26 09 2013
For example, HollyWeird Amber Rose says that St. Peter’s Cross is not satanic- fat meat ain’t greasy. For decades, St. Peter’s Cross had been popularly adopted by Luciferians and Satanist as a satanic symbol. Even if it is St. Peter’s Cross as she says, it would still represent a statement of unworthiness of Christ or Christ-like– evil-satanic. It would also indicate a dual personality (Good and Evil) Multiple Personality Disorder. It isn’t just the fact that most of Black HollyWeird are turning to Satan, they are systematically secretly trained, indoctrinated, and iatrogenically (scientific) implanted with satanic alternative personalities with triggers and keys that they can’t control.
It is significant that Amber Rose placed St. Peter’s Cross on her forehead consistent with Luciferian New World Order/New Jerusalem agenda, propaganda and deceptions. “And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” BOOK OF REVELATION 13:16-17 (KJV)
Insanity &Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy

“Boy, you must believe that fat meat ain’t greasy.”
“Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy” is a folk expression that I often heard among my elders out of the Deep South.
For generations, it was often said among them when you clearly ignored
their words of instruction, caution, wisdom or fundamental rules and
norms in un-constructive repetitive behaviors. For me, my elders were
saying, stop- think, apply the proper rule, and stop repeating the same mistakes over and over again. It is a folk expression of the common phrase: Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. –Albert Einstein[1]
Controlled Psychological Warfare Through the Media
We keep
going through this over and over again. We repetitively flock to the
theater expecting a different result from the contemporary so-called HollyWeird Black Cinema. Black People and the masses will not get a free “FEEL GOOD”
pass from the elite Luciferian ILLUSIONISTS-MASTERS OF DECEPTIONS and
now the Luciferian/ILLUMINATI Bloodline English cousins that control
HollyWeird; and the current Black Entertainment Industry. For whatever reasons, I just learned about the film production of a Brad Pitt’s British film “12 Years a Slave” released on October 18, 2013. The film is directed by black British subject Steve McQueen. McQueen is a “Commander of the Order of the British Empire” (Motto: For God and the Empire) just like British Secret Agent, James Bond -007. The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is an order of chivalry established on June 4, 1917 by King George V.
“12 Years a Slave,” is produced by the Brad Pitt’s Plan B production company. Brad Pitt of the ILLUMINATI says, “I grew up in a very Christian environment — a very healthy environment and a loving a family — but there were parameters that I didn’t understand, that I questioned it, and it took me until my adult years until I could really try new things… That was SATANISM, it works really well, I made a PACT [with the DEVIL-British Empire] and the movie came out…”


The DEVIL (Baphomet) HORNS, HollyWeird Luciferian Danny Strong (creator of Buffy the Vampire) and Britney Spears, above, Strong allegedly wrote the script for The Butler.
The Butler is yet another psychological warfare vehicle out of the HollyWeird’s powerful ILLUMINTI cabal. Their sole agenda seems to be penetrating the sub consciousness via mass media scientific “entrainment” of our brains inducing lunacy, and senses of overwhelming powerlessness to resist a New World Order. Like Django Unchained,
they didn’t consult with Black scholars or historians to create a
meaningful script or plot. It wasn’t created out of any dialogue or
genuine concern for the aspirations of Black People that would validate
and provide fuel and empowerment to Black Identity and BEING. 

Danny Strong with strange Masonic Checkerboard Head Piece with Jedi Knight Light Laser
Even HollyWeird’s Satanic Cult Negroes like Lee Daniels, Oprah Winfrey, Forest Whitaker, Lenny Kravitz, Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Terrence Howard and didn’t add to the script either.
Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy, Double Bind and Lunacy
If you don’t believe that fat meat ain’t greasy, you may be delusional. A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.[2] It is also a form of avoidance behavior. Avoidance behaviors, in the context of social anxiety disorder (SAD),
are things that people do, or don’t do, to reduce anxiety about being
in social situations. Avoidance behaviors can take the form of “true avoidance.” True avoidance behaviors involve the complete avoidance of the feared social situation.[3] Like Django Unchained, “The Butler”
has absolutely nothing to do with the African spirit and experience in
America. It is an ILLUSION, a smoked mirror masked to gingerly catch you
Norma Jeane- Marilyn Monroe’s DoD Top Secret Clearance to Lookout Mountain
Since at least 1947, the CIA’s propaganda, psychological warfare specialists and social scientists have ruled over Hollywood from up high at the top secret Lookout Mountain Laboratory in Laurel Canyon.[4] 
Anthropology is the study of humankind, past and present that draws and builds upon knowledge from social and biological sciences as well as the humanities and the natural sciences.[9] An Anthropologist is a social scientist with an extensive knowledge of anthropology who uses this knowledge in their work, typically to solve anthropological problems.[10] A CIA New Age Anthropologist isn’t interested in solving the anthropological problems of the masses, but using knowledge from social and biological sciences as well as the humanities and the natural sciences to disrupt and turn the cultures of people against itself for the military intelligence, political and social agendas of the Imperium- ILLUMINATI and the New World Order. The Butler movie is a vehicle designed to snag you in a DOUBLE-BIND– a situation in which no matter what a person does, he can’t win inducting schizophrenic symptoms. In the DOUBLE-BIND, there are two conflicting levels of communications and an injunction against commenting on the conflict. [11]
According to Bateson, “The ability to communicate about communication, to comment upon the meaningful actions of oneself to others, is essential for successful intercourse.” In normal relationships we continually comment about the actions and communications of others, saying such things, as, I feel uncomfortable when you look at me that way.””Are you kidding me? Or “What do you mean by that? In order for us to accurately discriminate the meaning of our own or another’s communication we must be able to comment on the expression- but the schizophrenic is effectively enjoined from such commentary.”[12]
The movie is based on the late black White House Butter, Eugene Allen. Cecil Gaines (Forrest Whitaker) is an ILLUSIONARY NEGRO and STRAWMAN character that like the real Eugene Allen, is a classic DOUBLE-BIND SCHIZOID and UNCLE TOM LUNATIC. The butler is a senior servant. They officiate in service rather than actually serving.[13] Both Django Unchained and The Butler involve the use of advanced and sophisticated levels of Supraliminal versus Subliminal Implantation. Supraliminal, literally “above” “threshold”, meaning you can consciously perceive it. Think of the difference between supraliminal and subliminal: the lyrics in the song, or the undetectable nuances when played backwards.[14]
In Django Unchained, the “N Word” was supraliminally dropped and implanted no less than 110 times in the movie. I have not seen either Django Unchained or The Butler. From The Butler’s official trailer, I noticed that the two key words repeatedly supraliminal dropped and implanted were BUTLER (function of serving)[15] and SERVE (to act as a servant).[16] “Everything you are and everything you have is because of that butler!”[17]
“You hear nothing. You see nothing. You only SERVE.”[18] Just these words along demonstrates Dr. Bateson’s DOUBLE BIND– injunction against commenting on conflicts. Eugene Allen, living under those humiliating conditions alone, for 32 years, would turn any human being into a Bateson SCHIZOID.
The Butler, Forrest Gump & Order of Knights of the Golden Circle
“Stupid is as stupid does“ –Forrest Gump (1994)
The infamous Monster Ball–Precious HollyWeird black-gay movie director, Lee Daniels, has said he sees The Butler as his black Forrest Gump.[19] What is a Forrest Gump? Forrest Gump is a 1994 HollyWeird film starring Tom Hanks, above,
is about a mentally challenged man’s epic journey through life, meeting
historical figures, influencing popular culture, and experiencing
first-hand historical incidents while largely unaware of their significance.[20]Forrest Gump’s infamous phrase, above, basically means that an intelligent person who does stupid things is still stupid. You are what you do. It is a catch-all term that basically means that stupid people are going to keep on doing stupid things because that’s what they are, period. [21] “The Butler and Forrest Gump do share some political and thematic similarities. For example, they both mock and caricature the Black Power Movement. The Butler through news sound bites, Nixon’s meeting about Cointelpro, and Cecil’s son’s involvement with the Black Panthers, depicts them as a violent group of clowns who are the bastard children of the “good” Civil Rights Movement led by Dr. King.”[22]

General Bedford and 2,500 rebel troops carried out against human beings an unparalleled fury, and unlashed upon Black People a vindictive savageness unseen since the days of the barbarians, Attila and Huns. The Massacre at Fort Pillow, a Union garrison, occurred on April 12, 1864. The fort was occupied by approximately 295 white Tennessee troops and 262 U.S. colored troops, and hundreds of Black men, women and children escaping slavery behind the protection of Union lines.[25] After surrender of Fort Pillow, General Bedford and the rebels began the deliberate slaughter of Black People. Black sergeants were singled out, nailed to logs and set on fire. The tents of the Black wounded were set on fire. Blacks escaping into the Mississippi River were caught in crossfire. Black women and children were shot on sight,[26] and then consciously fired upon innocent men, women, and children who were rushing down to a ravine to escape.[27]
They ripped open bowels with bowie knives, trussed bayonets through eyes, shot Black People at point blank range in the head. Colored troops threw down their arms and begged for their lives. They were massacred. Forrest ordered no quarter. In the morning, Bedford’s rebels shot the wounded in the hospital. They burnt bodies and butchered them. The Negroes that could stand were forced to stand up and then were shot. Many of them were hung. Black men were buried alive with the dead. Black men were nailed to walls of houses and burnt alive on the structures. Killing and slaughter of Black people went on throughout the night.[28]

The realization that the movies’ producers, directors and script writers intentionally supraliminally slipped the image of a Klansman, General Nathan Forrest Bedford, one of America’s most clandestine figures and vicious, savage racial mass murders in American History into the movie and the public psyche through the perceived innocence of Forrest Gump is a deliberate betrayal of public trust. The supraliminal implant of Klansman General Forrest Bedford in the movie was designed deliberately to subliminally terrorize-traumatize People of Color, and snag the masses in a DOUBLE BIND that they are caught virtually powerless to defend against.
The Butler, Blood Oaths of Secrecy & Lunacy

“They swore him [Eugene Allen] to some kind of secret code.” –Gloria Gaines-Oprah Winfrey, The Butler Official Trailer (2013)
The movie is an absolutely and complete ILLUSIONARY fictional historical drama loosely based on the real-life White House butler, Eugene Allen.[30] The Butler is purely fictional because Eugene Allen lived under constant fear and distress of a Blood Covenant of Secrecy and Code of Silence. Just take a good hard look at the above Eugene Allen’s bizarre psychotic fixed stare of a thousand years. Allen’s blood
covenant and code of silence was further layered by a far deadlier
Masonic Blood Oath of Secrecy; and a secret allegiance to Queen Elizabeth and the Grand Lodge of England. Eugene Allen was a member of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia until his untimely demit [To relinquish (an office or function)-DEATH] to the Celestial Lodge above in 2010.[31]During the institution and under the condition of African Slavery in America and England, Prince Hall petitioned the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns) for a warrant to be enslaved again which was granted on September 20, 1784 during the Reign of King George III aka George William Frederick Hanover; and delivered in Boston on April 29, 1787. African Lodge No. 459 was organized on May 6, 1787. Out of this lodge, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge was formed in 1792.[32]
In 1784, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns) was above HRH Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland. Prince Henry was born in London to Frederick, Prince of Wales, son of George II (German House of Hanover- George I) and Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach (German House of Hohenzollern), Princess of Wales.[33]
The British Empire’s extension of a Masonic charter to Prince Hall was no benevolent act of brotherhood while African Human Bondage raged in England and its colonies. The German Houses of Hanover and Hohenzollem stand at the pinnacle of the False Kings of the Hyksos and the Ba’al-Moloch New World Order Conspiracy established in antiquity at Solomon’s Temple in Ancient Palestine. Frederick the Great, King of Prussia (House of Hohenzollem)[34] was the beginning of the Second Reich that committed itself to establishing an Aryan World Order that led to the THIRD REICH 1000 Year of Aryan Supremacy and the annihilation of millions of people of color. [35]
The Nazi’s shut down the “Modern” Grand Lodges, but allowed the national “Old Prussian Grand Lodges” to continue under oaths of allegiance to “Mein Fuhrer.” They became “The Frederick the Great Association.” Frederick the Great (712 – 1786) was credited with establishing “Freemasonry” in Germany, and founding Confederate Generals Albert Pike and Forrest Bedford’s Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry- clandestine Order of t he Knights of the Golden Circle.[36]
The German House of Hanover– King George I led to the current Elizabethan House of Windsor[37] that led to Cecil Rhodes and the vicious Luciferian-Racist Global Imperial British Empire. [38] Prince Hall Grand Lodge is a clandestine Fifth Column of the Racialist Imperial British Empire and the Luciferian New World Order.
The Horror and Madness of Lucifer’s Workshop- The U.S. White House
“You Hear Nothing. You See Nothing. You Only SERVE!” The Butler Official Trailer (2013)
1960-November 22, 1963- The White House

1963-1969 White House
Vietnam War Criminal President Lyndon B. Johnson, “It was Johnson,”[40] a racist conspirator out of Texas in the assassination of President Kennedy took over the White House, and escalated the war of aggression in Southeast Asia based on a hoax and false flag operation, Gulf of Tonkin Incident, wasting the lives of millions. [41]Johnson, 36th
President of the United States was initiated on October 30, 1937, in
Johnson City Lodge 561, Johnson City, TX. On the surface, they say that
President Johnson never completed the degrees however, and therefore
obtained only the Degree of an Entered Apprentice Mason.[42] Regardless, he was a Luciferian “Freemason.”
1969-1974 White House
Vietnam War Criminal President Richard (Tricky Dick) Milhous Nixon was another JFK conspirator that took over the White House.[43] Nixon was a notorious Nazi collaborator [44] and a vicious racist that plotted and supported a clandestine shadow government policy and plan of GENOCIDE, “I
have the greatest affection for them [Black People] but I know they’re
not going to make it for 500 years. They aren’t. You know it, too…
Mexicans… They don’t live like a bunch of dogs, which the Negroes do live like.”[45] 

1974-1977 White House

1977 – 1981 White House

1981-1988 White House

1989-1993 White House
War Criminal- pedophile President George H.W. Bush was a SMOM Knight of Malta,
Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Order of
Skull and Bones (German Brotherhood of Death, Shriner (Scottish Rite) Luciferian Freemason.[54]
President George H.W. Bush was also a secret Bohemian Grove Samaritan Ba’al- Moloch worshiper that had also been deeply involved in Moloch-Molech human sacrifices; and its pedophilia and secret pagan sex rites.[55] Also during Bush’s administration, call boys 15 years old (and younger) were still taking midnight tours of White House.[56]
This picture shows President George H.W. Bush wearing his #77 Knight Templar hat with a golden Baphomet. This picture was secretly taken by German intelligence many years ago at a party.[57] 1993-2001
War Criminal 666 President Bill Clinton was initiated into Hot Springs Chapter of the Order of Molay
in Hot Springs, Arkansas, in 1961, where he served as Master Councilor.
He received the Chevalier in 1964 and the Legion of Honor in 1979.
Clinton was inducted into the DeMolay Hall of Fame on May 1, 1988.[58] The Order of DeMolay formulated its principles on the life and death of the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay. Baphomet was worshiped by de Molay and the Templars, as the denial of Christ. This was their most serious accusation when the order was arrested by degree of Pope Clement V. The Knights Templar 22nd Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, was burnt at the stake by order of King Philip IV of France in 1314.[59]

2001-2009 White House

It is absolutely bizarre that anyone would try to sell the popular idea among the masses that Eugene Allen would come out of Lucifer’s Workshop less than a raving LUNATIC after witnessing 32 years of war crimes, assassinations, deceptions, racism, mass murder in the millions, satanism, corruption and pedophilia with his EYES WIDE SHUT under the threat of death to everyone he loved. Let’s take a break for a moment. The ILLUMINATI never forgave Marvin Gaye for releasing “What’s Going On” among the masses. It was something that Eugene Allen could never dare to ask even in this dreams.
Lee Daniels, Lucifer’s Director
Lee Daniels & Michelle Obama, the secret hand symbols of the elite black satanic occultist are not random. The ILLUMINATI appears always to have a veil over Lee Daniel’s voice. Every word of the script and scene in The Butler had
been carefully studied and developed by a high level ghost writing team
of social scientists, psychiatrists and psychologists. That’s why the
movie script was fully developed as a finished product by the time it
reached Danny Strong. As I stated before, the HollyWeird Satanic Negroes had nothing to do with developing or contributing to the script. The black characters of the The Butler were carefully profiled with detailed psychological profiles. They were selected from among HollyWeird’s black satanic covens; and secret ILLUMINATI cells. 
Lee Daniels, the Ninth Gate of Hell, “Silence is Golden.”
The ILLUMINATI can always seem to depend on Lee Daniels to front for the works coming out of Lucifer’s Workshop with his mouth covered by a veil of secrecy. Lee Daniels is an extremely peculiar brother with a lot of strange ideas. Daniels is a former nurse that has oddly arisen rather quickly among the elite of black HollyWeird. Most of Daniel’s film projects seem to dwell at the Gates of Hell. He produced Monster’s Ball and directed the film Precious.[64]Like the other so-called black movie mogul Tyler Perry, he has a MK- ULTRA type background of ritual traumatic sexual abuse as a child, both beginning at 5 years old. Daniel’s father was a police officer, William Daniels, “killed in the line of duty” in 1972 when Lee was a teenager.[65] Daniel’s father was violent and physically abusive towards him, and even tried “to beat it [being gay] out of him.”[66] I have no intention to intentionally and personally demean the sexual and physical abuse of Perry or Daniels, but there is something extremely odd about both of them appearing abused by their Black fathers, both experiencing homosexual episodes at 5 years old; and both promote black MK ULTRA disassociated and alter personalities for mass media consumption.
Lee Daniels says, “I just started reading reviews about “Woodsman,” a couple months ago, ’cause I’m that disconnected. It helps you, you’re able to disassociate. I don’t know how well I’d be able to disassociate from something I directed, but I think I would probably start laughing.
In his Oprah interview, Tyler Perry had a “Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy” slip of the tongue. He admitted briefly that after the age of 5, some of his ritual sexual abuse took place at a hospital, “…nurse in the hospital. I had been rushed to the emergency room from school for something and a male nurse comes in and he was doing the same thing this man was doing [Birdcage & the man with his hands in his pants].”
Tyler Perry’s ritual sexual abuse taking place in a hospital setting certainly suggests and supports an argument of CIA- MK ULTRA involvement. Perry was sexually abused by numerous pedophiles remotely distanced from his black father. Additionally, the “birdcage and the pedophile” embedded in Perry’s memories suggests that in some episodes of programming he had been caged while being abused. “Many survivors remember the thousands of cages housing little children from ceiling to floor. The cages were hot wired (electrified on the ceiling, bottom and sides) so that the children who are locked inside can receive horrific electric shocks to their bodies to groom their minds to split into multiple personalities. These cages are called Woodpecker Grids.”[68]

The abusing black fathers in Perry and Daniels cases may be screen memory scrambles or implants to cover far deeper and horrific experiences. A screen memory is a memory that hides, or screens, another memory. Screen memories are often used in alien abduction cases. “Memory scrambles aren’t the same as screen memories. Scrambles are created by handlers to confuse or disorient the victim, either at the time or when the victim remembers the experience later on. If just one detail of the experience doesn’t make sense, the handlers hope that their victim will then discount the entire memory. Or better yet, the victim will talk about the still-scrambled memory to others and will discredit his or herself…”[71]
The Laughing Man & the Woodsman- the Pedophile For whatever reasons, Daniels and Damon Dash of Jay-Z’s Satanic Coven produced a strange and controversial pedophilia movie, “The Woodsman.” The Woodsman centers on the redemption of a serial child molester and convicted pedophile. It’s called the Woodsman because once out of prison, the compulsive molester (Kevin Bacon) got a job at a lumberyard. The Woodsman also profanely appears as the “Tin Man” in the Masonic Children’s Fairy-tale “Wizard of OZ.” “pg. 79 Book 3 Ozma of Oz, “I am only a ma-chine, and can-not feel sor-row or joy, no mat-ter what hap-pens.” This is teaching mechanical dissociation, and coincides with Tin Man programming.”[72] The programming that is related to the Tin Man produces a monarch slave which is described as “A WELL OILED MACHINE” by the handlers. Tin Woodsman Monarch slave: “THESE ARE BUT EMPTY SHELLS OF THE LIFE THEY WERE ONCE POSSESSED. LIKE YOU ARE–EMPTY AND VOID OF LIFE.”[73]
The Tin Woodman seems to lack a heart, but he is so full of sentiment that he is always weeping. Certain alters are not given courage and most have their hearts taken from them.[74] “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” –Aleister Crowley, 666, the BEAST Lee Daniel’s Woodsman doesn’t ask you to condone pedophilia or the pedophile that commit ritual sexual abuse of children, but it does invite you to accept him and to root for a man’s good instincts (Heart) to prevail over his bad ones. Lee Daniel’s Woodsman is a machine-like-pedophile (demon) that he encourages the audience to join them down the yellow brick road to find feelings, sorrow and a HEART for the Demon that lurked inside of him.
With the help of psycho therapy, Daniels has been found to harbor deeply embedded repressed memories of traumatic childhood ritual sexual abuse. During therapy, he recalled a sexual abuse incident from a pedophile (Woodsman) when 12 years old. 12 years is also the amount of time that the Woodsman spent in prison for molesting little girls. Daniels, who recently had to face a repressed childhood memory that forever connects him to Precious, “My therapist said, ‘Lee, your stories are so provocative, were you sexually abused?’ I go, ‘no.’ Then I go, ‘Well, you know I was 12 and this guy who was in his twenties tried something with me.’”[75]
After his confession, Daniels says his therapist hit him with the news. “She said to me, ‘Lee, you were sexually abused.’ I was like ‘ whoa .’ That was abuse. “That was last year and I’m almost 50 years old. I was like, ‘OK, put that on my checklist of things to do,’” he adds, breaking into a hearty laughter. [76] “The area of spiritual warfare for the person with ritual abuse and DID is often highly misunderstood. What the woman involved in deliverance didn’t realize is that the part talking to her was an ALTERNATE PERSONALITY named “laughter” who was created in times of great emotional stress (I wasn’t allowed to cry when I felt pain at others’ suffering, but mocking laughter was highly accepted as an emotional release). And the “thousands” referred to were personalities, not demons. Laughter found the evening highly entertaining, but others inside found it highly traumatic.”[77]

Luciferian Aaliyah Silenced by her ILLUMINATI Coven handler
Strangely, Hip Hop Damon Dash was the executive producer of Daniels’ pedophilia project, The Woodsman. Many sources claim that Damon Dash sacrificed Aaliyah in a Satanic-ILLUMINATI Blood Oath Covenant for Fame and Fortune. Aaliyah’s ritual sexual abuse childhood background suggests that she became an expendable victim, a Black female MK ULTRA sex slave.[78] 
Forest Whitaker, Lucifer’s Vessel
In The Butler, Forest Whitaker portray the leading character, Cecil Gaines.
most Christians, the Bible is like a software license. Nobody actually
reads it; they just scroll to the bottom and click “I agree.” –Forest Whitaker[79]
Whitaker’s statement, above, has to be one of the most condescending and cutting remarks that an individual could make to mock and insult Christians, Civil Rights Movement, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The odd thing about his statement is that Christianity is most likely the religion of his parents and forefathers in America that fought and died to free him from slavery. 

Forest Whitaker featured in Satanic Rite Ritual Hip Hop Video
I assumed that Forest Whitaker was a member of Jamie Foxx’s Panda Hip Hop Satanic Coven. However, Foxx’s egotistical, unstable and wild character and freaky low life exhibitionist behavior would undoubtedly bring undue exposure to more secret senior elite Luciferians.
Nevertheless, I think that Ron Howard, Quincy Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Cedric the Entertainer, and Forest Whitaker made brazen cameo appearances on Foxx’s “Blame it on the Alcohol [Lucifer]” music video to initiate Foxx’s Hip Hop Coven from a far more clandestine mother ILLUMINATI coven. On the surface, Academy Award Actor Forest Whitaker’s resume s is extremely impressive to say the least. He is like a major “Who’s Who” of the World.
To the masses, Forest Whitaker is an internationally recognized distinguished artist and humanist of the planet. He is the co-founder and chair of the International Institute for Peace and is the UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Peace and Reconciliation.[80] It isn’t clear why he would expose himself in such an open, active and patent association with ILLUMINATI Satanic rites. Are our lying eyes betraying us again? Is it a Forest Whitaker “Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy” moment? Do we just deny it (DOUBLE BIND) and “Blame it on the Alcohol?”
My eyes weren’t lying, Forest Whitaker was there, and I am going to talk about him. Make no mistake about it, Forest Whitaker is clearly among the ranks of elite Luciferian- ILLUMINATI, and may prove to be far more satanic and dangerous to the masses than you might want to believe.
Forest Whitaker, Jesuits and the ILLUMINATI

Civico, CIA & the Cocaine Connection
In 2003, Civico entered the “Cocaine Capital” Medellin, Columbia for field studies under President Alvaro Uribe, a CIA asset.[85] When Colombian President Uribe, who took office in 2002, he was boosted by large inflows of U.S. funding to deal with two predominant rebel groups–the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (known by its Spanish acronym, FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN). Civico went in to field study and identify the “leadership of the ELN”,[86] that clandestinely aided Uribe’s military and government supported right-wing paramilitary groups (Death Squads) in targeted assassinations of guerilla leaders, left wing activists, and sympathizers.[87]
Columbia’s military and paramilitary death squads have a well established “…history of assassinating left-wing civilians in guerilla areas, cooperating with narcotics-related paramilitary in attacks against suspected guerilla sympathizers, and killing captured combatants.”[88] Civico’s anthropologic field studies cover appeared to have been principally funded by Rothschild Zionist [89] George Soro’s [New World Order] Open Society Institute; CIA front- U.S. AID; and Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Columbia University international schools.[90]
Civico, Bill Clinton & The Vatican Con Scandal

The Follieri Group not only had powerful inside credentials to the Vatican. It also had close ties to the powerful and secret SMOM- Sovereign Military Order of Malta.[93] In the Italian-Vatican Connection, Aldo Civico, Director of the Center for International Conflict Resolution at Columbia University, had an unknown inside special relationship to Bill and Hillary Clinton and introduced Raffaello Follieri inside the Bill Clinton’s personal inner circle.[94] In 2005, “…the Follieri Group partnered with the Yucaipa Companies, a Los Angeles private equity fund headed by Forbes magazine-ranked billionaire Ron Burkle. Yucaipa, whose advisory board includes former president Bill Clinton (who counts Burkle among his closest friends) and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, has extensive investments in profitable inner-city commercial enterprises, particularly grocery stores.”[95] Most of the money from investors into the Follieri Group Vatican get rich land schemes began to disappear behind a curtain.
Some of the money that disappeared was attributed to maintaining Raffaello’s luxurious lifestyle with Manhattan and HollyWeird’s rich and famous. In October 2008, Raffaello Follieri pled guilty to 14 federal counts of wire fraud, money laundering and conspiracy to avoid a wider, deeper and sweeping look inside the Vat-Con Scandal. In 2012, Raffaello walked out of prison and returned to Italy behind the curtain of the Vatican. [96]
Civico, Barack Obama & the SECRET OLD ILLUMINATED ONES
During Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, rumors circulated on the internet that in a speech Obama referred to Medieval Catholic Mystic Prophet Gioacchino da Fiore as a ”Master of Contemporary Civilization” and someone who wanted to create a fairer world.[97] In regards to Gioacchino da Fiore, they had to react fast to that rumor. Immediately and for whatever reasons, people immediately suspected that the Jesuit Aldo Civico had been the source of Obama’s sudden misguided interest in Gioacchino da Fiore. Confronted, Civico quickly publicly answered and denied the allegations.[98]
Gioacchino da Fiore- The False ILLUMINATED ONE
Joachim [Gioacchino] Fiore of Fiore, (above with the stolen Kemetic Sacred Tribute Hand Symbol to Book of Revelation- falsified version of the Osiris Mysteries), was a Grand Master of the Medieval New Order ILLUMINATED Ones, and Amaury of Bene, a fellow Illuminated ONE were the principal architects of idea that the world is divided into three ages- that of God, the Father (Jehovah/Judaism), God the Son (Jesus Christ/Christianity), and God the Holy Spirit which for Joachim and Amaury meant Abraxas (Gnostics- Magic).[99]

Gnosticism was a second century heresy claiming that salvation could be gained through secret knowledge possessed by a few chosen. Gnosticism is derived from the Greek word gnosis, meaning “to know.”[100] The Duchinites, under the leadership of ILLUMINATED One Fra Dolcino (Disciple of Joachim de Flore), were a Joachimite Movement with close connections to Catharism (Dualistic Theology, Good- Evil). [101] According to the late Masonic Grand Mason author, Manly Hall, Dolcino and his wife (Margaret)
were pursued and captured by the Inquisition, then castrated and torn
to pieces, limb by limb, the pieces afterward burned by the public
Fifteen years later (in 1322), approximately thirty of Dolcino’s disciples were burned alive in the marketplace at Padua.[102] The Joachimites
advocated egalitarianism (human equality) and soon attracted the
hostility of the Catholic Church and nobility. The Catholic Church tried
to exterminate them and murdered and burnt the remains of Dolcino and his wife in 1307, the same year that Knight Templars (Baphomet- Gnosticism) were arrested, executed and suppressed for heresy.[103]
Please excuse my expression, but Joachim de Fiore of Fiore leads to some deep and heavy shit. As Masonic Manly notes, the Joachimite Movement is a secret link to the fundamental belief system and roots of the Knight Templars (Baphomet-Lucifer), Freemasonry (Gnosticism), the ILLUMINATI, and ZIONISM (Palestine, Center of the New World Order).
The British Empire & the Origin of False-Stolen Kingship- the Book of REVELATION
Richard I (September 8, 1157 – April 6, 1199) was King of England (German House of Hohenstaufen) from 1189 to 1199 and one of the leaders of the Third Crusade in the battle for Palestine. He was often referred to as Richard the Lionheart. He is the subject of many myths and legends. Many sources claimed that Richard I sought a meeting but didn’t necessarily meet with esoteric mystic Joachim de Flore on interpretations of the Book of Revelation before the great battle with Saladin, the First Sultan of Egypt and Syria, for the Holy Land.[104]
However, there are sources that support the fact that Richard I, his bishops, archbishops and spiritual advisers did counsel with the esoteric mystic in Sicily before the battle.[105] It was Joachim de Flore that framed Richard I and the German House of Hohenstaufen
(House of Elizabethan- Windsor) in secret false kingship of the man
child caught up unto God and his throne by a woman that faced the seven headed dragon[Satan] in the Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation that would come “to rule all nations with a rod of iron…”[106] , [107]
Generally, the biblical Book of Revelation is believed to be the works of John of Patmos. John
was a Christian banished to the Island of Patmos, a small Greek Island
in the Aegean Sea by Roman authorities during the reign of Emperor Domitian. Domitian (Titus Flavius Caesar Domitianus Augustus)
was the third and last emperor (81-96 AD) of the Flavian Dynasty. He
was the first Roman Emperor who had demanded to be addressed as dominus et deus (Master and God). Banishment was a common punishment for the practices of magic, astrology, and prophecy.
John of Patmos is claimed to have been a Jewish biblical scribe rather than a scholar or rabbi related to the House of David. It would certainty place him in Jerusalem in the shadow of Alexandria. Other than that not much is known about him. It is said that Jesus appeared before him at Patmos and he became a Scribe of Jesus for the Book of Revelation.
In the first and the last place, the subject of Revelation was not and is not derived from Christian canonical gospels. It is supposed to be absolute Christian divine inspiration- prophesy. However, I believe that more and more people are beginning to come to the conclusion that even that isn’t true.
Early Christians and the Royal Library of Alexandria
The Royal Library of Alexandria or Ancient Library of Alexandria had been one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. It flourished under the patronage of Greek Ptolemaic Dynasty
and function as a major center of Great scholarship from its
construction in the 3rd century BC until the Roman conquest of Egypt in
30 BC. No index of the great library survives, but the Library of Alexandria had hundreds of thousands of Kemetic scared scrolls and perhaps tens of thousands of individual manuscripts and works. Most of the staff (Greek and foreign scholars) of the library was fully occupied with the task of translating Kemetic works onto papyrus paper.
Hundreds lived at the library translating sacred Kemetic documents. During the time of John of Patmos from at least 81-96 AD, the Royal Library of Alexandria would certainty have been open to Jewish scribes and a perfect place to access and translate sacred Kemetic works. During the 4th Century AD, the Roman Emperor Theodosius established Christianity as a state religion. He closed all Kemetic temples of Alexandria and what remained of the royal library and its sacred scrolls were deliberately destroyed.
hundreds if not thousands of sacred scrolls useful to their newly
established state religion were secreted away. Whatever may have
remained of Kemet’s secret scrolls after the Christian spoils
were put an end to by the Muslim invasion of Egypt in the 7th Century.
It wouldn’t out of their character that what they knew of Kemetic Cosmology, Science and Mythology, the oldest and most complete belief system known to human civilization, from sacred works such as the Book of the Dead would be copied then cloaked in forming early Christian dogma, theology and prophesy. However, their interpretations, translations and deciphers were seriously flawed. It took Kemetic priests up to at least 40 years to master just narrow and specialized truths and fields of the thousands of years of Kemetic knowledge and wisdom.
their lack of knowledge of the truth and works of thousands of years,
it didn’t bother them. They were only interested in developing a
religious system that could act as “Opium for the Masses” in creating a New Jerusalem and World Order. The fundamental matter of the veiled Christian Revelation prophecies existed thousands of years earlier in Kemetic Cosmology and Astrology. Christianity and “Jesus” are deliberate perversions, the fabrication and bastardization of the thousandths of years Kemetic myths of Ausar, Auset and Heru (Osiris, Isis and Horus).
Jesus, the Stolen Mythology of HORUS
Compare the historical, religious and philosophical data between JESUS CHRIST and HORUS of Thousands of Years. The Book of Revelation is basically the bastardization of the complex ancient mythology of Osiris, Isis, Horus, and the Funeral Ritual of the Kemetic Book of the Dead. “That- Aan, who was the Kemetic scribe of the Funeral Ritual. “The
Apocalypse of John might be described as “scenes and characters from
the mysteries of ‘Taht-Aan, who was literally Aan= John, the divine
penman. This was the sacred scribe to whom 36,000 or papyrus-rolls were
attributed by tradition. In short, Taht- Aan was the pre-Christian John
the divine.”
The stars and constellations of the Book of the Dead became John’s monsters in Revelation like Joachim de Flore‘s seven headed dragon is based on no more than the deliberate continual fabrication and invasion of Kemetic thousands of years scientific astrology and mysteries of the universe.
The above represents da Fiore’s odd seven headed serpent of Revelation Chapter 12 that may be explained as an astrological interpretation taken from an ancient sacred document. In sacred Kemetic Cosmology, the Pleiades or Seven Sisters is an an open star cluster containing middle-aged hot stars located in the constellation of Taurus. In The Book of Going Forth by Days commonly referred to as above The Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Pleiades 7- Star Cluster is sacred to God Osiris.
Above from the the Book of Coming Forth by Day is the “seven cows and bull” sacred to God Osiris representing the Pleiades Star Cluster in the Taurus Constellation. 

Plutarch, the Greek Historian (46 – 120 AD), equates Seth [God Set] with “Anubis, Apap, Apepi, Bes, Tebba, Temha, and Typhoeus“, pointing to a relation to the Dragon (lizard, snake), which in Egypt first was represented as a crocodile or serpent. Plutarch also notes that the Phoenicians called Seth Doube or Döbher.This would coincide with the star Thuban [Draco Constellation] in then Ursa Minor.
The Kemetic God Set is associated with the Draco- Dragon Constellation. Gog (maybe Star Thuban) is in a league with Set-Satan, the Dragon. It is an old mythological-astrological story of the hero slaying the dragon played out in the stars. It is as universally complex as it is ancient. “And his tail drew the third part of the STARS OF HEAVEN, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon it was born. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred ant threescore days.” REVELATION 12:4-6 (KJV)
Behind the veil, John of Patmos’ 12th Chapter of REVELATION narrates some of the complex and ancient details stolen from the story of the Goddess Isis and her son Horus, particularly, when she fled from Apep (serpent) by hiding with Horus in the marshland of the Nile Delta.
“Dieu et mon droit “(God and my Right) – Motto of the British Monarch[108]
The motto refers to the “imperial-divine right of the Monarch to rule the world” and is said to have first been used by King Richard the Lionheart, above, as a battle cry and official motto of battle, then adopted as the royal motto of England by King Henry V in the 15th Century.[109] As you can observe, the British “God and my Right” is part and parcel of New Jerusalem/New World Order False-Stolen Prophesy of Antiquity, or “Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy”. Civico, Cyborg Barack Obama & the Deep Shadow Government

Civico also presented the Jesuits and the Vatican as a so-called informal member on the Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign- Latin America Working Group. [113] Civico, Brzezinski, Obama & Columbia University Barak Obama had been a registered student at Columbia University from 1981 to 1983, when Zbigniew Brzezinski was running the Institute on Communist [Anti-Russia] Affairs from 1960 to 1989. [114], [115] There was one problem in regards to Obama’s student body days at Columbia with Brzezinski, not many recall ever seeing him on campus; and his student transcripts are sealed.[116]. It appears that a number of ILLUMINATI cells and covens including the Jesuits had the opportunity to secretly input key information and store data into Obama’s cyborg computer system and network.
Forest Whitaker, Humanism & Satanism
“lluminism or ‘humanism’ is a secular religion and a transition to Satanism.” (Henry Makow PhD, Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World, p. 82, 2011) Whitaker is also described as a “humanist.” [117] Now, it should very clear why this man would mock Christianity. He is also an actor that engages in dissociation and spirit possession as an acting art form. He casts himself under the veil and alter ego of the Jesuit Order; and Aldo Civico- masquerading as an expert in international conflict resolution and whatever other clandestine and Satanic-ILLUMINATI things; and that is really frightening stuff for the masses of the people.[118]
HollyWeird’s Forest Whitaker is one of their faithful “see nothing, hear nothing, do and know nothing” Uncle Tom Negroes; and his blood fortune and fame keeps rolling in. If you don’t believe that Forest Whitaker is a Son of Satan- Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy.

The Secret Masonic- ILLUMINATI Good Hands People, Jesuit General Ignacio Loyola, Whitaker & Queen Elizabeth I
Now, I understand why Whitaker had to appear in Jamie Foxx’s demonstrative and ugly Satanic Rite musical video injuring his internationally renowned peacemaking stature. Like a true Uncle Tom, the ILLUMINATI have NO RESPECT FOR THE SECRET- FALSE SATANIC RITE NEGRO! Let’s take a break for a moment with some hidden melodies and rhythms from the Rock of Gibraltar- the Pillars of Hercules (Shu).
High Priestess Oprah Winfrey & the Ancient Secret Cult of Mithra
In The Butler, Oprah Winfrey of the ILLUMINATI and the Brotherhood of Death portray Cecil Gaines’ wife, Gloria Gaines. Like Tyler Perry, Oprah Winfrey’s background fit the profile of a CIA- MK ULTRA child victim- ritual traumatic sexual abuse and child prostitution, etc.
The CIA was training children of all ages, teenagers and also young adults for future operational assets. One of the CIA’s main children mind control programs was a 1958 Top Secret MK ULTRA subproject 74 called “Imaginative Research.” Subproject 74 was headed by renowned imminent Psychologist Carl Rogers (January 8, 1902 – February 4, 1987). He taught psychology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (1957–63). One of Rogers’ CIA contact agents and understudies was Dr. William Thetford (April 25, 1923–July 4, 1988). Under Rogers, Thetford’s studies centered on personality development in childhood. [120] From 1950-1952, Dr. Thetford completed research and published eleven professional papers, of which seven involved children. He submitted an additional five more papers for publications, of which two was on fantasy projections in children.[121]

Dr. Murray is linked to the MK ULTRA mind control experiments on Ted Kaczynski, the infamous Unabomber.[124] In 1951, Dr. Thetford had become a senior assessment psychologist on Dr. John Gittinger’s CIA Assessment and Evaluation Staff in the Office of Training. [125] In 1960, Dr. Thetford along with a David Saunders headed CIA MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory at Columbia University.
Dr. Thetford conducted among other things TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments.[126] Conversion Hysterics is often referred to as “disorder of imagination.” It is a mental disorder characterized by the conversion of mental conflict into somatic forms (into paralysis or anesthesia having no apparent cause). Conversion Hysterics usually occur in people subject to traumatic stresses such as battle fatigue. Patients develop mysterious subjective maladies and disabling illness (Torture).[127]
Anyway you look at it. If you deal with Dr. Thetford and entrusted with his works; you would undoubtedly have to be a powerful high level clandestine CIA asset. Dr. Thetford was no run of the mill CIA agent. Deal with Dr. Thetford; you are literally dancing with the DEVIL. The Color Purple, Oprah & The Secret Cult of MITHRA
“We will of course not let them know about Wotan [Odin].” –Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels- [128]
Author of Color Purple, Alice Walker, defines herself as a “pagan“ or “earth worshiper”
She says that she is following the religion that her African and Native
American ancestors before her practiced when they honored the Earth Mother. Alice bows down daily in the mornings in worship to the Earth Mother (mother earth).[129] However, other than any concern about African and Native American ancestors it appears that Ms. Walker with her garland of flowers headdress is far more preoccupied and spiritually linked with Goebbels and Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s Germanic Nazi-Wiccan Mayday Paganism. 

Alice Walker, Oprah Winfrey & The Secret Cult of Mother Earth Goddess- Mithra
Above, entertainment television icon Jay Leno, Former U.S. President William Clinton, Alice Walker and Oprah Winfrey display the “Mother Goddess Symbolic Womb” secret hand symbol. According to Barbara Walker, in her book, The Woman Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets (198), the downward pointing triangle is a common symbol of the womb.[130] The
womb has been symbolized and worshiped in a variety of forms from
ancient times to today. Caves, burial chambers, and temples were seen as
wombs of the Mother Earth.[131]
British Film Director “12 Years a Slave”- Steve McQueen, Commander of the Order of the British Empire, Cult of Mithra
A cave (entrance to the underworld)
symbolizes the womb of the earth and has been used as sites of worship
since before churches were constructed. The cave was universally
identified with the womb of MOTHER EARTH, the logical place for symbolic birth and regeneration.[132] Both the Sanskrit and Roman words for a place of worship (the cave) meant womb. Some of the earliest evidence of religion that is known today comes from sophisticated cave paintings in France that appear deep within caves.[133] Many goddesses of early cultures claimed the cave as their domain and/or entrance through which they created life, including the Hindu goddess Kurukulla, pagan goddesses Cybele and Mithra, Latin goddess Sybil, Cretan goddess Rheapagan, as well as others.[134]
By 376 C.E., the Vatican began seizing caves dedicated to the worship of the Goddess Mithra in an attempt to promote Christianity. In the 15th century, Pope Calixtus II (died December 13, 1124) attempted to outlaw religious ceremonies in sacred caves.[135] The Satanic Blood Sacrifice traditionally is an important practice in Magick-Aleister Crowley, the BEAST 666. The legend of Mithra is connected with the blood sacrifice of antiquity [136] Crowley proposed that Baphomet was derived from “Father Mithras“. In his Confessions he describes the circumstances that led to this etymology: I had taken the name Baphomet as my motto in the O.T.O. For six years and more I had tried to discover the proper way to spell this name. I knew that it must have eight letters, and also that the numerical and literal correspondences must be such as to express the meaning of the name in such a ways as to confirm what scholarship had found out about it, and also to clear up those problems which archaeologists had so far failed to solve … One theory of the name is that it represents the words βαφὴ μήτεος, the baptism of wisdom; another, that it is a corruption of a title meaning “Father Mithras”. Needless to say, the suffix R supported the latter theory. I added up the word as spelt by the Wizard. It totaled 729. This number had never appeared in my Cabbalistic working and therefore meant nothing to me. It however justified itself as being the cube of nine. The word κηφας, the mystic title given by Christ to Peter as the cornerstone of the Church, has this same value. So far, the Wizard had shown great qualities! He had cleared up the etymological problem and shown why the Templars should have given the name Baphomet to their so-called idol. Baphomet was Father Mithras, the cubical stone which was the corner of the Temple.[137]
MITHRAS (Persian God of Light and Wisdom) is later patrilineal form of MITHRA. [138] The New Age (Age of Aquarius) models it dogma on the Magi’s’ Cult of Mithra as Friedrich Nietzsche did for Nazis dogma. Crowley had announced himself publicly a devotee of Nietzsche’s New Age Cult in Vienna Theosophy magazine, near the beginning of the 20th century, and indicated as his preferred choice of the name for SATAN.[139] The “head” of the “Antichrist” that Joachim de Flore had prophesized is SATAN- the Devil.[140]
Above, Actor Terrence Howard pulls rank displaying the higher “Mother Goddess Symbolic Womb” secret coven hand symbol while Rapper 50 Cent displays the ILLUMINATI traditional lower pyramid hand symbol.
The elite ILLUMINATI is multi-layered and made up of many mansions. Their secret cults speak by language, symbols, images and through ILLUSIONS that few understand. Alice Walker’s EARTH MOTHER is the ancient secret CULT OF MITHRA- MITHRAS that is observed by a “chosen few” and hierarchy of the ILLUMINATI.

Sofia is honored as a Goddess of Wisdom by Gnostics– Joachimites, Knigths Templar, as well as by some Neo-pagan, New Age, and feminist-inspired Goddess spirituality groups.[142] Sofia is a pagan goddess of Wisdom (MITHRA) and wife of God.[143] She is the creator of all. She gave breath to Adam.[144] Most of Sofia’s ancient attributes were profoundly broken down in Christianity. Christianized and patriarchalized, she was demoted to a Fallen Angel.[145] Sofia was cast down and made to suffer (whoredom and imprisonment) and repent until a superior male god deigns to “correct her deficiency.”[146]
That is what literally happened to Sofia in Color Purple, the character Sofia was attacked, beaten by white men and held in virtual slavery to SERVE a white family to correct her ”Lunacy” for not being blindly subservient to the fable of white supremacy. Alice Walker and Oprah’s character, Sofia, in Color Purple has absolutely nothing to do with Black History, or the goals, struggles and aspirations of the Black masses of the South.
It’s about Lucifer-Satan, and their false “divine” prophecies, kings, rulers, prophets and gods. Sofia is a false myth designed by the ILLUMINATI to subliminally implant a “divine” base justification for slavery and oppression of the masses of color. Oprah Winfrey is like Tyler Perry, Lee Daniels, and most likely Forest Whitaker. Through MK- ULTRA traumatic sexual abuse and torture as a child, she has many alter personalities controlled by keys and triggers. She practice dissociation and become possessed by spirits and Demons (Film- Beloved 1998[147]).[148] Oprah wasn’t playing the character Sofia. She was possessed of the spirit of Goddess Sofia. That the way satanic Negroes- roll in HollyWeird.
“Take careful notice of the way God and Adam’s hands are
positioned. The middle and ring fingers are held together while the
pointer and pinky fingers are separated. This makes an “M” and as you
will see represents Masonry – the oldest, most wide spread secret
society in existence, operating in almost every country in the world
with 5+ million members. For centuries, the Vatican and world Royalty
have conspired using the vehicle of Freemasonry to place initiates into
key power positions of politics, business, banking,and media in an effort to control populations.”
Furthermore, Alice Walker’s Satanic- ILLUMINATI coven bi-crossed arms is a bastardization of Kemetic symbolism. The bi-crossed arms is ancient symbol of homage to the God Osiris displayed by the pharaohs since the early dynastic period. 


The Butler, Cuba Gooding, Jr.- Satan’s “MAD HATTER”
In The Butler, Cuba Gooding, Jr. pictured with wife, portrays White House Butler, Carter Wilson. At the first glance, Cuba Gooding, Jr. should be a feel good story in anyone’s book. His father, the former lead singer of 70s R&B group, The Main Ingredient, Cuba Gooding, Sr., got hooked on alcohol, crack cocaine, drugs and abandoned his family to poverty, the wind and rain. Cuba, Jr.
survived the mean streets to become a respected family man, an Academy
Award winning artist, and one of the highest paid actors in HollyWeird.[150] –

Above, Cuba is caught on camera high stripped to his waist ready to get his groove on at the club.

As for Lenny Kravitz, he displays another secret Masonic form of the Osirisian Sacred Bi-Crossed Symbol. Lenny portray James Holloway.[158] High Priestess of Kabbalah-ILLUMINATI [159](Witch), Madonna. [160] Lenny Kravitz is a half Jewish pro-Israelite Zionist,[161] and part of the “Mad Madonna” notorious New Age Satanic-Kabbalist Circle.[162] Kabbalah is as complex as it is old. Throughout the centuries, it has come to mean many things to many people. However, whatever Kabbalah that Madonna subscribes to is undoubtedly overwhelmingly Satanic. Eliphas Levi, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, was a prolific writer on Magical Freemasonry, he has been called, “the Last of the Magi.”[163] Levi created the infamous image of Baphomet. Levy said that high magic [was] hidden under the name of Kabbalah, and reported in the hieroglyphics of ancient sacred temples.[164] “Monsignor Jouin notes that the brothers G. and N.L. Butmir in their works, Freemasonry and the Betrayal of the State and Jews in Masonry, pointed out that, ‘despite advances in science, the rabbis and Kabbalists Jews wishing to maintain their power over minds, devoted themselves to the “Kabbalah of the Left” to magic, demonology, the evocation of spirits, sorcery, spiritualism, all sorts of sordid excitement, to order to enslave the weak minds that have lost, for one reason or another, the benevolent support of the True Faith. We understand that such studies, far from serving the true God, lead directly to the worship of the occult and devil worship.’”[165]
“The Super bowl is kind of like the Holy of Holies in America. I’ll come at halfway of the “church experience” and I’m gonna have to deliver a sermon. It’ll have to very impactful. “-Madonna Vigilent Citizen: “It is rather appropriate that this Kaballah-initiate [Madonna] referred to the Super bowl as the “Holy of Holies” as it was the name of the most sacred place in Solomon’s Temple. No one was ever permitted to enter the Holy of Holies but the High Priest. This privilege was only granted on the Day of Atonement, to offer the blood of sacrifice and incense before the mercy seat. Madonna’s analogy was therefore telling of the mindset behind her performance.”[166] Priestess Mad Madonna & Lenny Kravitz, “I Love Satan” “Justify My Love” is a song by Madonna from her first compilation, The Immaculate Collection (1990).
The song was written by Lenny Kravitz and Ingrid Chavez with additional lyrics by Madonna.[167] The song is clandestinely layered with subliminal satanic messages back masked in the song, “I Love Satan”.[168] Lenny’s lyrics also has a ‘”The Beast Within” mix which quotes passages from the Book of Revelation (The Beast Within = sexual penetration by the Devil or the Antichrist [Book of Revelation]).[169]

Terrence Howard- Satan’s Psycho, “THE ANTICHRIST IS HERE!”
Former First Lady Luciferian Barbara Bush & Terrence Howard– Science is Golden at the Ninth Gate of Hell
Finally, we have Mr. Howard. The real story of Terrence Howard reads like a true African-American PSYCHO. In The Butler, Terrence Howard is just what he is, HOWARD.
Howard has a secret strange occult alter personality that have been nurtured over decades. Above, Howard sports a head scarf with pyramids, sun symbol with eight rays with a symbol inside
and a shirt with some type of yellow occult vase or urn. The symbol
inside the sun circle and surrounded by pyramids appears to be an owl, Moloch, the Ba’al-Moloch of the elite Bohemian Club associated with child sacrifice.
He also wear two occult charms or medallions. One necklace appears to be a double serpent charm, Double Serpent Power.
The Double Serpent is an ancient complex and mysterious symbol from the serpent of caduceus to the Old Serpent of Genesis to the Baphomet of the Knight Templars. However in regards to Dark Tantra Sex, “it
represents sexual energy or Kundalini of the male and female in
synergistic exchange. The serpent or sexual energy can either be raised
to reconnect us with the Divine to pursue sexual gratification.” Sex, The Secret Gate to Eden, Alchemy, Tantra and Kabbalah, Glorian Publishing (formerly Thelema Press) 2006. 

Dr. Ralph Allison, a protege of Dr. Gregory Bateson’s Stanford University CIA circle, said that if the first dissociation (sufficient trauma to dissociate) was before the age of seven, a condition called “Multiple Personality Disorder” (MPD) will result. Children at that age feel too immature or untrained to defend themselves with physical means, so they resort to making defenders of their bodies within their minds. Dr. Allison also found that dissociates created by “stress-trauma” were usually “highly hypnotizable.” Terrence Howard is sad, troubled and a bizarre deeply involved Satanic- ILLUMINATI multi-layered individual to say the least.

Howard & King James of England– The “M” stands for most high and ancient secret “MASONRY”.

The Great Pharaoh Seti I honor God Osiris with the secret Kemetic sacred open hand tribute symbol.
Terrence Howard, The Making of Dark Side 
It was stage play by Aristophanes of Ancient Greece first performed by Athenians in 411 BC. She also showed up in another ancient Greek play by Euripides, Medea. It is based on the mythical hero of ancient Greece, Jason, and the Witch Medea. This play was also first performed in Ancient Greece in 431 BC. Minnie’s stage career was also undoubtedly influenced by the circles, darkness and the Greek mysteries of the controversial French novelist, playwright, poet, essayist, gay political activist and Luciferian occultist Jean Genet. Jean Genet was part of a secret society that loved the Hidden Dark Side of Ancient Greece.
“Oh go through the walls; if you must walk on the ledges of roofs, of oceans; cover yourself with light; use menace, use pray…My sleepers will flee toward another America.” -Jean Genet In France, Jean Genet had been a compulsive criminal and boy prostitute. He was a high level Old World ILLUMINATI and one of the secret Masters of the Priory of Sion associated with the Luciferian homosexual circle of Grand Master Jean Cocteau. The Priory of Sion is an ancient secret society associated with Leonardo Da Vinci. They along with the Knight Templars claim to Lords of the New World Order through the House of King David (Jesus) and Mary Magdalene.

The independence of the African Nation of Ghana in 1957 inspired Genet to write and produce an all black cast play, The Blacks. Among the Negroes he assembled for the play was Minnie Gentry cast as a queen. Genet had very little regard and respect for the Black aspirations of human freedom, dignity, peace and justice, Genet called his play, The Blacks, A Clown Show.

Hand Symbol of Grand Masons,Terrence Howard and Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England
At age 15, Terrence landed a spot on the Cosby Show, but his scene didn’t survive the cutting board. Minnie was the Cosby show’s Great Aunt Gram Tee. Out of this complex circle of darkness and at the feet of the ILLUMINATI, Terrence Howard, the Mad “Son on of Satan” and high ranking secret Freemason, emerged. Terrence Howard, the Occult, Dark Sex & Antiquated Black Women 
Secret Hand Symbol of Babylonian God of Wisdom Nabu & Terrence Howard
(Madness Out of Terrence Howard’s Mouth) “Black
women are antiquated. White women represent progress. My non black
ex-wife called me nigger and wants nothing to do with my children
because they’re black or at least half black and this Asian chick hit me.”[172]On May 6, 2012, police arrived at Terrence Howard’s suburban Philadelphia home due to an altercation that occurred between Howard and his ex-girlfriend, May Seng Yang, “one of at least six violent altercations that Howard is alleged to have had with women since 2000”.[173] As far as the Asian chick that allegedly assaulted him, according to Ms. Yang, it was Howard who attacked her – adding the actor clearly has issues with women, is into “Dark Sex” and when need be pays for his fantasies.[174]

Moon Worship is as ancient as it is complex. The Sun (light) rules the day and the Moon (darkness) rules the night. The name Lucifer occurs once in the Scriptures and only in some versions of the Bible. For example, the King James Version renders Isaiah 14:12: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!” The Hebrew word translated Lucifer means “shining one”. The Septuagint uses the Greek word “bringer of dawn. Hence, some translations render the original Hebrew morning star or Daystar. But Jerome’s Latin Vulgate uses “Lucifer” (light bearer). Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer. The tradition, influenced by Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the Devil, but as a liberator of “guiding spirit” or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah. Among Satanist, Lucifer is seen as the “Torch of Baphomet.” Midnight is the “Witching Hour.” With a modern literal meaning of “midnight,” the term witching hour refers to the time of day when creatures such as witches, demons, and ghosts are though to appear and to be at their most powerful black magic to be effective.
Hendrix’s former girlfriend, Fayne Pridgo, has said: “He used to always talk about some devil or something was in him, you know, and he didn’t have any control over it, he didn’t know what made him act the way he acted and what made him say the things he said, and songs… just came out of him.” (Dave Hunt, America: The Sorcerers New Apprentice, Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1988, pp. 239-40)
It is not surprising that an apprentice in Luciferianism like Terrence Howard would conjure up or “twin” a dead sorcerer and the guiding spirit of Jimi Hendrix to lead him through a league of demons and ghosts in the darkness at midnight to the enlightenment of the “light bearer” and the “Torch of Baphomet”, O Lucifer.
Terrence Howard & Luciferian- Enochian Sex Magkic
Dark Sex is a form of Aleister Crowley’s Satanic Ritual Sex Magick. It is a secret Enochian “Angelic” Ritual Ceremony.[175] The Enochian system of magic as practiced today is primarily the product of researches and workings by four men: John Dee, Edward Kelley, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers and the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley.[176]
John Dee is important. Dee (July 13, 1527–1608 or 1609) was a Welch mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occultist, navigator, imperialist, and consultant to Queen Elizabeth I (House of Tudor- started England’s African Slave Trade). He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination and Hermetic philosophy.[177] “Enochian” is described as “Angelical”, the “Celestial Speech”, the “Language of Angels”, the “First Language of God-Christ”, the “Holy Language”, or “Adamical” because, according to Dee’s Angels, it was used by Adam in Paradise to name all things. The term “Enochian” comes from Dee’s assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human (before Dee and Kelley) to know the language.[178]
Enochian Sex Magick involves invoking erotic-occulted paranormal experiences from Fallen Angels. “Sex Magkic can be done with a Demon/ess.” “Sexual fluids, both semen and vaginal secretions and also menstrual blood have the power of Life Forces.” –Joy of Satan Ministries, U.S. Library of Congress[179]
“Crowley’s sex rituals involving the consumption of blood, semen, or feces were allegedly intended to achieve a higher consciousness to empower a talisman, or to simply empower ones self. Intense focuses on the intended result during the ritual, especially during orgasm, were paramount to achieving the desired goal in Sex Magick. Crowley saw in orgasm (as in drug experience) a means to create ‘breakage of consciousness’ by pushing the mind to a point of extreme exhaustion and so opening it the “supersensual.’ The technique… was that of excess; through pain or pleasure, sex or intoxication, it was necessary to attain a condition of exhaustion taken to the extreme limit.”[180]
According to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a talisman is “a magical figure charged with the force which it is intended to represent. In the construction of a talisman, care should be taken to make it, as far as possible, so to represent the universal forces that it should be in exact harmony with those you wish to attract, and the more exact the symbolism, the easier it is to attract the force”.[181] Ms. Yang allegedly met Terrence in a chance encounter at a pizzeria at the Plymouth Meeting Mall in Philadelphia. So, I assumed she isn’t necessarily a satanic hermetic sex practitioner, but was attempting to “drop the dime” on Howard when she said that he is so obsessed with satanic eroticism that he pays for Satanists to invoke the occulted experiences through Enochian Sex Magick Rituals.
Terrence Howard & Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The Strange Couple, Terrence Howard, Wife Michele Ghent and his Dark Side Dr. Jekyll Right Eye
Terrence married his third wife, Michele Ghent, 33 years old, in a secret ceremony in January 2010. She filed for divorce in February 2011.[185] Ghent previously said that Terrence began beating her a week into their marriage. She said he “slugged” her across the face and neck and threatened to throw her off a balcony. Ghent said the abuse continued throughout the marriage, and that he chipped her tooth with his wedding ring. She also claimed Terrence threatened to kill her if she told anyone his personal business. [186]Terrence married Ghent secretly. Almost nothing has been revealed about her background and family. One source identified her as a “commercial production worker” which is extremely strange that there has been no background check of Ms. Ghent.[187] Ghent is a medieval surname. The first recorded spelling of the family is shown to be that of Robert le Gent, which was dated 1195, in the “Pipe Rolls of Hampshire”, during the reign of of our old favorite British King Richard 1, recall “The Lionheart“.[188] Terrence became secretly engaged with Ghent in 2009. He claims that she may be connected with the Russian Mafia specializing in HollyWeird extortion- white-mail shams.[189]

Terrence Howard: “Satan is Taunting Me!”
Tellingly, Howard’s December 2 Email to Ghent, “If you wanted, you could crush me with the push of a button. I have no recourse, I have pleaded with Jehovah to fortify my heart that I do not fall into angry and revengeful retaliation against my forsaken love… I am newly reconciled to being a servant of Jehovah. SATAN is taunting me and there is no rest for my mind. So I beg you not to exercise the right that you have, divorce me and do what you wish but do not crush my families [sic] already threatened livelihood. I can’t promise how I will respond. In Jesus’ name I am praying.”[193] It seems as if Michele Ghent, agent of a criminal extortion syndicate, moved in and took advantage of Howard’s complex “dissociative identity disorder” that included highly CIA/MK ULTRA– MONARCH sensitive occult- satanic alter personalities that he had no power to control. They are pushing him to the edge. Like The Butler, Terrence Howard is caught in a classic DOUBLE BIND.
He, as a human being, is prohibited by blood oaths from revealing anything that he has heard, seen or even feel. Terrence is in a great dilemma as the elders say caught, “Between a Rock and a Hard Place.”[194] Terrence Howard is obsessed by the highs of satanic-erotic euphoria. He is caught on the edge of madness. His dilemma is so great, the fear so real that he has been driven on the path of suicide, “He grabbed an X-Acto blade and put it to his wrist as if to cut himself,” her filing states. He then reached for the “belt on his robe and displayed attempts to hang himself.”[195]

I believe Dr. Heath’s experiments on children are related to Tyler Perry’s New Orleans hospital ritual sexual abuse episodes that altered his childhood pleasure center becoming a child prostitute. Above, Tyler Perry displays the stolen sacred Kemetic Lion’s Paw, the familiar DEVIL’S PAW of the ILLUMINATI. Dr. Heath implanted and attached electrodes to the brain’s “pleasure center” to self stimulate organism- euphoria and elation. One of Dr. Heath’s patients felt driven to stimulate his implant so often — 1,500 times — that he “was experiencing an almost overwhelming euphoria and elation, and had to be disconnected, despite his vigorous protests,” Heath wrote. [197]
Enochian Sex Magick is physiologically and psychotically addictive and a CIA- MK ULTRA “River of Reward” behavior modification method.[198] Terrence Howard: FROM THE BOOK OF REVELATION, “THE ANTICHRIST IS HERE” The DOUBLE BIND triggered one of Howard’s Satanic Alter Personalities to emerge. People, I am not making this stuff up!

Terrence Howard & Masonic Sign of Distress
Likewise, Terrence Howard is perplexed- bewildered, puzzled and entangled caught up presenting a classic Dr. Gregory Bateson DOUBLE BIND- PSYCHO! If Terrence Howard is not a True Son of Satan, “Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy.” Howard is
so far inside the ILLUMINATI, LUCIFERIANISM and the OCCULT spiritually,
mentally and physical that he has an extremely difficult and dangerous
path ahead. He must “COME HOME.” Ask God, the elders and his most ancient thousandths of years pillar of foundational spiritual strenght, Black Women and the people for love and forgiveness
Symbolically, Cecil Gaines represents HollyWeird’s black straw man – classic Uncle Tom. Of the all the things going on in the White House and in the world, he had been enjoined from communicating anything that he saw, heard or feared. He exists only to be kicked around and SERVE blindly and faithfully the Imperium-ILLUMINATI. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie5lToIZglY In the movie, Gaines (Forest Whitaker) and Gloria Gaines (Oprah Winfrey) are only empowered to communicate, to comment and react (violently) upon the meaningful actions of oneself against the images of Huey P. Newton and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Huey would be the absolute dialectical opposite of HollyWeird’s Satanic Uncle Tom PSYCHOS and Lunatics in The Butler. To the Luciferian-ILLUMINATI; Huey P. Newton– Fat Meat is Always Greasy

Chairman Bobby Seale was a brilliant visionary and strategist that understood the power of IMAGES. Bobby setup our official uniforms as black berets, black leather jacket, blue shirt with black tie, black slacks and polished dark shoes. Even the panther logo above them is deliberately visually distorted.
The BBP’s uniform was recognized all over the planet as a powerful “IMAGE” and example of fearless disciplined and organized resistance among the masses.The BPP uniform also meant a death sentence- shoot on sight. There were many nights that we received alerts that orders on the streets were shoot panthers on sight, but we resisted fear and suited up regardless of the constant threats of death. The fear of Huey and the BPP is far more deeply rooted in ancient prophecy than you want to believe.

It was this Scottish Rite Freemason Luciferian disciple of the Ancient House of Hohenzollem, J. Edgar Hoover, that declared Huey P. Newton and the BPP the greatest threat to America’s national security. Lucifer, Satan, the DEVIL is his god and master. Luciferian Hoover also made the outcry, fear, and obsession of the Rise of Black Messiah among the masses official policy of the U.S. Government. What is it that we don’t seem to understand about their very real obsession and fears about the Rise of Black Messiah? It’s the Ancient Kemetic Vanquisher- HORUS

Everyone who met Brother Huey knew that there was something very special and spiritual about him. When the Panthers formed in 1966, the CIA/FBI had drawn up personality assessments and profiles of Bobby and Huey. An undercover student agent told me about Bobby and Huey’s personality assessments that they had developed to discourage me to from joining the Panthers. At the time right out of high school, I had no idea what he was talking about. “The Arc of the Moral Universe Is Long, but It Bends Toward Justice” –Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.[206] Even then, they had assessed that Huey wouldn’t break; and once removed from the BPP leadership, things would fall apart. But there were those spiritual and unknown value and intangibles among the people that they couldn’t see, assess, control or figure out. There was no material award or gain for Huey and Bobby taking an armed stand against systematic global injustice. Huey and Bobby were brilliant individuals that would have prospered in any chosen field, but they SACRIFICED their lives for righteousness for righteousness sake. The entire community feared the government would crack down on them and the BPP with a “ROD of IRON” and they did.
There was a big difference between the Huey pre San Luis Obispo California Men’s (Penal) Colony and Huey post-San Luis Obispo. When Huey was first incarcerated at San Luis Obispo, the word circulated among brothers and sisters that they were using “Chinese Brainwashing” torture techniques on him, and we had to visit him as much as possible to keep his mind together. I recalled hearing that they were torturing Huey with slow drips of water on his head 24hrs a day, and “water boarding” techniques.
This was in 1968-69 when we basically threw very little or anything at all about secret governmental brainwashing and mind control programs. CIA-MK ULTRA Mind Control Programs weren’t exposed until 1974.[207] The brothers had described San Luis Obispo as a pill factory where prisoners were lined up each morning and given daily doses of pills then walked around all day like zombies. During the early 1970s, a petition addressed to the California Senate Committee on Penal Institutions by La Raza Unida, a Chicano organization representing prisoners confined in the California Men’s Colony, described the situation at San Luis Obispo: “The simple fact that a number of prisoners are walking the yard in this institution like somnambulists, robots, and vegetables as a result of the drug [Prolixin-Lithium] should be reason enough to make people apprehensive as to the effect it is having. That no prisoner feels safe because he never knows when he will become a candidate for said drug is another factor in producing tension in this institution.”[208]

The CIA (MK ULTRA- MONARCH) had to find and figure out who Huey was, and prevent another Huey P. Newton from rising among the masses. Even the ILLUMINATI and Satanic Bloodlines (Priory of Sion) were also extremely curious about Huey.

Murrell publicly accused purged BPP dedicated civil rights brothers such as Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown of practicing “ultra-democracy” whatever that maybe. According to Murrell, we were not only suddenly buffoons, counter-revolutionaries, but renegades, and so artfully jacknapes and factionalizers. In 1970, while the Old World ILLUMINATI homosexual was dirty dancing in pink negligees for the new BPP leadership, we were the targets of a deadly assault not only by BPP Goon Squads with a shadow governmental license to kill, but also by a clandestine mutli-level governmental COINTELPRO-Project CHAOS search and destroy task force. Undoubtedly, the BPP Great Purge of 1969 had been a shadow government- ILLUMINATI setup.
Personally, I discovered around February 1969 that Chairman Bobby Seale wouldn’t be trusted any longer beyond looking at him. At Merritt Jr. College, two heavily armed BPP goon squad members began to tail and intimidate me and several student activists around campus. One guy, I knew went by the name of Robert Johnson had adopted the name, “Tcshaka.” The other guy we called, “Paul the Hunchback.” I accompanied a student delegation to Bobby Seale’s house down the street from campus. We pleaded with Bobby to withdraw the goon squad and preserve the college campus as a neutral ground for the well being and safety of the student body. The goon squad was withdrawn.
However within days during a special event on campus, I watched from a campus upstairs window as what appeared to be a platoon of new BPP members surrounded and invaded the entire campus like something like a siege of a Vietnam village. A squad of brothers asked students about my whereabouts on campus. Fortunately, the old Merritt Jr. College building on Grove Street (MLK, Jr. Blvd) is a gothic structure with hidden rooms and a couple of towers. I knew some of its secrets. I watched from one of the campus’ hidden windows on the second floor as the entire platoon met up with Chairman Bobby in one of the school’s many patios.
Tcshaka aka Robert Johnson was out of Baltimore, MD associated with black special agents out of SS General Fritz Kramer’s National Security Council (NSC) or National Security Agency (NSA). Paul the Hunchback was a black special agent associated with the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department or FBI/California Attorney General Eville Younger’s State Police.
The arch of the universe bends toward justice, peace and balance- Maat. There are certain universal truths that can’t be beaten down forever by an “IRON ROD,” ILLUSIONS and DECEPTIONS.

“Papa Don’t Take No Mess– Papa Don’t Take No Mess… Papa is the man you can understand. How a man has to do whatever he can… Papa is the man who will take a stand. Papa don’t take no mess… Papa got a whole lotta heart. And Papa would do his part… Wait a minute. Looka here. Don’t take Papa light. Cause when he gets uptight. He knows he’s right. You got to sacrifice. Papa is a man that will take a STAND.” Papa Don’t Take No Mess- Papa Don’t Take No Mess.”[217] With a Gun in his Hand!
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[152]http://diaryofahollywoodstreetking.com/cuba-gooding-jr-is-creeping-women-out-in-new-mexico/ [153] ww.mediatakeout.com/9965/exposed_man_claims_that_cuba_gooding_jr_passionately_kissed_him.html [154]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boat_Trip_(film) [155]http://indianinthemachine.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/madonnas-satanic-black-mass-at-superbowl-vigilent-citizen-laced-with-profound-imagery-madonnas-halftime-performance-was-a-massive-illuminati-ritual-one-that-was-witnessed-by-billions-of/ [156]http://vigilantcitizen.com/hidden-knowledge/whoisbaphomet/ [157]http://www.rhymeswithsnitch.com/2013/03/cuba-gooding-creates-party-monster.html [158]http://news.moviefone.com/2013/08/15/lenny-kravitz-the-butler-catching-fire/ [159]http://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/madonnas-mdna-tour-replete-with-illuminati-agenda/ [160]http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/1348015/posts [161]http://www.radioislam.org/photos/celebrities/celebr_jews.htm [162]http://www.davidicke.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-44008.html [163]http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/biography/esoterica/levi_e/levi_e.html [164]http://henrymakow.com/2013/08/Lucifer-the-Occult-Power-Kabbalah.html [165]http://henrymakow.com/2013/08/Lucifer-the-Occult-Power-Kabbalah.html [166]http://indianinthemachine.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/madonnas-satanic-black-mass-at-superbowl-vigilent-citizen-laced-with-profound-imagery-madonnas-halftime-performance-was-a-massive-illuminati-ritual-one-that-was-witnessed-by-billions-of/ [167]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justify_My_Love [168]http://www.bizarremag.com/film-and-music/music/8380/az_of_satanic_music.html [169]http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2824 [170]http://perezhilton.com/2009-05-11-lenny-kravitz-naked#sthash.1cg4kN83.dpbs [171]http://www.gijewelry.com/LENNY-KRAVITY-SHORT-LIST.asp [172]http://diaryofahollywoodstreetking.com/former-terrence-howard-girlfriend-speaks-out-against-actor/#more-47047 [173]http://blogs.phillymag.com/the_philly_post/2013/08/16/interview-terrence-howard-girlfriend-punched/ [174]http://diaryofahollywoodstreetking.com/former-terrence-howard-girlfriend-speaks-out-against-actor/ [175]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enochian_magic [176]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enochian_magick [177]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dee [178]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enochian [179]http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Sex_Magick.html [180]http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2013/06/modern-porn-mimics-aleister-crowleys-sex-magick-philosophies/ [181]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talisman [182]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strange_Case_of_Dr_Jekyll_and_Mr_Hyde#cite_note-Saposnik-4 [183]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strange_Case_of_Dr_Jekyll_and_Mr_Hyde#cite_note-Saposnik-4 [184]http://theendlessfurther.com/tag/dr-jekyll-and-mr-hyde/ [185]http://www.inquisitr.com/888723/terrence-howard-accused-of-assaulting-ex-wife/ [186]http://www.inquisitr.com/888723/terrence-howard-accused-of-assaulting-ex-wife/ [187]http://stupidcelebrities.net/2010/05/terrence-howard-secretly-marries-michelle-ghent-howard-photos/ [188]http://www.surnamedb.com/Surname/Ghent [189]http://en.rian.ru/crime/20130701/181993586.html [190]http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/stories/1997/04/14/tidbits.html [191]http://www.nytimes.com/1997/03/14/us/young-russian-immigrant-charged-with-cosby-killing.html [192]http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/01/06/terrence-howard-s-nasty-divorce-11-disturbing-claims-in-the-court-file.html [193]http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/01/06/terrence-howard-s-nasty-divorce-11-disturbing-claims-in-the-court-file.html [194]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Between_a_Rock_and_a_Hard_Place [195]http://www.eurweb.com/2013/09/report-terrence-howard-threatened-suicide-with-x-acto-blade-court-papers/ [196]http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/the-age-of-neuroelectronics [197]http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/the-age-of-neuroelectronics [198]http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/the-age-of-neuroelectronics [199]http://www.eurweb.com/2013/09/report-terrence-howard-threatened-suicide-with-x-acto-blade-court-papers/ [200]http://www.illuminati-news.com/art-and-mc/rockmusic-and-crowley.htm [201]http://www.myfreemasonry.com/showthread.php/14364-J-Edgar-Hoover [202]http://dynamicafrica.tumblr.com/post/24633406234/slimlion-the-ancient-kemet-god-horus-was-a [203]http://www.mythology.totalroute.net/2006/10/05/the-falcon-which-they-saw-soaring-high-above/ [204]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3AAmen/Archive1 [205]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhon [206]http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/111013-the-arc-of-the-moral-universe-is-long-but-it [207]http://conspiracyscope.blogspot.com/2012/03/operation-midnight-climax-how-cia-dosed.html [208] Mitford, Jessica, The Torture Cure, Harpers, Vol. 247, August 1973, pg. 26 [209] People v. Feagley (1975) 14 Cal3d 338, 369 [210]http://testaae.greenwood.com/doc_print.aspx?fileID=GR4062&chapterID=GR4062-2533&path=books/greenwood [211]http://www.prisonfamilyonline.com/showthread.php?4967-California-Men-s-Colony-(CMC)-Prison-Informaion-Guide [212]http://purpleslurple.net/ps.php?theurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregory_Bateson [213]http://www.amazon.com/THE-STRUCTURE-MAGIC-VOLUMES-AND/dp/B003XXPLXC [214]http://www.ourbabynamer.com/meaning-of-Huey.html [215]http://www.ancient-egypt.co.uk/edfu_main_temple/pages/Picture%20023001.htm [216]http://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/names.html [217]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTbk_bjYGWEComments : 1 Comment »
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23 01 2013One guy in a green shirt is seen wearing a U.S. Army or Navy “Special Forces” cap similar to the one below.
The guy in green also has a surveillance earpiece designed for military, police, secret service, first responders and security personnel.[2] It has a Bluetooth pairing with a fast push-to-talk design microphone to communicate with band radio frequencies.[3]
So, why are U.S. Army Special Forces, former members of the Special Forces or an advanced professional security team connected to a secure central command station extracting Katt Williams from jail, but to deliver him to secure secret cybernetic mind control laboratory to repair a blown circuit, the Human Will and Compassion to be FREE. Nevertheless, I pray that I am wrong and they were his bail bondsmen. I also fear that it may be one of the last times we may see or hear from Katt close to his original conscious self.
Comedian Katt Williams was the first to coin the world, Niggadom (Kingdom). I don’t subscribe to such degrading terminology or jargon regarding African Descendants so I call it, Negrodom. But it isn’t really a physical place with borders and boundaries, Katt Williams must be making reference to a imprisoned state of consciousness; Delusional State of Mind, or an particular insanity among Black People of HollyWeird, CA.
Criticism of Django Unchained: “American Slavery Was Not A Sergio Leone Spaghetti Western. It Was A Holocaust. My Ancestors Are Slaves. Stolen From Africa. I Will Honor Them,” –Director Spike Lee[4]
HollyWeird’s House Negroes and attack dogs are all over Spike Lee for his mere expression of opinion and criticism of Django Unchained as if he committed a crime against humanity, democracy or like Katt Williams violated a scared Luciferian oath or pact of secrecy.

The Luciferian HollyWeird elite Implant-Conceal many Satanic images and ILLUSIONS that isn’t easy to recognize in films to subliminal traumatize the masses . Red represents the color of the “Blood Sacrifice.”
“When various members of the House of Anjou plotted to topple the Valois dynasty of France, the symbol of the conspirators was the Cross of Lorraine, the heraldic emblem of René d’Anjou, said by Charles Peguy to represent the “arms of Christ”, “the arms of Satan”, and, strangely, the blood of both. René was the Angevin monarch who, at the time of the renaissance, single-handedly spearheaded a Hermetic revival in Europe. It was he who personally convinced Cosimo de Medici to translate many ancient texts such as the Corpus Hermeticum into various European tongues for the first time ever. And when Corpus Hermeticum was first published in France, the dedication it bore was to Marie de Guise, wife of James Stuart V, mother of Mary Queen of Scots, and a descendant of René who also adopted the Cross of Lorraine as a personal symbol.
That the Cross of Lorraine is a symbol embodying the Hermetic ideal is fairly obvious. The Angevins were primarily advocates of the Regia, or Royal Art, of hermeticism; a tradition which according to legend was passed down to man by a race of fallen angels. This isn’t at all inconsistent with the perennially Luciferian overtones associated with the entire Angevin saga.
Interestingly, the Cross of Lorraine bears an uncanny resemblance to the sigil of Baphomet employed by British Magus Aleister Crowley, and the meaning of the two symbols would appear to be virtually synonymous. Baphomet is, after all, the penultimate hermetic symbol, whether depicted by Crowley in the form of a cross, or by Eliphas Levi as a goat-headed hermaphrodite. And the sigil used by Crowley was also employed by ancient alchemists as a device whose meaning was literally “very poisonous.” In fact, the symbol was commonly affixed to containers of toxic substances in Europe as recently as the mid-twentieth century. To the alchemists, of course, the symbol and its very meaning had far more esoteric connotations. To them, poison represented an agent of transformation, a vehicle for the reconciliation of opposites. And there is an alchemical myth about a poison which for most men is extremely deadly, while for the elect it confers mastership and absolute power. Echoes of this idea recur as a motif in various aspects of the Grail lore. It would seem that the alchemists accorded this symbol very much the same meaning attributed it by Crowley, which in turn echoes what the Cross of Lorraine embodied for Rene d’Anjou. It is little known, but the Cross of Lorraine was also the official emblem of the Knights Templar
Though they are more frequently associated with the symbol of the red equilateral cross, their true symbol first and foremost was the Cross of Lorraine, and many Templars awaiting death at the stake pursuant to the Friday the 13th persecutions drew the emblem on the walls of their cells. There is still a degree in certain rites of Freemasonry called the Knights Templar, whose symbol is the Cross of Lorraine. It is interesting to note that even the less esoteric-looking equilateral cross used by the Templars had essentially the same meaning: that of the union of opposites, the intersection of creative force and destructive force, or the union of male and female principles. It was a fundamental occult symbol, and it was in deference to the idea which it embodied that medieval occult rituals were often held at crossroads.
The Cross of Lorraine is far more explicit in it’s iconography: the bar above mirroring the bar below, both of which are symmetrically affixed to a central pillar that provides balance and equilibrium. As above, so below is, after all, a Hermetic maxim. And the three bars of which the cross is composed echo Eliphas Levi’s concept of the true trinity. Levi posited that the world is governed by two primordial forces, one creative, the other destructive. The equilibrium between these two forces constitutes a third force, and the union of the three constitutes what some might refer to as… God.
The central role of the principle of equilibrium in various occult arts cannot be overstressed. For Master Mason Albert Pike, equilibrium represented the Royal Secret, the pivotal principle upon which the universe is ordered. And Pike’s specific designation of equilibrium as a royal secret is of particular significance because, as previously mentioned, Hermeticism has traditionally been known as the Royal Art, and its central tenet is essentially that of equilibrium. And too, when Pike calls it a Royal secret, he isn’t speaking figuratively, but strictly in literal terms. Hermes, according to legend, was the sole receptacle of the secret doctrine of the antediluvian world, which he revived after the flood and passed down to the Kings. As you’ll recall, this secret knowledge was thought to have been taught to man by a race of Gods or fallen angels. This knowledge was kept secret because it was probably recognized that for all but an elect few, such thought would no doubt bring about their ruin. This brings to mind the concept of the alchemical poison. Kings and aristocrats would understand how to wield and apply the secret doctrine because it was believed that they were in fact flesh and blood descendants of the Forgotten Race which had come down to take the wives of men.
References to this Forgotten Race occur repeatedly in numerous religions and mythologies throughout the world, and should most likely be known to readers of this magazine. Their doctrines have been enshrined in myth, legend, and many religious symbols, in which they are looked upon by many, and recognized by but a few. They are, and shall remain, the Royal Secret. The Cross of Lorraine is a sigil of that Royal Secret, the doctrine of the Forgotten Ones.”
In the Satanic Bible in LaVeyan Satanism, the Satanic Cross can also be interpreted as a combination of the Lorraine crossand the mathematical symbol for infinity, or a phallic re-imagining of the cross, with the infinity symbol representing a scrotum. It is often interpreted as a symbol of Satanism, because Anton LaVey adopted it from the Cross of Lorraine or even the Patriarchal, which is also a symbol of Christianity and Hermeticism. Hermetic alchemists of the Renaissance used the emblem as a symbol of earth and spirit by combining the square earth cross with the cross of Christ. When drawn symmetrically, it symbolized the hermetic maxim, “As above, so below”.
Baphomet & WICKED Tarantino, “As above, so below”
In the Django Unchained Deception, Legendary Black Comedian and Civil Rights Activist, Dick Gregory, has been making news around the internet. Dick Gregory publicly singled out and attacked Spike Lee for criticizing Quentin Tarantino and Django Unchained. In defense of the Tarantino film, Gregory called Spike Lee a “Thug” and “Punk.”[5] In Spike Lee’s line of profession in the community, Gregory’s chosen words spread across the world constitute insulting “fighting words.”[6]
Dick Gregory & President Barack Obama, Look for the ILLUMINATI “Hidden Hand of Power” Gesture
“I’ve seen Django Unchained, I’ve seen that 12
times. Never in the history of Hollywood, have they ever made anything
that freed the inside of me. The inside. I’m 80 years-old, I saw cowboy
movies, wasn’t no Black folks in cowboy movies. I’m looking at a
Western, plus a love story. To those of you all that see it, you’ll
never see a love story about a Black man and a Black woman where it
wasn’t some foul sex and foul language, huh. And Spike Lee can’t
appreciate that. That little thug ain’t even seen the movie, he’s acting
like he’s White.”[7]If you multiple 12 times 176, the number of times that Katt Williams said the script contained the word “N**ger” with damning adjectives (An adjective is a word that describes, identifies, modifies, or quantifies something [a noun or a pronoun] like f**king, it means that Dick Gregory subjected himself to 2112 scientific subliminal self inflicted mental head wounds from the “n word” determined by the highest court of the land to injure the Black Psyche [Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568 (1942)]. Dick Gregory may be immune to being called the “n word”, but it negatively affects and hurt our children and many other of us just don’t play that.
I am quite sure that each time Chicago Mafioso Frankie “One Ear” Fratto[8] pulled the trigger, it was preceded by the “n word” with adjectives like f**king, no good, dirty, stinking and useless, etc. It’s Russian roulette and it’s a physical form and method of scientific “Ritual Abuse and Trauma-Based Mind Control.”[9]
This is a subliminal hypnotic self (alternative personality) inflicted form of scientific traumatic torture that Brandy and Wicked Tarantino appears to be well aware of.
Out of Negrodom, Gregory also said he’d never seen a black man and a black woman ride off into the sunset in a movie, and that’s part of the beauty of Django Unchained.[10]
Beauty or ILLUSION? I wouldn’t call riding off in the middle of the Deep South in the 1850s during universal inhumane and vicious enslavement of (4) four million Africans exactly beautiful, unless, I am delusional or fed a grand ILLUSION of the actual barbaric racist affairs and attitudes of the country during this period.
Anyhow, Wicked Tarantino made it loud and clear to Negrodom early in the film that the storyline is about the Wagnerian Germanic Folktale of Broomhilda and Siegfried, a tale beloved by Adolf Hitler and Paul Josef Goebbels and the THRID REICH.[11]
Broomhilda (Brunhilde) is one of WOTAN’s (Odin) daughters. She is a “Valkyrie.”[12] That’s exactly what a Valkyrie does. She rides off into the sunset with the chosen hero to Valhalla, WOTAN’s castle in the sky.[13]
Wicked Tarantino & The Kiss of the Luciferian Brotherhood
This is a very secret and ancient reflection of patriarchal bonding
going back to the days of the war state societies of Greece and Rome.
During these ancient empires, homosexual male bonding in the militaries
of ancient Greece was regarded as contributing to morale. The Sacred
Band of Thebes (Greece), a unit said to have been formed of same-sex
couples, and the Spartan tradition of military heroism has been
explained as being fostered by strong emotional bonds resulting from
homosexual relationships. Various ancient Greek sources record incidents
of courage in battle and interpret them as motivated by homoerotic
bonds. You would also be surprised to know that this ancient tradition
and practice of male bonding lay at the birth of the Nazi Nationalist
War State. (See Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, 5th Edition for Internet)
Danny Glover & Harry Belafonte, The Kiss of Luciferian Brotherhood in HollyWeird
L’ll Wayne & Birdman-Steve J, The Kiss of Luciferian Brotherhood in Hip Hop
Nevertheless what Tarantino says, out of Negrodom, Dick Gregory (House Negro Role) claims that the real inspiration of Django is Dangerfield Newby.[14] THAT DOG WON’T HUNT!
During the assault on Harpers Ferry to raid an armory to supply weapons for a rebellion, one man defending the armory was shooting 6 inch spikes from his powder loaded gun. One of those spikes hit the throat of Newby. He was killed instantly. The people of Harpers Ferry took the body of Newby and savagely stabbed it repeatedly with their rusty knives. They left the mutilated body in the alley to be eaten by hungry hogs.[16]
I suppose that Dick Gregory want us to be delusional, caught in the DOUBLE BIND and believe an ILLUSION that this act of a courageous and desperate man with all his God given human loving compassion stoke out to free his beloved wife and seven children from the horror of slavery; and the absolute horrible and barbaric reprisals against the body of this man can somehow be visualized as “beauty” and “riding off in the sunset” is absolutely insane. It is deliberate absolute mass DECEPTION in its broadest terms.
As far as credits for the film are concerned, Quentin Tarantino is the screenwriter. He credits the character development, Django, to a Italian spaghetti western based on no known slavery historical facts. Tarantino later explained the genesis of the idea: “I was writing a book about Sergio Cobucci when I came up with a way to tell the story. One of the things that’s fun when you write about subtextual criticism …”[17] Sergio Corbucci (December 6, 1927 – December 1, 1990) was an Italian film director. He is best known for his very violent spaghetti westerns.[18] Negrodom, Tarantino doesn’t doesn’t possess the Godly human capacity to care or have any compassion about the true heroic struggles, tribulations or issues of enslaved Africans.
According to Wicked Tarantino, “I want to do movies that deal with America’s horrible past with slavery and stuff but do them like spaghetti westerns, not like big issue movies.”[19] “Slavery and stuff,” he just wanted to play around with it like an Italian spaghetti western, play games with the hearts and minds of the masses. Does Quentin Tarantino even know Dick Gregory in any cinematic sense of production or have any independent historical knowledge whatsoever of Dangerfield or his wife Harriet Newby? I doubt it.
Straight from Negrodom, Gregory continues:
“So it must be something personal because when I look and all them Black entertainers that know Spike Lee, how you gone attack this man [Quentin Tarantino]and don’t be attacking them? Are you saying everyone’s a fool but me? ‘Well, it offended my ancestors,’ but when you did She’s Got To Have It and some of those other thug movies you did, you took Malcolm X and put a Zoot suit on him — did that offend your ancestors, punk?[20]
Good Old Uncle Luke, ILLUMINATI Silence is Golden & Mark of the BEAST 666
Also out of Negrodom, the dissectible Uncle [Real Tom] Luther Campbell of 2 Live Crew fame that happens to call himself “Uncle” [21] Luke was also sent on the attack. He called Spike Lee a “resident house Negro…conniving and scheming Uncle Tom”.[22]Luther Campbell has to be the nation’s leading Hip Hop artist to openly promote desecration and the exploitation of African descendent female flesh. Uncle (Tom) Luke will place young black females on the sexual slavery(MONARCH/MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL) auction block for only a few pieces of silver with a big grin and a slap on his ass by the ILLIMUNTI and the New World Order.
Comedian-Actor- Black Luciferian Jamie Foxx called Spike Lee “Shady…Irresponsible” for criticizing Tarantino’s artistic works. [23] Yet, Jamie Foxx is another dissectible House Negro that has done his fair share to desecrate the image, negatively impact and undermine the worldview of African Destiny, Manhood and Fatherhood for the New Luciferian World Order.
Samuel L. Jackson & Eye of Lucifer
One of the leading actors in Django Unchained, Satanic and ILLUMINATI House Negro, Samuel L. Jackson, added his two cents to the mix. He suggested that Spike Lee may be jealous of Quentin Tarantino’s film making success- “I don’t know if it’s jealousy”.[24]Also, House Negro director of the film “Training Day” starting Denzil Washington, another ILUMINATI House Negro, also rode to Tarantino’s rescue to defend him publicly. Antoine Fugua admonished Spike Lee,
“That’s just not the way you do things,” said Fuqua, who admitted to not seeing the film yet himself, at the Capri event. “If you disagree with the way a colleague did something, call him up, invite him out for a coffee, talk about it. But don’t do it publicly.”[25]
In other words, we criticize HollyWeird’s Luciferian-Satanic powerful and elite, Quentin Tarantino, in secrecy, behind the scenes- closed doors. That’s the way it’s done by House Negroes in HollyWeird, CA.
Yet, there is my underlining suspicious that this will all play out to be a trick of mass deception. They create the false flag controversy between Spike Lee and Quentin Tarantino to lure unsuspecting masses to the film. Django Unchained has nothing to do with our true African Ancestors’ struggle and heroics during human bondage in America.
The film is a crude and vicious “red herring” designed to suck the masses into experimental cinematic subliminal mass hypnotics of self inflicted torture; and polarize the races. Django Unchained is a retelling of tales of Wagnerian Gods, Goddesses and the Mythology of the Germanic Pagan WOTAN played out with black faces.
In regards to Katt Williams and his criticism of the film and Wicked Tarantino seem to have fallen by the wayside, I suspect that the ILLUMINATI entertainment industry knows that everything is already in the works to neutralize him, and that he will be clandestinely dealt with by the highest levels of the ILLUMINATI and the (FEDS) U.S. Military-Industrial-Congressional System.
Still, the most wickedness attack on Spike Lee for discouraging the masses of people of color from being subjected to self-inflicted torture and abuse, ILLUSIONS and historic re-imaging of events close to their heart, soul and spirit, came from the Eye of Lucifer, Dick Gregory.
During the late 1990s, I had a rare opportunity to meet with a small group with the Late Great Steve Cokely in Oakland. As an Oak Town Field Negro, I wasn’t particularly invited. I found out about the time and place of the meeting, and went. Part of Cokely’s discussion was regarding Spike Lee’s 1992 film, Malcolm X.[26] Even at that time; it was common knowledge among brothers and sisters that half of movie involving Malcolm in a zoot suit, crime and chasing the blue eyed blond goddess was a tradeoff. It was the work of CIA Project MOCKINGBIRD originally established in 1947 on Lookout Mountain in Laurel Canyon, HollyWeird, CA.[27]
The HollyWeird film industry regularly clear scripts directed toward targeted audiences, particularly the Black and Brown masses, through the CIA and FBI. They have their own psychiatrists, psychologists and social scientists to mode cinema to control the mass psyche. They have script-screen writers, producers and directors in their back pocket with the power to revise film scripts and control film narratives.[28]
During the 1950s, it is documented that the CIA influenced HollyWeird’s film producers to plant “negroes” who were “well-dressed” (Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte, for example) in movies, as Cold War propaganda to manipulate and control mass world opinion and ILLUSIONS involving race relations in America.[29]
During this particular session with Cokely, he said that he knew Spike Lee well enough to command an audience. He asked us to help finance a trip to meet privately with Spike on the West Coast regarding further exploring the FBI/CIA’s role in developing, controlling and influencing the film Malcolm X and Black Cinema in general.
Cokely promised to keep the group, particularly the people that helped finance the trip, informed of the Spike Lee meeting. I intentionally gave Cokely a check with my name, address and phone number so there would be no excuse not to include me on the contact list, but as usual I was left out of the loop. I never heard from the group or Cokely again. However, it was generally understood among brothers and sisters, including Dick Gregory, of CIA/FBI involvement in the final film production of Malcolm X. In Chicago Gregory had been a close research protégée and friend of Steve Cokely.[30] He knew very that Malcolm X in that zoot suit chasing that blue eyed blond wasn’t his work.
R.I.P Steve Cokely passed from congestive heart failure April 11, 2011 in Chicago, IL. Cokely gained widespread notoriety when he served as special assistant to the former mayor of Chicago, Eugene Sawyer. He was also assistant to the special committee on rules under the late then Mayor Harold Washington.[31]
In Chicago, Cokely watched and befriended Barack Obama as he rose from a community organizer to a U.S. Senator which put this astute and highly intelligent, very vocal nationalist researcher and lecturer in a great deal of danger.
After several years of silence, Cokely finally promised to reveal all he knew about Chicago Politics and the “Obama Team.” Some entity and hidden hand forces in Chicago had gift wrapped Obama and delivered him to the masses like a Christmas gift, but Brother Cokely never lived long enough out of a coma to tell the story.[32]
It is disingenuous and an act of deception for Dick Gregory to single out Spike Lee for portraying Malcolm X as a slick zoot suit criminal chasing a blue eyed blond throughout half of the film knowing that it was the work of Project MOCKINGBIRD.
The CIA project is a MOCKINGBIRD of Reichsfuhrer Paul Josef Goebbels’ Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda that surreptitiously controlled the content of the THIRD REICH’s cinema and entertainment industry.[33]
The Late Great Mae Brussell worked with a circle of lawyers, writers, journalist and researchers pursuing the “TRUTHS” behind the Assassinations of the Beloved, Malcolm X, U.S. President John F. Kennedy, Civil Rights Leader, Martin Luther King, Jr., and U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
Among these circles Brussell discovered what she called an elite “Power Control Group” that had a secret license from the government to control public access to real TRUTHS, and steer research and public exposures away from inconvenient Truths like the SS-REINHART GEHLEN ORG deeply imbedded in the deep cover (shadow) government, and the clandestine political assassinations of Malcolm X, the Kennedys, Dr. King and many-many others.
Dick Gregory, Author Robert Groden and Attorney Mark Lane had been among this elite “Power Control Group.”Lane and Gregory co-authored, Murder in Memphis: The FBI and the Assassination of Martin Luther King. Gregory became a leading outspoken critic of the Warren Commission findings that President JFK was assassinated by the lone wolf assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.[34]
On March 6, 1975, Gregory and assassination researcher Robert Groden appeared on Geraldo Rivera’s late night ABC talk show Goodnight America. An important historical event happened that night when the famous Zapruder film of JFK’s assassination was shown to the public on TV for the first time in history. The public’s response and outrage to that showing led to the forming of the Hart-Schweiker investigation, which contributed to the Church Committee Investigation on Intelligence Activities by the United States, which resulted in the House Select Committee on Assassination investigation.[35]
Hitler’s General Reinhart Gehlen’s Org, SS Baron Otto von Bolschwing, and Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis in America and their clandestine involvement in shadow government political assassinations in America was completely veiled from any public or congressional inquiry.
During the 1970s, Gregory became grossly entangled as some sort of personal assistant to Millionaire Larry Flynt of Hustler Magazine.[36] On March 6, 1978, while leaving a court room in Georgia an attempt was made on Flynt’s life that left him partially paralyzed from the waist down, and with permanent spinal damage. He had been targeted by a sniper, believed to have been white supremacist serial killer, Joseph Paul Franklin.[37]
During the 1980s, Flynt became actively involved with financing a political assassination research group that included Mae Brussell. He financed a short-lived revolutionary classic publication, The Rebel. In January 1984, The Rebel published Mae Brussell’s classic article, The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination: Evidence of link between Nazis still in operation after World War II to the still unsolved murder of John F. Kennedy.[38]
CIA/Gehlen Spooks Mitchell Werbell III, Gordon Novel & G. Gordon Liddy are Enough to Scare the Pants off of Anyone.
Merchant of Death, Mitchell Werbell, Richard Nixon White House Plumber operatives G. Gordon Liddy and Gordon Novel was dispatched into Flynt’s publishing enterprise and into his mansion as “house quests” to fix it, shut down Rebel, Mae Brussell and forcible turn Flynt, and in turn his close friend Dick Gregory who also had been residing at Flynt’s mansion in Beverly Hills-HollyWeird, CA.[39]These were extremely dangerous people to say the least. In 1942, WerBell joined the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and served in China, Burma, and French Indochina. As a guerrilla operative during World War II, he carried out a secret mission for the OSS under the command of Paul Helliwell in China with assassins E. Howard Hunt, Lucien Conein, John K. Singlaub, and Ray Cline that became major players in the world opium trade out of Southeast Asia. Werbell worked for Batista in pre-Castro Cuba. He was involved in political assassinations all across the Caribbean. He worked with U.S. Mercenary Gerry Patrick Hemmings on the Anti-Castro CIA training camps in Operation MONGOOSE to topple Castro in Cuba. He specialized in developing assassination weapons and silencers for the Gehlen/CIA. He was a major general of the U.S. Army. He is also linked to the JFK assassination team in Dallas.[40]
Gordon Novel is linked with the international assassination network linked with ardent Nazi Gruppenführer (Major General) SS Dr. Walter Robert Dohrnberger of Bell Helicopter and Permindex.[41] White House Plumber G. Gordon Liddy worshiped Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler’s SS.[42]
WerBell, was put on Flynt’s payroll as his million dollar bodyguard.[43] Mae Brussell said they had given Flynt painkillers that fucked his judgment up and made him want to jump from an airplane to his death to protest the New York Times’ refusal to let him buy a full page carrying his view of the KAL 007 disaster that killed U.S. Congressman Larry McDonald of the John Birch Society.[44]
After Werbell, Liddy and Novel departed, Flynt was left in almost a vegetable state, his wife was dead from AIDS, and his prized Hustler Magazine was purged of its investigative articles and writing team and by early 1984 Rebel Magazine had been eliminated from existence altogether.[45] By 1988, R.I.P. Mae Brussell turned up dead.
“The stone-age Negro denizens
of Africa, Haiti, New Guinea and the southern Philippines are fascinated
by clocks, radios and even sails.” –Willis Carto, The IMPERIUM [46]
Did they turn Dick Gregory? Judge it for yourself. Gregory and his buddy Mark Lane became part of the quasi-Nazi far right wing Liberty Lobby created by Willis A. Carto.[47] Gregory is alleged to have been a board director.[48]In 1955, Carto founded the Liberty Lobby, an American political advocacy organization. He also ran an organization called Youth for [George] Wallace, which later became the White Nationalist organization the National Alliance. He also was involved in the Populist Party until political opponents took control over the party.[49]
“All we know for certain about the Egyptians is that they were Caucasian, and that they, like all slavemasters, mingled their blood with that of their Negro slaves. As for the so-called Amerindian civilizations, we now know without doubt that civilization was superimposed upon the Indian savages by a White racial stock.” -Willis Carto, The IMPERIUM [50]
Carto had founded Western Destiny, a magazine which during the 1960s produced racist, Nazi-tinged articles; and Noontide Press, which continues to publish and offer for sale anti-Jewish and pro-Nazi books. One such book was Francis Parker Yockey’s 600-page Imperium, which was dedicated to Adolf Hitler and featured a 35-page introduction written by Carto. Yockey, an outspoken admirer of Hitler and Nazi SS Collaborator, was arrested in Oakland, CA across the street from Lake Merritt in 1960 on passport fraud charges; and subsequently committed suicide in a San Francisco jail. His book offers a rehash of Nazi doctrine — it denounced, for example, “the Church-State-Nation-People-Race of the Jew” as “distorters of culture.”[51]
Carto was a vicious racist as well as an anti-Semite. During the 1950s, Carto complained that “only a few Americans are concerned about the inevitable niggerfication of America.” In October 1966, the late columnist Drew Pearson published the contents of a letter written by Carto which stated:

“Hitler’s defeat was the defeat of Europe. And of America. How could we have been so blind? The blame, it seems, must be laid at the door of the international Jews. It was their propaganda, lies and demands which blinded the West to what Germany was doing. . . . If Satan himself, with all of his superhuman genius and diabolical ingenuity at his command had tried to create a permanent disintegration and force for the destruction of the nations, he could have done no better than to invent the Jews.”
In a subsequent memo, Carto elaborated on these beliefs:
“Who is using who [sic]? Who is calling the shots? History supplies the answer to this. History tells us plainly who our Enemy is. Our Enemy today is the same Enemy of 50 years ago and before — and that was before Communism. The Communists are ‘using’ the Jews we are told. . . . [W]ho was ‘using the Jews 50 years ago –100 or 1,000 years ago. History supplies the answer. The Jews came first and remain Public Enemy No. 1.”[52]
I said all of this to say that Dick Gregory has been a scared running dog controlled by the SS-Knights of Black Sun and the Luciferian ILLUMINATI elite for quite some time. Yet, we have continued to love and respect the brother.
However, he has become far too comfortable in Negrodom acting as an ILLUMINATI black Goon attacking and calling his pathetically powerless ILLUMINATI brother Spike Lee out of his name in the world spotlight, and selling out the masses of people with grand ILLUSIONS and False Images of Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained for a few pieces of silver, a big grin on his face and pat on his ass for a job well done by the Luciferian New World Order. This is game.

The little evil genius, Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels, and the Wickedness Man on Earth, the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley wouldn’t have done a better job with Django Unchained at designing a more diabolical and sinister project that clandestinely destroy the mind, heart, spirit and unity of a people under the veil of their own racial history, entertainment and enjoyment for a New Luciferian World Order.
Especially for my Dear Brother, Katt Williams, I pray that you come HOME and your CHILDREN are returned without further harm,
The LORD is my shepherd I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the LORD for ever.
(Psalm 23, The Original African Heritage Study Bible)
[1] http://allhiphop.com/2013/01/09/katt-williams-held-on-100k-bail-for-missing-court-date/
[2] http://www.pilotstuff.com/as.surveillance_earpiece.html
[3] http://www.gizmag.com/motorola-unveils-mission-critical-products/16019/
[4] http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv-movies/antoine-fuqua-calls-spike-lee-tarentino-film-article-1.1230298
[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fighting_words
[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Fratto
[9] http://www.we-are-survivors.webs.com/ritualabuse.htm
[10] http://www.kulturekritic.com/2013/01/news/dck-gregory-calls-spike-lee-a-punk-and-a-thug-for-his-criticism-of-django-unchained/
[11] http://www.ferdyonfilms.com/2012/die-nibelungen-siegfried-kriemhilds-revenge-1924/15114/
[12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brynhildr
[13] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valkyrie
[14] http://www.gamehunterfilmz.biz/gamehunter-filmz-blog/dick-gregory-on-django-unchained-spike-lee-is-a-thug-a-punk-audio-interview-
[15] http://wesclark.com/jw/newby.html
[16] http://wesclark.com/jw/newby.html
[17] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Django_Unchained#Development
[18] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergio_Corbucci
[19] http://www.firstshowing.net/2010/quentin-tarantino-reveals-more-about-his-slavery-western/
[21] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luther_Campbell
[22] http://www.eurweb.com/2013/01/luke-calls-spike-lee-uncle-tom-house-negro-for-django-bashing/
[23] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/18/jamie-foxx-spike-lee-django-unchained-criticism_n_2505894.html
[24] http://www.entertainmentwise.com/photos/101488/1/Samuel-L-Jackson-Defends-Quentin-Tarantino-From-Criticism-Of-Django-Unchaineds-Racist-Language
[25] http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv-movies/antoine-fuqua-calls-spike-lee-tarentino-film-article-1.1230298
[26] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_X_(film)
[27] http://www.mail-archive.com/cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com/msg12919.html
[28] http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2008/nov/14/thriller-ridley-scott
[29] http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2008/nov/14/thriller-ridley-scott
[30] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiOq85bLFnE
[31] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Cokely
[32] http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread416856/pg1
[33] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_Public_Enlightenment_and_Propaganda
[34] http://www.firstpost.com/topic/person/robert-f-kennedy-mae-brussell-power-control-group-mark-lane-robert-groden-11578-video-iQLH8GS_U0o-14883-1.html
[35] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Gregory
[36] http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20085591,00.html
[37] http://african.howzit.msn.com/Africa-Gallery.aspx?cp-documentid=251859690&page=7&ocid=LastSlide&tcid=LastSlide
[38] http://www.whale.to/b/brussell_nazi.html
[39] https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?471-Larry-Flynt-deserves-his-own-thread-here
[40] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitchell_WerBell
[41] http://www.bilderberg-mirror.org.uk/kennedy/index.htm
[43] http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/profiles/larry-flynt-the-trouble-with-larry-570430.html
[44] http://www.lycaeum.org/drugs/abstracts/L4.cgi?mode=keys&kwand=intoxication
[45] https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?471-Larry-Flynt-deserves-his-own-thread-here
[46] http://www.barnesreview.org/page.html?chapter=1&id=3
[47] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lane_(author)
[48] http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=10074&st=45
[49] http://www.the-savoisien.com/wawa-conspi/viewtopic.php?id=2009
[50] http://www.barnesreview.org/page.html?chapter=1&id=3
[51] http://www.adl.org/holocaust/carto.asp
[52] Id.
Comments : 19 Comments »
Tags: barack obama, brandy, brandy norwood, broomhilda, cross of lorraine, dangerfield newby, dick gregory, django unchanined, Frances Parker Yockey, frankie fratto, g. gordon liddy, gordon novel, harriet newby, harry belafonte, house negroes, Imperium, Jamie Foxx, Jr., katt williams, kiss of luciferian brotherhood, luther campbell, Mae Brussell, mitchell werbell, paul josef goebbels, quentin tarantino, ritual abuse and torture, sammy davis, samuel l. jackson, satanic cross, sidney poitier, siegfried, spike lee, steve cokely, uncle luke, willis carto, wotan
Categories : dangerfield newby, danny glover, dick gregory, double bind, harry belafonte, hip hop satanic cult, hollywood satanic cult, illuminati, katt williams, lil wayne, luciferians, mae brussell, mark lane, mark of the beast, nwo, oakland, power control group, project mockingbird, re-image, re-imaging, robert groden, satan, sidney poitier, spike lee, steve cokley, trauma-based mind control, underground reich, underground third reich, wotan, young money
11 01 2013
The Little Mad Genius and the Wilderness of Mirrors
“Remember: the enemy has only images and ILLUSIONS behind which
he hides his true motive. Destroy the images and you will break the
enemy.” –Shaolin Abbott to Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon[1]Katt Williams opens a rare window into the struggle of a CIA MONARCH/MK ULTRA child victim to break free. It is rare to see it all playing out in the public domain like a Bourne Identity.
The Bourne Identity is a 2002 HollyWeird American-German action spy film loosely based on Robert Ludlum’s novel of the same name. Manchurian Candidate Jason Bourne was rescued from the ocean suffering from two bullet wounds. He recovered, but suffered from post-hypnotic amnesia barriers implanted by the CIA as cover for its clandestine assassination operations. Bourne struggles in an attempt to discover his true identity to break free from mind control programming amidst a clandestine conspiracy within the CIA to stop him from blowing cover.[2]
It appears that Katt Williams has some recall, but not total recall. In distress, he seems to have some recall that his programming and distress has something to do with events and people surrounding the late American musician and artist, Kurt Cobain, best known as the lead singer, guitarist and primary songwriter of the grunge band Nirvana. Cobain committed suicide in 1994. Yet, many maintain that his death is related to the CIA and MONARCH/MK ULTRA mind control programming from an early impressionate age from infancy to 6 years.[3]
Katt doesn’t openly express anything about MK-ULTRA whether it is fear or amnesia blocks, barriers and layers. I can’t be sure, but his symbolic or metaphoric expressions can’t be any clearer.
He doesn’t talk about what happened to him after forced into the South Carolina State Mental Health System for at least two weeks even though he was not a resident of the state and his net worth was at least $20 millions, which means that he had the resources to have had his own lawyers, psychiatrists, psychologists, social-mental health workers and physicians. What is odd is that he was forced into an antiquated public mental health system from the early 19th Century in the Post Ante-Bellum-Civil War South and not anyone lifted a hand to help him or protest.
The extremely troubling and truly frightening part of what Katt revealed in the video (frames 128-136) was the statement, “I have been with Mensa since I was 10.” He doesn’t say that he was a member of MENSA, but after some recall he says that he was associated with some aspects of the society whether seen or unseen since about 1983. I wouldn’t necessarily write off anything that Katt Williams says. He is not necessarily an “evil little genius gone mad,” but a possible popularized “BOURNE LEGACY” with recall of events and circumstances surrounding CIA MONARCH/MK ULTRA programs longing to be free of harassment.
Mensa is the largest and oldest high IQ society in the world. Mensa’s requirement for membership is a score at or above the 98th percentile on certain standardized IQ or other approved intelligence tests, such as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales. The minimum accepted score on the Stanford-Binet is 132, while for the Cattell it is 148. Most IQ tests are designed to yield a mean score of 100 with a standard deviation of 15; the 98th-percentile score under these conditions is 130.82. [5]
Mensa’s constitution lists three purposes: “to identify and to foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity; to encourage research into the nature, characteristics, and uses of intelligence; and to provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members”. To this end, the organization is also involved with programs for gifted children, literacy and scholarships, and it also hold numerous gatherings.[6]
MENSA, Aquarian Conspiracy and LEBENSBORN
One of the founding fathers of MENSA was the eminent British Educational Psychologist and Race Scientist, Sir Cyril Burt
(1883-1971). Sir Burt became the most prestigious, powerful, and
influential psychologist since the American genius William James. He
held the chair of psychology at London’s University College, was
knighted in 1946 by King George VI, and received the Thorndike award
from the American Psychological Association. Most of Burt’s career was
based upon his statistical studies of the intelligence of identical
twins, showing that poverty was due to inferior intelligence of the
working class. In the 1940s, Burt was involved in setting up the British
school (tracking) system which segregated students on the basis of an
IQ test they took at age eleven.[7]AQUARIANS, Eugenists Sir Burt and Sir Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous Huxley, led the British Eugenics Society. Sir Julian Huxley, first head of the United Nations’ UNESCO, changed the name of their program for enforced birth control, zero economic growth, and the technology of mass mind control, and continued to apply the principles which created Nazi Germany’s mass murder programs against the “mentally deficient,” the “racially unfit,” the politically undesirable.[8]
“The career of the venerated Julian Huxley is a classic of conspiratorial activity. Huxley was a director of the Abortion Law Reform Association in Britain from its inception; an Executive Committee member of the Euthanasia Society; an officer of the Eugenics Society; a leading member of the British National Association for Mental Health; and of the WFMH, and so on. Think again of Aldous Huxley’s book Brave New World. Julian Huxley was committed, all his life, to that “brave new world.”
Anyone who ever read that book remembers very clearly one curious thing about it. The population is divided, genetically and for enforcement, into Alphas, Betas, and so on all the way down to the synthetically produced ‘Epsilon morons.’
These divisions are accomplished by applied eugenics, or Nazi breeding laws. Different synthetically produced “I.Q. groups” are predetermined to perform different tasks for the society, and are kept happy in their pre-fixed places by mind-altering drugs. Every agency Julian Huxley worked with is committed to such a society.”[9]
The AQUARIANS took over after the Fall of Nazi Germany to form the nucleus of a conspiracy of Global Aryan Dominance that maybe more powerful, dangerous, widespread, and clandestine than the THIRD REICH.
MENSA is veiled and shrouded in the ultimate secret global extermination of the “untermensch” (sub-man, sub-humans);[10] “lebensunwerte leben” [useless eaters- life unworthy of life];[11] and the universal racial dominance the Bloodlines of WOTAN.[12]
Around 1948, MENSA was formed – the first international organization for the intellectually ‘gifted.’ Sir Burt was its founding father and first president. Another founding father was Victor Serebriakoff, a White Russian émigré recruited by British and American intelligence services who was credited with greatly expanding membership in the organization, instituting the IQ test as a prerequisite of membership, and establishing American MENSA. Another founder, and the man who claimed to have come up with the idea for MENSA, was Dr. Lance Ware, a biochemist who had worked during World War II at Porton Down, Britain’s ultra-secret biological and chemical warfare facility.[13]
1948 was also the year that Franz Kallman, who had been an associate of Ernst Rudin, founded a new eugenics institute, dubbed the American Society of Human Genetics. Around that same time, Dr. Otmar von Verschuer, who had served as the mentor of the notorious Demon of Death, Dr. Josef Mengele, founded the Institute of Human Genetics in Munster, Germany.[14]
In 1950, Cyril Burt published the results of some of his twin studies, purportedly showing data that supported his eugenics views. His studies claimed to prove that poverty was due to the intellectual inferiority of the working class. In 1952, John Foster Dulles established the Population Council in conjunction with John D. Rockefeller III. Tens of millions of dollars of Rockefeller grant money were pumped in as the American Eugenics Society moved its headquarters into the offices of – and assumed the name of – the newly created Population Council.[15]
The Pioneer Fund has been involved in the history of race science since its establishment in 1937. One of its founders, Harry Laughlin wrote a model sterilization law widely used in both the United States and Europe. Many of the key academic racists in both Right Now! and American Renaissance have been funded by the Pioneer and the Pioneer was directly involved in funding the parent organization of American Renaissance, the New Century Foundation. Most of the leading Anglo-American academic race-scientists of the last several decades have been funded by the Pioneer, including William Shockley, Hans J. Eysenck, Arthur Jensen, Roger Pearson, Richard Lynn, J. Philippe Rushton, R. Travis Osborne, Linda Gottfredson, Robert Gordon, Daniel R. Vining, Jr., Michael Levin, and Seymour Itzkoff.[16]
Hans Jürgen Eysenck (1916 – 1997) of Nazi Germany was an eminent psychologist, most remembered for his work on intelligence and personality. Eysenck was trained under and was a disciple of Sir Burt. The Pioneer Fund openly espoused the Racial Science of Sir Burt.[17]
Henry Garrett ’72-3 was a director of the Pioneer Fund, whose fundamental objective, stated in their corporate rationale was based on the SS-1 Heimlich Himmler’s Lebensborn.[18]
One of the first American members of MENSA is alleged to have been the felonious pedophile, Walter Breen, that I discussed in brief detail in the previous post “Over the Rainbow” Katt Williams…” During the 1960s around San Francisco, UC Berkeley and Stanford University, Breen had one of the leading protagonists’ for THE CHILDREN OF THE ATOM, a special society and boarding schools for high IQ children. This group of people opened the San Francisco MENSA Chapter. [19]
Eldon Byrd was a member of MENSA. Byrd who worked for Naval Surface Weapons, Office of Non-Lethal Weapons, White Oaks Laboratory, Silver Springs, Maryland was commissioned in 1981 to develop electromagnetic devices for purposes including ‘riot control’, clandestine operations and hostage removal. Byrd and Uri Geller of “Space Kids” are good friends, from back in the 70s.[20]
MENSA is a veiled LEBENSBORN’s program and a prime recruiting ground for CIA-MONARCH/MK ULTRA “Whiz Kids.”
Inglorious Bastards, A Shrouded Teutonic Lore of the SS
I respectfully disagree with Spike Lee. Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained
does not rise to the occasion to be disrespectful of the heroics of my
ancestors during slavery. There is a big difference between films
expressing artistic freedom and instruments of deceptions. Halle Berry’s
film Frankie & Alice from the Boys of Lookout Mountain is an instrument of deception and fraud veiling the MONARCH/MK ULTRA programs.I also respectfully disagree with Katt Williams. Quentin Tarantino’s doesn’t want to be “Black.” He believes that he is cleverer than the Masses of the People. However, if Katt actually means that he desires to secretly command the energy, master the spirit and control the mass Black Psyche through LUCIFERIAN magkic, trickery, images, ILLUSIONS and deceptions than I agree wholeheartedly with him. Django has nothing to do with an artistic expression of American Slavery and “STUFF.” Django Unchained is an instrument of mass deception from the pits of HELL.
Satanic Quentin Tarantino and the Devil’s Horns hand gesture. Don’t believe your lying eyes. He does it twice. Yet, it may be the symbol of the Nazi Satanic Principle-Janus Faced Dualism. The right hand-Satan, the left hand-Love.
One evening, I sat down and watched Tarantino’s 2009 film, Inglorious Bastards.[21] I had absolutely no idea what the film was about. One of my in-laws thought that I would enjoy the film. I had no idea of alternate history or alternative history genre. It is a genre of fiction consisting of stories that are set worlds in which history has diverged from the actual history of the world. It is “allohistory” (literally “other history”).[22]
It is smoke and mirrors, ILLUMIONARY; and the re-imaging of history. Basically, Inglorious Bastards was a False Romanic Teutonic Lore of the SS and THRID REICH.
- “Most of you know what it means when a hundred corpses are lying side by side, or five hundred, or a thousand. To have stuck it out, and at the same time — apart from exceptions caused by human weakness — to have remained decent fellows that is what has made us hard. This is a page of glory in our history, which has never been written and is never to be written….” -Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, The Posen Speech to SS officers (6 October 1943)
Compare SS Landa to California’s Resident SS Officer and Occulted Knight of the Black Sun, Hauptsturmführer SS Baron Otto von Bolschwing, the BEAST of Bucharest, Romania. He was the charming “David Niven of the SS.” SS Baron Bolschwing also didn’t really believe in Nazism, but was willingly part of the occulted SS declared by the Nuremberg Tribunal to be a human rights and war criminal organization against humanity responsible for the mass murder of millions in Eastern Europe and Africa. It is a bunch of HollyWeird propaganda and Romanized Bullshit and Mass Deception!

- I also want to mention a very difficult subject before you here, completely openly. It should be discussed among us, and yet, nevertheless, we will never speak about it in public. Just as we did not hesitate on 30 June to carry out our duty, as ordered, and stand comrades who had failed against the wall and shoot them. About which we have never spoken, and will never speak. That was, thank God, a kind of tact natural to us, a foregone conclusion of that fact, that we have never conversed about it amongst ourselves, never spoken about it, everyone shuddered and everyone was clear that the next time he would do the same thing again, if it were commanded and necessary. I am talking about the “Jewish evacuation”; the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that is easily said. “The Jewish people are being exterminated,” every party member will tell you, “perfectly clear, it’s part of our plans, we’re eliminating the Jews, exterminating them, Ha! A small matter.” -Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, The Posen Speech to SS officers (6 October 1943)
Tarantino and Bender also found it necessary to cast the right German “to play the charming polyglot Landa …”[25] Heinrich Himmler and Josef Goebbels couldn’t have done a better job to “re-image” the SS, the World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murderers, as charming and decent fellows to the Masses of the People.
For the job well done of veiling the Janus Face-Satanic Principled SS, the HollyWeird elite gave that right Teutonic Pagan Legatee and Bloodline, Christoph Waltz, an Academy Award.
Tarantino’s close friend and his major film producer, Bender, was nominated for a 2010 Academy Award for Best Motion Picture of the Year. Bender produced Lost in Oz. It was a 2002 television pilot for a planned series, an original sequel to The Wizard of Oz, inspired by the books of Oz of L. Frank Baum.[26]
L. Frank Baum was a member of the Theosophical Society, which is an organization based on global occult research among civilizations. Baum had a deep understanding of Theosophy and, consciously created an allegory of Theosophical teachings when he wrote the Wizard of Oz.[27]
The Theosophical Society is an occulted and notorious LUCIFERIAN organization, mainly based on the teachings of Madame Helena P. Blavatsky. She espoused the New Age of LUCIFER and the glorification of the GREAT ARYAN BROTHERHOOD given domain of everything on earth.[28] See the excellent Occult Roots of the Wizard of Oz.
For me, Inglorious Bastards had been a living nightmare. My father had been among the first victims of one of the most secretive and classified collaborative between the Nazis and the U.S. Navy, Project CHATTER.
In 1948, they kidnapped him from his job at the U.S. Naval Base in Alameda, CA. They took him to Napa State-Navy Hospital and subjected him to SS Dr. Josef Mengele’s tortuous experimental electrical shock procedures (depatterning) developed at Austerlitz Concentration Camp. In just one session, he was subjected to a series of electrical shocks up to 35 times that damaged his heart and turned him into a human vegetable.
For decades, I had been dumbfounded by my father’s odd ravings recorded in his medical reports. Suffering under the duress of delusions created by mescaline or LSD, he constantly ranted about “silver slippers” and “floating in the air.” I subsequently found that I had been a victim of my own folly and didn’t factor in the rapid advances in 20th Century Technicolor film productions.
The original and early production of the Wizard of Oz (1939) had been in black and white. Dorothy’s original slippers were “silver slippers.” Someplace in the deep recesses of my mind, I recall my father raving about the “silver slippers” as he turned our lives upside down in absolute horror.
Click your heels, you can literally fly to other dimension and from one alter to another “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” The Nazis didn’t die in Nuremberg or in any Tarantino and Bender fantasy fire in Nazi Germany. They were ran out of Eastern Europe by the Russians. They were smuggled into America to bring about a New World Order and once again prey primarily upon the “untermensch” (sub-man, sub-humans); “lebensunwerte leben” [useless eaters- life unworthy of life] under the cloak of U.S. National Security and the HollyWeird ILLUMINATI elite.
Bender is a Zionist.[29] He is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and the globalist group, the Pacific Council on International Policy.[30]
Bender and Tarantino are a key part of HollyWeird’s powerful LUCIFERIAN-ILLUMINTI. The theatre fire in Inglorious Bastards that consumed the Nazis was a vicious metaphor. It was the ceremonial burning of Valhalla, the Castle of the Wagnerian Aryan Gods. The fire consumed Wotan and other ancient pagan gods. They didn’t literally die, but entered into the “Dust and Twilight of the Gods” to make way for the coming of a New Age of LUCIFER.
Black People and the masses will not get a free “FEEL GOOD” pass from these ILLUMINISTS-MASTERS OF DECEPTIONS. They desire to penetrate the sub consciousness via mass media scientific “entrainment” of our brains. They are bent on extinguishing our minds and souls, our very BEING.
Django Unchained, another Shrouded Teutonic Lore
Tarantino didn’t consult with Black scholars or historians to create a meaningful script or plot for Django Unchained.
It wasn’t created out of any dialogue or genuine concern for the
aspirations of Black People that would validate and provide fuel and
empowerment to Black Identity and their BEING. Tarantino’s pet Hip Hop
Satanic Cult Negroes like Jamie Foxx or Samuel L. Jackson didn’t add to the script either.As pointed out by Katt Williams, the name, Django, has absolutely nothing to do with the African Spirit and Experience in America. The name Django is an allusion to the hero of an obscure Italian spaghetti western film called Django played by Franco Nero.[31]
The people of Germany immediately recognized what Django Unchained really was metaphorically about. The movie plot was another Tarantino veiled teutonic lore of Germanic Mythology, Culture and Experience. Tarantino invited Standartenführer SS Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) to add his special native Volkisch-Teutonic Love to the movie script. Waltz and Tarantino deceptively paralleled the plot of the movie to Richard Wagner’s “Ring of the Nibelung.”[32]
This is not my conclusion. They tell you from the very beginning of the movie that the Germanic personas and Occulted Mythology of Siegfried and Broomhilda from Wagner’s Ring Series are at the basis of Django Unchained.[33] It is long and complicated with many variations, so please bare with my brief summaries to the Wagnerian Folktale of Siegfried and Broomhilda.
Django Unchained and the German Folktale Siegfried and Broomhilda
In Norse mythology, a valkyrie (from Old Norse valkyrja “chooser of the slain”) is one of a host of female figures who decide which soldiers die in battle. Selecting among half of those who die in battle (the other half go to the goddess Freyja’s afterlife field Fólkvangr), the valkyries bring their chosen to the afterlife hall of the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Wotan (Odin). There, the deceased warriors become einherjar (lone fighters) that in particular to Wagner’s Ring Series that will help the gods in the great battle with the Nibelungs. When the einherjar are not preparing for the events of Ragnarök, the valkyries bear them mead (honey wine). Valkyries also appear as lovers of heroes and other mortals, where they are sometimes described as the daughters of royalty, sometimes accompanied by ravens, and sometimes connected to swans or horses.[35]
Broomhilda play a major role in Wagner’s “Die Walkure” (1870), Wotan’s favorite daughter, the second of the four operas that comprise Der Ring des Nibelungen, in which the “Ride of the Valkyries” begins Act III. The heroine of the cycle, Brünnhilde is stripped of her immortality for defying the god Wotan (Odin).[36]
Mime the Nibelung finds Siegmund and Siegline dying and pieces of the Nothung broken by Wotan. Siegline dies giving birth to Siegfried. Siegfried, the hero, is Wotan’s grandson, the son of Wotan’s twins, Siegmund and Siegline, who were slain by Fricka, Goddess of Youth and Beauty, because Wotan had given them the Enchanted (Dragonslaying) Sword Nothung.
Mime raised Siegfried from infancy hoping that he would be able to betray him to reforge his father’s Nothung to slay the dragon to steal the Rhinegold and the Ring back. [38]
In the movie, Django-Persona of Siegfried (Jamie Foxx) is focused not on freeing his people from the horrors of human bondage, but on one goal as set by King Schultz: finding and rescuing Broomhilda (Kerry Washington), the wife he lost to the slave trade (Wotan’s ring of fire). Broomhilda was named by her GERMAN mistress. Broomhilda speaks fluent German.
Django’s enslaver and mentor is Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), a GERMAN dentist-cum-bounty-hunter who like the Janus-Faced Standartenführer SS Hans Landa, has an ILLUSIONARY healthy hatred of racism and slavery. In fact, King Schultz tells Django about the pagan folktale of Broomhilda, a woman who is imprisoned on a rock by her father until the hero, Siegfried, slays the dragon (Fafner) with a reforged Nothung and walks through hellfire to rescue her.[39]
So, what does the Nazi beloved pagan tale and the Wagnerian Gods of Richard Wagner (1813-1883) and his Der Ring des Nibelungens Operas truthfully have to do with the empowerment of Black People, the ancestors and human bondage in this country?
Peel away the veneer of Richard Wagner’s German-Aryan pagan fairy tales; Tarantino and Waltz’s Smoke and Mirrors and Teutonic Lore, you will be troubled at what you will discover and why Katt Williams, the Not So Little Mad Genius, is truly incensed about- promising (symbolically) to beat Tarantino’s Inglorious Bastard Ass for the Django Unchained Deception.
“Whoever wants to understand National Socialist Germany must first know Wagner.” -Fuhrer Adolf Hitler
Wagner’s, above, with the hidden hand gesture, friend was Arthur de Gobineau (1816-1882), the French racial theorist and author of The Inequality of the Races, which gained widespread acceptance in European communities, thanks to Wagner’s assiduous promotion. Gobineau’s theories corroborated what he himself had already decided about the “noble and ignoble” races.[40]“…there is nothing to show that, in the view of the first compilers of the Adamite genealogies, those outside the white race were counted as part of the species at all.” –Count Arthur de Gobineau[41]
Count de Gobineau is the “Father of Modern European Racism.” All of his so-called race science experiments and theories concluded that “Caucausoids” were intellectually and physically superior to “Negroids,” “Mongoloids,” and other supposed racial categories,
“… We often hear of negroes who have learnt music, who are clerks in banking-houses, and who know how to read, write, count, dance, and speak, like white men. People are astonished at this, and conclude that the negro is capable of everything! And then, in the same breath, they will express surprise at the contrast between the Slav civilization and our own. The Russians, Poles, and Serbians (they will say), even though they are far nearer to us than the negroes, are only civilized on the surface; the higher classes alone participate in our ideas, owing to the continual admixture of English, French, and German blood. The masses, on the other hand, are invincibly ignorant of the Western world and its movements, although they have been Christian for so many centuries—in many cases before we were converted ourselves! The solution is simple. There is a great difference between imitation and conviction. Imitation does not necessarily imply a serious breach with hereditary instincts; but no one has a real part in any civilization until he is able to make progress by himself, without direction from others. What is the use of telling me how clever some particular savages are in guiding the plough, in spelling, or reading, when they are only repeating the lessons they have learnt ? Show me rather, among the many regions in which savages have lived for ages in contact with Europeans, one single place where the religious doctrines, the ideas, customs, and institutions of even one European people have been so completely assimilated that progress in them is made as naturally and spontaneously as among ourselves.” (Count) Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races (1853), extracts.[42]
In defense of the American Institution of Slavery and the Confederacy during the Civil War, the confederacy translated Count de Gobineau’s racial science, theories, agenda and works to justify and support human bondage of Africans in America.[43]
Wagner’s Ride of The Valkyries is frequently used in HollyWeird movie productions. In the overt racist film, Birth of a Nation (1915), D. W. Griffith used the Ride of the Valkyries in the climactic scene of the third act, when “The former enemies of North and South are united again in defense of their Aryan birthright” against liberated African Descendants after the end of the Civil War. In the movie, a white group-white women are rescued by the Ku Klux Klan to the sound of Wagner’s Aryan chest beating music.[44]
Wagner, Gobineau and Chamberlain’s Aryan Agenda and race science theories are veiled in Wagner’s music and theatrical dramas and plays, particularly Der Ring des Nibelungens. Besonders gelte dies für die Rolle des entfesselten Titelhelden – dieser habe allerlei Prüfungen zu bestehen, um seine versklavte Frau zu befreien. Whereas, Wagner and Gobineau’s Aryan Agenda and race science theories are metaphorically veiled in Django Unchained.
In Django Unchained, Dr. King Schultz, with the hidden hand gesture, is the Wanderer. KING Schultz, the Native German Volk– Christoph Waltz, is Wotan, King of the Gods. The name Shultz (German) is a status name for a village headman, from a contracted form of Middle High German Schultheize (Old High German is Sculdheizo). The term originally denoted a man responsible for collecting dues and paying them to the lord of the manor. It is a compound of sculd(a), meaning “debt” or “due,” plus a derivative of heiz(z)an, meaning “to command.”
In Wagner’s Das Rheingold, Fafner is a giant/dragon that Wotan, the Wanderer, influenced Siegfried to slay with the enchanted dragonslaying sword. Wotan owed Fafner payment for the work of building Walhalla, Castle of the Gods.[46] Fafner transformed into a dragon to guard the hoard of Rhinegold, including the “Ring of Power” taken from Alberich made from the Rhinegold that Wotan truly covets.[47]
Alberich rules the Nibelungs in land of Nibelheim. Nibelheim is inhabited by a race of evil dark dwarves (creatures) down in the lower region of earth.[48] Alberich had cursed love, stole the hoard of gold from the Rhinedmaidens (water nymphs) and forged the Ring of Worldly Power from mythical precious Rhinegold.
At the end of the movie, Dr. King Schultz dies at the Candyland Mansion that held Broomhilda in bondage. Django plants dynamite in the mansion. He kills most of the residents of Candyland, frees the house slaves than lights the dynamite’s fuse.
King Schultz is consumed by the explosion and fire just as Wotan had died in the burning Walhalla, Castle of the Wagnerian Gods.
Amidst the burning mansion, Django, the hero, rides away on a horse along with Wotan’s daughter, the Valkyrie, Broomhilda.[50] It parallels Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries.
It’s interesting that there is little critical analysis of the patent degradation and margination of Black Motherhood in the film. They don’t seem to reproduce, have husbands or family relationships. Even during bondage, it would have an important role of Black Motherhood to relinquish the stock, but their treatment in the film is unsettlingly consistent with Nazi racial theories and goals and policies of experimentation of the lower races. It also seems important that the right Black Women were casted in the film to go along with the film’s agenda of the patent degradation of sisters in a conspiracy of silence, like the use of MONARCH/MK ULTRA HollyWeird black Sex Kittens.
Broonhidla (Kerry Washington), [Spike Lee’s She Hate Me,] may do and show anything for a few pieces of silver, triggers or keys.
Black women in Django are essentially Candyland (Nibelheim) “Sex Slaves-Sex Kittens” except for Wotan’s daughter, Broomhilda. Recall her mission is to deliver heroes to Walhalla to battle the evil lower races (creatures) from the bottom layers of earth- the Nieblungs.
Candyland’s main candy-whore, Sheba (Kingdom of Sheba), is played by Nicole Galicia. Below, she appears in her “Alice Persona.” Alice in Wonderland is a commonly used theme to developed little girls into MONARCH/MK ULTRA mind controlled “Sex Kittens”.
Well, am I going off on the deep end? Look at HollyWeird Sex Kitten Halle Berry. Is it or is not overtly sexually persuasive and unnecessarily animal-analytic suggestive?
Below is Nicole Galicia and MONARCH/MK ULTRA Bunga-Bunga Ruby the Heart Stealer in their Sex Kitten Personas.
Django’s ceremonial so-called (Einherjar-Lone Fighter) revenge against the evil enslavers of the South is a “Seigfried Persona.” It is but another one of Tarantino’s ILLUSIONS. It is a crude metaphor of Siegfried slaying Niebelungs in chilling cold blood like the SS.
Alberich (Leonardo de Caprio) ruler of Candyland is slain. Django last and interesting battle takes place when he slays Stephen, Alberich’s brother Mime (Samuel L. Jackson).
Alberich and Mime are brothers, Nibelungs. I have not viewed Django Unchained and have no intention to look at it. But, I understand that Django’s most vicious fight in the film is with Stephen, the most despised and vile character in the film. It’s not my conclusion. In fact, it is exactly what Samuel L. Jackson admitted, ‘Oh, you really want me to be the most despised Negro in cinematic history?’ “Mime fares even worse, depicted as a stinking ghetto Jew. Siegfried, the Ring’s hero, who knows no fear and is free of conscience, hates him merely for his appearance and smell: “. . . that shuffling and slinking, those eyelids blinking — how long must I endure this sight? When shall I be rid of this fool? I’d like to catch you and end your shrinking and stop your blinking! So deeply, Mime, do I loathe you.” After being nearly choked to death, Siegfried brutally murders Mime with the sword, Nothung. This is Mime’s reward for having raised Siegfried, like a father, from birth. Since Siegfried represents the conscience-free, fearless Teuton, he feels no remorse. Wagner’s music would have us justify Siegfried’s form of personal vengeance. He is glorified as the warrior hero of the Ring, the archtypal proto-Nazi. It is absolutely consistent with Wagner’s racial agenda and the two-faced Janus Face of deception of Himmler’s SS. Himmler conditioned the SS to be two-faced, one kind and decent gentleman, while the opposite- mean, cruel, evil and homicidal.
Leonardo de Caprio’s 666 and the All-Seeing Eve of LUCIIFER and Quentin Tarantino’s SILENCE (SECRECY) IS GOLDEN Symbol of the ILLUMINATI. Wagner’s racist Ring Series is clandestinely played out with the collaboration of HollyWeird’s ILLUMINATI Black Goons. Django (Jamie Foxx) is also the metaphor for Siegfried’s struggle with Wotan (Dr. King Schultz), who is ready for his own doom to make way for a coming of a New World Order and the New Age of LUCIFIER and his servants.
Here is Fuhrer Adolf Hitler in the Seigfried Lone Standard Bearer Persona
For Hitler and the Nazis, GERMAN history was symbolized Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen. Both Hitler and Josef Goebbels proclaimed that the tale of Siegfried and Broomhilda were their favorites.[51]Siegfried’s reforging of the enchanted sword became a metaphor German rearmament. Hitler’s final hour of symbolized defeat was the conclusion of his vast reenactment of the Ring, like Siegfried, Hitler’s body was consumed in a funeral pyre and both Brumhide and Eva Braun (symbolically) closely followed their lovers in death.[52]
Django Unchained, the N Word and the Black Psyche
According to the Supreme Court of the United States, there are certain well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech, the prevention and punishment of which have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem. These include the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous, and the insulting or “fighting words” those that by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. It has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and morality. Chaplinski v. New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568, 62 S.Ct. 766, 86 L.Ed. 1031 (1942). The N word is one of those fighting words that come within the profane and insulting that by its very utterance inflict injury. It is a badge of degradation and has no other connotation to society.
During and after the Civil War, Southern whites would commonly use the word “nigger” instead of “Negro” in order to represent superiority over the blacks. This was especially common for slave owners to refer to their slaves as “niggers” in order to both debase Africans below human beings [“untermensch” (sub-man, sub-humans)]; and to show ownership over their lives. The N word also signifies worthlessness “lebensunwerte leben” [useless eaters- life unworthy of life].[54]
Katt Williams discovered and then exposed to the general public that there are 176 instances of “F**k You Ni**ger” in Django Unchained,
“Everyone’s all ‘oh my god, Quentin’s written ‘nigger’ 176 times on a script again’… Django Unchained is essentially a spaghetti western exploitation movie with some Hong Kong overtones. He knows the movies that we like.”[55]
The ILLUMINATI have carefully studied the films that Black People, particularly, tend to watch and enjoy. I suspect like Josef Goebbels Propaganda Ministry would had their psychiatrists, psychologists and social scientists test, measure, experiment then develop a formula based on the number of times the N-word need to be repeated to penetrate, internalize, subliminally affect and injure the Black Psyche; and also polarize the races by mass media vehicles.
“I was called a nigger almost every day in Texas.”
Jamie Foxx, Oscar-winning actor (Ray) born in 1967
I grew up with the healing melodies and the Genius of Ray Charles. One evening, I sat down to enjoy the 2005 feature film, Ray, starting Jamie Foxx. At first, I thought it odd that the movie was just called “Ray,” and Jamie Foxx, a despicable satanic, cross dressing Negro comedian got the leading role.Jamie Foxx, Oscar-winning actor (Ray) born in 1967
However, I put down my guard. I had so many warm, comfortable feelings and memories in regards to the beloved Ray Charles. I thought the movie would delight in his life and music. In the very opening scene, he was called out of name. He was both a ni**ger (untermensch) and useless blind (libensunwerte leben). It wasn’t necessary at all.
From the movie script,
Southern White Bus Driver: “Boy, I can’t take responsibility for some blind ni**ger traveling…miles alone.”[56]
I turned off the television. I was mentally deeply hurt and betrayed. For me, the N Word is still a vicious “Fighting Word.” I had been suckered in to watch the movie believing it was a sincere “Feel Good” ticket about a man, legend and his music that healed our souls and settled our spirits. I was hit in the blindside again by the HollyWeird ILLUMINATI that only intended to assert command over my very BEING and reinforce a sense of worthlessness and powerlessness among the masses. I am presently unable to watch the movie. You can’t trust HollyWeird and its black goons.They gave Jamie Foxx an Academy Award for in 2005 being a loyal Negro ILLUMINATI Goon.
In Katt Williams’ denunciation of Django Unchained, he personally exposed and singled out Jamie Foxx, in particular, for condemnation. Katt Williams said that he knows a lot about HollyWeird behind the scenes. He is ready telling the public, WATCH JAMIE FOXX.
In Jamie Foxx’s 2009 music video, Blame It, featuring Satanic T-Pain in a Masonic-ILLUMINATI checkerboard pattern vest, it shows that Jamie Foxx had been initiated as a High Priest of some type of HollyWeird Satanic Cult with an animal deity coven with a Panda talisman. The Panda, subliminally, appears to be soft, sweet and gentle like a Teddy Bear,
T-Pain 666, Sign of the BEAST
“This brings us back to the secret occult meaning behind the teddy
bear. The teddy bear symbolizes only the nice side of the actual bear’s
duality. It is cuddly, adorable and non-threatening. We give children a
toy that represents the safe side of life’s duality. It is meant to be
reassuring.”[57]Yet, the bear, particularly the Panda, is a deadly animal with a nasty disposition that will attack humans without provocation. It is also symbolically patently dual (dualism); it is significantly black and white.
Blame It opens with the musical version of the black mass music played backwards in Stanley Kubrick’s classic satanic thriller, “Eyes Wide Shut.” It can’t be denied or explained away, the black mass music in the video denotes the start of a satanic ritual.[58]
I had often related these gestures to the OSIRIS-ISIS-HORUS Mysteries of Kemet, All Seeing Eye of Horus. However, these people have absolutely nothing to do with Kemet. They are Two-Faced Janus Personalities, Deceivers and Masters of Deceptions and Disguises. This is what it is, the All-Seeing Eye of LUCIFER.
Appearing as satanic ritual coven members are Ron Howard, Forest Whitaker, Samuel L. Jackson, Jack Gyllenhall, Quincy Jones, Cedric the Entertainer, Morris Chestnut, Clifton Powell, Alex Thomas, DeRay Davis, Joe, Mos Def, Tatyana Alie, Jalen Rose, Bill Bellany, Ashley Scott, Electrik Red, Dawn Richard, Keshia Knight Pullman, and LeToya. BET named “Blame It” their No. 1 music video for 2009 on their year-end Notarized countdown.[59]
Subsequent to posting an excellent video in PRECIOUS & DECEPTION: THE ROAD BACK TO NAZI SPIRITUAL SCIENCE AND MK ULTRA on May 4, 2010 analyzing its patent Satanic content, the original official “Blame It” musical video was pulled, and the highly edited video below took its place.
At frame 2:35, skulls appear at the bottom of two cocktail glasses. At frame 2:41, the Panda Deity Talisman dance and a woman wearing an animal print scarf begins to dance in trance flashing the devil’s horns hand symbol from frames 2:42-2:52; then the frame switch briefly back to the woman in the cage, linking the woman in the cage with the dancing women in trance with animal skin prints.
What is missing from the original video is that the Panda Deity Talisman’s dance with women in a ritualized dance that invoke and conjure up a demon patron-spirit. Some of the most chilling, disturbing and significant satanic scenes begins at this point in this video and its satanic and demonic nature can’t be denied for what it is.
From frames 3:32-3:56, a young woman (demonic patron) with strange dark-black fixed eyes who appears to be in a zombie zone with the devil’s horns finger symbol in her mouth began to dance in trance. Her moves are distorted, bizarre and possessed like the possession dance scene of the demonic patron in the 1987 Santeria cult film, The Believers.[60]
The video is significantly red with flashes of blue and purple. In illuminati symbology, red is the color of fire, blood, danger, chaos; and often symbolizes sin. In Wiccan, blue is associated with the God Zephyrus. Zephyrus is associated with fertility and love, and the hour of twilight. Blue is also associated with “blue bloods,” and LUCIFER. Purple is associated with royalty but likely privilege in this instance. Samuel L. Jackson appears to be trance throughout the video.

Finally, the Seigfried Persona is extremely dangerous and frightening prospect if it has not already been done (Jamie Foxx). Imagine MONARCH/MK ULTRA programmers and handlers using Siegfried Persona Alters to develop Black Manchurian Candidates to slaughter their own people to protect Walhalla and the Bloodlines of Wotan.
Yesterday, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominated Django Unchained for 4 academy awards including Best Picture and Best Original Screen Play. Of course, the Volkisct –Blood of Wotan Christoph Waltz got the nod from the academy for the 2013 Best Supporting Actor for clandestinely-subliminally WOTANIZING the entertainment film industry for the New Word Order and the Age of LUCIFER.
As I speak, Katt Williams has been taken off the street again by the Los Angeles Police Department on an outstanding $100,000 arrest warrant out of Sacramento.[61] I pray that they don’t suicide him or lobotomize his brain to keep him from smashing mirrors, images and ILLUSIONS of the ILLUMINATI, permanently!
[1] http://www.great-quotes.com/quotes/movie/Enter+the+Dragon
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bourne_Identity_(2002_film)
[3] http://hyperspacecafe.com/showthread.php?tid=8424
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[19] http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ItalianPhysicsCenter/message/32
[20] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/hambone_info/people.html
[21] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inglourious_Basterds
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[24] http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2009/09/hollywoods-jewish-avenger/307619/
[25] http://www.reviewstl.com/christoph-waltz-win-academy-award-best-supporting-actor-inglorious-basterds-0307/
[26] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Bender
[27] http://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/the-occult-roots-of-the-wizard-of-oz/
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[29] http://www.judeofascism.com/2009/12/in-touch-with-their-zionist-sides.html
[30] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Bender
[31] http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Why-Silent-Django-Unchained-34925.html
[32] http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/ae/movies/actor-christoph-waltz-says-bounty-hunter-role-makes-sense-667754/
[33] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brynhildr
[34] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brynhildr
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[39] http://www.columbiaspectator.com/2013/01/04/django-unchained-brings-tarantino-verse-antebellum-south
[40] http://solomonsmusic.net/WagHit.htm
[41] http://www.noanswersingenesis.org.au/cg_science_of_racism.htm
[42] http://www.indiana.edu/~hist104/sources/Gobineau.html
[43] http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/11/20/the-souths-man-in-london/
[44] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ride_of_the_Valkyries
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[48] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nibelheim
[49] http://larryavisbrown.homestead.com/files/ring/ring3_siegfried.htm
[50] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Django_Unchained
[51] http://movies.nytimes.com/movie/44604/Die-Nibelungen-Siegfried/overview
[52] Richardson, Herbert, New Studies in Richard Wagner’s The Ring of the Nibelung, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY (1991) pgs. 162-195)
[53] http://thinkexist.com/quotes/joseph_goebbels/
[54] http://www.studymode.com/essays/Use-Nigger-Meanings-Word-95483.html
[55] http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2012/12/30/django-stars-rush-defend-movie-violence
[56] http://www.script-o-rama.com/movie_scripts/r/ray-script-transcript-jamie-foxx.html
[57] http://occultview.com/2012/10/21/the-teddy-bear-as-an-occult-talisman-2/
[58] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blame_It
[59] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blame_It
[60] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Believers
[61] http://www.eonline.com/news/376939/katt-williams-arrested-in-los-angeles-after-failing-to-appear-in-sacramento-court?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-celebritynews&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_celebritynews
Comments : 11 Comments »
Tags: Arthur de Gobineau, bourne identity, broomhilda, bruce lee, christophr waltz, django unchanined, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, inglorious bastards, Jamie Foxx, Julian Huxley, katt williams, king schultz, lawrence bender, mensa, MK-ULTRA, quentin tarantino, Richard Wagner, samuel l. jackson, siegfried, sir cyril burt, spike lee
Categories : african american satanic cult, African Liberation, African slavery, ALL SEEING EYE, Aryan Supremacy, baphomet, Black Manchurian Candidates, bloodline of wotan, bloodlines of wotan, CIA, council on foreign relations, devil's horns, Dr. Aldous Huxley, Dr. Josef Mengele, dualism, Eyes Wide Shut, False Satanic Rites of Lost Negroes, hallie berry, Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Dr. Josef Mengele, Heinrich Himmler, Hip Hop, hip hop satanic cult, illuminati, Inglorious Basterds, Josef Mengele, katt williams, mensa, kerry washington, kerry washington, t-pain, nicole gallicia, broomhilda,, Knights of the Black Sun, lebensborn, lucifer's servants, luciferians, Madame H.P. Blavatsky, manchurian candidates, mind control, MK-ULTRA, monarch program, mulitiple personality disorder, Nazis, new age religion, new world order, nicole gallicia, Nuremberg Tribunal, Paul Josef Goebbels, PROJECT CHATTER, re-image, re-imaging, Reichsfurhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, ritually abused children, Schutzsteffel, sex kitten, sex slave, SS, SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, Stanley Kubrick, t-pain, trauma-based mind control, Untermensch, Valkyrie, wotan, ZIONIST
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