Satan’s Counterfeit Matrix PT4-Signs & Symbols
Chapter 4. Signs & Symbols
Yahsuhua/Cross. St. Peter’s cross is a upside down cross pointing
to Hell. But then we have the Pentagram/Jewish Star/Star of David. These
are actually not the same, most confuse them. Jewish Star having 5
points and Star of David has 6 points. Both will be described. BUT. In
all actuality we have a mockery. The Pentagram (sometimes known as a
pentalpha or pentangle or, more formally, as a
star pentagon) symbol is found in Mesopotamian writings dating to about 3000 BC. Pentagrams were used symbolically in ancient Greece and Babylonia, and are used today as a symbol of faith by many Wiccans, akin to the use of the cross by Christians and the Star of David by Jews.
The Jewish symbol is a very powerful symbol indeed-and those
surrounding themselves with the arcane knew it-which is why is has been
perverted for personal gain and magical incantations. The actual meaning
will have to be left for The Father and or Yahushua to explain-but
there is no question to its roots or heritage. Adolph Hitler used the
“Star of David” to mark the Jewish people, and in turn used it to
identify those which were to be subsequently slaughtered.
**STAR= Morning Star vs. Satan’s Star**
This is a subject that goes far and deep. But here we have a reference to the ‘star’: (Rev 22:16 KJV)
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in
the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright
and morning star.
Since it is clear that Jesus is the “Bright Morning Star” (even said so Himself) then how should we understand Isaiah 14:12 KJV
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how
art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
This should be understood as a sardonic title for the “anti-christ”
or beast. He claims to be “christ”, right? He claims to be Messiah, and
has his moment under the sun, but comes to be brought low ultimately.
Contrast the real Bright Morning Star: He lives humbly, does not boast,
is not arrogant, is submissive to the Father… even unto death. Then the
Father raises Him to the highest place; in the morning so to speak.
Mat 23:12 “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
Satan looks good at night, but goes down in flames in the morning.
Jesus is in the tomb, but arises in the morning. Do you see the pattern?
Who is your life most like? What are we encouraging in others, to
follow Christ in the gospel, or to grab all you can now? The difference
is as wide as Jesus and Satan.
In any case, “Lucifer” means “morning star”, so it should not be
used to describe Satan. Jesus is The Morning Star. Satan tries to look
like Jesus and supplant Him sometime in the future, perhaps very near
future, even claming to be Him. But let us understand the deception and
that the true “Morning Star” told us this in advance through His
Apostles and Prophets; and told us to “watch out”.
3.Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come,
except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be
revealed, the son of perdition;
4. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God,
or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,
shewing himself that he is God.
Because many works of God is counterfeited by Satanic versions of
symbols, there will be a combination of research on symbols under the
next section.
**The Mark of Yahweh/God
** In Deuteronomy 6:8 KJV-
And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
I believe this to be the Seal of Yahweh/God. I believe this sign to
be the literal opposite of Satan’s mark. There’s not much Satan has not
mocked about Yahweh. It’s really sad if you think of all the effort he
puts into the counterfeiting because that effort could be used toward
Yahweh but he chooses to be proud and boastful. To have the Seal of
Yawheh is to be a servant of Him. To live ones life for good is to
transcend into a spiritual essence. It’s a wonderful thing to have
choices but to choose to be for Satan is defining your freedom of
More speak of the mark of the beast rather than the Seal of Yahweh
but nevertheless it does not lessen the totality of it. For the Seal is
the greatest thing a mortal can have, for it means you have Yahweh’s
heart. The mark of the beast will be written of in the next section but I
thought this should be lastly said.
-yes, even the cross is counterfeited. We have many types and forms
of crosses and upon research these many shapes you will begin to see a
In the
context, the edges of the pentagram were probably orientations:
forward, backward, left, right, and “above”. These directions also had
an astrological meaning, representing the five planets Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Saturn, and Venus as the “Queen of Heaven” (Ishtar).
use a pentagram with two points up, often inscribed in a double circle,
with the head of a goat inside the pentagram. This is referred to as
the Sigil of Baphomet.
They use it much the same way as the Pythagoreans, as Tartaros
literally translates from Greek as a “Pit” or “Void” in Christian
terminology (the word is used as such in the Bible, referring to the
place where the fallen angels are fettered). The Pythagorean Greek letters are most often replaced by the Hebrew letters forming the name Leviathan. Less esoteric LaVeyan Satanists use it as a sign of rebellion or religious identification, the three downward points symbolizing rejection of the holy Trinity.
Star of David or Shield of David-
is a generally recognized symbol of
Jewish identity and Judaism. It is named after King David of ancient Israel; and its earliest known communal usage began in the Middle Ages[citation needed], alongside the more ancient symbol of the menorah. With the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 the Star of David on the Flag of Israel became a symbol of Israel and associated with the Zionist movement.
the Star of David symbolizes the six directions of space plus the
center, under the influence of the description of space found in the Sefer Yetsira: Up, Down, East, West, South, North, and Center. Congruently, under the influence of the Zohar, it represents the Six Sefirot of the Male (Zeir Anpin) united with the Seventh Sefirot of the Female (Nukva).
Now I must tell you of the mockery stated above. Satan has taken
the pentagram and Star of David and uses them. “A reversed pentagram,
with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts
sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and
demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. It is the goat of lust
attacking the heavens with its horns, a sign execrated by initiates.
“The flaming star, which, when turned upside down, is the hierolgyphic
[sic] sign of the goat of Black Magic, whose head may be drawn in the
star, the two horns at the top, the ears to the right and left, the
beard at the bottom. It is the sign of antagonism and fatality. It is
the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns.” The Kabbalah
Tree of Life/ Flower of Life is an extension of the Star of David.
Metatron’s Cube, Star Tetrahedron (Star of David), Hexahsdron,
Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron. The Fruit of Life pattern
contains the basis for the layout of
Metatron’s Cube.
The Fruit of Life has thirteen circles. Thirteen being a sacred number
in Freemasonry. These symbols are of the New Age Movement. So, we have
again something sacred turned into a item worshiped by Satanists. The
ASCENDED MASTERS use these symbols in their meditation/prayer rituals.
Point Down Pentagram-
symbolizes energy entering our crown chakra from above. The Satanic
Lightning Bolt symbolizes Satan as our True Creator God. The lightning
bolt is the life force- the bioelectricity. All point down symbols in
Satanism represent energy from above descending and giving life to, and
empowering the human soul.
The Equal Armed Iron Cross is seen in most
Demon Sigils and represents the correct alignment of the chakras and the shape of the human soul.
Lucifer has several sigils. All have to do with reaching the
godhead. His symbol at left represents the True GRAIL. This is the cup
that holds the elixer of life. The Catholic Church STOLE this concept
and corrupted it. The Grail is part of the Magnum Opus, the potential of
which we have within ourselves. It is not a material object, it is a
concept. The “blood of the chakras” is the energy they leak when
stimulated. The Grail is depicted as “Royal Blood.” this is the ‘blood’
of the chakras.
The symbols on the left are of Astaroth. Both were derived from the Egyptian Ankh.
The Egyptian Ankh represents the key to the soul and the heart
chakra. The glyph for the planet Venus was derived from the ankh. Both
the planet Venus and the heart chakra are of Astaroth.
The colors BLACK and RED date back to Ancient Egypt. Egypt was
known as the “Black and Red Land” and was the center of Alchemy. Alchemy
is the transformation of the human soul into the godhead. Through this
transformation, we complete Our Creator Satan’s unfinished work.
is symbolic of the shape of the human chakra. The missing capstone
represents the unfinished work and the ALL-SEEING EYE represents the
gnosis and all-knowing when one reaches the godhead. This state is also
known as “SAMADI” or “SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS.” The photo at left was taken
from the US One Dollar Bill. The United States, government and all, was
founded upon Masonic prinicples and is not Christian by any stretch of
the imagination.
666 is the Kabbalistic square of the Sun. The true meaning of the
“Temple of Solomon” is the TEMPLE OF THE SUN. “Sol” “Om” and “On” are
all words for the Sun. “Sol” is the Latin word for the Sun and is close
to the English word “soul.” “Om” is a name given by the Hindus to the
Spiritual Sun and “On” is an Egyptian word for Sun. The symbolism of the
Temple of Solomon was stolen by the Jews and made into an actual
character, as with the fictitous nazarene and nearly everything in the
Judeo/Christian Bible. For more information:
The Skull and Bones is symbolic of the Nigredo stage of the Magnum
Opus (The transformation of the soul into the godhead). This is the
death stage in the work, before the soul is purified into the godhead.
The dross is separated from the pure.
The Black Sun, the Raven, the Crow, and the color black also symbolize the Nigredo stage.
The Peacock is sacred to Satan and represents the multi-colored stage of the Magnum Opus following the Nigredo.
Lucifer, Lucifer, stretch your tail, and lead me away full speed
through the strait passage, of the valley of death, to the shining
light, the palace of of the Gods -Isanatha Muni
These are some sigils; (All of the Demon Sigils are designs of important alchemical symbols).
Abraxas/Decarabia, Agares, Aim/Aini/Aym/Harborym , Alloces, Amdusias, Amon, Amy, Andras, Andrealphus, Andromalius, Anubis/Ipos, Asmodeus/Asmoday, Astaroth, Azazel, Azazel’s Sumerian Sigil, Baalberith/Berith, Balam, Barbatos, Bathin/Nephthys, Beelzebub, Beelzebub2, Belial, Biffrons, Botis, Buer, Bune, Bune2, Byleth, Camio, Cimejes/Khepu Crocell, Dagon/Zagan, Dantalion, ligos/Abigor, Foras/Forcas, Flauros/Havres/Haures, Fleruty Forneus, Furcas, Furfur Gaap, Glasyalabolas/Caacrinolaas/Caasimola, Gremory/Gomory/Gamori, Gusion/Gusayn,
Haagenti/Bastet, Halphas, Horus/Purson, Leraje 1, Leraje 2, Lucifuge, Rofocal/Focalor, Morax/Maat, Malphas, Marbas/Barbas, Marchosias, Murmur, Nebiros/Cerberus, Nephthys/Bathin, Orobas, Ose/Oso/Voso, Osiris/Oriax, Paimon 1, Paimon 2, Phoenix/Phenex, Raum/Khnum, Ronove/Ronobe/Roneve, abnock/Sabnack/Saburac, Sallos/Saleos/Zaleos, Samigina/Gamygen, Satanachia, Satanachia 2, Seere 1, Seere 2, Set/Sitri, Shax/Chax/Scox, Stolas/Stomas, Valefor/Malaphar, Vapula/Naphula, Vassago, Vepar/Separ 1, Vepar/Separ 2 Vine, Volac Uvall/Vual 1, Uvall/Vual 2, Zepar
Another study of symbols that I have yet to delve into, that will
be the next project that I am doing is Zodiac symbols. The meaning of
the Zodiac is of God, not Satan. Satan’s lie is a distortion-the
Satanic counterfeit to this original proclamation of the Gospel-is
indeed tragic. For example: God created the Church to proclaim the
Gospel. However, too many people trust in a church for their salvation.
They want to find the “right” church, one which will save them. No
church will save them. No church can save anyone. The Church points to
Yahushua, the Son of God, the Savior of man. Also, in the Last Supper,
Yahshua gave us to the great tangible symbol of His death upon the
Cross. His broken body and shed blood point to the once-for-all
atonement on the Cross in which we should trust for our salvation.
Instead, millions trust in the sacrament of the Last Supper as their
hope of salvation, rather than that which it signifies.
The Gospel in the stars is just another example of God’s original
message being perverted by Satan and sinful men. Instead of trusting in
Yahushua to which the stars point so gloriously, people who practice
astrology trust in the stars themselves. The modern corruption of
astrology expresses the idea that some mysterious, magical, and
supernatural powers emanate from the houses of the zodiac which affect
and control destiny and lives. That is the lie of Satan which will
destroy every soul that believes it. Instead, what God put in the stars
is a glorious sky painting of Yahushua as the Savior of Glory. I will
elaborate more in my studies of the zodiac continued in my binders.
During the first two centuries of Christianity, the cross was rare
in Christian iconography, as it depicts a purposely painful and
gruesome method of public execution. They considered it to be the most
shameful, the most painful, and most abhorrent of all executions. By the
early third century the cross had become so closely associated with
Christ that Clement of Alexandria, who died between 211 & 216, could
use the phrase the Lord’s sign to mean the cross, when he repeated the
idea, current as early as the apocryphal Epistle of Barnabas, that the
number 318 (in Greek numerals, TIH) in Genesis 14:14 was interpreted
using numerology as a foreshadowing (a “type”) of the cross (T, an
upright with crossbar, standing for 300) and of Jesus (IH, the first two
letters of His name
for 18), and his contemporary Tertullian could designate the body of
Christian believers as cruces religiosi, “devotees of the Cross”. In his
book De Corona, written in 204, Tertullian tells how it was already
tradition for Christians to trace repeatedly on their foreheads the sign
of the cross.
The followers of Tammaz also marked the forehead with a cross.
Tammuz was a god of Assyria, Babylonia and Sumeria where he was known as
Dumuzi. He is commemorated in the name of the month of June, Du’uzu,
the fourth month of a year which begins at the spring equinox.
A pagan sign of the mystic Tau of the Chaldeans and the Egyptians, this cross was a symbol
the Roman god Mithras and the Greek Attis, and forerunner Tammuz, the
Sumerian solar god, consort of the goddess Ishtar. Conveniently, the
original form of the letter “T” was the initial letter of the god of
Tummuz. During baptism ceremonies, this cross was marked on the
foreheads by the pagan priest.

of the Babylonian trinity of Nimrod,
Queen Semiramis and Tammuz,
among other things.
The cross symbol (T) was the original cross of Yahshua: The cross
of Christ, as experts seem to agree, was actually a bar placed across
the top of an upright, so it was not a cross at all. It was a “Tee” (T),
called “Taw” in Hebrew and “Tau” in Greek. So the cross that the victim
was suspended from was actually a crossbar, and perhaps in those days
this was called the cross. The “Taw” sign was the symbol of the dying
and rising god, Tammuz, and “Taw” was the sign that was made on the
heads of those marked for salvation by the god. So, crucifixion images
might not be as conventional as the ones based on the Catholic crucifix.
The actual cross was adopted six hundred years after Yahushua’s
departure. And was not even welcomed as a “symbol” or “icon” of faith,
until after the Roman Catholic Church brought Christianity into the
perspective of the European faith. In order to increase the prestige of
the apostate ecclesiastical system pagans were received into the
churches apart from regeneration by faith, and were permitted largely to
retain their signs and symbols. Hence, the Tau or T, in it’s most
frequent form with the cross-piece lowered, was adopted to stand for the
“cross” of Christ. It will come as a surprise to many that the first
figure of a god on a cross is a likeness of the sun god Orpheus from
three centuries B.C.
Now, if we look at these two representations of two distinctly
different religions and crosses, and incorporate them into one-we get
This incorporation was NOT a mistake, or an oversight, it was again, an
incorporation of pagan religion and Christianity by the Roman Catholic
Church. Also the “nimbus” or circlet around the representation of
Yahushua in pictures is only the “circle”, commonly found around
disciples portrayed in art. The picture of Yahushua consisting of a Baal
cross with abbreviated Greek words for Jesus Christ (indicated by
horizontal lines +_, and “nika” meaning “conqueror.” The “cross” was
never meant to be a sign of power because it was a symbol solely
conceived by mankind, to stand as a particular representation-whether
that was to be identified to Baal or Christ.
After the sack of Israel in 70AD by Rome-a lot of the “truths” were
mandated and coordinated by the RCC. Today, inverted crosses and
crosses of Baal are questionable in the RCC. The RCC makes the
“official” claim that the inverted cross represents the crucifixion of
Peter being crucified upside down-however, to probate into this
argument: why did the Vatican create a throne to represent Peter-
knowing good and well Peter would not have approved of such a thing.
Even more suspicious-is that the biblical scriptures (New Testament)
which the RCC canonized give no mention of how Peter was crucified, or
that he was crucified at all.
Christians opposed the use of the cross as a symbol even up until
the 3rd century CE because of its powerful Pagan associations, usually
masculine and in association with the sun—notably the sun cross (a cross
within a circle and a symbol of the zodiac and the four directions the
sun shines in), the
swastika, the Egyptian Ankh (which interestingly enough doubled as a yoni
and a cross and represented death, resurrection, and immortal life),
Thor’s hammar, a plus sign representing two sticks being rubbed together
to produce fire and by analogy the sun, the symbol of the Druid Thau
formed by crossing two Oak branches, and the use of a cross in
ritualistic crucifixion in which the body was afterwards cut to pieces.
The blood watered the fields and the pieces of flesh were buried across
the field to encourage crop growth. If the Jesus fish
represents the feminine, the earth, and the vagina, the cross can be
said to represent the masculine, the sun, and the penis. The sign of the
cross is not found in Christian art until the mid-5th century CE, when a
Greek cross with equal length arms and no Jesus appears on a Vatican
sarcophagus. Crucifixion scenes of Jesus do not appear in Christian art
until the 7th century CE.
The hexagram or otherwise known as the “Seal of Solomon”, and the
“Star of David”-were the first observed symbols appearing on stone
bearing a shield from the arch of a 3-4th century synagogue
in Galilee. It’s usage as a sign of Jewish identity began in the Middle
Ages, though it’s religious usage began much earlier. The many usages of
this star pattern, which found its way into Hinduism and other Eastern
Religions-and truly supports substantiates the case that the early walks
of the apostles led them into India and other outlining countries. In
various places in the Qur’an, it is written that King David and King
Solomon were principal architects and founders of Israel as a nation,
and as a people through blessings and bestowment by God, The Father.
In the Indian cultures, the original meaning of this symbol was
lost and has been replaced by something quite different. The two
components are called “Om” and the “Hrim” in Sanskrit, and symbolizes
Shakti, the sacred embodiment of femininity, and the upward triangle
symbolizes Shive, or Agni Tattva, representing the focused aspects of
masculinity. The mystical union of the two triangles represents
Creation, occurring through the divine union of male and female. The two
locked triangles are also known as ‘Shanmukha’-the six-faced,
representing the six faces of Shiva & Shakti’s progeny Kartikeya.
This symbol is also part of the several yantras and has deep
significance in Hindu ritual worship and mythology.
In witchcraft, the six-pointed star is commonly used both as a
talisman and for conjuring spirits. In the Book the History and Practice
of Magic, Vol. 2, the six-pointed star is called the talisman of Saturn
and it is also referred to as the Seal of Solomon. IT discredit’s the
originating source of the symbol, the historical and spiritual meanings,
and consequently uses it sort of the same way that we have used the
knowledge of Einstein, with his understanding of the atomic and
sub-atomic. It can be used as an instrument to save lives, or to destroy
one. It can also be perverted and used for magical purposes by people
such as Aleister Crowley-and even been perverted as a symbol on whole
with the creation of the unicursal hexagram. It is used to express a
high level of self-confidence and belief that one can achieve the
highest goals and become a divine figure. Crowley’s adaptation of the
unicursal hexagram into Thelema, placed a five petal rose, (symbolizing
the divine) in the center; the symbol as a whole making eleven (five
petals of the rose plus six points of the hexagram), the number of
divine union. A unicursal hexagram can also be seen as a symbol of the
solar system in some Pagan philosophies, with the central intersection
representing the sun and outer intersections and points representing the
celestial bodies.
Pentagram, or five pointed star-
is one of those symbols which has fell under much scrutiny. It has
been used widely in wiccan, and pagan practices. The number 5 has always
been regarded as mystical and magical, yet essentially ‘human’. We have
fove fingers/toes on each limb extremity. We commonly note five
senses-sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. We perceive five stages
or initiations in our lives-birth, adolescence, coitus, parenthood and
death. In these, there are many other symbolic references to the number
In Christianity, five were the wounds of Yahishua on the cross. It
is also believed to be the “Star of Jacob” (Numbers 24:17) finds it
fulfillment in the “manifestation” of Yahishua to the Gentiles. (Matt
2:1-2). This is also a five pointed star.
The Amish and other traditional German Baptists have long used
these “barn stars” around their property. To some it may be of simple
ornamental value, but it became increasingly popular in the 1930s-1940s
and up into today. There was a story which slowly evolved that the
Pennsylvania Dutch farmers put the “hex signs” on their barns to keep
evil spirits away or to bring them good luck. Whether this is factual or
not, and whether it represents why they do so is speculative.
There were five virtues of the medieval knight-generosity,
courtesy, chastity, chivalry, and piety as symbolized in the pentagram
device of Sir Gawain.
The USA uses this same star to represent both the stars (suggestive
of states) in our flag, and also as the principal star in our currency.
Even the Hollywood “stars” are five pointed stars. It does raise
question as to why it was a five pointed star rather than a 6, 7, 8, 9,
or 10 pointed star.
The five pointed star in fact originated from Islam, contrary to
any belief that witchcraft somehow outdates the faith of the Middle
Eastern religions. The Muslims have a five pointed star to represent the
five pillars of Islam. These five pillars are each named: Shahadam
Salah, Zakat, Saum, and Hajj. The meaning of these pillars are
ritualistic, much like the Old Testament or Judaism is. They stand for 5
responsibilities of the believer, The first is Shahda-which is
Testimony and declaration of faith, the second is Salah-Prayer 5 times a
day, the third is Zakat-2 ½ % charity to the poor, the fourth is
Saum-Fasting during the month of Ramadan, and finally the fifth which is
Hajj-A pilgrimage to Mecca at least once a lifetime.
This pentagram has been perverted from its original meanings by the
pagans, those conducting sorcery and witchcraft-or those which believe
in the “self”. Two major examples of this is the wiccan practice, and
the satanic practices-which are in truth, one in the same-both perverted
versions of this sacred symbol which is much older and ancient than
either religions. The wiccan kiss is fivefold-feet, knees, womb,
breasts, lips. 5 is an important number to the wiccans, because it
represents the five points of the elements, and five points of their
views in creation and existence.
Sigil of Baphomet-
They use it much the same way as the Pythagoreans, as Tartaros
literally translates from Greek as a “Pit” or “Void” in Christian
terminology (the word is used as such in the Bible, referring to the
place where the fallen angels are fettered). The Pythagorean Greek
letters are most often replaced by the Hebrew letters forming the name
Leviathan. Less esoteric LaVeyan Satanists use it as a sign of rebellion
or religious identification, the downward points symbolizing the
rejection of the Holy Trinity.
The angelic order were referred as “stars” many times in the Bible,
and also in the Torah. These “stars” will also have symbolic stars
representing themselves-which is where many of the ancient star patterns
of old came from. The most important thing is to not get sucked into
the deceptive nature and pagan perversion of these symbols. It is quite
easily identified, if the biblical account for Lucifer is correct-which
star he represents. In Latin, the word “Lucifer”, meaning
“Light-Bringer” (from lux, or lucis, “light”, and ferre, “to bear,
bring”), is a name for the “Morning Star” (the planet Venus in its dawn
appearances). The Latin Vulgate version of the Bible used this word
twice to refer to the Morning Star: once in 2 Peter 1:19 to translate
the Greek word Phosphoros), which has exactly the same literal meaning
of “Light-Bringer” that “Lucifer” has in Latin; and once in Isaiah 14:12
to translate Helel, which also means, “Morning Star”. In the latter
passage the title of “Morning Star” is given to the tyrannous Babylonian
king, who the prophet says is destined to fall. This passage was later
applied to the prince of the demons, and so the name “Lucifer” came to
be used for Satan, and was popularized in works such as Dante Alighien’s
Inferno and Milton’s Paradise Lost, but for English speakers the
greatest influence has been its use in the King James Version (more
modern English versions translate the term as “Morning Star” or “Day
In retrospect, the morning star-if in conjunction with the planets
would be Venus. Venus is called Phosphorus and Lucifer, the latter name
meaning “light bearer”. Because Venus rotates one-hundred and eighty
degrees on its polar axis between inferior conjunctions, at each
superior conjunction Venus shows Earth the face that during the inferior
conjunction faced the Sun, while the side that was facing the Earth
during the conjunction now faces the Sun. But this is not the most
extraordinary feature of the Venus cycle. When one plots the cycle of
any important turning point of the cycle of Venus for five or more
consecutive cycles, a remarkable pattern forcefully emerges- A FIVE
Is this symbol pr pattern of Venus’s orbit’s the correct symbol for
Lucifer? Accounting for what the Satanists and pagans believe in their
symbolism, it could be a possibility.
Eight Pointed and Seven Pointed Stars
-Octagram and Heptagram/Septagram
The eight point star has much confusion surrounding them. It was
used as a symbol before the rise of Islam. Nevertheless, Islam sees the
eight pointed star as an important symbol in their art and their
symbolism. It is believed that the eight pointed star was also one of
the Solomon Seals protecting from evil and foul spirits and could have
been the symbol found upon his ring. The eight pointed star is an
Islamic symbol of harmony. It is called Khatim or Khatim Sulayman, seal
of the prophets, as in signet ring. The phrase “seal of the prophets” is
also used in the Koran and has particular ideological meaning for
Muslims. Moroccan zillij artisans also refoer to the eight pointed star
as sibniyyah, sabniyyah, which is a derivative of the number seven
sab’ah. The design of the Muslim khatam was likely inspired by Jewish
version, which is the Seal of Solomon. Muslim legend recounts Solomon
using a star to capture djinns, genies, the immaterial counterparts to
humans. The symbol is also called The Rub el Hizb, and is an Islamic
symbol which is found on a number of emblems and flags. In Arabic, Rub
means lord, sustainer, provider, supporter, nourisher, ruler, master, or
protector, while Hizb means a group, party, or sect. The Rub el Hizb is
an eighth of a juz’. The symbol is used as a marker for the end of a
chapter in Arabic calligraphy.
An Italian nobleman named Pietro della Valle discovered the use of a
eight pointed star as a seal in the ruins of the ancient city of Ur
(-2000BC), Tell al Muqayyar, in the mid-seventeenth century. He wrote “I
found on the ground some pieced of black Marble…which seem to be a kind
of Seal like what the Orientals use to this day; for their Seals are
only letters or written words…Amongst the other letters I discovered in a
short time was…a star of eight points….”. Ur is considered by many to
be the city of Ur Kasdim mentioned in the Book of Genesis as the
birthplace of the patriarch Abram (Abraham). Abraham, the shared prophet
of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam lived in the Sumerian city of Ur.
Excavations from Ur reveal early use of the eight pointed star, often in
the form of an eight petal rosette used in jewelry or metalwork
Some would speculate that the eight pointed star represents Ishtar
(or better known as Astarte)-but there is no connection between the
symbol, and Ishtar. The oldest mention can be found in “The Epic of
Gilgamesh” which is an epic poem from Ancient Mesopotamia and is among
the earliest known works of literary fiction. Scholars believe that it
originated as a series of Sumerian legends and poems about the
mythological hero-king Gilgamesh, which were gathered into a longer
Akkadian poem much later.
Jewish circumcisions are traditionally performed on the 8th
day of life, and with baptism being the New Testament equivalents of
circumcision, the base of baptismal fonts often have eight sides. In the
Christian community this is considered the Star of Regeneration, often
associated with baptism or resurrection.
In Christian views, it is considered the Star of Bethlehem-and can
be found in many mosaic craftworks of Amish and the Mennonites.
The pagan perspective of the eight pointed star is primarily the
fire wheel, but it also walks hand in hand with the other astrological
based variations of the same. We need to be mindful when we start waking
up to the fact that the deception that is out these is great. It is so
great that it twists and perverts principal symbols and relevant
meanings that should have roots still in God, The Father. These symbols
truly have power to them, both in the perverse and their original
meaning-but we recognize the differences before we can ever realize what
they truly represent.
This star became the Star of Isis by the pagans. Many occultists
have embraced the star of Isis having eight points and have fashioned
jewelry to account for this belief, however the star of Isis is of 7 + 5
and 1 point. In Egypt, the orientation of the Temple of Isis is
described by an inscription which reads: “She (the star of Isis) shines
into her temple on New Year’s Day and she mingles her light with that of
her father Ra (the sun god)”. The particular star of Isis was Sothis,
or Sirius (the Dog Star), and it has been determined by calculation that
a conjunction of Sothis and the sun took place in 700BC. This was the
very date on which the great zodiac was constructed on the temple of
Osiris at Denderah, so one can speculate that it was built as a memorial
to the conjunction of Isis and Osiris (or Ra).
As a matter of fact, the eight pointed star is also considered the
“Sigil of the Beast” by the Catholic Church because it is apparently
suppose to represent 666 in the star of the demon Astaroth. But on truth
the star and sigil of Astaroth is far from a eight pointed star. There
is no evidence to support that the eight pointed star is connected to
Ishtar, Astarte, Astaroth, or Isis.
These can be seen as the religious symbols from both Islamic and
Hindu cultures. Again it can be used in Germany with a swastika. Many
questions arise when Hitler embraced it, but it is meant to be Thor or
the Hammer of Thor, and possible connected to the Bronze Age sun wheel.
If such is the case, it would explain the background of the eight
pointed star-which represents the same concept of the pagan fire wheel.
There are some organizations out there which have adopted the more
appropriate symbolism into their practices. Such as the star of “Emetgis
de Saitan” or “Seal of the King of Hell”. The heptagram (or seven
pointed star) has a dark side (like most symbols which were twisted from
their original spiritual meanings), but it also has a light side to
it’s origin. The first heptagram to ever be used, was as a symbol in
Kabbalah-which means (Hebrew-“receiving“), Kabbalah is a discipline and
school of thought discussing the mystical aspect of Judaism. It is a set
of esoteric teachings that are meant to explain the relationship
between the infinite, eternal and essentially unknowable Creator with
the finite and mortal universe of His creation. The septagram/heptagram
is important in Western Kabbalah, where it symbolizes the sphere of
Netzach, the seven planets, the seven alchemical metals, and the seven
days of the week. In some belief systems the angelic septagram/heptagram
was created by Azaradel for invocation of the Angels ruling the
planetary days and hours of the week. Michael (Sun), Anael (Venus),
Raphael (Mercury), Gabriel (Moon), Cassiel (Saturn), Sachiel (Jupiter)
and Samiel (Mars) going from the top clockwise. Azaradel is a fallen
angel in Christian belief that appears in the first book of Enoch, where
he is said to teach humans the motions of the moon.
Much later alterations of this Kabbalah symbol were adopted by
Aleister Crowley and the Ordo Templi Orientis where is was known as the
Star (or Seal) of Babylon. Even more recent adaptations would be the
acute heptagram which is known as the elven star or fairy star, a sacred
symbol to Wiccans who follow the fairy tradition. It has been adopted
as an identifier by members of the other kin subculture. The number
seven has always been the prime number of God The Father, so it comes as
no surprise that this number in any pattern would be blatantly
misused-there are over 1,500 references to the number 7 in the Bible.
In Hebrew/Judaism-seven is also a prime number. The fact that the
Torah begins with a verse containing 7 words and 28 letters (divisible
by 7) is hardly remarkable. But when placed within the context of the
overwhelming number of associations in Judaism with ‘7’, a fascinating
tapestry begins to unfurl surrounding the number, it’s roots, and it’s
spiritual meaning.
There are many other symbols which have been perverted from their
original form but it will require much more depth to discuss all of
these. The most important thing to remember when looking at symbols is
to uncover their original meanings before jumping to conclusions-you may
be surprised or shocked in your final findings. If we, as a culture-are
going to be true to ourselves, then we must-at the very least seek out
the truth in all things, as the bible suggests that we should do.
**Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse**
You have heard of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Many’s the
rock album cover that displayed these dread beings back in the 1960’s.
The first horse described going forth is a white one, followed by a red
horse, then a black one and finally a pale horse whose name was Death.
Let us examine the first rider.
“And I saw and lo, a white horse; and he that sitting on him had a
bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering and
to conquer.”
Rev 6:2 KJV
The first sign given by the Messiah in Matt 24 was to watch out for
the rise of the one proclaiming to be Christ. Therefore this rider on
the white (APOLLO in mythology) horse has to be the deceiver that Jesus
prophesied about, the False Christ. As stated already, the Devil, who is
a master counterfeiter, always copies what the true God does. So in
this rider on the white horse we have an imitation of the true Messiah
who is to return in glory as King of kings and Lord of lords at the end
of the Apocalypse when he shall appear on a white horse from heaven to
put an end to this whole terrible episode.
“ And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse; and He that
sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth
judge and make war.”
Rev 19:11 KJV
So the Antichrist, when he goes out on a white horse, has a bow but
no arrow. Having no arrow conveys that he is a bringer of peace on the
earth. In the vision of this rider, John describes the horseman as
having been given a crown. This crown signifies authority. But as the
world shall also learn, this political leader shall talk of peace, but
wage war. As global peacemaker this man will do something that has
eluded Presidents and politicians and world leaders for years. He will
resolve the situation in the Middle East and establish a peace deal
between the Jews and their Arab neighbors. Prophecy experts extract this
fact from
Daniel 9:27 KJV which, speaking of this coming leader says;
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week.”
(That is, one seven year period).
Somehow this man will be acceptable to both the Jewish people and
the Muslim community and perform this political feat that seems
impossible to us today. Thus we now have yet another hint as to the
identity of the coming man of sin. He will bring peace to the Middle
East. How does he achieve this? Perhaps with a little help from another
man who will become prominent around the same time. This man is called
in Revelation, the False Prophet and is also referred to as a beast who
rises up from the earth;
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.”
Rev 13:11 KJV
Being called a ‘false prophet’ suggests that this man operates in
the field of the religious. And because of the global machinations of
the Antichrist, we know that he operates within the political as well as
the religious realm. So how is it that these two are acceptable to both
the Jews and Arabs and are able to broker a peace deal between them? It
is well known that the Muslims are awaiting the advent of their own
Messiah, called the Imam or Mahdi. And the Jewish faith are still
watching for the coming of their savior, the Messiah, (for they believe
Jesus was an impostor). Perhaps it is these two who hold the key to
understanding the role of the Antichrist and the False Prophet who are
to come and pour oil and salve on this troubled area.
So, now we have the RED HORSE, and is given a huge sword. We’re
told is to be able to take peace from the world. References about the
planet of Mars in mythology which is red, being the home and the god of
war, Satan. So, we have Satan coming to take peace from the earth and
make men kill each other. Red suggesting blood to be spilled on the
battlefield. Some even think this may represent a civil war too.
Now, we have the BLACK HORSE, which denotes death. To bring famine and to kill with hunger. “
“Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat
on him had a pair of balances in his hand. Then I heard a voice in the
midst of the beasts, say,
“A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and thou not hurt the oil and the wine!”
Rev 6:5-6 KJV
This suggests that the black horse’s famine is to drive up the
price of grain but leave oil and wine supplies unaffected. One
explanation for this is that grain crops would have been more naturally
susceptible to famine years than olive trees and grapevines, which are
deeply rooted. The statement suggests a continuing abundance of luxuries
for the wealthy while staples such as bread are scarce, though not
totally depleted. Alternatively, the preservation of the Christian
faithful, who use oil and wine in sacraments. The god of commerce in
mythology is the god, Mercury.
And finally, the PALE HORSE or pale green, which is followed by
Hades. Kills with the scythe, with famine, disease, and the beasts of
the earth.
“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on
him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them
over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger,
and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”
Rev 6:8 KJV
Still others apply the names “Pestilence” or “Plague” to this
horseman, based on alternative translations of the Bible (such as the
Jerusalem Bible). Unlike the other three, he is not described carrying a weapon/object, instead he is followed by Hades. However, illustrations–like those above–commonly depict him carrying a scythe (a la the Grim Reaper) or a sword.
The color of Death’s horse is written as khlôros in the original
Koine Greek,
which is often translated as “pale”, though “ashen”, “pale green”, and
“yellowish green” are other possible interpretations. The color suggests
the sickly pallor of a corpse.The natural colors of horse coats that could be indicated include dun, palomino, buckskin, or one of several color variants with dilution genes.
The verse beginning “they were given power over the fourth of the earth” may refer solely to Death and Hades.
**Maitreya Statue
** This project is a sign of the coming Maitreya presence. It will
be built in India at a towering 500 feet. It will be the tallest statue
in the world. Ironically it will be built in a surrounding area shaped
like ATLANTIS! Some of the research that I have come across not only
connects these Ascended Masters with the fallen angels but proves beyond
a shadow of doubt that these happenings are not just coincidence. I
believe in Yahweh’s plans there are NO coincidences.
In the graphically produced photo that is on the website
http:/ it shows the statue in what will be
surrounded by a “Living Wall”. I believe this wall to be another
counterfeit of Satan portraying the Wall of Prayers in the Holy City of
Jerusalem. The following is from the website;
The Maitreya Buddha Project, Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India-
The focal point of Indian architecture, like its culture, has
always been religious in nature. Just as the Indian economic boom is
bringing incredible economic and architectural growth in the secular
area, so has Indian religious architecture once again become manifest in
the creation of some of the worlds largest, massive, and most intricate
religious architecture the world has seen.
Maitreya Buddha Project-
Now, another great religious project has officially been given the
go-ahead in one of the poorest parts of India. The Maitreya Project is a
tribute to Buddhism for and from the land of the Buddha and is as a
multi-faith cooperative designed by Tibetans who call India their home
as as a lasting gift to India and Buddhism.
A monumental sustainable work of art that will serve as a constant
source of inspiration and a symbol of loving-kindness, work will soon
begin on the 152 meter-tall Maitreya Buddha Statue that is the
centerpiece of a large temple complex. An engineering marvel that at
will not only be — at three times the size of the Statue of Liberty —
the world’s tallest statue and world’s tallest temple but will also be
the world’s largest (first?) statue-skyscraper, designed to for a
lifespan surpassing a 1,000 years.
A cutaway view of the 152 meter Maitreya statue and throne
building showing the spaces and levels within. Note that the throne
itself will be a 17 story fully functional temple, with 15 additional
shrine rooms in the the body of the Maitreya statue.
The statue is a temple that will contain 17 individual shrine
rooms. The highest room at 140 meters high — the equivalant of the 40th
story of a standard building — making the statue a veritable
temple-skyscraper as well. This statue and complex will be a fusion of
Indian and Tibetan architectural styles that will adhere to ancient
Vaastu Shastra design code and will also hold the world’s largest
collection of Lord Buddha’s relics.
Apart from the statue/skyscraper, the Maitreya Project organizers
will also build free hospitals and schools servicing tens of thousands
of poor, and also be a huge catalyst for infrastructure and tourism development efforts in one of the most economically backwards parts of India.
The project is a joint religious collaboration by organizations
representing the various sects and faiths that revere the Buddha: from
Hinduism to Mahayana to Vajrayana to Hinayana to Jaina to Christian and
Muslim. Under guidance of the overall project conceptualistic,
Nepalese-Tibetan spiritual leader Lama Zopa Rinpoche, the Project was
funded by Buddhist and Hindu temples, social organizations, religious
groups and by individuals in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Tibet,
China, Japan, Korea, the UK and America.
Through this project, India once again shows that the ancient arts
of massive devotional architecture continues to undergo a veritable
The Maitreya Complex: Project Detail-
The entire temple complex is designed to be completely sustainable,
meaning that it will quite literally have the same environmental impact
(i.e. emit the same amount of carbon dioxide and methane) as the paddy
field it will be constructed.
The Project will include schools and universities that focus on
ethical and spiritual development as well as academic achievement, and a
healthcare network based around a teaching hospital of international
standard with the intention of supplementing the medical services
currently provided by the government to provide healthcare services,
particularly for the poor and underprivileged.
As such, the Maitreya Project organizers are working in tandem with
the local, regional and state governments in Uttar Pradesh, India, who
have fully supported the project. To this effect, the Kushinagar Special
Development Area Authority will support the planned development of the
area surrounding the Project.
The total project cost is estimated at $250 million, but the
project will developed this impoverished region and will earn a
hundredfold more that will be funneled into the Maitreya Project’s
historical preservation plans and charities.
The Location of the Maitreya Complex-
The Maitreya Buddha project was originally conceived to be built in
Bodh Gaya, Bihar state, the site of the Buddha’s enlightenment, but due
to threat of delays due to red tape, was moved to what was seen to be a
more appropriate location, the village of Kushinagar, in Uttar Pradesh
Kushinagar is a place of great historical and spiritual
significance. It is the place where Shakyamuni (Historical) Buddha
passed away and it is predicted to be the birthplace of the next Buddha,
Maitreya – the Buddha of Loving-kindness – of whom this temple is
dedicated to.
The original conception of the Maitreya Buddha statue, then to be located at Bodh Gaya
Recognizing the long-term benefits Maitreya Project is bringing to
the region, the State Government of Uttar Pradesh is providing, free of
charge, 750 acres of mainly agricultural land in Kushinagar.
Indeed, the Project itself will be located adjacent to the ancient
Mahaparinirvana Temple, commemorating the Buddha’s passing, the ancient
Ramabhar Stupa, commemorating the Buddha’s cremation site, as well as
several equally old Hindu temples. It is predicted that the pilgrimage,
tourism and development capital that will flow into this region because
of this project will created sustainable income for the restoration,
refurbishment and maintinance of these ancient sacred sites.
Surrounding the complex is the Kushinagar Special Development Area,
designed as a sustainable development entity that will coordinate the
various organizations involved in the project and surrounding tourist
and general development that will come with the project.
The Kushinagar Special Development Area-
The Maitreya Project and the Uttar Pradesh have worked together to
create the Kushinagar Special Development Area (KSDA), an additional
area of 7.5 kilometers surrounding the Maitreya Project site.
Municipal bylaws and planning regulations have now been adopted to
protect the KSDA from the kind of opportunism that is often seen in
communities of emerging economic development. Maitreya Project has
representation on the legal bodies governing the KSDA as well as the
work of monitoring the development of the region will be ongoing.
It is within the KSDA that Maitreya Project will implement its extensive healthcare and education programs.
Maitreya Project Preliminary Site Plan-
Maitreya Project’s lead architects, Aros Ltd., have drawn up a
preliminary proposed plan for the beautiful 750 acre Kushinagar site.
Main features being:
The Ceremonial Gateway & Maitreya Statue Sanctuary will lead visitors to the 500ft/152m Maitreya Buddha statue.
The Maitreya Buddha Statue will sit on the Throne Building
containing temples, prayer halls, exhibition halls, a museum, library
and audio-visual theatre.
The Hospital and Healthcare Center will be the hub of Maitreya
Project’s public healthcare programs. The development of these
programmes will begin with primary care clinics in the communities of
the Kushinagar Special Development Area. Over the years, the medical
services will be developed and expanded to meet the needs of many
communities. A complete healthcare network will be developed to provide
medical services that are centered around a teaching hospital of
international standard. The healthcare system will primarily serve the
poor and under-privileged, even in remote parts of the area.
The Center of Learning, will eventually serve students from primary to university levels of education.
The Meditation Park will be a secluded area next to the ancient
Mahaparinirvana Temple, which commemorates Buddha Shakyamuni’s passing
away from our world, the ancient Ramabhar Stupa, commemorating the
Buddha’s holy cremation site, and monasteries and temples belonging to
many different traditions of Buddhism that include both modern
facilities and ancient ruins.
All of these features will be set in beautifully landscaped parks
with meditation pavilions, beautiful water fountains and tranquil pools.
All of the buildings and outdoor features will contain an extensive
collection of inspiring sacred art.
The Statue of the Maitreya Buddha-
The center of the Maitreya Project, of course, is the bronze plate
statue of the Maitreya Buddha itself. Rising 500ft/152m in height, the
statue will sit on a stone throne temple building located in an enclosed
sanctuary park.
The Living Wall–
Surrounding the Maitreya Buddha statue is a four-story halo of
buildings called the “Living Wall.” This ring of buildings contains
accomodation for the complex’s monks and workers as well as rooms for
functions ancillary to the statue and throne building.
The wall also serves two additional important functions. In light
of cross-border Islamist terrorist attacks against Indian holy sites in
Ayodhya, Akshardham and Jama Masjid, the Living Wall also is designed to
be a security cordon eqivalent to a modern castle wall, staffed with
security personnel and designed to withstand an attack from 200 heavily
armed raiders.
The final major function it performs is that of the boundary for
the enclosed sanctuary area of landscaped gardens, pools and fountains
for meditation directly surrounding the Maitreya statue. The entry to
the enclosed sanctuary and the Maitreya statue will be serviced by a
main gate.
Passing the ceremonial gate, landscaped paths allow devotes to do Pradakshina (circumambulation) of the Maitreya Statue.
Within the sanctuary, the gardens provide a place for relaxing,
resting, and meditating, with educational artwork depicting the Buddha’s
Walking further inward, the is Maitreya Statue and Throne Temple,
surrounded by tranquil ponds and fountains that will cool the area in
the intense Indian summer.
The Throne Temple–
The “seat” of the statue is itself a fully functioning 17-story
temple roughly 80m x 50m in size. The building will contain two very
large prayer halls, as well as meditation and meeting rooms, a library
and facilities to deal with the anticipated annual influx of 2 million
The entrance to the throne building with the Maitreya Buddha statue resting upon the lotus on top
Pilgrims will enter the throne temple through the giant lotus that
supports the Maitreya Buddha statue’s feet. The throne temple contains
several entrance rooms that contain works of art on the Buddha’s life
and teachings.
Continuing inward is the cavernous main auditorium of the Maitreya
Temple containing the Sanctum Sanctorum which in Indian architectural
tradition is the innermost most sacred room where the actual shrine is
held. This Sanctum Sanctorum is unique in that within it contains two
large auditorium temples. The first temple in the Sanctum Sanctorum is
the Temple of the Maitreya Buddha, containing a huge, 12 meter tall
statue of the Buddha. A wall containing 200,000 images of the Buddhas
rises up to the throne ceiling over 50 meters above, behind both
auditorium temples. The centerpiece shrine of the Maitreya Temple is the
12 meter tall Maitreya Buddha. Stairs and elevators lead to viewing
platforms around the Maitreya Temple, allowing views of the entire room.
Maitreya Buddha Project, Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh
The next biggest shrine in the Sanctum Sanctorum is the Temple of
the Shakyamuni Buddha which contains a 10 meter statue of the Shakyamuni
(Historical) Buddha. Behind the shrine is the continuation of the wall
of 200,000 Buddhas. On a higher level yet again, the Shakyamuni Temple
will house a 10 metre (33 ft.) statue of the historical Buddha. The
glass rear wall will reveal the wall of 200,000 Buddhas within the
Maitreya Temple. Hmmm…33 ft! Interesting number.
In Indian architecture, the Sanctum Sanctorum is encircled by a
pathway that allows devotees to do Pradakshina (circumambulation) of the
shrine. The Maitreya Temple, following this tradition, also has this
feature. ^ The main throne building and Pradakshina path where
visitors may circumambulate Sanctum Sanctorum of the Maitreya Temple,
which can be seen through the doorways on the right
From this area, elevators and staircases will carry visitors to the
various other rooms in the 17 story base, including prayer halls,
meditation halls and libraries. Eventually conveying devotees to a large
rooftop garden terrace upon which the Maitreya Buddha statue actually
rests. The rising into the upper legs of the main statue, is the Merit
Field Hall with a 10 meter, 3-dimensional depiction of over 390 Buddhas
and Buddhist masters at it’s center. Surrounding this will be 12
individual shrine rooms devoted to particular deities in the
Hindu-Buddhist pantheon. From the garden terrace, another bank of
elevators will whisk pilgrims to the higher shrine rooms contained in
the statue’s torso and head.
The statue will contain 15 individual shrine rooms and have a total
height of 152 meters, with the highest shrine room in the statue’s
head, at over 140 meters up. This is roughly equivalent in height to a
40-storey skyscraper.
Construction Status — June, 2007-
The Maitreya Project recently passed its first major milestone this
month, when, in compliance with the Indian Land Acquistion Act, the
State Government of Uttar Pradesh has completed the necessary legal
requirements for the acquisition of the 750 acre land site to be made
available to the Project.
While there are still permissions and clearances to be obtained, it
has now officially given the green light and the full support of the
It is expected that the Project will formally break ground either
later this year or early 2008, with an expected construction time of
five years. The project will employ more than a thousand skilled and
semi-skilled workers in the construction phase.
So, there’s many subjects to cover in this section but the main one
I’d like to address is the TIMELINE! Breaking ground in 2008 and
completion date of 2013. That means in 2012, they will be worshiping
Maitreya. Enough said.
From http:/
Since early 2008, scheduled meetings between all of the
stakeholders (government, village leaders, farmers, landowners, and
Maitreya Project) have been ongoing and the result is an excellent mix
of open dialogue, trust, and community involvement in bringing the
benefits of Maitreya Project to Kushinagar.
The process of dialogue between the farmers and the negotiation
committee is now under way and the issue is only for decision of a final
compensation rate to the satisfaction of the farmers.
The Government has already started construction work on a 4-lane
highway under the ongoing National Highway Authority plan. This highway
will link Gorakhpur to Bihar, crossing through Kushinagar. The plan of
the highway is such that it has a very long stretch touching the
Maitreya Project site.
At the site of the existing air strip at Kushinagar, an international airport has been approved by the Government of UP.
To protect the area surrounding the Maitreya Project in Kushinagar,
UP from possible opportunism, the Memorandum of Understanding between
Maitreya Project and the Government of UP has provided for an area
described by approximately a 7.5 kilometer radius around the
750-acre/300-hectare Maitreya site. This area has been designated by the
UP Government as the Kushinagar Special Development Area (KSDA).
Maitreya Project has worked with the Uttar Pradesh State
Government, together with advisors and consultants in India and
overseas, to create a comprehensive Master Plan for the appropriate
development of the protected KSDA.
The KSDA will be administered by the newly created Kushinagar
Special Development Area Authority, which will be overseen by another
newly created body, the Kushinagar Regional Commission. These bodies
have effect in law and Maitreya Project has representation on these
bodies. To achieve this, Maitreya Project met regularly, on a scheduled
basis, with the appropriate departments in UP to create the municipal
bylaws and planning regulations.
Bodhgaya, Bihar-
In the meantime, in Bihar state, Maitreya Project has continued to work with the current State Government administration.
In order to fulfill the original wish of Maitreya Project’s
founder, Lama Thubten Yeshe, his successor and the Project’s Spiritual
Director, Lama Zopa Rinpoche plans to construct a 150ft/45m statue of
Maitreya Buddha on the existing Bodhgaya land. The Maitreya statue in
Bodhgaya will be a little shorter than the height of the Mahabodhi
Stupa. This statue will be built in addition to the 500ft/152m statue of
Maitreya Buddha to be constructed in Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh.
The proposal is to construct a 150ft/45m statue of Maitreya Buddha
using the same art as is planned for the 500ft/152m statue in
Also planned for the Maitreya Project Bodhgaya land site is a
temple and facilities that accommodate the Gelugpa Monlam Festival for
which Maitreya Project will be honored to make the site available
annually. When the Monlam Festival is not in session the facilities will
be available to Indian and other monks who will be resident.
The Project in Bodhgaya has a major sponsor who has committed to
ensuring the construction of the 150ft/45m Maitreya statue in Bodhgaya
and updated site planning for the Bodhgaya land and 150ft/45m Maitreya
Buddha statue has begun.
From local people in the land there are comments of poverty, famine and relocation with little compensation is being published.
**Mark of the Beast**
The mark is said to be in many places. The reverence of it speaks
volumes. Satan has his Legion who are following his instructions as to
where and when this will take place. I firmly believe that all is up in
the air until Yahweh gives word to begin any action against a humanity,
much less a human. Getting this mark will have eternal consequences. The
many who will receive it will be oblivious to it’s destiny until it’s
too late. Others will know exactly what they are getting.
The mark of the beast will be a literal, physical combination of
letters and symbols. It will be permanently and prominently engraved or
tatooed on the forehead or right hand of each person who gets the mark
of the beast.
The mark of the beast will include one of the beast’s 666 names.
Each of the 666 names will be a name for God. The beast is Satan, coming
to earth, looking like God and saying that he is God. Each of his names
will be blasphemous, because he is not God.
When Satan comes to earth claiming to be God he will require people
to receive the mark of the beast. It is possible that a VeriChip could
be implanted in the forehead or right hand as a part of the mark of the
beast. This would probably only occur in the more industrialized
A few months after the beast comes to earth he will attempt to
force every person on earth to receive the mark of the beast. He will
make a law requiring every person to receive the mark of the beast and
there will be stiff penalities to anyone who refuses. This law will
apply to every person in every country on earth.
It won’t matter if you are very wealthy or if you are poor. It
won’t matter if you are the leader of a great country or if no one knows
your name. You may be free, or you may be in prison or in debt.
You may be old or young, male of female. You may be very religious
or you may not even believe in God. Nothing about you will matter. If
you are alive you will be under great pressure to receive the mark of
the beast.
You will be given a choice about what mark you want to receive. You
will be allowed to choose from any of the 666 names that belong to the
beast. Each of the 666 names is a name for God. Each name is blasphemous
because the beast is not God.
It will be required for everyone
There will be severe penalties for refusing the mark of the beast
There will be great rewards for getting the mark of the beast
People will believe they are honoring God by receiving the mark of the beast
People will be afraid of not getting the mark of the beast
Peer pressure – most other people are getting the mark of the beast
Financial pressure – can’t buy or sell without the mark of the beast
**Two demons appear to be Moses and Elijah**
There will be two powerful demons who will claim to be the prophets
Moses and Elijah. They will come with the beast. The three of them will
appear to be God, Moses and Elijah.
The two demons who pretend to be Moses and Elijah are described as a
beast in Revelation 13. They are called a beast with two horns. The two
horns represent two beings, one Moses and the other Elijah.
“11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had
two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all
the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth
and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound
was healed.” Rev 13:11-12
The demons pretending to be Moses and Elijah will be gentle and
kind like a lamb but their words will be the words of Satan. They will
have great power and authority. They will tell people to worship the
first beast. This first beast is Satan. He appears to be God and people
will adore and worship him.
**Fire from heaven and miracles**
“13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down
from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives those
who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the
sight of the beast.” Revelation 13:13-14
The demon who is pretending to be Elijah will call down fire from heaven to prove that the beast (Satan) is God.
The demon who is pretending to be Moses will work miracles to prove that the beast (Satan) is God.
“16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17
and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name
of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17
After Satan and his demons have been on earth for a few months the
two demons pretending to be the prophets Moses and Elijah will force
people to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. They
will enforce the mark of the beast.
These beasts are in fact Maitreya and Sananda…and at different
times they have been called the Christ, so time will tell the
circumstances in which things will take place but it’s all inevitable.
They have their plans and work with elite to pull it off but it’s all up
to the Almighty Yahweh on when the sequence will start.
Again, as with all the other matters of counterfeiting this too is
but another fake means of competing with the Ultimate Creator.
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