hugh Bullock. Their faith was tied to the designs of King Charles I of England (1629-1649). Charles was the 2nd son of James VI of Scotland (James 1 of England) and Anne of Denmark. Charles believed in his “Divine Right as King and “Absolute Rule.” In 1629, he abolished parliament and ruled England, Scotland and Ireland by himself. [22] King Charles I was in the House of Stuart (Stewart). He was a descendant of Robert, the Bruce.[23] Hugh Bullock of Mississippi was the descendant of Captain Hugh Bullock,
Hugh Bullock was a planter, merchant councilor and man of considerable importance. He was the owner of the Ship “Endeavor” in March 29, 1628 … Hugh appears in the official records of Virginia as a member of the Kings [Charles I] Council as early as December 1631, where the records indicate he was a Burgess and Member of the Assembly for the Colony of Virginia from York County (Colonial Virginia … [H]e was an influential man with considerable property in England and Virginia. On March 12,
1634, at James City Virginia, Hugh was granted 2,550 acres of land on Pocosin, “Southeast of Otter Pond,” in York County … “[24]

Get Behind Me, SATAN
For whatever reasons, my father’s family remained particularly respectfully close to the family of Hugh Bullock from bondage, Civil War through Reconstruction to the early 20th Century. My father’s blood remained primarily African “Regal Black.” My great grandfather was the “Notorious Jake Bullock.” They spoke of him as being regal black with long straight black hair like a raven.My great-great grandfather was “Big John Bullock.” In 1870, he and his younger brother James was living next door to plantation owner Hugh Bullock. What was particularly strange about Big John was a “white child” was listed residing with him and my great-great grandmother Ellen Bullock. An experienced genealogist say this was extremely unusual and an extraordinary event in that in the Deep South, a census taker was unusually a local that was extremely familiar with the families and customs of a rural agrarian society like Marion-Pike County. During that time, if the census taker found a white child with a black family, the local would always not fail to identify the child’s rightful family and list that child with his family. That’s why I call him, Big John. He had to have been a “Man of Great Respect.”
As of this date, I have found no family folklore or legends passed down about Big John. I have no information when he or Ellen may have died. He appears in the 1870 and 1880 U.S. Censuses then vanquish from the records of the State of Mississippi. However, my father passed down to my sister the legend that had been passed down from his father, Big Papa- John Bullock, that his ancestors ruled the destiny of their people through a “Council of Elders.” Any problems that developed between the races, the whites appealed through the council, they acted to exact punishment or revenge in all the righteousness they knew. My father also passed down the legend from his father that there were certain parts of the swamp where “no white man” could trespass no matter the circumstances.
In other worlds, a Dr. Phil and his posse couldn’t ride into my father’ father domain behind the Hand of SATAN to seize anyone. He had to appeal to the elders. If it was appropriate, right and just, the elders would deliver the subject for specialized help, and watch over the situation. Who is watching over Nick Gordon?

I was raised within my mother’s inner family. While an infant, the U.S. Navy through Project CHATTER fried my father’s brain from repetitive electrical shocks that had once reduced him to a virtual vegetable state. Growing up, I wasn’t very close to him. During the 1960s, his father, John Bullock, made a rare visit to the California Bay Area from Arkansas/Louisiana. It hadn’t really occurred to me that my father had a father. I knew most all of his brothers and sisters, but his father and family history in his birthplace, Mississippi, was a big mystery to me. One day, my mother told me that Big John, my grandfather was in town not far away from home. She said most respectfully, “you ought to go see him.”
My mother seemed to have had a great deal of respect for him. So, I was mostly curious about the man. One day, I went to meet him. It turned into a surprising opportunity, one on one, sit down and talk with Big Papa John Bullock in this late sixties born in the 19th Century. He stood about 6 foot 3 or 4. He wasn’t quite the “Regal Black” that folklore said his father had been, but was still silky smooth black. He was still lean, mean and muscle. Big Papa had a left glass eye. His hands were huge with one or two missing fingers on each hand that he said he lost at a saw mill. Legend and family folklore had it that you didn’t mess with his particular man either, “papa didn’t take no mess– no mess.” My aunt, his second eldest daughter, told me about Big Papa and his Shotgun. You could also tell that he once had been a rock of a man. It was like reading a part of my human blueprint out of another era and dimension that I wasn’t sure what it all meant during that time in my life.
My mother’s blood was also in the Deep South, Morehouse Parish, Louisiana. The Hutchinson(s) were mixed of African, Native American and maybe Irish blood- life forces. They appeared to have shared absolutely no family relations, ties or folklore to their former enslavers after the abolishment of slavery. Morehouse Parish was a brutal place of indescribable horror and unspeakable human suffering and terror for African folk. It was Ku Klux Klan (Dragon) lynching ground. Like reliving a terrorizing event that permanently spook her life, my mother once talked about living through a lynching as a little girl as if the earth shook- it opened up and she felt the fire and the breathe from HELL.
From my mother’s paternal blood- after the abolishment of Slavery, the Blueford(s), migrated someplace out of Alabama or GEORGIA. Things were so bad there that even today they still can’t talk about the HELL they came out of.
Some of that fear out of the HELL, the Deep South, and my father’s secret faith in Oakland, CA with Project CHATTER shaped my early life from almost infancy. Due to my mother’s deep fear, I couldn’t enter the Deep South until my beloved passed to the other side. Passed down from my ancestors on the side of the Hutchinson(s), they spoke of Slavery as “Living in the Other World,” that I say was the “World Ruled by SATAN.”

Our elders out of Deep South always taught us, when it goes to SATAN and the DEVIL. Turn from him, run and don’t look back. After sitting down with Big Papa, I met Brother Huey P. Newton. I began to understand what Big Papa represented to me, and Huey and Brother Bobby’s Black Panther Party Ten–Point Program in a world filled with fanatical Unforgivable Blackness. We Want Freedom. We Want POWER To Determine The DESTINY Of Our Black Community. Brother Huey said that “POWER” grows out of the “BARREL OF A GUN.” As a Man-Child, I suddenly stopped running- Get Behind Me, SATAN.
State of GEORGIA & Roswell, Where SATAN Rules

The state of GEORGIA is named after United England and Ireland, King George II, out of Germany.[25] The city of Roswell has it own unique signature in American History and HELL on earth. It was founded by Revolutionary War veteran, Roswell King. He was born in 1765 in New England, Windsor, Connecticut. Windsor was the first English settlement in the state.[26]
Roswell King & the Institution of Africa Bondage

Roswell King was an American businessman, industrialist and planter- an African enslaver. Behind Roswell King delves a complex of the world’s ultra secret societies, and some of history’s greatness purveyors of EVIL, violence and inhumanity (African Bondage) that continues even today to threaten the order and peace of the universe.
King had been the manager of Major Pierce Butler’s rice and cotton plantations on Butler and St. Simon islands, Georgia, where he worked until 1820. The plantations covered hundreds of acres on each island. A total of 500 Africans was forced to labor on the two plantations. King also owned a plantation and numerous Africans worked it in Darien, where he became a major manager of the Bank of Darien.[27]
Major Pierce Butler, African Bondage & the Knights Templar

Major Pierce Butler (July 11, 1744 – February 15, 1822) was a soldier, planter, and statesman, recognized as one of United States’ Founding Fathers. He represented South Carolina in the Continental Congress, the 1787 Constitutional Convention and the U.S. Senate.[28]
Major Pierce Butler was born at Ballintemple (Town of the Church (Temple))in Ireland. Lewis’s Topographical Dictionary of Ireland states that, in 1837, there was at Ballintemple “the ruins of an old church, beautifully situated on the margin of the River Slaney”. All the signs suggest that the original temple at Ballintemple belonged to the Knights Templar.[29]

Ballintemple had been a Knights Templar sanctuary since about 1169. During King Philip and the Pope Clement V’s inquisition of the Knights Templar, many fled underground or joined the army of Robert the Bruce in Scotland where they would go on to play a pivotal role in securing an epic victory for the Scots over the English at Bannockburn in 1315.[30]
Roswell King, Thomas Spaulding, African Bondage

Rowell’s Bank of Darien in Georgia was founded by Thomas Spaulding. Spaulding is a place name in the fens of south Lincolnshire, derived originally from the Spalding tribe (clan) who lived there. Spalding appeared as a place name as Spallinge in the Domesday book of 1086 and Spalding is in the Lincolnshire survey of 1115 and as a surname as Spalding in 1273. There was a Spalding clan in Scotland, taking its name from the Lincolnshire village of Spalding. The first of this clan was the Peter de Spalding who helped the Scottish supporters of Robert the Bruce take Berwick from the English in 1318. As a reward, he was granted lands in Forfarshire (now Angus). Prominent in later generations were the Spaldings of Ashintully in Perthshire. However, in the 1700’s this family followed the Jacobite (Stuart) cause, lost their lands, and dispersed. Some of these Spaldings ended up in Georgia and Jamaica. Others had earlier departed for Sweden and Pomerania in Germany.[31]
The Scots Spalding connection in America began in 1760 when James Spalding came over to the new colony of Georgia and set up a trading post. He had an eventful Revolutionary War. “When war broke out he was jailed for a week by the patriots who made him pay a large sum of money to let him go and promise not to return to Georgia. He fled to St. Augustine in Florida but returned to Georgia once the British retook Savannah.”
His son, Thomas, who settled on Sapelo island is related to the ROMAN CATHOLIC Spauldings of St. Mary’s County, Maryland. Rowell’s Scottish cousin and benefactor at Bank of Darien, Thomas Spaulding, was also a large scale African enslaver that operated large cotton plantations and was active in Georgia local politics between 1800 and 1850.[32]
Robert the Bruce, Knights Templar& Freemasons

In America, the King/Butler/Spaulding Clans were directly associated with powerful wealthy covert combinations of Irish/Scottish Clans directly associated with Robert the Bruce and the hidden Orders of Knights Templar and Freemasons. These Clans were deeply imbedded in the roots of colonial states of the east, and the antebellum slavery states of the south.
Robert the Bruce (1274 –1329), had been excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church and papal authority did not apply in Scotland. This meant that the Knights Templar had sanctuary from the reaches of the Pope in Scotland.[33] Robert the Bruce was at war with England and was pleased to have the expertise of such battle qualified, powerful, wealthy and secret knights in his army and it is believed that the Knights Templar were integral in the defeat of the English at the battle of Bannockburn. Robert the Bruce is often credited with forming the FREEMASONS as a means to hide the fact that there were Knights Templar present in his army.[34]
In The Temple and The Lodge, by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, Robert the Bruce upon his death requested that his heart be removed and taken to Jerusalem to be buried in the Knights Templar Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Robert the Bruce’s heart was transported by the Grand Master of the Scottish Templars, Sir William Sinclair, to Jerusalem. In Spain, Robert the Bruce’s heart was thrown into a battle against the Moors.[35]
According to The Temple and The Lodge and other Masonic literature, Robert the Bruce was also well-connected to the Satanic Merovingian Bloodline.[36]
Robert the Bruce, Antichrist & the Blood Sacrifice

Today, the secret Satanic Merovingian Bloodline circles play an important part in the secret Anti-Christ conspiracy and movement to return the Satanic Merovingian Bloodlines to world domination. Their belief system will be partly based on Celtic religion which Robert the Bruce’s descendants and JACOBITES are seeking to restore includes Satanic Ritual Human Blood Sacrifice that some believe brought Robert the Bruce to power.[37] In Europe, Ritual Human Blood Sacrifice for Luciferian power, fortune and wealth never ended. It went underground as the Roman Catholic Black Mass ultimately becoming an important part of ILLUMINATI secret ritual ceremonies, and the Ninth Satanic Circle.
Roswell King & Ancestral Links to Sir Francis Bacon, Rosicrucians and ARCADIA

Together with his son, Barrington King, above, Roswell founded Roswell Manufacturing Company in the Georgia Piedmont, establishing a cotton mill and industrial complex. They co-founded the town of Roswell, Georgia, inviting friends to be part of its community and the mill’s development in the 1830s.[38]

Roswell’s 1800s Presbyterian Church has no
Crosses. It’s Column Tower Match the Style of Knight Templar’s Church
Column Towers and Structures of Ancient Europe.
He brought in a Master Freemason, Willis Ball, out of Windsor to design and build their homes and Presbyterian Church in the Gothic (Knights Templar)- Greek classical architectural tradition.[39] In 1839, Roswell brought in Scottish Freemasons to build cotton mill workers’ brick housing structures.[40]
Rowell’s father, Captain Timothy King (1727-1812), had been an early New England/Windsor settler on a land grant to the son or nephew of a contemporary of Rosicrucian Sir Francis Bacon (Shakespeare) in London, Elizabethan Lord Mayor of London and Knight, Sir Richard Saltonstall (1586-1661).[41 Elizabethan Knights like Sir Saltonstall were used to accomplish conspiracies and schemes in distant countries and foreign lands. However, their main job was to lead armies on wars and protect their fellow countrymen.[42]

Sun King Louis XIV
King’s grandfather, Captain John King of Roscommon, Ireland, founded Northampton, Mass in 1655. Captain John King was a key military commanding officer of Northampton involved in the 1689 French- Indian wars against Sun King Louis XIV of France (1638- 1715) for ARCADIA and the supremacy of New England.[43]King Louis XIV & the Holy Grail of the Knights Templar

Nicolas Poussin (1594 –1665) was the leading painter of the classical French Baroque style. He spent most of his working life in Rome. Poussin’s genius was recognized only by small circles of collectors. In the two decades following his death, a particularly large collection of his works was amassed by Louis XIV.[44]

Poussin’s The Arcadian Shepherds was commissioned in 1638 by Giulio Rospigliosi (the future Pope Clement IX). The Arcadian Shepherds was acquired by Louis XIV in 1685, and has remained in Paris ever since.[45] Poussin is said to have been a member of the Priory of Sion, an Order of the Knights Templar and The Arcadian Shepherds is said to hold secrets about Knights Templar’s hidden treasures, the Holy Grail and Arc of the Covenant, taken by the Knights from the Holy Land.[46]
Pope Clement IX & the Holy Grail of the Knights Templar

Search for the Holy Grail- Popes Clement IX & Clement V
Often the new pontiff’s choice of name upon being elected to the
papacy is seen as a signal to the world of who the new pope will
emulate, what policies he will seek to enact. One of his most important
predecessors in this case had been Pope Clement V that arrested and prosecuted the Knights Templars in 1307, but also failed to discover the Holy Grail or their troves of holy treasures like the Arc of the Covenant out of the East.[47] The Satanic European Royalty, Knights Temple, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Holy Roman Catholics and their elite oligarchies are all secretly related to their implanted unholy cousins in America that even reached all the way into Antebellum Roswell.Roswell, Civil War & France

During the Civil War, Roswell Mills were best known for their role in producing supplies for the Confederacy. They made “Roswell Gray” fabric to be sewed into Confederate military uniforms.[48]

In June 1864, during General William Tecumseh Sherman and Union forces’ infamous march to the sea, they descended on the Rowell Confederate Slave Cotton Enclave. A French National named Thepohile Roche raised FRENCH FLAGS of neutrality over Roswell. He was no employee of Barrington King. Roche was a secret Knights Templar and or a French attaché- international espionage agent of Napoleon III or the Vatican brought to Roswell by Barrington King.[49]
General Sherman wasn’t going for that. He ordered the arrest of everyone associated with the Roswell Ivy Cotton Mill complex for TREASON including Theophile la Roche. He was somehow liberated from Union Forces and escaped to Paris, FRANCE before he could be fully interrogated and became an international incident.[50]
Barrington King and most all of the King Clan of Roswell escaped capture, because most all of them were behind enemy lines part of the Confederate Army in active combat against U.S. Union Forces opposing the abolition of African Slavery. Oran’s Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as “…[a]… citizen’s actions to help a foreign government overthrow … or seriously injure the [parent nation].”[51] Nobody in the Roswell international incident was prosecuted for TREASON. [52]
The ROSWELL BUNCH, Bobbi Kristina, Nick Gordon, MK ULTRA, Drugs, Mossad & Murder
If you have lived in the South, it doesn’t take long to realize that blood runs thick there over generations. Bobbi Kristina and Nick’s “Roswell Bunch” circle of Southern drug pushers, MK ULTRA handlers, enforcers and script actors are by and large local white second amendment neo-confederates most likely secretly tied to local multi- generational Confederates, freemasons and law enforcement officials. These are some of the “Roswell Bunch” cast of characters in the Deadly Bobbie Kristina and Nick Gordon Play.
James Russell “Rusty” Grant, Roswell Chief of Police

Roswell’s Good Ole Boy Police Chief Rusty
Rusty is no lame back woods Georgia country boy. He is a retired Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI) special drug enforcement agent that supervised over 60 agents. He is a member of the FBI National Academy Associates. He is the executive board secretary of the National Alliance of State Drug Enforcement Agencies. He was instrumental in development and implementation of the Intelligence Operation Center for the 2004 G-8 Summit. He
developed and led implementation of executive protection details for
the 1988 Democratic National Convention, cooperating with the Secret
Service to maintain optimal security and provide protection.[53] The 1988 National Convention of the U.S. Democratic Party was held at The Omni in Atlanta, Georgia from July 18–July 21, 1988 that nominated Greek Orthodox Church Governor Mike Dukakis of Massachusetts and Senator Lloyd Bentsen as President and Vice President to run against former Bohemian Luciferian Pagan CIA Chief George Hebert Walker Bush.[54]
The G8 is an unofficial forum which brings together the heads of major world powers: Germany, FRANCE, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, the United States, and Canada (all since 1976) the EU Commission (since 1981) and Russia (until March 2014). When the other seven countries decided to hold the 40th such meeting without Russia, the media dubbed it the 40th G7 summit.[55]
The European royalty- who are all related to each other are the vertex of the global oligarchy. Currently, the Bilderberg group is the main European royalty main organizational hub for coordinating their global government agenda and most powerful organization on earth. The G8 Summit was founded by members of the Rhodes Round Table groups and the Nazi/SS Bilderberg Group. Cecil Rhodes’ goal was to create a world ruled by the British Crown.[56] That’s some extremely deep stuff for a local Georgia boy to be involved in if you know what I mean! Under the veil in Roswell, Chief “Rusty” is part of the ultra secret international Luciferian guardian security network. In the case of Bobbi Kristina, someone is bound to hoist the French Flag to the Ninth Satanic Circle then everything is going to shut down.

MASON WHITAKER, Calvinist, Neo Confederate Second Amendment Gun Advocate, Drug Pusher

“We are gun collectors. We live in the South. We have the right to Bare Arms.”
MASON WHITAKER of the “Roswell Bunch” plays the part as a MK ULTRA handler and drug pusher. I don’t think that it is a coincidence that he is the “MASON” of the bunch.
Mason’s posted assault weapon.
He was with Bobbi Kristina, Nick and Max the
morning before they found Bobbi Kristina drowned from most likely a drug
overdose. He is a gun and weapons collector. He is most likely a multi-generational freemason, neo-confederate, second amendment rights right advocate. Mason Whitaker calls himself Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon’s BFF (Best Friend). He has posted several photos of himself with Bobbi Kristina during her drug-addicted past few years. The 23-year-old pleaded guilty in 2010 for possession of marijuana and other narcotics with intent to distribute. He was Gordon’s passenger last year when he lost control of and crashed his BMW in Roswell.[57]MAX LOMAS, Gun Collector and Drug Pusher

Lomas’ Assault Rifle and Guns
MAX LOMAS of the “Roswell Bunch” also plays the part as a MK ULTRA
handler and drug pusher. There appears to be little to no public
background information available about this character even though he is a
central figure in the Bobbi Kristina case. He is also most likely a multi-generational freemason neo-confederate second amendment rights right advocate. He was an ex of Bobbi Kristina’s and was with Gordon when he found her in the tub on Jan. 31. Weeks earlier, Lomas was in jail on multiple charges after allegedly drugging and holding his girlfriend hostage. In 2011, he got into a wild fight with Gordon and Bobbi Kristina – who was just 18 at the time. He repeatedly punched her friend, Justin Walls, in the face, while Gordon waved a Glock 9 mm handgun in the air.[58]CORY BEN-HANANIA, SEBASTIAN ANDRADE- Foreign Agent Assassins

CORY BEN-HANANIA of the “Roswell Bunch” is a MK ULTRA Enforcer. He is an ISRAELI AGENT. The name Ben-Hanania is associated with the ancient 1st Century High Priest of the Judea Temple in Jerusalem.[59] Cory deposed of Bobbi Kristina’s Black school friend ,Chelsea, by injecting her with pure heroin.[60] After killing his so-called “best friend” Chelsea, he stashed the heroin syringes in her shirt and car. An agency aided him to flee U.S. justice inside Israel.[61] Cory was a publicly known misfit and incorrigible youth since 16 years old.[62] He had no job or known source of income. Even his parents, Robert and Sandra Ben-Hanania don’t appear to have any publicly listed jobs or source of income, but appear to have enough money to purchase homes, [63] fly across country and pay for youth intervention programs.[64]
The normal procedure to enter Israel from the U.S. is that you get a valid passport to stay for up to three months without a vista.[65] As a fugitive from justice, who had the power to arrange his passport, airline bookings, and passage through Israeli customs? Who financed Cory’s round-trip flight and at least a three-month stay in Israel? The Mossad. Inside Israel, I suspect that he was aided by a Zionist IDF Soldier, Dani Margolis of Eco Tours in Irsael.[66]
Cory’s defense attorney, J. Thomas Salata, is an Eastern European multi-generational ROMAN CATHOLIC that attends Saint Brendan’s the Navigator Catholic Church in Cummings, GA.[67] Cory may or may not be currently in prison in Georgia for a pled bargained involuntary manslaughter/reckless conduct for slaying Chelsea.

His accomplice, Sebastian Andrade, not sure what hole or country he crawled out of. He looks like no 20 year old. Andrade arranged the purchase of the deadly heroin through his drug criminal connections. He pled guilty to a single count of Concealing the Death of Another and was sentenced to JUST FIVE YEARS PROBATION.[68]

PAIGE THOMPSON & ALEXIS NORWOOD of the “Roswell Bunch” are most likely also MK ULTRA multi-generational freemason neo-confederate drug addict Watchers. Paige Thompson, 43 or 44 years old, loved to post photos of her BFFs Gordon and Bobbi Kristina, until police raided her home and found heroin. Paige has been disposed of. She is currently in prison in Texas for possession of heroin with intent to distribute.

Alexis Norwood, Paige’s daughter with Bobbi Kristina (Devil Horns), was also busted in 2013 for heroin possession. A nurse who was treating her injuries related to a car accident called the cops after finding a bag of suspected heroin in her bra.[69]
SHEBLY DERRINGTON, Bobbi Kristina’s Friend Mysterious Death

SHEBLY DERRINGTON, 20 years old, of the “Roswell Bunch” maybe a “Watcher?” Her mother, Debbie Derrington, told a news source that her daughter was allegedly another one of Bobbie Kristina’s BFF. She said that Shelby returned home from college to befriend Bobbie Kristina after the death of Whitney Houston. Debbie said that her daughter reported that in 2014 that Bobbi Kristina kept a “bedroom shrine” to her late mother in their old Atlanta townhouse. Shelby mysteriously died August 2014 due to bleeding on her brain. Doctors didn’t find drugs in her system, but linked her death to a concussion she suffered in a traumatic car accident a year before. She may have been a true friend that wasn’t part of the script, and saw and knew too much truth about Bobbi Kristina and Nick to be allowed to live.[70]
CHELSEA IVANNA BENNETT, Bobbi Kristina’s Childhood Friend- MURDERED

Chelsea Ivanna Bennett, 20 years old, definitely didn’t have a part in the Daphne Barak’s play and script. Right now pending the fate of Bobbi Kristina, she is the only outright murder victim tied directly to the Roswell Bunch. Chelsea had been Bobbi Kristina’s friend since childhood. She lived in Johns Creek. Johns Creek is bounded by Roswell to the west and south, Alpharetta to the northwest, Forsyth County.[71]
Mason, Nick and Chelsea
Contrary to media reports, Chelsea was not a drug abuser. She was from a stable, loving and supportive Christian family and local Baptist church. Chelsea was a beautiful upstanding young lady with a bright future. On March 3, 2014, she was removed from the Bobbie Kristina and Nick Gorgon play by cold blood homicide. She was assassinated by a heroin overdose. Heroin was also used to deliberately injure and taint her reputation in the community. Chelsea was not a heroin addict.[72]Chelsea had been taken or lured to the “Roswell Bunch” home of Cory Ben-Hanania in Alpharetta, then viciously injected with a lethal dose of pure heroin by Hanania and Sebastian Andrade. They deliberately left her on the floor of one of the bedrooms of the home for about 10 hours to make sure she didn’t recover.[73]Contrary to media reports, it was neither Hanania nor Andrade that called 9-11. It was Hanania’s brother that found the body and called police after Chelsea‘s family called the home searching for her. Hanania and Andrade, both 20 years old at the time, fled the state. They weren’t arrested until July, 2014 when both returned to Georgia. In other words, they were allowed enough time to be debriefed and reprogrammed, then given a script about Chelsea‘s death to shield them from first degree murder.[74]
Chelsea was slain- murdered in cold blood. She had been Bobbi Kristina’s long closest special and true friend from childhood. Chelsea possessed too much inside forbidden knowledge about the Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon play and Roswell Bunch to be allowed to live.

If Bobbie Kristina suffered a seizure in the bathtub from a drug overdose, they had their main suspect there at the scene, Maxwell Lomas, above, that should’ve been arrested then and there. Two weeks before the incident, Maxwell Lomas had been busted by Roswell PD for possession of marijuana and alprazolam (better known as addictive prescription drug Xanax) with intent to distribute, and possession of a firearm.[75] Marijuana and Xanax are two drugs that Bobbie Kristina was alleged to be abusing. It was this alleged drug pusher, Maxwell Lomas, that found Bobbie Kristina unconscious in her bathtub.[76] Yet, neither the Brown or Houston family members dare to mention his name. Even, LEOLA BROWN, too.[77]

J. Tom Morgan, Georgia’s SUPER Lawyer
Figure this out. Lomas is represented by two very powerful Georgia defense lawyers. They are J. Tom Morgan, the former Dekalb County District Attorney for about a dozen years, and his right-hand man, John Petrey, former Dekalb County Assistant District Attorney for 26 years. That’s quite a team of SUPER, expensive, top notch- hard hitting attorneys for an alleged small town gun touting drug pusher.[78]
Mr. Nice Guy- Public Citizen, Max Lomas and Former 26 yr. Dekalb Asst. DA John Petrey
These Super lawyers are re-imaging Lomas as the public’s friendly innocent white bystander while Gordon is the “Big Black Brute.” If Lomas was so “devastated” about his friend Bobbi Kristina’s tragedy as his Super lawyers seem will attest to the masses, why is Max so happy and smiling about it? The Super lawyers are working on getting Max Lomas immunity to put Nick Gordon behind bars. Reportedly, Lomas has already told the police that he saw Nick Gordon wiping up blood. 79
Earlier, Mr. Nice Guy- Public Citizen expressed his opinion about what he generally thought about his so-called best friends, Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon. The neo-confederate wasn’t so devastated, caring or NICE!

What is strange about Bobbi Kristina’s case is that the entertainment industry would usually rally behind a young innocent 22 year old young sister struggling to survive in the limelight of a recently departed musical industry icon and superstar like Whitney Houston. But, there seems to be unnaturally so little support for Bobbi Kristina in the entertainment industry even on the fridge of death. For instance, LL Cool J won’t comment at all on Bobbi Kristina, but he publicly admires Cultist Pop Star MADONA raising her black adopted kids in world of Angels, DEMONS and fallen Angels, Jewish Mysticism– KABBALISM.[80]

Whitney’s TV Biopic director, Angela Bassett confesses, “I do try to keep my ear open to what some of the developments are.”[81] Other than that, she/he is completely dissociated from Bobbie Kristina.[82] Bobbi Kristina exposed Angela Bassett as a secret transgender, but it was after Bassett said some very unnecessary and unkind things about her young acting career in a national publication.

Early Very Strange Photo of Angela Bassett with a Man’s Adam Apple Equipment and MK ULTRA Sex Kitten Pattern
Another notable public disassociation from Bobbie Kristina comes from Beyonce and Jay-Z. They seem to have no concern or comment at all about the tragedy and fate of Bobbie Kristina.
Of course, a legitimate question exists- what does of this have to do
with now, and the 21st Century music industry. I say that it’s all
related to same clandestine ILLUMINATI/Satanic blood covenant circles as above. Let’s start with Jay Z and Beyonce.
Where SATAN Rules: Jay Z & the Holy Grail/Magna Carta

Jay Z & the Magna Carta, Holy Grail
Basically, the Knights Templar were behind the Barons and King John signing the Magna Carta in 1215, thanks to the efforts of Aymeric de St Maur, the Templar’s Grand Master in England and King John’s closest advisor. The Magna Carta curtailed many powers of the monarchy to increase the Templar’s secret agenda of European/North American expansion and domination.[85]
Recall, it was South Carolina U.S. Senator Major Pierce Butler out of Ireland that Roswell King first worked in African Human Bondage apprenticeship in the state of Georgia. Butler‘s ancestor was Sir (Knight) Pierce Butler, who succeeded, in 1516, as eighth Earl of Ormond, lord high treasurer of Ireland in 1524. He was a descendant of the rich Knights Templar Barons that forced the hand of King John to sign the Magna Carta.[86] At least since the 12th Century, the Earls of Ormond were establishments of the Butlers, the Knights Templars and then to the Knights Hospitallers.[87]
On March 24, 1787, Major Pierce Butler was certainly associated with Master Masons Charles Pinckney and John Rutledge of the Ancient Masons of South Carolina.[88] It was Pinckney and Butler that introduced the Fugitive Slave Clause to the U.S. Constitution. In 1779, the High Knights Templar of Ireland Lodge, Kilwinning, obtained a charter from Lodge Mother Kilwinning in Scotland. This lodge began to grant dispensations to other lodges to confer the Knights Templar Degree.[89] The Rutledge and the Pinckney families were multi- generational Master Masters of the Union Kilwinning Lodge, No. 4 in Charleston, SC that is directly related to the Knights Templar of Ireland.[90]
Major Pierce Butler was one of the secret Knights Templar in the 1791 Constitutional Congress that inserted the Magna Carta into the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. Also, I don’t believe it was any coincidence that (Baron) Butler joined the British Army for a tour of duty in ARCADIA– Nova Scotia (New Scotland) to serve in the French-Indian Wars to take control of ARCADIA from the French in 1758.[91]
In 1758, the magnificently fortified French Fort Louisburg in ARCADIA was overtaken by 10,000 troops of the British Army led by Lord Jeffrey Amherst. The funds to build Fort Louisbourg some link to Knights Temple treasures. Many also believe that the fort maintained Oak Island as a repository of Knights Templar and Scottish Roman Catholic treasures and artifacts out of the holy land.
Port Royal, ARCADIA Up from Oak Island Plays an Important Role in Beyonce’ French Bloodline
Butler‘s father, Sir Richard Butler, 5th Baronet of Cloughgrenan, and a member of the Irish parliament purchased Pierce a commission in His Majesty’s 22th Foot Regiment of the British Army that invaded French ARCADIA and Nova Scotia. In 1758, Butler and the 22nd Foot formed part of Lord Jeffrey Amherst’s expedition against the fortress of Louisbourg. Lord Amherst was a Master Mason of the Irish Grand Lodge linked directly to William St. Clair of Roslyn. Lord Amherst chartered the first Masonic lodge in America. When the British forces led by Scottish and Irish Freemasons took Fort Louisbourg, the Irish/Scottish Knights Templar and Freemasons secretly removed whatever treasure left at the fort in ARCADIA that had not been removed to Oak Island. Now, you can understand how Major Pierce Butler suddenly became wealthy enough to expand African Human Bondage into Georgia.ARCADIA, Goat God Pan & Knights of Malta

This image is solely my creation identifying and associating Jay Z with the Greek God PAN. Above, Pan teaches his eromenos, the Shepherd Daphinis, to play the pipes. The statute is a 100 BC copy of a Greek original found at Pompeii.[92] Pederasty in ancient Greece was a socially acknowledged erotic relationship between an adult male (the erastes) and a younger male (the eromenos) usually in his teens.[93] The Worship of Pan began in ARCADIA which was always the principal seat of his worship.[94]

The source image, above, for Jay Z‘s Magna Carta, Holy Grail is the sculpture Alpheus and Arethusa by Battista di Domenico Lorenzi (Italian, ca. 1527/28–1594) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.[95] Lorenzi known as the Baptist of the Knight was a student of Michelangelo’s chief competitor, Baccio Bandinelli. Bandinelli had been awarded Knight of Saint James by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (1500-1558) . The Knights Templar Order of St. James of the Sword , also known as the Knights Templar Order of Saint James of Compostela, as well as the Knights Templar Order of Santiago (Santiaguista) was born in the year 1175 in the Kingdom of Leon Spain. The Order of Santiago was a military and religious order with the original dual purpose to fight and drive back the Moors (Muslims) from the Iberian Peninsula as well as to protect the pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago on their ways to the sanctuary of Compostella.

2nd from the Left, Order of Saint James is one of the Military Orders of Knights Templar
According to the museum, the 16th century sculpture is a depiction of a Greek myth about the nymph Arethusa who is pursued by the river god Alpheus. In attempt to escape her pursuer, Diana [Goddess Artemis] transforms Arethusa into a stream [or a well ]. The fair nymph, Arethusa, was surprised while bathing in the river Alpheius in the Knights Templar/Rosicrucian Utopia- ARCADIA Ruled by God Pan. [96]The statue stood above a fountain in the (Baroncelli) villa Il Paradiso at Pian di Ripoli, near Florence, which belonged to Alamanno Bandini, Knight of Malta, Order of the Knights of Saint John, also known as Order of Saint John, Order of Hospitallers- Knights Templars of the crusades.[97] Bandini was a brother or close relative of Pierantonio Bandini, contemporary of Leonardo di Vinci, one of the wealthiest bankers of the Pazzi Bank in Florence tied to Vatican financing and the First Crusade. The Pazzi Bank were competitors to the infamous Medici Bank of Italy, the wealthiest Medici banking family of all Europe during that period. In fact , this rivalry came to a head on April 26, 1478 when the Pazzi, with the help of the Pope and Archbishop attempted to assassinate its rivals. The so-called PAZZI CONSPIRACY, most likely Knights Templar, failed assassination of the Medici brothers resulted in the death of another of Pierantonio’s relations – Bernardo di Bandino Baroncelli. And apparently, the 1471 hanging made a very special impression on Leonardo da Vinci, Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.

However, Pierantonio Bandini and Alamanno Bandini succeeded to manage the Medici Bank in Belgium Bruges, the capital of of the province of West Flanders, Flemish Region of Belgium.

Pierantonio Bandini and Wife Maria in “‘St. Catherine [DOMINICAN MYSTIC] of Bologna with Three Donors’ by the Baroncelli [Bandini]Master of Bruges”
I am quite sure that you are dumbfounded why Jay Z would be indoctrinating the Hip Hop Generation with ancient secret Luciferian Knights Temple/Rosicrucian occult riddles straight out of 16th Century Europe. Jay Z’s Magna Carta, Holy Grail
is deep stuff and hard to follow without some background in European
history, but he continues to subliminally slip into his so-called music
the secret history, religious beliefs, folklore, myths and legends of
the Knights Templar that have only meant Exploitation, Human Bondage and Death for Africans and the Masses . One thing is clear, Jay Z Ride the GOAT.
However, Jay Z’s persistent public indoctrination of the Baphomet and the secret Satanic Religious Beliefs, Myths and Symbolism of the Knights Templar lead me to suspect that he has been given some type of license by the order. Jay Z also may have been initiated into the Knights of Malta, or one of the masonic higher secret levels. Nevertheless, Jay Z is certainly on a mission for the secret order. They intend to emerge from the underground the “baddest and Maddest of the Bad and Mad” to rule the unknowing world in widespread bloodshed and destruction just like ancient times, and institute global “Modern Slavery” with LUCIFER as their god. In other words, you will ride the GOAT or DIE.
Beyonce, Blood Sacrifice & the Roman Catholics Mystery Schools
Lets go to Beyonce, the DOMINICAN Witch and Mystic. Beyonce Knowles attended St. Mary of the Purification Catholic Montessori School in Houston, TX. As a footnote, Sean “P. Diddy” Combs attended Mount Vernon Montessori School.[98]The Montessori Schools are basically “MYSTERY SCHOOLS.” The ultimate purpose of mystery schools is the evolution of the elite among man into superman via demonic possession along with the seduction that he will become omniscient.[99]“The pioneer of the altered attitude to education was Maria Montessori…whose vision of a race of Super children bordered on the apocalyptic. ‘The outcome…is the New Child [DESTINY CHILD], a superior being, giving promise of a New Humanity, with powers of mind and spirit hither to unsuspected.'”[100]

St. Mary of the Purification Catholic Montessori School is run by the Cult of the Sisters in the Spirit of St. Mary of the Purification.[101] The Purification of the Virgin Mary is a BLOOD SACRIFICE event described in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 2:22-40). According to the gospel, Mary and Joseph took the Infant Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem forty days (inclusive) after his birth to complete Mary’s Ritual Purification after childbirth, and to perform the redemption of the firstborn son, in obedience to the Torah (Leviticus 12, Exodus 13:12-15, etc.). Luke explicitly says that Joseph and Mary take the option provided for poor people (those who could not afford a lamb) (Leviticus 12:8), sacrificing “a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.” (Leviticus 12:1) -indicates that this event should take place forty days after birth for a male child, hence the Presentation is celebrated forty days after Christmas.[102]The other traditional names of the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin include Candlemas, and the Meeting of the Lord.[103]

In the occult, the celebration of the end of Purification of Mary is part of a Babylonian/Roman Lupercalia festival called, Oimbolc. Oimbolc celebrates mid-winter (the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox) and the return of the Sun. Beginning February 2nd candles were lit to welcome the sun and the women began their purification process for the upcoming fertility rites of spring. The Roman Catholic Church adopted this custom from Irish pagans who served the “goddess” whom they called “Brigit“.[104]
LUPERCALIA [the feast of Lupercus, the mighty wolf hunter] is an ancient Roman BLOOD SACRIFICE (human- highest sacrifice) celebration of Lupercalia held in honor of Lupercus, the deified great hunter of Rome. This celebration also included worship of the goddess of fertility, Venus.[105] Lupercus is the god of shepherds. The Greeks called Lupercus by the name of “PAN.” In the Middle East, Pan was called “Baal“.[106] PAN is the guardian god of ARCADIA.
Where SATAN Rules, Beyonce, Tina Knowles & New Orleans
Agnèz Deréon, Delcambre & the Broussards
Beyonce’s family roots lies about 2 hours just outside of New Orleans among French ROMAN CATHOLICS. Her mother, Tina Knowles,
recalls that her mother made altar boy robes and other garments for the
church so that she and her siblings could attend Catholic schools.[107]Cajun is Short for ARCADIAN[108]

Tina’s mother, Agnèz Deréon (1909- 1984), was a dressmaker married to Lumis Albert Beyincé. Agnèz was born in Delcambre, a town near the city of New Iberia, LA. Agnèz was the daughter of Eugène Gustave “Eugenie” DeRouen and Odilia BROUSSARD, daughter of Josephine Lesser (Creole ancestry, who was quarter African American) and Eloni Rosemond “Rene” BROUSSARD (white French CAJUN).[109]
Tina Knowles, Stolen Spirits, the Dominican Order & ARCADIA

Beyonce’s mother, Tina Knowles, recalled her experience as a 5 (five) year old ” indigent servant” in a Roman Catholic Church that she said tried to take her “spirit.”[110] “The nuns picked on us a lot, my family. I didn’t understand at the time but I did the altar clothes. She [mother] did the altar boys’ uniforms. She worked for the nuns. My dad chauffeured the nuns around. My brothers cleaned the school yard.”[111]

Tina and her family attended the Holy Rosary Catholic Church and School in Galveston, TX. The nuns that she speak of that mistreated and tried to take her “spirit” were the Cult of Sisters of the Dominican Order.[112]
Saint Dominic, Cathars & the Knights Templar

The founder of the Dominican Order was a Roman Catholic religious fanatic, Saint Domingo Félix de Guzmán (1170 – August 6, 1221).[113] In 1215, when the Magna Carta was sealed by King John of England, the Bishop of Toulouse offered the use of a house and church in Toulouse to Domingo Félix de Guzmán, and it was there that the original Dominican order was founded.[114] Saint Dominic had a great to do with the tales of the Knights Templars, Magna Carta and the Holy Grail. He was one of the leaders that brutally persecuted and mass murdered the Cathars, the “Pure Ones” in Southern France with the king armies, and Knights Templar loyal to Roman Catholic Church.[115]

The Cathars was a popular Gnostic Christian Religious Sect that claimed a higher and “Pure” Christian knowledge than the materialistic Vatican and Roman Catholics. Saint Dominic had numerous debates with Cathars. He burned their books along with the Roman Catholic books. Myth is their books burned while his works were delivered from the fire. Over at least 100 years earlier, the Cathars had been the driving force behind the original formation of the Knights Templar.[116] Many of the leaders of the Cathars had been Knights Templar during the early crusades. They were suspected of possessing secret troves of treasures and valuable artifacts from the East. One of the artifacts that they possessed was believed to be the HOLY GRAIL, and maybe even the Arc of the Covenant.[117]

Saint Dominic was the Vatican’s first inquisitor-general of the 20-year military Albigensian Crusade or Cathar Crusade (1209–1229) initiated by Pope Innocent III to eliminate Catharism in the Languedoc district of France. The fanatical Saint Dominic along with the Magna Carta Roman Catholic Knights Templar led the torture and slaughter of the Cathars throughout old Europe, but failed to discover the location of their treasures and Christian ancient relics, and the HOLY GRAIL.[118]

Saint Dominic had the Cathars gathered together wherever they were found, and burned to death and mass murdered them by the tens of thousands. If these Roman Catholic fanatics slaughtered and mass murdered their own people over religious doctrine, what more would they do to Africans and African descendants that they considered to be “inferior creatures”. In French New Orleans and Louisiana, the first bishop of New Orleans and the brother of a French Master Freemason, Bishop Louis-Guillaume-Valentin Dubourg, enslaved Africans. The Jesuits, Capuchins, Uruslines, and the DOMINICAN Sisters openly exploited and enslaved Africans.
Tina Knowles, MK ULTRA & the Occult
Tina Knowles & MK ULTRA Sex Kitten Design
Decades of CIA MK/ULTRA research have established that ritual traumatic/sexual abuse creates true Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD) in children between infancy and (5) five years old. So, it’s hard to say if Tina Knowles’ could recall if or if not her original “spirit” had actually been taken by the Cult of Sisters of the Dominican Order. However, Tina knows very well that it wasn’t her “spirit” – breathe or fire that the Dominicans wanted. It was her immortal “SOUL” that they took for the GOAT.
Tina Knowles Either Passed Down the Path of the GOAT to Beyonce or Initiated to “Ride the GOAT” with Beyonce
SOUL, in religion and philosophy, the immaterial aspect or
essence of a human being, that which confers individuality and humanity,
often considered to be synonymous with the mind or the self (I AM).
In theology, the soul is further defined as that part of the individual
which partakes of divinity and often is considered to survive the death
of the body. What we know is that Tina Knowles is fairly comfortably delving on the fringe of the Occult. On or about March 30, 2012, Tina Knowles was observed wearing a Jewish Mystical Red Bead KABALLAH STRING on her wrist to protect her against the EVIL EYE, DEMONS, and FALLEN ANGELS.[119]
Currently, Tina Knowles with her new significant one, Richard Lawson, are exploring L. Ron Hubbard’s SCIENTOLOGY that is nothing more than pseudo/occult sciences of the Vril Society, the Great BEAST 666- Aleister Crowley, and Himmler’s SS brought to earth by XENU, the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy“.[120]
Beyonce, Tina Knowles, Madame Laveau & Saint Louis Cathedral

On January 11, 2014, Solange and Beyonce Knowles sponsored Tina’s 60th Birthday “Old Fashioned Masquerade Party” at Muriel’s Jackson Square, New Orleans.
“While Dining at Muriel’s Jackson Square you will uncover the rich history and the past while celebrating the life of today. Indulge in the SPIRITS of our Courtyard Bar while Sir Antoine and the SPIRITS of yesteryear dine alongside of you.” The grounds of Muriel’s is linked to Claude Trepagnier who was awarded this piece of land for his assistance in the French Knights of Saint Louis expedition that founded New Orleans.

His daughter, Barbe de Claude Trepagnier, married Jean Jacques Macarty, Knight of Saint Louis, and one of Baroness Marie Delphine Macarty-Lalaurie’s French great or great-great uncles. The current site of Muriel was built by Jean Baptiste Destrehan. Jean married Genevieve Bienville bring the Destrehan to the Macarty by marriage. Jean’s daughter, Elandore Destrehan married Edouard Macarty, Marie Delphine Macarty’s second cousin. Baroness Marie Lalaurie’s Spirit and Bloodline runs throughout the history of Muriel’s at Jackson Square. It is something that Tina, Beyonce, Solange and Jay Z are very well aware of.
What is Jackson Square?
Jackson Square, is a historic park in the French Quarter that stands in front of the Roman Catholic Saint Louis Cathedral designed and built by Knights Templar/Freemasons. This is the cathedral attended zealously by Roman Catholics Madams’ Marie Catherine Laveau and Marie Delphine Macarty- Lalaurie.

This is the place where the ghosts and “SPIRITS” of “Secret High Level FREEMASON” Capuchin Friar Pere Antoine, Madame Marie Laveau and the “tortured souls of thousands of Africans” are said to inhabit. It is the grounds of Madame Laveau’s secret Satanic Black Mass, and not far from French Knight of Saint Louis descendant Baroness Lalaurie’s Mansion of Satanic Blood Sacrifice of Black People. Lest you ever bound to forget the Horror and EVIL just down the street from Jackson Square and Saint Louis Cathedral at Baroness Lalaurie’s Mansion on Royal Street in the French Quarter.

I’ll remind you of some horrific details:
“According to rumor, over a dozen disfigured and maimed slaves were manacled to the walls or floor. Several had allegedly been the subject of gruesome medical experiments.The exact details are unclear; owing to the horrific nature of the crime, many details were either swept under the rug or embellished. Perhaps the most gruesome of Mme. LaLaurie’s killings was discovered by a young pickpocket by the name of Christopher Knowles. Knowles had broken into the LaLaurie residence with intention of stealing jewelry and other valuables. He broke in through the window and on the floor he discovered a bucket filled with mutilated human genitalia. Next to the bucket was a body. The body appeared to have been force fed the contents of the bucket until he eventually died from choking. LaLaurie was even reported to have tortured and killed local activist Adam Wescount, reportedly gouging out his eyes and letting crows devour his remains. One man looked as though he had been victim of some bizarre makeshift sex change. Another one had a hole in his head where a stick had been inserted to “stir his brains”. A woman was trapped inside a small cage where her arms and legs had been badly broken and then reset at odd angles, making her appear as some sort of “human crab.” Another woman had her arms and legs removed and patches of her flesh had been sliced off in a circular motion to make her appear as a giant caterpillar. Some had their mouths stuffed with animal excrements, sewn shut, and had then starved to death. Others had their hands sewn to different parts of their bodies. One woman had her entrails pulled out and was secured to the floor by her own intestines. A small boy of about twelve had the flesh on half of his face peeled back, revealing muscle, veins, and so forth. The wound had since been infested with disease and insects. Two men were found to have had their tongues sewed together. One girl wore a suit made from the skin of several skinned slaves, the limbs of which were hacked and use to decorate the grand gore chamber. Most disturbing of all was an elderly man whose penis was cut into 5 equal strands, each of which was attached to a hook and the body hoist to the ceiling, with two candles placed in his eye sockets to form a macabre chandelier. Most of the victims were found dead. Those who were still alive begged to be put out of their misery and died shortly after. Also discovered in the attic were teacups and saucers, encrusted with a “red substance.” There were several bottles lying about with what was assumed to be the same red substance, later identified as blood. Actually some press accounts from early 1834 are marginally more explicit than the Bee, though their reliability is difficult to ascertain. For example, the Religious Intelligencer of 10 May 1834 reports the discovery of Seven poor unfortunate slaves… some chained to the floor, others with chains around their necks fastened to the ceiling, and one poor man upwards of sixty years of age chained hand and foot and made fast to the floor in a kneeling position. His head bore the appearance of having been beaten until it was broken, and the worms were actually seen to be making a feast of his brains!! A woman had her back literally cooked (if the expression may be used), with the lash; the very bones might be seen projecting through her skin! Cited by Courtney Barker, Misrecognized: Looking at Images of Black Suffering and Death, unpublished PhD dissertation, Duke University, 2008, p.32. There seems little doubt that even abuse of this sort would have been more than enough to cause Lalaurie to be described as “a demon, in the shape of a woman” by the New Orleans press.”
What went on at the Lalaurie Mansion in the French Quarter is no different than what went on at the 15th Century French Castle of Baron Giles de Rais. It was the secret Roman Catholic Black Mass Blood Sacrifice raising the favor of SATAN. Jackson Square and the Saint Louis Cathedral is filled with paramount ancient EVIL spirits of the past like Friar Pere Antoine, Madame Marie Laveau, and the Black Mass “Blood Sacrifices” straight out of Medieval France. In the sheer and utter EVIL that they are- Tina, Beyonce, Solange and Jay Z basted among the Spirits of the DEAD and the Tortured SOULS of our African Ancestors.

In New Orleans, Beyonce, Solange and Tina on a checker board floor between two columns like in a Masonic Temple dressed just like Knights Templar Baron Gilles de Rais’ almost 500 years before them , “… from head to toe in white to indicate his repentance.”

The site of Solange’s November 2014 wedding was an old Gothic Temple, the deconsecrated Gothic Holy Trinity Church, founded in 1847 for Roman Catholic Germans. They seem to have been dissociated from New Orleans’ Black Past, Legacy and Struggle.
What is an “old fashioned masquerade party” in New Orleans?

First, Tina, Beyonce and Solange are LUCIFERIANS, Masters of Deception, deliberately deceiving their fans and the masses. Second, New Orleans’ masquerade balls are old world pagan occult rituals that had been restricted to white French secret societies- Bloodline ILLUMINATI of the New World Order. Third, old fashioned masquerade balls had been going on for almost 200 years before Blacks were allowed to participate.[121]

Fourth, the three secret founders that established the Mardi Gras/Masquerade Balls in New Orleans on a stable basis were Luciferians ALBERT PIKE (Freemason, Knights of the Golden Circle, Ku Klux Klan) , Judah Benjamin (Confederate Secretary of State) and John Slidell (Confederate States of America’s commissioner to FRANCE). Judah Benjamin was an agent of the House of Rothschild living in New Orleans in 1857.[122]

Fifth, old fashioned New Orleans’ Mardi Gras/Masquerade Balls are based on Roman occult rituals of Lupercalia linked to the Knights Templar/Rosicrucian utopia ARCADIA with PAN as god.
Beyonce, Tina, Old Bloodlines of the Anti-Christ
Historically, the area that became known as DELCAMBRE, birthplace of Agnèz Beyincé, Tina’s mother and Beyonce’s grandmother, was first settled by ARCANDIANS who were expelled from Nova Scotia (New Scotland) by the Major Pierce Butler and the British in the mid-18th century.[123] Tina and Beyonce Knowles‘ bloodline is ARCADIAN linked to the coming False Prophets and the Anti-Christ of the New World Order.
Leader of the ARCADIANS, Joseph Broussard- Beausoleil with Sword and Rosary Beads
Tina’s fifth great grandfather, and Beyonce’s sixth great grandfather was the infamous fanatical ROMAN CATHOLIC Joseph Broussard (1702–1765) born in Port Royal, ARCADIA, a Guardian of the Knights Templar/Rosicrucian Mythical Utopia- ARCADIA RULED BY GREEK GOD PAN (SATAN).[124]
“The enemy has
only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives.
Destroy the image and you will break the enemy.” Shaolin Abbot to Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon (1973)
Right this moment when you reflect back on Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon, you don’t see the enemies gathered around them. You stare into a Looking Glass and a Smoked Mirror by design and see only Reflections, IMAGES and ILLUSIONS staring back at you that say, “they
were weak and backsliding. they did it to themselves- they did it to
themselves- you did it to yourself” Destroy the Images and Illusions,
Break the Looking Glass and Smoked Mirrors. [1]
[9] Id.
[13] Id.
[14] Id.
[17] Id.
[30] Id.
[32] Id.
[34] Id.
[36] Id.
[56] Redford, James, The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything, Social Science Research Network (2011), pg. 87
[58] Id.
[96] Id.
[97] Id.
[103] Id.
[106] Id.
[117] Id.
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